Silence of the Republican Lambs

Harvey Weinstein, darling of the left, Mr. Hollywood himself, Democrat fundraiser extraordinaire, an actual “god” to Meryl Streep and other liberal entertainers, falling from grace faster than his pants fell in front of an aspiring actress.

Ginned-up protests, designed to make Trump look bad, to paint him as a racist, white supremacist, the narrative set by the media and their Democrat allies. Tearing down hundred-year-old statues that bothered no one until November 8 when Donald Trump won the election.

Where are the Republicans? Where is the pushback? These events are a wonderful opportunity to explain, to teach, as Rush Limbaugh does on his radio show. Progressive politics and behaviors are on full display, ruining the NFL, lifting the veil off the Hollywood cesspool.

Recall the “hand up don’t shoot” hoax, bought hook, line and sinker by the media, President Obama, and Congressional Democrats, who wasted no time in seizing the moral high ground, posing in Congress and for the cameras with their hands up. Their high ground turned out to be quicksand, but that didn’t stop them.

I’m not suggesting that Republicans engage in silly theater or stunts like their Democrat brethren do, but their silence is deafening. Where are former presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio? I’ve heard little from them over the past year. It’s safe to assume that they will be taking another run for the White House after President Trump’s second term.

Any other Congressional Republicans want to chime in? Or other prominent Republicans such as Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Scott Walker, and others who could be speaking out as Hillary Clinton does. Despite all the preening, moralizing, and virtue signaling, Hollywood is a trash bin of bad behavior and hypocrisy. Those who claim to be for women’s rights prefer to degrade and abuse women. Or stand by and say nothing until the pile-on is well underway and it’s politically safe to tweet a bit of outrage. These are the real deplorables.

Ditto the NFL, which has become the sports branch of Hollywood. What a golden opportunity for Republicans to rightly take the moral high ground and condemn trashy behavior.

Big media, part of the left-wing establishment, has joined the progressive deplorables. Whether the New York Times sitting on the Harvey Weinstein story for over a decade, or NBC refusing to run Ronan Farrow’s Weinstein exposé. Then the daily barrage of fake news from CNN and the other alphabet networks claiming falsely that President Trump wants to increase our nuclear arsenal ten-fold or that his cabinet is on the verge of removing him from office via the 25th Amendment. Why is it only Trump calling out fake news?

This is a perfect chance for Republicans to speak out, to push back. Public opinion is on their side. Democrats keep losing elections at the national, state, and local levels. Four of the five most polarizing brands in the U.S. are CNN, NY Times, NBC News and MSNBC. A George Soros funded study found that Trump voters feel, “disconnected and disrupted by the conflation of economic and cultural change.” And that they “feel muzzled” by politically-correct dogma. These are winning issues for Trump. And for Republicans, if they choose to speak out about it.

Why are Republicans silent? Why are they not on the capitol steps speaking out as Democrats do at any perceived slight to their liberal agenda?

The Democrats never let a crisis go to waste. They find the TV cameras and microphones, making their case against their political opponents. What to Republicans do? Nothing. They remain silent. If you don’t stand for something, you stand for nothing.

Why is it only President Trump speaking up, aside from a few talk radio and Fox News hosts? Where are the elected Republicans? Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters are on TV far more than Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. Why are they silent?

Do they secretly support liberal causes? Or is their dislike of President Trump so intense that they are willing to squander their once-in-a-lifetime electoral majorities over petty grudges?

Nine months into Trump’s presidency and ObamaCare is still the law of the land. Congress struck out three times trying to repeal it. Inning over. Tax cuts don’t look like they are faring any better. Judges are being held up by the Republicans over arcane rules that they refuse to push through.

Now Trump is at bat, swinging the axe at ObamaCare through his recent executive order, decertifying the Iran deal, putting the ball back in the lap of Congress, which means little will happen. Republicans grimace and whine but still they do nothing.

Trump, as a party of one, along with 63 million supporters, will do his best to carry out his campaign promises. The 2018 midterms are just a year away, a potential bloodbath for do-nothing Republicans. They will either be sent packing in the primaries as Steve Bannon is pushing for, or ignored on election day as frustrated Republican voters stay home.

