Steve Bannon: ‘End of Everything’ for Trump if He Embraces Gun Control

Steve Bannon: ‘End of Everything’ for Trump if He Embraces Gun Control

3 Oct, 2017
3 Oct, 2017

Former White House chief strategist and current Breitbart executive chairman Steve Bannon warns that President Trump’s base of supporters would view it as catastrophic if he changed his position on the Second Amendment and embraced gun control.

Jonathan Swan from Axios reports:

President Trump may say he’s a defender of gun ownership rights, but with all the gun control pressure he’ll be under after Las Vegas, how do we know he’ll resist it — especially after the debt limit deal with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, and his flirtation with a deal on DACA?

I asked Steve Bannon whether he could imagine Trump pivoting to the left on guns after the Las Vegas massacre. “Impossible: will be the end of everything,” Bannon texted. When asked whether Trump’s base would react worse to this than they would if he supported an immigration amnesty bill, Bannon replied: “as hard as it is to believe actually worse.”

On Tuesday, while responding to questions concerning the Las Vegas mass shooting, President Trump said, “We’ll be talking about gun laws as time goes by.”

Suspected mass murderer Stephen Paddock, 64, opened fire on thousands of attendees at a country music concert in Las Vegas on Sunday night. Shooting from his rooms on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, Paddock killed 59 people and injured over 500 others.

In the wake of the tragedy, Democrat politicians and left-wing celebrities have increased their calls for more gun control.

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2nd Amendment, Big Government, Donald Trump, gun control, Steve Bannon


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Should The U.S. Adopt Australia’s Gun Laws? Here’s Why That Would Never Work.

An increasingly common response from pro-gun control activists following a mass shooting is the call for America to implement Australian-style gun control laws as the “solution” to gun violence. Following the horrific mass murder carried out in Las Vegas on Sunday, in which at least 59 people were killed and over 500 injured by a lone gunman perched in a hotel room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, Australia’s radical gun reform laws of 1996 are once again being invoked as the means of preventing another such heinous act. But those condemning America for failing to follow Australia’s example are not being honest about what that would actually look like in the U.S.

Implementing Australia’s gun control policies first and foremost requires imposing Australia’s euphemistically named “gun buyback” program, the cornerstone of the country’s gun laws. As positive as a “buyback” program sounds, what gun control advocates often conveniently fail to note is that it only works if it is obligatory. The gun buyback is actually government-imposed gun confiscation. There is no opting out. You are handing over the gun that you own legally to the government, or else you will face the point of a gun. The only guns the Australian government allows their citizens to own mut be registered and permitted for specific purposes, and self-defense is not one of those government-sanctioned purposes.

Australia’s gun confiscation was only successful because of its large scale. The government took at least 650,000 guns, or about one-fifth of all guns in the country; higher estimates put the numbers at 1 million and one-third. There are over 300 millions firearms in the U.S. To implement the “buyback” program on the same scale in America would require the forced confiscation of 60 to 100 million guns from tens of millions of Americans.

So, would tens of millions of gun-owning Americans, many of whom specifically own those guns for self-defense — including, if not particularly, self-defense against a tyrannical state — voluntarily hand over those guns to a government they believed was violating their constitutionally enshrined rights? Not a chance. What would inevitably have to happen is a militarized police force knocking on doors, searching houses, and forcefully taking those guns from tens of millions of “bitter clingers.”

In short, implementing Australia’s gun laws would result in massive civil upheaval, violence, arrests, even civil war.

In a must-read piece for The Federalist, historian Varad Mehta outlined several reasons why Australia’s gun laws would not just fail in America but result in the criminalization of millions of Americans and ultimately revolt; he underscores the central difference between the United States and Australia when it comes to guns: The U.S. has a Bill of Rights; Australia does not. Australian citizens simply do not have rights as unequivocally and solidly enshrined as Americans, not to mention a right to bear arms.

