The Left Pulls the Trigger

Once again, Democrats are screaming that the ones who must pay the price for a lunatic’s evil are those who had nothing to do with that evil. Knowing that almost all the guns in this country are owned by their political opposition, they see every mass shooting as an opportunity, a gift, if you will, by which they can achieve something truly immoral and unjust: the forcible eradication of the right of self-defense against enemies, foreign and domestic, though mostly domestic. They still haven’t forgotten that they will never fully overthrow this country if its citizens are armed and can resist totalitarian fascism, which is always preceded by disarmament of the populace. Disarmament is a unique trait of the political left.

What makes this rerun all the more galling is the fraudulent emotionalism with which they try once again, before the bodies have even been identified, to manipulate peoples’ decency into agreeing to a “solution” that solves only the political dilemma of how quickly they can prevent us from defending ourselves against them. To achieve this political goal, it has become necessary to demonize guns, making each and every one of them a non-negotiable instrument of evil incarnate. By doing so, they have successfully fooled the gullible and weak into agreeing that we should not focus upon who is holding the gun at the time of a crime, or what motivates their actions, but only upon the fact that there is a gun, creating the absurd alternate reality in which the gun controls the person, rather than the opposite.

The left loves alternate realities. Indeed, their existence depends entirely upon impressive numbers of people who have accepted alternate realities and live their lives based entirely upon them. All whites are racist, white supremacists, and Nazis, but all blacks and Hispanics are victims, merely helpless or incompetent rubes who cannot succeed without the benevolence of the left. Human fetuses are not developing humans, but are lumps of tissue. Boys can be girls, and girls can be boys. Islam is a religion of peace. All weather is bad because it is caused by global warming. Republicans hate everyone, while Democrats love the people they used to own but who they now simply trick into living in poverty, waiting for the redemption that never comes and never will. And guns kill people, so no further inquiry is required.

But if we are going to have this great national discussion concerning guns, shouldn’t we be looking for actual patterns and trends? Shouldn’t we investigate things that repeat? Instead of blaming those who do not pull the triggers, shouldn’t we be focusing almost entirely on the commonalities of those who do? After all, if most of those committing gun violence can be narrowed down to a specific subset of society, and their anomaly can be identified and eliminated, while still preserving the rights of the law-abiding, wouldn’t that be a more sensible, logical solution to a clear problem?

Of course, but the left does not want this. Like the Palestinians, who want the war more than they want the peace, the left wants the violence more than they want to solve it. This is so for a couple of obvious reasons. As pointed out previously, they will never stop trying to disarm us so that they can own us and all we have. They pursue socialism and the redistribution of however much wealth they can steal through the force of government. Gun crimes are useful to the left. Mass shootings are gifts, which they cynically exploit as quickly and hysterically as possible, establishing an alternate reality their puppets will believe, before the truth comes out about the shooter.

Which leads me to the second reason the left does not actually want to solve the problem of “gun violence”. In most mass shooting incidents within the last several years, with the notable exception of Dylan Roof, the shooters are either on the political left, or are beneficiaries of the protections of the political left, including those practicing extremism on behalf of the so-called Religion of Peace. There have been examples of how the political left attempted to get out ahead of the facts and prematurely blamed a conservative, such as in the Aurora theater shootings, but then it came out that the shooter was actually a Democrat and the media’s bigotry and hatred were exposed for all to see.

However, merely being exposed would not dissuade the press from telling lies, since they still do that. No, the reason they have stopped talking about who carried out the latest shooting is because it is almost always someone on the political left, including those who have registered to vote as a Democrat, or identify as an anarchist, or a socialist, or a communist, or a “resister”, or whatever leftist grievance-correction mechanism they embrace. They are both victim and avenger. The political left is the country’s incubator of irrational social violence, and nothing so distinguishes them from the rest of the spectrum as their propensity for and embrace of violence as a tool. Whether in the streets of Chicago, or in an MS-13 murder, or while yelling “Allahu Akbar”, or on a baseball field in Virginia, those under the umbrella of the political left are responsible for almost all “gun violence” in this country.   

In their mental-illness cult, they rationalize the immorality of their violence as a moral means to their end, which is their dominance and control over all of us. If we really wanted to stop gun violence, we wouldn’t have to look very far for something to correct. The mentality that encourages the belief in the morality of the use of a gun against one’s “enemies” has preceded every mass shooting carried out by someone on the political left. The mentality that purposefully shields this from public view to bring about political dominance is equally to blame.

