Update: After NFL Slam, What Trump Said About Race Really Has People Stirred Up!

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When President Donald Trump bluntly addressed the NFL players’ disrespectful national anthem protests during a rally Friday night in Alabama, his words instantly sparked condemnation from the media and the left, and prompted even more players to take a knee on Sunday.

Of course, since many of the players who knelt are black, and the protests are purportedly done in opposition to perceived racial injustice, many on the left assumed Trump’s remarks are racist. The president was asked about this assumption on Sunday afternoon during his return to the White House, according to Variety.

“We have great people representing our country, especially our soldiers, our first responders, and they should be treated with respect,” Trump said of his stance against the protests. “And when you get on your knee and you don’t respect the America flag or the anthem, that’s not being treated with respect.”

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“This has nothing to do with race. I never said anything about race,” he replied when asked if he was “inflaming racial tensions,” according to the Los Angeles Times. “This has nothing to do with race or anything else. This has to do with respect for our country and respect for our flag.”

To be sure, even as Trump has studiously avoided making any mention of race at any point in any of his commentary regarding the national anthem protests, many on the left still presumed to know Trump’s true motivations, and accused him of being racist.

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Thus, Trump reiterated his stance Monday with a tweet that read: “The issue of kneeling has nothing to do with race. It is about respect for our Country, Flag and National Anthem. NFL must respect this!”

However, Trump is still a racist — so speaketh the media — thus, everything Trump says must be viewed through a racial lens, and even as he eschews mentioning race and explicitly states that his stance against the protests has nothing to do with race, it is still all about race, as evidenced by this piece in The Washington Post.

Sadly, there are those on the left so consumed by identity politics they feel it necessary to incessantly insert race into everything. So it really is no surprise that even as Trump said race has nothing to do with his opposition to the protests, and it is instead all about respect, his words were summarily dismissed and he is still smeared as a racist.

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That said, a majority of Americans and football fans feel the same way as Trump about the national anthem protests. They wish these players would take a moment to reflect that, in spite of the legitimate issues our nation needs to address, the U.S. nevertheless remains a nation full of freedom and opportunity for which others fought and died.

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via Conservative Tribune

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NYT’s Climate Alarmist Reporter: We’re in ‘Big Trouble,’ Eat Less Meat

<p>In Sunday’s <em>New York Times</em>, the paper’s departing prophet of environmental doom, er reporter, Justin Gillis answered 17 questions under the heading “Your Questions About Climate Change, Answered.” Here’s a slice of Gillis’s confidently alarmist Q&A with himself, with leading questions answered with unjustified certitude — just like in his previous “climate change” articles. He got really apocalyptic with his dire prophecies: "If greenhouse gas emissions continue unchecked, scientists say, the global warming could ultimately exceed 8 degrees Fahrenheit, which would undermine the planet’s capacity to support a large human population."</p>

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Did New York Mag Admit Mueller Investigation Is a Fishing Expedition?

Yesterday’s New York magazine had the best summary of the state of the Trump-Russia collusion investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller yet written. It was contained in a single paragraph buried deep in an article with no other surprises so you have to look for it. Yet despite having to wade through material which basically tells us what we already know about that investigation, that one paragraph is so stunning in its revelation amid an otherwise routine summary of what Mueller is possibly up to, that it hits the reader like a hard slap across the face.

Before reaching that revelatory paragraph, New York magazine correspondent Cristian Farias reminds us that it is quite extraordinary that a private citizen, Paul Manafort, was secretly surveilled twice via FISA warrants. Uh, yeah, it was stunning and it also confirms that President Donald Trump was almost certainly right in his claim that Trump Tower was wiretapped. However, we have known this for over a week. 

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Farias also lets us know that it would probably be wise for other possible targets of the Mueller investigation to obtain lawyers even if they have nothing to hide. Yup, good advice but just as one is about to doze off from this story seeming to go nowhere, Farias suddenly stuns us with this shocking paragraph that gets right to the heart of the matter:

One individual who is familiar with an aspect of the Mueller inquiry but asked to not be named told New York that, unlike other federal probes that he’s seen in action, where prosecutors build their cases from clear allegations, this one feels different. “This is a backward investigation,” the individual said. “You don’t have a crime. You’re searching. And so you’re not really sure exactly what you’re searching for. So you start asking around and you see what comes up. And you start creating a paradigm and you see what else comes up and figure out at some point whether or not there’s a crime.”

