Video: Antifa eats itself

What’s the inevitable result of identity-based social-justice welfare? Ranking of race to stomp out racism, just like the end result of violent “anti-fascist” activism is inevitably fascism. A Twitter account called “Beverly Hills Antifa” (which exists to criticize and provoke Antifa) last night tweeted this video from a protest a month ago in Berkeley, showing an escalating argument between two Antifa activists over authenticity.  The woman accuses the man of epitomizing “the height of white performativeness.” Only true violence and true DNA matter to The Cause, she instructs, as the young man tries to defend himself by providing a brief resumé of his violence.

The clip contains language that’s Not Safe for Work, or for your intellect. You’ve been warned (hat tips to Jeryl Bier and Urban Scorp on Twitter for identifying the event):

Note that this involves three people at a much larger event, so some will say that it doesn’t reflect the movement as a whole. That might be a legitimate point, but not at this event, where the violence was so bad that the LA Times reported it the next day. This was the catalyst for the Left’s backpedal away from Antifa, you’ll recall, where Democrats from Nancy Pelosi on down hit reverse and started denouncing the group.  Add in this woman demanding violence at the top of her lungs to what looks like at least the tacit approval of the crowd and it adds up to a damning portrait.

“White perfomativeness” is apparently grad-school speak for poseur or tourist. This could be a learning experience for the young lad, who has apparently labored under the misapprehension that fighting racism means, well, fighting racism. Don’t expect the obvious to dawn on him, though; anyone who measures his value by the violence he inflicts on others is probably immune to irony and self-reflection, at least in that moment.

But if he is paying attention, the woman’s point at the end makes it clear that in identity politics there is no redemption possible. “You’re still white!” she yells after him. “You’re inherently racist! It’s in your blood!” Say … isn’t that kind of stereotyping by skin color and blood-based judgment … racist?

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YIKES: Survey Finds That Only A Quarter Of Americans Can Name The 3 Branches Of Government

The results of a recent Annenberg Public Policy Center survey that measured average American understanding of the United States Constitution, are intensely disappointing, although not altogether surprising. The survey, which asked questions of 1,013 respondents, found that a majority of Americans are woefully unaware of their rights, and that an even greater number are stunningly uninformed when it comes to our government’s political organization.

According to the results, only 26% of Americans were able to name the three branches of our government, the executive, legislative and judicial branches. The survey results note, that, “in the presence of controls, people who identified themselves as conservatives were significantly more likely to name all three branches correctly than liberals and moderates.” This of course makes sense, since the Left has made it their mission to undermine the values of our founding documents. Why take the time to read old documents that history has left behind?

What’s especially disturbing though, is how the percentage of correct answers has dropped since the last survey in 2011, when 38% — still a depressingly low number — were able to name each branch. This speaks volumes on the efficacy of our Department of Education. The type of learning that is important to the Left has been clear for a long time and doesn’t include government or actual American history. Just ask UNC Charlotte, which offers 345 “diversity” courses.

Respondents did little better on other survey questions. A whopping 37% were unable to name a single right laid out in the First Amendment. Less than half (48%) were able to name freedom of speech. Only 15% were aware that the First Amendment protects religious freedom. Unbelievably, only 10% responded with right to assembly. In direct opposition to the First Amendment, “39 percent of Americans support allowing Congress to stop the news media from reporting on any issue of national security without government approval.”

The APPC survey also explored American understanding of the constitutional rights granted to immigrants who reside in the United States illegally. 67% of self-identifying conservative respondents told researchers that illegal immigrants were not guaranteed rights by our constitution. While not all rights outlined by our constitution apply to illegal immigrants, many do, including due process. In this case, moderates and liberals were slightly more informed (or I’d hazard a guess: more likely to believe that which fits their narrative), with 48% and 46% correct responses, respectively.

In another result, which almost reads as parody, 21% of survey participants didn’t think constitutional rights equally applied to atheists, and another 24% failed to understand that Muslims are included in constitutional protections as well.

This is absolutely terrifying. These people, our fellow Americans, who in many cases know literally nothing about our government and the country’s foundational documents, are voting (likely for Democrats). The education system in this country has failed its citizens in spectacular fashion. One can only hope there’s still time to correct our path and start teaching our youth why this country, its institutions, and its constitutional protections, are the best on Earth.

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It Begins. Owner of Historic US Clothing Company Pulls Ads from NFL Games

Allan Jones is CEO of Hardwick Clothing and Check Into Cash payday loan company announced on Tuesday his is through with sponsoring the wardrobes and advertising on the NFL.

Hardwick Clothing is America’s oldest suit maker.

