After fifty years of NFL, it’s over for me

My whole life since I was six years old I watched the Cowboys every Sunday.  Never again.  Our country is besieged by communists agitators and the useful idiots’ entertainment industry has been following suit for years. Now football, baseball and basketball have fallen as stupid victims, too.

If there were anything worth protesting over I’d stop and listen. There is nothing. This is the greatest country the world has ever known. More freedom here, more opportunity here than anywhere else in the world.  What exactly are these spoiled brats protesting?

One radical wife (Mrs. Kaepernick) started this whole mess. Now the country has turned on its self.  For nothing.  Between professional sports and my love and appreciation of this country, I chose America.

This is more than an embarrassment.  Back when Chief Antagonizer started this racial divide mess with the “beer summit” it was laughable because he was weak and feeble and was supposed to go away.  Then we had the media pick up the lies about the “white Hispanic,” “Hands up – Don’t shoot” and the Mizzou lunatics.  Was anyone ever going to stand up and tell the truth – teach our children how this was turning into organized lies designed to tear our country apart?

 Those Thinkers who know history know the playbook of those who want to destroy America. We have seen the 45 Declared Goals for the takeover of America Communist plan written long ago. Did we ever think it would get beyond Hollywood? Well it did. The anti-America thinking took over the media, it took over public schools, it took over colleges and universities, and it took over professional sports.

As the Martin Niemoller said, “Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak – because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me-and there was no one left to speak for me.”  Is this how we will react? H. G. Wells wrote of the dodo bird in War of the Worlds, “Don’t worry, Dear, we’ll peck them to death in the morning.” Is this our fate – extinction?

Look at those 45 Declared goals.  When are we going to say something?

2. US willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging to atomic war. (North Korea)

17. Get control of the schools.  Put the party line in textbooks.

19. Use student riots to foment public protests. 

23. Promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art. 

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them violation of free speech. 26. Promote homosexuality, degeneracy, promiscuity as ‘normal, natural, healthy.’  27. Discredit the Bible.

28. Eliminate prayer.

29. Discredit Constitution.

30. Discredit American Founding Fathers.

And especially relevant today:

42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition.

For all the uneducated Jerry Joneses out there, we need to say something.  We need to do more then a feeble boycott.  I’ve been boycotting Disney, ESPN, CBS, NBC, Yahoo. Grammies, Emmys, Oscars, Kellogg’s, Nike, Proctor and Gamble and it has not made much of a dent. We need to follow Alejandro Villanueva, the only war veteran in the NFL and make our voices heard.  We need to speak out. We need to make a meaningful stand.

Thanks to Jerry Jones, I just freed up all my Sunday afternoons.  First he fired an upstanding Christian man, then he built a team of drug users, and now he threw America under the bus. He joined the ranks of the George Soros useful idiots who start riots, kills cops, suppress free speech, and promote racism.

Goodbye, Dallas Cowboys; goodbye, Pittsburg Steelers; goodbye, NFL; good riddance Jerry Jones and your un-American team.  The next football game I’m watching on TV is Army-Navy.  At least these student athletes will not only stand up to show their support for their country; they will also stand up in harm’s way to defend our freedom, heritage and way of life.

My whole life since I was six years old I watched the Cowboys every Sunday.  Never again.  Our country is besieged by communists agitators and the useful idiots’ entertainment industry has been following suit for years. Now football, baseball and basketball have fallen as stupid victims, too.

If there were anything worth protesting over I’d stop and listen. There is nothing. This is the greatest country the world has ever known. More freedom here, more opportunity here than anywhere else in the world.  What exactly are these spoiled brats protesting?

Cowboys and Jerry Jones link arms and kneel before National Anthem (AP/Matt York)

One radical wife (Mrs. Kaepernick) started this whole mess. Now the country has turned on its self.  For nothing.  Between professional sports and my love and appreciation of this country, I chose America.

This is more than an embarrassment.  Back when Chief Antagonizer started this racial divide mess with the “beer summit” it was laughable because he was weak and feeble and was supposed to go away.  Then we had the media pick up the lies about the “white Hispanic,” “Hands up – Don’t shoot” and the Mizzou lunatics.  Was anyone ever going to stand up and tell the truth – teach our children how this was turning into organized lies designed to tear our country apart?

