Newsweek Has a Disgusting New Name for the Values Voter Summit


Newsweek Has a Disgusting New Name for the Values Voter Summit

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While Newsweek has been a liberal rag for years, its recent attacks on conservatives — and especially Christian conservatives — make it clear it’s a rag that doesn’t deserve to be on any magazine rack in America.

As an example of Newsweek’s sick hatred for Christian conservatives, consider its decision this week to label the Family Research Council a hate group, despite the FRC being one of the nation’s top Christian non-profits and charities.

“Donald Trump To Speak At Hate Group’s Annual Event, A First For A President,” blared a headline for a Newsweek piece published Thursday.

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The headline was referring to Trump’s decision to attend the council’s Values Voter Summit, an annual political conference for Christian conservatives.

“President Donald Trump will be the first sitting president to address the Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit, which the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) described as a ‘rogues’ gallery of the radical right,’” Newsweek’s piece read.

(If you support the Values Voter Summit, here’s another story we think you’ll enjoy. Watch the video below!)

Funny how Newsweek chose to quote the SPLC, which many conservatives have rightly argued is itself a hate group — one that frequently distorts the facts to smear conservatives, and one that many still blame for a shooting that occurred at the FRC’s headquarters five years ago.

“The shooter, Floyd Lee Corkins, admitted that he wanted to ‘kill as many as possible and smear the Chick-Fil-A sandwiches in victims’ faces, and kill the guard’ after he saw the FRC listed on the SPLC’s website as a ‘hate group,’” The Daily Wire reported last month.

But why does the SPLC hate the FRC? Because of its commitment to Christian values and beliefs, including the belief that homosexuality is a sin.

Does this mean Christians have the right to hate or persecute homosexuals? Of course not. But Christians surely do have a right to not tolerate the homosexual lifestyle — and this is a constitutionally guaranteed right the leftists at the SPLC, Newsweek and other liberal rags greatly resent.

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Be that as it may be, this belief doesn’t make Christian conservatives hateful or the FRC a hate group. It just makes them Christians of a certain belief.

And sorry to burst the bubbles of the genuinely hateful airheads at Newsweek magazine, but unlike Islam, Christianity truly is a religion of love and peace.

H/T Independent Journal Review

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As North Koreans Continue to Starve, Here’s What KJU’s Been Building


As North Koreans Continue to Starve, Here’s What KJU’s Been Building

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As North Koreans civilian population continues to struggle for their its existence, their dear leader has made it incredibly clear just where his priorities lie.

Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has spent a lot of the last year trying a little bit too hard to show the world that he’s not afraid of President Donald Trump, and his latest attempt is not too subtle.

He’s building, or is at least trying to build, his very own Mar-a-Lago.

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According to Fox News, the despot has been building his own store-brand version of Trump’s Florida getaway in the North Korean seaside town of Wonsan.

Americans might be surprised, but Fox News reports that this is part of an effort by Kim to stimulate his country’s economy and continue the survival of the rogue state.

(If you think President Donald Trump is making the right move by taking a hard line against North Korea, here’s another story we think you’ll enjoy. Watch him take on the regime in Iran in the video below!)

“We tend to focus exclusively on the first part, and we only consider North Korea’s economy in so far as how to sanction and strangle it further,” said associate professor at Yonsei University Graduate School of International Studies John Delury, according to Fox News.

“Kim’s ambition to create economic development is the one promising piece in the North Korea puzzle.”

“Promising” might be a strong term, especially when this work is underscored by heavy military activity in the same area.

The country’s largest artillery drill was carried out at a nearby beach in April, and rocket tests have occurred in the area.

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It seems less than likely that what the North Koreans really need right now is a massive luxury, like a Mar-a-Lago knockoff.

They might just need some food and medical care.

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CalExit Leaders Believe if Catalonia Can Do it, California’s Independence Easier

CalExit Leaders Believe if Catalonia Can Do it, California’s Independence Easier

14 Oct, 2017
14 Oct, 2017

California’s erstwhile secession movement has been inspired by Catalonia’s fight for independence, believing that California’s secession will be even easier.

