66 Year Old Pennsylvania Democrat Charged With Possession Of Child Pornography…

What a sick old man. Via ABC: The Chairman of the Radnor Board of Commissioners has been arrested on child pornography charges. Philip Ahr, 66, was charged with child pornography possession and child pornography dissemination, sexual abuse of children, and criminal use of communication facility, the Delaware County District Attorney’s Office said Wednesday. According to […]

via Weasel Zippers

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Here We Go Again: Another Misleading Gun Control Segment on Al Punto

<p>As sure as water is wet and the sun rises in the east, Univision’s Jorge Ramos will have a segment on gun control in the immediate aftermath of a mass shooting incident. Per this sad custom, arguments will be laid out based on gross misrepresentations of fact. The most recent edition of Al Punto was no exception.</p>

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Watch: PA System Fails During National Anthem… Look What Players Instantly Do


Watch: PA System Fails During National Anthem… Look What Players Instantly Do

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When the public address system reportedly failed when “The Star-Spangled Banner” was about to be played before a college football game on Saturday, players came up with a patriotic way to handle the situation.

Football players from Trinity College and Hamilton College stood at attention, ready to hear the national anthem at the Jessee/Miller Field in Hartford, Connecticut, on Saturday when the PA system malfunctioned.

Players decided to just sing the national anthem on their own, even without the music.

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Trinity football coach Jeff Devanney told the Hartford Courant, “It was a concern because for a second we thought we heard some boos.”

“A couple of guys on our team were like ‘No man, you gotta play the song,’” Devanney explained. “And then a couple guys just started singing.”

It didn’t take long for the Hamilton players to join in.

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“We weren’t all in sync,” Devanney said. “We had like three different waves of the Star-Spangled Banner going.”

Take a look:


The players might not have been in sync, but it’s the thought that counts.

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Trinity player Ethan Suraci said hearing all of the players sing the anthem was a great experience.

“It was amazing, especially with what we’re seeing in the NFL, the political climate that not only the rest of our team joined in but Hamilton and all the fans joined in, too,” Suraci said. “It was truly amazing.”

It’s hard to argue with him — it was awesome to see these players stand up, salute the flag and sing “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

Their rendition has got to be some of the best attention the national anthem has seen lately.

H/T Breitbart

Please like and share this story on Facebook and Twitter to spread the word about how these two teams took it upon themselves to sing the anthem despite technical difficulties.

via Conservative Tribune

Enjoy this article? Read the full version at the authors website: http://ift.tt/2gEOIzE

James O’Keefe video has New York Times management reeling

Hats off to James O’Keefe and Project Veritas (donate here – please!) for another video that is rocking a major progressive institution to its foundations. This time, it is not Planned Parenthood executives selling baby body parts, but rather Nicholas Dudich, an unhinged editor at the New York Times (the video labels it “American Pravda”) boasting about his ability to get biased coverage published.

The video and a summary of its content can be found below.

So blatant is the self-described misbehavior that the Times tasked its Vice President of “Comms,” Danielle Rhoades Ha, with a response:

Based on what we’ve seen in the Project Veritas video, it appears that a recent hire in a junior position violated our ethical standards and misrepresented his role. In his role at The Times, he was responsible for posting already published video on other platforms and was never involved in the creation or editing of Times videos. We are reviewing the situation now.

In 63 words, Ms. Ha manages to:

  1. Distance the Times from their responsibility for their own editor (“recent hire in a junior position.”)
  2. Claim that the Times actually has ethical standards.
  3. Distance the Times from any content their own employee posted to their own website (“was never involved in the creation or editing of Times videos.”)
  4. Gain time to figure out what to do next.

James O’Keefe has made it clear that more videos are to follow. Showman that he is, he is saving the really juicy stuff for a bit later. So the Times has got to be frantically asking people if they have ever shot off their mouths to someone they didn’t know particularly well. I’d really love to see how that memo is worded, and hope that somebody will leak it.

The heart of the problem is that the Times people live in what I call the Blue Bubble, where everyone shares their prejudices. In the mentality of most urban progressives, one gains approval, acceptance, and prestige by cleverly expressing contempt for the “other” upon whom they look down with contempt: Trump and the racist morons who foisted him upon “us.”

“They” are seen as a threat to all that urban progressives hold dear.