 Those Thinkers who know history know the playbook of those who want to destroy America. We have seen the 45 Declared Goals for the takeover of America Communist plan written long ago. Did we ever think it would get beyond Hollywood? Well it did. The anti-America thinking took over the media, it took over public schools, it took over colleges and universities, and it took over professional sports.

As the Martin Niemoller said, “Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak – because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me-and there was no one left to speak for me.”  Is this how we will react? H. G. Wells wrote of the dodo bird in War of the Worlds, “Don’t worry, Dear, we’ll peck them to death in the morning.” Is this our fate – extinction?

Look at those 45 Declared goals.  When are we going to say something?

2. US willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging to atomic war. (North Korea)

17. Get control of the schools.  Put the party line in textbooks.

19. Use student riots to foment public protests. 

23. Promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art. 

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them violation of free speech. 26. Promote homosexuality, degeneracy, promiscuity as ‘normal, natural, healthy.’  27. Discredit the Bible.

28. Eliminate prayer.

29. Discredit Constitution.

30. Discredit American Founding Fathers.

And especially relevant today:

42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition.

For all the uneducated Jerry Joneses out there, we need to say something.  We need to do more then a feeble boycott.  I’ve been boycotting Disney, ESPN, CBS, NBC, Yahoo. Grammies, Emmys, Oscars, Kellogg’s, Nike, Proctor and Gamble and it has not made much of a dent. We need to follow Alejandro Villanueva, the only war veteran in the NFL and make our voices heard.  We need to speak out. We need to make a meaningful stand.

Thanks to Jerry Jones, I just freed up all my Sunday afternoons.  First he fired an upstanding Christian man, then he built a team of drug users, and now he threw America under the bus. He joined the ranks of the George Soros useful idiots who start riots, kills cops, suppress free speech, and promote racism.

Goodbye, Dallas Cowboys; goodbye, Pittsburg Steelers; goodbye, NFL; good riddance Jerry Jones and your un-American team.  The next football game I’m watching on TV is Army-Navy.  At least these student athletes will not only stand up to show their support for their country; they will also stand up in harm’s way to defend our freedom, heritage and way of life.

via American Thinker Blog

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National Survey: Americans Agree with Trump on National Anthem and NFL Protests

National Survey: Americans Agree with Trump on National Anthem and NFL Protests

26 Sep, 2017
26 Sep, 2017

The Remington Research Group has just conducted a public poll, which shows two things very clearly. First, the American people agree with Donald Trump when it comes to NFL anthem protests. Second, if the NFL doesn’t cease allowing their league to become a fashion show for narcissistic SJW-wannabe’s, college football will be the most popular sport in America within five years.

While this is only one survey this is a survey conducted after President Trump declared war on NFL protesters in Alabama last Friday night, and if this poll is any indication, that war is already over.

The survey addresses the Trump factor directly:

Q7: Last week, Donald Trump said NFL players should stand and be respectful during the national anthem. Do you think NFL players should stand and be respectful during the national anthem?

Yes: 64%
No: 25%
Unsure: 11%

Q8: On Sunday, a number of NFL players knelt during the national anthem in protest of Donald Trump’s statements, including players from your favorite team. Does this make you more likely or less likely to watch your favorite team’s games in the future?

More likely: 30%
Less likely: 50%
No difference: 20%

That two-question sequence is devastating for the NFL. Within the space of those questions, the poll establishes that a significant majority of the American people agree with what Trump said in Alabama on Friday night. Moreover, it also shows that the NFL’s response to President Trump was a complete failure.

Not only that, the poll shows that President Trump is more popular than NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell personally:

Q1: What is your opinion of Donald Trump?

Favorable: 46%
Unfavorable: 47%
No opinion: 7%

Q2: What is your opinion of Roger Goodell?

Favorable: 12%
Unfavorable: 36%
No opinion: 52%

This crystallizes, as Daniel Flynn noted on the sports page a few days ago, just how well Donald Trump has chosen his enemies. In picking a fight with the NFL, headed-up by Roger Goodell, Trump pits himself against people that the public essentially loathes. Making it next to impossible for him to come out the loser in any kind of PR conflict. While President Trump may have his difficulties from time-to-time, he is infinitely more popular than the people he’s criticizing.

