Lil’ Kim Will Be Furious When He Sees Which Submarine Trump Just Sent to Korea

Real World

Lil’ Kim Will Be Furious When He Sees Which Submarine Trump Just Sent to Korea

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Kim Jong Un is not going to pleased when he sees the “surprise” the U.S. Navy just sent to the waters off North Korea.

Of course, the most chilling fact is that he probably won’t actually see it at all: The special delivery is a nuclear-powered guided-missile submarine, and it’s designed to strike while hidden beneath the waves.

According to The Daily Caller, the USS Michigan arrived in South Korean waters Friday. The official Pentagon line is that the Ohio-class vessel is there for routine training, but there’s little doubt that placing the sub close to the North Korean border was a strategic move.

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The USS Michigan isn’t alone, either. The president has ordered powerful B-1B Lancer bombers to conduct exercises in the area as well, while the flagship aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and its complement of nearly 100 aircraft is also in the vicinity.

A submarine like the USS Michigan may not be bristling with as many crew members and weapons as a massive aircraft carrier, but the stealthy vessel has a few tricks of its own.

“The 560-foot-long, 18,000-ton USS Michigan is armed with 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles, each with a range of around 900 miles and a 1,000-pound high-explosive warhead,” the Daily Caller.

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“The submarine, which served as a sea-based nuclear deterrent against the Soviet Union during the Cold War, rivals full-sized aircraft carriers in terms of destructive power,” the news source continued.

Kim Jong Un is no doubt furious about the recent show of force near his rogue country, but his own actions have precipitated the exercises.

“Little Kim” or “Rocket Man,” as President Trump has hilariously dubbed the bloviating dictator, has repeatedly conducted nuclear missile tests while openly threatening a long list of targets. South Korea, Japan, Guam, and the mainland United States itself have all been subjects of Kim’s threats.

Trump may be right: Diplomacy got the Korea Peninsula into the current nuclear-armed mess, and it seems unlikely that more talk and empty treaties will solve anything. If Kim Jong Un continues on his current path, swift and firm military action by the United States will be the inevitable outcome.

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As Libs Attack Huckabee Sanders’ Faith, Her Response Has Christians Cheering

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The Washington Post has a long, well-established record of attacking conservatives for darn well anything it pleases.

In a recent story by the publication, published Oct. 11, writer Michelle Boorstein attempted to show the American public what White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is like beyond the press briefings.

It’s every bit as condescending and ridiculous as you’d expect from a Washington Post writer pretending to be open-minded about other people’s beliefs.

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The story made a point of talking about Sanders’ faith, however — a subject liberals love nothing more than to harp on — and when Boorstein commented on that, Sanders positively shone.

Boorstein, who first attempted to color the image of Sanders by referencing a snide “Saturday Night Live” portrayal, couldn’t help making Sanders look good.

(Check out how Sanders handled a different question about the media in this video clip from “The View.”)

When Sanders was asked, back in June, whether President Donald Trump was the kind of man she use as an example to her kids, she said the following:

“As a person of faith, I think we all have one perfect role model. And when I’m asked that question, I point to God. I point to my faith. And that’s where I always tell my kids to look.”

Boorstein almost could have had a sweet moment in showing what Sanders is really like. Instead, she fouled it up badly with an attack on God, evangelicals, and Trump simultaneously.

“Although some say the Trump-evangelical alliance harms Christianity,” she wrote, “it’s common to hear other conservative Christians say that Trump’s unexpected win — down to the Electoral College — shows that God had a more-deliberate-than-usual hand, and has put Trump there for some reason.”

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The mocking tone makes high school students sound mature: “God had a more-deliberate-than-usual-hand”? Somehow the sarcasm was missing in the Post when media outlets from Newsweek to Rolling Stone were putting Barack Obama on their covers with halos signifying a divinity among men.

Now, let’s be clear what the Washington Post is implying by saying that some claim that Christianity is harmed by evangelicals’ voting for and supporting Donald Trump. It cannot be overlooked, because it was phrased in a very specific manner.

They’re saying that some folks believe that the idea of Christ dying the cross for all mankind’s sins is harmed because evangelicals don’t support the same political agenda they do.

That’s absurd on its face, but it’s the level of attack evangelicals come under by the left. And it was exactly that kind of attack that was being aimed at Sarah Huckabee Sanders when she was asked that question in June. And that’s what made her response so perfect.

“I point to God. I point to my faith,” said Sanders, whose father, after all, is a Baptist minister in addition to being a politician. “And that’s where I always tell my kids to look.”

