Nanny Deep State: Bob Corker Reveals Establishment Effort to Tame Donald Trump’s Agenda

Nanny Deep State: Bob Corker Reveals Establishment Effort to Tame Donald Trump’s Agenda

9 Oct, 2017
9 Oct, 2017

Veteran Republican establishment figure Senator Bob Corker confirmed to the New York Times that the Republican establishment is focused on corralling President Donald Trump and his agenda.

In an interview with reporter Jonathan Martin, Corker said that most Republican senators realized that Trump was a threat to the general world order.

“[They] understand the volatility that we’re dealing with and the tremendous amount of work that it takes by people around him to keep him in the middle of the road,” he said.

After the mild-mannered Senator came unglued on Twitter on Monday, he told the New York Times he was trying to send a message to “the good guys” — Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and the White House chief of staff, John F. Kelly.

“As long as there are people like that around him who are able to talk him down when he gets spun up, you know, calm him down and continue to work with him before a decision gets made, I think we’ll be fine,” he said.

On Sunday, Corker publicly shared the widespread view among Senate Republicans that the people around Trump were expected to keep him under control.

“It’s a shame the White House has become an adult day care center,” Corker said. “Someone obviously missed their shift this morning.”

via Breitbart News

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ENABLERS: Matt Damon, Russell Crowe Helped Kill 2004 NYT Weinstein Expose

According to former New York Times reporter Sharon Waxman, an exposé on Democratic mega-donor and top Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein’s alleged sexual harassment was squelched in 2004 after the Times was pressured by powerful people, including actors Matt Damon and Russel Crowe. The alleged serial sexual harasser also just happened to be a huge advertiser with the Times at the time the story was extinguished.

“In 2004, I was still a fairly new reporter at The New York Times when I got the green light to look into oft-repeated allegations of sexual misconduct by Weinstein. It was believed that many occurred in Europe during festivals and other business trips there,” explained Waxman at The Wrap.

Traveling to Rome, Italy, to investigate the allegations, the reporter tracked down Fabrizio Lombardo, the head of Miramax Italy, a man with reportedly “no film experience … his real job was to take care of Weinstein’s women needs, among other things.”

“As head of Miramax Italy in 2003 and 2004, Fabrizio Lombardo was paid $400,000 for less than a year of employment,” said Waxman. Other sources told her Lombardo organized evenings with “Russian escorts.”

Lombardo, of course, denied all allegations concerning Weinstein and his job to handle such matters at the time.

“I also tracked down a woman in London who had been paid off after an unwanted sexual encounter with Weinstein. She was terrified to speak because of her non-disclosure agreement, but at least we had evidence of a pay-off,” she continued.

Despite all this, she says: “The story I reported never ran.”

Who helped to suppress the story? According to Waxman, Weinstein himself, a heavy Times advertiser at the time, and actors Matt Damon and Russell Crowe:

After intense pressure from Weinstein, which included having Matt Damon and Russell Crowe call me directly to vouch for Lombardo and unknown discussions well above my head at the Times, the story was gutted.

I was told at the time that Weinstein had visited the newsroom in person to make his displeasure known. I knew he was a major advertiser in the Times, and that he was a powerful person overall.

“The story was stripped of any reference to sexual favors or coercion and buried on the inside of the Culture section, an obscure story about Miramax firing an Italian executive,” claims Waxman.

Jon Landman, the Times‘ culture editor back in 2004, “thought the story was unimportant” and asked Waxman “why it mattered.”

“He’s not a publicly elected official,” he told me. I explained, to no avail, that a public company would certainly have a problem with a procurer on the payroll for hundreds of thousands of dollars. At the time, Disney told me they had no idea Lombardo existed.

“I was devastated after traveling to two countries and overcoming immense challenges to confirm at least part of the story that wound up running last week, more than a decade later,” concludes Waxman. “I had met in person with a woman who said she’d been paid off for an unwanted sexual encounter and thus proved she existed.”

As reported by Daily Wire’s Emily Zanotti, a Times report on Weinstein finally came to light on Thursday, some 13 years later.

Weinstein allegedly asked for bizarre sexual favors, such as having actresses watch him shower, in exchange for career advancement. Zanotti reports:

In at least one case, a female employee claimed Weinstein “badgered” her into allowing him to give her a naked massage, leaving her “crying” and “distraught.” In another, Weinstein reportedly told a female colleague to meet him for breakfast at a hotel, but then redirected her to his room, where he appeared in a bathrobe and asked her to watch him shower.