As for the popularity of the player protests themselves? That doesn’t look good for the NFL either:

Q4: Now, just thinking about this year, have you watched more football or less football compared to previous years?

More football: 19% [GO TO Q6]
Less football: 51% [GO TO Q5]
About the same: 30% [GO TO Q6]

Q5: Why would you say you are watching less football this year?

Players using the NFL as a stage for their political views: 69%
New rules that reduce physical contact: 5%
There are too many games during the week: 6%
Games last too long: 2%
Pace of play is too slow: 2%
Something else: 12%
Unsure: 4%

Q6: Do you think NFL players should stand and be respectful during the national anthem?

Yes: 64%
No: 24%
Unsure: 12%

This shows a public backlash against the substance and style of the protests. Not only has all the activism driven fans away from watching the games. The fans also substantively disagree with the players using the anthem as a tool for protest. A point buttressed by these follow-up questions:

Q9: Do you support protesting during the national anthem at the beginning of NFL games, or is there a more appropriate place for players to protest?

Support: 31%
There is a more appropriate place to protest: 60%
Unsure: 9%

Q10: In the future, would you prefer to see more politics, less politics, or the same amount of politics during sporting events?

More politics: 7%
Less politics: 80%
Same amount: 13%

The partisan breakdown of the poll is disastrous for the league as well:

Most Americans, 51%, say they have watched less football this year compared to the past. Of respondents who said they have watched less football this year, 69% cite their reason as players using the NFL as a stage for their political views.

Republicans and Non-Partisans have been cutting back on watching football at a higher rate than Democrats, as 66% of Republicans say they have watched less football this year compared to 33% of Democrats. Among Non-Partisans, 55% reported they have watched less football this year compared to the past.

The macro numbers in this are bad, of course, with a majority saying they’ve watched less football. However, one would think that with the NFL’s embrace of left-wing politics, that they would at least gain some Democrats while losing Republicans and Indies. Clearly, that is not the case. It turns out even a significant portion of Democrats are turned off by what they’re watching on Sunday.

Again, this is one survey, others will have to come out showing similar things in order to draw long-lasting conclusions. However, if these numbers are accurate, the heavyweight bout between the leader of the free world and the richest sport in the land, is a first-round, one-punch knockout.


via Breitbart News

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The Hill: Judge Roy Moore’s Loyal Evangelical Supporters Could Propel Him to Victory

The Hill: Judge Roy Moore’s Loyal Evangelical Supporters Could Propel Him to Victory

25 Sep, 2017
25 Sep, 2017

Judge Roy Moore’s overwhelming support from evangelical voters could propel him to victory in his runoff election for Alabama’s U.S. Senate seat on Tuesday, Reid Wilson reports in The Hill.

From The Hill:

Polls show Moore leading Sen. Luther Strange (R) in advance of Tuesday’s runoff election for the Republican nomination for Strange’s seat. That lead has held despite millions in spending by Strange’s allies and even President Trump’s endorsement.

If Moore makes it through the runoff, and over Democratic nominee Doug Jones in the December special election, he will owe a debt of political gratitude to an army of evangelicals — and specifically Southern Baptists — who see him as a hero in the culture wars that have shaken social conservatives in recent years.

Baptists are the most conservative group of any mainstream religious tradition: 60 percent call themselves conservative. They told Pew Research Center pollsters they favored Republicans by a 61 percent to 26 percent margin.

And Alabama has a higher percentage of Baptists than all but one other state, Tennessee: 31 percent of Alabama residents are members of a Baptist faith tradition, according to Pew’s 2014 Religious Landscape Study. Just 23 percent of Oklahoma residents are Baptist.

Read the rest here.

Read More Stories About:

Big Government, evangelical Christians, Roy Moore, Southern Baptists


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UPDATE: Two Years After Embracing Racial Protests, Mizzou Football Is A Dumpster Fire

When the Mizzou football team chose to embrace the racial protests gripping the campus in November 2015, The New York Times cheered the players for “lending heft” to the activists’ cause. Two years later, the Times had to admit that all the hysteria and the administration’s decision to cave to it turned out to be exactly what many predicted it would be: an absolute “disaster” for the university. Freshmen enrollment dropped a stunning 35%, forcing the school to shut down seven dorms and lay off over 400 employees. As for the football team, which saw millions in donations disappear overnight, well, it’s a full-fledged dumpster fire.