The political left cannot afford to have more people understand that it is they who have created the problem they pretend to try to solve by disarming those they deeply hate and wish to see subservient.  They could not be more dishonest or disingenuous than they are each time they step up to a microphone, within minutes of a crime committed by one of their own, or quoting statistics that derive from the actions of their political brethren, and demand that the rest of us be punished for what they allow to persist every day. We help them whenever we fail to point out that this supposed crisis is almost entirely of their own creation, carried out by almost entirely by their adherents.  

If we really wanted to solve gun violence, we should start by identifying the political movement that invites and then hides that violence and its causes, so that the criminality it enables can be used as a political tool to disarm its enemies. 

Once again, Democrats are screaming that the ones who must pay the price for a lunatic’s evil are those who had nothing to do with that evil. Knowing that almost all the guns in this country are owned by their political opposition, they see every mass shooting as an opportunity, a gift, if you will, by which they can achieve something truly immoral and unjust: the forcible eradication of the right of self-defense against enemies, foreign and domestic, though mostly domestic. They still haven’t forgotten that they will never fully overthrow this country if its citizens are armed and can resist totalitarian fascism, which is always preceded by disarmament of the populace. Disarmament is a unique trait of the political left.

What makes this rerun all the more galling is the fraudulent emotionalism with which they try once again, before the bodies have even been identified, to manipulate peoples’ decency into agreeing to a “solution” that solves only the political dilemma of how quickly they can prevent us from defending ourselves against them. To achieve this political goal, it has become necessary to demonize guns, making each and every one of them a non-negotiable instrument of evil incarnate. By doing so, they have successfully fooled the gullible and weak into agreeing that we should not focus upon who is holding the gun at the time of a crime, or what motivates their actions, but only upon the fact that there is a gun, creating the absurd alternate reality in which the gun controls the person, rather than the opposite.

The left loves alternate realities. Indeed, their existence depends entirely upon impressive numbers of people who have accepted alternate realities and live their lives based entirely upon them. All whites are racist, white supremacists, and Nazis, but all blacks and Hispanics are victims, merely helpless or incompetent rubes who cannot succeed without the benevolence of the left. Human fetuses are not developing humans, but are lumps of tissue. Boys can be girls, and girls can be boys. Islam is a religion of peace. All weather is bad because it is caused by global warming. Republicans hate everyone, while Democrats love the people they used to own but who they now simply trick into living in poverty, waiting for the redemption that never comes and never will. And guns kill people, so no further inquiry is required.

But if we are going to have this great national discussion concerning guns, shouldn’t we be looking for actual patterns and trends? Shouldn’t we investigate things that repeat? Instead of blaming those who do not pull the triggers, shouldn’t we be focusing almost entirely on the commonalities of those who do? After all, if most of those committing gun violence can be narrowed down to a specific subset of society, and their anomaly can be identified and eliminated, while still preserving the rights of the law-abiding, wouldn’t that be a more sensible, logical solution to a clear problem?

Of course, but the left does not want this. Like the Palestinians, who want the war more than they want the peace, the left wants the violence more than they want to solve it. This is so for a couple of obvious reasons. As pointed out previously, they will never stop trying to disarm us so that they can own us and all we have. They pursue socialism and the redistribution of however much wealth they can steal through the force of government. Gun crimes are useful to the left. Mass shootings are gifts, which they cynically exploit as quickly and hysterically as possible, establishing an alternate reality their puppets will believe, before the truth comes out about the shooter.

Which leads me to the second reason the left does not actually want to solve the problem of “gun violence”. In most mass shooting incidents within the last several years, with the notable exception of Dylan Roof, the shooters are either on the political left, or are beneficiaries of the protections of the political left, including those practicing extremism on behalf of the so-called Religion of Peace. There have been examples of how the political left attempted to get out ahead of the facts and prematurely blamed a conservative, such as in the Aurora theater shootings, but then it came out that the shooter was actually a Democrat and the media’s bigotry and hatred were exposed for all to see.