Such encounters led to several lawsuits, eight of which were settled out of court for millions of dollars.

via Daily Wire

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California Sheriffs are openly protesting their new “sanctuary state”

Back when California Governor Jerry Brown was still pondering the new sanctuary state legislation which was heading for his desk, we talked about the fact that the police unions had backed a version of the bill, but the state’s sheriffs were not onboard. Now that the measure has been signed into law, those same sheriffs are basically in open revolt, publicly protesting the changes and asking the United States Congress to step in. They justify this decision by declaring that the state’s citizens will be less safe because of these changes. (Free Beacon)

California’s sheriffs are calling on the GOP-controlled Congress to intervene and pass a federal law to change the state’s sanctuary state status, warning the law that ties their hands too tightly will only increase the chances of another high-profile tragedy.

The sanctuary state law, which Gov. Jerry Brown (D.) signed Thursday but doesn’t go into effect until January, is the most far-reaching of its kind in the country and places sharp limits on how local law enforcement agencies can communicate with federal immigration authorities.

It would also make it a crime to enforce federal immigration laws on the premises of all schools, hospitals, libraries, and courthouses in state, which is home to an estimated two million immigrants.

The complaints from the sheriffs are nothing we haven’t heard before and their concerns are well founded. What’s not made clear here is precisely what they would like the GOP led Congress and the President to do about it. What sort of federal law would overrule the state’s ability to dictate the policies of its own law enforcement agencies and not run into constitutional trouble when it was inevitably challenged?

I’m sure I might be missing some more recent examples, but the last time I recall Washington overruling the governor of a state and the actions of their police was when Kennedy backed down George Wallace in Alabama in 1963, but that was a case of the state failing to enforce federal law. In this situation, it’s ICE which does the enforcement, and while a lack of cooperation certainly hinders their efforts, rendering them less effective, they aren’t exactly stopping them either. We’ll definitely need some more experienced legal eagles to tackle that question, though one provision which I’ll get to in a moment might be able to be struck down.

As to the actual policies which the sheriffs are protesting, two of them really stand out. One is the inability of law enforcement to notify ICE when they pick up known gang members, including MS-13, if they are snagged on non-violent charges. If they are on the registry of known gang members, ICE should be able to take that opportunity to get them out of the country even if they were only pulled over for an illegal right on red.

The other is the order forbidding ICE from conducting enforcement operations in the vicinity of schools, churches and courthouses. This is the one I mentioned above which might be shot down by Congress because it’s directly blocking federal enforcement of the law. If you refuse to honor detainers from immigration enforcement so illegal aliens can’t be safely picked up at the jailhouse, they are forced to move into such public operations. This is how you wind up with efforts like Operation Safe City being conducted by ICE. They wouldn’t need to do that if they were getting some cooperation.

But closing off the ability to conduct operations near courthouses could very well be grounds for direct obstruction of justice charges. I’m not sure if a new law coming out of Congress is the answer or if a lawsuit filed by the Department of Justice or Homeland Security might be better. Any time you have Washington overruling state laws I get nervous and that’s ground we need to tread on only very cautiously.

The post California Sheriffs are openly protesting their new “sanctuary state” appeared first on Hot Air.

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Sighting Down On The Second Amendment

Before a people are enslaved, before any nation is taken over, they are first disarmed. That’s just history and common sense. From the inside or out, a nation is always first compromised by the removal of its ability to defend itself. Stalin, Hitler, Mao, et al., they all declawed whatever organism that stood in their way – most especially the people they intended to govern.

via CanadaFreePress.Com

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Breaking: Obama And His Cushy Pension Just Got Massive Bad News From The GOP

Finally! Via Conservative Tribune: One of the many perks of becoming the president of the United States is that you have been guaranteed an income for life worth millions of dollars, thanks to the American taxpayers — no matter what other earnings might be coming in. However, the days of the federal treasury paying presidents […]

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Alert: Cali Passes Bill Designed to Protect Perverts Like Weinstein

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California, where basic morals and values melt away like snow in hell, enacted a law Friday slated to take effect at the start of 2018 that will reportedly allow most of the state’s convicted perverts to eventually have their names taken off the state’s sex offender registry.

Hollywood fat cat Harvey Weinstein, who was exposed last week as a serial pervert with a history of sexually harassing women, must be thrilled.

Signed by Gov. Jerry Brown, SB 384 specifically “allows most sex offenders to petition beginning in 2021 to be removed from both the public and the police registries 10 to 20 years after they are released from prison,” according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

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The only stipulation is that they not have committed another sex offense within those 10 to 20 years. That’s it. Afterward they’ll have their full rights restored. But it gets worse.

As noted by the Chronicle, perverts “convicted of crimes like misdemeanor sexual battery, misdemeanor possession of child pornography and indecent exposure” will be allowed to petition for removal after only 10 years.