The movement has splintered in recent months—known as CalExit and Yes, California alternatively—but the lead campaign is now headed up by the California Freedom Coalition, who believe there are lessons to be learned from Catalonia’s experience.

But the big difference, according to the Sacramento Bee;

[t]hey believe California has more legal tools at its disposal, creating an easier path to secession – if that’s what Californians decide they want.

“There are definitely similarities in the fiscal situation – we both give more than we get back,” said Dave Marin, director of research and policy for the California Freedom Coalition. “But there’s more flexibility in the U.S. Constitution for secession than there is in the Spanish one. California has more tools available to it.”

The Catalan Parliament, together with President of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont, approved in September a binding referendum to make Catalonia an “independent and sovereign state.” Spain’s constitutional court suspended the process, but Catalan authorities continued with the vote on Oct. 1, prompting violence between voters and Spanish security forces tasked with shutting it down.

After a majority who voted in the referendum cast ballots for independence, Puigdemont issued a symbolic declaration of independence from Spain on Tuesday, but immediately suspended it to ease negotiations with the Madrid government…

Even though Catalonia succeeded in its attempt to vote for secession, it now must decide if it’s willing to risk the wrath of a spurned powerful centralized government crackdown.  Things could get even more violent—and not surprisingly:  all break-ups are painful, but try to “break up” with a huge, all-powerful government that can crush the life out of you by sending in its army.

Actions like what Catalonia did this week are almost always precursors to armed confrontation and civil war.

Commentator John Stossel exposes what’s behind question facing secessionists worldwide in  an opinion piece for Fox News:

Recently, people in Catalonia voted to break away from Spain — not to declare war on Spain or refuse to trade with Spain, just to control their own affairs.

The Spanish government said they must not even vote. They sent police to shut down polling places and beat protestors into staying off the streets.

Governments never want to give up power.

The powerful prefer one big central government. Some want the whole world to answer to one government.

But central authorities aren’t the best way to solve our problems. Competition is.

As California tortures businesses, Californians move to Arizona and Texas.

The more governments from which you can choose, the easier it is to benefit from competition between them.

All Americans, however, must obey rules set by Washington, D.C.

But what if most people in a state reject those rules and demand the right to govern themselves?

There have been several secession movements in California — a plan to break California up into smaller states, a push to make Northern California a breakaway state called Jefferson, and now the “Yes California” movement that wants to make California a separate country.

Calexit’s proponents say Californians shouldn’t have to answer to that evil President Trump.

If Calexit ever happened, I suppose conservative parts of the state would vote to separate from the leftists who dominate Sacramento. Maybe we’d end up with three countries where there used to be one.

Secessionists in California aren’t planning to give up their cause anytime soon, even though polls show their cause is popular with only a third of voters–even after Trump was elected.

“We’re not strictly saying secession right now,” Marin told the Bee. “But if that number gets into the high 40s or 50s, it makes sense to consider. And then we have a few more tools to pursue it than Catalonia.”

Tim Donnelly is a former California State Assemblyman and Author, currently on a book tour for his new book: Patriot Not Politician: Win or Go Homeless.  He also ran for governor in 2014.


Twitter:  @PatriotNotPol


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Illegal Alien Preying on Children of Single Moms, Say Feds

Illegal Alien Preying on Children of Single Moms, Say Feds

14 Oct, 2017
14 Oct, 2017

Federal authorities are searching for an illegal alien they say is preying on the children of single mothers.

U.S. Marshalls and the Lone Star Fugitive Task Force are hunting for 35-year-old Tomas Gutierrez, a.k.a. Tomas Hernandez, who is wanted for allegations of continuous abuse of a child, News4SA reported. He is reported to be living in Central Texas and has worked in the Austin area.