In his statement Jones said, “Our companies will not condone unpatriotic behavior!”
The Times Free Press reported:

Two years ago, Cleveland, Tenn., businessman Allan Jones was proudly showing off his newly acquired Hardwick Clothing-brand suits by providing the wardrobe for NBC’s on-air talent during the network’s broadcasts of NFL football games.

But after NFL players and coaches challenged President Donald Trump and many took a knee during the national anthem played before their games over the weekend, Jones said he is through sponsoring the wardrobes or advertising on stations that air the National Football League.

Jones, CEO of the payday lending chain Check Into Cash and owner of Hardwick Clothes — America’s oldest suit maker — tweeted his criticism and change of heart Tuesday.

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Rep. Mo Brooks: ‘Terminate All Federal Government Support to NFL’

Rep. Mo Brooks: ‘Terminate All Federal Government Support to NFL’

by Penny Starr27 Sep 20170

27 Sep, 2017
27 Sep, 2017

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) said on Tuesday that the federal government should not financially support the NFL because of players’ disrespectful “take a knee” protests during the national anthem.

“I believe we ought to terminate all federal government support of the NFL,” Brooks told Breitbart News following the Conversations with Conservatives event at the Capitol. “That would include the termination of any and all advertising that is done on behalf of the federal government — military and non-military — to the extent we do any.”

“The same thing with any other professional sport that insults our country and our flag and our anthem as the NFL has done,” said Brooks, who is a member of the House Freedom Caucus.

CNN Money reported in 2015 the NFL teams get “billions in subsidies from U.S. taxpayers.”

The latest round of controversy over the now infamous Colin Kaepernick move in 2016 when the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback took a knee during the national anthem to protest racism in the United States came on Friday. During a campaign rally in Alabama President Donald Trump expressed his opinion on the matter .

“Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now. He is fired. He’s fired!’” Trump said.

Trump said the protests were a “total disrespect of our heritage” and “a total disrespect of everything that we stand for.”

Trump continued to stoke the controversy on Twitter.

“If NFL fans refuse to go to games until players stop disrespecting our Flag & Country, you will see change take place fast,” Trump wrote on Twitter on Sunday. “Fire or suspend!”

Trump said that NFL attendance and television ratings were “way down,” suggesting that the protests from players could harm the sport.

Several NFL owners have sided with their players, saying they have a right to protest.

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America Under Siege: Antifa

Antifa is the third episode in the America Under Siege film series from Dangerous Documentaries (a project of the Capital Research Center) and Cohesion Films. Each episode profiles the influence of radical Marxists on various segments of American society.

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Rep. Louie Gohmert wants Sen. John McCain to be recalled

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) said during an interview on Fox News that Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) should be recalled by voters while he undergoes cancer treatment.

McCain was diagnosed with glioblastoma, an aggressive type of brain cancer, in July.

During an interview on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” Monday, Gohmert lamented that McCain defeated his primary challenger last year.

“He’s got cancer, it’s a tough battle,” Gohmert said. “But stress is a real inhibitor to getting over cancer.”

“I think Arizona could help him — and us. Recall him, let him fight successfully this terrible cancer, and let’s get someone in here who will keep the word he gave last year,” Gohmert continued, referring to McCain’s — and the Republican Party’s — vow to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Pressed on his statement, Gohmert said recalling McCain “would be very helpful to him and the country.”

Controversial health care vote

McCain, who has long advocated repealing and replacing Obamacare, has in recent months rejected Republican efforts to do so. In July, he voted against a so-called “skinny repeal” bill, killing the measure. McCain has also expressed opposition to a repeal bill sponsored by GOP Sens. Lindsey Graham (S.C.) and Bill Cassidy (La.).

In the face of criticism from many Republicans, including President Donald Trump, McCain said in a statement that he believes “health care reform legislation ought to be the product of regular order in the Senate.”

“Committees of jurisdiction should mark up legislation with input from all committee members, and send their bill to the floor for debate and amendment,” he said. “That is the only way we might achieve bipartisan consensus on lasting reform, without which a policy that affects one-fifth of our economy and every single American family will be subject to reversal with every change of administration and congressional majority.”

McCain said he would “consider supporting legislation similar to that offered by my friends, Senators Graham and Cassidy, were it the product of extensive hearings, debate and amendment.”

“We should not be content to pass health care legislation on a party-line basis, as Democrats did when they rammed Obamacare through Congress in 2009,” he added.

‘He can vote any way he wants to’

Graham, however, defended McCain during remarks on CNN on Monday evening, calling him “one of my dearest friends in the world.”

