Saints Schmucks Booed for Kneeling During Tribute to Slain New Orleans Cop

Fans at the Mercedes Benz Superdome for yesterday’s game between the New Orleans Saints and the Detroit Lions were treated to another show of how little respect that many of the team’s players have for this once great country’s institutions.

The same team that visited London and protested the Star-Spangled Banner while standing for the anthem of the British Empire “God Save the Queen” returned to their home turf where they once again hit their knees.

While it was before the national anthem, many of the players kneeled during a tribute to New Orleans police officer Marcus McNeil who was ambushed by a cop-hating punk on Friday.

They were justifiable BOOED!

According to the New Orleans Times-Picayune “Fans boo kneeling New Orleans Saints players during tribute to fallen NOPD officer”:

Fans booed New Orleans Saints players who knelt before the presentation of the American flag and the singing of the national anthem Sunday at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome.

The boos rang down during a moment of silence for fallen NOPD officer Marcus McNeil, who was killed in the line of duty Friday.

The fans cheered when the players stood before the anthem, which was performed by former Saintsation Deri Tucker.

Sunday’s game vs. the Lions was the Saints’ first at the Dome since President Trump weighed in on protesting NFL players during a campaign rally in Alabama last month.

Officer Marcus McNeil – a 29-year-old who was the father of two young daughters – was an African-American as was his killer and the players are conducting their protests in the name of a movement that espouses and legitimizes contempt towards the nation’s law enforcement officers.

The Saints who remained on their knees should be ashamed of themselves and if owner Tom Benson had any decency he would suspend them.


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Report: ‘Every Wi-Fi Connection’ Vulnerable to Newly Discovered ‘Krack’ Security Flaw

Report: ‘Every Wi-Fi Connection’ Vulnerable to Newly Discovered ‘Krack’ Security Flaw

16 Oct, 2017
16 Oct, 2017

“Every Wi-Fi connection” is reportedly vulnerable to a security flaw that allows hackers to snoop on your internet traffic.

According to the Telegraph, “The vulnerability is the first to be found in the modern encryption techniques that have been used to secure Wi-Fi networks for the last 14 years,” and, “In theory, it allows an attacker within range of a Wi-Fi network to inject computer viruses into internet networks, and read communications like passwords, credit card numbers and photos sent over the internet.”

The “Krack” attack reportedly makes everyone’s connection vulnerable, and cannot be stopped by changing your Wi-Fi passwords.

“It seems to affect all Wi-Fi networks, it’s a fundamental flaw in the underlying protocol, even if you’ve done everything right [your security] is broken,” claimed Alan Woodward, a member of the University of Surrey’s Centre for Cyber Security. “You can’t trust your network, you can’t assume that what’s going between your PC and router is secure.”

You can read the full report at the Telegraph.

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Report: 75% of Victims of Religious Persecution Are Christians

A grim new report on Christian persecution around the globe suggests that rather than improving, the situation of Christians worldwide is worsening, a fact whitewashed by mainstream media.

“Christians are the victims of at least 75 percent of all religiously-motivated violence and oppression,” declares the 2015-2017 report from Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), and moreover “the extent of this persecution is largely ignored by our media.”

In their report titled “Persecuted and Forgotten?”, ACN noted that in Iraq more than half of the country’s Christian population have become internal refugees, while in the Syrian city of Aleppo, the Christian population has fallen by more than 75 percent. Up until 2011 Aleppo was home to the largest Christian community but in just 6 years numbers have dropped from 150,000 to just over 35,000.

“In terms of the number of people involved, the gravity of the crimes committed and their impact, it is clear that the persecution of Christians is today worse than at any time in history,” said John Pontifex, the Report’s editor.

In the 13 countries where Christians suffer the most intense persecution, the situation has worsened in all but one—Saudi Arabia—in the last two years, and conditions there have stayed the same.

“In almost all the countries reviewed,” the report reads, “the oppression and violence against Christians have increased since 2015 – a development especially significant given the rate of decline in the immediate run-up to the reporting period.”

In communist North Korea, for example, Christians have undergone “unspeakable atrocities,” the report states, “including extra-judicial killings, forced labour, torture, persecution, starvation, rape, forced abortion and sexual violence.”

