Twitter Tyranny: Actress Who Ripped Weinstein and Ben Affleck Has Account Suspended

One of the really hot issues that are generally being ignored by Americans who take free speech for granted is the growing power of the Silicon Valley corporations which are actively engaging in the censorship of those whose opinions are threatening to the wealthy and powerful.

Perhaps the worst is Twitter, the immensely popular micro-blogging platform that has served as President Trump’s primary channel of communications directly to the American people.

Nothing pisses the establishment off more than Trump’s ability to circumvent the consolidated media propaganda machine and there have been calls to have his Twitter account shut down so that the threat to the status quo can be silenced.

To this point, the President has not yet been banned from Twitter but the same isn’t the case for others who are expressing their right to free speech.

Like actress Rose McGowan. Ms. McGowan alleged that she had been one of the women who was sexually exploited by the piggish Democrat mega-donor Harvey Weinstein and received a $100,000 settlement as a result.

Now that Weinstein is no longer able to hide his perversion and a parade of victims are emerging, he has come under intense social media fire.

Like from McGowan who not only went off on Weinstein but also on Hollywood liberal darling Ben Affleck whose film-career has now expanded to putting on the cowl as the latest actor to play D.C. Comics character Batman.

McGowan ripped into Affleck over his hypocrisy about Weinstein as well as his own proclivity for groping young actresses and after an epic tirade, was banned from Twitter.

The Washington Examiner reports “Twitter suspends actress Rose McGowan’s account after Harvey Weinstein tweets”:

Twitter temporarily suspended the account of actress Rose McGowan, she said late Wednesday, after she accused actor Ben Affleck of lying as he denounced producer Harvey Weinstein’s misconduct toward women.

“TWITTER HAS SUSPENDED ME. THERE ARE POWERFUL FORCES AT WORK. BE MY VOICE #ROSEARMY #whywomendontreport,” McGowan said in an Instagram post Wednesday night.

Included in the post was a screenshot of a message from Twitter notifying her the account had been suspended for 12 hours. Twitter said the account “violated the Twitter Rules,” and said McGowan’s Twitter account would be restored to full functionality after the 12 hours is up and once she deletes the tweets in violation of the company’s rules.

McGowan’s Twitter was still visible, but the social media platform said she is limited only to sending direct messages. Under a temporary suspension, McGowan can’t tweet, retweet or like other content.

Since the New York Times reported three decades of sexual harassment and assault allegations made against Harvey Weinstein, McGowan has emerged as one of the most vocal actresses in Hollywood advocating for victims and denouncing Weinstein and those who worked closely with him.

The New York Times reported Weinstein reached a $100,000 settlement with McGowan in 1997 after there was an incident in a hotel room at the Sundance Film Festival.

It’s unclear which of McGowan’s tweets violated Twitter’s rules, but according to the Washington Post, the tweet that triggered suspension of her account was deleted.

In addition to denouncing Weinstein, McGowan has been especially critical of Affleck.

In one tweet from Oct. 10, she told Affleck to “fuck off,” and in another, she suggested the actor knew about Weinstein’s behavior.

“@benaffleck ‘GODDAMNIT! I TOLD HIM TO STOP DOING THAT’ you said that to my face. The press conf I was made to go to after assault. You lie,” McGowan said in another tweet.

This is a not positive sign because big tech companies hiding behind shifting policies and which are run by radical leftists should not have the power to shut down the speech of anyone.

Here is also a very clear double standard at play because, despite a near daily spewing of vulgarity, this guy has NEVER faced such a suspension.

The argument can be made that he is now largely irrelevant since his once shining career is in the toilet but if Twitter is going to act like Nazis with their policies, this clown should have also been banned.

Outrage continues to build over McGowan’s suspension and it’s to see how the corporate cowards will be able to hold out for much longer before eating crow and restoring her account.


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Sorry Hitler, The Left Is Now Comparing Trump To Stalin

For most of Donald Trump’s presidency, the left has been comparing him to Adolf Hitler, but considering their fascist tendencies it seemed hypocritical. Now they have moved on to comparing the president to Joseph Stalin, but they will suffer the same fate as the left also has communist traits. If they really want to get a comparison to stick, they should liken Trump to someone from the right, but the problem is all of history’s worst people are leftists.

