BREAKING: United States Tresury Dept Declares Iranian Revolutionary Guard A Terror Organization…

Via Washington Examiner: The Trump administration on Friday designated Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization, a move that President Trump followed up with by calling for tougher sanctions against the organization. “I am authorizing the Treasury Department to further sanction the entire Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps for its support for terrorism and […]

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Louisiana Sheriff’s Office Boycotts Ford Motors for Its Support of NFL Anthem Protests

Louisiana Sheriff’s Office Boycotts Ford Motors for Its Support of NFL Anthem Protests

13 Oct, 2017
13 Oct, 2017

A Louisiana sheriff’s department is hitting the Ford Motor Company in the wallet and refusing to buy new Ford police cruisers because the carmaker announced its support of the NFL’s national anthem protests.

This season, as the national anthem protests spread across the entire league instead of remaining with a small handful of players like it did last year, Ford put out a statement in support of the protests.

“We respect individuals’ rights to express their views, even if they are not ones we share. That’s part of what makes America great,” Ford said in a September 25 statement.

But in a new letter to Hixson Ford of Alexandria, Louisiana, Sheriff Julian Whittington of the Bossier Parish Sheriff’s Office said his department will no longer purchase Ford cars for his fleet of police cruisers and other service vehicles. Whittington said the decision was a direct result of the carmaker’s support of the anti-American protests, Automotive News reported.

“Ford has been a part of American history, and has stood for American values,” Sheriff Whittington wrote. “However, the recent events surrounding the NFL, its players and their audacity to thumb their collective noses at the American Flag, the American military as well as their obvious disdain for the profession of law enforcement in general; forces me to take a stand.”

The department also posted a Facebook message to alert members of the community about their stance saying, “Bossier Sheriff Refuses to Support Those Who Show Disrespect.”

In the Facebook post, Sheriff Whittington called on other law enforcement agencies to take a stand against Ford and “the disrespectful National Football League.”

“The recent events surrounding the NFL, its players and their audacity to thumb their collective noses at the American flag, the American military as well as the obvious disdain for the profession of law enforcement in general forces me to take a stand.”

“NFL players have the right to protest as they deem necessary, but we, the Bossier Sheriff’s Office and the taxpayers of Bossier Parish have a right to spend our money elsewhere.”

The Bossier Parish Sheriff’s Office has reportedly spent quite a lot on Ford vehicles in the recent past. According to the Shreveport Times, the department spent just over $747,000 on Ford vehicles last year.

After its announcement, the sheriff’s office reported that the owner of Hixson Ford said he would take the sheriff’s letter to Ford’s headquarters in Detroit to let the company know of the discontent over its support of the NFL.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston

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Breaking: FBI Bombshell on Lynch-Clinton Tarmac… Massive Evidence

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Funny how paperwork that got “lost” in the Obama years keeps popping up in the Trump administration, even if it takes a lawsuit to do it.

In the latest twist involving leftover investigations from the Obama administration, the conservative activist group Judicial Watch announced Friday that the FBI had located 30 pages of “documents” on its investigation of one of the most notorious aspects of the Hillary Clinton email investigation:

The clandestine meeting between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch aboard Lynch’s government plane on June 27, 2016, at an Arizona airport.

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The FBI’s disclosure came in response to lawsuit Judicial Watch filed over the FBI’s failure to comply with a Freedom of Information Act request from Judicial Watch submitted in July of last year. That was only days after then FBI Director James Comey announced he was not recommending criminal prosecution of Hillary Clinton for using a private email server during her time as secretary of state.

But even under a new president, the FBI has been less than cooperative when it comes to disclosing key parts of its controversial investigation into the Clinton affair. The new documents won’t be disclosed until Nov. 30, according to Judicial Watch.

It wasn’t just the FBI that wanted to downplay the Clinton-Lynch tryst. The Clinton corner of the mainstream media did its best to whitewash the whole affair too. Check out current White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders laying into the media on a recent episode of “The View.”

So why, even under a new adminsitration, is the FBI still holding tight to information about its Clinton investigation? Draining a swamp takes time, especially when the swamp critters keep resisting.

Comey may no longer be with the bureau, but key personnel who participated in the attempted whitewash are no doubt still drawing their fat government salaries and waiting out the time until they can retire with fat government pensions. Slow-walking information disclosure is apparently a habit that dies hard.

In a statement Friday, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, one of the most relentless of critics during the Obama administration, showed he hadn’t lost any fire just because there’s a new commander in chief in the White House.