According to Christian Solidarity Worldwide, documented incidents against Christians include “being hung on a cross over a fire, crushed under a steamroller, herded off bridges, and trampled underfoot.” One estimate suggests that three quarters of Christians in the camps die from the harsh punishments inflicted on them.

But the second part of the report’s title—“forgotten”—is also key to understanding the situation of persecuted Christians worldwide. Particularly in the Middle East where Christians have been undergoing a systematic genocide, virtually no help has been forthcoming from Western (predominantly Christian) countries or from the United Nations.

“Governments in the West and the UN failed to offer Christians in countries such as Iraq and Syria the emergency help they needed as genocide got underway,” ACN’s website relates. “If Christian organisations and other institutions had not filled the gap, the Christian presence could already have disappeared in Iraq and other parts of the Middle East.”

In the forward to the report, Melkite Greek Catholic Archbishop John Darwish of Lebanon noted that up to the present, “the UN and other humanitarian organizations have provided no aid” leaving the oppressed Christians to fend for themselves.

John Pontifex told the Tablet that the “pc agenda” among western governments and mainstream media is preventing the attention that the Christian community requires.

“The UN and western governments send strong messages of support – but that’s not matched by action.” Pontifex said. “To date, the response of the UN has been too little too late. For example, Iraqi Christians from Mosul and Nineveh who ended up in Erbil were just given tarpaulins; people need homes, medicines and pastoral support.”

One exception to the systematic neglect from Western governments has been the central European country of Hungary, which in 2016 established a Deputy State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians, making it the only nation in the world with a department of this nature.

So far, the new secretariat has sent assistance of more than four million euros to rebuild homes, churches and schools so that Christians can stay in their homes in the Middle East. They have also granted dozens of scholarships to Christian students in Africa and the Middle East who lost everything to militant Islamic terror groups.

Last week, the government of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán called together key Christian leaders from the Middle East for a three-day summit in Budapest to discuss targeted assistance to persecuted Christians.

In his address to the assembly of prelates, officials and diplomats, Orbán said that Hungary had taken the opposite approach from that of the European Union. “They want to bring people here,” Orbán declared. “We are helping them to stay where they are.”

The Hungarian government has been channeling funds directly to Christian leaders and organizations on the ground in the Middle East, who best know how to make the most of the financing for the good of their people.

“All of us, Protestants, Orthodox, Roman Catholics, Coptic Christians—we face this persecution together,” Orbán said, while noting that around the globe a Christian is killed every five minutes for their faith.

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Federal Government Workers Donating Overwhelmingly to Democrats

Employees who work at federal government agencies are continuing their trend of overwhelmingly donating to Democrats for the 2018 election cycle, records show.

Government workers shunned Donald Trump while giving generously to Hillary Clinton’s campaign during the 2016 presidential cycle, The Hill reported last October.

The publication noted that while Republicans tend to do worse with government workers, Trump received just 5 percent of all federal government donations compared to Mitt Romney’s 14 percent in 2012. Government workers at 14 agencies gave a total of $2 million during the last presidential cycle with $1.9 million—or 95 percent—going to Clinton.

Despite President Trump now occupying the White House, government workers are still overwhelmingly supporting Democrats, according to a review of employee donations at a handful of agencies.

Department of Justice employees have given nearly $30,000 in contributions for the 2018 cycle to date, data that covers contributions of $200 or more from the Center for Responsive Politics shows. Of the $30,000 in contributions, $23,233 (79 percent) was given to Democrats while $4,350 (15 percent) went to Republican campaigns.

The 79 percent of DOJ employees who have given money to Democratic campaigns this cycle has dropped slightly from the 87 percent who gave to Democrats in 2016, the data shows.

Individuals at the U.S. Department of State have given $78,364 for the 2018 cycle with $74,220 of this amount given to Democrats (95 percent) and only $3,965 going to Republicans. In 2016, 93 percent of the donations from employees at the State Department ultimately ended up going to Democrats.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency workers have only contributed $9,848 this cycle, with 87 percent of the donations ($8,609) going to Democrats and 10 percent ($1,000) to Republicans. During the last election cycle, nearly $250,000 was given from EPA employees to Democrats, which constituted 96 percent of contributions from those at the agency.