There is a very good analogy to the way Germans and Japanese were commonly demonized and made fun of during World War II.  People were encouraged to make jokes, use derisive names, and otherwise pillory the enemy.  As far as residents of Manhattan in particular are concerned, it is perfectly acceptable to say things about Trump, Republicans, conservatives, and the less urbane populace that would offend a broad swath of Americans. If it is done cleverly it is rewrded.

So the notion that people are wandering around with hidden cameras and publicizing the results has got to be terrifying, once they think it through.

Who knows, maybe it will make people think about changing their behavior.

Hats off to James O’Keefe and Project Veritas (donate here – please!) for another video that is rocking a major progressive institution to its foundations. This time, it is not Planned Parenthood executives selling baby body parts, but rather Nicholas Dudich, an unhinged editor at the New York Times (the video labels it “American Pravda”) boasting about his ability to get biased coverage published.

The video and a summary of its content can be found below.

So blatant is the self-described misbehavior that the Times tasked its Vice President of “Comms,” Danielle Rhoades Ha, with a response:

Based on what we’ve seen in the Project Veritas video, it appears that a recent hire in a junior position violated our ethical standards and misrepresented his role. In his role at The Times, he was responsible for posting already published video on other platforms and was never involved in the creation or editing of Times videos. We are reviewing the situation now.

In 63 words, Ms. Ha manages to:

  1. Distance the Times from their responsibility for their own editor (“recent hire in a junior position.”)
  2. Claim that the Times actually has ethical standards.
  3. Distance the Times from any content their own employee posted to their own website (“was never involved in the creation or editing of Times videos.”)
  4. Gain time to figure out what to do next.

James O’Keefe has made it clear that more videos are to follow. Showman that he is, he is saving the really juicy stuff for a bit later. So the Times has got to be frantically asking people if they have ever shot off their mouths to someone they didn’t know particularly well. I’d really love to see how that memo is worded, and hope that somebody will leak it.

The heart of the problem is that the Times people live in what I call the Blue Bubble, where everyone shares their prejudices. In the mentality of most urban progressives, one gains approval, acceptance, and prestige by cleverly expressing contempt for the “other” upon whom they look down with contempt: Trump and the racist morons who foisted him upon “us.”

“They” are seen as a threat to all that urban progressives hold dear.

There is a very good analogy to the way Germans and Japanese were commonly demonized and made fun of during World War II.  People were encouraged to make jokes, use derisive names, and otherwise pillory the enemy.  As far as residents of Manhattan in particular are concerned, it is perfectly acceptable to say things about Trump, Republicans, conservatives, and the less urbane populace that would offend a broad swath of Americans. If it is done cleverly it is rewrded.

So the notion that people are wandering around with hidden cameras and publicizing the results has got to be terrifying, once they think it through.

Who knows, maybe it will make people think about changing their behavior.

via American Thinker Blog

Enjoy this article? Read the full version at the authors website: http://ift.tt/1c2jbfc

Rapper Eminem Attacks Steve Bannon and Says ‘F**k You’ to Fans Who Voted for Trump

Rapper Eminem Attacks Steve Bannon and Says ‘F**k You’ to Fans Who Voted for Trump

11 Oct, 2017
11 Oct, 2017

Rapper Eminem attacked Breitbart News executive chairman Steve Bannon, praises Colin Kaepernick, and said “f**k you” to his fans that voted for President Donald Trump in a profanity-filled freestyle; a video for which premiered at the BET Hip Hop Awards on Tuesday.

“Same shit that he tormented Hillary for and he slandered then does it more. From his endorsement of Bannon, support for the Klansman, tiki torches in hand for the solider that’s black and comes home from Iraq and is still told to go back to Africa,” the Michigan native rapped in the four-minute roast, in which he also praised former President Obama and called Trump a “kamikaze ” who will probably start WWIII.

“But this is his form of distraction, plus he gets an enormous reaction when he attacks the NFL, so we focus on that instead of talking Puerto Rico or gun reform for Nevada. All these horrible tragedies and he’s bored and would rather cause a Twitter storm with the Packers.” he rapped, a reference to Trump’s criticism of the NFL and its players protesting during the National Anthem.

“F**k that, this is for Colin, ball up a fist and keep that s**t balled like Donald the bi**h,” the rapper said, praising former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick who started the protests.


