Feinstein Slips Up… Exposes Huge Fake News Narrative on Las Vegas


Feinstein Slips Up… Exposes Huge Fake News Narrative on Las Vegas

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The United States is still reeling from the Las Vegas massacre — the worst mass shooting in American history. While much of the country has come together in the aftermath of the attack, there have been too many Americans who can’t put aside politics, even for a moment of national mourning.

A number of nasty liberals have gone online to state that most of the people who died at the concert were likely Trump supporters because it was a country music concert. That’s a narrative that’s been widely hyped in the mainstream media, such as CNN’s Jeff Zeleny.

California Sen. Diane Feinstein blew a hole in all those claims when she came forward and announced that her daughter almost attended Route 91 Harvest Festival, the Washington Examiner reported.

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“My own daughter was going to go. I have an email from her, she was going to go with neighbors,” Feinstein said at a news conference.

“And they, for one reason or another, both families decided they wouldn’t. They were gonna stay at that hotel. That’s how close it came to me. And I just thank God. It’s just, it’s one of those misses in life. It could happen to any one of us,” she said.

Thank God is right. No one should have to experience the pain of losing a child. However, Feinstein’s remarks to make it clear that not everyone at the concert was a Trump supporter.

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It is highly unlike that Feinstein’s daughter is a Trump supporter. Retired Judge Katherine Feinstein Mariano, 60, is herself a Democrat, according to The Sacramento Bee. In a crowd of 22,000, I can guarantee that not everyone was a Republican, and not everyone was a Trump supporter.

The liberals who have gone online to make these claims are just petty, small-minded bigots who only have hate in their hearts. They are incapable of feeling anything other than hatred for their fellow Americans.

The brave men and women who went above and beyond during those horrible few minutes didn’t care about politics. The police who responded didn’t do so because they thought the victims were Republicans.

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The ordinary citizens who saved lives by shielding others from bullets, carrying the wounded to the hospitals and otherwise helping out did so because they saw Americans in trouble. Not Republicans, not Democrats — Americans.

Thankfully, the folks who spread their hatred and vitriol are in the minority. There are many more people who have come together to pray for the victims, to donate blood and to help out nation heal.

These are the people we need to remember. These are the people who represent the United States.

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via Conservative Tribune

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Russia’s New Weapon Will Bring the War Right to American Shores


Russia’s New Weapon Will Bring the War Right to American Shores

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Russia has a new weapon in its armory, and it’s one that could bring a war right to American soil.

The new weapon is the Steregushchy Class corvette, and it is a multi-purpose naval vessel originally designed for coastal defense.

The warship is also strong evidence that Russia is flexing its muscles.

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Naval-Technology.com reported that these corvettes can be deployed in coastal patrol, escort and anti-submarine warfare operations. The ships can also engage surface ships, submarines, aircraft and targets on shore. They come equipped with anti-ship supersonic missiles, a 100mm gun, two AK-630s, and two twin 324mm torpedo tube mounts.

The vessels also use stealth technology, accosting to Russian news agency TASS.

According to We Are The Mighty, the Russian navy plans to have least 30 of the vessels in operation spread among all four of its fleets: the Northern Fleet, the Baltic Fleet, the Black Sea Fleet and the Pacific Fleet.

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It could also be a dangerous threat to the American Navy’s version of coastal vessels, the Littoral Combat Ships, which are larger but, according to We Are the Mighty, not as heavily armed.

The warship, which can can support 100 personnel, is 343-feet long and can travel at up to 31 mph, Naval-Technology reported.

The warship is reportedly armed with the latest guided missile systems, which are designed to “engage surface ships and submarines as well as provide shore bombardment support for amphibious assaults,” according to Sputnik.

It sure sounds like they are preparing for something.

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While the United States has the most powerful military in the world, these small combat ships could bring a war dangerously close to American beaches.

Russia has been making serious efforts to increase its presence globally and these stealthy warships are another example of how the nation is looking to step up their game — a game in which we can never allow them to gain the upper hand.

While tensions rise in the Korean Peninsula and we deal with national tragedies, we cannot afford to let our gaze drift too far from Russia.