The senator said McCain wants to repeal Obamacare but is seeking a bipartisan solution.

“So to any American who has got a problem with John McCain’s vote, all I can tell you is that John McCain was willing to die for this country, and he can vote any way he wants to, and it doesn’t matter to me,” Graham said.

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Paris Prosecutors Finally Label Murder of Jewish Elderly Woman an Anti-Semitic Crime

Paris Prosecutors Finally Label Murder of Jewish Elderly Woman an Anti-Semitic Crime

26 Sep, 2017
26 Sep, 2017

The Times of Israel reports: Prosecutors investigating the April slaying of a Jewish woman by her neighbor said for the first time that her killing was an anti-Semitic hate crime.

The characterization by prosecutors Wednesday in the death of Sarah Halimi followed months of lobbying and protest by French Jews, who were outraged by the absence of aggravated circumstances in the indictment against Kobili Traore. The 27-year-old Muslim man confessed to the killing and was heard shouting about Allah and calling Halimi “Satan” shortly before throwing her out the window of her three-story apartment.

Francis Kalifat, the president of the CRIF umbrella group of French Jewish communities, said in a statement to the media that he and other French Jews were “satisfied and relieved by the inclusion finally of an admission of the anti-Semitic character of the murder.”

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Big Government, Breitbart Jerusalem, National Security, Allah, anti-semitism, French Jewish communities, Hate Crime, Jewish faith, Judaism, Murder


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Vile Anti-Semitic Rants as Labour Activists Call for Expulsion of Jewish Groups

Vile Anti-Semitic Rants as Labour Activists Call for Expulsion of Jewish Groups

26 Sep, 2017
26 Sep, 2017

Holocaust denial should be covered by free speech guarantees, an activist told a Labour Party conference fringe event on Monday as another called for Jewish and pro-Israel groups to be expelled from the party.

Israeli-American author Miko Peled reportedly said Labour members should support the freedom to “discuss every issue, whether it’s the holocaust, yes or no, whether it’s Palestine liberation – the entire spectrum.”

“There should be no limits on the discussion,” he added before advancing other untested assertions about the Jewish State that included calling it an “apartheid” regime.

Peled attacked the spending power of “the Zionists”, suggested that “every person standing for city council in America gets a five star trip to Israel, all expenses paid” while “Billions” are spent as part of a secret global campaign to “silence the Palestinian voice.”

He concluded by offering that the Jewish state was “a racist and colonialist project” whose edifice was “crumbling”.

The Free Speech on Israel (FSOI) event took place outside the main Labour conference venue but was listed in its official handbook. It was headlined: ‘Free speech on Israel: why we oppose the witch hunt.’ Attendees were warned, without apparent irony, not to record or tweet or post to public media anything discussed to a wider public audience, the Daily Mail reports.

Leaflets handed out at the event branded claims of growing anti-Semitism in the UK “hysterical” and a “manufactured moral panic.”

Several attendees also said claims of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party were part of a plot by the pro-Israel lobby and the Labour right to stop Jeremy Corbyn from becoming prime minister, according to the Daily Mirror. Others spoke up in favour of former London mayor Ken Livingstone who remains suspended from the party for claiming that Hitler supported Zionism.

A call from Michael Kalmanovitz, of the “International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network” for the Jewish Labour Movement and the Labour Friends of Israel to be expelled from the Labour Party was met by applause. “What are JM and LFI doing in our Party?” he asked. “It’s time we campaigned to kick them out.”


Last year, an internal inquiry was carried out into claims of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party following the suspension of MP Naz Shah and Ken Livingstone.

It found there was evidence of “ignorant attitudes” but that the “Labour Party is not overrun by anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, or other forms of racism”.

Labour’s deputy leader, Tom Watson, said the party would now investigate how it gave a platform at a conference fringe event to a speaker who said people should be allowed to question whether the Holocaust happened.

Watson said he was disgusted by the remarks and said Peled should be expelled from the party, if he was a member.

“It is nothing to do with the official Labour party conference. And if there was Holocaust denial there, these people have no right to be in the Labour party, and if they are they should be expelled,” he told ITV’s Good Morning Britain.

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Planned Parenthood Wins Right to Keep Aborting Babies with Down Syndrome

An Indiana judge has found for abortion giant Planned Parenthood in a suit brought against HEA 1337, a state law banning gender-selective abortions and those based on a prenatal diagnosis of disabilities such as Down syndrome.

U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Walton Pratt, an Obama appointee, has issued a permanent injunction against Indiana’s “Sex Selective and Disability Abortion Ban” in a 22-page decision, saying that provisions of the law “violate the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.”