Trump sent out yet another tweet that made the left loose their minds. Just to prove how stupid these people are, they still haven’t figured out that Trump does these things just to f*ck with them. They take the bait every time, reacting with predictable outrage. This time Trump wrote about the fake news consistently coming from NBC and other liberal news networks.

“Network news has become so partisan, distorted and fake that licenses must be challenged and, if appropriate, revoked. Not fair to public!” Trump tweeted.

This is not a serious tweet and anyone with half a brain can see that. Networks are not licensed by the FCC, individual broadcast stations are but not the actual networks. Trump is calling attention to the fact that liberal news networks are presenting false information as fact.

And speaking of people with less than half a brain, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough used Trump’s war of words with the liberal news media to compare him to Stalin Wednesday on Morning Joe.

Scarborough accused Trump of, “channeling Chairman Mao and Joseph Stalin, by calling media the ‘enemy of the people.’”

When something happens once, it’s an anomaly but when it happens twice in the same day, it’s a trend. An international affairs professor at The New School in NYC also compared Trump to Stalin. This is no ordinary leftist academic however, she is the granddaughter of former USSR leader Nikita Khrushchev.

“Here, President Trump defined ‘fake news’ the way Joseph Stalin defined ‘enemies of the people’: if they offer a slightest objection to his rule they must be wrong. And they must be silenced,” Nina Khrushcheva said to The Washington Examiner.

Stay with me on this one: NBC, CNN, The New York Times, and The Washington Post have all had to retract and correct inaccurate and unflattering stories about Trump and his administration. Again, this is a trend where the liberal news media is promoting false information to push their anti-Trump agenda. How does that serve the people? The truth serves the people, not partisan propaganda and outright lies. What Trump said about the fake news industry is accurate, unlike their reporting on him.

Also, Joseph Stalin murdered 20 million of his own people while Trump expects millionaires to stand during the National anthem. This is not a fair comparison, which is another example of how biased and full of shit the left really are.

I imagine at the Trump Resistance Forces HQ, there was high level meeting to discuss the newest methods for attacking the freely-elected President of the United States. They determined that the Hitler thing was going nowhere and settled on a Stalin comparison. Obviously the memo just went out, but it’s already a major talking point on the left. By week’s end, Hillary Clinton will send out a tweet saying how she “horrified and appalled” by Trump’s Stalin-esque attack on the media.

Also, does anyone remember Obama’s 8-year war against Fox News? Why wasn’t that like Stalin or an attack on the 1st Amendment?

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NBC executives sat on the Weinstein story despite multiple interviews, damning evidence

Allahpundit hit on much of this yesterday based on a CNN story and also Ronan Farrow’s interviews on the topic with Rachel Maddow and Jake Tapper. However, in those interviews, Farrow was a bit hesitant to go into the timeline of what he had and exactly when he had it, making it hard to judge just how badly NBC bungled this story. Last night the Huffington Post published a more detailed account of what Farrow had and how NBC responded. The story makes it clear NBC simply did not want this story on their network no matter what Farrow brought them:

By April, NBC News had two big scoops in its pocket: an on-record interview with [actress Rose] McGowan and the explosive audio of Weinstein admitting to sexual assault. But Farrow was told by multiple NBC News executives and producers that the reporting and interviews he had conducted weren’t sufficient for a televised story. According to four sources, Farrow and McHugh also prepared a lengthy text story to run on the NBC News website, but Farrow was told it wouldn’t run.

By July, Farrow was ready with a bombshell story about Weinstein that included on-camera interviews with accusers and interviews with four female and male former Miramax and Weinstein Co. executives.