Likewise, perverts “convicted of lewd and lascivious acts with a minor, oral copulation with a minor under 14 years old and non-forced sodomy with a minor under 14 years old” will only have to wait an additional 10 years after the first.

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The only sickos forced to remain on the list for life will be those convicted of rape, sex trafficking, repeated sex crimes or the sexual abuse of children 10 and younger. Everybody else will get a pass, no matter how sick their crimes happened to be.

“California’s sex offender registry is broken, which undermines public safety,” said state Sen. Scott Wiener, the Democrat who introduced the bill. “SB 384 refocuses the sex offender registry on high-risk offenders and treats low-level offenders more fairly.”

What about so-called “low-level offenders” like Joseph Welsh, who was found with child pornography just last month after being removed from the sex offender registry over crimes he committed in the 1990s?

To make matters worse, three-quarters of sex offenders in California are already permitted to live near parks and schools because of yet another stupid law passed two years ago that eliminated housing restrictions for all offenders expect those convicted of child molestation.

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Take a good look, ladies and gentlemen, because this sort of insanity is exactly what invariables manifests whenever liberalism is allowed to fester unchecked.

First leftists wanted illegal immigrants to stay. Then they wanted men in dresses to be allowed to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms. And now they want to be compassionate toward those convicted of sex crimes.

It never ends, folks. It never ends.

H/T Los Angeles Times

Please share this story on Facebook and Twitter and let us know what you think about the decision by California lawmakers to give convicted perverts an undeserved break.

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Antifa Makes Columbus Day Announcement, Your Neighborhood Could Be on Their Hit List


Antifa Makes Columbus Day Announcement, Your Neighborhood Could Be on Their Hit List

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The veritable terrorist group antifa issued a call to action late last month urging its members across the nation to “decorate” their neighborhoods — including maybe even yours — on Columbus Day by, among other things, defacing and potentially destroying allegedly offensive statues and monuments.

“For the occasion of Columbus Day, October 9th, one of the most vile ‘holidays’ of the year, the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement is calling for collectives all over the country to take action against this day and in support of indigenous people in the US and abroad who have been victims of colonialism and genocide,” they wrote in a news release.

The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement is apparently one sect of the wider antifa movement that bills itself as “a political movement dedicated to freeing people from bondage and building resistance in the United States.” They’re in fact likely nothing more than unemployed losers desperate to make the “man” pay for the miserable circumstances of their sad lives.

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Posted with the release was the following disturbing video that depicts hysterical antifa thugs vandalizing pretty much anything in their sight:


Moreover, RAM urged antifa members to snap pictures of their Columbus Day actions and post them to social media with the following two hashtags: #F–kColumbusDay and #DestroyColonialism.

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Never mind the fact that without colonialism, America as we know it wouldn’t even exist. And never mind also that according to Portland State University political science professor Bruce Gilley, countries that were colonized by Europe “did better” than those that weren’t.

He revealed that and much more in a recent essay that was later pulled from a scholarly journal because it wound up offending too many emotionally sensitive snowflakes, as reported by The Washington Post.

Dovetailing back to antifa’s planned protests, if you live in a neighborhood that contains any sort of pro-American statues, monuments, etc., keep an eye out today, because it’s possible antifa thugs may strike.

And be especially vigilant if you happen to wear a MAGA hat, because those things are known to drive these worthless, whiny babies into fits of rage.

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By roughly 10:30 a.m., reports had already surfaced from several parts of the country of antifa thugs vandalizing Columbus Day statues.

“Police have stepped up security after two Christopher Columbus statues were vandalized with red paint in Connecticut,” the New York Post reported earlier in the morning.

H/T PJ Media

Please share this story on Facebook and Twitter and let us know whether you’ve spotted any antifa thugs stirring up trouble in your neighborhood today.

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Ex-NYT Reporter: I Had the Weinstein Story in 2004. Celebrities, NYT Execs Killed It.

On Sunday night, The Wrap’s Sharon Waxman expanded on something she noted in passing during a Thursday interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper that, as a New York Times reporter in 2004, she had uncovered allegations of sexual misconduct by Harvey Weinstein but was thwarted by The Times itself.

Despite “traveling to two countries and overcoming immense challenges to confirm at least part of the story that wound up running last week,” Weinstein’s advertising presence gutted Waxman’s work, along with phone calls from Russell Crowe and Matt Damon.

Waxman began by recapping the events prior to Weinstein’s ouster from his own company and thanking current Times reporters Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey for taking what was likely “a long and difficult road” to publishing a story on Weinstein’s disgusting behavior. 