HEA 1337 was signed into law in 2016 by Governor and now Vice President Mike Pence, and prohibited abortions based on the sex or race of the child or a prenatal diagnosis of “Down syndrome or any other disability.” The law also required that the remains of aborted babies be disposed of in a dignified fashion proper to human remains, rather than merely thrown out in the trash.

In her ruling, Judge Pratt defended sex-selective and disability-based abortions, stating that “it is a woman’s right to choose an abortion that is protected, which, of course, leaves no room for the State to examine, let alone prohibit, the basis or bases upon which a woman makes her choice.”

“The right to a pre-viability abortion is categorical,” Pratt declared, regardless of the particular motivation that drives a woman to seek it.

By this logic, the decision to eliminate an unborn child simply because the child is black, or a girl, or has Down syndrome must be protected.

Last June, Judge Pratt granted a preliminary injunction sought by Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky, which argued that the law was unconstitutional and violated women’s privacy rights. At that time, the judge indicated her belief that the Indiana law would go against U.S. Supreme Court rulings that have declared states may not prohibit a woman from seeking an abortion before a fetus is able to live outside the womb.

Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill said Monday that he intends to appeal the permanent injunction, stating that Judge Pratt’s ruling paves the way for “genetic discrimination.”

“By declaring unconstitutional a state law that would bar abortions based solely on race, sex or disability such as Down syndrome, a federal judge has cleared the path for genetic discrimination that once seemed like science fiction,” Hill said Monday in a statement to IndyStar.

“This state has a compelling interest in protecting the dignity of the unborn and in ensuring they are not selected for termination simply because they lack preferred physical characteristics,” Hill declared.

“Further, requiring that the remains of deceased unborn children be accorded at least the dignity of low-cost burials or cremation is hardly an impingement of anyone’s individual rights,” he added.

Indiana Right to Life, a pro-life group, echoed the Attorney General’s criticism that the ruling is ultimately discriminatory.

“We are deeply disappointed that Planned Parenthood can discriminate against unborn children and target them for abortion,” said Mike Fichter, President and CEO of Indiana Right to Life. “Planned Parenthood, the ACLU and Obama-appointed Judge Pratt do not represent the majority of Hoosiers.”

“It’s a shame that Planned Parenthood cares more about their bottom line than recognizing the worth of children with Down syndrome,” he said. “No one should be targeted for abortion solely because of their sex, race, national origin or a potential disability like Down syndrome.”

At the moment North Dakota is the only other state that forbids abortions based on a prenatal diagnosis of disabilities such as Down syndrome, but a “Down Syndrome Non-Discrimination Act” is also is working its way through the legislative process in Ohio.

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NBC, CBS Omit Anthony Weiner’s Party ID in Reports on Sentencing

NBC’s "Today" and "CBS This Morning" on Tuesday omitted Anthony Weiner’s Democratic Party affiliation during brief reports on his 21-month federal prison sentence for sexting with an underage girl.

Weiner pleaded guilty in May to a charge of transferring obscene material to a minor. In addition to his sentence on Monday, he was ordered to register as a sex offender. He is the estranged husband of Huma Abedin, a former top Hillary Clinton aide, who is filing for divorce.

"The New York Times says former congressman Anthony Weiner was sentenced to 21 months in prison for sexting with a 15 -year-old girl," CBS anchor Charlie Rose said. "Weiner cried as a federal judge handed down the sentence yesterday. He was also fined $10,000 and ordered to register as a sex offender. Weiner must report to prison by November 6."

NBC host Matt Lauer’s report was similar.

"Former New York congressman Anthony Weiner was sentenced Monday to 21 months in prison for sexting with a 15-year-old girl," Lauer said. "As the sentence was read, the 53-year-old dropped his head and wept. In May, Weiner pleaded guilty to a charge of transferring obscene material to a minor."

Lauer did note Weiner was Abedin’s husband but still did not mention his party. Abedin did not attend his sentencing.

"Weiner has to report to prison by November 6 to begin serving that sentence. He also has to enter into a sex offender treatment program," Lauer said.

ABC’s "Good Morning America" did a full-length report on Weiner’s sentence and noted he was a Democrat.

Weiner began exchanging sexually explicit messages with a 15-year-old girl online beginning in January of 2016. Once his latest behavior was reported by the Daily Mail, a criminal investigation was launched that wound up affecting the presidential election.

The sentencing was the culmination of a lengthy downfall. Weiner’s sexting habits led him to resign from Congress in 2011, and he also derailed his 2013 New York City mayoral bid after similar revelations surfaced.

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