Following a brutal 2016 season, the Mizzou Tigers have started off 2017 by getting torched by three of their four opponents. Mizzou’s only win so far is over the miserable Missouri State Bears (which is also currently 1-3). Against the three Power Five conference teams they’ve played so far, the Tigers have been outscored by a total of 81 points. They lost 31-13 to middling South Carolina, were hammered 35-3 by mediocre Purdue, and were annihilated 51-14 by an offensively-challenged Auburn.

In the 2016, the year after letting the racial protests eclipse football, Mizzou had an abysmal season. They didn’t even come close to getting a bowl berth, going just 4 and 8 and winning a grand total of two SEC games. Their only other two wins came against Delaware State and Eastern Michigan.

As the once cheerleading Times was forced to acknowledge in July, the university that really got the campus racial protest movement going is now a lesson in what happens when an administration allows social justice activists to lay siege to an institution.

In the fall of 2015, a grassy quadrangle at the center of the University of Missouri became known nationwide as the command center of an escalating protest.

Students complaining of official inaction in the face of racial bigotry joined forces with a graduate student on a hunger strike. Within weeks, with the aid of the football team, they had forced the university system president and the campus chancellor to resign.

It was a moment of triumph for the protesting students. But it has been a disaster for the university.

While the Tigers’ failing football team might be one of the more glaring of the consequences, the real story is the 180-degree reversal of the university’s once upward trend. The 35% decrease in freshmen enrollment over the last two years is even more devastating in light of the growth the university was experiencing before the protests. And the administration itself has been forced to admit that the fallout from the campus hysteria is what’s driving their decline.

“The university administration acknowledges that the main reason [for the sharp decline in enrollment] is a backlash from the events of 2015, as the campus has been shunned by students and families put off by, depending on their viewpoint, a culture of racism or one where protesters run amok,” the Times reports.

“The general consensus was that it was because of the aftermath of what happened in November 2015,” admitted the new system president Mun Choi. “There were students from both in state and out of state that just did not apply, or those who did apply but decided not to attend.”

Mizzou proved to be the flashpoint of what would become a wave of racial protests sweeping campuses over the next few months and years, with social justice activists emboldened by Mizzou’s president and chancellor resigning amid unfounded accusations of “racism” and “insensitivity.” And while the administration bent over backwards to appease the protesters, enrollment numbers show that the biggest decline came among minorities:

Students of all races have shunned Missouri, but the drop in freshman enrollment last fall was strikingly higher among blacks, at 42%, than among whites, at 21%. (A racial breakdown was not yet available for this fall’s freshman class.)

Black students were already a small minority. They made up 10% of the freshman class in 2012, a proportion that fell to just 6% last fall.

Meanwhile, the seven dorms the university can no longer fill with students are now being converted into makeshift hotel rooms for the fans still willing to show up to the games. “We had a total loss of about $5 million, so you’re talking zero (dollars) if we do nothing versus $60,000 (three games in) — of course it’s worth it,” said Mizzou spokesman Christian Basi about the dorm room rental program. But if the team keeps playing like it has over the last two seasons, the school shouldn’t get its hopes up about making much off of that desperate venture.

While Mizzou suffers for its handling of social justice activists, the NFL has now fully embraced the national anthem protest “movement.” Will the league fare like the Tigers? Declining ratings and recent polls on the issue suggest it just might.

via Daily Wire

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Commentary: Trump rope-a-dopes the NFL and wins by KO

This is not an article about who is right and who is wrong. This is an article about who is winning and who is losing.

And as someone who is a) not a fan of Trump (to use mild understatement) and b) believes that there are real racial issues that need to be addressed in this country, it is nonetheless obvious that Trump has won this dumb NFL national anthem protest battle decisively in the hearts and minds of the middle-of-the-road voters who decide presidential elections.

