Ted Cruz Schools Bernie Sanders On The Real Meaning Of The Robin Hood Story

Last night CNN held a debate on the GOP’s proposed tax cuts. Ted Cruz represented the Republican side and the democrats put up independent Senator Bernie Sanders. It was bad enough the democrats couldn’t get one of their own to debate this issue, but even worse because Sanders got destroyed. He promised a bunch of “free stuff” to be paid for by higher taxes, told the middle class they don’t deserve tax relief, and then got completely owned when Ted Cruz set him straight on the true meaning of the Robin Hood story.

After promising huge tax hikes to pay for “free” college, healthcare, and whatever else liberals think everyone is entitled to, Cruz offered this correction:

“In his opening, Bernie invoked Robin Hood. And I gotta say I think Bernie fundamentally misunderstood that story. Robin Hood was robbing the tax collectors, who were collecting too much taxes from the working men and women and taking it for the rich,” said Cruz.

Now wait for it…

“It is the democrats who are King John and the Sheriff of Nottingham,” Cruz said.

Boom. Nailed it. At that point, Sanders actually looked like he was hanging his head in shame. I say it looked like that because we all know liberals have no shame when it comes to taking people’s hard-earned money.

“And Robin Hood is saying ‘tax collectors, stop hammering people who are struggling, who are laboring in the fields, who are working. Stop taking it to the castle to give out to your buddies,’” Cruz continued.

While this line was being delivered, Sanders actually started laughing because he apparently thinks it’s funny that he and his fellow liberals politicians take so much from us.

Cruz wasn’t quite done.

“Bernie’s going to tell you about all this free stuff he’s going to give, and the democrats love corporate welfare. They love to rail on the insurance companies but what they won’t tell you is under ObamaCare the profits for the insurance companies doubled,” said Cruz.

And finally…

“When you have Washington giving out goodies, the big guys do great. It’s the little people who hurt,” finished Cruz.

So yeah, liberals definitely don’t get the Robin Hood story or maybe they do and just don’t care. They are the ones robbing from the middle and working class and giving it to the rich, while pretending they are helping the poor. If anything they are the anti-Robin Hood because they are doing the exact opposite of what he did in the story.

The democrats are pushing their economic message that they feel will resonate with voters, but they just put Bernie Sanders on TV to represent them in a tax cut debate. He proceeded to say that they want to raise taxes and are opposed to any tax relief for the middle class. Not only don’t they understand the Robin Hood story, they have no idea was the word “resonate” means if they think people will flock to vote for smaller paychecks.

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Nolte — Hollywood Rape Culture: All Unnamed Predators Enabled by Tinseltown’s Omerta

Nolte — Hollywood Rape Culture: All Unnamed Predators Enabled by Tinseltown’s Omerta

19 Oct, 2017
19 Oct, 2017

How many sexual predators are currently roaming around free in Hollywood? Well, in just the last few days, members of Hollywood’s own royalty have outed countless predators who, to the best of our knowledge, have not been brought to justice. And unless and until these predators are identified and charged, what we have on our hands is a city teeming with the kind of criminals who are more likely than any other to repeat their crimes.

There is not a story being told that is not heartbreaking, devastating, chilling, and unforgettable. All of these helpless young women and men assaulted and stripped of their innocence by real-life monsters, by men enabled within a Hollywood culture that, as we have seen, makes it nearly impossible for the shattered victims to identify their abuser.

Even in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal — an alleged predator many now claim they and untold others knew about, a man accused of hunting countless innocent women over three decades — the victims still do not feel comfortable identifying their abusers.

No one can blame them. It is up to the powerful in Hollywood to end its enabling omerta, to replace it with a culture that encourages these women to come forward. But it is becoming more and more obvious by the day that this will never happen. The Motion Picture Academy, the Producers Guild…all are circling the wagons to keep the scandal in-house, to ensure the wildfire touches no one other than Weinstein.

Which means that these emotionally shattered men and women will never feel comfortable coming forward, which means that, at the very least, almost all of the following monsters still roam free to destroy others:

…the pigs who preyed on 13 year-old Molly Ringwald.

…the monster who sexually assaulted nine year-old America Ferrera.

…the music executives who abused and allowed the abuse of Kaya Jones.

…the director who sexually assaulted 16-year-old Reese Witherspoon.

…the director who harassed and punished Björk.

…the men who sexually assaulted Corey Haim and Corey Feldman as children.

…the man who assaulted Terry Crews.