H/T We Are The Mighty

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via Conservative Tribune

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James Woods DESTROYS Geraldo Rivera For Attacking the 2nd Amendment in Viral Tweet

James Woods DESTROYS Geraldo Rivera For Attacking the 2nd Amendment in Viral Tweet

The 2nd Amendment has been under fierce attack even more so since Stephen Paddock unleashed a barrage of bullets on concert attendees in Vegas Sunday night, killing 59 people and injuring over 500.

Hillary Clinton and other Democrats immediately politicized the shooting and called for more gun control. Misinformation about what type of firearm Paddock used spread like wildfire.

Geraldo Rivera sent out a tweet attacking the 2nd Amendment and James Woods destroyed him in his usual snarky fashion.

Geraldo tweeted, “Sorry mates I love guns but If the 2d Amendment really allows psychos to buy machine guns with silencers then the 2d Amendment sucks”

The Vegas shooter neither used a machine gun nor used a silencer. Furthermore, ‘psychos’ and terrorists can easily purchase or rent a vehicle and plow over people as we have seen numerous times (Nice, France for one example).

Every time there is a mass shooting, the left comes out to attack our 2nd Amendment rights.

James Woods replied, “As a purported journalist, could you not simply do research on the facts to prevent embarrassing yourself like this? It’s not difficult.” (screenshot below)



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via The Gateway Pundit

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Report: Against Mattis’s advice, Trump prepares to decertify the Iran nuclear deal

Are there any cabinet members who want to tear up the agreement? Tillerson obviously doesn’t. Mattis doesn’t. As of July, the last time the deal was recertified, both Joe Dunford and H.R. McMaster supported keeping it going although McMaster has criticized the terms harshly since then. And remember, this is an administration full of Iran hawks. They know how Iran has tightened its grip on Syria. They know the threat it poses to Israel. If they don’t want to bail out of the deal right now, there must be pressing reasons.

Actually, there is one cabinet member who supports ending the deal. Coincidentally, she’s in line to replace Tillerson, who’s about as far on the outs with POTUS as one can be without being fired.

If WaPo’s report is accurate, the one guy whose opinion counts agrees with her:

President Trump plans to announce next week that he will “decertify” the international nuclear deal with Iran, saying it is not in the national interest of the United States and kicking the issue to a reluctant Congress, people briefed on an emerging White House strategy for Iran said Thursday…

Trump’s senior national security advisers agreed within the past several weeks to recommend that Trump “decertify” the agreement at the Oct. 15 deadline, two of those people said.

That would start a 60-day congressional review period to consider the next steps for the United States. On its own, the step would not break the agreement among Iran, the United States and other world powers, but would start a clock on resuming sanctions that the United States had lifted as its part of the deal.

The administration has begun discussing possible legislation to “strengthen” the agreement, congressional aides and others said. That is the “fix it or nix it” approach suggested by both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), a leading Republican hawk on Iran.

Has McMaster flipped since July and now supports decertification? He’s the only top natsec person I can think of whose opinion seems ambiguous right now. Mattis affirmed his reluctant support for the deal yesterday.

The reason he and Tillerson et al. are loath to back out of the deal right now, I assume, is because of North Korea. It’s not merely a matter of that crisis being more urgent than a new crisis with Iran triggered by American action. It’s a matter of not wanting to signal to the North Koreans that any deal they might make with the U.S. to denuclearize could be discarded by the White House at any time, just as the Iran deal is being discarded. The U.S. already has a trust problem with North Korea because of how it turned on Qaddafi during the Libyan uprising in 2011. Kim’s regime reportedly took note that Qaddafi had voluntarily given up nukes in 2003 for the promise of better relations with America only to find the U.S. on the side of the opposition when Libyans revolted eight years later. Qaddafi could have kept the U.S. and other western powers at bay if he had kept his nuclear deterrent. Instead he gave it up for magic beans. For that reason it’s unlikely North Korea will ever make a nuclear deal with the U.S., whatever we end up doing with Iran. But if we throw out the deal that Obama agreed to, reneging on another promise? Yeah, all hope of diplomacy with North Korea will realistically be dead, assuming it isn’t already.

