Trump: Russia Uranium One Story ‘One of the Biggest Stories of the Decade’

Trump: Russia Uranium One Story ‘One of the Biggest Stories of the Decade’

19 Oct, 2017
19 Oct, 2017

Donald Trump highlighted new developments in the story of Russian interests acquiring Uranium One, saying it was “one of the biggest stories of the decade.”

“I think that’s your real Russia story,” Trump replied when asked by Fox News reporter Fox Roberts about the new revelations.

Trump repeated that the current investigation of his campaign colluding with Russia was a “hoax” and that they should focus on Obama administration and Hillary Clinton’s ties to the crooked uranium deal.

“The problem is that the mainstream media does not want to cover that story because that affects people that they protect,” Trump said.

He said that it was a “disgrace” that Russia got 20 percent of America’s uranium and that the media would not investigate.

“Frankly, it’s a disgrace, and its a disgrace that the fake news won’t cover it,” he said.

Trump highlighted the story on Twitter on Thursday morning:

Read More Stories About:

Big Government, Donald Trump, fake news, Hillary Clinton, Obama, Russia, Uranium One


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Teacher Who Compared ‘MAGA’ Shirts to Swastikas Resigns

Teacher Who Compared ‘MAGA’ Shirts to Swastikas Resigns

19 Oct, 2017
19 Oct, 2017

A Georgia teacher who compared students T-shirts bearing President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan to swastikas has resigned from her job.

Lyn Orletsky, who taught at River Ridge High School in Woodstock, resigned from her position after receiving death threats.

The former math teacher released a statement explaining her decision:

After attacks on my character and threats on my life, I have made the decision to resign from my teaching position at River Ridge High School. While in hindsight I would have handled the situation differently, the outcry over this incident has been disproportionate to the event itself.

Orletsky had been placed on leave and removed from her classroom in September after a student’s video posted on the conservative student website Turning Point USA showed the teacher ordering students to take off their Trump-supporting T-shirts went viral and gained national media attention.

In the video, she told the two students wearing the “Make America Great Again” T-shirts that wearing the shirts is like wearing a swastika because the phrase had been coined by hate groups, and ordered them to leave the classroom.

“Just like you cannot wear a swastika to school, you cannot wear ‘Make America Great Again’ like that,” the teacher told the students.

Orletsky defended her decision to kick the students out of her class, claiming that she did not want minority students to feel threatened and that her decision had nothing to do with politics.

The controversy did not end there. State Senator Michael Williams (R-Cumming), who launched a 2018 gubernatorial bid in Georgia, organized a protest to demand that the school board fire Orletsky in late September.

The Cherokee County School Board will consider her resignation at Thursday’s board meeting.

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VIDEO=> Far Left Thugs HARASS-DISRUPT-FLIP OFF FOX News Reporter at Florida Campus

Far Left thugs Harassed, Abused and Interrupted FOX News reporter Phil Keating today at the University of Florida campus in Gainesville on Thursday afternoon.

Nazi Richard Spencer was invited to speak to his 20 supporters on campus today. This forced school and city officials to spend tens of thousands of dollars on security so the far left goons would not burn down the campus.

During a segment on Thursday afternoon far left thugs harassed and disrupted Phil Keating’s segment from campus.

The one protester jumped into the picture pushed Keating and screamed, “F*ck you, FOX News!”
This is the modern day left. They are finished discussing the issues. Now they just want to assault and beat heads.

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Gorka: ‘Massive’ Defeats for Islamic State in ‘Scant Eight Months of Trump Administration’

Dr. Sebastian Gorka, chief strategist for the MAGA Coalition and former deputy assistant to President Trump, joined SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Thursday’s Breitbart News Daily to talk about the latest political news, media bias, the defeat of the Islamic State in Raqqa, and the Kurdish situation in Iraq.

Gorka argued that the “political revolution” of President Trump’s election is still in progress, albeit in a disorganized fashion.

“Just look at recent events—whether it’s Alabama, whether it’s Corker, whether it’s Denton. All of these people, all of these events, tell you the direction in which politics is heading in this country,” he argued.