Under legal pressure from Weinstein, Rose McGowan, who has signed a settlement with him in the 1990s, reluctantly decided NBC could not use her interview. But Farrow caught another big break in August. Another woman came forward who was willing to go on camera and accuse Weinstein of rape, albeit with her identity concealed. NBC tried to kill the interview before it happened:

In mid-August, Ronan Farrow, an NBC News contributor, had secured an interview with a woman who was willing to appear on camera, in silhouette, her identity concealed, and say Harvey Weinstein had raped her, according to four people with close knowledge of the reporting…

But at that moment Farrow was also caught in the pincers of an NBC News edict. He had been told by executives at NBC News that he didn’t have enough reporting to go on air with his Weinstein story, according to four sources, and he had been told by the network to stop reporting on it. NBC tried to put a stop to the interview with the woman accusing Weinstein of rape. The network insisted he not use an NBC News crew for the interview, and neither was he to mention his NBC News affiliation. And so that was how Ronan Farrow wound up paying out of his own pocket for a camera crew to film an interview.

It wasn’t until late August that NBC, having refused to run the story on air or online and ordered Farrow to drop it, that the network gave him permission to take it somewhere else.

The overall impression you get is that NBC, which was also hearing from Weinstein’s lawyers, delayed this and then tried to bury it despite having plenty of material that could have run as individual news stories. Just the NYPD tape of Weinstein was a solid stand-alone story, but NBC balked. At one point Farrow interviewed Ken Auletta, a media reporter who had tried to put together his own story on Weinstein. After reviewing what Farrow had put together he said on camera, “If NBC News sits on this evidence Ronan has, it is a black eye for the organization and a huge scandal.”

And that’s the bottom line. NBC News’ President has already proclaimed his network’s innocence saying, “we encouraged him to report that story.” To be fair, they do seem to have encouraged him at some point, but ultimately they wound up sitting on scoops, refusing to air or publish credible allegations, cutting off funds and demanding he stop investigating. Whatever credit they deserve for getting him going they used all of it up when they tried to shut him down.

And as HuffPost reporter Yasher Ali pointed out last week, even after the NY Times broke its story on Weinstein last Thursday, NBC was the one network that failed to cover it on its evening news broadcast:

Both CBS and ABC covered the story during their evening news broadcasts. But “NBC Nightly News” conspicuously did not give time to the story about a powerful media and political figure ― a story that had dominated social media throughout the day and was based on a New York Times report that clocked in at nearly 4,000 words.

The next day both CBS and ABC ran segments on their morning news programs while NBC devoted one minute to the story:

“Today” on NBC did cover the Weinstein story, but not in its own reported segment. NBC News anchor Craig Melvin, who was filling in for Matt Lauer, read a story that ran just under a minute and was dominated by Weinstein’s pushback against the accusations. It mentioned that unnamed sources said Weinstein had reached settlements with eight different women, but didn’t feature any of the specific accusations made in the Times article.

So to sum all of this up, NBC News sat on this story, refused to run it on air or online, told the reporter to stop working on it, cut off his funding and barely reported it even after it broke at another outlet. That certainly sounds like a black eye for the network.

The post NBC executives sat on the Weinstein story despite multiple interviews, damning evidence appeared first on Hot Air.

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NYT: Women Having to Pay for Own Contraception Means US Is Turning Into Saudi Arabia

Because of recent measures the White House has taken to expand protection of religious and moral rights, the print media has been on an outright crusade against Trump, with two newspapers accusing him of imposing a “religious theocracy” on American women.

The complaints came after the White House moved last week to expand exemptions afforded under the Obamacare birth control mandate, to now broadly include more types of companies, as well as provide for an employer’s “moral” objection to contraception, rather than just “religious” based objections. As to be expected, the media threw a fit, with columnists actually claiming that America was turning into Saudi Arabia.

After the Washington Post’s “conservative” columnist Jennifer Rubin opined Wednesday that the Republicans were “seeking to impose Christianity on the country,” and make religion “a tool of the state,” The New York Times’ Linda Greenhouse one-upped her by suggesting that the Trump White House was trying turn our country into a Middle Eastern theocracy.d

Greenhouse started her Wednesday online op-ed by bemoaning how the U.S. was turning into a country with less rights for women than Saudi Arabia…because they may have to pay for their own birth control:

Saudi women are gaining the right to drive. American women are losing the right to employer-provided birth control.

The first development signifies a theocratic kingdom’s bow to the inexorable onslaught of modernity. The second is a cynical bow to the forces of reaction against modernity.