I thank God that we have someone like Sarah Huckabee Sanders fighting for us on the font lines.

H/T Informed Folks

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As KJU Stomps His Feet, Trump Sends in Invasion Force


As KJU Stomps His Feet, Trump Sends in Invasion Force

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Kim Jong Un is continuing to shout harsh words and make threats against the United States, but he’s beginning to look a bit like a crazy man shaking his fist at an approaching thunderstorm.

As the North Korean dictator’s tantrums seem more desperate each day, President Trump has doubled down on the U.S. military’s presence in Asia.

This week, the USS Theodore Roosevelt began steaming from its home port of San Diego toward the Korean Peninsula… and it’s carrying about 7,500 battle-ready U.S. Marines.

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According to The Daily Star, the mission of the Roosevelt is to back up American forces and their allies near North Korea.

“The US Navy carrier strike group is the most versatile, capable force at sea,” explained Admiral Steve Koehler.

“After nearly a year of training and integration exercises, the entire team is ready as a warfighting force and ready to carry out the nation’s tasking,” he continued.

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It’s possible that “the nation’s tasking” could include the “storm” that Trump mentioned during a new event last week. What exactly the president meant by that has been the subject of much speculation, but there’s no doubt that nearly 8,000 Marines would bring plenty of fury with them if they were deployed.

The USS Theodore Roosevelt won’t be alone in the Korean region. The equally formidable aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan is already conducting operations near Japan and Korea.

Two nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in the same area is a dramatic show of power, and those two mighty ships could form the basis of a military operation against the Kim regime if the time for talk finally passes.

The world cannot afford nuclear missiles in the hands of a madman like Kim Jong Un. If he continues down his current path, he will have to answer to one force: The United States military.

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H/T Zero Hedge

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Janet Jackson Breaks Silence… What Marriage to a Muslim Was Really Like

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Famous singer Janet Jackson has just revealed something that many people have known for a while: Being married to an extremely traditionalist Muslim is all about one thing…. Submission.

The one-time member of “The Jacksons” and sister of record-breaking musician Michael Jackson recently opened up to her family and admitted exactly what her five-year marriage to business magnate Wissam Al Mana was like.

“Her life was sheltered,” one Jackson family member told Us Magazine. Janet’s brother Randy also elaborated that the famous female singer was verbally abused by her Qatari husband.

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“Janet felt like a prisoner,” Randy Jackson told the celebrity magazine.

The billionaire Wissam Al Mana reportedly preyed on Janet’s vulnerabilities after the death of her incredibly famous brother. At first, the singer was enamored by the lifestyle of nearly unlimited money in the Middle East… but that fairy tale quickly became a nightmare.

(Here’s another story we think you’ll enjoy. Watch President Donald Trump tell the truth about the Islamic Republic of Iran in the video below!)

Al Mana soon began to insist that Janet Jackson act like a traditional Muslim wife. “She started to wear burkas — full-length, loose-fitting outer garments — and to steer clear of her former confidants,” revealed Us Magazine.

As Jihad Watch recently pointed out, subjugating a wife and stripping her of her identity is hardly a new tactic for hard-line Muslim husbands. In fact, both the Quran and modern Islamic clerics teach that extreme subjugation of wives is an integral part of the Muslim faith.

“Men have authority over women because Allah has made the one superior to the other,” states chapter 4, verse 34 of the Quran. “As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them.”

How charming.

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A prominent cleric recently lectured his Muslim followers that a husband owns a woman, and that men should treat their wives “as prisoners in your hands or in your house,” according to MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute.

Is it any wonder that Jackson “felt like a prisoner” when some traditionalist clerics and Islamic scripture itself instruct husbands to literally treat their wives as captives?

Luckily for Janet Jackson, she realized what a bad situation she was in and was able to separate herself from her husband. However, countless other women do not have Jackson’s resources and are trapped in nightmares of their own.

It is incredibly bizarre that the left, which claims to be the great champion and defender of women, refuses to stand up to modern Islam on its appalling record on women’s rights. 

To be clear, not every Muslim treats women in the same abusive way, but there is no denying that backward and disturbing attitudes about females are woven into Islamic teaching.

The Western world needs to speak out about the extremist parts of Islam… or more women will find themselves “prisoners” in situations just like Janet Jackson’s.