At some point, we ask why even have a legislative branch of government. Totally bought and paid for by the donor class, unable to pass meaningful legislation, devoid of any fiscal responsibility or restraint, they have abdicated relevance of their branch of government. Congress is nothing but a retirement home with, to borrow Kim Jong-un’s description, a bunch of doddering do-nothings, some of whom are taking Alzheimer’s medications. And so opportunities are squandered.

Get out in front of the culture war. Pound the left on the issues Republicans always talk about when campaigning, but are now silent about. Advance the President’s agenda, the same one they supported when running for reelection and chosen by the 63 million Americans who voted for the same last November.

The silence of the Republican lambs is deafening. As I’ve written in these pages, why vote Republican? As they say in Texas, all hat and no cattle. Thankfully President Trump wears the hat and has the cattle to advance his agenda, even without the support of a political party.

Brian C Joondeph, MD, MPS, a Denver based physician and writer. Follow him on Facebook,  LinkedIn and Twitter

America’s culture war is on full display and the left is losing badly. Public opinion is not on the side of left-wing social justice causes and moral preening. Where to begin?

NFL players disrespecting law enforcement and the national anthem, kneeling or sitting to protest “oppression” and “injustice.” Ratings are down and the NFL is now one of the most divisive brands in the U.S. Not a winning business formula.

Harvey Weinstein, darling of the left, Mr. Hollywood himself, Democrat fundraiser extraordinaire, an actual “god” to Meryl Streep and other liberal entertainers, falling from grace faster than his pants fell in front of an aspiring actress.

Ginned-up protests, designed to make Trump look bad, to paint him as a racist, white supremacist, the narrative set by the media and their Democrat allies. Tearing down hundred-year-old statues that bothered no one until November 8 when Donald Trump won the election.

Where are the Republicans? Where is the pushback? These events are a wonderful opportunity to explain, to teach, as Rush Limbaugh does on his radio show. Progressive politics and behaviors are on full display, ruining the NFL, lifting the veil off the Hollywood cesspool.

Recall the “hand up don’t shoot” hoax, bought hook, line and sinker by the media, President Obama, and Congressional Democrats, who wasted no time in seizing the moral high ground, posing in Congress and for the cameras with their hands up. Their high ground turned out to be quicksand, but that didn’t stop them.

I’m not suggesting that Republicans engage in silly theater or stunts like their Democrat brethren do, but their silence is deafening. Where are former presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio? I’ve heard little from them over the past year. It’s safe to assume that they will be taking another run for the White House after President Trump’s second term.

Any other Congressional Republicans want to chime in? Or other prominent Republicans such as Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Scott Walker, and others who could be speaking out as Hillary Clinton does. Despite all the preening, moralizing, and virtue signaling, Hollywood is a trash bin of bad behavior and hypocrisy. Those who claim to be for women’s rights prefer to degrade and abuse women. Or stand by and say nothing until the pile-on is well underway and it’s politically safe to tweet a bit of outrage. These are the real deplorables.

Ditto the NFL, which has become the sports branch of Hollywood. What a golden opportunity for Republicans to rightly take the moral high ground and condemn trashy behavior.

Big media, part of the left-wing establishment, has joined the progressive deplorables. Whether the New York Times sitting on the Harvey Weinstein story for over a decade, or NBC refusing to run Ronan Farrow’s Weinstein exposé. Then the daily barrage of fake news from CNN and the other alphabet networks claiming falsely that President Trump wants to increase our nuclear arsenal ten-fold or that his cabinet is on the verge of removing him from office via the 25th Amendment. Why is it only Trump calling out fake news?

This is a perfect chance for Republicans to speak out, to push back. Public opinion is on their side. Democrats keep losing elections at the national, state, and local levels. Four of the five most polarizing brands in the U.S. are CNN, NY Times, NBC News and MSNBC. A George Soros funded study found that Trump voters feel, “disconnected and disrupted by the conflation of economic and cultural change.” And that they “feel muzzled” by politically-correct dogma. These are winning issues for Trump. And for Republicans, if they choose to speak out about it.

