SNL Smears Gun Owners as Crazy Poor People With Small Penises

While the adults were investigating the motives of the man responsible for the Las Vegas mass shooting, and other were discussing new regulations of bump stocks, the man-children at NBC’s Saturday Night Live were attacking all gun owners for the acts of one man. “The investigation into the tragedy in Las Vegas this week has sparked a larger debate in America between people who want common sense gun control and people who are wrong,” announced fake newsman Colin Jost, setting the tone for the bit.

This shouldn’t be a partisan issue,” Jost declared during the Weekend Update skit. The guy had 47 guns. No one should own 47 of anything. If you own 47 cats, you are not a responsible pet owner, you’re a crazy cat lady.” In a thinly veiled call for gun confiscation, he joked that “unlike with guns, the government will actually come and take your cats away, because everyone agrees that’s insane.” Actually, it’s because it’s animal cruelty.

Jost argued that alarms should sound when someone buys too many guns like his bank account does when he spends too much money. “How is no one keeping track of how many guns people own? There is a real law in Texas that says it’s illegal to own more than six dildos,” he pointed out, as if that was the evidence needed for greater gun control and not for the repeal of the intrusive Texas law.

Fake co-anchor Michael Che then slammed Second Amendment advocates as unbalanced snowflakes and claimed they shouldn’t need more than six bullets:

I mean, why is it so hard to get gun control in this country? I mean who are these delicate snowflakes that we can’t just tell: “No, you are not allowed to have 40 guns anymore, Earl. From now on you can have one gun, max, and six bullets. If you can’t hit what’s coming for you in six shots, then your ass needs to learn karate. Or use your words.”


I’m sick of this narrative that Americans just love guns so much. It’s a not true,” Che announced as he rattled off statistics with no cited source. 78 percent of Americans don’t even own a gun. And three percent of Americans own 50 percent of all the guns in the country. That’s the problem: that whinny three percent the country that needs to feel secure all the time.

So Che proposed a lewd sort of buyback program that could suit those insecure gun owners. “For every gun, you trade in, we give you one-half-inch of penis enlargement. That’s fair. If you trade in ten guns, you get five more inches,” he pitched to the cheers from the lowbrow audience.

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan said that he wants Congress to look into some proposals for gun control. But first, he wants to look into this briefcase from the NRA,” he chided as he showed a picture of a briefcase with money hanging out of it. But the joke was on him because the NRA had come out in favor of greater regulation of bump stocks.

According to Che, gun owners were hypocritical for being patriotic and worried about the government. And of course he mocked them as people living in trailers:

Yeah, I noticed that the people who bring up the Second Amendment all the time are always the same people who preach “respect law enforcement, support the troops.” Meanwhile, they have a closet full of weapons because they think those same troops are going to come and drive their house away.

This just proves how elitists on the coast have nothing but pure disgust for the people living in fly-over-country. And it’s was ultimately why President Trump got elected.

Transcript below:

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Saturday Night Live
October 7, 2017
12:11:43 AM Eastern

COLIN JOST: The investigation into the tragedy in Las Vegas this week has sparked a larger debate in America between people who want common sense gun control and people who are wrong. This shouldn’t be a partisan issue. The guy had 47 guns. No one should own 47 of anything. If you own 47 cats, you are not a responsible pet owner, you’re a crazy cat lady. And unlike with guns, the government will actually come and take your cats away, because everyone agrees that’s insane.

Also, this guy bought 33 of his guns in the past year. And that didn’t set off any kind of alert? If I buy $100 worth of Chick-fil-A, I get a text message from my bank that says, “Did you just purchase $100 worth of Chick-fil-A? Please, Colin, tell us this is fraud.” How is no one keeping track of how many guns people own? There is a real law in Texas that says it’s illegal to own more than six dildos. And I get why. No one needs that many. If you own more than six dildos, it’s a clear sign you are training for something awful.

MICHAEL CHE: I mean, why is it so hard to get gun control in this country? I mean who are these delicate snowflakes that we can’t just tell: “No, you are not allowed to have 40 guns anymore, Earl. From now on you can have one gun, max, and six bullets. If you can’t hit what’s coming for you in six shots, then your ass needs to learn karate. Or use your words.”

