New York Times Story on Anthony Weiner Sentencing Omits His Party Affiliation

Anthony Weiner / Getty


September 26, 2017 10:12 am

A 35-paragraph New York Times story on Anthony Weiner’s prison sentencing published Monday failed to mention that the former congressman was a Democrat.

The Times described Weiner—sentenced to 21 months in prison for sexting with an underage girl—simply as “a former congressman and mayoral candidate” who “undermined Hillary Clinton’s shot at the presidency in the closing days of the tumultuous 2016 campaign.”

The writer of the Times piece said on Twitter that the omission was unintentional, and Weiner’s affiliation was present in earlier copies.

An earlier eight-paragraph version of the story did refer to Weiner as “a Democrat who had represented parts of Queens and Brooklyn” in the penultimate paragraph. The Times story has since been edited to mention Weiner’s party affiliation in the third paragraph.

The omission lasted 12 hours, and comes weeks after the Times faced criticism for initially omitting Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez’s (N.J.) party affiliation in a 1,300-word story on his corruption trial. In that instance, his affiliation was also added after readers noticed it, and the Times also blamed an “oversight after drafts.”

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Feds Confirm 40K Illegal Aliens Shielded by DACA Already Given Amnesty

Feds Confirm 40K Illegal Aliens Shielded by DACA Already Given Amnesty

26 Sep, 2017
26 Sep, 2017

Roughly 40,000 illegal aliens who were previously shielded by a temporary amnesty program have obtained permanent amnesty by getting Green Cards through an immigration loophole, new federal data confirms.

The latest data from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency confirms previous reports by Breitbart News, revealing that about 40,000 illegal aliens are now able to remain in the U.S. permanently.

Those illegal aliens were able to obtain Green Cards by using the immigration loophole known as ‘advanced parole’ where DACA recipients could leave the U.S., then re-enter the country and be considered ‘legal immigrants,’ thus able to apply for permanent residency and eventually citizenship.

690,000 unauthorized immigrants are currently enrolled in DACA

All of the illegal aliens who have gained permanent residency via Green Cards are now eligible for U.S. citizenship, something pro-American immigration reformers warned about years ago.

Further data from Sen. Chuck Grassley’s (R-IA) found the following:

  • 45,447 DACA recipients have been approved for advance parole
  • 59,778 DACA recipients have applied for Lawful Permanent Resident, known as a ‘Green Card’
  • Of the DACA recipients with Green Cards, 2,181 have applied for U.S. citizenship
  • Of the DACA recipients with Green Cards, 1,056 have become U.S. citizens

Since the USCIS data has come to light, the Trump administration has ended advanced parole for DACA recipients, immediately cutting off the backdoor flow of amnesty for illegal aliens.

President Trump, who adamantly opposed the amnesty for illegal aliens protected by DACA, has since defended the recipients of the program, as well as leveraging a deal where the foreign nationals could seek a pathway to citizenship through legal status, as Breitbart News reported.

Latest data from USCIS shows that 618,342 illegal aliens from Mexico currently have DACA status. If they were amnestied into the U.S., it would give them the opportunity to bring adult parents and relatives to the U.S.

According to Princeton University researchers Stacie Carr and Marta Tienda, for every one new Mexican immigrant to the U.S., an additional 6.38 Mexican nationals come to the U.S. through family-chain migration.

Based on the Princeton research, the 618, 342 illegal aliens from Mexico who are covered by DACA would be able to bring upwards of four million additional relatives and family members to the U.S. in the years to come.

If the remaining estimated 180,000 DACA recipients brought in three family members each after being amnestied, it would result in additional 540,000 immigrants. Should the remaining 180,000 DACA recipients bring four family members each to the U.S., it would result in more than 700,000 new immigrants.

But if the remaining roughly 180,000 DACA recipients were to bring the same number of family members as Mexican DACA recipients are expected to bring to the U.S., it would result in nearly 1.2 million more legal family-based immigrants coming to the country.

Although screening for DACA was previously touted as being sufficient in keeping criminals out, USCIS revealed that more than 2,100 recipients had their status revoked for being criminals or gang members.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder

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CA High-Speed Rail Contractor Gets 18% Raise After Missing Completion Date

CA High-Speed Rail Contractor Gets 18% Raise After Missing Completion Date

26 Sep, 2017
26 Sep, 2017

California High-Speed Rail agreed to increase payments to its construction manager by 18 percent after failing to complete its first 32-mile section within the seven-year deadline.