It would be too far a stretch to see in Saudi Arabia even the glimmer of the emergence of civil society.

That was just the opening lines. Greenhouse’s Handsmaid’s Tale-esque screed goes on to declare the recent move of the Trump White House was “enabling a fanatical fringe” to “outsource a crucially important building block of national health care policy.”

It’s hard to overstate the radical nature of what has just happened,” she breathlessly gushed. Yes, she’s just talking about employer-provided birth control. But let’s not overreact or anything.

Greenhouse characterized the broadened exemptions as a dead-end for women. She worried, this “flat-out exemption” as she called it, holds “no requirement that women be offered any alternative route to coverage.” Again, ignoring the obvious, that the “alternative route” would be to just pay out-of-pocket for the inexpensive contraception yourself.

Greenhouse ends her article by blasting the right for not really caring about religious rights or moral objections at all; this was simply a ploy to control women. She claims, it’s all about “normalizing” the “disempowerment of women,” (because there’s nothing more “empowering” than requiring your employer to pay for your own contraception!):

I used to think — in fact, I wrote last year — that the resistance to the contraception mandate was fueled by cultural conservatives’ determination not to let federal policy normalize birth control. But now I think it’s deeper than that. Conservatives, even the publicly pious ones, don’t seem to have a problem with limiting the size of their families. (Vice President Mike Pence has two children, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions has three. Need I say more?) The problem they have is with what birth control signifies: empowering women — in school, on the job, in the home — to determine their life course. That’s what they don’t want to normalize. It comes as no surprise which side Donald Trump is on; his administration’s action last week makes perfect sense. Or none at all.

Conservatives on Twitter rightly noted that this article’s crude accusations grossly miss the mark. Access to birth control is not an issue in this country, nor is it something Republicans are fighting to block. It’s the government forcing employers to provide it to their employees through their health insurance plans, that has always been the issue.

These overwrought op-eds come on the heels of CNN doing some agonizing of their own, when they shared one woman’s ridiculous claim that she would have to leave the country to afford birth control, because of Trump.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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WATCH: Border Wall Prototypes Almost Complete

WATCH: Border Wall Prototypes Almost Complete

12 Oct, 2017
12 Oct, 2017

Border wall prototype construction enters its final days along the United States’ Southwest border in San Diego, CA.

President Donald Trump promised to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. Prototype construction began last month, with crews given 30 days to complete their models.

Watch these latest construction videos from U.S. Customs and Border Protection:

Taken October 8, 2017

Six companies were selected to build eight prototypes.

Taken October 7, 2017

Four models are made of concrete and four are made from other materials.

Taken October 6, 2017

Taken October 4, 2017

The construction site is located near the Otay Mesa Port of Entry.

Taken October 3, 2017

Once complete, the government will run a series of tests on each prototype, checking for anti-climbing, anti-breaching, and anti-digging capabilities, among other things.

Taken October 2, 2016

Amanda House is Breitbart News’ Deputy Political Editor. You can follow her on Twitter at @AmandaLeeHouse.

Read More Stories About:

Big Government, Border, Immigration, Border Wall, Border Wall Construction, construction, Donald Trump, immigration, wall


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MRC’s Brent Bozell Slams Gun-Grabbing Hollywood Hypocrites Who Glamorize Slaughter

RESTON, Va. — On Thursday, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell released the following statement reacting to a new MRC study finding that the top films in Hollywood relentlessly glamorize gun violence: 

“Hollywood’s hypocrisy about Harvey Weinstein is only outdone by its hypocrisy about gun control. You just knew the Hollywood celebrity crowd would jump all over that issue in the wake of the Las Vegas massacre.  Yet in just four of the biggest movies showing around the country at this very moment – Kingsman: Golden Circle, American Assassin, It, and Mother! – there are no less than 212 incidents of gun violence.  In just these four movies the body count is at least 192, and in over 100 gun violence incidents some kind of automatic weapon is employed. But they want gun control. These were four of the five most popular movies in America when mass murderer Stephen Paddock modified his firearm into an automatic weapon and mowed down 59 innocent people from the 32nd floor of a Las Vegas hotel.  Making tens of millions off movies that constantly depict gun violence, and then calling for gun control, is homicide hypocrisy.”