…the men who assaulted James Van Der Beek.

….the countless, unnamed “predators” in the fashion industry.

…the man who sexually assaulted 16-year-old Laura Dern.

…the doctor who molested a 13-year-old McKayla Maroney.

…the TV executive who assaulted Maureen Ryan.

…these harassers.

…this A-List animal.

…Lady Gaga’s abuser.

…Gabrielle Union’s abuser.

…the producer who declared a 15-year-old Jennifer Lawrence “f**kable.”

And that is merely the tip of the #MeToo iceberg.

Keep in mind that what is alleged here are not wolf whistles. These are crimes. Crimes!

Again, we cannot blame the victims. The problem is the system, a Hollywood system of omerta that traumatizes even those working on the crew, a system that allows this to happen:

“I’ve been on a couple of shows where the entire crew was required to sit through a one-hour course on harassment with a quiz at the end,” one woman told THR. “On one of those shows, I had a supervisor physically assault me on the very same day and within hours after having attended the course. I decided not to complain to HR because of my previous negative experiences.”

And this:

Another woman said she was told not to report an incident of harassment because she’d be branded a “liability” by potential future employers, while yet another employee said she was actually taunted by a male co-worker, who told her that the company’s Human Resources department would not address her claim. Yet many of these employees don’t speak up, fearing their less-visible status in the film industry does not afford them the protection that the business’s biggest stars may receive.

What we have here is an epidemic of systemic sexual abuse victimizing cast and crew alike. No one is safe. And there is no other industry where this kind of rape culture would be allowed to flourish without challenge. But when you have a corrupt national media that make network presidents of wannabe screenwriters, that is a whole other level of enabling.

One wonders…

How many victims must pile up before Hollywood’s elite decide it is time to do something more than self-serving damage control? How many young lives must be destroyed before our media demand the involvement of an outside task force or action from the Justice Department or a congressional inquiry?

Afterward, you are rarely presented with even a single good option. Stay silent and you have acquiesced to whatever happened. Tell a friend and nothing much will be done. Come forward to an authority figure and you’ll face unfair consequences: people will be uncomfortable around you, perceiving ulterior motives; people will look for reasons that this happened to you, specifically; maybe you simply won’t be believed. There will be retribution—the power dynamic in these situations makes it a foregone conclusion. Men like Harvey Weinstein prey on women who are inexperienced enough that they can be penalized if they say no and implicated if they give in. — Jia Tolentino – October 11, 2017.


Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

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Leftist Freak Collects 200 Gallons of Her Own PEE as Anti-Trump Performance ‘Art’ Exhibit

The crackpots are coming out of the woodwork as the one-year anniversary of President Donald Trump’s upset victory against heavily favored Hillary Clinton is rapidly approaching.

It is like the entire country has gone mad over Trump’s election and the subsequent disruption in the force that resulted from Mrs. Clinton’s late implosion. Trump Derangement Syndrome is now at epidemic stages and unfortunately, it is a progressive disease from which there is no known cure as of this writing.

One victim of TDS would be the transgender freak Cassils – aka Heather Cassils – a Canadian bodybuilder and performance artist who has determined that it would be wonderful to put together one of the sickest pieces of “art” of recent years.

This demented leftist has spent months collecting 200 gallons of his/her own piss to feature in a New York art gallery as a performance art protest against Trump’s allegedly anti-LGBT policies.

Via conservative watchdog MRC News Busters “Trans Artist Turns 200 Gallons of Urine Into an Art Exhibit Against Trump”:

A trans artist has turned 200 gallons of her urine into an art exhibit to protest against President Trump.

A Vice News video shows artist Cassils, who goes by the pronoun “they,” preparing for “their” “Monumental” art exhibit that allegedly takes aim at President Trump rescinding former President Obama’s rule on trans bathrooms. The Obama administration rule had mandated schools allow trans students to choose the bathroom they prefer to use instead of using one based on their anatomy. Under the Trump administration’s new guidance, the states can choose their own bathroom policies.

According to Cassils’ website, the “PISSED” sculpture of the “Monumental” exhibit involves all of the urine Cassils has passed since the Trump administration rescinded the Obama-era policy. Audio from the Gavin Grimm case is also played in the background.

Time Out New York states on the opening night of Cassils’ exhibit, “they” was given a catheter and “linked to the urine-filled cube by way of medical tubing.”