However, merely being exposed would not dissuade the press from telling lies, since they still do that. No, the reason they have stopped talking about who carried out the latest shooting is because it is almost always someone on the political left, including those who have registered to vote as a Democrat, or identify as an anarchist, or a socialist, or a communist, or a “resister”, or whatever leftist grievance-correction mechanism they embrace. They are both victim and avenger. The political left is the country’s incubator of irrational social violence, and nothing so distinguishes them from the rest of the spectrum as their propensity for and embrace of violence as a tool. Whether in the streets of Chicago, or in an MS-13 murder, or while yelling “Allahu Akbar”, or on a baseball field in Virginia, those under the umbrella of the political left are responsible for almost all “gun violence” in this country.   

In their mental-illness cult, they rationalize the immorality of their violence as a moral means to their end, which is their dominance and control over all of us. If we really wanted to stop gun violence, we wouldn’t have to look very far for something to correct. The mentality that encourages the belief in the morality of the use of a gun against one’s “enemies” has preceded every mass shooting carried out by someone on the political left. The mentality that purposefully shields this from public view to bring about political dominance is equally to blame.

The political left cannot afford to have more people understand that it is they who have created the problem they pretend to try to solve by disarming those they deeply hate and wish to see subservient.  They could not be more dishonest or disingenuous than they are each time they step up to a microphone, within minutes of a crime committed by one of their own, or quoting statistics that derive from the actions of their political brethren, and demand that the rest of us be punished for what they allow to persist every day. We help them whenever we fail to point out that this supposed crisis is almost entirely of their own creation, carried out by almost entirely by their adherents.  

If we really wanted to solve gun violence, we should start by identifying the political movement that invites and then hides that violence and its causes, so that the criminality it enables can be used as a political tool to disarm its enemies. 

via American Thinker

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REPORT: Jimmy Kimmel Bulks Up His Security As He Lectures Americans On Gun Control

According to a report from The Blast on Monday, late night host Jimmy Kimmel has been bulking up on his security for his Jimmy Kimmel Live! show tapings, including the addition of “highly-trained, off-duty police officers” at both the front and back entrances. Per the report:

Sources close to the show tell The Blast that ever since Kimmel re-ignited his campaign against the Republicans’ health care proposals, the comedian has had some issues with protestors at the show.

We’re told the show has responded by adding security to the tapings — increasing personnel at both the front and back entrances. According to our sources, the additional security consists of highly-trained, off-duty police officers.

On the same day as the report, Kimmel, in tears, ripped Republicans and the National Rifle Association (NRA) for what he portrayed as their role in the Las Vegas massacre which left 59 confirmed dead and over 500 people injured. According to the former Man Show host who just bulked up his own security, gun control is the answer, and if you disagree, you clearly want people to die in massacres.

“The Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, the speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, a number of other lawmakers who won’t do anything about this because the NRA has their balls in a money clip, also sent their thoughts and their prayers today—which is good,” said Kimmel, the former funny man who’s now transformed into a secular cleric.

Then came the blood-on-their-hands bit:

“They should be praying,” he said. “They should be praying for God to forgive them for letting the gun lobby run this country because it is so crazy.”

Kimmel has given tearful monologues on his late night show before to push left-wing causes. In September, the host was reportedly given talking points from Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer’s office on health care before he made his pitch to the American people using a story about his sick newborn son.



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7 Deceptive Claims Jimmy Kimmel Made About Guns in One Monologue

7 Deceptive Claims Jimmy Kimmel Made About Guns in One Monologue

3 Oct, 2017
3 Oct, 2017

During his opening monologue on Monday night’s Jimmy Kimmel Live!, host Jimmy Kimmel made seven false or misleading statements about gun laws as part of a push to shame Congress into enacting increased gun control measures following Sunday’s attack on a country music concert in Las Vegas that left 59 people dead and hundreds more injured.

Ironically, he did this after admitting that the Las Vegas attacker complied with all gun controls in purchasing a number of firearms–meaning he passed background checks for those guns. Moreover, Kimmel even admitted that the attacker had “no criminal record,” and therefore, nothing to keep him from passing a check to acquire a gun.

Breitbart News reported Monday that the attacker purchased three guns within the last year from Guns & Guitars in Mesquite, Nevada, where store manager Christopher Sullivan said the attacker came across as “a normal guy.” Sullivan said the attacker had no criminal history and indicated that he passed a FBI background check for his firearms.

Kimmel is correct on one point–there was nothing in the attacker’s past that signaled a problem. But after making that point, Kimmel argued that there are still things that Congress could be doing (and this is where the falehoods and/or misdirection come into play).