Watching this bizarre spectacle unfold has been surreal, from a political perspective. The NFL’s image has been tarnished a tad of late, but it is still the undisputed king of sports in America. Its ratings have slipped, but it is still the envy of every other sport and television property in the country, especially since live sports are the only programs that can’t effectively be watched on DVR with commercials getting skipped, and advertisers know it. And even though people have complained about the league, by and large a huge portion of the country still loves their team and their players.

Trump, on the other hand, is widely unpopular. Thanks to a recent bump caused by favorable reaction to his handling of multiple hurricane disasters, Trump is back to hovering around the 40 percent approval range, which is disastrous for a president whose presidency is not yet nine months old. Trump started his presidency with a historically shallow public honeymoon and things almost immediately got worse.

It seems incredible that Trump could pick a fight with the NFL and come out ahead, but that’s exactly what he’s done. And he did it by rope-a-doping the NFL into engaging him on the one territory where the NFL was sure to get massacred: by poking at the festering sore opened by former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick last year.

Trump knew that the country — even those who don’t watch football — was simmering with resentment over the relatively small number of NFL players who were unwisely choosing to air their grievances during the national anthem. He understood that even those who might otherwise be sympathetic with the players were disgusted with the way they were choosing to protest, perceiving it as a slight against the entire country, including especially veterans, the active military, and first responders.

Some people (apparently including most of the NFL and its owners) do not understand the concept of the sacred. They do not understand that, to many people, how you say something is as important or more important than what you say. As one example, many people are perfectly fine with criticism of the Catholic church, but if you do it by dipping a crucifix in a vat of urine, even many non-Catholics will react with disgust and rejection. Failing to respect the national anthem and the flag is perceived by many as equivalent sacrilege. For those people, who probably comprise the vast majority of this country, there can be no willingness to consider the players’ message as long as they are using the anthem and the flag as their method of protest.

He also knew that the NFL players who were not participating in the protest were still insanely protective of their teammates’ right (and their own) to participate in a dumb, counterproductive protest. The average NFL player has been coddled since youth due to their freakish athletic ability and constantly treated like a Special Person who is entitled to do or say basically what they want. There is no surer way to goad a professional athlete into doing something than to suggest that they ought to not be allowed to play their sport if they do it.

Trump also knew that huge portions of the country was sick of the so-called thoughtful analysis and protest-feting that all of the sports media and virtually all the political media have engaged in since Kaepernick began this slow-motion debacle. And he knew about the latent jealousy and resentment many people have toward professional athletes, who get paid millions of dollars to live a life that everyone wants (or thinks they want).

And so, Trump exercised his talent to tap perfectly into the zeitgeist of the moment and say what a lot of America has been dying to hear for months: These pampered athletes ought to shut up and stand respectfully for the national anthem, or their teams should fine or suspend them.

Whether it’s right or wrong for the president of the United States to be saying such things about private companies is completely beside the point. Trump’s comments tapped perfectly into the raw emotions of middle America and gave them voice. They were both crude and perfect, just like David Ortiz famously booming “THIS IS OUR F***ING CITY” on live television from Fenway Park after the Boston Marathon bombing. The people who tsk’ed Ortiz for dropping an F-bomb in prime time were so irrelevant that Ortiz didn’t even get fined by the FCC.

The same is true, from a political standpoint, for the critics of Trump’s remarks. Yes, they were probably not proper, strictly speaking, from the president of the United States. No, the average person does not care.

The players and owners of the NFL, however, are decidedly NOT the average person. Trump could not have more perfectly aimed jabs at their sense of entitlement if he tried. Overnight, he somehow convinced almost the entire NFL to make themselves wildly unpopular in the name of responding to some tweets.

Think, for a moment, about the stupidity of the message sent by players who protested for the first time yesterday: The actual issues that Kaepernick protested weren’t enough to make you join the protest, but some tweets by Trump were? Racial injustice is fine with you, but you simply can’t support your country while the president is tweeting mean things about football players? As my friend, Caleb Howe wrote this morning:

Then there’s the NFL players who are taking a knee, and their supporters on social media. They are angry about President Trump tweeting about them. Why? This is what you wanted, isn’t it? National attention, a huge clash of points of view? What do liberals always pine for? Oh right, a “national conversation.” Well … you’ve got one.