Though he likely didn’t intend to make that case, the Australian prime minister who oversaw the country’s sweeping gun control laws, John Howard, underscored his fellow countrymen’s lack of constitutionally protected rights in a pro-gun control op-ed for The New York Times published shortly after Sandy Hook. Here’s the key passage from the op-ed (h/t Mehta, emphasis added):

Our challenges were different from America’s. Australia is an even more intensely urban society, with close to 60 percent of our people living in large cities. Our gun lobby isn’t as powerful or well-financed as the National Rifle Association in the United States. Australia, correctly in my view, does not have a Bill of Rights, so our legislatures have more say than America’s over many issues of individual rights, and our courts have less control. Also, we have no constitutional right to bear arms. (After all, the British granted us nationhood peacefully; the United States had to fight for it.)

Howard is celebrating his own lack of a Bill of Rights to protect him from a potentially tyrannical government. This dismissal of citizens’ rights and lauding of a government with potentially unlimited power flies in the face of a core belief of a majority of Americans, including a vast majority of gun owners. And it is this difference above all the others that makes Australia’s gun laws impossible to impose on Americans.

If you haven’t read Mehta’s excellent discussion of this issue, do so.

More from the Daily Wire on gun control:

Leftists Love Gun Buybacks. They Don’t Work.

7 Facts On Gun Crime That Show That Gun Control Doesn’t Work

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Universities Have ‘Definitional Problem’ When It Comes to Sexual Violence

An American University student on a Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Task Force dealing with campus sexual assaults and violence, speaks with fellow students

An American University student on a Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Task Force dealing with campus sexual assaults and violence, speaks with fellow students / Getty Images

October 3, 2017 3:45 pm

A “definitional problem” in universities’ descriptions of sexual violence makes it difficult to know what can be learned from the newly released data on crime at institutions of higher learning, the president of a conservative women’s organization told the Washington Free Beacon.

“When one person or school says ‘rape’ or ‘sexual assault,’ it may be referring to something different than when someone else says it, so we aren’t comparing apples to apples,” said Carrie Lukas of the Independent Women’s Forum, about the annual security reports universities release yearly on Oct. 1, as federally mandated under the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Statistics Act.

The Clery Act, as the policy is known, was named for Jeanne Clery, a 19-year-old raped and murdered in her dorm room by a fellow student at Lehigh University in 1986. It requires that colleges document crimes that occur on campus, outline the safety policies in place, and compile the information in annual reports containing three years’ worth of data.

Most university reports reviewed by the Free Beacon adhere to the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics’ definition of rape, or “the penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” However, there are instances of administrations making revisions.

According to Lukas, these divergences and the subjectivity of the term “consent” can be misleading to the public.

“For example, to some people consent is impossible when intoxicated, but not everyone,” said Lukas. “This graying of definitions drives the numbers, and that’s how we get statistics like ‘one in five.'”

Lukas was referring to the widely disputed claim that one in five women will be sexually assaulted on a U.S. college campus. She noted that when she and others question that assertion, they are often accused of not taking sexual violence against women seriously.

“The opposite is true,” said Lukas. “We are demanding that a serious problem be treated seriously, and that starts with defining the problem correctly.”

A review of the security reports of 30 universities revealed a spread of zero to well over two dozen incidences of rape on a given campus in 2016. A snapshot of the country’s top schools show Princeton University reporting 13 rapes, Harvard 27, and Yale 24. Colleges also accounted for incidents that were classified as “unfounded” following investigation, meaning accusations deemed baseless or false.

Lukas said that just as extremely high frequencies of rape should give the public pause, schools claiming to have zero offenses are “likely under-reporting,” possibly because students are uncomfortable coming forward.

This year, 10 universities have been fined for violations of the Clery Act, including for under-reporting.

To Lukas, the statistics are interesting, but more important is meaningful action.

“We have to prioritize what is preventable and punishable. That means having an actual justice system responsible for investigating and prosecuting cases, and teaching young men and women to take more responsibility and take action that helps avoid bad outcomes,” she explained.