It was so impressive that the ultra-liberal VICE News featured this whacko in an 8-minute video that can be watched HERE (warning: GRAPHIC content)

Vice describes the video as follows:

Donald Trump rescinded the rules of trans students that gave them the choice to choose the bathroom they chose based on the gender with which they identified. Cassils, a performance artist (who happens to be trans), went decided to make a statement with a durational act: as if to hold their piss, they collected their own urine for 200 days in order to finally place it all in one glass cube at the Ronald Feldman Gallery in NYC.

The process, which was at times awkward, was also precarious. After a couple of days the urine becomes a biohazard, so Cassils had to develop a plan to store the urine across multiple locations in Los Angeles in hopes that they could preserve it safely and ship it across country to New York.

THIS is what has become of the American left? How low can you go?

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Benghazi Hero Posts Pic After Kaepernick Complains About NFL Meeting


Benghazi Hero Posts Pic After Kaepernick Complains About NFL Meeting

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Former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kerpernick was very upset that he wasn’t invited to the NFL’s “weekly social activism” meeting, but it didn’t take long for a true American hero to put Kaepernick in his place.

The NFL’s meeting was centered on speaking with players about social issues they are passionate about and what the league can do to coddle players ever more than they already have.

As pointed out by the Independent Journal Review, Kaepernick was upset that he wasn’t invited to the meeting to offer his expertise on kneeling during “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

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Kaepernick has been unemployed since the end of last season because none of the 32 NFL teams want him to play for their organization.

Kaepernick’s legal team released a statement, which was posted to Twitter by Adam Schefter, a reporter for ESPN’s “NFL Insiders.”

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Benghazi hero Kris “Tanto” Paronto saw Kaepernick complaining about not being invited to the meeting and decided to send him a reminder about what real heroes look like.

Paronto uploaded a photo of U.S. soldiers taking a knee, which looks like they are saying a prayer together as a unit.

The caption on the photo read: “Real Men Taking a Knee,” and included several hashtags reminding people that freedom isn’t free.

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Paronto perfectly encapsulated how an overwhelming majority of Americans feel about NFL players disrespecting the national anthem and the American flag.

Heroes like Paronto understand what true sacrifice is and what it means to have your friends killed in combat while defending this great nation.

They fought and bled for this country — giving entitled athletes the opportunity to lead extravagant lives with millions of dollars.

People like Kaepernick have no clue what hard work and sacrifice actually look like. The American people will stand with Paronto long before they ever kneel with Kaepernick.

H/T Independent Journal Review

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Democratic Rep. Blames Harvey Weinstein’s Victims For Being Too Slutty

If a white male Republican said this, it would be an extinction-level event in terms of the liberal outrage. Luckily, it came from a black female democrat so it’s all good. A US Rep. from Texas has blamed the sexual assault victims of Harvey Weinstein for dressing too provocatively and being too flirtatious with the accused rapist. I know liberals have different rules and all, but I didn’t think even they were allowed to make statements like this.


Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson was interviewed on the subject of the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse scandal. She started out saying she was angry at ole Harv, but quickly put it all on his victims.

“I grew up in a time when it was as much the woman’s responsibility as it was a man’s — how you were dressed, what your behavior was. I’m from the old school that you can have behaviors that appear to be inviting. It can be interpreted as such. That’s the responsibility, I think, of the female. I think that males have a responsibility to be professional themselves,” said Johnson.

How does she know what the dozens of actresses who were harassed and assaulted by Weinstein were wearing? And for that matter, how does she know the way these victims were behaving? She doesn’t say, but did continue to blame the victims for what happened to them.

“I think we also need to start talking about the power that women have to control the situation. There’s law enforcement, you can refuse to cooperate with that kind of behavior. I think that many times, men get away with this because they are allowed to get away with it by the women,” Johnson said.

Wow. Like I said, if this came from a Republican man the liberal shit would hit the fan like a nuclear weapon.

I’m not a liberal or a feminist, but I believe that men who sexually assault women are 100% responsible for their disgusting actions. I’m not talking about rape hoaxes, but actual sexual abuse. I don’t care if it is rich men using their power to coerce women, drunken date rape, or straight up assault; the victim is never to blame and anyone who thinks so is an asshole.

Because Johnson is a democrat, she actually manages some double-hypocrisy here. Not only is she getting away with saying something that would get a Republican crucified, she is willfully ignoring her own party’s bullshit. She’s defending Harvey Weinstein because he has been a very generous donor to democratic candidates. If a Republican megadonor was accused of even one tenth of what Weinstein is, Johnson and all of the liberals would freak out like it was the end of the world.