The praise stopped there. Waxman moved to go after The Times and media writer Jim Rutenberg: 

But I simply gagged when I read Jim Rutenberg’s sanctimonious piece on Saturday about the “media enablers” who kept this story from the public for decades.

“Until now,” he puffed, “no journalistic outfit had been able, or perhaps willing, to nail the details and hit publish.”

That’s right, Jim. No one — including The New York Times.

In 2004, I was still a fairly new reporter at The New York Times when I got the green light to look into oft-repeated allegations of sexual misconduct by Weinstein. It was believed that many occurred in Europe during festivals and other business trips there.

Waxman explained that she “traveled to Rome and tracked down the man who held the plum position of running Miramax Italy” and had learned that then-Miramax Italy head Fabrizio Lombardo “had no film experience and his real job was to take care of Weinstein’s women needs, among other things.”

“I also tracked down a woman in London who had been paid off after an unwanted sexual encounter with Weinstein. She was terrified to speak because of her non-disclosure agreement, but at least we had evidence of a pay-off,” Waxman added. 

Of course, Waxman’s hard work was tossed aside “[a]fter intense pressure from Weinstein, which included having Matt Damon and Russell Crowe call me directly to vouch for Lombardo and unknown discussions well above my head at the Times, the story was gutted.”

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She was told that Weinstein himself had visited the paper “to make his displeasure known” and his influence as “a major advertiser in the Times, and that he was a powerful person overall” even though “I had the facts.”

She then provided more details of this cover-up:

The story was stripped of any reference to sexual favors or coercion and buried on the inside of the Culture section, an obscure story about Miramax firing an Italian executive. Who cared?

The Times’ then-culture editor Jon Landman, now an editor-at-large for Bloomberg, thought the story was unimportant, asking me why it mattered.

“He’s not a publicly elected official,” he told me.  I explained, to no avail, that a public company would certainly have a problem with a procurer on the payroll for hundreds of thousands of dollars. At the time, Disney told me they had no idea Lombardo existed.

A spokeswoman for the Times had no comment on Sunday.

I was devastated after traveling to two countries and overcoming immense challenges to confirm at least part of the story that wound up running last week, more than a decade later. I had met in person with a woman who said she’d been paid off for an unwanted sexual encounter and thus proved she existed.

Waxman added an update after publication of her article to explain why she didn’t continue to pursue the Weinstein story. She stated that was a “[f]air question” and no other leads had popped up in her reporting.

She concluded with this mic drop:

Today I wonder: If this story had come to light at the time, would Weinstein have continued his behavior for another decade, evidenced by the scathing 2015 memo by former staffer Lauren O’Connor unearthed by Kantor and Twohey.

Writes Rutenberg: “Mr. Weinstein had his own enablers. He built his empire on a pile of positive press clippings that, before the internet era, could have reached the moon.”

The New York Times was one of those enablers. So pardon me for having a deeply ambivalent response about the current heroism of the Times.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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California: No Longer A Felony To Knowingly Expose Others To HIV

California has somehow become even more radical in its “soft on crime” approach. The state has now lessened the punishment for knowingly exposing someone else to HIV.

Now, if you knowingly expose a partner to HIV in California, the crime is a mere misdemeanor rather than a felony. Per The Los Angeles Times:

Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill Friday that lowers from a felony to a misdemeanor the crime of knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV without disclosing the infection.

Moreover, the measure is expanded to knowingly giving HIV-positive blood to a blood bank.

The extreme move is, of course, being made under the guise of tolerance.

“Today California took a major step toward treating HIV as a public health issue, instead of treating people living with HIV as criminals,” said Democratic state Sen. Scott Wiener. “HIV should be treated like all other serious infectious diseases, and that’s what SB 239 does.”

Although people still die from AIDS, exposing people to HIV without their knowledge or consent was justified because “Modern medicine allows those with HIV to live longer lives and nearly eliminates the possibility of transmission,” per Weiner and Democratic Assemblyman Todd Gloria.

This destructive, immoral move is apparently not isolated to the loons in California. Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion mill and one of the most powerful unofficial arms of the Democratic Party, claimed not disclosing HIV to partners was a “right.”

The Daily Wire reported in December of 2016:

Kimberly Ells of The Federalist exposed the tax-dollar funded corporation for their despicable view, which they advocate via literature like the International Planned Parenthood Federation’s booklet, directed toward the HIV-positive youth in America, called “Healthy, Happy and Hot”:

It says, “Young people living with HIV have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose their HIV status.” It continues: “Sharing your HIV status is called disclosure. Your decision about whether to disclose may change with different people and situations. You have the right to decide if, when, and how to disclose your HIV status.”

via Daily Wire

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