Lukas added that sexual violence reform advocates who call preventative education “victim shaming” or “victim blaming” aren’t “doing our young women any favors.”

“We teach our kids to take precautions in all of their other activities. If you’re walking in a neighborhood with a high crime rate, you are told to be alert and vigilant. Why on this issue aren’t we allowed to discuss those measures?” said Lukas.

With Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos rolling out reforms of the Title IX policies that guide the approach of administrations to campus sexual violence, Lukas said the country may be poised to excise the ambiguities from an issue that demands rigor and focus.

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THE KIDS AREN’T ALRIGHT: These ‘Grand Theft Auto’ Rampage Videos Are Disturbing

Before anybody can even think it, what I am about to say in no way implies that violent video games leads people to commit violent acts, that violent video games are to blame for the mass shooting in Las Vegas, that governments must ban violent video games, or that violent video games are the worst moral issue facing us.

Hear it loud and clear, libertarians: I AM NOT CALLING FOR A BAN ON VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES. We good?

Nevertheless, I quiver in remembering my teen years when fellow friends and I would gather for a game of Grand Theft Auto — the most depraved video game on the market, where people can role play as the criminal outlaw wreaking havoc upon a simulated city in whatever creative way they choose.

Sitting around the TV, I remember us post-pubescent teens chuckling like giddy schoolgirls as we controlled our video game avatars into mowing down scores of CGI civilians and police with AK-47’s. You can play the “story mode,” but that gets boring after a while, and offers little creativity. “Rampage” was the most fun and objectives were simple: survive the longest.

You could blast people from anywhere: a rooftop for sniper fire, a hilltop for machine guns, a street corner for pistols. Kill enough people, the “wanted” level increases, and then you’re knee-deep in destruction as the city becomes a warzone. Nobody survives forever; eventually, your health runs low, and you’re “Wasted,” or the cops arrest you, and you’re “Busted.” But this simulated fantasy world has no consequences, and either the hospital will miraculously resuscitate you back to health or police will forgive you of your mass-murdering ways and release you from prison. No matter what, you live to kill another day.

Simulating depravity and the most unspeakable of moral acts was our idea of “fun,” and though I eventually grew up from this packaged insanity, many have not. Grand Theft Auto remains one of the most popular video games created, having sold over 235 million copies since it became popular in 2001. The “Mature” rating states that only kids 17 years or older can purchase it, but that matters little, since GTA is most popular with “middle-class, middle-aged parents.” That means adults with allegedly fully-formed consciences think that simulated mass-murder is the best way to blow off some steam after a hard day’s work.

Why am I mentioning any of this if studies show that violent video games do not lead to actual violence on behalf of those who partake in playing them? The same reason that C.S. Lewis demonstrated on why watching a striptease (nowadays pornography) was not only an act of moral lassitude, but also stupefying for the intellect. In his book Mere Christianity, Lewis demonstrated the lunacy of watching naked women from a distance for pleasure:

Suppose you came to a country where you could fill a theatre by simply bringing a covered plate on to the stage and then slowly lifting the cover so as to let every one see, just before the lights went out, that it contained a mutton chop or a bit of bacon, would you not think that in that country something had gone wrong with the appetite for food? And would not anyone who had grown up in a different world think there was something equally queer about the state of the sex instinct among us?

Translation: what a sad state you must be in to pay for watching a naked woman, who neither knows you nor wishes to know you, when a little sacrifice and hard work will garner you true intimacy in marriage. The same logic applies to simulating violence, and in the case of the GTA series, depraved violence. What great social purpose does it serve to simulate a mass shooting? Why simulate the most wicked and anti-social of behaviors if you would never do such a thing in reality? For what reason, why?

Nearly a decade has passed since I last played Grand Theft Auto, or any game like it. How distant I feel from my former self. Watching videos of these rampages on Youtube, the laughs I once enjoyed when watching my friends blast police as CGI civilians fled in horror, has yielded to distressed introspection over what the hell we were thinking … if at all.


