Democrat Drops Congressional Bid After Shoplifting Arrest at Kohl’s

Steven Brisee

Steven Brisee


October 19, 2017 3:08 pm

A Democratic candidate for New York’s 19th Congressional District has dropped out of the race, following multiple arrests, including charges of grand larceny for attempting to steal $1,500 worth of clothes from Kohl’s.

Steven Brisee, one of seven Democrats challenging Republican representative John Faso, announced on Twitter that he has had enough of politics, after being arrested twice in September.

The Daily Freeman reported on Brisee’s exit from the race, citing his difficulties in fundraising. Brisee raised $850 and spent roughly $18,000, he told the paper.

“As someone on the spectrum the fact Thomas Jefferson was thought to be autistic gave me hope,” Brisee tweeted. “There’s a reason not many scientists run for office, because it’s so far out of our comfort zone. I can do and learn a lot of things but sadly sociability will never be one of them. So that’s enough politics for me.”

“Good luck to everyone running in #ny19,” he added.

The Times Herald-Record in the Hudson Valley reported on Brisee’s two arrests in September, including the shoplifting charge at Kohl’s and trespassing.

“A 27-year-old Democratic congressional candidate from Walden faces criminal charges in two counties for allegedly living in someone else’s empty house without permission and trying to steal almost $1,500 worth of clothes and other merchandise from a Kohl’s in the Town of Newburgh,” the paper reported.

Brisee claimed to live in the 19th district, but the Times Herald-Record reported the address he provided “doesn’t appear to exist.”

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Court Blocks Illegal Immigrant Teenager From Getting Abortion…

Via TPM:

An appeals court on Thursday temporarily stayed a judge’s ruling that would have allowed a pregnant 17-year-old being held in a Texas facility for unaccompanied immigrant children to obtain an abortion.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia issued a short ruling allowing the teenager to be taken to a counseling meeting with the doctor who would perform the abortion. Texas state law requires women to receive counseling 24 hours before an abortion. If the appeals court lifts the stay during a hearing Friday morning, the teen would still potentially be able to have the procedure later Friday or on Saturday.

Susan Hays, legal director for the Texas group Jane’s Due Process, which helps pregnant minors obtain an abortion, said the teen was receiving counseling Thursday morning.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services filed an appeal Wednesday night shortly after U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan ruled in favor of the teenager.

The teen, whose name and country of origin have been withheld because she’s a minor, has already received a state court order permitting her to have the abortion. But federal officials have refused to transport her or temporarily release her so that others can take her to have the procedure.

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Ex-SEIU Employee Says Two Union Supervisors Sexually Harassed Her

A former Fight for $15 organizer says sexual harassment was pervasive at the Service Employees International Union, which just suspended the architect of the minimum-wage-hike campaign amid complaints of misconduct and nepotism.

The organizer, who spoke on condition of anonymity to avoid retaliation, said two supervisors at the union sexually harassed her, including a man directly affiliated with Fight for $15 movement. She was not surprised when SEIU President Mary Kay Henry announced that she suspended Executive Vice President Scott Courtney.

"Unfortunately, I’m not surprised at all given the broad environment of misogyny at [the union]," she said. "I personally experienced sexual harassment from two people in supervisory positions."

The organizer emphasized that she was not personally aware of any behavior from Courtney beyond what has already been documented.

Buzzfeed reported on Thursday about allegations from seven former and current SEIU organizers that he had sexual relations with female subordinates who later went on to get promoted. The former organizer told the Washington Free Beacon that she reported her supervisors to the union’s human resources division, but found the response lacking. She said the HR woman was receptive to her complaint about one supervisor, saying "thank you for bringing this to our attention," but little changed in the aftermath.

"His behavior didn’t change. He had an attitude of entitlement and misogyny and the feeling he could get away with really egregious comments," she said. "Most HR processes for investigating sexual harassment [represent] a culture of protecting the organization."

Both supervisors—whom she declined to name—were later laid off from their positions, though she feels this was due to budgetary cuts, rather than their behavior. Following the 2016 elections, SEIU leaders projected a 30 percent staff reduction to trim its budget.

The union told the Washington Free Beacon that it has launched a thorough investigation into Courtney, though it declined to elaborate about the nature of the allegations.

"SEIU takes all questions related to conduct of elected officers very seriously. I can confirm that President Henry has suspended International Executive Vice President Scott Courtney from his assigned duties as an officer of SEIU," a union spokeswoman said in an email. "This decision was made as part of an on-going inquiry that was called for by President Henry. As this inquiry is ongoing, no conclusions have been reached as yet and we continue to gather information."