Why are Republicans silent? Why are they not on the capitol steps speaking out as Democrats do at any perceived slight to their liberal agenda?

The Democrats never let a crisis go to waste. They find the TV cameras and microphones, making their case against their political opponents. What to Republicans do? Nothing. They remain silent. If you don’t stand for something, you stand for nothing.

Why is it only President Trump speaking up, aside from a few talk radio and Fox News hosts? Where are the elected Republicans? Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters are on TV far more than Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. Why are they silent?

Do they secretly support liberal causes? Or is their dislike of President Trump so intense that they are willing to squander their once-in-a-lifetime electoral majorities over petty grudges?

Nine months into Trump’s presidency and ObamaCare is still the law of the land. Congress struck out three times trying to repeal it. Inning over. Tax cuts don’t look like they are faring any better. Judges are being held up by the Republicans over arcane rules that they refuse to push through.

Now Trump is at bat, swinging the axe at ObamaCare through his recent executive order, decertifying the Iran deal, putting the ball back in the lap of Congress, which means little will happen. Republicans grimace and whine but still they do nothing.

Trump, as a party of one, along with 63 million supporters, will do his best to carry out his campaign promises. The 2018 midterms are just a year away, a potential bloodbath for do-nothing Republicans. They will either be sent packing in the primaries as Steve Bannon is pushing for, or ignored on election day as frustrated Republican voters stay home.

At some point, we ask why even have a legislative branch of government. Totally bought and paid for by the donor class, unable to pass meaningful legislation, devoid of any fiscal responsibility or restraint, they have abdicated relevance of their branch of government. Congress is nothing but a retirement home with, to borrow Kim Jong-un’s description, a bunch of doddering do-nothings, some of whom are taking Alzheimer’s medications. And so opportunities are squandered.

Get out in front of the culture war. Pound the left on the issues Republicans always talk about when campaigning, but are now silent about. Advance the President’s agenda, the same one they supported when running for reelection and chosen by the 63 million Americans who voted for the same last November.

The silence of the Republican lambs is deafening. As I’ve written in these pages, why vote Republican? As they say in Texas, all hat and no cattle. Thankfully President Trump wears the hat and has the cattle to advance his agenda, even without the support of a political party.

Brian C Joondeph, MD, MPS, a Denver based physician and writer. Follow him on Facebook,  LinkedIn and Twitter

via American Thinker

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Chaffetz: I Don’t See the Case for Keeping McConnell as Majority Leader

Former GOP congressman Jason Chaffetz said on Fox News Monday that it was hard to see the case to keep Sen. Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) as Majority Leader in the wake of struggles to pass Republican agenda items.

"Does Mitch need to go?" Fox News host Doocy asked.

"Again, I don’t know what the case is to keep him," Chaffetz said. "With all due respect, he’s a very nice gentleman. He’s very accomplished. But you’ve got to actually produce things, and they haven’t been able to do that.

Relations between McConnell and President Donald Trump have been tense since the failure of Republicans to repeal and replace Obamacare this summer; at one point, the two had a reported shouting match over the phone. A number of conservative organizations called on McConnell last week to "step aside."

Trump and McConnell are scheduled to meet Monday on tax reform, the budget, and judicial nominees, and Doocy asked Chaffetz to discuss their fraught relationship.

"When the team isn’t performing well and putting wins up on the board, a lot of people on that team want to see a change in the coach," Chaffetz said of calls for McConnell’s ouster.

Chaffetz didn’t give McConnell credit for helping ensure the confirmation of Supreme Court justice Neil Gorsuch, Trump’s principal accomplishment to date. People are looking at Congress, Chaffetz said, and wondering where the tax reform bill is and why the Obamacare repeal failed.


Chaffetz became a Fox News contributor this year after stepping down from his Utah congressional seat.