I’m sick of this narrative that Americans just love guns so much. It’s a not true. 78 percent of Americans don’t even own a gun. And three percent of Americans own 50 percent of all the guns in the country. That’s the problem, that whinny three percent the country that needs to feel secure all the time. That’s why I think we should do a buy-back program. For every gun you trade in, we give you one-half-inch of penis enlargement. [ Cheers and applause ] That’s fair. If you trade in ten guns, you get five more inches. And if any women want to trade in their guns, don’t. Keep your guns. Because you’re probably going to need them to fight off all those men in spandex fighting to show off their brand-new penises.

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan said that he wants Congress to look into some proposals for gun control. But first, he wants to look into this briefcase from the NRA. We have got to do something about the guns this the country. And I know about the Second Amendment. I know you need your guns to protect you from the government.

Yeah, I noticed that the people who bring up the Second Amendment all the time are always the same people who preach “respect law enforcement, support the troops.” Meanwhile, they have a closet full of weapons because they think those same troops are going to come and drive their house away.

It’s hypocritical. It’s like saying, “I love my wife, I trust my wife, but that sneaky bitch is coming for me.”

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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ICE Promises Raids of Homes, Businesses in Sanctuary California

ICE Promises Raids of Homes, Businesses in Sanctuary California

8 Oct, 2017
8 Oct, 2017

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) says it will begin carrying out immigration raids in local neighborhoods and workplaces after California became a sanctuary state.

“ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) will have no choice but to conduct at-large arrests in local neighborhoods and at worksites, which will inevitably result in additional collateral arrests, instead of focusing on arrests at jails and prisons where transfers are safer for ICE officers and the community,” ICE Director Tom Homan wrote in a statement obtained by Breitbart Texas. “ICE will also likely have to detain individuals arrested in California in detention facilities outside of the state, far from any family they may have in California.”

The threat comes days after California Governor Jerry Brown delivered the gold to illegal aliens by making the entire state a sanctuary. Brown signed SB54, the “California Values Act” into law last week making it illegal, after January 1, 2018, for a local law enforcement officer to ask about a person’s immigration status during the course of routine interactions with the public, Breitbart News’ Michelle Moons reported.  The law also prohibits law enforcement officials from complying with ICE issued immigration detainers.

“This bill does not prevent or prohibit Immigration and Customs Enforcement or the Department of Homeland Security from doing their own work in any way,” Gov. Brown said after in the signing law and a signing statement.

DHS officials responded quickly and said the will go right to work in California.

“Ultimately, SB54 helps shield removable aliens from immigration enforcement and creates another magnet for more illegal immigration, all at the expense of the safety and security of the very people it purports to protect,” Homan stated.

SB54 will negatively impact ICE operations in California by nearly eliminating all cooperation and communication with our law enforcement partners in the state, voiding the delegated authority that the Orange County Sheriff’s Office has under the 287g program, and prohibiting local law enforcement from contracting with the federal government to house detainees.”

DHS said the department and ICE remain committed to its public safety mission. “We will continue to do our sworn duty to seek out dangerous criminal aliens and other immigration violators. ICE seeks straightforward cooperation with all sheriffs and local elected officials,” Homan concluded. “This misguided legislation will severely undermine those efforts.”

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas. He is a founding member of the Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTXGAB, and Facebook.

via Breitbart News

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Hillary Clinton refuses to accept reality and is desperately trying to cling to political relevance. She has enjoyed a lifetime of political privilege as a First Lady, a United States Senator, a Secretary of State and a presidential nominee of the Democratic Party. Sadly, she was awarded all of these prestigious positions because of her husband, not due to her own merit.

via CanadaFreePress.Com

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Was Vegas an FBI Sting Gone Bad?

Why is there no motive for the Vegas massacre? Why did Stephen Paddock have a secret life?

