Outrage: State Employees Paid to Create Sick American Flag Display


Outrage: State Employees Paid to Create Sick American Flag Display

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Teachers at a public school in Chicago have a lot of explaining to do after they disrespected the American flag… all while calling it a “lesson.”

According to Fox News, employees of York High School put a U.S. flag on the floor of the school library on Tuesday, and left it there all day. To make matters worse, the teachers apparently knew that putting a flag on the ground was considered disrespectful, but did it on purpose.

“It was used for students to reconcile their feelings about current issues and whether their First Amendment rights are protected,” Principal Erin DeLuga stated in a vague letter to parents.

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“The purpose of the forum was to explore the complexities of the constitutionally protected right of free speech by examining real cases,” the school administrator continued.

It’s not clear how throwing a flag on the floor helps students “reconcile their feelings,” whatever that means.

The public quickly became outraged when photos of the disgraced flag began circulating.

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“This is just plain disrespectful,” a former student stated. “I was taught at a very young age the flag never touches the ground. Never! I am so upset at this sorry excuse for educating today’s youth.”

“I am appalled at this form of teaching,” another alumnus posted on Facebook. “You say that this in no way was mean to be disrespectful, but in all reality it most certainly was.”

The reality is that thousands of Americans — including black citizens — fought and died to protect the flag and everything that it represents. Throwing it on the floor even as some sort of twisted “lesson” fails to respect their sacrifices, and it’s insulting and tone-deaf.

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That disrespect is made worse by the fact that public educators who are paid by American taxpayers are the ones encouraging this kind of behavior.

Instead of teaching students that treating the American flag like a rug is fine, they should be educating the next generation about past sacrifices and the reasons we treat our banner with respect.

If you’re fed up with these kinds of disrespectful displays, please press “Share on Facebook” now!

via Conservative Tribune

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9 Thugs Beat The Crap Out Of A Family Because That’s What Thugs Do

I can’t say for sure if this was a racially motivated attack because the news has little interest in presenting facts that go against the “white supremacy is our nation’s biggest problem” narrative. Maybe all of the attackers were black. Perhaps the victims were white. The news won’t say, but at least one of the scumbags who beat up a child and his elderly parents was black. I’m almost certain that most of the attackers were not white and the victims black, because that would be something the news would report.

18-year-old Gregory Battle (pictured) and 8 of his homies were at Six Flags Great America in Gurnee, IL, a suburb of Chicago, last Saturday for the park’s annual “Fright Fest.” They got it in their mind that they had special privileges and didn’t need to wait in lines like the rest of the park guests. CBS Chicago reports that the gang of 9 cut the line in front of a 50-year-old woman, her 51-year-old husband and their 12-year-old son.

The 9 assholes were acting rowdy and using obscenities. The 50-year-old woman politely asked them to watch their language. One of the thugs responded by sucker-punching the 12-year-old boy. The mother and father came to the aid of their son and the gang began beating the entire family. Yeah, 9 scumbags between the ages of 15 and 18 were attacking two people in their 50’s and a young boy.

Witnesses say that the mob beat the family to the ground and then stomped and kicked them when they were down. The mother, father, and son were all hospitalized with what are being called “significant injuries.”

“This family is lucky they got out with just the injuries that they did,” said Gurnee Deputy Police Chief of Operations Brian Smith.

Define “lucky.”

Park security eventually broke up the one-sided fight and the police were called. Gregory Battle and 8 minors were arrested and charged with offenses ranging from mob action to aggravated battery causing great bodily harm. The names of the other attackers were not released because of their ages.

I did some research and read about this story on several different sites, but none of them mention what the race of the other attackers or the victims are. Were all of the attackers black? Are the victims white? I think it’s a given that these things are true simply by the media silence. They don’t want to go around promoting stories about mobs of black thugs beating the shit out of white people because they are fully invested in America being a place that is intolerably racist against black people.

Had this been a bunch of white teenagers beating up a black family, that would be big news with national interest and a ton of outrage to go with it. Had the family been Muslim, it would be even worse. We live in a country where a white guy running over a white woman proves that white supremacy is an epidemic, but a mobs of blacks beating the hell out of white people never enters the conversation on race.

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Crackpot Ex-Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura Says Statue of Liberty Should Come Down

The fool’s parade of leftist cranks continues to march to the beat of a very different drummer than that of mainstream America. Not only do these people talk as if they don’t live in the same country but in many cases, one has to wonder if they are even in the same universe anymore.

Yes, it’s really gotten that bad.

Such is the case with former Navy SEAL, professional wrestler, actor and Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura who has long slipped off the grid of what any rational person can define as sanity.