1. Kimmel said, “Orlando, Aurora, Newtown, San Bernardino, [in] every one of these shootings the murderer used automatic or semiautomatic rifles.” The inclusion of the word “automatic” is very misleading. In all four instances the rifle used was semiautomatic, period. Pistols were also present. Moreover, Kimmel did not mention that in three of the four instances, the attackers acquired their guns via background checks. Exceptions to this would be the rifles used in San Bernardino–they were acquired via a friend–but the San Bernardino handguns were acquired via a background check. And the guns used by the Newtown attacker were stolen. He stole them from someone who passed a background check for them.

2. Kimmel made the classic leftist claim that AR-15s and the like “are not weapons used for self-defense.” In doing so, he ignored the report of the Houston boy who used his father’s AR-15 to defend his sister’s life during a home invasion. When the two intruders broke into the home, the boy grabbed his father’s AR and shot one of them three times. He also ignored the Michigan gas station owner who stopped a robbery in progress at his station by pulling his AR-15 on the robbers. He also ignored the Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, son who was home alone when he used his father’s AR-15 to stop a home invasion by shooting all three suspects. The suspects died but the son’s life was preserved.

3. He accused President Trump of “signing a bill that made it easier for people with severe mental illness to buy guns legally.” This was a reference to Trump’s repeal of Obama’s Social Security gun ban; a ban that was actually not directed toward people with severe mental illness but toward recipients of disability benefits who required help with finances. Yes, mental health labels were given to these people, but those labels could reference easily treatable and temporary conditions. This is why Duke University psychiatry and behavioral science professor Jeffrey Swanson said Obama’s Social Security gun ban targeted the “vulnerable” rather than the dangerous.

4. He said that House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell “won’t do anything about [the attack] because the NRA has their balls in a money clip.” In reality, Breitbart News has been reporting that NRA-supported legislation revolving around concealed carry reciprocity has stalled because of Ryan.

5. Kimmel said, “Right now, there are loopholes in the law that let people avoid background checks if they buy a gun privately–from another party–if they buy a gun online or at a gun show.” For starters, there is no loophole. The Second Amendment was ratified in 1791 and since that point (and before), Americans have been buying guns from Americans. It is not a loophole, it is freedom. The left pushed background checks and secured them on retail sales in 1998–i.e., there have been background checks on retail sales for nearly two decades–and the left has spent the last four or five years inaccurately describing private sales as a “loophole” as a way to persuade Americans to support more gun control. Also, it must be noted that it is illegal to buy a gun online without going through a background check. If an individual from Florida wants to purchase a firearm online from a gun store in Oklahoma, that gun has to be shipped to an Oklahoma store where the buyer passes a background check before taking possession of it.

6. Kimmel then showed a collage containing the photos of Senators who voted against closing the fictional private sale, online sales, and gun show “loopholes” after the June 12, 2016, Orlando Pulse attack. He did not mention that the Orlando Pulse attacker did not use these “loopholes.” Rather, he passed background checks and a waiting period for his firearms.

7. Lastly, Kimmel said Congress is now working to “legalize the sale of silencers.” In reality, “silencers”–or suppressors, as they are properly called–have been legal and are legal in 42 states. They are widely owned and used by hunters and sport shooters because of the hearing protection benefits they offer. What Congress is considering is a bill that removes the federal tax on suppressors, as well as the burdensome acquisition process to obtain one.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of Bullets with AWR Hawkins, a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at

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Hold Robert Mueller to the ‘Tom Price standard’

Now that Tom Price has been forced out of office as Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Left has established a standard for the conduct of federal officials that may come back to bite a few of its favorites. Jeffrey Lord has noticed that Robert Mueller, when he was head of the FBI, has got some explaining to do. From The American Spectator:

The headline in The Washington Post dates back to March 21, 2014. It reads:

Personal FBI flights for Holder and other Justice officials went unreported

The story begins:

The agency that tracks federal travel did not report hundreds of personal and other “nonmission” trips aboard government planes for senior Justice Department officials including Attorney General Eric Holder and former FBI Director Robert Mueller, according to a watchdog report.

Congress’s nonpartisan Government Accountability Office determined that the 395 flights cost taxpayers $7.8 million. But the General Services Administration, which oversees trips aboard federal jets, did not require documentation because of a GSA reporting exemption that covers intelligence agencies, even in cases of unclassified personal travel.