“I appreciate you @Eminem,” Kaepernick said in a tweet with a black fist emoji.

Eminem finished his searing rap by giving his fans an ultimatum:

“And any fan of mine who’s a supporter of his, I’m drawing in the sand a line, you’re either for or against, and if you can’t decide who you like more and you’re split on who you should stand beside, I’ll do it for it for you with this. F**k you,” Eminem said raising his middle finger. “The rest of America stand up. We love our military and we love our country but we f**king hate Trump.”

This is hardly the first time the Grammy-winner has delivered a broadside against the president.

In February of this year, Eminem revealed another anti-Trump rap where he called the president a racist.

That performance was preceded by a “campaign speech” rap delivered less than a month before Election Day in 2016 where he also attacked Trump supporters by threatening to “dunk” them underwater.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston.

via Breitbart News

Enjoy this article? Read the full version at the authors website: http://ift.tt/uktKj3

Hysterical Christian-Haters for Property Rights

A homosexual coffee shop owner with an angry mind, a foul mouth, and at least a few screws loose, has done Christian conservatives the favor of a lifetime, making the case for a businessman’s private property rights against the progressive oppression of anti-discrimination laws more eloquently — well, at least more bluntly — than any Christian business owner could make it.

A Seattle pro-life activist group that had been handing out pamphlets targeting homosexuals for repentance and “rebirth” decided to enjoy a break from their activities at the Bedlam coffee shop. It so happens the shop is owned by a homosexual man, who, when he caught wind of the group’s presence — they were not proselytizing, mind you, just drinking his coffee, thereby filling his coffers — confronted them…with exactly the kind of expletive-filled, sexually explicit, hysterical hissy-fit rant you’d expect from the stereotypical homosexual coffee shop owner who is hypersensitive about Christian critics of his “lifestyle.”

In short, he rudely and summarily kicked them off his premises. Now we all know that had the owner been the Christian in this story, and the activists the homosexuals, his actions would be plastered all over the mainstream media, Soros-backed communist protests would be exploiting this little nobody’s “hate speech” to increase social unrest and provoke violence, and his butt would be hauled into court faster than you can say “Hello sailor.” He would probably be bankrupted, his name and reputation soiled forever, his children humiliated by their teachers, and his entire family sentenced to community service cleaning the toilets at a homosexual nightclub.

But since the owner is the homosexual, and his patrons/victims Christians, the media will largely ignore the story, the communist agitators will say free speech does not extend to these customers’ intolerance of the LGBTXYZ community — Isn’t it strange how every favored special interest group is a “community”? Does anyone refer to the “white supremacist community”? — and the owner will be receiving letters of sympathy, congratulations, and moral support from all corners of the continental United States. The hypocrisy of the left is obvious, revolting, and displays an unsurprisingly complete lack of principle or honor.

But all that is irrelevant next to this: A man decided, for his own idiosyncratic reasons, that he didn’t want people of a certain kind on his premises — after all, it’s his place, and he didn’t think he should have to put up with opening it to people whose views he abhors — so he told them they were not welcome. Leaving aside the question of whether he owed them compensation for the drinks they had already paid for, this man made in essence the same decision you make every time you lock your door at night. You don’t want a certain kind of people, namely non-residents of the household, availing themselves of your property against your will, so you take active steps to prevent their entry.

This anti-Christian coffee shop case cuts to the basic issue of private property rights: Do you really own what the law calls “your property,” or do you not? If you really own it, then you should certainly have every right to deny access to it to anyone you please, for any reason you please. Placing moral conditions on people’s (peaceful, nonviolent) control over their own property is nothing less than a rejection of the very concept of private property, as it transforms genuine ownership of something into mere conditional permission to use it.

And if our so-called property is in fact just something we are conditionally permitted to use, then the logical question is, “Who really owns it?” Who, in other words, has the true authority to grant the permission and set the conditions for its use?

Socialists who live in a world of willowy abstractions will answer, “Society.” But rational people who look at what is concretely entailed by this conditional permission in practice will answer, “The government.”