“He’s an opportunist,” Supervisory Deputy U.S. Marshal Hector Gomez told the San Antonio NBC affiliate. “He appears to seek out women who have children — young children.”

He reportedly works slowly to build the mother’s trust and then begins a process of sexually abusing their children. “He would buy her toys and buy her items of value,” Gomez explained.

Court records show that Gutierrez gave one woman a cell phone and “told her to go into the bedroom.” That’s when the abuse would begin, Gomez confirmed.

“When the victim’s mother was away from the home working is when Tomas Gutierrez began his criminal conduct,” Gomez stated.

Gutierrez is difficult to find and has not committed as much as a traffic offense to leave a trail. He reportedly worked in the Austin area doing trade jobs.

“He has been able to live here in virtual anonymity,” Gomez told the News4SA reporter. “He doesn’t have a criminal history. He has lived in this country illegally. We don’t know when he came in. He doesn’t have so much as a traffic ticket.”

The fugitive is reported to have a distinguishing tattoo of his last name on his left arm — “Gutierrez.”

He warned single mothers that “any child that Gutierrez comes into contact with is a potential victim.” Gomez asked that anyone with information about the suspect, Tomas Guitierrez, contact the Lone Star Fugitive Task Force Tip Line by calling 1-512-800-4213.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas. He is a founding member of the Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTXGAB, and Facebook.


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CNN Wrongly Claims White Police Officer Killed Philando Castile

The narrative that blacks are violently targeted by police officers out of racism is so entrenched in the media that journalists sometimes forget that some police officers involved in widely-reported violence with black suspects are either black or Hispanic, and not white.

On Thursday’s Erin Burnett OutFront, CNN correspondent Drew Griffin mistakenly identified the police officer who tragically killed black motorist Philando Castile as being “white” even though former Officer Jeronimo Yanez is Hispanic.

The CNN correspondent’s mistake came within a piece recounting reports that Russians have tried to use social media to heat up political tensions in the United States. After recalling the case of an apparently Russia-based group called Don’t Shoot Us that paints American police officers as biased against blacks and tries to inspire protests, Griffin recalled:

The Russians not only exploited divisive racial issues in the U.S, CNN has learned Don’t Shoot Us was operating almost a rapid response to those shootings. In Minnesota last July, the day after Philando Castile was killed by a white police officer, Don’t Shoot Us was using social media to organize its own protest.

He added: “The effort failed because local community members determined something was wrong. Turns out they were right, and their suspicions had Russian links.”

NBC’s Pete Williams notably made the same mistake last month.

Of course, prominent left-leaning American news sources like CNN and the broadcast networks also do their part to stoke racial tensions as they selectively spend much more time reporting on blacks who are killed by police officers — even though whites killed by police outnumber blacks by a 2-1 margin — giving the impression that it is nearly always blacks who are targeted.

Former Officer Yanez — who was acquitted of criminal charges — notably resigned his position after making a severance agreement with his police department. And Castile’s mother received a $3 million settlement from the city.

Below is a complete transcript of CNN’s report from the Thursday, October 12, Erin Burnett OutFront:

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ERIN BURNETT: This as an exclusive CNN investigation finds that Russia’s attempts to meddle in the election went well beyond Facebook and Twitter, including an app that nearly 30 million Americans were using daily at the time. Drew Griffin is out front.

DREW GRIFFIN: It was a strange email that came directly to the desk of Baltimore City Paper editor Brandon Weigel. Don’t Shoot Us — a group claiming to be made up of black activists — was promoting a protest outside the upcoming court hearing of a Baltimore police officer involved in the death of Freddie Gray. They wanted Weigel to cover it, but he was immediately suspicious.

BRANDON WEIGEL, BALTIMORE CITY PAPER: It wasn’t a group that I had ever heard of either locally or nationally.

GRIFFIN: CNN has now learned Don’t Shoot Us wasn’t local, nor national — it was Russian. And the black activism Don’t Shoot Us was promoting in Baltimore was part of a much bigger strategy Georgetown Professor Mark Jacobsen says that was aimed at attacking the U.S. democratic system.