And when one follows the link from the Post to the General Accounting Office report one finds a report that says, among other things, this:

For example, in February 2013 GAO found that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)—which is a member of the intelligence community—did not report to GSA, based on the intelligence agency exemption, information for 395 unclassified nonmission flights taken by the Attorney General, FBI Director, and other Department of Justice (DOJ) executives from fiscal years 2009 through 2011.

And who was the Director of the FBI in that period between 2009 and 2011? Yes, of course. It was now Independent Counsel Robert Mueller.

Jeff asks the key question:

Thus the question: Did Robert Mueller (not to mention then-Attorney General Eric Holder) reimburse the government just for his own seat on what the GAO describes as “unclassified nonmission flights” — which is what Price did? Or did Mueller do what Price did not — pay for the full cost of the flights in question. Since the cost of these flights would undoubtedly run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars if not several millions, one can reasonably suspect Mueller did exactly what Price did — pay only for the cost of his seat.

In which case? Why, if he did exactly what Price did, is he back in government at all?

In the normal (pre-Trump) GOP, this double standard would be accepted as the way the world works. But I hope that the president will note Mueller’s private jet travel for non-mission purposes, and raise the question as to why his abuse (if that’s what it was) is to be tolerated.

Keep in mind that Saul Alinsky now works for us, as the MOTUS blog always says. We are the insurgents fighting against an establishment that refuses to treat us with justice. So, let’s invoke his rules 4 and 5:

“Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

When they hit us with new standards, we hit back harder, applying those standards to them. That sounds rather Trumpian, and I hope the president raises these questions of Mueller.

Now that Tom Price has been forced out of office as Secretary of Health and Human Services, the Left has established a standard for the conduct of federal officials that may come back to bite a few of its favorites. Jeffrey Lord has noticed that Robert Mueller, when he was head of the FBI, has got some explaining to do. From The American Spectator:

The headline in The Washington Post dates back to March 21, 2014. It reads:

Personal FBI flights for Holder and other Justice officials went unreported

The story begins:

The agency that tracks federal travel did not report hundreds of personal and other “nonmission” trips aboard government planes for senior Justice Department officials including Attorney General Eric Holder and former FBI Director Robert Mueller, according to a watchdog report.

Congress’s nonpartisan Government Accountability Office determined that the 395 flights cost taxpayers $7.8 million. But the General Services Administration, which oversees trips aboard federal jets, did not require documentation because of a GSA reporting exemption that covers intelligence agencies, even in cases of unclassified personal travel.

And when one follows the link from the Post to the General Accounting Office report one finds a report that says, among other things, this:

For example, in February 2013 GAO found that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)—which is a member of the intelligence community—did not report to GSA, based on the intelligence agency exemption, information for 395 unclassified nonmission flights taken by the Attorney General, FBI Director, and other Department of Justice (DOJ) executives from fiscal years 2009 through 2011.

And who was the Director of the FBI in that period between 2009 and 2011? Yes, of course. It was now Independent Counsel Robert Mueller.

Jeff asks the key question:

Thus the question: Did Robert Mueller (not to mention then-Attorney General Eric Holder) reimburse the government just for his own seat on what the GAO describes as “unclassified nonmission flights” — which is what Price did? Or did Mueller do what Price did not — pay for the full cost of the flights in question. Since the cost of these flights would undoubtedly run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars if not several millions, one can reasonably suspect Mueller did exactly what Price did — pay only for the cost of his seat.

In which case? Why, if he did exactly what Price did, is he back in government at all?

In the normal (pre-Trump) GOP, this double standard would be accepted as the way the world works. But I hope that the president will note Mueller’s private jet travel for non-mission purposes, and raise the question as to why his abuse (if that’s what it was) is to be tolerated.

Keep in mind that Saul Alinsky now works for us, as the MOTUS blog always says. We are the insurgents fighting against an establishment that refuses to treat us with justice. So, let’s invoke his rules 4 and 5:

“Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

When they hit us with new standards, we hit back harder, applying those standards to them. That sounds rather Trumpian, and I hope the president raises these questions of Mueller.

via American Thinker Blog

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High school football team runs on field carrying American flags

A North Georgia high school football team ran on to the field prior to the start of their game carrying and waving American flags.