On the other hand, if the idea is to place the Iran deal on the backburner until North Korea is “dealt with,” it might be sitting on that burner forever. Obama spent eight years farting around while the NorKs moved steadily towards building a functional nuclear missile. Unless Trump is planning a preemptive attack on Pyongyang soon, the saber-rattling with North Korea could consume his entire first term, ensuring there’s never a “good time” to deal with Iran. Plus, if he scraps the deal now, he could use its reinstatement (under modified terms) as an inducement to get Iran to cooperate later on key matters like a Syria peace deal. And there’s a chance that a tough gesture towards Iran will frighten Kim into backing away from further missile tests and other nuclear provocations. Trump seems to be pursuing a “madman” strategy towards North Korea lately, with Tillerson as the good cop and Trump as the bad cop. The madman strategy works better when the target, er, isn’t already fully aware that it’s a strategy, that you’re not really “mad,” but tearing up the Iran deal would be consistent with it. Trump’s so “crazy” he’s willing to spark confrontation with not one but two would-be nuclear rogue states. Kim’s sure to back down now. Or to freak out and launch missiles at Tokyo. One or the other.

I wonder if decertification of the deal will be the final straw for Tillerson. Despite yesterday’s warm words at his press conference, his relationship with Trump sounds borderline toxic:

But the deliberate, slow-talking oil executive has little personal chemistry with the quick-talking, impulsive Mr. Trump. Mr. Tillerson has avoided expressing his pique to the president. But aides and Trump associates who have been in the room with them said Mr. Tillerson’s body language, eye rolling and terse expressions left little doubt that he disapproves of Mr. Trump’s approach.

Mr. Trump, they said, has noticed how Mr. Tillerson slouches in his presence, particularly when he disagrees with a decision. When overruled, Mr. Tillerson often says, “It’s your deal,” to the president’s irritation, according to two former administration officials.

“Trump has chafed at what he sees as arrogance on the part of an employee,” adds WaPo, and reportedly “believes his top diplomat often seems more concerned with what the world thinks of the United States than with tending to the president’s personal image.” Imagine the Secretary of State prioritizing respect for the country over the Trump “brand.” It’s a miracle he hasn’t been fired already.

If he was in Jeff Sessions’s position, with no obvious replacement waiting in the wings, I think he might hang on a good while longer. Since Haley is standing by and seems to be more like-minded with Trump himself, T-Rex will probably go extinct by the end of the year. Here’s Mattis yesterday making the case for sticking with the Iran deal for now.

The post Report: Against Mattis’s advice, Trump prepares to decertify the Iran nuclear deal appeared first on Hot Air.

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Watch: This Pre-Schooler Makes All the Macho NFL Players Look Like Wimps


Watch: This Pre-Schooler Makes All the Macho NFL Players Look Like Wimps

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As NFL players have made headlines for refusing to stand for the flag and the playing of the national anthem before professional football games, a Texas toddler recently showed them the true importance of our country’s sacred symbols.

Cameron Gillespie, a pre-school student at Alpine Christian Academy in Longview, attended a school function called “See You at the Pole,” in which a group of students gathered around a flagpole to pray.

While others her age likely didn’t understand the importance of the event, the 2-year-old took the moment very seriously, as she clasped her little hands and began praying, intently, according to KLTV.

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Footage taken at the event showed the inspiring little girl and her clear devotion to her country and her faith.

Teachers reported that Gillespie was praying for her friends, family, and country, and that the pre-schooler actually prays with this same intensity every time. Watch KLTV’s coverage of the inspiring moment here:


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The “See You at the Pole” event gives Christian students the opportunity to gather, pray, read the Bible and honor God, according to Faith Wire.

The fact that they do so while gathered around the American flag is an acknowledgement of the unique religious freedoms our country protects.

Gillespie’s parents should be proud and commended for the patriotic, Christian girl they are raising. This clear recognition of what’s important in our country and the dedication to passing on those values to the next generation is crucial in ensuring that the U.S. remains a free and prosperous nation.