If a man, assuming he is doing nothing with his property to abuse or violate other people, has been forced to cede authority over its use to government regulators — as he is forced to do by anti-discrimination laws — then he owns nothing. Property is a sham, a palliative illusion wielded by government to cushion the blow of a harsh reality, namely that the man lives entirely at the mercy and whim of the State. If the State decides it does not approve of the way he chooses to make his property accessible to others, he can be punished and his preferences overruled in the name of “non-discrimination.” (Apparently, discrimination against property owners per se falls outside the realm of self-righteous anti-discrimination sentiments.) 

“But a coffee shop is a place of business!” With regard to questions of discrimination and tolerance, we have all been trained to regard private businesses as a unique case, as though running a business were a public (governmental), rather than a private, endeavor. Think about this: If what you do with the majority of your waking hours, and the majority of your mental and physical energy, does not belong to you, simply because it involves the exchange of goods and services, then does this not imply that the entire “free market” — including the lives and labor of the people who participate in it — is a state-owned apparatus, i.e., that all activity related to producing, exchanging, and consuming belongs to the government?

And if the time and effort — which is to say, the life — a man spends on supporting himself through his labor and productive energy belong to the government, then in what meaningful sense can we say the man owns himself at all?

Offering goods I have produced, or services I have learned to provide, to other people in my community is a private choice, involving my private effort and personal investment. There ought to be nothing, in principle, to distinguish this from my private ownership of my home, with regard to my preferences regarding who should or shouldn’t be permitted entry to my premises, or to whom I should or shouldn’t render my services.

Note that I am talking about private choices, not discriminatory laws. There is no legitimacy in laws forbidding access to private businesses to certain kinds of law-abiding people, for exactly the same reason that there is no legitimacy in laws demanding access to private businesses for certain kinds of people. Discriminatory laws and anti-discrimination laws are, in this sense, just two sides of the same coin. They both ultimately entail government ownership of “private property.”

On the other hand, if a private man, including a small business owner, chooses to discriminate against certain people or kinds of people, then as long as his doing so involves no direct violations of those people’s rights, that is his business. Much as we may dislike his preference, there is nothing we can do about it, short of violating his property. And to be clear for those whose progressive education has left them at sea on the question of individual rights, there is no rights violation involved in being denied access to someone’s place of business through the owner’s private choice. No one can have a right to another man’s property (or to association with him), including his commercial property; hence, no right is violated by your being denied access to that other man’s property.

Do you support the baker who prefers not to bake cakes for homosexual weddings? Do you despise the homosexual coffee shop owner who prefers not to serve his fare to Christians? 

In short, from the point of view of justice, it makes no difference which business owner’s attitude you like or dislike. All that matters is that you accept that in both cases, there are no legitimate grounds for denying these owners their personal forms of “discrimination.” To discriminate is to judge, which is to think, which is to live as a human being. That our thinking is often wrong, and therefore our judgments false and our discriminations wrongheaded, is a problem of human nature. We are imperfect, and often lost in the fog. But contrary to the progressive authoritarian mentality, this natural imperfection is certainly no justification for overriding or obliterating the condition that, above all other conditions, makes practical reasoning, judgment, and discrimination possible, namely freedom.

On the contrary, it is only through the practical, political freedom to make our (sometimes errant) judgments, including regarding our associations with others — commercial or otherwise — that we may gradually grope our way through the fog to the higher kind of freedom every soul seeks.

Daren Jonescu writes about politics, philosophy, education, and the decline of civilization at http://ift.tt/2fh20DP.

A homosexual coffee shop owner with an angry mind, a foul mouth, and at least a few screws loose, has done Christian conservatives the favor of a lifetime, making the case for a businessman’s private property rights against the progressive oppression of anti-discrimination laws more eloquently — well, at least more bluntly — than any Christian business owner could make it.

A Seattle pro-life activist group that had been handing out pamphlets targeting homosexuals for repentance and “rebirth” decided to enjoy a break from their activities at the Bedlam coffee shop. It so happens the shop is owned by a homosexual man, who, when he caught wind of the group’s presence — they were not proselytizing, mind you, just drinking his coffee, thereby filling his coffers — confronted them…with exactly the kind of expletive-filled, sexually explicit, hysterical hissy-fit rant you’d expect from the stereotypical homosexual coffee shop owner who is hypersensitive about Christian critics of his “lifestyle.”