The demonstration was in response to so many football players at all levels who have disrespected the flag by refusing to stand while the anthem is being played.

The superintendent of schools called it “a unifying moment.”


Superintendent Michael Gwatney said the “patriotic display” was organized by the team, coaches and parents.

“It was an awesome and unifying moment for the audiences on both sides of our stadium and reminded us that no matter what team we support, we are all Americans,” he said.

Gwatney said that while Fannin County may have lost the game, “our players certainly won the hearts of our community with the display of patriotism.”

The superintendent said the players ran out with the flags particularly as a sign of support for veterans and those currently serving in the armed forces.

He said the team is especially proud of one of their members who has already joined the military.  

NFL teams who link arms as a show of “unity” may want to take a look at how these high school kids expressed their unity. The flag itself is a symbol of unity. Those disrespecting it are injecting disunity into the community.

It really is that simple and the high school football team carrying flags into the stadium should be commended and emulated.

A North Georgia high school football team ran on to the field prior to the start of their game carrying and waving American flags.

The demonstration was in response to so many football players at all levels who have disrespected the flag by refusing to stand while the anthem is being played.

The superintendent of schools called it “a unifying moment.”


Superintendent Michael Gwatney said the “patriotic display” was organized by the team, coaches and parents.

“It was an awesome and unifying moment for the audiences on both sides of our stadium and reminded us that no matter what team we support, we are all Americans,” he said.

Gwatney said that while Fannin County may have lost the game, “our players certainly won the hearts of our community with the display of patriotism.”

The superintendent said the players ran out with the flags particularly as a sign of support for veterans and those currently serving in the armed forces.

He said the team is especially proud of one of their members who has already joined the military.  

NFL teams who link arms as a show of “unity” may want to take a look at how these high school kids expressed their unity. The flag itself is a symbol of unity. Those disrespecting it are injecting disunity into the community.

It really is that simple and the high school football team carrying flags into the stadium should be commended and emulated.

via American Thinker Blog

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SICKENING: CA Elementary Students Given Flutes That Allegedly Had Semen In Them

Elementary school students in several school districts in Southern California may have taken home flutes and recorders contaminated with human semen.

A male teacher who was part of a program called Flutes Across the World is under investigation. On Sunday, Saugus Union Superintendent Joan Lucid emailed parents, “The performer distributes a flutelike musical instrument made of PVC pipe or bamboo to students during a music lesson, and the allegation is that he contaminated some of these instruments with semen. These allegations are deeply concerning, and I realize they raise many questions.”

The Los Angeles Unified School District reported at least 13 school districts in Southern California may have been affected. The LAUSD said it was part of an investigation of alleged “inappropriate sexual conduct involving a musical performer.”

On Saturday, the Fullerton School District emailed parents, stating that a presenter from Flutes Across the World had visited two elementary schools in the district over the past academic year, working with fourth- through sixth-grade students. The Fullerton School District added, “We were informed that this individual has worked in a number of school districts throughout California and we have no evidence to suggest any of our students are connected with the investigation.”

Chantel Uchida, a spokeswoman for the Orange County Philharmonic Society, told the Orange County Register that the Orange County Philharmonic Society had sponsored the Flutes Across the World program for three years. She added, “We’re so shocked and disgusted. We will be stepping back from this. There are no plans to continue it in the future.”

The Associated Press reported John Zeretzke, the founder of Flutes Across the World, had no comment on Saturday. Founded in 2009, Flutes Across the World supervised hundreds of workshops with thousands of children in the United States and across the world.

via Daily Wire

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’60 Minutes’ doesn’t mention ‘Democrats” or ‘Bernie Sanders’ in Scalise interview

A rather curious ommission from “Sixty Minutes” correspondent Norah O’Donnell who interviewed Rep. Stephen Scalise who was shot practicing for the congressional baseball game last June.

The shooter, James Hodgkinson, was a Democratic activist and Bernie Sanders supporter. But you wouldn’t have gotten that information from O’Donnell who referred to the shooter as simply “anti-Republican.”

NORAH O’DONNELL: Did you see the shooter?

STEVE SCALISE: Never saw the shooter.

The shooter was 66 year-old James Hodgkinson. According to the FBI, he’d posted anti-Republican views on social media and had “a piece of paper that contained the names of six members of Congress.” We’ve learned they were all conservative Republicans. Scalise was not on the list but two of his teammates were.