Got that? This is a “backward investigation” where “you don’t have a crime” so “you’re searching.” Oh, and you aren’t “really sure what you’re searching for” so you just “start asking around and see what comes up.” In fact you have to figure out “whether or not there is a crime.”

Does this “backward investigation” not sound exactly like a perfect description of a fishing expedition? Every correspondent covering the Mueller investigation should print out that revelatory paragraph from New York magazine, laminate it, and carry it around at all times as a reminder as to what this Mueller investigation is all about…a fishing expedition.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Colin Kaepernick, who Mocked Cops as Pigs, Called ‘Bridge Builder’ on CBS

<p>In the wake of the latest NFL protests, CBS journalist James Brown on Monday praised Colin Kaepernick as a “bridge builder” and someone who deserves some “credit.” Brown appeared on <em>CBS This Morning </em>to cheer, “He’s committed, he’s put his money where his mouth. Nearly a million through community efforts to be a bridge builder.” </p>

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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This 77-year-old Chicago nun is on a mission to fight violence in her neighborhood

A 77-year-old Chicago nun is working to end violence in her neighborhood by bringing neighbors together, and she told NBC’s Megyn Kelly on Monday that God is protecting her.

Community in a dangerous neighborhood

Sister Donna Liette works in Chicago’s Back of the Yards neighborhood, an area Kelly called “one of America’s toughest neighborhoods.” She works with teenage boys — many of whom have been victims of gun violence — as well as their mothers.

Liette told Kelly she hears “at least” about five to seven murders in her neighborhood every week. More than 750 people were killed last year, the Chicago Tribune reported, and the city could see even more homicides by the end of this year.

The Catholic nun said that many of the young men have been shot — but she said she doesn’t worry about her own safety as she works in the area.

“I feel like I have God’s protection,” she said, adding that the young men she works with look out for her too.

“I mean, these boys, if anybody tried to harm me, oh—” she began, laughing.

She said the kids she works with often come in hardened by their circumstances, so she hugs them a lot.

“They’re good kids,” she said. “They just want to be loved, they want some support.”

When one of the boys Liette works with said he sees her as a mother, she quipped that she’s more like a grandmother.

Sister Donna’s mission

Liette said that when she visits young people in prison who have been incarcerated for crimes, they often ask her to look after their mothers — and that gave her an idea.

She realized that many of the mothers in the neighborhood were “isolated” — they were ashamed by crimes their children had committed or they were mourning the loss of a child. So Liette decided to bring them together.

She organized regular meetings in order for neighborhood mothers to be together. She said they were “quiet” at first, but they soon became the best of friends.


Liette admitted that her work is hard and she “cries a lot on the way home.”

“There’s still a lot of good here,” she said, adding, “there’s a lot of people working together, we can’t lose hope.”

At the end of the segment, Kelly presented Liette with checks to support her ministry.

via TheBlaze.com – Stories

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Alejandro Villanueva’s courageous – and lonely – stand for the flag

How sad is it that standing for the American flag, rather than taking a knee, is now what’s newsworthy.

That’s where we’re at now, with Pittsburgh Steelers left tackle Alejandro Villanueva making headlines for courageously standing up for the flag during the playing of the national anthem while the rest of his teammates huddled back in the locker room.

Villanueva, recall, is a West Point-educated Army Ranger, and an Afghanistan war veteran. He served three tours of duty and was awarded the Bronze Star for valor. He was known, even before this event, as the best military veteran in the NFL. But more to the point, he knew troops who died for that flag. He had made patriotic statements well before the current imbroglio. He wasn’t going to disrespect the flag and the national anthem by staying in the locker room.

And it’s worth noting that he was pressured into doing just that. The Pittsburgh Steelers’ head coach, Mike Tomlin, said he was looking for “100% participation” in that locker room, and he was specifically asked about Villanueva. It suggests that internal peer pressure is a significant part of all the kneeling and locker room hiding that’s been driving audiences away from the NFL – a great unreported story.

How Tomlin thought he could pressure a man with Villanueva’s record and background into falling into that line is beyond common sense. What Villanueva did was normal behavior for a patriotic veteran, not something that should be looked on as unusual. But in a degraded culture, standing for the flag is now to be an outlier, someone who isn’t fitting in with the team. To the rest of us, it’s an act of courage. ESPN reports that the players stayed in the locker room out of respect for Villanueva, given that the rest wanted to come out and take a knee. But Villanueva just couldn’t compromise. U.S. troops in Afghanistan were closely watching – and it’s possible Villanueva knew this:


http://<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-conversation=”none” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Watching football right now in Afghanistan shaking my damn head at America. Thanks to CPT V. He gets it.</p>&mdash; Be Fick (@BeTheFick) <a href=”https://twitter.com/BeTheFick/status/912023494426189825″>September 24, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src=”//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js” charset=”utf-8″></script>

Now, Villanueva is a hero to NFL fans, a standout, a man of courage, and the reason fans like to watch football and cheer it on.


