“Dangerous and short-sighted,” according to Pant Suits.
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Conservatives welcome. Libs & RINOs go away. It's all of you destroying the society and conservatives must no longer appease you!
“Dangerous and short-sighted,” according to Pant Suits.
via Weasel Zippers
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Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
18 Oct, 2017
18 Oct, 2017
From The Hill:
The Senate Judiciary Committee has launched a full-scale probe into a Russian nuclear bribery case, demanding several federal agencies disclose whether they knew the FBI had uncovered the corruption before the Obama administration in 2010 approved a controversial uranium deal with Moscow.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), the committee chairman, gets his first chance to raise the issue in public on Wednesday when he questions Attorney General Jeff Sessions during an oversight hearing.
Though the hearing was scheduled for other purposes, aides said they expected Grassley to ask Sessions questions about a story published in The Hill on Tuesday that disclosed the FBI had uncovered evidence showing Russian nuclear officials were engaged in a racketeering scheme involving bribes, kickbacks and money laundering designed to expand Russian President Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business on U.S. soil.
The evidence was first gathered in 2009 and 2010 but Department of Justice officials waited until 2014 to bring any charges. In between that time, President Obama’s multi-agency Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) gave approval to Russia’s Rosatom to buy a Canadian mining company called Uranium One that controlled 20 percent of America’s uranium deposits.
The committee’s members at the time included former Attorney General Eric Holder and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, whose husband collected large speech fees and millions in charitable donations from Russia and other entities interested in the outcome of the decision.
Read the rest of the story here.
Big Government, National Security, barack obama, Chuck Grassley, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Russia, Senate Judiciary Committee, Uranium One
via Breitbart News
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Ghoulish Hungarian bloodsucker George Soros may not live forever – he’s pushing 90 – but he is determined to make sure that his globalist dream will be well-funded for long after he becomes worm food.
It has been announced that the champion of regime change has pumped $18 billion of his fortune into his Open Society Foundation, an octopus of groups and organizations that spans the planet and is devoted to one world government with his ideological allies in control.
Soros has been the hidden hand behind what can only be described as a domestic “color revolution” that has unfolded against President Trump and his tentacles reach deeply into the Democratic party, Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA and other entities that are determined to overthrow Trump at all costs.
Investor George Soros gives about $18 billion, the majority of his estimated fortune, to philanthropy https://t.co/48KqKMmIMg @ReutersTV http://pic.twitter.com/F39avfYrRS
— Reuters Top News (@Reuters) October 18, 2017
Via Reuters “George Soros foundations now control $18 billion: reports”:
Investor George Soros has transferred about $18 billion, the majority of his estimated fortune, to his Open Society Foundations, making them the second largest philanthropic grant-making group in the United States, according to media reports on Tuesday.
The foundations already controlled billions of dollars, but Soros, 87, has in recent years increased the pace of transfers from his hedge fund-turned-family office, Soros Fund Management LLC, the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times reported earlier on Tuesday, citing Open Society officials.
Representatives for Open Society did not respond to requests for comment from Reuters.
Open Society works globally to “build vibrant and tolerant democracies” and has given away nearly $14 billion since inception in 1979, according to its website.
Hungarian-born Soros, who made a huge profit betting against an overvalued British pound in 1992, is a vocal supporter of liberal causes and was a large contributor to the fund-raising Super PAC group backing Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton last year.
Soros would like to see it before he dies and no expense will be spared as is evident by his staggering transfer of money into his foundation.
It would also seem to be a preventative measure to protect the seizure of assets were the unexpected to happen and the Justice Department to undertake a serious investigation into a man who is working to overthrow the legitimately elected U.S. president as well as the government itself and in doing so, is providing material and financial support to groups that dabble in what can only be called domestic terrorism.
via Downtrend.com
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Barry Soetoro—aka Barack Hussein Obama—is Hollywood’s latest, big new film producer.
No doubt about it.
Harvey Weinstein and brother Bob have been drummed out of the film producing business courtesy of sexual harassment allegations still surfacing today.
via CanadaFreePress.Com
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Varney and Co.
9:15am ETSTUART VARNEY: Switching gears witching gears to the Near York Times. Their columnist Paul Krugman, here is what he wrote the day after the election. Here it is. “It really does now look— ” Let me start again. “It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump and markets are plunging. If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.” Okay. Let’s check that. Take a look at how the markets have performed since the election. Dow up 25 percent. S&P up 19 percent. NASDAQ 27 percent higher. Hardly a plunge. Come in Brent Bozell, I’m being sarcastic here. I will lay off that, Brent. Okay? You’re the guy that runs Media Research Center. Krugman never acknowledges that he is wrong, does he?