In short, he rudely and summarily kicked them off his premises. Now we all know that had the owner been the Christian in this story, and the activists the homosexuals, his actions would be plastered all over the mainstream media, Soros-backed communist protests would be exploiting this little nobody’s “hate speech” to increase social unrest and provoke violence, and his butt would be hauled into court faster than you can say “Hello sailor.” He would probably be bankrupted, his name and reputation soiled forever, his children humiliated by their teachers, and his entire family sentenced to community service cleaning the toilets at a homosexual nightclub.

But since the owner is the homosexual, and his patrons/victims Christians, the media will largely ignore the story, the communist agitators will say free speech does not extend to these customers’ intolerance of the LGBTXYZ community — Isn’t it strange how every favored special interest group is a “community”? Does anyone refer to the “white supremacist community”? — and the owner will be receiving letters of sympathy, congratulations, and moral support from all corners of the continental United States. The hypocrisy of the left is obvious, revolting, and displays an unsurprisingly complete lack of principle or honor.

But all that is irrelevant next to this: A man decided, for his own idiosyncratic reasons, that he didn’t want people of a certain kind on his premises — after all, it’s his place, and he didn’t think he should have to put up with opening it to people whose views he abhors — so he told them they were not welcome. Leaving aside the question of whether he owed them compensation for the drinks they had already paid for, this man made in essence the same decision you make every time you lock your door at night. You don’t want a certain kind of people, namely non-residents of the household, availing themselves of your property against your will, so you take active steps to prevent their entry.

This anti-Christian coffee shop case cuts to the basic issue of private property rights: Do you really own what the law calls “your property,” or do you not? If you really own it, then you should certainly have every right to deny access to it to anyone you please, for any reason you please. Placing moral conditions on people’s (peaceful, nonviolent) control over their own property is nothing less than a rejection of the very concept of private property, as it transforms genuine ownership of something into mere conditional permission to use it.

And if our so-called property is in fact just something we are conditionally permitted to use, then the logical question is, “Who really owns it?” Who, in other words, has the true authority to grant the permission and set the conditions for its use?

Socialists who live in a world of willowy abstractions will answer, “Society.” But rational people who look at what is concretely entailed by this conditional permission in practice will answer, “The government.”

If a man, assuming he is doing nothing with his property to abuse or violate other people, has been forced to cede authority over its use to government regulators — as he is forced to do by anti-discrimination laws — then he owns nothing. Property is a sham, a palliative illusion wielded by government to cushion the blow of a harsh reality, namely that the man lives entirely at the mercy and whim of the State. If the State decides it does not approve of the way he chooses to make his property accessible to others, he can be punished and his preferences overruled in the name of “non-discrimination.” (Apparently, discrimination against property owners per se falls outside the realm of self-righteous anti-discrimination sentiments.) 

“But a coffee shop is a place of business!” With regard to questions of discrimination and tolerance, we have all been trained to regard private businesses as a unique case, as though running a business were a public (governmental), rather than a private, endeavor. Think about this: If what you do with the majority of your waking hours, and the majority of your mental and physical energy, does not belong to you, simply because it involves the exchange of goods and services, then does this not imply that the entire “free market” — including the lives and labor of the people who participate in it — is a state-owned apparatus, i.e., that all activity related to producing, exchanging, and consuming belongs to the government?

And if the time and effort — which is to say, the life — a man spends on supporting himself through his labor and productive energy belong to the government, then in what meaningful sense can we say the man owns himself at all?

Offering goods I have produced, or services I have learned to provide, to other people in my community is a private choice, involving my private effort and personal investment. There ought to be nothing, in principle, to distinguish this from my private ownership of my home, with regard to my preferences regarding who should or shouldn’t be permitted entry to my premises, or to whom I should or shouldn’t render my services.

Note that I am talking about private choices, not discriminatory laws. There is no legitimacy in laws forbidding access to private businesses to certain kinds of law-abiding people, for exactly the same reason that there is no legitimacy in laws demanding access to private businesses for certain kinds of people. Discriminatory laws and anti-discrimination laws are, in this sense, just two sides of the same coin. They both ultimately entail government ownership of “private property.”

On the other hand, if a private man, including a small business owner, chooses to discriminate against certain people or kinds of people, then as long as his doing so involves no direct violations of those people’s rights, that is his business. Much as we may dislike his preference, there is nothing we can do about it, short of violating his property. And to be clear for those whose progressive education has left them at sea on the question of individual rights, there is no rights violation involved in being denied access to someone’s place of business through the owner’s private choice. No one can have a right to another man’s property (or to association with him), including his commercial property; hence, no right is violated by your being denied access to that other man’s property.