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NFL Ratings Are In — And They Aren’t Pretty

The ratings for NFL Sunday are in, and they aren’t pretty. Apparently taking a knee during the playing of our national anthem in “solidarity” with other anthem kneelers and as a way to “resist” President Donald Trump has rubbed some red-blooded Americans the wrong way.

Although the number of anthem kneelers significantly decreased this Sunday and executives’ decision to swing to commercial during the anthem in an attempt to protect their pocketbooks, the NFL still took a hard hit from viewers.

Deadline reports:

With a 11.0/19 in metered-market results, last night’s SNF was down 5% from last week when the Washington Redskins beat the Oakland Raiders 27-10. As the league took another week-by-week ratings hit just a month into the 2017-18 season, Sunday’s game also was down a bit year-to-year. Compared with the then-season-low of the Pittsburgh Steelers’ 43-14 smackdown of the Kansas City Chiefs in primetime on October 2, 2016, last night’s SNF dipped 2% in the early numbers.


​On Monday morning, ESPN changed their tune in light of the Las Vegas massacre, choosing to air the anthem in a sign of unity.

“Although ‘MNF’ has shown the anthem in previous seasons, the production team decided to make a change this year, even as the idea of protests were looming, to use the time to highlight matchups and story lines, a network source said,” reported The Washington Post.

Despite the massive death and injury toll from the Las Vegas shooting, two players chose to sit while the anthem played before their Monday night football game kicked off.

Classy stuff.

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Leftists Exploit Las Vegas Shooting To Push Online Censorship

Following Sunday’s mass murder in Las Vegas, NV, Democrats and their left-wing news media allies are hyping a “fake news epidemic” from the “far-right,” laying the groundwork for censorship of dissident voices via legislation and technology company (primarily Facebook, Google, and Twitter) policy changes.

The New York Times, The Guardian, Los Angeles Times, BBC, Bloomberg, Business Insider, and Newsweek are among many left-wing and Democrat-aligned news media outlets framing “fake news” from “far-right” personalities and outlets as broadly duping Americans.

An analysis from BuzzFeed of disinformation on Twitter hyped irrelevant tweets as illustrative of a broad threat to the ecosystem of digital information. Among the evidence for its central claims, BuzzFeed shared the following tweet; twice retweeted and liked:

Americans, suggest the aforementioned news media outlets, are incapable of dealing with “fake news” from the “far-right.” Enter Democrats and Silicon Valley technology company overlords to rescue them with censorship solutions.

The hype dovetails with the Democrats’ and broader Left’s narrative of “Russian election hacking,” in which Americans who voted for Donald Trump are broadly cast as having been duped by supposedly pro-Trump and/or anti-Clinton propaganda surreptitiously pushed online by the Russian state at the direction of Vladimir Putin (an allegation supported by various former and current intelligence agency heads without any publicly shared evidence).

Recent weeks have seen Democrats and their news media allies hype allegations of a Russian state political influence campaign procured via ad buys on Facebook for propaganda distribution. Assorted news media figures dutifully hyped the storyline, framing American Facebook users as incapable of being able to defend their minds from foreign propaganda.

The insinuation? Fragile American minds must be protected from foreign propaganda. The benevolent defenders? Democrats and their Silicon Company masterminds.

Reuters, CNN, The Atlantic, CNBC, Variety, Engadget, and The New York Times joined the narrative of Russia’s alleged Facebook facilitates political influence over Americans.

Adam Schiff is the Democrats’ most-deployed figure for hyping the threat of Russian “election interference.” Without any sense of irony, the Democrat congressman accuses Russian propaganda of “[stoking and amplifying] social and political tensions”:

Political and news media observers will note that Democrats and their news media allies primarily traffic in the politics of “social and political tensions” along the lines of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, and sexual orientation.