I admit that I always got a kick out of Ventura and his iconoclastic bombast, he even made some very good point about the Deep State on occasion but let’s face it, the 66-year-old has drifted very far to the left in recent years, so far that he seems to have completely lost his marbles.

Leaving aside his personal vendetta with deceased American hero Chris Kyle aka “American Sniper” and his family, for the time being, Ventura has now become an outspoken ambassador for legalized pot and dabbles in amnesty for illegal aliens.

It was the latter that finds him once again in the news over some outlandish comments that popped out of his mouth.

Mr. Ventura has called for throwing open the borders to illegals who can assist with the job in rebuilding Florida and Texas (ostensibly they will then find other ways to undercut American workers) and is scoffing at the concept of a border wall, one of President Trump’s initiatives.

He also states that if a border wall does get built, that the Statue of Liberty should be taken down.

Via P.J. Media “Jesse Ventura: If Border Wall Goes Up, Statue of Liberty Must Come Down”:

Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura said the federal government should open the United States’ borders to undocumented immigrants who could help rebuild Texas and Florida after the recent hurricanes.

“Who’s going to do this cleanup? The white people? I think we should open our borders and bring the Mexicans up; we’ve got a lot of work for them, cleaning up Houston and cleaning up Florida,” Ventura said during the Nexus Conference in Aspen, Colo., over the weekend.

“Who’s going to do that work? You? Think about it. These are hardworking people. We want them – and let’s remember something, unless you are ‘native United Staten,’ we are all immigrants, aren’t we?” he added. “How quick we forget. And if they want to put this wall up, I’ll tell you what they need to do – take down the Statue of Liberty, take it down, take it down. Why have a statue that is meaningless? That statue says send us your poor, send us your this, send us your that.”

The poem on Statue of Liberty reads, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

Jesse hasn’t completely lost it because right after calling for the Statue of Liberty to be taken down, he did blast the Democrats’ entire Russian election conspiracy theory as bullshit.

Read it all HERE and listen to the words directly from the horse’s mouth.

He seems to be smoking a bit too much of one of the  Bernie Bro’s stash these days and reading too much of the Marijuana Manifesto, this has to be one of the dumbest things that he has ever uttered.

Hey, he’s from Minnesota and smokes a lot of dope but that hardly gives him a pass.

Ventura in happier times:


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Elementary School Librarian Rejects ‘Racist Propoganda’ Dr. Seuss Books From Melania Trump

First Lady Melania Trump speaks with students as she visits a youth centre at Joint Andrews Airforce base, Maryland / Getty


September 28, 2017 4:45 pm

A Cambridge, Mass. elementary school librarian wrote in a blog post on Tuesday that she would not be keeping a collection of books that First Lady Melania Trump donated to her school.

Liz Phipps Soeiro published a letter to Trump on the Horn Book’s Family Reading blog, in which she said that she would not be keeping the books the first lady donated to Cambridge Elementary School, the Hill reported.

Trump donated a collection of ten Dr. Seuss books to one school in each state earlier this month to mark National Read a Book Day.

“I work in a district that has plenty of resources, which contributes directly to ‘excellence,'” Soeiro wrote. “Cambridge, Massachusetts, is an amazing city with robust social programming, a responsive city government, free all-day kindergarten, and well-paid teachers (relatively speaking — many of us can’t afford to live in the city in which we teach). My students have access to a school library with over nine thousand volumes and a librarian with a graduate degree in library science.”

Soeiro added that the first lady should be donating books to school libraries in cities like Detroit, Philadelphia, and Chicago, because their libraries are being “shuttered” by policies put in place by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.

“Are those kids any less deserving of books simply because of circumstances beyond their control?” she wrote. “Why not go out of your way to gift books to underfunded and underprivileged communities that continue to be marginalized and maligned by policies put in place by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos?”

Soeiro then criticized Trump’s choice of Dr. Seuss as “cliché” and said that he is a “tired and worn ambassador for children’s literature.”

“As first lady of the United States, you have an incredible platform with world-class resources at your fingertips,” she wrote. “Just down the street you have access to a phenomenal children’s librarian: Dr. Carla Hayden, the current librarian of Congress. I have no doubt Dr. Hayden would have given you some stellar recommendations.”

She then characterized Dr. Seuss’s illustrations as racist and said that they were steeped in “racist propaganda, caricatures, and harmful stereotypes,” listing several examples in her letter.

Soeiro did not note that former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama both read Dr. Seuss books to children several times during their eight years in the White House. The former president promoted his “Read Across America” initiative last March by reflecting on Dr. Seuss’s literature, saying, “Pretty much all the stuff you need to know is in Dr. Seuss.”