“The FBI is out of control. It is stunning that the FBI ‘found’ these Clinton-Lynch tarmac records only after we caught the agency hiding them in another lawsuit,” Fitton said.

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“Judicial Watch will continue to press for answers about the FBI’s document games in court. In the meantime, the FBI should stop the stonewall and release these new records immediately.”

While it’s unclear what is actually in the documents, they’re almost certain to shed more light on the Clinton-Lynch meeting, which would have passed in secret if a local television journalist had not been tipped off by a “trusted source.”

Even more importantly, KNXV-TV’s Christopher Sign refused to be intimidated by FBI agents guarding Lynch’s plane.

Obviously, the FBI wanted this supposedly coincidental meeting under wraps. No wonder the bureau couldn’t find the information Judicial Watch was looking for when there was still the likelihood that Hillary Clinton would be president come January 2017.

But Donald Trump is in the White House now and the walls of protection that surrounded the Clintons and their cronies in the Obama administration are going to come down.

Lynch famously claimed after the meeting was public that the two had discussed everyday items like golf and grandchildren.

But few Americans – and certainly no conservative – believed that.

When the full FBI documents are fully released, maybe we’ll all know the truth.

Like and share on Facebook and Twitter if you think it’s time to end the coverup over the Bill Clinton-Loretta Lynch meeting.

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Breaking: Trump Pulls Plug on Iran Deal… Obama Legacy Goes up in Flames

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One of Barack Obama’s biggest claims to diplomatic success during his eight years in office was just overturned by President Donald Trump.

On Friday, the Trump administration announced that it is decertifying the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, which was promoted by then-Secretary of State John Kerry but heavily criticized by conservatives.

According to Fox News, the president’s announcement does not immediately pull the United States out of the deal, but the decertification is one step closer to walking away from what Trump called “one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United States has ever entered into.”

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“I am announcing today that we cannot and will not make this certification,” Trump announced in Washington. “We will not continue down a path whose predictable conclusion is more violence, more terror, and the very real threat of Iran’s nuclear breakthrough.”

In simple terms, decertifying the deal means that the United States does not officially believe that Iran is upholding its end of the bargain.

(This isn’t the first time President Trump has stood up to Iran. Watch the video below of Trump utterly roasting Iran’s leaders before the UN in September.)

“Under a law passed in 2015 to give Congress oversight of the nuclear deal, the president must tell Congress every 90 days if Iran is complying. If the president doesn’t, that triggers a 60-day process for lawmakers to weigh whether to reimpose sanctions under expedited consideration,” The Wall Street Journal explained.

The president’s announcement means that it’s now up to the Republican-controlled Congress to decide what happens next. Lawmakers can try to make adjustments to the U.S.-Iran agreement negotiated during Obama’s time in office, but there is a good chance the arrangement would end completely.

“In the event we are not able to reach a solution working with Congress and our allies, the agreement will be terminated,” Trump explained. “It is under continuous review and our participation can be canceled by me as president at any time.”

During the same announcement, Trump revealed that he would be using financial sanctions to pressure Iran’s Revolutionary Guard — a group that he called a “terror force.”

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“Execution of our strategy begins with a long overdue step of imposing tough sanctions on Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps,” Trump said. “The revolutionary guard is the Iranian supreme leader’s corrupt personal terror force and militia.

The Obama-era deal with Iran lifted many sanctions against the Islamic country, provided that the Persian nation reeled in its nuclear ambitions. Iran’s leaders have insisted that they’re only interested in nuclear technology for energy production, while more realistic observers believe it is eager to obtain nuclear weapons.

Critics have compared the Iran deal to a previous U.S.-North Korea agreement that was signed by President Clinton during the 1990s. That earlier deal most likely paved the way to Kim Jong Un’s current stockpile of nuclear weapons, and the dramatic problems now taking place on the Korean Peninsula.

The current situation in Asia proves that taking radical regimes at their word is a losing proposition. The current nightmare of a nuclear-armed North Korea could have been prevented if the United States had acted sooner… and now President Trump has a chance to learn from that Democrat mistake and do things properly in Iran.

We do not need Iran threatening its neighbors, Israel, and the world with nuclear weapons. Under the naive agreement laid out by Kerry and signed by Obama, that scenario could have been just around the corner.

Instead, it’s time to act like a global leader and stand up to regimes like Iran. President Trump made the right call… and the American people are more secure as a result.