It’s probably not a shock that during this news segment, the camera captures a picture of Johnson hanging out with Bill Clinton on the wall. As established by the Democratic Party when Bill was accused of raping and groping numerous women, the victim is always to blame if the sexual predator is a liberal.

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Nets Ignore Netanyahu’s ‘Simple Request’: Report Christian Persecution in Iran

<p>While Iran is making headlines with the fight over the nuclear deal, the media are ignoring another topic in the same country: violent persecution of Christians. On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked media outlets to report on the Christians persecuted in Iran at the Christian Media Summit held in Jerusalem. While the major networks were aware of the event, they didn’t mention his remarks.</p>

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Abandoned by Trump and Cornered by Iran, Kurds Sign Oil Deal with Russia

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Iraq announced it had signed a deal with the Russian state-owned oil corporation Rosneft that would allow the company to begin developing oil blocks worth a potential $400 million to the Kurds.

The announcement follows a turbulent week for the KRG, as the Iran-backed government in Baghdad launched an invasion into its territory and wrested Kirkuk, an oil-rich province, out of the Kurds’ hands. Iraqi officials claim the invasion was necessary following the KRG’s decision to hold a non-binding referendum asking its citizens whether they would support a path to independence from Iraq.

While many experts cite the Kurdish Peshmerga as the most effective ally of the United States against the Islamic State on the ground in Iraq, the Trump administration has refused to support the Kurds against the Iran-backed Shiite militias that have stormed Kirkuk, with President Donald Trump himself stating, “We’re not taking sides.”

Bloomberg reports that the Rosneft deal will allow the Russian oil company to develop five oil blocks in Kurdistan. The contract would give “Rosneft 80 percent of the projects, the company said in a statement on Wednesday. Rosneft may pay a fee of as much as $400 million, half of which could be repaid in oil pumped from the deposits.”

“The new agreements will allow us to talk about full-fledged entry of the company in one of the most promising regions,” Bloomberg quotes a statement from Rosneft as stating. The oil company statement estimated that the blocks in question would be complete by 2021, suggesting that the company expects to remain a long-term presence in the region despite the current stability, and expects the KRG to remain in control of the locations of those blocks throughout the process and not lose them to the Iraqi government.

The Russian government has long enjoyed positive relations with the KRG, though it has also maintained close relations to its most vocal opponents in the region: Iran and Turkey. While those governments, and that of Baghdad, have demanded the KRG discard the results of the referendum, Israeli newspaper Haaretz notes that Russia has remained “the only major power that has not called on Iraq’s Kurds to cancel [the] referendum.” The U.S. State Department has publicly opposed the referendum.

The outlet adds that Russia has also “become the top funder of Kurdish oil and gas deals.”

Russia and Iran cooperate militarily in Syria to protect dictator Bashar al-Assad and have typically supported each other in international forums like the United Nations. Russia’s financial support of the KRG, however, is at odds with Iran’s support of Shiite militias responsible for the invasion of disputed KRG territory. The Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), or Hashd al-Shaabi, have taken on a major role in the conquest of Kirkuk and have reportedly antagonized Kurdish Peshmerga throughout the region.

The Shiite Iraqi government has also admitted that Qasem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s notorious Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force, has aided their foray into Kurdish territory.

While the Trump administration has remained largely silent on the Iranian incursion into Iraq, U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley condemned Soleimani’s presence in Kirkuk in particular. The U.N., she noted, “bans travel outside of Iran for senior Iranian officials, including Maj. General Sulemani, and yet the Secretary General’s report lists multiple press photos of the general traveling to Syria and Iraq. You can even find photos on social media of him visiting Russia. This is an open and direct violation of [resolution] 2231, and yet where is the outrage of this council?”

“Nearly every threat to peace and security in the Middle East is connected to Iran’s outlaw behavior,” Haley asserted on Wednesday.

Fox News notes that Haley appears to be contradicting Pentagon spokesman Army Col. Ryan Dillon, who told reporters this week that there was “no evidence Iran played a role in pushing Kurdish fighters out of Kirkuk on Monday.”

The Peshmerga have repeatedly accused Iran of supporting the attacks on their territory.

“Iranians were leading the battle on Kirkuk, and our forces had to withdraw to protect the lives of Peshmerga,” Sheikh Jaafar Mustafa, the commander of Kirkuk-based Peshmerga forces, said on Monday.