H/T TheBlaze

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via Conservative Tribune

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Narco-State: Mexico’s Supreme Court Rushes to Protect Assets of Accused Cartel Figure

Narco-State: Mexico’s Supreme Court Rushes to Protect Assets of Accused Cartel Figure

5 Oct, 2017
5 Oct, 2017

Mexico’s Supreme Court moved to help alleged cartel fronts whose assets frozen by ruling the actions unconstitutional. The decision opens the door for cartel-connected companies to fight for their properties. 

The move comes at a time the U.S. Treasury Department and Mexico’s Tax Secretariat (Hacienda) are working together and sharing intelligence to target the assets of cartel-connected individuals and their businesses that may be used as money laundering fronts. While the ruling only benefits the company that is fighting the case, the arguments could set a wider precedent across Mexico.

One of the most famous cases took place in August when U.S. and Mexican authorities moved to freeze the assets of footballer Rafael “Rafa” Marquez and Narco-Music Superstar Julio Cesar “Julion” Alvarez Montelongo in an action targeting 22 Mexican nationals and 43 businesses, Breitbart Texas reported. While the Treasury Department froze the assets in the U.S., in Mexico, a financial intelligence unit from the Taxing Secretariat (Hacienda) moved to do the same.

The move was made in an effort to target a little-known drug trafficking organization led by Raul Flores Hernandez out of the Mexican state of Jalisco. While other cartels earned their name by their use of force, the Flores organization managed to operate silently since the 1980s and established strategic alliances with the Sinaloa Cartel and Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG).

The recent ruling by Mexico’s Supreme Court now provides individuals with assets frozen by Secretaria de Hacienda with the ability to file injunctions, Mexico’s Aristegui Noticias reported. The basis of the ruling claims that those who have had their assets frozen were not given the right to an audience prior to the action. The case being tried by the Mexican court system deals with an unnamed business that claims they were not properly notified of the action prior to the freeze.

Ildefonso Ortiz is an award-winning journalist with Breitbart Texas. He co-founded the Cartel Chronicles project with Brandon Darby and Stephen K. Bannon.  You can follow him on Twitter and on Facebook.

Brandon Darby is managing director and editor-in-chief of Breitbart Texas. He co-founded the Cartel Chronicles project with Ildefonso Ortiz and Stephen K. Bannon. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. He can be contacted at bdarby@breitbart.com.

Read More Stories About:

Breitbart Texas, Breitbart Texas, Mexican Corruption, Money Laundering, Secretaria de Hacienda, U.S. Department of Treasury


via Breitbart News

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Social justice warrior who stole MAGA hat to face justice system

Last week, a remarkable video was seen by millions of viewers on YouTube, showing a U.C. Riverside student stealing a MAGA hat and refusing to give it back.  I wrote about it here, as a symptom of an actual, serious, long-term revolutionary movement underway in the United States.  The progressive cant uttered by the student, identified now as Edith Masias, reveals the brainwashing she has received: a mindset that utterly rejects the laws and customs of society.

Here is the more than nine-minute-long video, which is worth a viewing if you have not yet seen it:


Now the victim of the theft, Matthew Vitale, who debates her on the video, has filed charges against her, and because of her subsequent actions, the charges may rise to the level of felony.  Milo Yiannopoulos’s site Milo reports:

Vitale, a member of UC Riverside College Republicans, says he has decided to press criminal theft charges against her. He had first declined to press charges after being told it would only be a misdemeanor, but decided later to do so after Macias herself uploaded a video on Facebook titled #SnatchAHat, which showed her grabbing the hat off his head.

“‘Make America Great Again’ coded ‘Continue the Genocide of POC’. You feel safe cuz you got the cops and politicians on your side. Youre not safe… just saying. We need to make racists scared,” wrote Macias in a seemingly-illiterate caption that accompanied the video.

The video is no longer available on YouTube, but the words cited (“You’re not safe[.] … We need to make racists scared”) do indicate a terrorist intent.   

Vitale was informed by campus police that the new evidence raises it to a felony theft charge. Speaking to The College Fix on Monday, Vitale said he wanted to take a stand.

“I do want to send a message,” Vitale said. “I am not vindictive, I am not vengeful, but people especially in my generation need to realize you can’t do things like this because you don’t like what someone is saying or wearing.”