Courtney has not yet responded to the allegations, as he is on his honeymoon, according to Bloomberg, which broke the news of the suspension on Tuesday.

Some progressives said the SEIU did not go far enough in suspending Courtney.

Shaunna Thomas, cofounder of the feminist advocacy group UltraViolet, called on the union to fire Courtney immediately. Instead of investigating the particular allegations before making a decision, Thomas said, it should review its own sexual harassment policies.

"Sexual harassment is unacceptable in any workplace, but it’s particularly disturbing to learn that an organization dedicated to protecting workers has allowed a culture of harassment and abuse to flourish within its ranks," Thomas said in a statement. "The SEIU must immediately move to fire Courtney, and conduct a review of the organization’s sexual harassment policies.  This is wholly unacceptable, and the SEIU leadership must act quickly to ensure that it never happens again."

The former organizer who complained to the Free Beacon of sexual harassment said the SEIU has improved on the "old school, toxic masculinity" of others in the labor movement, noting that its executive board has many female leaders, including President Henry. The union represents fields with large women populations, including the healthcare, public, and service sectors, and half of all members are women.

However, middle management and on-the-ground leadership are still dominated by men, according to the former organizer. She said the labor movement and liberal advocacy groups need to make a cultural change because self-proclaimed male feminists use their public politics as "cover for their personal behavior." She doesn’t believe Courtney’s suspension or other punitive action alone will resolve the problem.

"This isn’t specific to SEIU or the labor movement. Sexual harassment is just as much a problem in progressive advocacy as it is in any other workplace," she said. "Much more important than just that [the suspension] is to insist that everyone at work practice consent … women as well as men and people of other genders contribute to sexual harassment and rape culture."

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Fact: The Loudest Virtue Signalers Are Always The Slimiest People

Like Hollywood!

Case in point: While speaking Monday at ELLE’s “Women in Entertainment” event, Hollywood actress Jessica Chastain dropped a remarkable truth bomb about Hollywood’s hypocrisy.

“This is an industry rife with racism, sexism and homophobia,” she said, according to The Hollywood Reporter. “It is so closely woven into the fabric of the business that we have become snowblind to the glaring injustices happening every day.”

“Oh we’re very quick to point the finger at others and address the issue with social action and fundraising, yet there is a clear disconnect between how we practice what we preach in our industry.”

In other words, though the fat cats in Hollywood like to present themselves as champions of the poor, champions of women, champions of minorities, etc., their actual actions frequently paint a very different picture.

She’s right, and numerous examples prove it, from the barrage of sexual abuse allegations currently rocking the entertainment industry, to the manifest acrimony faced by black conservative actors and producers.

That said, her astute observation applies to more than just the creeps and miscreants in Hollywood. I daresay it encompasses millions of Americans — particularly leftists — who loudly clamor about alleged “inequality” and “injustice,” all while they treat others like total garbage.

Consider MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell, who spends every weeknight virtue signaling nonstop about “inequality,” yet has been proven to be a creep who mistreats his staff.

Or consider Colombia Daily Tribune columnist Bill “Ol’ Clark” Clark, who, after an encounter with police this summer, penned a diatribe kvetching about the alleged “harassment and police arrogance” experienced by minorities.

“I’ve just come to appreciate even more the words of those minorities when they speak of harassment and police arrogance,” he wrote. “I had a good dose of arrogance on this evening and, in my rear view mirror, the image of the second officer out of the car, his hands ready in case I made the wrong move. My life seemed to be in danger.”

That’s called virtue signaling, especially given it was based on lies. Not only did the cop who pulled Clark over treat him like a star, referring to him as “sir” and thanking him when he cooperated, but Clark in turn treated him like trash, reportedly raising his voice, becoming argumentative and, of course, writing a bullshit column.

Here’s the conclusion I reached at the time for Conservative Tribune:

It’s clear from Clark’s reaction to experiencing a simple traffic stop that he’s no different from the leftist leaders he presumably adores, including Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and California Rep. Maxine Waters.

While such charlatans talk a lot about kindness, tolerance and respect, they never follow what they preach. And while they constantly harangue us conservatives about our alleged aversion to truth and facts, it’s clear from their incessant lies and distortions that they’re the ones who wouldn’t recognize the truth if it slapped them across the face.

I stand by that.