President Obama and his Democrat congressional majority voted in 2010 to fund the California High Speed Rail (Cal HSR) with $2.5 billion under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act as the centerpiece of a national network of 10 intercity corridors in California, the Pacific Northwest, the Midwest, the Southeast, The Gulf Coast, Pennsylvania, Florida, New York, and New England.

Cal HSR contractually agreed to provide bullet train service with top speeds of 150 miles-per-hour over the 118-mile section between Madera and Bakersfield by September 30, 2017, or give the money back to the U.S. Treasury.

But after spending $3 billion of the fed’s money and $7.8 billion from California bond sales and revenue from the state’s infamous cap-and-trade taxes, Cal HSR has failed to lay a mile of track over the initial 32-mile section of flat San Joaquin Valley farmland.

Rather than demand the money back from Tutor-Perini/Zachry/Parsons, its project and construction manager (PCM), Cal HSR recently voted to extend the term of the contract by 6 months and to raise the price from $34.2 million to $40.2 million, an 18 percent bump.

The move is even more extraordinary given that Cal HSR admits that the professional service contract was “based on qualifications of PCM and its 25 staffing resources, as opposed to low bid.” That means Tutor-Perini/Zachry/Parsons employees, even if they worked exclusively on Cal HSR, are each being paid an average of $240,000 for the next six months of work.

Cal HSR told the Fresno Bee that the delays were due to extended environmental impact reviews and the protracted pace of acquiring 822 parcels of mostly farmland, either through negotiated purchase or suing under eminent domain.

But the publicly available transcript of the August 16 Cal HSR board meeting regarding the $6 million increase for PCM specifically states: “This request to increase the PCM contract value is necessary, because the expenditure rate for PCM services has been higher than was originally anticipated and the current budget is no longer adequate to complete all the necessary PCM services.”

Cal HSR staff blames the delay on three issues; 1) “acceleration of the design-build contract work”, 2) “increase in value of the design-build contract”, and 3) “additional scope of the services that the PCM has been directed to perform.” Staff stated that there will be no increase in the overall cost, because $6 million will be deducted from the second and third legs of the initial 118-mile section.

Just hours before Donald Trump was scheduled to be sworn in as president, the Obama administration’s leadership at the Federal Railroad Administration modified part of the $2.5 billion federal grant to extend the completion deadline for the first 118-mile section of the California High Speed Rail project until 2022.

But a confidential Federal Railroad Administration risk analysis obtained by the Los Angeles Times estimated that the Central Valley section will not be completed until 2024.

Breitbart News reported in July, after the California Supreme Court ruled that Cal HSR would now have to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act, that the cost of the Los Angeles to San Francisco bullet-train, which had already ballooned from $33 billion in 2008 to about $79 billion last year, would be subject to at least another four-year delay.

With construction inflation expected to run at least 5.5 percent per year, even a 4-year delay could spike California High Speed Rail costs to $95 billion.

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The Left’s (brilliant) scam behind the NFL anthem protests

It didn’t happen until last night. For the entire time that the recent spate of highly inflamed National Anthem protests on NFL playing fields has been unfolding this year, there’s been something nagging at the back of my mind. Watching liberal activists (not to be confused with rank and file voters who may happen to be registered Democrats but also enjoy sports) charging to the barricades over these displays of kneeling, sitting or otherwise acting disrespectfully during the playing of the anthem and the display of the American flag, something just didn’t seem right. But last night was when it hit me. This isn’t about protesting racism, police misconduct or anything of the sort. What we’re observing is potentially one of the greatest red herrings in the history of American political scams.

The question I was most confused over was… why this location? Why this particular time? The reality is that any of these well paid players could call a press conference or show up at any rally to talk about racism, police shootings and all the rest, and they would draw the attention of millions, along with the media. (God only knows ESPN would show up.) So why were the liberal activists insisting that it had to be at the start of a game while the National Anthem is playing and the flag is on display? It didn’t make sense. And then, suddenly, it did.