It is terrible to contemplate, but the possibility that Stephen Paddock was an undercover federal operative or informant cannot be ruled out. He may have been either set up or used by ISIS and/or a federal agency in a scheme that backfired.

via CanadaFreePress.Com

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Victory! Department of Defense purges SPLC information from its training material

The Department of Defense (DOD) has recently removed all its material related to extremist groups that came from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The DOD infamously used the discredited SPLC’s data, which led it compare Catholic and Protestant Christians to al Qaeda, as examples of religious extremism. CRC has extensively covered the left-wing bent of the SPLC that has prompted it to include mainstream, conservative nonprofits with legitimate hate groups with histories of violence.

via CanadaFreePress.Com

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Billionaire Gun Grabber Bloomberg to Match ALL Donations in Fight to Revoke 2nd Amendment

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg – a flaming liberal – has just announced that he will use his vast fortune to subsidize the left’s war against the Second Amendment.

Battered and burned over months of attacks on President Trump that have failed to have the desired results of reversing last year’s election, Democrats and liberals are looking to an easier battle by exploiting Sunday’s tragic Las Vegas mass shooting event to reinvigorate their assault on the right to bear arms.

Democrats and their talking point spewing late-night television meat puppets like Jimmy Kimmel are mounting their most furious attack on gun owners since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings back in 2012.

And there will be plenty of money involved, a good amount of it will be coming from Bloomberg who has made disarming law-abiding Americans one of his great missions in life.

Via The Hill “Mike Bloomberg offers to ‘match every donation’ to fight gun violence”:

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg says he will match donations to Everytown for Gun Safety, a gun-control advocacy group he founded, after the national debate over gun laws was reignited this week in response to an attack in Las Vegas.

“US has a gun violence problem. @Everytown & @MomsDemand are working to solve it. I’ll match every donation. Give now,” Bloomberg, a longtime advocate for stricter gun control laws, wrote on Twitter Wednesday.

The announcement came days after a gunman opened fire on a Las Vegas music festival from his room in a nearby hotel. The shooting left 58 people dead and hundreds of others injured.

The gunman, identified as 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, was found dead in his hotel room in the Mandalay Bay when SWAT teams stormed the building. At least 23 guns were found in the room.

The topic may currently be bump stocks and silencers but that is only the proverbial camel’s nose under the tent for the left. They have already been publishing calls for the repeal of the Second Amendment and top leading Democratic party figure Michael Moore has called for the push to begin for another constitutional amendment that would effectively nullify the right to bear arms.

There will be boatloads of money devoted to his brazen effort to deprive law-abiding Americans of the right to protect themselves and their families and it will be spearheaded by the most influential figures and celebrities and bankrolled by the likes of Bloomberg and Soros.

One only hopes that conservatives are up to the fight, it’s not a given considering the pussies in Congress that are led by Ryan and McConnell.


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Muslim and ‘gender neutral’ emojis will be arriving to your iPhone

As part of their next software update for their devices, Apple is going to add emojis for a Muslim women in a hijab, and “gender neutral” persons.

Here’s a news video showing all the new emojis from Apple:

Does this make sense?

From a business standpoint, it would make sense to have a Muslim woman, since there are a billion Muslims in the world, and they represent a market that Apple could make greater inroads into.

Emojis appeasing the transgender LGBT lobby makes less sense. There are very few people in the general population who identify as some kind of “non-binary” gender, and many parts of the world are hostile to these designations. Apple’s attempt to mollify LGBT advocates appears to be motivated more by a social justice agenda from the company rather than a business decision responding to market demands.

When will the gender neutral and Muslim emojis be on the iPhone?

Apple plans to add them to the iOS 11.1 update, which will roll out to Apple products this month.

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WATCH: CNN Tries To Explain Bump Stocks With Animation, Fails Miserably

On Thursday, CNN continued the mainstream media’s long tradition of demonstrating a complete misunderstanding of guns when it displayed a graphic of an AR-15, and tried to explain how a bump stock worked.

While CNN congressional correspondent, Phil Mattingly, talked with The Situation Room host Wolf Blitzer about what possible actions Congress could take to regulate bump stocks, a graphic displayed at the top of the screen showed an AR-15 with a suppressor – which is a heavily regulated National Firearms Act (NFA) item – along with a grenade launcher – civilians cannot purchase grenades.

The graphic did not, however, include a bump stock on the gun, which was the entire point of the graphic and the segment. Instead, the graphic showed the gun sliding back-and-forth into the butt stock.



CNN continued to use the completely inaccurate graphic across their network in multiple segments.

Take a look:


via Daily Wire

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