The irony is that leftists like this — and those in Hollywood — love to call us deplorables, racists, sexists, bullies, pigs, you name. But I’m pretty positive most of us treat each other with basic dignity and respect — or at least with more dignity and respect than the likes of O’Donnell and Clark treat staff members and cops, respectively.

If anything, all this — particularly the drama in Hollywood — is another stark reminder of why you should never judge a book by its cover. There are homeless people I’ve met who were kinder, more sincere and better human beings than many of these fat cats in Hollywood, as well their peers over on the far left (including those in the media).


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Cruz Explains Sanders’ Faux Pas in Robin Hood Analogy

Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) debunked Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I., Vt.) "Robin Hood" analogy during a Wednesday night debate on tax reform, telling the Vermont senator he "fundamentally misunderstood" the story.

The town hall debate between Cruz and Sanders was hosted by CNN and moderated by CNN anchor Jake Tapper and political correspondent Dana Bash.

Cruz responded to Sanders’ frequently used argument where he says Republicans are guilty of a "reverse Robin Hood," stealing from the poor to give to the rich.

"Bernie invoked Robin Hood," Cruz said. "And I’ve got to say, Bernie fundamentally misunderstood that story."

Cruz explained in the historical story of Robin Hood, the hero was robbing the rich individuals in power, the tax collectors, because they were collecting too much taxes from the men and women working hard every day.

"In Bernie’s analogy, it is the Democrats who are King John and the Sheriff of Nottingham. And Robin Hood is saying, ‘tax collectors, stop hammering people who are struggling, who are laboring in the fields, who are working, stop taking it to the castle to give out to your buddies," Cruz said while pointing toward Sanders, who was smiling.

Cruz then said Sanders was going to tell the audience about all of the free things he was going to give out. He said that while Democrats love railing on the big insurance companies, when "you have Washington giving out goodies, the big guys do great."

"It’s the little people who hurt, it’s the young people, it’s the entrepreneurs," Cruz said.

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Seinfeld Actor: ‘People Get Viscerally Angry At Me’ for Supporting Trump

It’s rare to find a conservative in Hollywood. It’s even more rare to find one that isn’t completely shunned for their beliefs.

Actor John O’Hurley (Seinfeld) made a guest appearance on Fox and Friends on October 19 to promote his film, Swing Away, but also to talk about supporting Trump, NFL protests, and liberal Hollywood reacting to Harvey Weinstein.

When asked about the NFL protests, he said,

“I think it’s ridiculous. I go to the NFL for escapism. I don’t want to be slapped in the face for someone’s political views. It’s a way to get away, and I don’t believe that under the employment and they are being employed at the time, so it’s not their constitutionally protected right to do that in the area of employment. I have no more right to stand up in the middle of a Broadway show and announce my political views.

Steve Doocy: Well, you could, but you just wouldn’t work the next day.

O’Hurley: “And they would be right to can my little butt. And I kind of feel the same way about this NFL thing.”

When Brian Kilmeade mentioned the cast of the Broadway show Hamilton protesting when Pence went to see the show, O’Hurley replied,

“You know they did that and frankly I was embarrassed for my profession because I don’t think we should be pontificating from the stage. I don’t believe it. I wouldn’t do it, and I wouldn’t allow it with my cast.

Ainsley Earhardt: What about your Hollywood friends? They probably don’t agree with you.

O’Hurley: Gosh, you know, every time I have mentioned that I supported Trump in this election, I — I mean, people get viscerally angry at me. And they don’t believe that its possible that someone might think differently than they do.

Kilmeade: Do you have friends that say, he is not my president?

O’Hurley: Yes. Yes I do.

Kilmeade: How about I make it easier. Do you have any that don’t say he is not my president?

O’Hurley: It’s a very small–no there is a band of conservatism in Hollywood. But it’s — it leans so much to one side that it doesn’t allow for free discussion. Now, fortunately, I have a dear friend of mine, Bryan Cranston, who is one of the sweetest men in the business.”

When Steve Doocy mentioned Chelsea Handler leaving the industry to focus on liberal activism, O’Hurley said, “You know, we have gotten away from — never in the history of entertainment were actors considered moral barometers. I mean, you go back to the days of the 40’s and the 50’s and nobody talked about politics back then. But now all of a sudden we feel as though we have the mantel of moral behavior from Hollywood.” In reference to Harvey Weinstein’s scandal and what it means for Hollywood, O’Hurley also stated, “ And as we have seen in a couple of weeks it may be time for us to weed our own garden.”