Please press “Share on Facebook” if you think handing Iran the keys to a nuclear program was the wrong path!

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Just In: What Was in LV Shooter’s Brain Is Dem’s Worst Nightmare

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An autopsy on Las Vegas killer Stephen Paddock has revealed no physical abnormalities with his brain, according to the U.K. Daily Mail, discounting the possibility of a tumor or other physiological aberrance as a motivating factor behind his attack.

The findings were announced on Tuesday, along with other discoveries that seemed to discount earlier reports concerning Paddock’s mental state.

According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo told a news conference that contrary to previous accounts, Paddock’s girlfriend Marilou Danley had no concerns about his mental health.

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Lombardo also said that investigators had scoured Paddock’s family tree and his ex-wives for evidence on his mental state. While Lombardo said it gave investigators insight into his upbringing, it got them no closer to a motive or evidence of mental illness. Likewise, in spite of Paddock’s heavy gambling, he had no heavy debts.

“We may never know” what caused Paddock to do it, Lombardo said. “All those things that you would expect to find, we have not found.”

So with no documentation of previous mental illness, no physical neurological problems to pin Paddock’s evil action on, and no proven external motivation so far (such as a covert conversion to radical Islam), the most obvious conclusion that remains the one that liberals in the United States cannot permit themselves to admit:

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That the hedonistic lifestyle glorified by the liberal elites of Hollywood and the mainstream media is the likely biggest driving factor behind Paddock’s mass murder.

One clue in particular that seems to stick out as to the manner of the man is a report from a Vegas prostitute reportedly patronized by Paddock. In an interview with the U.K. Sun, she described heavy drinking and violent sex on Paddock’s part. She also showed a text message he allegedly wrote in which he seemed to identify with his father, a notorious bank robber who once escaped from prison.

“I didn’t have anything really to do with him but the bad streak is in my blood. I was born bad,” Paddock said in the message.

The left loves to downplay environment-based mental health conditions and moral turpitude as motivating factors behind mass shootings. The focus, instead, always goes to political motives (if they’re of the extreme right-wing variety) or the weapons used by the shooter (pretty much every case, regardless of politics).

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Yet, everything we’ve learned about Stephen Paddock so far indicates that it was a combination of factors — namely, poor upbringing and a lifestyle that reflected and exacerbated that. It’s clear from reports that he drank and gambled to profound excess and engaged in coital relations of the most sordid sort — with women paid exorbitant amounts of money to tolerate his depravity.

That’s not terribly indicative of a man with a strong — or any — moral anchor.

We are, of course, going on media reports, but these facts seem to be relatively well-established. Even if there was some genus or species of mental illness involved here, investigators don’t seem to believe at present that it was the sole motivating factor. So, what are we left with? A dissolute man who indulged in a sea of vice in a postmodern society where vice is no longer considered immoral.

That’s not a motive, mind you — merely a diagnosis of the culture that produced Stephen Paddock. But pointing it out, and noting its deleterious effect, is the left’s worst nightmare.

Let’s assume that, at the end of what will no doubt be a protracted investigation into the motives of this murderous degenerate, that we are still no closer to determining a motive. Let’s say we cannot definitively determine why, on one October night, Stephen Paddock took position inside the perch of an absurdly expensive hotel suite on the 32nd floor of a garish casino, aimed at tens of thousands of innocent concertgoers, began firing indiscriminately, and ended up snuffing out 58 innocent lives.

Will we then look at this man’s lifestyle? Will we look at the drinking, the gambling, the prostitutes, the glorification of an absent father who robbed banks at gunpoint, the seeming lack of any moral core? The predictable result of the society the left glorifies?

Or will we just look at the guns that he owned?

I hope it will be the former. I will admit to not holding very much hope.

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Poll: Voters Support Gun Rights Over Gun Control After Vegas Attack

Poll: Voters Support Gun Rights Over Gun Control After Vegas Attack

11 Oct, 2017
11 Oct, 2017

A poll released October 11 shows that voters remain more supportive of gun rights versus gun control in the wake of the Las Vegas attack.

The poll, conducted by Politico/Morning Consult, found that 47 percent of voters supported gun rights versus 42 percent who supported gun control.

Politico reported the findings, which also showed that voters who supported Trump stand for gun rights over gun control by a margin of 48 percent to 46 percent.