The Cambridge school system responded to Soeiro’s letter to the first lady with a statement that said, “The employee was not authorized to accept or reject donated books on behalf of the school or school district,” CBS Boston reported.

“We have counseled the employee on all relevant policies, including the policy against public resources being used for political purposes,” the district said.

via Washington Free Beacon

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Breaking: Trump waives Jones Act for Puerto Rico

What a difference a day makes, eh? Yesterday, Donald Trump offered a blunt assessment on why action to waive the Jones Act for the Puerto Rico crisis was unlikely. Others pointed out that even a waiver wouldn’t really help, since shipping capacity for Puerto Rico vastly outstrips logistical capabilities for distribution in the wake of Hurricane Maria.

Today, on second thought

It’s a smart move, both politically and symbolically. Politically, the White House has had an avalanche of unfair press coverage insinuating that they haven’t paid attention to the crisis in Puerto Rico. As Teri Christoph noted, that’s far from the case; they’ve been responding to it since before Hurricane Maria hit, but Trump himself has spent more of his public time talking and tweeting about the NFL than promoting relief efforts.

Symbolically it matters too, even if it won’t change much in the short run. Trump’s suggestion that protectionism should outweigh a humanitarian crisis — especially when it involves American citizens, which is the case in Puerto Rico — was tin-eared at best. It’s not that it wasn’t rational, but that it was too coldly rational. When Americans are suffering, we put that kind of calculation aside for a while in order to get help where it’s needed, or at least leave all options open to do so.

But will this get more help to Puerto Rico during the acute crisis? Not really, no — and even if it did, it wouldn’t matter. The problem in Puerto Rico isn’t getting aid to the island, Bloomberg’s Laura Blewitt reports. The problem is a lack of resources to get it off the docks once it arrives:

Thousands of cargo containers bearing millions of emergency meals and other relief supplies have been piling up on San Juan’s docks since Saturday. The mountains of materiel may not reach storm survivors for days.

Distributors for big-box companies and smaller retailers are unloading 4,000 20-foot containers full of necessities like food, water and soap this week at a dock in Puerto Rico’s capital operated by Crowley Maritime Corp. In the past few days, Tote Maritime’s terminal has taken the equivalent of almost 3,000. The two facilities have become choke points in the effort to aid survivors of Hurricane Maria.

“There are plenty of ships and plenty of cargo to come into the island,” said Mark Miller, a spokesman for Crowley, based in Jacksonville, Florida. “From there, that’s where the supply chain breaks down — getting the goods from the port to the people on the island who need them.” …

Trucks are ready to be loaded with the goods and precious diesel for backup generators, but workers aren’t around to drive. Instead, they’re caring for families and cleaning up flood damage — and contending with the curfew.

The buildings that would receive supplies are destroyed and without electricity, Miller said. The transport companies that have staff available and diesel on hand encounter downed poles and power lines while navigating 80,000-pound tractor-trailers on delicate washed-out roads.

The Jones Act waiver won’t help get aid to Puerto Rico. The aid has been arriving all along. What is truly needed is an effort to rebuild enough transportation and power infrastructure to get the aid moved off the docks in San Juan. And right now, the US military is trying to solve those problems, rather than worry about tweets or the Jones Act. That is a direct result of White House management of the crisis, and a much better metric than Trump’s Twitter account.

However, at some point a Jones Act waiver will help Puerto Rico save some money when it’s in position to spend its own money on the rebuilding effort — but the waiver will almost certainly expire before that time comes. If Congress wants to remove this protectionist act for good policy reasons, it can do that any time. It won’t have anything to do with aid in the immediate and critical time frame, though.

Trump made the right call, politically and symbolically. Now perhaps everyone else can focus on the actual acute crises.

Update: Like I wrote … symbolic (via Fausta Wertz and Steve Eggleston, emphasis mine):

The waiver from the shipping law, which requires American-made and operated vessels to transport cargo between U.S. ports, will only last for 10 days and goes into effect immediately.

“At @ricardorossello request, @POTUS has authorized the Jones Act be waived for Puerto Rico. It will go into effect immediately,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders wrote on Twitter, referring to Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló.

Steve also points out that the waiver might lower costs marginally for charities that are moving goods to Puerto Rico, but it’s not going to have any more dramatic impact than that. Rosselló won’t be in position to do any rebuilding within that ten-day period, which makes this an utterly symbolic move.

The post Breaking: Trump waives Jones Act for Puerto Rico appeared first on Hot Air.