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Polish Archbishop Threatens to Suspend Any ‘Anti-Immigrant’ Priest

Less than two weeks after Poland’s massive “Rosary at the Borders” event, Archbishop Wojciech Polak has warned the priests of his diocese that he will not hesitate to suspend anyone who takes part in anti-immigrant activities.

Polak, who is the metropolitan archbishop of Gniezno and primate of all Poland, has threatened to suspend “a divinis” (from priestly activity) any member of the clergy of his archdiocese who takes part in activities directed against migrants.

“If I hear of a protest against migrants in which any of my priests has participated, my response will be swift: every priest who joins these events will be suspended,” he said in an interview this week. “I have no alternative as head of my diocese. In a situation where there are priests who explicitly support one side of a political conflict, I must act immediately.”

“Christ suffers in refugees and we need to open up to these refugees,” he said. “That is not the usual opening of borders without any control, but the wise systemic help that we can and should give, and which will not pose any threat to us,” he added.

Bishop Wojciech Polak, Secretary General of the Episcopal Conference of Poland, attends a press conference concerning paedophilia in church on September 27, 2013, in Warsaw. (Photo by MIKOLAJ TORUNSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

More than a million Catholics showed up along the Polish borders on Oct. 7 to pray the rosary, asking the intercession of the Virgin Mary to “save Europe from Islamization.” The feast of the Holy Rosary celebrated on that day commemorates the 1571 victory over the Ottoman Turks at Lepanto, a battle that turned the tide for the Christian “Holy League” against the Muslim invaders.

In preparation for that decisive encounter, Saint Pope Pius V ordered the churches of Rome opened for prayer day and night, and urged the faithful to invoke the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary through the prayer of the Rosary. On hearing of the Christian victory, the Pope established a new feast day in the Roman Liturgical Calendar, originally called Our Lady of Victory and now known as the feast of the Holy Rosary.

According to the spokesman for the Polish Bishops’ Conference, Father Pawel Rytel-Andrianik, the Oct. 7 event drew “millions of people” to pray the rosary together and was the second-largest prayer event ever held in Europe, after the 2016 World Youth Day.

“This exceeded the boldest expectations of the organizers,” he said.

The Archbishop of Krakow, Marek Jedraszewski, who sits in the former chair of Karol Wojtyla, presided over the rosary recitation, calling on the faithful to “pray for Europe to remain Christian to save its culture.”

Several mainstream media outlets suggested that the Rosary at the Borders carried a message that was xenophobic and anti-Islamic.

The Associated Press (AP), for example, suggested that the event smacked of “a problematic expression of Islamophobia” while warning that the event had “anti-Muslim overtones.”

Citing an “expert on xenophobia,” the AP said that the border prayer event “reinforces the ethno-religious, xenophobic model of national identity,” and represents a “problematic expression of Islamophobia” in the country.

The AP was not the only mainstream media outlet to criticize the overtly Christian commemoration, which was supported by Poland’s bishops as well as the country’s prime minister.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) called the rosary prayer “controversial,” suggesting that the event could be seen “as support for the government’s refusal to accept Muslim migrants.”

For its part, Newsweek magazine proclaimed that the border prayer was a “controversial event seen as anti-Muslim,” repeating the charge that “the prayers seemed like a way to express Islamophobia.”

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Former French Intelligence Chief to Testify on Failures to Track Islamic Extremists

Former French Intelligence Chief to Testify on Failures to Track Islamic Extremists

19 Oct, 2017
19 Oct, 2017

PARIS (AP) — A French ex-intelligence chief is expected to addresses failures in tracking Islamic extremists, at the trial over deadly 2012 attacks on a Jewish school and French soldiers.

Bernard Squarcini, now a private security consultant, was heading the French police counterterrorism agency when Mohammed Merah went on a shooting rampage, killing three French paratroopers, three Jewish schoolchildren and a rabbi.

Squarcini said at the time that Merah acted as a lone wolf, self-radicalized when in prison for petty crimes and wasn’t affiliated with an extremist network. But Merah had been placed on the “fiche S” listing, a register of people suspected of being radicalized, as soon as 2006 because of his relationship with older brother Abdelkader Merah, who is on trial for complicity to terror in connection with the three shooting attacks Mohammed Merah carried out in and near Toulouse.

Mohammed Merah was on the U.S. government no-fly list and in 2010, French military intelligence had been alerted by U. S. officials after he turned up in southern Afghanistan and was caught at a random roadway checkpoint by Afghan police, then handed over to the U.S. military.