BRENT BOZELL: No. And neither do the media. It happens so many times, with climatologists that’s another crowd it happens with. When they’re wrong on their predictions, they’re never held to account. If it were a conservative, you better believe they would be. But Krugman is not just a bad economist, a lousy economist, he is also a hardened left-winger which is why he is a media darling. Let’s not forget, this is the man who accused the Tea Party of being responsible for the shooting of Congresswoman Gabby Giffords. This is the man who said there was an aura of shame in the reaction of 9/11 and denounced Bernard Kerik, Rudy Giuliani and President for their response to 9/11. This is a man who has said that Donald Trump’s election is illegitimate. He is a left-wing radical. The media loves him for that reason. He is an economist who is constantly wrong. Hey, welcome to today’s media.
VARNEY: What was that number you gave us last time you were on the show? Was it 92 percent network coverage of Donald Trump is negative? Was it 92 percent or 95 percent? But it was way up there, I know.
BOZELL: Stuart, it is not changing. Every month we look at this. Last month it was at 91 percent. It has been 90 percent average this year. In the campaign it was 91 percent. The only time Donald Trump got good press, relatively, was in his first month during the honeymoon period it was only 89 percent negative. I mean, the media hate this man. This man could find single-handedly the cure for cancer and they would attack him for not finding the cure for heart disease.
VARNEY: That’s good. That is sarcasm. But I like it. I just love it. I’ve got another one for you, Brent, a CNN reporter mocks the President for helping Senate Majority leader McConnell walk up the stairs at the White House. Lend a helping hand. Here’s here comment. Here’s what it is: “That hand-lock between Trump and McConnell though.” But it is the tone of voice. “That hand lock between Trump and McConnell though,” as if to dismiss it. McConnell, by the way, is a polio survivor. Your reaction please, Brent.
BOZELL: You know, there is a reason why the New York Times told its reporters to not to use Twitter and social media. Social media gives you the platform to give your personal beliefs that an editor can’t catch. That was her smarmy, sarcastic, dismissive belief of Mitch McConnell. This is the political reporter. You would think she would have something better to cover. But here is the telling thing. She kept that tweet on there for 24 hours. She was denounced left and right by other liberals, like the Daily Beast. They were pointing out this is outrageous. Yet, she kept it on for 24 hours. Again where is the apology?
VARNEY: Again good question, Brent. I don’t have an answer for you and don’t expect an answer either. Brent Bozell keeping track of the media’s contempt for our President. And a great job you are doing, sir. Thank you very much indeed.
BOZELL: Thank you, Stuart.
via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias
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A winning combination ! Steve Bannon, Dr. Kelli Ward & Laura Ingraham !#MAGAnews #KelliWard #AmericaFirst #Arizona http://pic.twitter.com/8EcEVmzxJG
— Whitehouse Plumber (@rharrisonfries) October 18, 2017
The former chief strategist for President Trump bashed failed Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and “Little Bobby Corker” at a rally for Dr. Kelli Ward in Arizona.
Kelli Ward leads anti-Trump Republican Senator Jeff Flake by double digits in recent Arizona polling.
Steve Bannon endorsed Kelli Ward tonight. This is our video of his backstage speech we attended before main event. #MAGA http://pic.twitter.com/i5ysagdwXp
— Kevin Cavanaugh (R) (@kev4congress) October 18, 2017
Bannon tossed red meat to the pro-Trump crowd on Tuesday.
#Steve Bannon received w/wild enthusiasm when campaigning tonight in AZ for US Senate candidate #Dr. Kelli Ward. Loved #Laura Ingraham,too! http://pic.twitter.com/uanTcfG4rA
— Bonnie Ebstyne (@BEbstyne) October 18, 2017
The post STEVE BANNON Goes After Mitch McConnell and ‘Little Bobby Corker’ at Kelli Ward AZ Rally (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
via The Gateway Pundit
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The latest developments in the Russia/Uranium/Clinton scandal were first reported, on Tuesday, by The Hill’s John Solomon and Alison Spann. On Tuesday’s edition of FNC’s Hannity, Solomon and Circa News’s Sara Carter were invited on to lay out the latest details of this scandal, that the Big Three networks, so far, have refused to report on.
HOST SEAN HANNITY: According to new reports tonight from The Hill’s John Solomon and Circa News’ Sara Carter, there are brand-new FBI documents that show the Russian nuclear industry officials kicked back millions and millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation all while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State and helped approve the uranium one deal which gave Moscow, Russia, Vladimir Putin control of 20 percent of American uranium, the foundational materials for nuclear weapons.