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Photo: The Most Sickening Protest Picture We’ve Seen All Week


Photo: The Most Sickening Protest Picture We’ve Seen All Week

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It’s become quite clear that many Americans find professional athletes taking a knee during the national anthem to be disrespectful of the American flag and the men and women who have fought and died to defend it.

Yet, many of the kneelers and their supporters in the media insist that the protest has nothing to do with disrespecting our nation’s fallen warriors or the flag, and is only intended to raise awareness of racial inequalities and instances of police brutality.

However, a shocking picture that recently went viral has seemingly exposed that narrative to be a lie. It appears to shows a young man taking a knee at The Tomb of the Unknowns monument in Arlington National Cemetery, during the playing of “Taps” no less, according to a Facebook post from Salute Media.

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Salute Media reported that the photo was taken by a combat veteran who was paying his respects to the fallen at the most hallowed grounds of our nation and military — a place generally regarded as one of quiet reverence, honor and self-reflection.

American Military News noted that it is widely considered to be disrespectful for people to do anything other than stand silently and respectfully during the playing of “Taps” — a beautifully somber bugle call often heard at military funerals — particularly while at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

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In fact, acts of disrespect at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, if spotted by the guards on duty, have been loudly admonished in the past, as seen in a video shared by Military.com.

Unsurprisingly, many people on social media expressed their displeasure with the sight seen in the viral photo.

Thus far, no other photos or video have emerged of the kneeling man at the hallowed Tomb, nor have any details about his identity or stated reason for kneeling, if he even had one.

Should his identity ever be revealed, he could end up facing consequences for his actions — not from the military or government, but from the rest of society at large, who don’t care for those who have displayed utter disrespect at such an honorable location.

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Recall back in 2012 when another disrespectful photo at the Tomb went viral, in that case a woman flipping the middle finger and pretending to shout next to a sign that asked visitors to remain silent and respectful at all times. According to the New York Daily News, that woman ended up losing her job over the “ignorant and distasteful” photo once her employers saw it.

It remains to be seen if anything else will come of this most recent incident at the Tomb, but hopefully it is not the start of a new trend.

Please share this story on Facebook and Twitter so everyone can see this shocking picture of someone taking a knee at Arlington National Cemetery’s Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

via Conservative Tribune

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Watch: Spike Lee Defends Anthem Protests, Suddenly Gold Star Dad Grabs the Mic

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Spike Lee might personify the current national anthem protests perfectly: He’s a millionaire entertainer who acts like he’s the center of the universe and sees every single thing through the lens of race.

Unsurprisingly, the far-left film director recently defended NFL players who refuse to stand for the national anthem… but the parents of a soldier killed in Afghanistan quickly put him in his place.

“How do you support these multi-millionaires on their knees, and don’t support what the fallen heroes died for?” the father of Staff Sgt. Louis Bonacasa asked Spike Lee during a CNN debate Wednesday night.

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The Bernie Sanders-supporting Lee dismissed the question, and bizarrely claimed that refusing to stand for the American flag didn’t insult troops who have died defending it.


“All these players have said, many many times, that they respect the armed forces,” Lee said. “They respect the flag. And they respect America. And this narrative that when they take a knee, it’s insulting your son who is no longer here, is not true.”

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That response was, in fact, a lie. Colin Kaepernick — the player who started the current movement — has repeatedly said that he doesn’t respect the flag and doesn’t respect America.

“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” the now unemployed quarterback declared last year.

In other words, literally the opposite of what Spike Lee claimed while looking a gold star family in the eyes.

Luckily, the family of the slain American soldier pushed back against the arrogant Hollywood director.

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“When North Korea aims a nuclear missile at us, are these ‘heroes’ that you say, NFL players who can’t support our flag, are they gonna be on their knees when this happens, or are they gonna support our veterans?” Bonacasa asked.

Lee refused to actually answer that question, but repeated the hysterical and asinine narrative that President Trump was more dangerous than nuclear-armed dictator Kim Jong Un. The claim, of course, had absolutely nothing to do with the question.

“I’m worried just as much about Donald Trump as that crazy guy in North Korea. And he has a nuclear code. I’m worried about that,” Lee said.

It is becoming increasingly apparent that liberals live in a different universe than the majority of Americans.

Out-of-touch views such as continuing to insult veterans with anthem antics, or repeating some drivel about Trump being more dangerous than a dictator who has executed hundreds of people in a human rights hell-hole show that “progressives” like Lee shouldn’t be taken seriously.

Lee is the same as the NFL players who have nothing logical to say but believe that they are great crusaders of justice. At the end of the day, their points don’t hold up, and it’s clear that a desperation for attention is the real reason for their actions.