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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REPORT: Las Vegas Hotel Did Not Call 911 Until After Stephen Paddock Began Shooting

The Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino did not call police until after Stephen Paddock began firing on the Route 91 music festival from his 32nd floor room, a source close to the investigation told the Associated Press late Wednesday.

According to the AP report, despite being warned that Paddock was turning his suite into an arsenal, and despite panicked calls from neighboring rooms, the MGM hotel held off on contacting authorities until after Paddock’s massacre was underway.

Both the hotel and Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department have faced scrutiny over what some are calling a bungled response that left country music fans below vulnerable for longer than necessary. Mandalay Bay says the LVMPD took longer than expected to arrive on scene; LVMPD says the hotel waited too long to call 911, and jeopardized both hotel guests and concert-goers below.

If true, this new development does not look good for Mandalay Bay. If the hotel waited to call authorities until after Paddock began shooting, it means they may have ignored an injured security guard, Jesus Campos – who police say Paddock wounded through his suite door before he began his attack – and a maintenance man, Stephen Schuck, who reported gunshots on the 32nd floor to the front desk.

According to Las Vegas Police, Paddock wasn’t subtle in his attack on Mandalay employees. The gunman had cameras in outside his room, and fired on a security guard as he investigated complaints about noise from Paddock’s suite. LVPD says Paddock peppered the hallways with more than 200 bullets – a noise that attracted the maintenance worker, who was trying to fix a fire escape door that Paddock had sealed shut.

Maintenance radioed a hotel dispatcher, telling her to take action. “Call the police, someone’s firing a gun up here. Someone’s firing a rifle on the 32nd floor down the hallway.”

But in the end, the delay cost LVMPD only about six minutes. It’s not clear, from reports, whether that six minutes was crucial to the department’s response – but it does play into the tussel between the police and the hotel, and, eventually, into which entity, if either, might find themselves legally responsible for the incident, or found legally responsible by a jury in any ensuing lawsuit.

via Daily Wire

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NAACP Wants Michigan State Police Leader Fired For Pro-National Anthem Meme

Apparently bashing the NFL is racist.

Via Law Officer:

The Detroit Branch of the NAACP and civil rights attorneys on Tuesday renewed their criticism of Michigan State Police Col. Kriste Kibbey Etue after she shared a Facebook meme critical of pro football players who kneel during the National Anthem.

She removed the post and apologized afterwards.

The Rev. Wendell Anthony, president of the local NAACP branch, said during a press conference at the group’s headquarters that Etue is symbolic of a culture of racism within Michigan State Police.

State police spokesman Lt. Michael Shaw said Tuesday’s press conference was “35 minutes of political grandstanding.”

“What a wasted opportunity,” Shaw said. “They could have invited the district commander to sit down and talk about how we can make the department more diverse. But we didn’t get that opportunity. Not one phone call.”

Keep reading…

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Detroit’s Black Firefighters Back White Recruit Fired over ‘Racially Insensitive’ Watermelon

A group of black firefighters from Detroit are backing their white colleague after he was fired on his first day for bringing a “racially insensitive” watermelon to work.

Robert Pattinson, 41, was fired after introducing himself to his fellow firefighters by bringing in a watermelon with a pink bow on top as part of workplace tradition of new recruits bringing in a gift for fellow employees on their first day on the job.

Yet Second Battalion Chief Shawn McCarty confirmed that some staff argued it was “racially insensitive” to bring a watermelon to a firehouse, and Pattinson was consequently discharged by Fire Commissioner Eric Jones, who described the incident as “offensive”:

There is zero tolerance for discriminatory behavior inside the Detroit Fire Department. On Saturday, Sept. 30, 2017, at Engine 55, a trial firefighter (probationary employee) engaged in unsatisfactory work behavior which was deemed offensive and racially insensitive to members of the Detroit Fire Department. After a thorough investigation, it was determined that the best course of action was to terminate the employment of this probationary employee.

However, a number of black firefighters from the same department reacted to the incident with a big show of support for Pattinson, describing him as an “amazing dude” who had “good intentions.”