He was also quizzed by a police official months before the carnage.

The 23-year-old Merah died days after the killings, following a 32-hour standoff with France’s police special forces, and questions immediately rose about the slow police response. Squarcini said authorities couldn’t have foreseen the attack at the Ozar Hatorah Jewish school because Merah planned it at the last minute.

Prosecutors believe Abdelkader Merah played an active role in radicalizing his brother and in plotting the attacks, although Mohammed said he acted alone during his standoff with police, according to a transcript obtained by the French newspaper Liberation a few months afterward.

If convicted of complicity to terror, Abdelkader Merah faces a maximum sentence of life in prison.

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Man Who Waved U.S. Flag in Cuban Parade Trapped in Mental Ward Despite No Diagnosis

Man Who Waved U.S. Flag in Cuban Parade Trapped in Mental Ward Despite No Diagnosis

19 Oct, 2017
19 Oct, 2017

Daniel Llorente, a Cuban dissident who made news in May by running into the island nation’s communist May Day parade waving an American flag, remains trapped in Havana’s notorious mental institution. Family say doctors have not diagnosed Llorente with any illness or charged him with any crime.

The Castro regime has a long history of using the institution in question, known commonly as Mazorra, to isolate and torture pro-democracy dissidents.

This week, the Miami-based outlet Marti Noticias published an interview with son Eliécer Llorente, who stated that “it is obvious State Security is keeping him there,” either to punish the man for his repeated pro-American transgressions or to prevent him from staging more acts of protest. As Llorente is not officially an inmate of the state and has not been charged with any crime, he does not technically count as a political prisoner.

The younger Llorente says his father has refused all medication and food that come from the state, so his family sends him crackers and milk. “He says that he will not eat from the hand of the oppressor,” Eliécer told Martí.

The outlet notes that medical professionals at Mazorra had issued a report in June clearing Llorente of any mental illness, but that report has disappeared and been replaced a month later with a government-provided document claiming Llorente was “aggressive” and required institutionalization.

Llorente had faced charges of “public disorder” following the incident in May, but a local court dismissed the charges in August. The dismissal appeared to have no effect on Llorente’s confinement.

The younger Llorente had also previously told Martí that his father had accused one medical staffer in particular, Dr. Marien Guerra Guerra, of lying to him about his legal status before he confirmed he had been exonerated of the charges against him.

Prior to his son’s interview this week, the Cuban independent outlet 14 y Medio published an interview with Daniel Llorente most recently on October 1, in which Llorente explained, “They tell me here that my situation is on standby because my cause is being examined.” Llorente was aware, however, that the state had dropped the charges against him. He noted that officials did not allow him to leave a tiny area of the mental ward or have much interaction with people.

In that interview, Llorente revealed two tattoos, one on each fist, of the Cuban and American flags. 14 y Medio also noted that Llorente has requested political asylum in the United States, but, despite repeated assurances by President Donald Trump that he would support the Cuban freedom cause, he has yet to receive permission to enter the country.

Llorente referred to America as “the greatest defender of human rights, hope, freedom, justice, brotherhood, and the pursuit of happiness” in the world.

Llorente ran into Havana’s May Day parade this year proudly waving the American flag for several seconds before plain-clothed Cuban police attacked him, publicly beating him, and dragging him away. Following his arrest, authorities told Llorente he would be transferred to Mazorra for “believing in God,” which doctors deemed a sign of mental illness.

The Castro regime has long used Mazorra as an alternative prison for political dissidents. In a 1995 report, Amnesty International noted that they had received reports that “political prisoners were being sent to psychiatric institutions’ detention pavilions controlled by the State, where they are confined in dangerous conditions with poor hygiene and exposed to ill treatment from personnel and other inmates.”

Amnesty notes that its investigators attempted to inspect Mazorra in 1988 but were prevented from entering the area reserved for political dissidents.

Llorente had been arrested a year prior to that incident, in May 2016, for waving a U.S. flag at the Havana harbor, welcoming the first American cruise ship to the island since the 1959 Revolution. At the time, Llorente told a crowd that had gathered to hurl racial slurs at him, “I don’t fear the government. Obama said it, if the people want freedom, they have to take it.”

“I use whatever flag I want because I am free. I am not a hypocrite, not like all the Cubans marching yesterday [the 2016 May Day march] — all those Cubans are hypocrites,” he told the crowd.

