The Dr. Seuss Museum doesn’t seem to have a problem with the First Lady

Earlier this week John touched on the festival of hot takes surrounding Liz Phipps Soeiro, the librarian at Cambridgeport Elementary School who attempted to refuse a donation of Dr. Seuss books from First Lady Melania Trump. I specify “attempted” because it turned out that the school board stepped in and said it wasn’t her call to begin with. That hot mess should have come and gone fairly quickly, but it turns out that there was another chapter of the story to be written.

The Mayor of the town where Dr. Seuss (actually Theodor Geisel) was born decided to add some balance to the equation. They have a museum honoring the author in Springfield and Mayor Domenic J. Sarno has invited the First Lady and the President to visit. (Boston Globe)

“One fish — two fish — red fish — blue fish’ — I think her comments ‘stink’ and are ridiculous towards our beloved Dr. Seuss,” Sarno said in a statement on the city’s Facebook page.

Sarno said that Phipps Soeiro’s claims that Dr. Seuss’ books are riddled with racist propaganda is “political correctness at its worst.”…

Sarno gave “kudos” to Trump for her donation and invited the Trumps to stop by and check out the Amazing World of Dr. Seuss, the first museum dedicated to the author and illustrator.

“We’re extremely proud to be home to the one and only Dr. Seuss Museum in the world,” he said. “[We] would be honored to have the First Lady and President Donald J. Trump to visit.”

First of all, that was very nice of the mayor. (And it was a lovely gesture on the part of the First Lady to begin with, regardless of what the spiteful little wretch of a librarian thought.) It may also turn out to be possible that, if the the First Couple chooses to come by, Melania Trump could read to some of the children.

One thing which would make an event like that interesting would be the almost unavoidable public relations debacle to follow. Remember that this is Massachusetts, one of the bluest states in the Union and full of avowed opponents of the President. You’ll recall what happened when a conservative group wanted to have a free speech event there, right? The streets were flooded with angry liberals trying to shut it down.

Can you imagine what will happen if they hear that the First Lady is coming to Springfield? It’s almost too delicious for words. Armies of angry liberals, possibly with some Antifa reinforcements, flooding the streets with signs and angry protest chants, all to try to stop the First Lady from reading to some children from a Dr. Seuss book. In a more sane world you might imagine that they would realize precisely what a bunch of monsters that would make them look like, but I wouldn’t bet a plug nickel on it. I’m guessing they’ll show up anyway and prove yet again precisely how unhinged they are.

With luck, the Governor and the Mayor of Boston will show up as well, talking about how hateful it all must be. The downside is that there will be at least some cable news talking heads nodding sagely and agreeing with them.

Whether or not you’re a fan of the President, it’s hard to argue that the First Lady has been exemplary so far. She’s mostly behind the scenes, isn’t trying to rewrite the nation’s health care laws or force schools to feed students free range kale or anything of the sort. She visits children in hospitals, hosts the occasional guests and generally sticks to traditional East Wing duties. And reading to some students from a beloved children’s classic would be right up her alley.

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San Juan Mayor And Rep. Guttierez Share A Love Of Convicted Puerto Rican Terrorist

Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz are sympathetic to terrorist Puerto Rico separatist Oscar Lopez Rivera.

Gutierrez published the following photograph featuring himself and Rivera on his Congressional profile page:

Rivera was convicted in 1981 – he was then age 38 – to 55 years imprisonment for various convictions related to political terrorism.

Rivera was part of the The Armed Forces of National Liberation (FALN), a left-wing terrorist outfit pursuing independent statehood for Puerto Rico. The FALN was behind over 100 bombings across Chicago, New York City, and Washington, D.C. between 1974 and 1983.

In August of 1999, then-President Bill Clinton offered clemency to Rivera on the condition that Rivera renounce violence; Rivera refused.

On January 17, 2016, three days before vacating the White House, then-President Barack commuted Rivera’s sentence.

As a teenager in Puerto Rico, after growing up in Chicago, Gutierrez belonged to the now-defunct Puerto Rican Socialist Party (PSP).