MARK JACOBSEN, GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY: What the Russians are doing by fomenting distrust for the American government and by also trying to organize rallies is what you do when you want to destroy a country from within. These are warlike acts. These are acts designed to destroy the United States.

GRIFFIN: A CNN investigation shows Russia’s propaganda attack on the U.S. went beyond using fake accounts and ads using Facebook and Twitter. CNN tracked multiple accounts from Don’t Shoot Us across the internet — a website that boasted 300,000 followers, a YouTube channel with videos of police brutality, a tumbler account. Most surprising, a post announcing a contest on Pokemon Go when it was at its most popular directing gamers to visit locations where alleged police brutality took place. All part of a Kremlin-connected campaign of misinformation that actively sought to influence opinion and meddle inside the U.S.

The email that arrived on Brandon Weigel’s City Paper computer said: “This is ‘Don’t Shoot.'” “We raise awareness of police violence against people of color.” “The idea is to protest in front of the Baltimore City Courthouse” and “demand justice for Freddie Gray.”

WEIGEL: It makes sense that it would be a hot-button issue, but I didn’t think it was something that the Russians would have exploited.

GRIFFIN: The Russians not only exploited divisive racial issues in the U.S, CNN has learned Don’t Shoot Us was operating almost a rapid response to those shootings.

In Minnesota last July, the day after Philando Castile was killed by a white police officer, Don’t Shoot Us was using social media to organize its own protest. The effort failed because local community members determined something was wrong. Turns out they were right, and their suspicions had Russian links.

Erin, the evidence to the extent the Russians went to divide the American electorate just keeps on growing. Blacktivist is another Russian-operated site that was used to try to sow discord between the police and blacks in this country. It went so far even to sell its own Blacktivist T-shirts. As far as we know, the people who engage with these sites had no idea until now these sites were back and actually created by Russians, Erin.

BURNETT: All right, thank you very much, Drew.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Lil’ Kim Will Be Furious When He Sees Which Submarine Trump Just Sent to Korea

Real World

Lil’ Kim Will Be Furious When He Sees Which Submarine Trump Just Sent to Korea

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Kim Jong Un is not going to pleased when he sees the “surprise” the U.S. Navy just sent to the waters off North Korea.

Of course, the most chilling fact is that he probably won’t actually see it at all: The special delivery is a nuclear-powered guided-missile submarine, and it’s designed to strike while hidden beneath the waves.

According to The Daily Caller, the USS Michigan arrived in South Korean waters Friday. The official Pentagon line is that the Ohio-class vessel is there for routine training, but there’s little doubt that placing the sub close to the North Korean border was a strategic move.

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The USS Michigan isn’t alone, either. The president has ordered powerful B-1B Lancer bombers to conduct exercises in the area as well, while the flagship aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and its complement of nearly 100 aircraft is also in the vicinity.

A submarine like the USS Michigan may not be bristling with as many crew members and weapons as a massive aircraft carrier, but the stealthy vessel has a few tricks of its own.

“The 560-foot-long, 18,000-ton USS Michigan is armed with 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles, each with a range of around 900 miles and a 1,000-pound high-explosive warhead,” the Daily Caller.

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“The submarine, which served as a sea-based nuclear deterrent against the Soviet Union during the Cold War, rivals full-sized aircraft carriers in terms of destructive power,” the news source continued.

Kim Jong Un is no doubt furious about the recent show of force near his rogue country, but his own actions have precipitated the exercises.

“Little Kim” or “Rocket Man,” as President Trump has hilariously dubbed the bloviating dictator, has repeatedly conducted nuclear missile tests while openly threatening a long list of targets. South Korea, Japan, Guam, and the mainland United States itself have all been subjects of Kim’s threats.

Trump may be right: Diplomacy got the Korea Peninsula into the current nuclear-armed mess, and it seems unlikely that more talk and empty treaties will solve anything. If Kim Jong Un continues on his current path, swift and firm military action by the United States will be the inevitable outcome.