I think the light bulb finally went on when I was reading this piece on the subject from the Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart. It wasn’t really so much what the author had to say because that was probably the fiftieth tirade of that sort I’d read in just the past week. No, it was more a matter of who was saying it. To his credit, Jonathan is honest enough to open the piece with a statement reminding people that he’s, “not much of a sports fan.” But that doesn’t begin to describe him. For those who ever watched Capehart fill in for Willie Geist on MSNBC’s old “Way Too Early” show, you’ll know what I mean. It became something of a running gag (which Jonathan engaged in with a great sense of humor) to watch him attempt to read the teleprompter on Monday morning and describe what had happened around the NFL the day before. Frequently he had to be rescued by Bill Karins, jumping in to offer some commentary from the perspective of somebody who had actually seen the game and knew how football worked. (Keep in mind that Bill is the meteorologist, not the sports analyst, although he did compete in several sports in school.)

With that complete lack of engagement in professional football, why would Jonathan and so many of his progressive colleagues be so completely driven to support and gin up protests taking place on the gridiron? Why did they suddenly care so much about the intersection of racial identity politics and football?

The answer is that they don’t. This has little or nothing to do with police shootings, racial profiling or any of the rest of it. What we’re seeing is an almost brilliant and concerted effort to damage, if not eliminate, the National Football League.

Why? Because the activist Left has despised the NFL for years. They hate everything about it. It’s a game filled with big, tough, manly men engaging in the closest thing to warfare you can manage without guns. It’s a game rife with symbolism and, yes… nationalism. Even people who would never buy an album from a country singer could feel their blood heating up when Hank Williams used to sing, Are you Ready for Some Football. The military loves football and they fly jets over the stadiums in formation and send our nation’s finest out to pay tribute. And it’s not just the military. Our police and other first responders are frequently called out for honors at the games. Everything about it screams of apple pie, fireworks and patriotism. (Or, if you prefer, God, guns and flags.) And the activist Left hates it. Probably the only sporting event they despise more is NASCAR.

And this isn’t the first ginned up attack on the NFL that the Left has orchestrated. Observe the running debate, mostly driven by liberals, about how concussions and other long-term physical effects on players make the sport “unsafe.” Do you honestly think it’s because they care about the health of the players? Activists have gone so far as to point out that even “micro concussions” caused by repeated, far lighter taps to the head are too much of a risk.

Have you ever seen the Left getting that worked up over soccer, where both kids and adults have to repeatedly take shots on goal or make passes to their teammates by bouncing a high speed ball off their head? For that matter, have you seen these levels of protests over boxing, which literally gets some warriors of the ring killed and they are constantly hit with crushing blows to the skull? How about Rugby (a sport which makes alligator wrestling look boring)? Nope. The only real attention is paid to the “dangers” of football. Soccer is very European and politically correct. You can’t find American Rugby on TV. And I have no idea why they don’t care about boxers. You’d think they might because the lion’s share of professional boxers are minorities and the blows to the head they receive are far more damaging over the long run.

It was never about the health of the players. It was all about damaging the NFL. And that’s what’s fueling this National Anthem debate as well.

And to their credit, it seems to be working this time. No amount of campaigning or colored ribbons would have gotten the faithful NFL fans to abandon America’s favorite sport, but if they could manage to get the players to start dragging politics out of the press briefing room and onto the field, that might be the final straw to break the camel’s back. If they could drive a wedge between the players and the fans, and then divide the fans themselves into splintering, warring camps, arguing over the politically correct aspects of these offensive displays, they might finally put a dent in the popularity of football.

And it seems to be working. The ratings for Sunday Night Football this week were the worst in over a decade. Viewership for other games was off as well. People I’ve been following on social media for years who would rather risk their jobs than miss a game featuring their home team are so disgusted that they’re not even bothering to tune in. Divisive, infuriating identity politics was probably the only thing with the potential to kill football if you could find a way to inject a hefty dose of it into the NFL’s bloodstream. And now they’ve done it.

But the fight’s not over yet. One man who walked alone out of the locker room to salute the flag and honor the playing of our country’s National Anthem during the Pittsburgh Steelers game now has the fastest selling jersey in the NFL store. (And he’s a linebacker. When does that happen?) The fans have been put off their feed before, but the game has survived and thrived. This may be one of the most insidious assaults the NFL has ever seen, but I have to believe it can survive this too.

But full credit to the leftist activists leading this charge. We almost have to salute you for the brilliance of the plan in an Auric Goldfinger sort of way.

The post The Left’s (brilliant) scam behind the NFL anthem protests appeared first on Hot Air.