Gutierrez is alleged to have described himself as an aspiring socialist infiltrator of America’s political system: “If I want to make changes, I have to infiltrate the system.”

Gutierrez regularly pushes neo-Marxist agitation, framing America as largely racist and bigoted toward various racial and ethnic minorities. He supports immigration, both legal and illegal.

In statement on January 17, the day Rivera’s sentence was commuted, Gutierrez pushed Purto Rican nationalism and described Rivera as a “friend,” “mentor,” and “national hero” for Puerto Rico.

Gutierrez has lately been hyped by leftist and Democrat-aligned news media outlets as a legitimate voice on Hurricane Maria’s effects on Puerto Rico by way of his familial ethnic background.

Cruz also expressed support for Rivera’s release.

Leftist mainstream media outlets have hyped Cruz’s criticisms of President Donald Trump’s direction of the federal government’s relief efforts for Puerto Rico, neglecting to meaningfully inquire about her own conduct in managing the crisis in the wake of Hurricane Maria.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) also expressed support for fellow neo-Marxist traveler Rivera.

Follow Robert Kraychik on Twitter.

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Two Boys Kicked Off HS Football Team after Anthem Protest

Two Boys Kicked Off HS Football Team after Anthem Protest

1 Oct, 2017
1 Oct, 2017

A Texas high school football coach kicked two of his players off the team after they protested during the playing of the National Anthem. The coach, a military veteran, said he warned the boys of the consequences of their protest in advance of the game.

The coach, Ronnie Ray Mitchem, told a reporter from ABC13 in Houston that Victory and Praise Christian Academy has a long-standing rule against kneeling during the anthem. When two of his players, Cedric Ingram-Lewis and Larry McCullough came to him before the game and told him of their plan to protest during the anthem, Mitchem warned them they would be kicked off the team. He told the boys the kneeling protest was offensive to him and other veterans.

“There is a proper time to do something in a proper way,” Mitchem, a Marine Corps veteran told the reporter.

The boys proceeded with their protest while the National Anthem played before the game. Mitchem immediately approached the boys and asked them to remove their uniforms.

Ingram-Lewis told the local ABC affiliate, “That’s just how he feels.”

His mother responded in stronger terms, saying, “He has a slave master mentality. If you were to go back to that when they wanted to tell us this is what you are going to do and this is how you do it. And if we didn’t comply, we were beaten, whooped or even killed.”

She said the coach should not tell the team’s players when they can and cannot protest.

McCullough told the story a little differently to KPRC NBC2 in Houston. “Before every game, we always pray and then say the anthem. At the game, I decided to stay on my knee, rather than say the anthem,” McCullough told the local NBC affiliate.

“I wasn’t trying to disrespect the flag. It was really showing the injustice for black people, all the stuff that’s going on in the NFL, stuff like that, so I feel I need to be a part of it, too,” McCullough explained.

Lewis said, “I pretty much knew how he looked at us when I was holding my fist up and my cousin was kneeling.”

Mitchem made the boys remove their jerseys along the sidelines. He then dismissed them from the team.

Other schools around the Houston area told ABC13 they will not be taking action against any students that take a knee during the playing of the National Anthem.

The Houston Independent School District cited a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the case of West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette which held that schools cannot force students to participate in patriotic observances. This includes standing for the National Anthem or the Pledge of Allegiance.

On a Facebook post, Coach Michem wrote:

Thanks to all of you for your support. I want to be clear that I don’t have a problem with people protesting if it is done the right way. But to disrespect the flag that gives us the right to protest is the wrong way to do it. I gave the two players other ways to protest that I felt was fair.

I served in the U.S. Marine along side men of different colors and back grounds. My Marine drill instructors told us there was no black or white marine just marine Corp green and we would all fight for our country together. As a Christian We often times have different opinions on scripture but the one common thread to all believers is the blood of Jesus and what he did at the cross for us.