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As Libs Attack Huckabee Sanders’ Faith, Her Response Has Christians Cheering

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The Washington Post has a long, well-established record of attacking conservatives for darn well anything it pleases.

In a recent story by the publication, published Oct. 11, writer Michelle Boorstein attempted to show the American public what White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is like beyond the press briefings.

It’s every bit as condescending and ridiculous as you’d expect from a Washington Post writer pretending to be open-minded about other people’s beliefs.

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The story made a point of talking about Sanders’ faith, however — a subject liberals love nothing more than to harp on — and when Boorstein commented on that, Sanders positively shone.

Boorstein, who first attempted to color the image of Sanders by referencing a snide “Saturday Night Live” portrayal, couldn’t help making Sanders look good.

(Check out how Sanders handled a different question about the media in this video clip from “The View.”)

When Sanders was asked, back in June, whether President Donald Trump was the kind of man she use as an example to her kids, she said the following:

“As a person of faith, I think we all have one perfect role model. And when I’m asked that question, I point to God. I point to my faith. And that’s where I always tell my kids to look.”

Boorstein almost could have had a sweet moment in showing what Sanders is really like. Instead, she fouled it up badly with an attack on God, evangelicals, and Trump simultaneously.

“Although some say the Trump-evangelical alliance harms Christianity,” she wrote, “it’s common to hear other conservative Christians say that Trump’s unexpected win — down to the Electoral College — shows that God had a more-deliberate-than-usual hand, and has put Trump there for some reason.”

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The mocking tone makes high school students sound mature: “God had a more-deliberate-than-usual-hand”? Somehow the sarcasm was missing in the Post when media outlets from Newsweek to Rolling Stone were putting Barack Obama on their covers with halos signifying a divinity among men.

Now, let’s be clear what the Washington Post is implying by saying that some claim that Christianity is harmed by evangelicals’ voting for and supporting Donald Trump. It cannot be overlooked, because it was phrased in a very specific manner.

They’re saying that some folks believe that the idea of Christ dying the cross for all mankind’s sins is harmed because evangelicals don’t support the same political agenda they do.

That’s absurd on its face, but it’s the level of attack evangelicals come under by the left. And it was exactly that kind of attack that was being aimed at Sarah Huckabee Sanders when she was asked that question in June. And that’s what made her response so perfect.

“I point to God. I point to my faith,” said Sanders, whose father, after all, is a Baptist minister in addition to being a politician. “And that’s where I always tell my kids to look.”

I thank God that we have someone like Sarah Huckabee Sanders fighting for us on the font lines.

H/T Informed Folks

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As KJU Stomps His Feet, Trump Sends in Invasion Force


As KJU Stomps His Feet, Trump Sends in Invasion Force

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Kim Jong Un is continuing to shout harsh words and make threats against the United States, but he’s beginning to look a bit like a crazy man shaking his fist at an approaching thunderstorm.

As the North Korean dictator’s tantrums seem more desperate each day, President Trump has doubled down on the U.S. military’s presence in Asia.

This week, the USS Theodore Roosevelt began steaming from its home port of San Diego toward the Korean Peninsula… and it’s carrying about 7,500 battle-ready U.S. Marines.

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According to The Daily Star, the mission of the Roosevelt is to back up American forces and their allies near North Korea.

“The US Navy carrier strike group is the most versatile, capable force at sea,” explained Admiral Steve Koehler.

“After nearly a year of training and integration exercises, the entire team is ready as a warfighting force and ready to carry out the nation’s tasking,” he continued.

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It’s possible that “the nation’s tasking” could include the “storm” that Trump mentioned during a new event last week. What exactly the president meant by that has been the subject of much speculation, but there’s no doubt that nearly 8,000 Marines would bring plenty of fury with them if they were deployed.

The USS Theodore Roosevelt won’t be alone in the Korean region. The equally formidable aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan is already conducting operations near Japan and Korea.