This is not to say gun control is without its supporters, but Politico reports that support for “limiting gun ownership” is largely driven by Democrat voters. For example, 63 percent of Democrat voters support limiting gun ownership while only 25 percent believe protecting gun rights is more important. Republicans are just the the opposite with “70 percent [saying] it’s more important to protect gun rights, compared with 23 percent who say limiting gun ownership is more important.”

Support for gun control was also strongest among voters who do not have a gun their household. Twenty-seven percent of those without guns in their homes support gun rights over gun control while 66 percent of voters “with at least one gun in the household think it’s more important to protect gun rights.”

Despite these divides, Democrat support for gun control resulted in majority support for expanding background checks to private sales and banning gun purchases by persons on terror watch lists, even through the Vegas attacker passed background checks for his guns and was not on a terror watch list. Moreover, the poll found majority support for gun storage laws, a gun registry, and a three-day waiting waiting period for gun purchases. However, gun storage was not an issue in the Vegas attack and other attackers—like the Orlando Pulse attacker—actually passed a three-day waiting period for firearms. Empirical evidence proves that a firearm registry only leads to confiscation, just look at California for proof.

Other gun controls garnered support as well, proving once again the genius of our Founding Fathers in using the Second Amendment to shield gun rights from the tyranny of subjecting natural rights to a majority vote.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of Bullets with AWR Hawkins, a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at

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Facebook’s Sandberg Criticizes Twitter for Censoring Blackburn Ad

<p>Being interviewed by Axios Executive Editor Mike Allen at the Newseum in Washington D.C. Thursday morning, Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg criticized social media rival Twitter for censoring an ad from Tennessee Congresswoman Marsh Blackburn announcing her Senate campaign.<br />

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GOA’s Erich Pratt: Ten Reasons Why Gun Owners Should Oppose a Ban on Bump Stocks

GOA’s Erich Pratt: Ten Reasons Why Gun Owners Should Oppose a Ban on Bump Stocks

11 Oct, 2017
11 Oct, 2017

“You never want a serious crisis go to waste,” said Barack Obama’s former Chief of Staff, Rahm Emmanuel. And that has become the clarion call for the anti-gun Left, which is now trying to coerce gun rights supporters into accepting a ban on bump stocks in the wake of the horrific Las Vegas shooting.

But here are ten reasons why such a ban is dangerous and should be fiercely opposed by gun owners:

  1. The Second Amendment says the right of the people to keep and bear arms “shall not be infringed.” Our rights are not privileges from the government that can be revoked at will. Rather, they are “unalienable”—or irrevocable—and come from the Creator, as stated in our Declaration of Independence. To support an infringement here will weaken our ability to oppose the next infringement that comes down the pike.
  1. Speaking of greater infringements, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has already stated that “I certainly hope” a ban on bump stocks will lead to further gun restrictions. She actually has a point. Saying “yes” to one infringement will eventually lead to more.
  1. A ban on bump stocks will also prohibit other gun parts and magazines. Senator Dianne Feinstein’s bill (S. 1916) to ban bump stocks would ban any part or device in a firearm that “functions to accelerate the rate of fire of a semi-automatic rifle.” This language could affect competitive shooters who outfit their rifles with lighter trigger pulls, accelerated hammer drops and polished bolts. Can anyone doubt that these modifications help shooters “accelerate the rate of fire”? In GOA’s opinion, Feinstein’s bill also puts magazines at risk from anti-gun presidents, liberal judges, and progressive bureaucrats. After all, they could simply make the ridiculous argument that rather than putting one round into a rifle at a time, a magazine helps “accelerate the rate of fire” of a semi-auto. No doubt, Feinstein would prefer that we be limited to single-action, cowboy-style revolvers.
  1. The overwhelming majority of law enforcement officers disagree with efforts to limit a person’s rate of fire, arguing that it would not make America safer. According to a 2013 survey, 95% of cops said they do NOT think that a federal ban on large capacity magazines would reduce violent crime.
  1. A ban on any firearm part only serves to demonize firearms, when the real culprit is the Las Vegas loser who murdered 58 people. Focusing on a product misses the point entirely. Hammers, like the one this creep used to break out the windows of his hotel room, kill far more people every year than do rifles of all kinds (including AR-15s).
  1. If we go down the road of asking who needs a bump stock or an AR-15, then where will it end? Because who really needs a box truck, like the one used to murder 86 people in France? And does anyone truly need to fertilize their lawn when such a product can be used by a Timothy McVeigh to blow up a building and kill more than 160 people? And who actually needs a box cutter, like the ones that helped murder more than 3,000 people on 9-11?
  1. Regulating or banning bump stocks will not stop the next mass shooter. There are plenty of YouTube videos showing how one can use rubber bands or belt loops to help increase the rate of fire with a semi-automatic firearm. Will blue jeans be next on the chopping block?
  1. Draconian gun restrictions have also proved totally ineffective in other countries, like France. In just one year, 2015, more people were murdered in mass shootings in France than in all the U.S. mass shootings during the eight years of Obama’s presidency.
  1. Why would anyone in the gun rights community support a gun control proposal when we have been waiting for several years to get concealed carry reciprocity? Congress should pass H.R. 38 right now, as this bill would enable good people to stop most mass shooters—similar to the firefighter in South Carolina or the concealed carry holder in Arlington, Texas.
  1. The push to ban bump stocks is nothing more than an attempt by the anti-gun Left to put points on the board. They have been unable to get any traction during a Republican administration. Gun owners would be foolish to help them get an easy win.