“Free speech is under attack on campus,” he added. “As cliche as it sounds, the facts of our laws and our Constitution … don’t care about what you feel. For millennials everywhere who believe their feelings give them the right to step on the rights of others – you are sadly misguided. That is not the real world.”

Like any bully, Masias is shocked and outraged that her victim dares to fight back and cries out that she is the real victim.  Even more comically, her supporters are demanding that the university and the taxpayers fund her living costs:

Edith Macias’ friends have responded by rallying to her defense, demanding that the college protect her from any charges and even “pay for alternate housing accommodations for Macias and their family while simultaneously covering their current housing costs in order to keep them safe from threats of harm.”

As the statement implies, Macias identifies with the pronouns “they/them.”

I certainly hope that Ms. Masias’s next cause will be “mass incarceration” and that she will emerge as its poster child, a role she will occupy for many, many years.  I can hardly wait for Democrat politicians to be asked to defend her.

Last week, a remarkable video was seen by millions of viewers on YouTube, showing a U.C. Riverside student stealing a MAGA hat and refusing to give it back.  I wrote about it here, as a symptom of an actual, serious, long-term revolutionary movement underway in the United States.  The progressive cant uttered by the student, identified now as Edith Masias, reveals the brainwashing she has received: a mindset that utterly rejects the laws and customs of society.

Here is the more than nine-minute-long video, which is worth a viewing if you have not yet seen it:


Now the victim of the theft, Matthew Vitale, who debates her on the video, has filed charges against her, and because of her subsequent actions, the charges may rise to the level of felony.  Milo Yiannopoulos’s site Milo reports:

Vitale, a member of UC Riverside College Republicans, says he has decided to press criminal theft charges against her. He had first declined to press charges after being told it would only be a misdemeanor, but decided later to do so after Macias herself uploaded a video on Facebook titled #SnatchAHat, which showed her grabbing the hat off his head.

“‘Make America Great Again’ coded ‘Continue the Genocide of POC’. You feel safe cuz you got the cops and politicians on your side. Youre not safe… just saying. We need to make racists scared,” wrote Macias in a seemingly-illiterate caption that accompanied the video.

The video is no longer available on YouTube, but the words cited (“You’re not safe[.] … We need to make racists scared”) do indicate a terrorist intent.   

Vitale was informed by campus police that the new evidence raises it to a felony theft charge. Speaking to The College Fix on Monday, Vitale said he wanted to take a stand.

“I do want to send a message,” Vitale said. “I am not vindictive, I am not vengeful, but people especially in my generation need to realize you can’t do things like this because you don’t like what someone is saying or wearing.”

“Free speech is under attack on campus,” he added. “As cliche as it sounds, the facts of our laws and our Constitution … don’t care about what you feel. For millennials everywhere who believe their feelings give them the right to step on the rights of others – you are sadly misguided. That is not the real world.”

Like any bully, Masias is shocked and outraged that her victim dares to fight back and cries out that she is the real victim.  Even more comically, her supporters are demanding that the university and the taxpayers fund her living costs:

Edith Macias’ friends have responded by rallying to her defense, demanding that the college protect her from any charges and even “pay for alternate housing accommodations for Macias and their family while simultaneously covering their current housing costs in order to keep them safe from threats of harm.”

As the statement implies, Macias identifies with the pronouns “they/them.”

I certainly hope that Ms. Masias’s next cause will be “mass incarceration” and that she will emerge as its poster child, a role she will occupy for many, many years.  I can hardly wait for Democrat politicians to be asked to defend her.

via American Thinker Blog

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Nancy Sinatra Calls for NRA Members to Be Killed by Firing Squad

Nancy Sinatra / Getty


October 5, 2017 12:15 pm

Singer Nancy Sinatra on Thursday called for members of the National Rifle Association to be killed by firing squad.

Sinatra—the daughter of legendary crooner Frank Sinatra—shared the sentiment on Twitter following the murder of 59 people in Las Vegas by a mass shooter over the weekend.


In response to criticism, Sinatra clarified that she did not mean all gun owners, just NRA members.