The post Chaffetz: I Don’t See the Case for Keeping McConnell as Majority Leader appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

via Washington Free Beacon

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AP Lingo Police: Use ‘Gender Confirmation’ Surgery for Sex Change, Avoid ‘Born a Boy or Girl’

Our longtime colleague Ken Shepherd at the Washington Times reported the AP Stylebook team are re-jiggering their politically correct terminology again on the transgender issues. They call themselves “the journalist’s bible.” They took to their @APStylebook Twitter page on Tuesday to offer an update.  

First, “Use transgender for people whose gender identity doesn’t match the sex or gender they were identified as having at birth.” Then, let people forget someone switched genders if possible.

“Call people transgender only if relevant; give the name they use publicly; avoid references to being born a boy or girl,” wrote @APStylebook during the interactive Twitter session. 

The wire agency then urged writers to “[a]void transgendered or transsexual; don’t call someone a transgender; trans is OK on second reference and in headlines.”

In a subsequent tweet, the AP prescribed the terminology to be used to refer to an individual’s medical procedures for transitioning: “For medical procedures often but not always used for a transition, say sex reassignment or gender confirmation.”

They added for emphasis: “This usage of gender confirmation is new to the gender entry on Stylebook Online today.”

Calling genital mutilation a “gender confirmation” is purely Orwellian language. Once again, AP is all about bowing to the “social identity” lobbyists. “Avoid references to being born a boy or girl” is basically telling reporters “avoid inconvenient facts when convenient fictions are preferred.” 

In March, the AP cited “leading medical organizations” as their authorities that gender is now a “social identity,” not what you look down and see, and they implied these medical experts see a gender blur or spectrum, not two genders. “Not all people fall under one of two categories for sex or gender, according to leading medical organizations, so avoid references to both, either or opposite sexes or genders as a way to encompass all people.”

The AP is also bending on using “they” and “them” to refer to one gender-confused person who insists on identifying as a plural. In March, they felt avoiding this usage was “preferable” to insure “clarity.” But the position is melting. Now it’s “They/them/there [sic] is OK in limited cases as a singular and/or gender-neutral pronoun; do not use other neutral pronouns like ze.”

When they were asked by one reader, “Why are neutral pronouns like ze/zir not OK?”, @APStylebook professed a willingness to shift with the cultural winds: “For broad audiences, it’s best to use terms with which people are most familiar. We are open to revisiting if usage increases.”

For people who dislike these terms, AP also added that the use of “homophobia” is fine when describing conservatives: “Homophobia is acceptable in broad references and quotes. When describing individuals’ actions, use more specific language.”

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Police announce another Las Vegas shooting timeline update that adds major twist to investigation

Las Vegas investigators have once again revised the timeline of the Oct. 1 Las Vegas shooting, which took the lives of nearly five dozen people and injured more than 500 others.

What do police say now?

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said Friday investigators now believe the shooter, Stephen Paddock, shot and injured a Mandalay Bay security guard, Jesus Campos, around the same time he opened fire on concert-goers at a country music festival on the Las Vegas strip, according to the New York Times.

It wasn’t clear whether Paddock was already firing on the crowd when he turned and shot at Campos or if he shot him and then turned on the crowd. Paddock had cameras in and around his room so he could monitor police activity.

Police last changed the timeline on Monday, saying that Paddock shot Campos at 9:59 p.m. before opening fire on the crowd at 10:05 p.m. They originally said Campos was shot after Paddock finished firing at the crowd.

Why did they change the timeline again?

Police altered the shooting’s timeline after MGM Resorts, the company that owns the Mandalay Bay, publicly disputed the updated timeline and said they did not believe the revised timeline was correct.

Instead, MGM said the 9:59 p.m. report was “manually created after the fact” and not accurate.

“We know that shots were being fired at the festival lot at the same time as, or within 40 seconds after, the time Jesus Campos first reported that shots were fired over the radio,” MGM said in a statement on Thursday. Lombardo corroborated this on Friday.

Why is MGM defending themselves so earnestly?

MGM’s response will come under scrutiny as lawsuits are prepared. So, the company wants to position themselves as doing everything in their power negate any possible liability. From NBC News:

How exactly the carnage developed remains in the center of the dispute between MGM and the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.