Mark Zuckerberg has done his part in advancing the aforementioned and interconnected narratives. Fretting about “election integrity,” he promised to protect vulnerable Facebook users from propaganda:

Facebook claimed the discovery of $100,000 “influence operation likely based in Russia” on its own platform, hyped by NBC News. Meanwhile, the political influence campaigns purchased via billions of dollars of operational costs spent by the “mainstream media” is unexamined by America’s self-appointed Guardians of Democracy.

America’s self-styled elite view their perceived American subjects as too free.

Follow Robert Kraychik on Twitter.

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Obama’s Favorite High-Paying Fast Food Joint To Replace Human Cashiers With Robots…

Via Free Beacon:

The restaurant chain President Barack Obama once hailed for paying high entry-level wages is opening a store staffed by robots, rather than human cashiers.

In 2014, Obama and Vice President Joe Biden dropped into a Washington, D.C., Shake Shack in a photo-op designed to boost the administration’s calls for a $10.10 minimum wage—a 40 percent hike over the federal minimum of $7.25. The pair ate lunch with four workers, dining on burgers and fries.

When asked by the press pool why the pair chose the DuPont circle fast food eatery, Obama cited its wage practices, saying it had “great burgers and pays its employees more than 10 bucks an hour.”

A forthcoming Shake Shack location in New York City—where the Obamas are looking to live in retirement—plans to open with a workforce of robots rather than human employees, according to the New York Post. A restaurant set to open in the East Village will be staffed with robot ordering kiosks, which do not accept cash. Diners will place orders on apps and receive alerts via text message with a few “hospitality champs” on site to address potential tech glitches in the new machinery.

“The Astor Place Shack will be a playground where we can test and learn the ever-shifting needs of our guests,” Shake Shack CEO Randy Garutti told the New York Post. “[It] represents our dedication to innovation and to providing the best for our guests and for our teams.”

Keep reading…

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Warning: Trump Supporters Targeted in This State…

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With political tensions remaining high and a new tragedy occurring nearly every month, President Donald Trump has repeatedly called on the American people to come together in unity and prayer, and expressed his faith that our nation can once again heal our divisions and become whole.

Yet, there are those on the left who appear to want no part of the peaceful unity that Trump and his supporters have sought. They have made their presence known, whether through snarky, hateful remarks on social media or by way of violent physical assaults committed by the likes of groups like antifa.

A shocking report detailing the concerning and potentially violent measures the anti-Trump crowd is pursuing against Trump supporters recently emerged via Campus Reform. The group alerted everyone to the fact that the antifa chapter at the University of California-Berkeley has been stalking, targeting and not-so-subtly threatening the Berkeley College Republicans group.

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The report noted that the Berkeley Antifa Twitter account recently posted the following: “BCR meeting right now inside Eureka at 2068 Center St after drinking with Kyle Chapman and Joey Gibson at Fashy’s, I mean, Pappy’s,” followed by another tweet naming names of the BCR members in attendance at the dinner.

Some of our readers may know Kyle Chapman as “Based Stickman,” who rose to fame among the alt-right for donning a helmet, makeshift shield and stick to battle with antifa thugs, as well as Joey Gibson, founder of a peaceful pro-Trump, pro-free speech group known as Patriot Prayer, according to The Daily Caller.

“Conservatives in Berkeley are routinely targeted, harassed, and stalked,” Naweed Tahmas, vice president of the BCR and one of those named in the tweet, told Campus Reform. “Knowing that they have sympathizers within both the city administration and university administration, leftist groups will continue to target conservatives as they know there are no consequences to their actions.”

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“It has become socially acceptable in Berkeley to physically beat someone for being a conservative,” Tahmas added. “In fact, it is even encouraged.”

Tahmas’ assessment of the frightening situation was echoed by Ashton Whitty, another of the BCR members named in the tweet, who has been targeted and harassed and threatened physically by antifa recently.