Erich Pratt is the executive director Gun Owners of America and a guest columnist for “Down Range with AWR Hawkins.”

Read More Stories About:

2nd Amendment, Big Government, Bump Stock Ban, Erich Pratt, Gun Owners of America, Second Amendment, Vegas Attack


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President Trump Signs Executive Order That Will Allow Sale of Health Insurance Across State Lines

President Donald Trump signs an executive order on health insurance

President Donald Trump signs an executive order on health insurance / Getty Images


October 12, 2017 12:30 pm

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday that will allow Americans to purchase health insurance across state lines.

The order is intended to expand choices to current Obamacare plans and increase competition so that costs come down for consumers.

“The time has come to give Americans the freedom to purchase health insurance across state lines, which will create a truly competitive national marketplace that will bring costs way down and provide far better care,” President Trump said.

Under the order, the secretary of labor will consider allowing American employers to form groups across states, which will expand access to Association Health Plans.

This action is intended to make it easier for employers to come together and give workers more options at lower rates in a large group market.

The executive order instructs three agencies—the Department of Health and Human Services, Treasury, and Labor—to consider increasing health care coverage through short-term limited duration insurance, which is not subject to the Affordable Care Act’s rules and mandates. This type of insurance usually has high coverage limits and more providers.

The order also directs the same three agencies to make changes to Health Reimbursement Arrangements—employer-funded accounts—so workers would have more control and flexibility with spending on their health care needs.

According to Ed Haislmaier, a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, the executive order Trump signed today is just the beginning of the process, but it’s a move in the right direction for those who have been adversely affected by Obamacare.

“There won’t be any actual changes until they complete the regulatory revision process,” Haislmaier said. “An executive order by itself doesn’t change regulations.”

“Basically it’s a move in the right direction to help people who have seen their choices reduced and costs increased due to Obamacare, particularly many small businesses and many self-employed,” he said.

“There are limits to how much can be done by the administration on its own,” Haislmaier explained. “Selling insurance across state lines was only going to make a modest difference before Obamacare and, to the extent that Obamacare imposes federal essential health benefits, the effects would be even less today.”

“These are changes the administration is making in terms of interpreting the law, not actually changing law,” he said. “The administration is inherently limited in what it can accomplish working within laws that are on the books. There is still a need for Congress to go in and make changes to the law that are more substantive.”

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Nice Job Roger Goodell! NFL Alienates Core Supporters by 40 Points in Three Weeks

It’s common knowledge the left hates football and contact sports.
They have targeted football for years.

But now thanks to Roger Goodell their prayers are answered.

The NFL managed to pi$$ off their core audience by nearly 40 points in the last three weeks.

Nearly 60 percent of working class Trump supporters now view the NFL unfavorably.

The Week reported:

Just three weeks ago, about 60 percent of both Democrats and Republicans said they viewed the NFL favorably, a daily tracking poll from Morning Consult found. Then President Trump stepped in.

After the president told NFL owners to fire players who kneeled during the national anthem, more and more players did the opposite of what Trump wanted. Now, Trump voters have flipped their allegiances: More than 60 percent view the NFL unfavorably, up from around 30 percent in September. Meanwhile, analysis from The New York Times shows Hillary Clinton voters’ views remain relatively unchanged.

And Trump still hasn’t given up the debate:

Last night in Pennsylvania President Trump said Colin Kaepernick should have been suspended for his sitting protest last year.

The post Nice Job Roger Goodell! NFL Alienates Core Supporters by 40 Points in Three Weeks appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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