The casino hotel’s liability — and when it may have first alerted police to the shooting — is coming under question as potential lawsuits are prepared. The first such lawsuit was filed Wednesday by a shooting survivor against MGM, as well as the concert promoter and the manufacturer of so-called bump stocks, the rapid-fire gun modifications purchased by Paddock.

The two remaining major questions:

  1. What was Paddock’s motive? Two possible motives have so far been revealed: an undiagnosed mental illness and Islamic terrorism. Both are unconfirmed.
  2. Why did Paddock stop shooting when he did? It was more than an hour between his last shot and when SWAT teams breached his hotel door.

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RINO Corker Runs to Washington Post to Trash POTUS Trump — Yet Again

RINO Corker Runs to Washington Post to Trash POTUS Trump — Yet Again

President Trump is NOT happy with swamptastic Senator Bob Corker (R-TN). Corker told the media this week that Cabinet members like Gen. Mattis and Tillerson prevent the White House from all out chaos. In a Sunday morning tweet storm, President Trump laced into Corker. 

USA Today reports:

President Donald Trump used his Sunday morning to blast U.S. Sen. Bob Corker on Twitter, lashing out at the Tennessee Republican days after Corker had his own harsh words for the administration.

Early Sunday in three tweets, Trump took credit for Corker deciding against running for re-election, saying he denied an endorsement after Corker “begged” for one.

“Senator Bob Corker ‘begged” me to endorse him for re-election in Tennessee. I said ‘NO’ and he dropped out (said he could not win without…,” the first tweet reads.

“ endorsement). He also wanted to be Secretary of State, I said ‘NO THANKS.’ He is also largely responsible for the horrendous Iran Deal!,” reads the second tweet.

Trump’s final tweet says he expects Corker to be a negative voice, adding the former Chattanooga mayor didn’t have the “guts to run.”

Corker hit back at Trump.

“It’s a shame the White House has become an adult day care center. Someone obviously missed their shift this morning.”

Now Trump is back for more.

“The Failing @nytimes set Liddle’ Bob Corker up by recording his conversation. Was made to sound a fool, and that’s what I am dealing with!,” tweeted President Trump.

Mediaite reports:

President Trump has reached the inevitable name-calling stage of his feud with Senator Bob Corker.

he president’s tweet is the latest update to his fight with the outgoing GOP senator who questionedhis competence and chaotic rhetoric this week. Trump tweeted that Corker supposedly begged him for a re-election campaign endorsement, and Corker returned fire by saying the White House has become an “adult day care center.”

Trump’s new tweet refers to the audio released last night where Corker spoke to The New York Times about how the president is leading America towards World War III. Contrary to Trump’s tweeted claim, Corker’s interview was recorded with his consent, and his team kept a recording for themselves as well.

Now Corker has taken yet another stab at President Trump for allegedly harming Secretary of State Tillerson’s diplomatic efforts around the globe.

Fox News reports:

The Tennessee Republican told the Washington Post that it’s the “castration” of Tillerson “that I am most exercised about.”

Corker said Trump undermined Tillerson’s diplomatic efforts with repeated public statements denigrating the secretary of state.

The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations committee said such comments will lead to a situation where Trump will only have a “binary choice” of war or a North Korea and Iran that could threaten the United States with nuclear weapons.

“You cannot publicly castrate your own secretary of state without giving yourself that binary choice,” Corker told the Washington Post.

Trump last week told reporters he wished Tillerson would be “tougher.”

Trump has denied having a poor relationship with Tillerson saying, “we have a very good relationship.”

“We disagree on a couple of things. Sometimes I’d like him to be a little bit tougher. But other than that, we have a very good relationship.”


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via The Gateway Pundit

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Watch: Desperate Maxine Waters’ Attempt to Bait Ben Carson Fails Miserably


Watch: Desperate Maxine Waters’ Attempt to Bait Ben Carson Fails Miserably

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Rep. Maxine Waters grilled Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson on Thursday during the House Financial Services Committee hearing. However, the intention of the hearing was put aside in favor of a baiting scheme Waters obviously thought up in order to try to create dissonance between Carson and President Donald Trump.