In 2013, the NRA estimated it had five million members. When another Twitter user asked Sinatra to explain why she thought every NRA member should be killed, Sinatra did not challenge the interpretation of her remarks.

The execution of every NRA member would produce a death toll larger than the Rwandan, Armenian, Bosnian, and Cambodian genocides.

via Washington Free Beacon

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‘Resistance Member’ Nancy Sinatra Calls For Millions of NRA Members To Be Put To Death

‘Resistance Member’ Nancy Sinatra Calls For Millions of NRA Members To Be Put To Death

On Tuesday, Nancy Sinatra, the daughter of late singer Frank Sinatra, called for “murderous members” of the NRA to be executed by firing squad. 

“The murderous members of the NRA should face a firing squad,” Sinatra tweeted.

MTV star Chet Cannon called the unhinged member of “The Resistance,” out.

“NRA: 5 Million Members @NancySinatra feels they should be murdered by firing squad, but THEY are the “murderous” ones. Okay,” Cannon tweeted.

While Nancy Sinatra is anti-Trump, the NRDC activist made national headlines for calling out CNN for spinning her comments about the President using her father’s song, “My Way,” during the inauguration.

Fox News reports:

Nancy Sinatra had some strong words for CNN after the news outlet published an article on its website with the headline “Nancy Sinatra not happy Trump using father’s song at inauguration.”


CNN quoted what seems to be a now-deleted tweet from Nancy Sinatra that read “Just remember the first line of the song” in response to a question about her father’s song being used during the inauguration.

The first line of “My Way” is “And now, the end is near.”

Sinatra was not happy with CNN’s story. She tweeted a link to the article and replied, “That’s not true. I never said that. Why do you lie, CNN?”


“Oh, man! I’m not angry,” she tweeted. “What a rotten spin to put on a harmless joke.”



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via The Gateway Pundit

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WSJ: Progressive Academics Reject Science

WSJ: Progressive Academics Reject Science

by Tom Ciccotta3 Oct 20170

3 Oct, 2017
3 Oct, 2017

An op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal on Monday argues that it’s progressive academics, not conservatives, who reject science.

An op-ed published on Monday from Heather Heying, the wife of embattled Professor Bret Weinstein and former faculty member at Evergreen State College, argues that the academic left rejects basic principles of science.

“The left has long pointed to deniers of climate change and evolution to demonstrate that over here, science is a core value,” Heying writes. “But increasingly, that’s patently not true.”

Heying details her experience as a faculty member at Evergreen State College. This year, she and her husband Bret found themselves at the center of a national media story after a swarm of student protesters derailed one of Bret’s morning class sessions over his criticism a controversial activism event. The backlash came in spite of the fact that both Heying and Weinstein consider themselves to be progressives. In fact, Weinstein told Tucker Carlson during an interview that he considers himself to be a “deeply progressive” person.

She condemns diversity efforts on campus, arguing that, despite their well-meaning intentions, only serve to silence those who disagree with the progressive orthodoxy:

Despite the benevolent-sounding label, the equity movement is a highly virulent social pathogen, an autoimmune disease of the academy. Diversity offices, the very places that were supposed to address bigotry and harassment, have been weaponized and repurposed to catch and cull all who disagree. And the attack on STEM is no accident. Once scientists are silenced, narratives can be fully unhooked from any expectation that they be put to the test of evidence. Last month, Evergreen made it clear that they wanted two of its scientists gone—my husband, Bret Weinstein, and me, despite our stellar reputations with the students they claimed to be protecting. First, they came for the biologists . . .

Heying placed the majority of the science denial on a particular and increasingly popular brand of leftism called “postmodernism.” She argues that adherents to the postmodern ethos reject the standards of evidence introduced by science and instead rely on the personal experience of those considered to be oppressed:

Postmodernism, and specifically its offspring, critical race theory, have abandoned rigor and replaced it with “lived experience” as the primary source of knowledge. Little credence is given to the idea of objective reality. Science has long understood that observation can never be perfectly objective, but it also provides the ultimate tool kit with which to distinguish signal from noise—and from bias. Scientists generate complete lists of alternative hypotheses, with testable predictions, and we try to falsify our own cherished ideas.

via Breitbart News

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