Now that you have it, wouldn’t it be logical to talk about your issue? The one that was the reason Colin Kaepernick gave for starting this protest in the first place? I would think that. I would think “well, I’ve got the mic now, so I can talk about this thing that is the reason why I even did this.” But of course, that’s not what people are talking about, is it? Instead it’s all about Trump.

How dare Trump tweet? How dare he hate protests? How dare he think people should be fired?

What a wasted moment…

Trump gave this protest, on a silver platter, the chance to be about the exact thing the original participants wanted to talk about, the very reason for the protest in the first place, and in response the left has made it about protesting the fact that Trump is president. Or the fact that he tweeted. That’s just … dumb. …

But we still aren’t actually talking about race. So the conversation you wanted that Trump gave you is being squandered on a conversation about Trump. In which case I guess it’s not about having trouble accepting it when you get what you want. It’s more like not knowing what to do with it. The proverbial dog catching the mail truck. Smooth.

This is exactly correct. And what’s worse (for the players) is that they are definitely going to lose this fight with Trump, and it won’t be close. Here in Nashville where I live, the Tennessee Titans suicidally decided as a team yesterday to not take the field for the anthem. Maybe that will play in Seattle (the Seahawks likewise refused to take the field) or to some lesser extent in Pittsburgh, but here the backlash has already begun. While driving my son to school on Interstate 65 this morning, I saw numerous Titans bumper stickers visibly defaced on cars. I also saw several new stickers I’d not seen before — the NFL logo with a red “no smoking” circle imposed over it.

It’s as if Trump dared the entire NFL — from the ownership on down — to intentionally piss off America and make really sure everyone knew they were doing it just because they hate Trump, and the NFL obliged.

Regardless of who is right or who is wrong, it’s not hard to predict how this particular scrum will end. Trump’s approval rating will probably go up another 5 points in spite of the fact that the wall still isn’t being built, the Obamacare repeal is circling the drain for the last time, and tax reform appears stalled. The NFL will probably suffer another ratings drop and more lagging ticket sales.

The NFL got rope-a-doped. And who knows if and when they’ll get up from this beating.

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Childcare Workers Under Fire for Sick Thing They Did to Little Boy With Autism

Real World

Childcare Workers Under Fire for Sick Thing They Did to Little Boy With Autism

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Child abuse is one of the most horrific, disturbing and cruel evils in this world. Although wicked wherever it occurs, abuse from those entrusted to care and help children is even more disturbing.

A video from a daycare in Winter Haven, Florida, has gone viral as it shows two daycare workers taunting and abusing an 8-year-old child with autism, WNYW reported.

In the video, which was shot by one of the workers, an African-American woman, identified as Kaderrica Smith, can be seen throwing a backpack at the child who is hiding under a desk. She even laughs when he cries “ow!” after the backpack hit him.

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WTSP reported that the video was originally uploaded to the popular video-sharing app “Snapchat.”

You can watch the video by clicking here. WARNING: Content is disturbing.

The woman also causes the boy to fall down later in the video after performing a “leg sweep.” He lands on his back, and she and her partner, identified as Alexus Henderson, begin cackling again.

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“They have had the training for the de-escalation of an autistic child, and then they treat the child like that?” Winter Haven Police Department Chief Charlie Bird stated. “There is no excuse.”

Thankfully these two sadistic human beings have since been arrested. Smith and Henderson turned themselves over to the police Thursday night.

Both have been banned from contact with children, including Smith’s three children. While Henderson did not actually abuse the child (at least not in the video) she is being accused of not lifting a finger to stop Smith.

The Washington Post reported that police were informed of the video on Sept. 1, and in an initial interview neither Smith nor Henderson expressed any remorse over what they did. In fact, they insisted they had done nothing wrong.

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These people are truly disturbed. Hopefully they are sent to jail for a long time so they’ll never think about carrying out such cruel actions again.

It takes a special type of evil to pick on a child with autism, and the fact that these women showed no remorse for their actions shows just how twisted they really are.