“If you watch the Mitch McConnell impromptu press event with the president two days ago, just look at Mitch’s body language, look at his face. His cage has been rattled, and there’s nobody better than Steve to do that,” he said, referring to Breitbart News Executive Chairman Steve Bannon’s project to challenge establishment Republicans across the nation in the 2018 primaries.

“Breitbart is just riding the crest of the wave of people who want to have their representative government back,” said Gorka, who was previously National Security Editor for Breitbart News.

“This isn’t just an isolated event. This isn’t just one presidential candidate in American history. It’s everything that’s going on in Europe. You look at the recent events, you look at Brexit, you look at the recent elections across Europe. Business-as-usual politics has demonstrated itself to be utterly bankrupt—not just financially but also morally.”

“That’s why we’re taking the country back. It may be ad hoc in the beginning, but some beautiful things can come out of individuals coming together and demanding that the founding values of the republic be reflected by the political elite in this capital,” he said.

The conversation turned to the liberation of Raqqa, formerly the capital of the Islamic State in Syria. Marlow proposed that the significance of the event has been underplayed, in part because President Trump became involved in a squabble with the media over Gold Star families.

“If this had happened under Obama, this is all you would have heard for months,” Gorka said.

“This is massive. Two things have happened of geostrategic importance in just the scant eight months of the Trump administration,” he explained. “Number One, Mosul was liberated. Mosul is incredibly important because that’s the city from where at the Mosul Grand Mosque, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi—the head of ISIS—declared the reestablishment of the new caliphate. The symbolic value of Mosul being liberated from ISIS was huge because the caliphate’s birthplace was retaken.”

“And now, with the fall of Raqqa, we have not just the symbolic heart of ISIS, we have the operational heart, the real headquarters of ISIS being taken down,” he continued. “ISIS is now just something that needs to be mopped up, and our military will do it. Eight months? This is incredible. This shows you what willpower, what determination, what the unleashing of our military can achieve. These are massive stories. I’m glad there are at least places like Breitbart that understand that.”

Gorka said it was especially important to him that “this false story with regards to what the president said to the mother of this special forces soldier that fell” be countered.

“I know exactly what the president said to that woman,” he declared. “I don’t need to be on the call because he’s said it in front of me again, and again, and again. What the president said to that woman is: ‘It is all the more impressive that a man like your son took this job upon himself knowing the risks involved.’ That’s what the president said.”

“To have that shamelessly twisted into some kind of sarcastic statement such as, ‘Well, that’s what he signed up for,’ it is absolutely inexcusable. But that’s where we are today, and that’s why Andrew—that clip you start every show with, don’t ever stop using it. That’s why Andrew was right. We have to destroy the New York Times and CNN for all their lies because this is what they’re doing right now with that presidential phone call,” he said, heartily recommending Andrew Breitbart’s book Righteous Indignation for a deeper explanation of his thoughts about the importance of confronting the media.

Gorka recalled a conversation with a mainstream media producer the previous day, in which she said, “My bosses tell me that I need to spend days on finding out the source for whether or not Rex Tillerson called the president a moron.”

“That’s news today,” he sighed. “I said to her, look, there are women right now as we sit here—we were in Trump Hotel—as we sit here comfortably sipping our coffee, there are women being sold into sex slavery by jihadists, and you’re dedicating hundreds of man-hours to the story as to whether or not a Cabinet member used a mildly rude word about the president? That’s where we are today.”

Gorka said the good news is that the “Fake News industrial complex” is paying a steep price in lost credibility and “tanking” ratings.

“If the Washington Post weren’t a vanity project for Jeff Bezos, it wouldn’t be wrapping fish and chips up. It would be maybe lining cat litter trays,” he said.

In response to a caller who asked if the California wildfires could be an act of terrorism, comparable to fires deliberately set in Portugal and Spain, Gorka noted that terrorism “has to have some sort of political or ideological end state in mind.”

“A lot of these fires, we find out the individual has some sort of psychotic issue. Let’s wait and see. I’m not ruling it out. The investigation is underway. But for this to be terrorism, it has to be somebody with a political or ideological motive, not just a psychotic one or not just a financial one. So let’s allow the good investigators to do their work,” he recommended.

“It can’t be killing people for the sake of killing people because then you’re Jeffrey Dahmer or the Boston Strangler,” he added, elaborating on the definition of terrorism. “There has to be a political, ideological, or religious end state you wish to achieve. Let’s see if that’s a possible motivation behind the attacks.”