The [Kirkuk] attack, which came from the Iraqi government, the Popular Mobilization Forces, and IRGC’s Quds forces, is in retaliation to the calls for freedom by the people of Kurdistan,” the Peshmerga later said in a statement.

Follow Frances Martel on Facebook and Twitter.

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MSNBC Warns of ‘Danger’ From ‘Extreme’ ‘Sycophant-in-Chief’ Mike Pence

On her MSNBC show on Thursday, host Andrea Mitchell sounded the alarm for her left-wing audience as she warned: “Well, President Trump, of course, is making headlines every day, every hour, but Vice President Mike Pence largely flying under the radar….Joining me now is staff writer of The New Yorker, Jane Mayer, who wrote the story, ‘The Danger of President Pence’…”

Teeing up Mayer to promote her nasty hit piece against the Vice President, Mitchell fretted: “…people, you know, talk about Donald Trump and they talk about Mike Pence as a more conventional Republican, a more mainstream Republican….If there were impeachment, 25th Amendment, what would a President Pence be like?”



Mayer ominously declared: “I went to Indiana and I spent a couple months, really I interviewed 60 people or so about him, and came away worried, I have to say.” She proceeded to rant about his ties to special interests:

He is a candidate who’s been sponsored by some of the biggest and most powerful private interests in the country, almost from the beginning of his career. He’s not very independent from them….And you know, many people who voted for Trump thought they were getting something different, something of an outsider who was unorthodox and a populist, who promised that he would not be corrupt because he was so rich. But his vice president is really very much, very closely tied to the richest interests in the Republican Party.

And what of the Democratic Party’s ties to left-wing billionaires George Soros and Tom Steyer?

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The only thing more terrifying to Mayer than Pence’s donor base was his conservative ideology:

And he’s also very different politically. I mean, he’s a strong social conservative, maybe as extreme right as you can get in the Republican Party in terms of being anti-abortion, a long history of positions on women’s rights that are pretty eye-opening, and on homosexuality, that has caused a lot of controversy.

After Mitchell wondered if Pence and Trump were “close,” Mayer managed to get in one more jab at the VP: “But what he [Pence] does to get along with Trump is he flatters him all the time. He’s very sycophantish. And in fact, Joel Goldstein, who’s an expert on the vice presidency, told me that he calls him the sycophant-in-chief.” Mitchell replied: “That says a lot.”

The biased exchange was brought to viewers by HomeLight and Consumer Cellular.

Here is a full transcript of the October 19 segment:

12:18 PM ET

ANDREA MITCHELL: Well, President Trump, of course, is making headlines every day, every hour, but Vice President Mike Pence largely flying under the radar. Pence stands by the President, quote, “mustering a devotional gaze rarely seen since the days of Nancy Reagan.” That’s a quote from a new article in The New Yorker. Joining me now is staff writer of The New Yorker, Jane Mayer, who wrote the story, “The Danger of President Pence” for The New Yorker. She’s also the author of the book Dark Money, among other – other major books.

Jane, tell us about Mike Pence. Because people, you know, talk about Donald Trump and they talk about Mike Pence as a more conventional Republican, a more mainstream Republican. What if? What if? If there were impeachment, 25th Amendment, what would a President Pence be like?

JANE MAYER [THE NEW YORKER]: Well, that’s what we were trying to look at. Would this be, you know, from the point of view of some people, an improvement? And so, I went to Indiana and I spent a couple months, really I interviewed 60 people or so about him, and came away worried, I have to say. He is a candidate who’s been sponsored by some of the biggest and most powerful private interests in the country, almost from the beginning of his career. He’s not very independent from them. In particular, one of the people I talked to was Steve Bannon, who said to me that if Mike Pence were to become president, he was concerned he’d be owned by the Koch brothers, the – Charles and David Koch, the huge billionaire sponsors.

MITCHELL: This is the Steve Bannon who’s owned by the Mercers.

MAYER: Well, it’s true, maybe he knows what being owned is about. But at any rate, he was worried about Pence’s independence. And you know, many people who voted for Trump thought they were getting something different, something of an outsider who was unorthodox and a populist, who promised that he would not be corrupt because he was so rich. But his vice president is really very much, very closely tied to the richest interests in the Republican Party. And he’s also very different politically. I mean, he’s a strong social conservative, maybe as extreme right as you can get in the Republican Party in terms of being anti-abortion, a long history of positions on women’s rights that are pretty eye-opening, and on homosexuality, that has caused a lot of controversy.