Share this story on Facebook and Twitter with your thoughts on what punishment should be handed out to these workers.

via Conservative Tribune

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Report: GOP Senators Push Amnesty for 2.5 Million Illegals

GOP Senator and outsourcing-advocate Sen. Thom Tillis will introduce legislation on Monday offering citizenship to more than 2. 5 million illegal immigrants who gain jobs, university places or military slots sought by young Americans, according to the McClatchy news service.

The legislation is being backed by Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford, despite broad public opposition to cheap-labor amnesties, and would allow the 2.5 million Democratic-leaning illegals to become citizens in 10 years.

The bill reflects Tillis’ hard-nosed push for greater use of foreign workers, in both the blue-collar H-2B program and the white-collar H-1B program. Many North Carolina companies, such including universities, are importing foreigners for white-collar jobs sought by young American graduates. In 2016, for example, companies in Charlotte, N.C., asked for almost 2,200 H-1B visas to import white-collar outsourcing workers. Tillis has repeatedly said he wants to let companies hire more cheap-labor blue-collar and white-collar contract workers. He was quoted by an Indian newspaper saying that any foreigners who get an advanced degree in the United States should be allowed to become citizens and compete against Americans for jobs.

Before being elected in 2006, he worked as a manager at IBM and at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Both firms are heavily involved in the white-collar outsourcing business.

A July poll showed Tillis’ approval as low as 29 percent in his home state, according to McClatchy. Tillis is up for reelection in 2020. Lankford was elected in 2016, so he will not face the voters until 2022.

A rival amnesty proposal, which is dubbed the Dream Act, is being pushed by the Democratic leadership. It would offer fast-track citizenship to 3.3 million younger illegals in as little as five years, and allow the new citizens to win green cards for their at-home relatives. The 3.3 million number includes the roughly 690,000 current beneficiaries of the expiring “DACA” amnesty.

The Lankford-Tillis legislation does not require funds for a border wall, and it does not implement any of the wage-boosting immigration-cutbacks which are included in the popular, wage-boosting RAISE Act, which was drafted Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton and Georgia Sen. David Perdue, and is backed by President Donald Trump.

According to McClatchy:

Sen. Thom Tillis will introduce his “conservative Dream Act” on Monday that would provide a pathway to citizenship for as many as 2.5 million young undocumented immigrants, but one that is long and involves “extreme vetting.”

The North Carolina Republican and cosponsor James Lankford, an Oklahoma Republican, will pitch the plan as “merit-based” relief that must be earned — and, critically, not “amnesty,” according to Republican talking points obtained by McClatchy. But unlike other merit-based immigration proposals that limit new immigrants from entering the country based on their job skills, this proposal would limit who can remain in the country based on their years of American education, work experience or military service.

The amnesty legislation included many apparent tests, steps, and requirements for the illegal immigrants to help counter the public’s election-tested opposition to amnesty. However, the McClatchy report does not say if these tests are different from normal immigration reviews, it does not provide details on which agency will oversee the tests, and it does not say if illegals who fail the tests will be sent home.

According to the report:

All applicants will have to pass a medical examination and be “extreme vetted.” The vetting will include three separate rounds of security and background checks to ensure they have no criminal history and pose no national security threat. The first check would happen when the immigrant enters the program followed by a second check after five years. The third check comes after 15 years, if and when the immigrant applies to become a citizen.

The McClatchy report did not offer any expected price tag for the Tillis bill. However, Breitbart has calculated that cost of the Dream Act cost $115 billion in the first ten years, just for Obamacare costs. Costs would rise further when the illegals say on Obamacare, and when they sponsor their foreign relations to become U.S. citizens.

The Tillis-Lankford bill is based on the Recognizing America’s Children (RAC) Act, introduced by Florida Republican Rep. Carlos Curbelo. According to McClatchy:

The proposal would grant high school graduates without a serious criminal record conditional immigration status for a five-year period. During that time, if they earn a higher-education degree, serve in the military or stay employed, they could apply for permanent residency and, eventually, citizenship.

The Curbelo bill is lauded by the industry-boosted Niskanen Center, which strongly supports companies’ easy use of foreign workers. The center claims Curbelo’s matching legislation would offer citizenship to 2.5 million illegals. The extra workers would expand the size of the economy by $79 billion after ten years, according to the center, which does not say if the extra labor will help employed and unemployed Americans win higher wages and salaries.