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Trump Calls for NFL to Implement No Kneeling During National Anthem Rule

It’s hard to imagine the race-baiting left becoming even more unhinged about President Trump’s comments blasting the disrespectful conduct of those who kneel for the national anthem but a new tweet is sure to up the irrational hatred and outrage.

Following Monday Night Football’s choice by the entire Dallas Cowboys football team to #TakeAKnee BEFORE the playing of the national anthem, Trump was quick to resume his jabs at the tax-payer subsidized entertainment goliath NFL.

The POTUS is now calling for the league to implement a rule prohibiting players from not standing during the Star-Spangled Banner.

Ironically, it may have been that the Cowboys themselves were the inspiration for this idea when they chose to kneel in advance of the song and then stood with arms locked for the actual anthem.

If Dallas can choose to not dishonor the flag then why shouldn’t their example be followed by all kneelers?

Better yet, they can kneel in the locker room while their more honorable teammates take the field to pay tribute to the country that made them rich and famous. If they can’t accept that, then they can just quit and try going out to actually work for a living.

No matter what Trump suggests it isn’t going to be accepted by the now fully berserk Resistance which has done a good job of hiding in sports locker rooms and sports league boardrooms until this weekend when a few tweets by the POTUS following a speech in Alabama succeeded in flushing them out.

Nothing less than a total destruction of Trump will suffice, even if the NFL itself ends up as collateral damage in one of the stupidest wars in American history, the left’s culture war.


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VP Pence: Not ‘Too Much to Ask’ for NFL Players to Stand for the National Anthem

VP Pence: Not ‘Too Much to Ask’ for NFL Players to Stand for the National Anthem

25 Sep, 2017
25 Sep, 2017

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama — At an event at the Birmingham International Airport on Monday, Vice President Mike Pence echoed President Donald Trump’s comments regarding the national anthem protests.

Friday, the president spoke out against athletes who refuse to stand for the national anthem, calling on NFL owners to fire them.

Pence added to Trump’s criticism at the rally Monday for Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL), saying he does not think it is “too much to ask” for NFL players to stand for the anthem. The reason being, he explained, was that it is about “respect” for the flag, country and those who fought and died for the country.

He reasoned that it is about “respect” for the flag, country and those who fought and died for the country.

“I stand with President Donald Trump and I will always stand for our national anthem,” Pence told the crowd at the HealthSouth Aviation hangar at the airport.

“I don’t think it’s too much to ask the players in the National Football League to stand for our national anthem, and I think the people of Alabama would agree,” he continued.

Trump’s comments came days earlier at an event for Strange also just to the north in Huntsville. Those remarks set off a firestorm, leading to many NFL players participating in the national anthem protests before Sunday’s NFL games.

Follow Trent Baker on Twitter @MagnifiTrent

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Bipartisan Effort To Strip NFL Of Taxpayer Funding For Stadiums Gaining Steam

In today’s highly fractured world, it’s not often that lawmakers from the two parties agree on anything — which makes it all the more amazing that a Republican and a Democrat are working together to smack down the National Football League.

Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) have co-sponsored a bill that would strip any taxpayer funding for professional sports teams for building their massive arenas. The proposal, first put forward in June, is gaining steam on Capitol Hill after NFL players began kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality (or something).

“Professional sports teams generate billions of dollars in revenue,” Booker said in a June 13 statement. “There’s no reason why we should give these multimillion-dollar businesses a federal tax break to build new stadiums. It’s not fair to finance these expensive projects on the backs of taxpayers, especially when wealthy teams end up reaping most of the benefits.”

Said Lankford: “The federal government is responsible for a lot of important functions, but financing sports stadiums for multi-million – sometimes billion – dollar franchises is definitely not one of them. Using billions of federal taxpayer dollars for the subsidization of private stadiums when we have real infrastructure needs in our country is not a good way to prioritize a limited amount of funds.”

A spokesman from Lankford’s office told The Daily Caller on Sunday that “in the last four weeks interest in the bill has picked up since both members proposed it four months ago.”

The two senators said that since 2000, 36 professional sports stadiums have been constructed or revamped under financing provided by federal tax-exempt municipal bonds, costing taxpayers over $3.2 billion. While sports team argue that stadium construction is for the good of the community, the senators say “there is no statistically significant positive correlation between sports facility construction and economic development.”