H/T PJ Media

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Howard Dean says Clinton Foundation can help Puerto Rico better than Trump — hilarity ensues

Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean alleged on social media this week that the Clinton Foundation should take over relief efforts of Puerto Rico from President Donald Trump — and social media erupted with laughter.

What did he say?

On Thursday, Dean wrote on Twitter:

Dean was responding to a tweet from Trump, who earlier said that “we cannot keep FEMA, the Military & the First Responders, who have been amazing (under the most difficult circumstances) in P.R. forever!”

What is the Clinton Foundation’s history of relief effort?

After a powerful earthquake struck Haiti in 2010, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her foundation, the Clinton Foundation, help lead U.S. relief efforts in the impoverished nation. The foundation raised millions to build schools and even a hospital. However, many of the plans took years to unfold while others still haven’t come to fruition, nearly eight years after the quake. The Clinton Foundation has been a huge target of criticism over their Haiti relief efforts since.

That’s why Dean’s statement garnered more than 8,000 responses, most of which mocked him for his idea.

What did people say?

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VIDEO: Comedian George Lopez Booed off Stage After Trump Jokes Flop at Gala

Hah-Hah! Comedian George Lopez Booed off Stage After Trump Jokes Flop at Gala

Akin to many of his pears in Hollywood, comedian George Lopez suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome, “A mental dysfunction causing those detractors with hateful thoughts and feelings about Donald Trump to go unhinged.” Lopez’s illness didn’t let up recently, as the comedian was booed off stay and escorted out of a gala after his jokes about President Trump fell flat. 

“big controversy: host of HUGE charity @georgelopez , makes political comments about Trump, drops f-bomb and is escorted out,” tweeted host Chris Parente.

New York Post reports:

An attendee at the event — where tables sold from $5,000 to $100,000 to benefit the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes — commented on a YouTube video that “George was asked nicely to stop making Trump jokes by a man in front row [Maffei] who just donated $250K.” But “George doesn’t, continues. Gets booed.”

We’re told that Lopez responded to Maffei, “Thank you for changing my opinion on old white men, but it doesn’t change the way I feel about orange men.”

Trying to recover and sensing the audience turn, Lopez said, “Listen, it’s about the kids . . . I apologize for bringing politics to an event. This is America — it still is. So I apologize to your white privilege.”

We’re told Lopez also told a joke about Trump’s proposed border wall with Mexico, saying, “I guess you can get some Mexicans to do it cheaper and they wouldn’t crush the tunnels ­underneath.”

When the audience did not respond well, he quipped, “Are you El Chapo people?” in reference to the drug kingpin who has used tunnels to evade authorities.

After bombing his set, Lopez was escorted from the Carousel Ball.


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FBI Finds Documents on Bill Clinton’s Tarmac Tango With Loretta Lynch

One of the enduring mysteries of the 2016 presidential race is what exactly transpired when Attorney General Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton on an airplane in Phoenix.

Considering that the FBI investigation into Democrat Hillary Clinton’s secret email server was ongoing, Lynch’s claims that the rendezvous was coincidental and innocent don’t pass the smell test.

Even more malodorous is that the meeting came shortly before the FBI cleared Mrs. Clinton of any criminality in the matter. The FBI had claimed that there was no documentation of the meeting nor was note taker James Comey compelled to jot down a transcript of any sessions with Lynch.

Now it appears that the FBI may not have been honest and 30 pages of documents on the Bubba-Lynch meeting have suddenly appeared after conservative watchdog Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit.

Via The Washington Examiner Watchdog: FBI has located 30 pages of documents related to Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting”:

Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, announced that the FBI has found 30 pages of documents concerning the 2016 tarmac meeting between former President Bill Clinton and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

“The FBI is out of control. It is stunning that the FBI ‘found’ these Clinton-Lynch tarmac records only after we caught the agency hiding them in another lawsuit,” Judicial Watch Tom Fitton said in a statement. “Judicial Watch will continue to press for answers about the FBI’s document games in court. In the meantime, the FBI should stop the stonewall and release these new records immediately.”

The watchdog group expects to receive the newly revealed documents by the end of November.

Lynch met Bill Clinton on a private plane at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix, Ariz., on June 26, 2016, while the FBI investigation concerning Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server was still underway, raising concerns about Lynch’s independence.

In July 2016, Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act request regarding “all records of communications between any agent, employee, or representative,” concerning Clinton’s use of a personal email server and Bill Clinton’s meeting with Lynch.

The Justice Department failed to comply and led to the FOIA lawsuit that Judicial Watch says paved the way to it expecting a new tranche of documents.