Waters wanted to drive a wedge between Carson and the president, and video of the heated exchange proves that she was after one thing and one thing only, to get Carson to admit that he does not agree with the president.

How she went about it was truly shameful. As TheBlaze reported, Waters began by speaking about three tweets Trump had sent out regarding the status of aid in Puerto Rico, she had this to say:

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“I had intended to start to talk about the housing crisis that we have,” Waters started, “but since the president was busy tweeting this morning and you referred to HUD’s role in dealing with the hurricane disasters and what you and the administration are doing, this morning Trump threatened to abandon Puerto Rico recovery efforts.”

Waters then read the tweets in which the president stated that this relief effort could not last “forever,” then set her daggers out towards Carson.

“So you talked about what you, HUD, is doing in cooperation with, I guess, the administration,” Waters said pointedly to Carson. “Do you agree with the president?”

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Wait, What?! Talk about a long drawn out diatribe just to get to the central thesis of her point, which literally has nothing to do with anything.

When Carson tried to respond, Waters took him for a wild ride.

See the footage below:


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The way Carson manages to maintain his sincerity, while acting as a living put-down to the California Democrat is truly impressives.

The man is simply unflappable.

Maxine Waters, on the other hand, has seriously lost it. This whole exchange was so clearly a thinly-veiled way to make good on her promise to take Carson’s “A** apart.” It was absolutely shameful. Share this story on Facebook and Twitter and be sure to add your thoughts on Maxine Waters’ baiting of Ben Carson to the comment section below.

H/T Fox News Insider

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Folks, Get Ready – If NK Fires, Here’s What Experts Say Will Happen

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During a House Homeland Security Committee hearing Thursday, various experts warned that a nuclear electromagnetic pulse bomb attack from North Korea could wipe out the majority of Americans within one year.

The experts specifically testified that such an attack could “shut down the U.S. electric power grid for an indefinite period, leading to the death within a year of up to 90 percent of all Americans,” as quoted by the Washington Examiner.

They noted as well that this threat has become especially dire because of the recent rash of heated rhetoric between the United States and North Korea, as well as the fact the rogue regime has developed the capability to strike the United States mainland with an ICBM.

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“It is critical, therefore, that the U.S. national leadership address the EMP threat as a critical and existential issue, and give a high priority to assuring the leadership is engaged and the necessary steps are taken to protect the country from EMP,” they said.

The experts included Frank J. Cilluffo, the director of the Center for Cyber and Homeland Security at George Washington University, and William R. Graham, the former chairman of the since-disbanded EMP commission, as noted by Townhall.

(North Korea isn’t the only foreign police challenge facing the Trump administration. Check out President Donald Trump attacking the Islamic Republic of Iran during a speech at the United Nations last month.)

Among the hightlighs of the testimony Thursday, according to the Examiner: “After massive intelligence failures grossly underestimating North Korea’s long-range missile capabilities, number of nuclear weapons, warhead miniaturization, and proximity to an H-Bomb, the biggest North Korean threat to the U.S. remains unacknowledged — nuclear EMP attack.”

While their testimony was troubling, equally distressing is the fact the commission was shut down last month after being defunded by Congress — and this despite the commission’s highly important mission to study the risks EMP weapons pose to the United States.

In a column for The Hill published after the EMP’s disbanding, American Leadership & Policy Foundation chairman David Stuckenberg noted how dangerous shutting down the panel really was.

“The primary duty of a nation’s government is to ensure the survival of the state and citizens,” he wrote. “Without an EMP advisory group supporting our increasingly distracted leaders, our vulnerabilities will grow, and in time, be exploited.”

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The testimony Thursday was evidence of this. The threat of an EMP attack remains very real, and while it’s appreciated that Congress took the time to hear some experts speak about this threat Thursday, they might want to consider bringing the commission back while they’re at it.

Please share this story on Facebook and Twitter and let us know what you think about these experts’ testimony about the a potential nuclear EMP bomb attack from North Korea.

via Conservative Tribune

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The best of #HillaryCourses tweets: Hillary Clinton mocked after news she may teach at Columbia

Hillary Clinton may become a professor Columbia University, an Ivy League school that costs nearly $70,000 to attend yearly.