Two nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in the same area is a dramatic show of power, and those two mighty ships could form the basis of a military operation against the Kim regime if the time for talk finally passes.

The world cannot afford nuclear missiles in the hands of a madman like Kim Jong Un. If he continues down his current path, he will have to answer to one force: The United States military.

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H/T Zero Hedge

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Janet Jackson Breaks Silence… What Marriage to a Muslim Was Really Like

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Famous singer Janet Jackson has just revealed something that many people have known for a while: Being married to an extremely traditionalist Muslim is all about one thing…. Submission.

The one-time member of “The Jacksons” and sister of record-breaking musician Michael Jackson recently opened up to her family and admitted exactly what her five-year marriage to business magnate Wissam Al Mana was like.

“Her life was sheltered,” one Jackson family member told Us Magazine. Janet’s brother Randy also elaborated that the famous female singer was verbally abused by her Qatari husband.

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“Janet felt like a prisoner,” Randy Jackson told the celebrity magazine.

The billionaire Wissam Al Mana reportedly preyed on Janet’s vulnerabilities after the death of her incredibly famous brother. At first, the singer was enamored by the lifestyle of nearly unlimited money in the Middle East… but that fairy tale quickly became a nightmare.

(Here’s another story we think you’ll enjoy. Watch President Donald Trump tell the truth about the Islamic Republic of Iran in the video below!)

Al Mana soon began to insist that Janet Jackson act like a traditional Muslim wife. “She started to wear burkas — full-length, loose-fitting outer garments — and to steer clear of her former confidants,” revealed Us Magazine.

As Jihad Watch recently pointed out, subjugating a wife and stripping her of her identity is hardly a new tactic for hard-line Muslim husbands. In fact, both the Quran and modern Islamic clerics teach that extreme subjugation of wives is an integral part of the Muslim faith.

“Men have authority over women because Allah has made the one superior to the other,” states chapter 4, verse 34 of the Quran. “As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them.”

How charming.

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A prominent cleric recently lectured his Muslim followers that a husband owns a woman, and that men should treat their wives “as prisoners in your hands or in your house,” according to MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute.

Is it any wonder that Jackson “felt like a prisoner” when some traditionalist clerics and Islamic scripture itself instruct husbands to literally treat their wives as captives?

Luckily for Janet Jackson, she realized what a bad situation she was in and was able to separate herself from her husband. However, countless other women do not have Jackson’s resources and are trapped in nightmares of their own.

It is incredibly bizarre that the left, which claims to be the great champion and defender of women, refuses to stand up to modern Islam on its appalling record on women’s rights. 

To be clear, not every Muslim treats women in the same abusive way, but there is no denying that backward and disturbing attitudes about females are woven into Islamic teaching.

The Western world needs to speak out about the extremist parts of Islam… or more women will find themselves “prisoners” in situations just like Janet Jackson’s.

H/T PJ Media

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Howard Dean says Clinton Foundation can help Puerto Rico better than Trump — hilarity ensues

Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean alleged on social media this week that the Clinton Foundation should take over relief efforts of Puerto Rico from President Donald Trump — and social media erupted with laughter.

What did he say?

On Thursday, Dean wrote on Twitter:

Dean was responding to a tweet from Trump, who earlier said that “we cannot keep FEMA, the Military & the First Responders, who have been amazing (under the most difficult circumstances) in P.R. forever!”

What is the Clinton Foundation’s history of relief effort?

After a powerful earthquake struck Haiti in 2010, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her foundation, the Clinton Foundation, help lead U.S. relief efforts in the impoverished nation. The foundation raised millions to build schools and even a hospital. However, many of the plans took years to unfold while others still haven’t come to fruition, nearly eight years after the quake. The Clinton Foundation has been a huge target of criticism over their Haiti relief efforts since.

That’s why Dean’s statement garnered more than 8,000 responses, most of which mocked him for his idea.

What did people say?

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