Another caller pointed out the difference between the deference shown to the children of illegal aliens in the DACA controversy, compared to the indifference and lack of special privileges offered to children whose parents are prosecuted for other crimes.

“It really returns to what undergirds everything we were doing in the administration, and in fact what we campaigned for during the campaign,” Gorka said. “The policy platforms of the president weren’t ad hoc, and they weren’t accidental. Whether it’s the wall, whether it’s the immigration ban, whether it’s defeating ISIS, whether it’s unleashing the economy—all of these things are linked by one philosophical concept: national sovereignty.”

“It’s a reassertion of national sovereignty, and that’s why the president said again and again and again, especially when he gave that Paris climate accord speech: ‘I was elected to be the president for the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris,’” he said.

To the caller’s point, Gorka said the “America First” philosophy “doesn’t mean arrogance, doesn’t mean unilateralism—it means serving the interests of this nation, and for mostly its citizens first.”

“That’s absolutely reasonable. It’s the foundation of any nation’s survival. I think the point that we have to look after broken families here first—whether they’re broken by crime, whether they’re broken by opioid abuse—before we assist charitably anybody else. That is just a reassertion of common sense,” he said.

A third caller asked if there was truly a fundamental difference in how the Trump administration approaches terrorism when it seems as if so many Obama administration policies have been retained.

Gorka quoted President Trump’s response to an interviewer who asked why the Islamic State is suddenly crumbling under his administration: “Now we’re fighting to win. Under Obama, we were fighting to be politically correct.”

“The first time I met Donald Trump, summer 2015 in his office, within seconds of us discussing national security issues I realized two things about this man. He hates political correctness, Number One. That’s why he’s so sympathetic. Secondly, he knew we are at war with the jihadists, and he wanted to win this war,” he recalled.

“What you’ve seen the last eight months is Ingredient One for victory: the will to actually win. That’s why ISIS is crumbling in a matter of months, as opposed to years and years of it growing and growing,” he said.

In response to a caller who praised the Kurds as battlefield allies and wondered why the United States isn’t doing more to assist their bid for independence in Iraq, Gorka said “it’s a little bit more complicated than just them being cool dudes and tough fighters.”

“You’ve got to dial it back a little bit. The P.R. for the Kurds is very good, but sometimes it doesn’t match reality,” he observed. “Secondly, there are some real issues with regards to how they treat Christians, especially around the Nineveh Plains. It’s not a white-hat, black-hat issue here.”

Having said that, Gorka granted Marlow’s point that drawing moral equivalence between Iran-backed Shiite militia groups and the Kurds was wrong, clarifying that such equivalence is not being pushed by “the president’s personnel.”

“I spoke to people in the region, Kurds who are negotiating with Americans on the ground right there now. Everybody in the room they’re talking to is an Obama holdover,” he explained.

“That’s the issue. The issue is that Kurdish policy—as long as Brett McGurk is the special envoy, he’s Obama’s man. He’s a bag-carrier for Shiite interests. As long as we don’t change out the personnel that are writing the reports, that are interacting with the people on the ground, we will continue to see these very bad policies enacted at the operational and theater level,” he predicted.

“I don’t know what [Secretary of State] Rex [Tillerson] is doing, but he needs to change out the personnel because he’s got people representing this president who do not believe in this president,” Gorka cautioned.

He said his own advice to the Kurds would have been “don’t hold the referendum” for independence. “Yes, Kurdistan is a functional autonomous region already, but we have to stabilize Iraq before you secede or do anything of that ilk. So hold your horses, Kurds. Take a break. Count to ten,” he suggested.

“In the meantime, replace people with seasoned—there are people who have worked that region for years who understand the players, and aren’t going to facilitate Iran. The big challenge right now, the one thing we have to do in addition to stopping the bloodshed, is making sure that this country of Iraq doesn’t simply become an extension of Iran. Iran is milking our victory for their own success. That’s what we have to stop, and that’s what the State Department should be part of,” Gorka urged.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. Eastern.


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Confirmed: 99% of Union Donations Go to Liberal-Leaning Causes

Unions across the country donated $765 million to various organizations over the last four years, and 99 percent of that cash went to liberal-leaning causes.