According to reports, Clinton could take on the title of “university professor,” where she would lecture at different departments at the school or she may take a role in the institution’s esteemed law school or school of international and public affairs.

Clinton is currently on a national book tour, promoting her book that details her failed 2016 presidential campaign, titled, “What Happened.” A decision about Clinton’s career path will be made shortly after the end of the book tour.

But many social media users weren’t exactly thrilled with the prospect of Clinton becoming a university professor. People mocked her on Twitter with the hashtag — #HillaryCourses — joking about the “courses” she will teach.

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SHOCKING: Dem Politician Arrested Over Computers Filled with SICK Images

A local official in Pennsylvania’s Radnor Township has been arrested after a plethora of child pornography was found on his computers.

66-year-old Democrat Philip Ahr who is the chairman of the township’s board of commissioners and a very creepy character had images of children as young as toddlers which he is accused of trafficking in as well as drooling over.

It seems that just about every headline about sexual perversion leads into a story that reveals the sick individual’s political affiliation to be with the Democratic party. Go figure.

Via Philadelphia ABC affiliate Action News 6 “Radnor Township board chairman faces child porn charges”:

The chairman of Radnor Township’s board of commissioners has been arrested on child porn charges after graphic sexual abuse images involving babies and toddlers were allegedly found on his computers.

Philip Ahr, 66, was charged with child pornography possession and child pornography dissemination, sexual abuse of children, and criminal use of communication facility, the Delaware County District Attorney’s Office said Wednesday.

“The ages of these children is particularly disturbing. Anywhere from infants to 2-4 to 3-6, and all in those different categories,” said District Attorney Jack Whelan. “Very disturbing.”

“A portion of the images and videos depicted sadomasochistic sexual abuse, and children being sexually abused by animals,” the D.A.’s office noted in a news release issued Wednesday morning.

Authorities said the investigation began in late August after they received information from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children that Ahr uploaded and shared child pornography.

According to the D.A.’s office, on September 21, investigators executed a search warrant on Ahr’s Bryn Mawr home.

Ahr told investigators he used Yahoo Messenger to sext with unknown individuals, which involved sexual talk about children, the D.A.’s office said.

According to officials, Ahr told detectives that during one of these conversations, an unknown person sent him about a dozen child pornography images of girls who Ahr estimated to be approximately 13-years-old.

Officials said Ahr admitted to detectives that he sent and received images of child porn to and from an individual he was chatting with.

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, Ahr had previously served as a “mentor” for schoolchildren and received philanthropy award from the principal of a Northwest Philadelphia elementary school.

Authorities will likely throw the book at Mr. Ahr and they damned well should.


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Moonbats Links Arms Outside Portland ICE Facility To Protest Raids, Six Arrests

Sanctuary no more.


Demonstrators gathered Wednesday in front of Portland’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) building in the south waterfront district to protest raids against undocumented immigrants.

Police arrested six people after they said protesters delayed a bus leaving the facility headed to the detention facility in Tacoma, Washington.

Several in the group linked arms with duct tape in front of the building, which serves as a detention center for ICE. On the tape was written “STOP THE DEPORTATIONS.”

Homeland Security officials closed down the eastbound lane of SW Bancroft Street. Other law enforcement agencies like Portland Police are also in the area.

At one point police put protesters in hoods with earmuffs. Police said they did so to protect the demonstrators as they cut them loose, as they said the protesters had employed “Sleeping Dragons” to link themselves together.

Portland police spokesman Sgt. Christopher Burley said the devices are often made of metal, plastic pipe, chicken wire, duct tape and chains. He said protesters Wednesday used plastic pipe, yarn, fabric, chicken wire, steel bolts and chains.

“As officers inspected the Sleeping Dragons today, they believed they were comprised of metal pipe and not plastic pipe,” Burley said. “Had the pipe been made of metal, there would have been sparks created during the cutting process. That is why protective attire was placed on the protesters to ensure their safety during the cutting process.”

Keep reading…

HT: Snaptie

via Weasel Zippers

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