As Americans we have one common thread and that is that men/women of all color have fought and died to give us the right to live free and to get to play football on a Friday night and all the other liberties we have. To disrespect that is not right. I love these two young men and one of them has spent the night at my house and I have taken him to football camps. He and my son are good friends. But I know and most Americans know and understand that if we lose that one common thread the love of country and respect for what we have then it won’t be long before we lose that freedom that we have. Martin Luther King was one of the greatest men to ever live and he always had the American flag in his marches and rallies. He did not hate America he wanted America to be the greatest nation on earth and I do not believe his dream included disrespecting our great nation and those who have died for it.

Black, white, Asian , Hispanic all have come to this great nation and many have died so I could Pastor/coach and play football on Friday night. Though many may disagree with me this is what I believe and as an American I have that right. I pray these young men across America can come to understand there is a right and wrong way to do things. God bless America.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas. He is a founding member of the Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTXGAB, and Facebook.


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Figures. Trump Bashing San Juan Mayor Was Big Hillary Clinton Supporter in 2016

Figures. Trump Bashing San Juan Mayor Was Top Hillary Clinton Supporter in 2016

Just four days ago San Juan, Puerto Rico Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz Soto praised FEMA for the work on the island.

Puerto Rico was devastated by Hurricane Irma and then Hurricane Maria a categaory 5 monster hurricane two weeks later.

But Caren Yuliz Cruz Soto is a Democrat so she expects everything to be given to her for free.
On Friday she went out on all of the liberal mainstream news outlets and trashed President Trump.

San Juan Mayor: “I’m mad as hell because my people’s lives are at stake… We are dying, and you (Trump) are killing us with inefficiency”

The San Juan mayor accused FEMA and President Trump of offering her no help.
She said this in front of a pallet of US aid.

For the record… Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz has refused to visit the FEMA headquarters after several invitations and is not participating in ANY FEMA meetings.

On Saturday FOX News contributor Geraldo Rivera interviewed Mayor Cruz and then tweeted this.


Now this…

San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz is a staunch Democrat who supported Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election.

Via Reddit The Donald:


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10,000 containers of Puerto Rican aid sitting on docks undelivered

A mountain of food, water and other vital supplies has arrived in Puerto Rico’s main Port of San Juan.

But a shortage of truckers and the island’s devastated infrastructure are making it tough to move aid to where it’s needed most, officials say.

At least 10,000 containers of supplies — including food, water and medicine — were sitting Thursday at the San Juan port, said Jose Ayala, the Crowley shipping company’s vice president in Puerto Rico.

Part of the reason for the distribution backlog is that only 20% of truck drivers have reported back to work since Hurricane Maria swept through, according to a representative for Puerto Rican Gov. Ricardo Rosselló.

On top of that, a diesel fuel shortage and a tangle of blocked roads mean the distribution of supplies is extremely challenging. Even contacting drivers is a problem because cell towers are still down.

“When we say we that we don’t have truck drivers, we mean that we have not been able to contact them,” Rosselló said.

On Thursday the White House authorized a 10-day waiver of the Jones Act, a federal law that limits shipping to US ports by foreign vessels. Puerto Rico’s governor and other US officials had argued that a waiver would expedite supplies to the island.

But as Ayala has indicated, shipping companies already have aid and supplies either waiting at the port to be delivered — or held up at ports on the US mainland.

Of the 3,000 containers that Crowley alone had sent to San Juan’s port as of Wednesday, only 4% had been dispatched from there, Ayala said.

Ayala said the company can’t get enough truck drivers or trucks filled up with diesel to pick up supplies for distribution across the island.

“The problem has been with the logistics, the parts of the supply chain that move the cargo from our terminal to the shelves or to the tables of the people in Puerto Rico,” Ayala said Wednesday. “This hurricane was catastrophic.”

Meanwhile, Puerto Ricans are waiting hours in line to get gas, food and cash. Gas stations and supermarkets are rationing supplies, while banks are running low on cash.

It should be noted – and never is – that the road network in Puerto Rico is similar to that of a third world country. Transportation infrastructure was horrible before the hurricane and has only gotten worse in the aftermath. Paved roads are blocked with trees, debris from the storm, and downed power lines. Dirt roads, of which there are many, have been washed away or are a sea of mud.