Labor unions gave $764,952,394 to left-wing special interests between 2012 and 2016, according to the Center for Union Facts. Of the nearly $765 million, 99 percent of union political contributions went to left-wing causes. The Center for Union Facts compiled a comprehensive database of information about labor unions in the United States: outlining union spending, salary information, dues revenue data, and more using data from the U.S. Department of Labor.


The department’s data show between 2012 and 2016, roughly $240 million went to left-wing political groups. Labor unions gave $77 million to special-interest groups and another $13 million to environmental groups. Over $25 million went to groups like the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and the Rainbow PUSH Coalition.

During this same time frame, almost $307 million went to the Democratic Party and aligned groups, including Media Matters, the Clinton Foundation, Mi Familia Vota, the National Democratic Club, the Advocacy Fund, Progressive Democrats of America, and Planned Parenthood.

Money given to these groups and labor union spending on abortion funding, however, is almost exclusively unapproved. Union members must consent to candidate contributions and super PAC spending by affirming they are part of the union, but the same is not true for political advocacy. Thus, union member dues end up going toward political causes—like abortion advocacy—disguised as representational activity.

Here’s how much a few pro-abortion groups received from labor unions since 2007, according to Luka Ladan, communications director for the Center for Union Facts:

  • Planned Parenthood: $1.18 million
  • Emily’s List: $810,000
  • NARAL Pro-Choice America: $45,000

Here are the dollar amounts since 2007 that a few labor unions have given for abortion lobby funding:

  • American Federation of Teachers: $1,150,000
  • American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees: $520,100
  • International Association of Firefighters: $10,000
  • Service Employees International Union: $180,000
  • United Association: $40,000
  • United Auto Workers: $100,000
  • United Food and Commercial Workers International Union: $35,000

Groups like the Coalition of Labor Union Women also support abortion advocacy projects like the Contraceptive Equity Project that fights to guarantee insurance companies will cover comprehensive contraception services, including abortion. The group did not reply to multiple requests for comment.

The Service Employees International Union spent $12.1 million in the 2010 campaign cycle to advocate for Democratic candidates and another $3.5 million to oppose Republican candidates. The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees also spent more than $12.4 million, $9.5 million of which went to combatting Republican candidates, according to federal campaign filings.

Union membership is far from unanimous politically. Roughly 40 percent of union household members vote Republican in any given election.

“For years, labor unions have hijacked member dues to fund Planned Parenthood, Emily’s List, and other pro-abortion groups,” Ladan, from the Center for Union Facts, said. “Yet many union members oppose the abortion lobby. The Employee Rights Act would require union officials to obtain permission before spending dues dollars on left-wing political advocacy.”

The Employee Rights Act, which was introduced in the House in May, would stop unfair labor union practices and provide workers with protections, enabling them to select or refrain from representation by labor unions. The bill would require union officials to obtain permission from their members before spending dues money on liberal causes they may oppose.

Unions have done a poor job of listening to members, Pennsylvania AFL-CIO President Rick Bloomingdale said in July on a “listening tour,” explaining the union’s approach to politics should change.

“We may have gotten too close to one party,” Bloomingdale said. “We should be for people who are for us, regardless of party label.” Bloomingdale did not respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

The majority of union members, including pro-life members, also have no idea their money is funding the abortion lobby, said Ladan. “Big Labor doesn’t really want to publicize it,” he added.

The National Education Association, United Auto Workers, American Federation of Teachers, and American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities for this original content, email

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11 GOP Senators Ask for 24/7 Schedule to Accomplish Trump’s ‘Agenda’

Nine GOP senators wrote a letter asking Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to extend the chamber’s work hours to a 24/7 schedule “ to advance the president’s agenda.”

“Over 1,000 Trump nominees are awaiting Senate confirmation,” said Caroline Vanvick, deputy communications director to Sen. David Perdue, one of the signers of the letter,  in an email with the Daily Signal.

At this time, President Donald Trump has had 172 nominees confirmed. At the same time in their presidencies, President Barack Obama had had 359 nominees confirmed, and President George W. Bush 375, according to CNN.