The McClatchy report also says the TIllias-Lankford legislation is backed by the New American Economy business group. Three members of the group’s six-member leadership were Democratic politicians, and the other three are the chairmen of  Marriott Hotels, Walt Disney, and News Corp.

Four million Americans turn 18 each year and begin looking for good jobs. However, the government imports roughly 1 million legal immigrants to compete against Americans for jobs.

The government also hands out almost 3 million short-term work permits to foreign workers. These permits include roughly 330,000 one-year OPT permits for foreign graduates of U.S. colleges, roughly 200,000 three-year H-1B visas for foreign white-collar professionals, and 400,000 two-year permits to DACA illegals.

That Washington-imposed policy of mass-immigration floods the market with foreign laborspikes profits and Wall Street values by cutting salaries for manual and skilled labor offered by blue-collar and white-collar employees. It also drives up real estate priceswidens wealth-gaps, reduces high-tech investment, increases state and local tax burdens, hurts kids’ schools and college education, pushes Americans away from high-tech careers, and sidelines at least 5 million marginalized Americans and their families, including many who are now struggling with opioid addictions.

Americans tell pollsters that they strongly oppose amnesties and cheap-labor immigration, even as most also want to favor legal immigrants, and many even sympathize with illegals.

Amid the huge inflow of new workers, wages for men have remained flat since 1973, and the percentage of working Americans has declined steadily for the last few decades.





via Breitbart News

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Here’s How Steeler’s ‘Stander’ Alejandro Villanueva Earned The Bronze Star

Man of courage.

Via Daily Caller:

Former U.S. Army Ranger officer Alejandro Villanueva, the only Pittsburgh Steelers player to exit the locker room and stand for the national anthem Sunday, earned a Bronze Star with valor during a combat deployment to Afghanistan in 2011.

Villanueva recounted the Aug. 25, 2011 story of his valor in a 2014 interview with ESPN. The former Army Ranger’s unit described being tipped off at night to the presence of multiple Taliban in a nearby Kandahar village. When his unit arrived he found no Taliban and began questioning an Afghan elder.

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via Weasel Zippers

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REPORT: Of 1.2 Million Migrants To Germany, Just 2.8% Found Jobs

Germany went all in accepting refugees from the Middle East and other war-torn regions of the world. The nation took in nearly 900,000 in 2015 alone, The Washington Post reported. In just two years, some 1.2 million poured in.

Now a new report shows very few of the newcomers bothered to get a job — or were hired by German businesses. Just 34,000 refugees — or 2.8% — who streamed into Germany in the last two years have managed to get a job, the U.K.’s Express reports.

The numbers apply to refugees mostly from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Eritrea.

“If we manage to get 50 percent of them into work which pays for their lives in five years, that’d certainly be a success,” said Joachim Möller, director of the government’s Institute for Labour Research told the Express.

“But it would be an illusion to believe that we will manage to find jobs for a decent proportion of refugees in well-paid industry jobs like car manufacturing.”

This means the burden of feeding, housing and caring for them will continue to soar into the billions and fall upon the German taxpayer.

One bright side is that the crisis has created an estimated 60,000 jobs for Germans in social work, teaching and in security for the numerous asylum centres around the country.

Meanwhile, the Gatestone Institute reported that “authorities in Hamburg, the second-largest city in Germany, have begun confiscating private dwellings to ease a housing shortage — one that has been acutely exacerbated by Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to allow more than two million migrants into the country in recent years.”

City officials have been seizing commercial properties and converting them into migrant shelters since late 2015, when Merkel opened German borders to hundreds of thousands of migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Now, however, the city is expropriating residential property units owned by private citizens.

In an unprecedented move, Hamburg authorities recently confiscated six residential units in the Hamm district near the city center. The units, which are owned by a private landlord, are in need of repair and have been vacant since 2012. A trustee appointed by the city is now renovating the properties and will rent them — against the will of the owner — to tenants chosen by the city. District spokeswoman Sorina Weiland said that all renovation costs will be billed to the owner of the properties.

Over the weekend, Merkel was re-elected as chancellor, which means Germans must be OK with the influx.

via Daily Wire

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