NORAH O’DONNELL: Do you believe you were targeted as a Republican?

STEVE SCALISE: I think it was clear he had a political agenda if you want to even call it that. And it’s a sick twisted agenda. I don’t think he could have been in the right frame of mind. But it was clear what his intentions were.

It’s not like Hodgkinson tried to hide his affiilation or where his loyalties lay. He also didn’t try to hide his motive.


James T. Hodgkinson, the man identified as shooting a Republican member of congress and four others on Wednesday morning, was a small business owner in Illinois who defined himself publicly by his firm support of Bernie Sanders’ progressive politics — and his hatred of conservatives and President Donald Trump.

This is based on CNN’s review of Hodgkinson’s Facebook profiles, public records, and three years of impassioned letters to his local newspaper.

“Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.” he posted on his personal Facebook page on March 22.

“Republicans are the Taliban of the USA,” he posted in February.


Hodgkinson’s online presence was largely defined by his politics. For example, his public Facebook posts date back to 2012 and are nearly all about his support for liberal politics. He was passionate about tax hikes on the rich and universal health care.

In the past year, most of his Facebook posts consisted of signed petitions on with titles such as: “Bernie — please run no matter what;” “Hillary Rodham Clinton should concede the nomination to Bernie Sanders;” and “Healthcare for all Americans.”

In one public post on May 24, he signed a petition to “Stop the NEXUS Pipeline” in Michigan and Ohio. After Hodgkinson’s Facebook profiles were discovered by news reporters, they were updated to prevent public access.

On Wednesday, Senator Sanders publicly acknowledged that Hodgkinson had volunteered for his presidential campaign last year, but he denounced the violence as “despicable.”

Hodgkinson’s own descriptions on social media portray him as an avid consumer of political shows. His favorite television shows were listed as “Real Time with Bill Maher;” “The Rachel Maddow Show;” “Democracy Now!” and other left-leaning programs.

His favorite movie? The documentary “Inequality for All,” featuring progressive economist Robert Reich.

He had also joined several anti-GOP Facebook groups, including “Terminate The Republican Party;” “The Road to Hell Is Paved With Republicans;” and “Join The Resistance Worldwide!!”

This was a political assassination attempt. Not even mentioning the shooter’s politics is journalistic malpractice. There are a lot of people who are “anti-Republican” — including some Republicans. That his Democratic party activism wasn’t mentioned was a deliberate effort to downplay the political motivation for the assassination attempt. Would there have been a similar attempt to gloss over the political motivation of a shooter if he was a Republican? 

It is also incomprehensible why the shooter’s strong support for Bernie Sanders never came up in the report. 

The inconvenient truth not mentioned by “Sixty Minutes” is that the hysterical, exaggerated, violent rhetoric directed against Trump and Republicans by Democrats and the far left were the primary motivating factor in Hodgkinson’s shooting spree. The bottom line is that Democrats enabled Hodgkinson and have yet to be called out for it.

A rather curious ommission from “Sixty Minutes” correspondent Norah O’Donnell who interviewed Rep. Stephen Scalise who was shot practicing for the congressional baseball game last June.

The shooter, James Hodgkinson, was a Democratic activist and Bernie Sanders supporter. But you wouldn’t have gotten that information from O’Donnell who referred to the shooter as simply “anti-Republican.”

NORAH O’DONNELL: Did you see the shooter?

STEVE SCALISE: Never saw the shooter.

The shooter was 66 year-old James Hodgkinson. According to the FBI, he’d posted anti-Republican views on social media and had “a piece of paper that contained the names of six members of Congress.” We’ve learned they were all conservative Republicans. Scalise was not on the list but two of his teammates were.

NORAH O’DONNELL: Do you believe you were targeted as a Republican?

STEVE SCALISE: I think it was clear he had a political agenda if you want to even call it that. And it’s a sick twisted agenda. I don’t think he could have been in the right frame of mind. But it was clear what his intentions were.

It’s not like Hodgkinson tried to hide his affiilation or where his loyalties lay. He also didn’t try to hide his motive.


James T. Hodgkinson, the man identified as shooting a Republican member of congress and four others on Wednesday morning, was a small business owner in Illinois who defined himself publicly by his firm support of Bernie Sanders’ progressive politics — and his hatred of conservatives and President Donald Trump.