Do you support the baker who prefers not to bake cakes for homosexual weddings? Do you despise the homosexual coffee shop owner who prefers not to serve his fare to Christians? 

In short, from the point of view of justice, it makes no difference which business owner’s attitude you like or dislike. All that matters is that you accept that in both cases, there are no legitimate grounds for denying these owners their personal forms of “discrimination.” To discriminate is to judge, which is to think, which is to live as a human being. That our thinking is often wrong, and therefore our judgments false and our discriminations wrongheaded, is a problem of human nature. We are imperfect, and often lost in the fog. But contrary to the progressive authoritarian mentality, this natural imperfection is certainly no justification for overriding or obliterating the condition that, above all other conditions, makes practical reasoning, judgment, and discrimination possible, namely freedom.

On the contrary, it is only through the practical, political freedom to make our (sometimes errant) judgments, including regarding our associations with others — commercial or otherwise — that we may gradually grope our way through the fog to the higher kind of freedom every soul seeks.

Daren Jonescu writes about politics, philosophy, education, and the decline of civilization at http://ift.tt/2fh20DP.

via American Thinker

Enjoy this article? Read the full version at the authors website: http://ift.tt/TYiPDP

Terror Expert Warns: ISIS May Still Have Proof It Was Behind Las Vegas Attack

Rukmini Callimachi, a terror expert who has studied the Islamic State for years, believes Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock may have been a jihadist. 

Daily Star UK reports:

Vile terror group ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, but cops have rejected this, claiming there is no evidence that Paddock was linked to the group.

The death worshippers then went on to claim that Paddock had converted six months before the deadly shooting.

She wrote: “ISIS has rarely claimed attacks that were not by either their members or sympathisers.

“I don’t buy the argument that they are now opportunistically claiming attacks to deflect from battlefield losses.”

She added that ISIS members in chatrooms were declaring the incident as a cover-up, and that Paddock was “one of their brothers”.

She also wrote: “ISIS considers an attack to be their handiwork if the attacker is sent or inspired by them.”

The Islamic State tripled down on the Las Vegas massacre on Thursday.

The Islamic terrorist group claimed Stephen Paddock converted to Islam six months ago.

Terror expert Rita Katz reported:

SITE Intelligence Group tweeted this out on Thursday afternoon:

In Naba 100 #ISIS featured an infographic on #LasVegas attack & indicated the shooter, “Abu Abdul Barr al-Amriki,” converted 6 months ago.

Now this…

Intelligence officials translated the ISIS weekly newsletter al-Nabu including the remarks on Stephen Paddock, aka: Abu Abdul al-Amriki:

Another terror expert, Michael S. Smith II, warns it would be a mistake to rule out ISIS was behind the Las Vegas shooting. Imagine if police rule out the group’s involvement and then ISIS provides evidence? It would badly damage the people’s trust in the U.S. government, Smith says.

Newsweek reports:


While Las Vegas’ Sheriff Joe Lombardo told reporters Monday that police “have no intelligence or evidence the suspect was linked to any terrorist groups or radical ideologies,” Smith warns that ISIS’s proven ability to avoid detection helps it send potential recruits a clear message: “Intelligence agencies in the West are not actually omniscient.”


While a number of analysts have tied ISIS attacks in the West to the group’s recent setbacks in the Middle East, Smith argues that striking targets in the West has always been a core tenet of the group, which evolved from a merger of jihadists groups that included Al-Qaeda in Iraq. In fact, Smith says ISIS claims to be the heir of Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden, who long championed attacks in the West, despite not claiming responsibility for the September 11 attacks until more than three years later.

Smith says that, in order to compete with the existing Al-Qaeda affiliates and other jihadist groups not aligned to ISIS, the group will likely continue to devote its resources to planning attacks around the world. The group’s decision to release what is alleged to be a recent recording of its chief, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is further evidence that the jihadists plan to remain on the offensive for as long as they can.

The post Terror Expert Warns: ISIS May Still Have Proof It Was Behind Las Vegas Attack appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

via The Gateway Pundit

Enjoy this article? Read the full version at the authors website: http://ift.tt/SIPp5X