MITCHELL: Well, it’s almost as though they’re the ying and yang of Republican politics, although Donald Trump has, since the primaries, really changed himself into someone who is championed by the evangelical wing of the party, despite his background, despite his Democratic past, with a big “D.”

MAYER: Well, Pence really helped, obviously, to bring around the evangelical voters in the party. But one of the things that I write about in the story is that sort of behind the scenes, according to people who are inside, sometimes Trump kind of makes fun of Pence’s religiousity.


MAYER: He has been known to say, when people come from visiting with Pence and then comes to Trump’s office, “Did Mike make you pray?” Kind of making fun of him, you know, ribbing his religiousity a little.

MITCHELL: Are they close in the way that Obama and Biden were in the – you know, Clinton and Gore pretended to be close but really weren’t, because despite being two boomers, there was a certain tension. Somewhat because of Hillary Clinton in the middle. And tension over who did what. I think Obama and Biden really were very, very close. What about Trump and Pence?

MAYER: You know, I have to say, even as a reporter who spent this much time, it’s hard to know for sure. But it – I’m told that Trump feels that the choice of Pence was one of the best decisions he made. Pence, meanwhile, has not caused controversy for Trump. They haven’t been feuding openly. But what he does to get along with Trump is he flatters him all the time. He’s very sycophantish. And in fact, Joel Goldstein, who’s an expert on the vice presidency, told me that he calls him the sycophant-in-chief.

MITCHELL: That says – that says a lot. Interesting reporting. Thank you very much, Jane Mayer in The New Yorker.  

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Transgender Charged With Raping 10-Year-Old Girl In Bathroom

The trial for a Wyoming transsexual accused of raping a 10-year-old girl in a bathroom began on Monday, reports the Billings Gazette.

Miguel Martinez, a biological male who identifies as a woman and goes by the name Michelle, allegedly “invited” the 10-year-old into a bathroom on Mach 23, where he proceeded to grope her breasts and genitals and penetrate her.

After the alleged assault, the victim reportedly told police officials that “it hurt inside” before breaking down in tears.

As noted by the Gazette, “Nurses at the Wyoming Medical Center completed a sexual assault exam and found redness and abrasions on the girl’s genitalia.”

According to court documents, Martinez was found “extremely intoxicated” by police and accused the 10-year-old of “talking crap” and making up accusations as a “publicity stunt.” The Casper Star Tribune reports:

Police officers found Martinez passed out on a couch in a home in Evansville. Martinez was extremely intoxicated and hard to wake up, according to the documents. Officers drove Martinez to the Casper Police Department for an interview.

Martinez became “noticeably hostile and defensive” when a detective began asking about the girl’s allegations. Martinez said that the girl had been “talking crap” earlier that day and denied being a child molester. Martinez said the accusations were a “publicity stunt” before refusing to speak further with the detective.

The perp was reportedly a “family friend.”

Martinez was charged with one count each of first-degree and second-degree sexual abuse of a minor and faces up to 70 years in the slammer. He’s entered a plea of not guilty.

H/T Peter Hasson

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Grassley Invites Toensing Client ‘to Provide Information to the Senate’ on Uranium One

Grassley Invites Toensing Client ‘to Provide Information to the Senate’ on Uranium One

19 Oct, 2017
19 Oct, 2017

Victoria Toensing, founding partner of the DiGenova & Toensing law firm spoke with Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Thursday regarding a Hill report that her client, an FBI informant, was blocked by the Obama administration from telling Congress about the now expanding Russia nuclear corruption case.

Discussing the latest developments in the case, Toensing said, “Last night when I was at Fox, in make-up, I got a letter from Senator Grassley, Senate Judiciary Chairman Charles Grassley, inviting my client to provide information to the Senate.”

“Now, “she continued, “that sets up a Constitutional issue because the executive branch can’t say to somebody, you can not give information to the legislative branch. So, it will be interesting to see how the Justice Department handles this matter.”

Asked to predict what may come next, Toensing said, “Let’s see what’s going to happen now that chairman Grassley has asked for my client to provide information and see how the Justice Department reacts, if they’re going to still say, oh no, we’re not going to allow this person to give information to Congress.”

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.


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Big Government, National Security, Radio, Big Government, Congress, Hillary Clinton, justice department, national security, Rosatom, Uranium One, Victoria Toensing


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