Who is responsible for all those containers still sitting on the docks? Obviously, local governments should have been better prepared to receive the aid and distribute it. Why didn’t the loud mouth mayor of San Juan have truck drivers waiting in the wings to distribute the food? She couldn’t foresee the cell towers being blown over? She couldn’t imagine blocked roads? 

I suppose FEMA could have hired 20,000 truck drivers and sent them to Puerto Rico, but with the roads impassable, how would the aid have reached those in need? 

The exact same situation was present in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. Convoys of thousands of trucks containing relief supplies were backed up to Fort Worth, TX, according to a statement by FEMA at the time that appeared in the New Orleans Times-Picayune  (link broken.). It’s not that the response by the feds was totally inadequate. It’s that the devastation was so severe and so widespread, that many of the roads and bridges leading into New Orleans were blocked or washed out.

We didn’t use to politicize hurricane relief efforts. It was assumed that everthing that could be done was being done. At least, we assumed that when Bill Clinton was president.

Now, of course, the goal is to get Trump any way possible. The president is making it ridiculously easy for the media to pile on, as he has turned his statements and tweets – delivered from a golf course – into boosting his administration’s image.

As much as the media has politicized the response to the disaster, Trump has gone them one better.

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VIDEO: High School Band Dancers Dress as Strippers on Football Field

The Miami Northwestern High Golden Girls are dressing as strippers.

The group introduced the new look at a recent high school football game.

What the hell are they teaching these kids?
This is really disturbing.

WUSA9 reporter Michael Quander posted this on his Facebook page:

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Trump Reveals Why He Endorsed Strange…Confirms What We All Expected


Trump Reveals Why He Endorsed Strange…Confirms What We All Expected

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When President Donald Trump went down to Alabama to rally on behalf of Sen. Luther Strange — who had filled the seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions — he seemed to express some misgivings in his support even as he encouraged others to vote for him in a special primary run-off election.

When Strange ultimately lost that special election to former Judge Roy Moore, Trump was reportedly quite angry, according to CNN — not so much at Strange for losing, but at himself and those who had convinced him to ignore his own intuition and back the wrong candidate.

Various unnamed advisors and officials within the White House stated that Trump felt he had been misled about Strange’s chances of winning by the likes of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, members of McConnell’s staff and other establishment-linked political operatives.

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As for “Big Luther” himself, Trump seemed to like him and certainly appreciated his loyalty in supporting the MAGA agenda — which is the crux of why he agreed to support him — but nevertheless lumped him in with former presidential primary rival Jeb Bush as being “low energy.”

Trump ultimately became aware that he had backed the wrong horse when he saw former staffers and supporters like Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka successfully stumping hard on Moore’s behalf, and despite his anger at being attached to the loss, felt vindicated afterward that his initial intuition had been correct that the outsider Moore would prevail over the establishment-backed Strange.

According to Politico, Trump suspected Strange would lose prior to the election, and he had his suspicions confirmed the night before votes were cast while having dinner with conservative activists in the White House.

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Trump hadn’t wanted to get involved in the race at all, but felt pressured to do so by certain advisors and strategists, and decided to commit because of the loyalty shown by Strange, even as he regretted that decision.

“He seemed like he didn’t know the state of play and what was going on. I don’t think he has been given good advice,” explained an unnamed person who had discussed the election with Trump. “He didn’t know exactly where the numbers stood or what was happening on the ground.”

Nevertheless, Trump immediately threw his support behind Moore following the election and began looking for ways to put the loss behind him, hopeful that it wouldn’t become a drag.

Given all of the other things going on right now, and the fact that Moore is most likely a better fit with Trump’s agenda than Strange was, this incident probably won’t have much of an effect on Trump or his base in the long run. It could even help a little bit, as he displayed once again how much he prizes loyalty.