At the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, a total of $53,547 has been given from its employees for the 2018 cycle. Ninety percent ($47,929) has gone to Democrats while only 6 percent was donated to Republicans ($3,138).

"Government employees are, on balance, more moderate or more liberal as opposed to the general population," David Schultz, a political science professor at Hamline University, told the Hill last year of government worker contributions. "Not across the board, but in general."

Individuals at government agencies are also "more likely to believe in government as opposed to, let’s say, a privatization program," Schultz added, "programs that we would view as hostile to government."

The post Federal Government Workers Donating Overwhelmingly to Democrats appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

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Roman Theater Uncovered at Base of Jerusalem’s Western Wall

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli archaeologists on Monday announced the discovery of the first known Roman-era theater in Jerusalem’s Old City, a unique structure around 1,800 years old that abuts the Western Wall and may have been built during Roman Emperor Hadrian’s reign.

The edifice’s elegant masonry was found during excavations carried out in the past two years below the Western Wall tunnels, a warren of ancient subterranean passageways running alongside a contested Jerusalem holy site built by King Herod in the first century B.C. The excavations plunged over 6 meters (20 feet) below ground, exposing eight previously uncovered courses of the Temple Mount’s western retaining wall.

Jews consider the Temple Mount the holiest site on earth, while Muslims refer to the walled compound as the Noble Sanctuary and consider it the third holiest after Mecca and Medina. It was the site of two Jewish temples in antiquity — the second renovated and expanded by Herod — and today is home to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock.

Joe Uziel, an Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologist heading the dig, said that the theater-like structure is believed to date to the second or third centuries — the period after Rome razed the city in 70 and the Emperor Hadrian rebuilt it in the mid-second century as a Roman colony, Aelia Capitolina.

Ancient historical accounts mentioned the presence of theaters in Roman-era Jerusalem, but until now archaeologists had not found any of the structures.

Uziel speculates that the unfinished semi-circular theater may have been intended to serve as a small odeon, a venue for musical or theatric performances, or a bouleuterion, a place of assembly for the colony’s municipal officials.

It was relatively small, and might have been designed to seat around 200 people. The excavations have exposed the first row of seats, orchestra area, and part of the stage. Wilson’s Arch, part of a monumental causeway leading into the temple that soars above the theater, may have been employed for its acoustic properties.

“One of the amazing things is that because we’re beneath an arch, they would have had the arch to use as their roof,” Uziel said.

What remains unanswered is why the building wasn’t finished.

“After putting in all this effort of building such a grandiose building, what would cause them to stop,” Uziel wondered and suggested that the outbreak of the second Jewish revolt against Rome, from 132-135, could have halted construction and left the theater unfinished.

Zeev Weiss, a Roman archaeologist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem who wasn’t involved in the excavation, said the discovery of such a central civic building was “a great find.”

Most of the major public structures from Roman Jerusalem — the large theater, forum, basilica and bathhouse — remain undiscovered.

“Hopefully one day those will be found as well,” Weiss said.

Uziel hopes further excavation of the theater will better inform scholars about daily life in Roman Jerusalem in the decades after Jerusalem and its temple were razed.

“I believe that this is one of the indications that also during that period between the Second Temple and between the rise of Christianity, Jerusalem was also an important Roman colony, not just a wasteland, no-man’s land where the legion sat around,” he said.

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EPIC! Donald Trump Jr. Trolls Hillary Clinton Using Her Own Words

Donald Trump Jr. is on a roll again!

As previously reported, the Clinton Foundation won’t return one cent of Harvey Weinstein donations to the corrupt foundation.


Donald Trump Jr. slammed Hillary Clinton using her own words and it was glorious!

Hillary claimed she was “shocked and appalled” in her carefully crafted statement in response to Harvey Weinstein’s decades of sexual harassment and sexual abuse of young starlets.

Don Jr. responded to the news that the Clinton Foundation will not be returning Weinstein’s $250,000 in donations by tweeting, “I’m shocked and appalled… Ok, ok I’m not shocked at all.”

There is a standing motto with the Clinton Cartel that was first discovered thanks to Wikileaks.

“Take the Money!”

Hillary staffers encouraged each other to take shady donations.
It’s part of the Clinton culture of corruption.

Don Jr. knows exactly how to zing evil Hillary! This is why we love him!