“Antifa has taken pictures of me, they’ve followed me on the street, and have tracked my location using social media,” Whitty revealed. “It’s rather odd why these people would see us as such a priority when we’re just everyday people.”

Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear as though antifa or other leftists groups prone to commit violence have any intentions of backing off. That should cause concern among all Trump supporters in Berkeley or the rest of California, or anywhere antifa has a presence. They have made it clear they have no problem getting violent with so-called “fascists,” their term for anyone who doesn’t hold the same far-left views as their own.

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Until groups targeting conservatives or threatening violence like antifa are dealt with in a manner that makes it crystal clear their behavior is socially unacceptable, Trump supporters must remain on guard, lest they fall victim to angry leftists still upset over their stunning electoral loss and the right-ward shift of the country going forward.

H/T Christian News Alerts

Please share this on Facebook and Twitter to let everyone know what the Berkeley antifa chapter is doing to Berkeley’s College Republicans group.

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Ithaca Prof: National Anthem, ‘God Bless America’ Are ‘Warmongering’ Songs

An Ithaca College professor says patriotic songs like the national anthem and “God Bless America” are “expressions of hyper-patriotism” and have no place at sporting events.

Stephen Mosher, who teaches “sports as political resistance” and “sport and popular culture” – both clearly very necessary exercises in higher education, penned an op-ed for The Ithacan bemoaning an American public who clamors to hear the national anthem at all of their sporting events.

The songs, Mosher says, have ““changed our ‘philosophy” about “what it means to be an American,” plunging us into a mode of “hyper-patriotism” that encourages “warmongering.”

“Sporting events don’t need a national anthem,” he claims. “Irving Berlin’s warmongering song “God Bless America” became our second, unofficial national anthem at the ballpark” only after the September 11th attacks, he continued, adding that NFL team owners are mostly to blame for the rise in national pride at sporting events.

“These men are the oligarchs — many are Trump contributors — who are simply protecting their investments,” Mosher says, before accusing these corporate overlords, and President Trump himself, of being “jingoists spreading lies.”

It may come as no surprise that Mosher is a Baby Boomer, conditioned in the 1960s to a sort of knee-jerk leftism. He speaks fondly of his time spent protesting the Vietnam war, though by his own admission, he made great strides against the mid-century fascists from a comfortable dorm room at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. Desperate to relive his glory days, apparently, Mosher is inculcating an entirely new generation with his deep thoughts on America’s pastimes.

To solve the “problem” of patriotic displays, Mosher suggests that the American flag be banned from tee shirts, athletic uniforms and sports stadiums where its often treated in violation of the U.S. Flag Code (a set of prohibitions leftists rarely refer to when it comes to burning, not wearing, the Stars and Stripes, of course), and proscribing the national anthem from pre-game ceremonies.

Mosher is right in the sense that mandating players be on the field for the national anthem is a recent development. But banning the flag is a Catch-22: without kneeling to the flag, what, pray tell, would have inspired such academic prose as, “Trump’s attacks on ESPN’s Jemele Hill for expressing her own views, that he is and supports white supremacy, via her personal Twitter, reveals a leader whose skin is paper thin.”

It boggles the mind.

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Professor: ‘White Supremacist Patriarchy’ Responsible For Vegas Shooting

Some leftists have stepped away from blaming America’s 2nd Amendment for the mass-shooting in Las Vegas in order to blame another one of their favorite targets: the white supremacist patriarchy.

Ranting on his Twitter feed, Drexel professor George Ciccariello lashed out at the patriarchy for somehow enabling the Vegas killing spree.

The professor even criticized efforts to enact gun control, the typical knee-jerk reaction from leftists after these horrific events. He had enough intellectual honesty to admit that gun control laws would not have helped prevent this attack.

So why the white patriarchy? Ciccariello says that it enables white males to believe they can have anything they want.

Professor Ciccariello has a history of saying crazy things about white privilege, taking it to the most insane of extremes when he tweeted, “All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide” in 2016.

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