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Taxpayer-Funded PBS and NPR Can’t Locate a Clinton-Russia Story

In a shock to no one, the liberal networks funded by taxpayers — PBS and NPR — have so far ignored the emerging new stories on the emerging new investigative stories on Russian involvement with the Clintons and the Obama administration. A Nexis search finds nothing there. PBS and NPR have hammered on Russia over the last two days, but only as it deals with the Trump angle.

On Tuesday night’s All Things Considered, NPR aired a four-minute interview with Yahoo reporter Michael Isikoff highlighting his finding that Russian social-media trolls were instructed to watch the overwrought TV series House of Cards to familiarize themselves somehow with American politics. He focused on a troll shop in St. Petersburg, and the focus is all on foiling the Clintons, not enabling them:

MICHAEL ISIKOFF: This is the troll farm that was placing thousands of ads on Facebook, spending upwards of $100,000 to influence the American election. That’s what Facebook has concluded. So the messaging described by this former troll who went by the name of Maksim is very consistent with what American intelligence officials have said the Russians were doing. The messaging was to denigrate Hillary Clinton, focus on her wealth, on the past scandals of our husband’s administration or her private email server to stoke resentment among certain quarters of the American electorate. Maksim describes placing messages aimed at the religious community, talking about gay rights, talking about threats to the Second Amendment. And he says the goal was to turn the American people against their government.

In two stories on Wednesday, NPR focused on what Democrats wanted to ask Attorney General Jeff Sessions in a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee. On Morning Edition, Russia was their Exhibit A of juicy news, when it dealt with Team Trump:

STEVE INSKEEP: Okay, so let’s talk about what they might talk about if Sessions proves willing to talk about it. What are some of the key issues that they’re going to be discussing?

CARRIE JOHNSON: Well, first of all, Russia. Remember at his confirmation hearing, Jeff Sessions went out of his way to deny contacts with Russians during the campaign last year when he was a surrogate for President Trump. It turned out The Washington Post reported Sessions had at least two meetings with Russians during that period last year. Sessions eventually had to supplement his testimony.

There are still some open questions about whether he might have had a third contact with Russians last year. And what is the nature of his communication with Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who’s investigating Russian interference in last year’s election? The attorney general of the United States could be a witness in a criminal investigation. Think about that, Steve, it’s pretty remarkable.

On Wednesday’s All Things Considered, the Sessions hearing covered many subjects, but NPR anchor Mary Louise Kelly told listeners “the one that came up again and again was Russia.” Reporter Ryan Lucas said Democrats pushed Sessions on the Comey firing, and then again on Sessions meetings with the Russians during the campaign:

RYAN LUCAS: They also pressed Sessions about his previous statements regarding his own contacts with the Russians during the 2016 campaign when he served as a top foreign policy adviser to then-candidate Trump. In one particularly heated exchange, Minnesota Democrat Al Franken recounted what he described as Sessions’ shifting statements on his Russia contacts.

AL FRANKEN: First it was, I did not have communications with Russians, which was not true. Then it was, I never met with any Russians to discuss any political campaign, which may or may not be true. Now it’s, I did not discuss interference in the campaign, which further narrows your initial blanket denial about meeting with the Russians.

LUCAS: Sessions pushed back. He accused Franken of being unfair and willfully misinterpreting his statements. And the attorney general once again denied any wrongdoing.

JEFF SESSIONS: Well, let me just say this without hesitation – that I conducted no improper discussions with Russians at any time regarding a campaign or any other item facing this country.

Wednesday night’s PBS NewsHour offered the same Democrat Party take:

HARI SREENIVASAN: Attorney General Jeff Sessions insisted he never lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee about his conversations with the Russian ambassador during the presidential campaign. At a hearing today, he bridled at Democratic Senator Al Franken’s accusation that he’d — quote — “moved the goalposts” on the nature of his discussions.

Sen. AL FRANKEN: First it was, I didn’t have communications with Russians, which wasn’t true. Then it was, I never met with any Russians to discuss any political campaign, which may or may not be true. Now it’s, I didn’t discuss interference in the campaign.

JEFF SESSIONS: Well, let me just say without hesitation, that I conducted no improper discussions with the Russians at any time regarding the campaign or any other item facing this country.

HARI SREENIVASAN:  Sessions has recused himself from the Justice Department’s investigation into Russia’s election meddling.

One can only hope that President Trump’s tub-thumping today on Twitter and in front of the cameras might rouse the taxpayer-funded networks into covering more than the preferred Democratic National Committee narrative.

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