The post EPIC! Donald Trump Jr. Trolls Hillary Clinton Using Her Own Words appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Clinton Foundation Pockets Harvey Weinstein’s $250,000 Donation

Clinton Foundation Pockets Harvey Weinstein’s $250,000 Donation

16 Oct, 2017
16 Oct, 2017

The Clinton Foundation will not return or re-donate disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein’s $250,000 worth of contributions to the organization, claiming that the funds have been used.

The foundation told the Daily Mail Sunday that the organization used the $100,000 to $250,000 worth of donations to support women and girls in developing nations and lower the cost of HIV medication, adding that Weinstein’s last contribution to the foundation was in 2014.

Clinton Foundation spokesperson Craig Minassian doubled down on those claims in a tweet Sunday evening, citing that Weinstein’s donations “have been used to help people across the world.”:

The foundation offered this explanation after board member Chelsea Clinton evaded questions from reporters Saturday about whether the Clinton Foundation would return Weinstein’s donations.

Many Democratic politicians and other organizations have pledged to return or re-donate Weinstein’s contributions in light of the growing number of rape accusations.

The Clinton Foundation is no stranger to accepting contributions from donors with questionable reputations, especially those with records of perpetuating violence against women.

In 2006, the foundation accepted a $25,000 donation from Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted sex offender.

The foundation has also accepted millions of dollars from countries with records of violence against women, such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

Breitbart News Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer’s book Clinton Cash exposed a lot of the shady deal-making between the Clinton Foundation’s donors, Bill Clinton’s six-figure speeches, and the U.S. State Department’s actions while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.

The Clinton Foundation laid off a good chunk of its staffers and closed the Clinton Global Initiative as a result of Schweizer’s book.

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Saints players stay on knee during moment of silence for fallen police officer—and fans aren’t happy

What happened?

  • Most New Orleans Saints players took a knee prior to the national anthem at their Sunday home game against the Detroit Lions and then stood for the anthem, just as they did the previous week, ESPN reported.
  • Problem was that players remained in their take-a-knee position during a moment of silence for fallen New Orleans Police Officer Marcus McNeil, 29, who was killed in the line of duty Friday, said.

How did fans react?

  • Fans apparently didn’t like that one bit, and they booed the players, added.
  • Fans then cheered as the players stood for the anthem, said.

Here’s a clip:

What happened to Officer McNeil?

  • McNeil was one of four officers patrolling an area around 12:15 a.m. Friday when they “saw something that aroused their suspicion,” NOPD Superintendent Michael Harrison told in a separate story.
  • When at least one officer exited a police car, a gunman opened fire and struck McNeil several times, the outlet reported.
  • McNeil collapsed at the scene and was pronounced dead at a hospital, said.
  • The gunman was shot several times and later surrendered to a SWAT team, Harrison told the outlet, which reported that the gunman was arrested and is recovering at a hospital.
  • McNeil was sworn in as an officer April 2, 2015, and is survived by his wife and two children, ages 2 and 5, reported.

What did others have to say about the Saints’ kneeling?

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NRA Spokeswoman Forced to Move After She Received Death Threats

Dana Loesch / Facebook

Dana Loesch / Facebook


October 16, 2017 9:55 am

National Rifle Association spokeswoman Dana Loesch announced Sunday on Twitter that her family had been forced to move suddenly after she received multiple death threats from gun control advocates.

Loesch, a conservative commentator and syndicated talk radio host, followed the announcement of her family’s move by condemning the way politically progressive society has treated not just her, but conservative women as a whole.

In the wake of Harvey Weinstein’s sexual misconduct allegations, many women are telling their stories of assault on Twitter, using the hashtag, #MeToo. Loesch used the hashtag to tell her story of how she is being threatened for her views on guns and the Second Amendment.

First, Loesch tweeted out a picture of a number of filled garbage bags piled up as she prepared for the move.

Loesch said it wasn’t just her who was targeted, but her family as well.

Loesch also tweeted about the way conservative women are treated generally in society.

The NRA spokeswoman specifically mentioned people who have praised the victims of Weinstein, yet have criticized conservatives like Loesch who have been treated similarly.

Some, who are at odds with Loesch politically, rose to her defense and called out such threats, including Chelsea Clinton.

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