The true cost is more like $7 billion, reported “Overall, taxpayers have spent nearly $3 billion on the 16 stadiums that will host NFL games during the season’s opening weekend. And over the past couple of decades, we’ve given NFL teams nearly $7 billion total in aid for their stadiums.”

The New England Patriots built the impressive Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, Mass., with $72 million in taxpayer cash. The Pittsburgh Steelers tapped taxpayers for $171.6 million, while tyhe Indianapolis Colts grabbed $619 million in taxpayer subsidies.

“Players on the Baltimore Ravens and Jacksonville Jaguars, all who can potentially benefit from taxpayer dollars at the local, state and federal levels, followed the lead of former San Francisco 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick Sunday. They kneeled during the national anthem at a game against each other in London. Other teams stayed in their locker rooms for the anthem,” the Caller reported.

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Broncos Star Loses Endorsement Deal After Kneeling During National Anthem

Denver Broncos outside linebacker Von Miller effectively lost an endorsement deal with Phil Long Ford after he took a knee during the playing of our national anthem before Sunday’s kickoff against the Buffalo Bills.

According to a spokesman from the Phil Long Dealership, the linebacker was “in the middle of contract renewal” with the company before the NFL star chose to take a knee this weekend. Considering Miller’s act, the patriotic, veteran-supporting brand chose to end their partnership.

“We are evaluating the events of the weekend. It is important to state that we haven’t fired Von. We are in the middle of contract renewal and this weekend’s events remind us that sometimes we feel that we best represent ourselves. We support Von and his first amendment rights, we know Von and he’s a good person. He donated a police car to his hometown police dept. All that notwithstanding when we bring in celebrities to represent us we run the risk of being misrepresented,” said the Phil Long Ford spokesman.

“We, like millions of Americans are concerned and will respond consistently with our values as a proud American company founded by a war hero (Phil Long),” he continued. “While we can’t control the actions of others we can be responsible for how we support our nation and community. That is why, years ago, our principal owner, Jay Cimino, founded the Mount Carmel Veteran’s Service center, and is supported by all Phil Long Dealerships. We support this cause not just with our words, but financially as well, and it is serving hundreds of veterans in need right here in Colorado. This would be a great time for our community to show support for our military community by supporting this cause or others that continue to serve them after they serve us.”

Miller said he took a knee in response to President Donald Trump’s recent remarks about the Kaepernick-like protest. During a rally for Alabama Senate candidate Luther Strange, the president remarked that it would be great if NFL owners would fire the “son of a b****” players who refuse to stand during the anthem.

“Me and my teammates, we felt like President Trump’s speech was an assault on our most cherished right, freedom of speech,” explained Miller on Sunday. “Collectively, we felt like we had to do something for this game, if not any other game — if not in the past, in the future — at this moment in time, we felt like, as a team, we had to do something. We couldn’t just let things go. I have a huge respect for the military, our protective services and everything. I’ve been to Afghanistan, I’ve met real-life superheroes. It wasn’t any disrespect to them, it was for our brothers that have been attacked for things that they do during the game, and I felt like I had to join them on it.”

The NFL’s ratings dropped after President Trump’s remarks on the protest, according to Business Insider.

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Hillary Clinton’s Pie Chart of Blame

This morning on NBC’s Today Show, cohost Savannah Guthrie asked former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, "And if we put all those factors that you just laid out in a pie chart, what’s the biggest cause of your loss?" Clinton cited the reopening of the Comey investigation, interference by the Russians, misogyny, and endemic sexism among other factors.

Hillary pie chart of blame

The post Hillary Clinton’s Pie Chart of Blame appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

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It Begins: Two Chicago Cops Take a Knee Against Themselves

It’s come to this…
Chicago police take a knee against themselves – pose with black power fist raised.

Two black police officers were pictured in Chicago on one knee.

Instagram Barbie Englewood Barbie posted the photo on Instagram with a caption.

She believes the lies that Mike Brown was an innocent youth shot in cold blood with his hands up.

Don’t be Afraid to be Controversial.. I will stand behind them!
Go Bother the killers of Sandra Bland, Michael Brown, Tamar Rice, Trayvon Martin,Philando Castile and the list goes on and on.. these men did a Noble thing! They let me know that even in uniform they’re against Police Brutality & Racism! They took a Kneel for Us when nobody else would that looked like them!

This entire narrative is based on lies.

The post It Begins: Two Chicago Cops Take a Knee Against Themselves appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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