This is based on CNN’s review of Hodgkinson’s Facebook profiles, public records, and three years of impassioned letters to his local newspaper.

“Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.” he posted on his personal Facebook page on March 22.

“Republicans are the Taliban of the USA,” he posted in February.


Hodgkinson’s online presence was largely defined by his politics. For example, his public Facebook posts date back to 2012 and are nearly all about his support for liberal politics. He was passionate about tax hikes on the rich and universal health care.

In the past year, most of his Facebook posts consisted of signed petitions on with titles such as: “Bernie — please run no matter what;” “Hillary Rodham Clinton should concede the nomination to Bernie Sanders;” and “Healthcare for all Americans.”

In one public post on May 24, he signed a petition to “Stop the NEXUS Pipeline” in Michigan and Ohio. After Hodgkinson’s Facebook profiles were discovered by news reporters, they were updated to prevent public access.

On Wednesday, Senator Sanders publicly acknowledged that Hodgkinson had volunteered for his presidential campaign last year, but he denounced the violence as “despicable.”

Hodgkinson’s own descriptions on social media portray him as an avid consumer of political shows. His favorite television shows were listed as “Real Time with Bill Maher;” “The Rachel Maddow Show;” “Democracy Now!” and other left-leaning programs.

His favorite movie? The documentary “Inequality for All,” featuring progressive economist Robert Reich.

He had also joined several anti-GOP Facebook groups, including “Terminate The Republican Party;” “The Road to Hell Is Paved With Republicans;” and “Join The Resistance Worldwide!!”

This was a political assassination attempt. Not even mentioning the shooter’s politics is journalistic malpractice. There are a lot of people who are “anti-Republican” — including some Republicans. That his Democratic party activism wasn’t mentioned was a deliberate effort to downplay the political motivation for the assassination attempt. Would there have been a similar attempt to gloss over the political motivation of a shooter if he was a Republican? 

It is also incomprehensible why the shooter’s strong support for Bernie Sanders never came up in the report. 

The inconvenient truth not mentioned by “Sixty Minutes” is that the hysterical, exaggerated, violent rhetoric directed against Trump and Republicans by Democrats and the far left were the primary motivating factor in Hodgkinson’s shooting spree. The bottom line is that Democrats enabled Hodgkinson and have yet to be called out for it.

via American Thinker Blog

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Here’s What You Need To Know About The Vegas Shooting Suspect

On Sunday night, at around 10 p.m. local time, a suspected lone gunman identified as Stephen Craig Paddock opened fire at the Las Vegas Route 91 Harvest country music festival, killing at least 50 people and injuring at least 200 others. Victims’ names have yet to be released, but Las Vegas Sheriff Joe Lombardo has confirmed that one officer was killed and another remains in critical condition. Paddock was eventually killed by officers.

The massacre is the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.

Reports are continuing to pour in, but here’s what we know about the alleged shooter and a female companion, person of interest Marilou Danley, in the case so far.

1. The shooter, Stephen Paddock, was a 64-year-old local man from Mesquite, Nevada, and was “known by police.”

There have been reports that the gunman lived in a retirement home, though this remains unconfirmed. His hometown, Mesquite, is a small town that contains a few retirement communities.

See the confirmed image of Paddock from companion Marilou Danley’s Facebook page, below:

2. Paddock used a fully automatic weapon. Additionally, upon searching the suspect’s home, officers found “several weapons.”

3. According to Las Vegas Sheriff Joe Lombardo, the motive remains unclear but is not suspected to be terrorism, meaning it was likely not associated with a political or religious aim.

“No,” said Sheriff Lombardo, when asked the massacre was a suspected “act of terrorism.”

“Not at this point,” he said. “We believe it was a local individual. He resides here locally. I’m not at liberty to give you his place of residence yet, because it’s an ongoing investigation, we don’t know what his belief system was at this time. … Right now we believe he is the sole aggressor at this point and the scene is static.”


4. Paddock was suspected to be the lone gunman, but officers have identified and found a person of interest, the shooter’s female companion Marilou Danley.

Danley, 4’11 and 111 pounds per Sheriff Lombardo, was reportedly traveling with Paddock, and has been located by officers.

Per the woman’s now-deleted Facebook account, Danley is married to a man named Geary Danely, a man interested in left-wing causes. (H/T @crvsadr)

Daily Wire will continue to provide updated information.

via Daily Wire

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