“Just want to let everyone know he’s a real amazing dude and it was all good intentions,” firefighter Tadarius Spearman wrote in a Facebook post, alongside ten African-American firefighters. “And our entire class (is) supporting him in this. Especially us African-Americans and that’s all that needs to be said. Stay up brother. #DFD.”

Follow Ben Kew on Facebook, Twitter at @ben_kew, or email him at

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High-Ranking Dem Sens Gave Campaign Cash to Menendez After Indictment

Sen. Robert Menendez (D., N.J.) / Getty

Sen. Robert Menendez (D., N.J.) / Getty


October 11, 2017 4:30 pm

A number of high-ranking Democratic senators combined to contribute tens of thousands of dollars to Sen. Robert Menendez’s (D., N.J.) campaign committee this year, a review of Federal Election Commission records shows.

Menendez, who was indicted in April 2015, is currently facing 12 counts of corruption charges that include bribery. Prosecutors have said that the senator had a “corrupt pact” with Salomon Melgen, a wealthy Florida eye doctor, a previous donor to Menendez’s campaign.

Menendez himself has contributed to the campaigns of a number of top Democratic senators this year from his leadership PAC, the New Millennium PAC, the Washington Free Beacon previously reported.

Some of these Democratic politicians used their own leadership PACs to donate to Menendez’s campaign committee just days after Menendez had used his PAC to give to their campaigns, leaving their leadership PACs drained of identical amounts while increasing their respective campaign donations almost identically.

Menendez sent two checks totaling $10,000 on February 24 from the New Millennium PAC to Sen. Tim Kaine’s (D., Va.) campaign committee. Kaine’s leadership PAC, the Common Ground PAC, then sent two contributions totaling $10,000 on March 6 to Menendez’s campaign for both the primary and general election, records show.

Menendez then sent $5,000 from his PAC to Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D., Mass.) campaign on March 9. On March 22, Warren’s leadership PAC, PAC for a Level Playing Field, gave $5,000 to Menendez’s campaign. Warren sent an additional $5,000 to Menendez’s campaign on March 31.

Menendez then made two $5,000 contributions to Sen. Jon Tester’s (D., Mont.) campaign on March 28 from his PAC. Three days later, on March 31, Tester’s leadership PAC, the Treasure State PAC, sent two $5,000 donations to Menendez’s campaign committee.

On June 28, Menendez sent $5,000 from his PAC to Sen. Chris Murphy’s (D., Conn.) campaign committee. One day later, Murphy gave $5,000 from his PAC, MURPHPAC, to Menendez’s campaign.

In one circumstance, the donation was made to Menendez first, who then returned the favor the very next day.

Sen. Debbie Stabenow’s (D., Mich.) leadership PAC, the Great Lakes PAC, cut two $5,000 checks for Menendez’s campaign committee on March 22. On March 23, Menendez gave Stabenow’s campaign two $5,000 contributions from his PAC.

Menendez also donated to the campaign of Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D, N.Y.) this year. Gillibrand did not donate to Menendez’s campaign from her PAC, according to records.

Other prominent senators who did not receive campaign cash from Menendez’s PAC added to his campaign war chest this year.

Sen. Cory Booker (D., N.J) used his leadership PAC, the Purpose PAC, to make two $5,000 contributions to Menendez’s campaign on February 2. Booker, who was mentored by Menendez and appeared at the first day of his trial, has also given $20,000 to his legal expense fund, the Free Beacon reported.

Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Cali.) used her leadership PAC, the Fearless for the People PAC, to donate $5,000 to Menendez’s campaign on June 27, records show.

“Senate Democrats have continued to stand by disgraced Senator Bob Menendez even as New Jerseyans and the rest of the country have been disgusted by his blatant corruption,” Bob Salera, a spokesman for the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), told the Free Beacon. “Democrats will have to answer to voters about why they propped up a crook by financially backing him while he was under federal indictment for accepting bribes.”

Politico reported Wednesday that prosecutors have rested their corruption case against Menendez, who has maintained his innocence since the beginning.

None of the Democratic senator’s offices returned a request for comment on their donations to the embattled senator’s campaign by press time.

via Washington Free Beacon

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