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H/T The Right Scoop

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Scalise Reveals What Kept Him Alive After Being Shot…And Libs Hate Every Word


Scalise Reveals What Kept Him Alive After Being Shot…And Libs Hate Every Word

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On Thursday, Majority Whip Steve Scalise returned to the House of Representatives floor after being critically wounded during the mass shooting that occurred at a congressional baseball practice in June of this year. What he said saved him has Conservatives cheering and Liberals fuming.

On June 14, Scalise was shot in the hip and collapsed as a lone gunman, James T. Hodgkinson, terrorized the baseball practice and injured four others. After his return to the House floor, Scalise was greeted with loud applause and a standing ovation. Then he began to speak, and the liberals on the floor definitely had to force their applause after he credited God for saving him.

“It starts with God,” Scalise said adding that when he was laying on the field unsure if it was the end, he “just started praying.”

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“When I was laying on the ground one of the things I prayed for was that David and Crystal would be successful in carrying out their duties,” The New York Times reported Scalise said. “When I was laying there not long after the first shots were fired, I could hear a different-caliber weapon. And that told me that they had immediately engaged the shooter.”

David Bailey and Crystal Griner were the officers credited with subduing Hodgkinson.

“Pretty much every one of those prayers were answered,” Scalise continued. “He really did deliver for me and my family, and it just gives you that renewed faith and understanding that the power of prayer is just something that you cannot underestimate.”

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Triumphantly, Scalise added, “I’m definitely a living example that miracles really do happen.”

According to Fox News, Scalise was shot in his left hip and the bullet passed through to his right hip. “The round did substantial damage to bones, internal organs and blood vessels, according to Dr. Jack Sava, the director of trauma at MedStar Washington Hospital where Scalise had been treated after the shooting,” the outlet continued.

However, as Scalise reminded us… there is no problem that is too big for God to solve.

While we are currently living in a climate that has continued to attack those with Christian beliefs and moral values, the proof is in the pudding. Scalise is evidence that prayer works and that God is here working miracles every day.

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See Scalise’s full speech below:

H/T The Right Scoop

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Kaepernick Donated $25,000 To Group Named After Convicted Cop Killer Assata Shakur

He should join her in Cuba.

Via Daily Mail:

Colin Kaepernick’s $25,000 donation to a charitable group honoring a convicted cop killer has been revealed.

Kaepernick’s foundation made the donation to Chicago-based Assata’s Daughter’s, named after former Black Liberation Army member Assata Shakur, in April as part of a $1million charitable pledge.

Shakur was convicted of first-degree murder in the 1973 shooting death of New Jersey state trooper Werner Foerster and sentenced to life in prison, but staged a daring jailbreak and now lives as a fugitive in Cuba.

Kaepernick, who is well known for his protests against police during the national anthem as a former San Francisco 49ers quarterback, made the donation as part of his pledge to donate $100,000 a month for 10 months to ‘organizations working in oppressed communities’.

Assata’s Daughters was founded in 2015 to ‘develop and train young people, ages 4-19, in the Black queer feminist tradition and in the spirit of Assata,’ according to the group’s website.

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In His Own Words: Colin Kaepernick’s Anthem Protest Was Against The Flag And The Country

If you’re kneeling, you’re kneeling in support of this and someone who donates in honor of a cop killer.

Via Mediaite:

When Colin Kaepernick‘s national anthem protests began during the 2016 pre-season, he affirmed to reporters at the time that he refused to stand because he did not want to honor the flag of the United States of America.

It was August 26, 2016 and Kaepernick’s San Francisco 49ers were playing the Green Bay Packers in a preseason contest. Kaepernick, recently relegated to bench-warmer status for the team he had once led to the Super Bowl, chose to stay seated on that bench while the rest of his team and everyone else at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, CA rose to their feet in a sign of unity for our country. (Yes, there was a time when simply standing was the “sign of unity” we showed during the national anthem, no linking of arms needed.)

Kaepernick had already sat during the anthem on at least one other preseason game, but not enough people had given him enough attention over it so this time, he gave and exclusive interview to Steve Wyche at

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

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