And tonight, they are also reporting the FBI now has evidence that Russia for years has been doing this and they are reporting the FBI has evidence that literally they used bribery to gain control over America’s uranium industry. All while the Obama administration did nothing. And the Clinton’s benefited to the tune of nearly $145 million. You want a real Russia collusion story? We’ve got it.
HANNITY: Joining us exclusively, John Solomon, he is with The Hill. Sara Carter, Circa News.
Sara, let me start with you. We are talking about bribery, we are talking about blackmail. We are talking about what else that was going on that the Obama Justice Department new and still gave Putin, Moscow, Russia 20 percent of our uranium and the money goes to the Clinton Foundation. Let’s talk about it.SARA CARTER, CIRCA NEWS: Well, back in 2009, the FBI was actually approached by a businessman. By an American businessman who said, look, I have information on the Russians. And I am going to give this to you and they said, would you work with us? They came to an agreement. He went inside. For 15 months, Sean, for 15 months, the FBI was investigating the Russian nuclear industry and agency. They knew that there were kickbacks.
They knew that there were bribes and they knew how dangerous this was to national security. And 15 months had passed in the investigation and then CFIUS, 13 members of the governing board approved the Uranium One deal to the Russians. I mean, this was something that I contacted FBI officials tonight. FBI sources that were there during that time. And they said the FBI would have had all of this information.
It would have been their duty on the board, on the CFIUS board to report that information. And so, now what I’m thinking is, if they did report that information, it’s got to be out there. We’ve got to be able to FOIA it. We’ve got to be able to see these documents. And know what was going on and why the United States government decided to approve a deal that would give 20 percent of U.S. uranium assets to Vladimir Putin. There is the connection with Russia.
HANNITY: Let me go to you, John, and you’re a reporter of The Hill. So, the FBI basically has evidence and the former documents’ e-mails financial records and eyewitnesses proving the Russian’s bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering to secure their Uranium One deal – and about $145 million kicked back to the Clinton Foundation and they knew it in 2009? They knew it before they even approved the deal?
JOHN SOLOMON, THE HILL: Yeah. You said in your opening monologue that the Democrats are concerned. That Russians tampered with our election results in 2016. Well, six years before that, they tampered with our nuclear security. The case proved that the nuclear Russia, Russia’s nuclear industry had bribed their way and compromised the American truck company that moved all of Russia’s uranium in the United States.
That’s a national security threat. And for two years, the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton and everybody who has been quoted that said, the Obama administration had no knowledge of a national security threat and that’s why they did not have any problem approving the Uranium One deal. Well, guess what? Tonight, we have a real National Security threat that was proven in real time in 2009 and it’s going to be interesting to see what Congress does tomorrow morning. Chuck Grassley has a hearing with Jeff Sessions on the seat. And I think you might see some interesting questions.
via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias
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Let’s look for the parties responsible for covering up this scandal, which should be the biggest political scandal in American history.
via American Thinker Blog
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Records indicate that back when President Bill “Bubba” Clinton was embroiled in his own sex scandal against former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, he received a bit of financial help from none other than his good pal Harvey Weinstein, an alleged rapist and sexual harasser.
As noted by Fox News, a recently uncovered 1998 story in The Washington Post reveals that Weinstein donated the maximum contribution of $10,000 Bill Clinton’s legal defense fund.
The now-disgraced movie mogul’s relationship with America’s former President and First Lady has come under severe scrutiny in recent days as the allegations against Weinstein have stacked up. Naturally, the Clintons have pleaded ignorance in regards to his behavior.
Former President Bill Clinton has also been accused of both sexual harassment and rape in the past. When asked about this parallel on the BBC, Hillary Clinton said that’s all in “the past.”
“That has all been litigated,” Clinton said. “That was subject of a huge investigation in the late ’90s and there were conclusions drawn. That was clearly in the past.”
“Clearly in the past”? So was a majority of Harvey Weinstein’s allegations, several of which were also settled out of court, just like the former President, who paid $850,000 to Paul Jones after being accused of sexual harassment.
Weinstein donated as much as $250,000 to The Clinton Foundation; the funds will not be returned according to their spokesman Craig Minassian.
“Suggesting @ClintonFdn return funds from our 330,000+ donors ignores the fact that donations have been used to help people across the world,” Minassian wrote on Twitter.
via Daily Wire
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I attended a conference last Friday in Orlando, where there were 250 doctors in the house. I was the evening keynote speaker, and I talked about fear factors in health care and health insurance that have patients and consumers in a great state of uncertainty.
via CanadaFreePress.Com
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