Besides Perdue, R-Ga.. the letter was signed by Sens. Steve Daines, R-Mont.; Joni Ernst, R-Iowa.; Dean Heller, R-Nev.; Ron Johnson, R-Wis.; John Kennedy, R-La.; Mike Rounds, R-.S.D; Luther Strange, R-Ala.; Roger Wicker, R-Miss; Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska; and James Lankford, R-Okla.

The letter was done after McConnell announced at a party lunch on Tuesday that he planned to extend the chamber’s work hours to Fridays and possibly weekends. According to Politico, the schedule was extended to give the Senate the opportunity to approve President Donald Trump’s nominees as well as pass tax reform before the end of the year.

The letter proposes an even more vigorous schedule in order “to combat partisan obstruction and get results for the American people,” according to a press release sent by Lesley Fulop, press secretary to Perdue.

This wasn’t the first time GOP members asked McConnell to extend the session time in the Senate.

“In August,” said Perdue in a statement, “we sent a letter to Leader McConnell and asked him to postpone the August state work period so we could confirm more nominees and make progress on agenda items.”

As a result, the Senate approved nearly 70 nominees.

“Now, with 36 legislative days left in the year,” said Perdue. “we have been raising these concerns again and urging Leader McConnell to turn the Senate on full-time so we can get all of our priorities done from the budget, funding the government, and tax this year.”

In the letter, Perdue and the other GOP senators accuse the Senate minority for trying, “to imperil the new administration and its agenda,” and emphasizes the need for the GOP to take measures to ensure their goals are met.

“Our conference should always remember that we are fighting for hardworking Americans….We owe them the same unrelenting effort in the job they gave us to do,” the letter ends.

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MRC President Brent Bozell Slams Media Blackout of Clinton-Uranium Scandal

Reston, VA — Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell issued the following statement, Thursday, in response to the media blackout of the recent developments in the Clinton-Uranium scandal. On Tuesday, The Hill revealed the FBI had found evidence of a Russian bribery plot before the Obama Administration’s controversial 2010 nuclear deal with Moscow. The Senate Judiciary Committee has opened an investigation into the scandal which reportedly involves millions in kickbacks to the Clinton Foundation.
A new report from the Media Research Center found that the Big Three Networks (ABC, NBC, CBS) have devoted zero seconds of coverage to the initial story and developments thereafter.
MRC President Brent Bozell:

“The media’s censorship of this scandal is irresponsible and unacceptable. How is it that this demands the attention of the Senate Judiciary Committee but not the press? The media’s silence speaks volumes. Clearly they are only interested in stories about potential wrongdoing with the Kremlin if it can be used against President Trump. The President was right to call them out today. Their bias is on full display.”

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Conservatives Plan to Send Patriotic Message, Boycott NFL on Veterans Day Weekend

Conservatives Plan to Send Patriotic Message, Boycott NFL on Veterans Day Weekend

18 Oct, 2017
18 Oct, 2017

Main Street Patriots are rallying fellow citizens to show their support across the United States for the American flag and the national anthem on Veteran’s Day weekend as a way to send a message about the importance of standing and saluting during the playing of the national anthem at NFL football games.

The conservative group is encouraging Americans to join their Flags Across America movement next month.

“I have watched professional football since the time there were two separate leagues – AFL and NFL in the late 60’s,” Debbie Dooley, co-founder of the group told Breitbart News. “Sports has always been an arena where we are united in support of our favorite teams.”

“We are not Democrats or Republicans, we are simply fans,” Dooley said, adding that the NFL players are “seeking to change that by attempting to shove their political views down the throats of fans.”

Dooley is hoping people will fly flags everywhere over the weekend and on Veterans Day — even if it’s not in an NFL stadium.

“I urge patriotic Americans to exercise their First Amendment rights and boycott the NFL and their sponsors,” Dooley said.

“Flags Across America symbolizes Americans coming together and showing respect and honor to our nation’s flag and the freedom and liberty it symbolizes to the world,” co-founder Ralph King said. “It is also to honor the veterans that fought and died so we can maintain that freedom and liberty.”

“The U.S. flag and the freedom for which it stands, at levels never before witnessed in our country, is under constant attack from the Left and now pampered sports figures,” King said. “We cannot allow these attacks to go unanswered.”