The FBI did not originally uncover documents concerning the tarmac meeting, according to Fox News. However, the Justice Department did find email correspondence related to the meeting in a related case in 2017.

In response, the FBI sent a letter dated August 10, 2017 that said, “Upon further review, we subsequently determined potentially responsive documents may exist. As a result, your [FOIA] request has been reopened…” and added they are investigating any “responsive material.”

“We presume they are new documents. We won’t know what’s in them until we see them, unfortunately,” Fitton told Fox News in an email Friday. “The fact they just ‘found’ them is yet another scandal.”

The contents of the documents are unknown and will not be provided to Judicial Watch until later this year.

How much do you want to bet that 29 of the 30 pages will be heavily redacted?


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Report: Twitter deleted data potentially critical to Russia investigation

Former cybersecurity officials told Politico on Friday that Twitter reportedly deleted data critical to the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election cycle.

What did the officials say?

Speaking under the cover of anonymity, the officials told the website that they obtained evidence supporting the theory that Russia was involved in influencing the U.S. election.

The officials added that Twitter may have been one of Russia’s biggest tools with regard to the investigation.

How do officials think Twitter was used?

According to the report, unidentified users and bots were responsible for creating ad campaigns, using bogus hashtags, and pushing false news stories in order to sway the opinions of American voters.

What do the officials believe happened to the data?

The officials in question believe that, because pertinent data is no longer available, it was deleted by both users and Twitter.

One guideline in Twitter’s privacy policy stipulates that once a user deletes data — to include tweets, likes, and even accounts — they are required to remove it from their systems as well.

Why was this information so important?

Officials said that in being able to analyze the data provided by Twitter, it would open the door to possibilities that a “pattern of life behavior” could be established and may reveal cues as to how  Russia may have played a part in pushing “the narrative in a certain direction.”

Former FBI agent Clint Watts told Politico that this information is especially troubling because “the truth is they don’t know who is on their platform, or how bad people are doing bad things.”

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Florida Homeowner Sends Thieving Thug to the Big Baggy Pants Boutique in the Sky

The budding criminal career of a Florida man ended prematurely this week after a man received notification from his home alarm security company that there was a burglary in progress at his Jacksonville area home.

24-year-old Xavier Houston got the surprise of his young life when the armed owner showed up and blew him right out of his baggy pants, sparing Florida taxpayers from the cost of feeding and housing him as well as saved untold future victims of this criminal super predator.

Ironically, Mr. Houston’s mother was a police officer and despite her law enforcement career, couldn’t prevent the dearly departed gangsta from straying from the straight and narrow path.

Via News 4 Jacksonville “Sources: Mother of intruder shot, killed is Jacksonville police officer”:

Man police say broke into home had long criminal history, records show

A man shot Wednesday morning after police say he broke into a home on Jacksonville’s Westside is the son of a female Jacksonville police officer, News4Jax has learned.

Xavier Houston, 24, was shot and killed at a home on Park Street after he and another man broke into the home and the resident, who was alerted by the alarm company, returned to the house and confronted them, according to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office.

Police said that for now, they are treating the shooting as a justifiable homicide.

News4Jax found a lengthy criminal history for Houston, including arrests for burglary, aggravated battery, stalking, cyber-stalking and four arrests for domestic battery.

A friend of Houston said he was trying to turn his life around.

“That ain’t his M.O. That’s just someone he was with,” said the friend, who asked not to be identified. “That’s just the law of the land I guess, being around people that over-influence you to do something you don’t want to do.”

JSO Sgt. Steve Rudlaff said police and the resident were called about 11:42 a.m. Wednesday by the alarm company about a break-in at the home, which is between Lake Shore Boulevard and Lane Avenue.

The resident made it to the house before police arrived, went inside and confronted two men, shooting one of them, Rudlaff said.

he man who was shot, later identified as Houston, died inside a silver four-door car in the home’s carport. It’s unclear if Houston was shot inside the home and made it to the car before he died, or if he was shot in the car, police said.

The second intruder ran from the home, and officers and the JSO helicopter were called in to search for him, but he has not been found yet, police said. He is described as a black man in his 20s, wearing a blue hoodie, dark clothing and gloves.

It was the latest in a rash of home invasions in the Jacksonville area – perhaps some undertaken by the deceased Houston and his buddies – which shows that criminals are becoming increasingly aggressive and emboldened.

Sometimes you just pick the wrong house to rob and this is what happened here. Sucks for the hoodlum but a big positive for society.


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