The American people are tired of it. Lee gave up on making sense a long time ago. The NFL still has a chance at redemption, but that opportunity is quickly running out.

H/T Informed Folks

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via Conservative Tribune

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Fed-Up Steven Seagal Just Declared War on the NFL


Fed-Up Steven Seagal Just Declared War on the NFL

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One of the most ferocious martial artists in the world just declared war on the NFL and its players who find it acceptable to disrespect our flag and national anthem.

During a very candid interview with the U.K. news program “Good Morning Britain” that took place from Russia, actor Steven Seagal referred to anthem protesters as outrageous and disgusting

According to the Daily Mail, Seagal said he believed kneeling during the anthem was nothing short of disrespect to the brave men and women who have died so that players can make millions while playing a game for a living.

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“I think it’s outrageous, I think it’s a joke, it’s disgusting. I respect the American flag,” Seagal said.

Seagal said he he doesn’t understand why some players find it acceptable to blatantly disrespect the very country that gives them the opportunity to live such extravagant lifestyles.

Seagal agreed with President Donald Trump’s critical comments last Friday about anthem protesters and how NFL owners should fire players who disrespect our flag.

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“And that owner, they don’t know it, but they’ll be the most popular person in this country,” Seagall said.

After slamming anthem protesters, Seagal said it has been hard for Trump to get things done because too many “Obama-ites and people that feel they should overthrow Trump” are still in office.

With more than 200 NFL players kneeling during the national anthem on Sunday in response to Trump’s comments, more people are beginning to take action against a league that appears to be endorsing the degradation of our national anthem.

To Seagal’s point, players kneeling during national anthem is disrespectful to our nation’s flag and to all the brave men and women who died for all of our freedoms.

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Despite outrage from the liberal media, let us never forget that these NFL players are getting paid millions of dollars. Several of these players who disrespect our flag have no idea how great of an opportunity they have.

True American patriots like Seagal don’t want to see anyone disrespecting our flag and country.

Please like and share this if you agree with Steven Seagal that it’s unacceptable for players to kneel during the national anthem and blatantly disrespect the flag!

via Conservative Tribune

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NFL Sacked! Businesses Cut Ties With NFL, Let Fans Cancel Over Protests

<p>NFL sponsors are feeling pressure to respond after more than 200 players, coaches and team owners knelt in protest during the anthem on the weekend of Sept. 23. While most NFL sponsors have so far not ended their sponsorships, at least three organizations have reacted and others are being pressured.</p>

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Ghanaian Migrant Who Raped Camping German in Front of Her Boyfriend Calls Victim a ‘Prostitute’

Ghanaian Migrant Who Raped Camping German in Front of Her Boyfriend Calls Victim a ‘Prostitute’

28 Sep, 2017
28 Sep, 2017

The Ghanaian migrant accused of raping a German student whilst threatening to kill her boyfriend if he intervened has branded his victim a “prostitute” in court.

Identified only as Eric X. in local media, the failed asylum seeker is accused of raping the 23-year-old victim in a meadow near Bonn, after slashing the camping couple’s tent with a machete and demanding their valuables.

The pair handed over six euros and a portable set of speakers, before hearing their assailant tell the woman, “Come out, bitch. I wanna f*** you,” in English  — threatening to kill her 26-year-old boyfriend if he tried to prevent the assault.

Defying the advice of his lawyers to stay silent, the Ghanaian railed against his victims — who local media report to be heavily traumatised by the attack  — during his appearance at a district court in Bonn.

“I do not understand why I should be silent about a case I don’t know anything about,” he said, before lashing out at Judge Eumann for noting that the defendant’s DNA was an exact match to that found on the victim.

“If the court says that this is my DNA, then I must call the girl a prostitute,” Eric X. cried out, shackles rattling as he gesticulated wildly, according to Die Welt.

“Anyone who supports this girl who claims she was raped is the dirtiest man on earth,” he added.

The court also heard Eric X. embark on a “long-winded narrative” about his life in Ghana, during which he was repeatedly told by the judge to “get to the point”.

According to the accused, his father owned several cocoa plants and “was like a king” in the African country.

“He had a lot of money and was very well known. In Ghana, a king can have as many women as he wants, if he can take care of them,” he told the court.

The suspect was arrested soon after the attack in nearby Siegburg after a man recognised him from a composite picture of the rapist that was released by German police.

It later emerged that Eric X. could have been deported since March 17th, when his application for asylum was rejected. Just 10 days before the attack, he was informed by authorities that he faced deportation to Italy, where he first filed an asylum claim.

via Breitbart News

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