“Now is the time to be united standing in defense and proper recognition of Old Glory,” King said.

Updates and rally locations can be found here:

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Law Enforcement Posts Large Sign off Highway About NFL Protesters


Law Enforcement Posts Large Sign off Highway About NFL Protesters

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In response to the NFL’s national anthem protests, one sheriff in Virginia has spent his own money to erect a roadside sign that makes it clear to the world how he and his fellow law enforcement agents feel about America and its flag.

“Law enforcement stands & places hand over heart for national anthem!” reads the sign put up by Bedford County Sheriff Mike Brown. “We kneel when we pray!”

Right on.

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Take a look at the sign below:

Speaking this week with Lynchburg station WSET, Brown revealed that, like many other Americans, he used to love the NFL up until its players starting acting like pig-headed buffoons.

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“I’ve always been a Redskins fan  … (but) I quit watching,” he said, adding that the team’s decision to kneel during the anthem last month was unacceptable. “I applaud demonstrating for social justice, that’s great, but do it some other way than disrespecting our great country, and this flag.

“It’s the greatest country in the world, it’s been that way because of our military, and our law enforcement,” he added.

But Brown wasn’t done yet. He’s also purchased similarly designed bumper stickers that he plans to place on his department’s vehicles and will give to any police chief or sheriff who asks, as long as supplies last, according to WSET.

Save for a few knuckleheads, his community has been very receptive to his ideas, but particularly the sign.

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“It definitely shows the law enforcement is behind the community,” Sherri Stayton, a Bedford County resident, told WSET. “I’m proud of it absolutely.”

“It shows respect for our country and the freedoms that we have, everything is related to that flag,” added fellow resident Jeff Scott.

There’s no denying that people like the spoiled and crime-prone ingrates in the NFL have the right to act like boneheads. But thanks to the U.S. Constitution, men like Sheriff Brown have the equally valid right to let the world know how much they love America.

H/T TheBlaze

Please share this story on Facebook and Twitter and let us know what you think about Bedford County Sheriff Mike Brown’s bold decision to take a self-funded “stand” for the flag.

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ICE Director: Suspected Wine Country Arsonist Is Illegal Alien Mexican National

ICE Director: Suspected Wine Country Arsonist Is Illegal Alien Mexican National

19 Oct, 2017
19 Oct, 2017

WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Acting Director Tom Homan confirmed on Thursday that a man arrested in connection with setting a fire in Sonoma County Wine Country is an illegal alien from Mexico who has been twice returned to his “home country.”

Homan also confirmed that ICE has issued detainer requests for Jesus Fabian Gonzalez five times now in the past year alone, including the one issued on October 16 in relation to his most recent arrest on suspicion of arson. All of the arrests were made “by Sonoma County on various felony and misdemeanor charges,” according to Homan.

Sonoma County is considered a sanctuary jurisdiction and does not fully cooperate with federal immigration officials. That includes not honoring ICE detainer requests. “ICE was never notified of Mr. Gonzalez’ various releases,” Homan wrote in the statement regarding Gonzalez.

There were several fires in the region, and it is not clear what role the fires Gonzales allegedly set played in the overall disaster.

Homan’s public statement highlights the lack of cooperation from Sonoma County officials and the devastating wildfires that have ravaged the region:

Once again, a non-cooperative jurisdiction has left their community vulnerable to dangerous individuals and preventable crimes. ICE lodged a detainer against Jesus Gonzalez with Sonoma County jail officials on October 16, following his arrest on felony charges for maliciously setting fire to a property. This is especially troubling in light of the massive wildfires already devastating the region. Over the past year, ICE has lodged detainers against Mr. Gonzalez after four separate arrests by Sonoma County on various felony and misdemeanor charges. ICE was never notified of Mr. Gonzalez’ various releases. Additionally, Mr. Gonzales has been returned to his home country of Mexico on two separate occasions. The residents of Sonoma County, and the state of California, deserve better than policies that expose them to avoidable dangers. Non-cooperation policies – now enshrined in California state law – ensure only one thing: criminals who would otherwise be deported will be released and left free to reoffend as they please.

California Gov. Jerry Brown recently signed into law a bill that makes California a sanctuary state.

Follow Michelle Moons on Twitter @MichelleDiana 

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