They’re going hogwild buying his jersey.

If this doesn’t send a message to the NFL about where its future lies, nothing will.




How sad is it that standing for the American flag, rather than taking a knee, is now what’s newsworthy.

That’s where we’re at now, with Pittsburgh Steelers left tackle Alejandro Villanueva making headlines for courageously standing up for the flag during the playing of the national anthem while the rest of his teammates huddled back in the locker room.

Villanueva, recall, is a West Point-educated Army Ranger, and an Afghanistan war veteran. He served three tours of duty and was awarded the Bronze Star for valor. He was known, even before this event, as the best military veteran in the NFL. But more to the point, he knew troops who died for that flag. He had made patriotic statements well before the current imbroglio. He wasn’t going to disrespect the flag and the national anthem by staying in the locker room.

And it’s worth noting that he was pressured into doing just that. The Pittsburgh Steelers’ head coach, Mike Tomlin, said he was looking for “100% participation” in that locker room, and he was specifically asked about Villanueva. It suggests that internal peer pressure is a significant part of all the kneeling and locker room hiding that’s been driving audiences away from the NFL – a great unreported story.

How Tomlin thought he could pressure a man with Villanueva’s record and background into falling into that line is beyond common sense. What Villanueva did was normal behavior for a patriotic veteran, not something that should be looked on as unusual. But in a degraded culture, standing for the flag is now to be an outlier, someone who isn’t fitting in with the team. To the rest of us, it’s an act of courage. ESPN reports that the players stayed in the locker room out of respect for Villanueva, given that the rest wanted to come out and take a knee. But Villanueva just couldn’t compromise. U.S. troops in Afghanistan were closely watching – and it’s possible Villanueva knew this:


http://<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet” data-conversation=”none” data-lang=”en”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Watching football right now in Afghanistan shaking my damn head at America. Thanks to CPT V. He gets it.</p>&mdash; Be Fick (@BeTheFick) <a href=”https://twitter.com/BeTheFick/status/912023494426189825″>September 24, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src=”//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js” charset=”utf-8″></script>

Now, Villanueva is a hero to NFL fans, a standout, a man of courage, and the reason fans like to watch football and cheer it on.


They’re going hogwild buying his jersey.

If this doesn’t send a message to the NFL about where its future lies, nothing will.




via American Thinker Blog

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NASCAR Owners Back Trump, Claim They Will Fire Drivers Who Protest National Anthem

Several owners of National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) teams have claimed they will back Donald Trump’s suggestion that NFL players who protest the national anthem should be fired.

“Anybody that don’t stand up for the anthem oughta’ be out of the country, period,” Richard Petty, owner of Richard Petty Motorsports, told The Associated Press. “What got ’em where they’re at? The United States.”

When asked if a protester at Richard Petty Motorsports would be fired, Petty responded, “You’re right.”

Meanwhile, Richard Childress, the owner of Richard Childress Racing, also revealed he would not tolerate any sign of disrespect.

“It’ll get you a ride on a Greyhound bus,” Childress said. “Anybody that works for me should respect the country we live in. So many people gave their lives for it. This is America.”

The controversy follows comments from Donald Trump during a rally in Alabama on Friday, where he called on NFL owners to fire players who refuse to stand for the national anthem.

“Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now. He is fired. He’s fired!’” Trump told his supporters.

However, Trump’s remarks sparked additional protests from NFL players on the field and team owners across the league during matches on Sunday.

Over a dozen members of the Ravens and Jaguars knelt during the playing of the national anthem during a fixture at Wembley Stadium in London. It was also the first time NFL owner took part in the protests, as  Jaguars Owner Shad Khan locked arms with his players as they stood on the sidelines.

The incident provoked further condemnation from the president.

“Great solidarity for our National Anthem and for our Country. Standing with locked arms is good, kneeling is not acceptable,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Courageous Patriots have fought and died for our great American Flag — we MUST honor and respect it!”

Follow Ben Kew on Facebook, Twitter at @ben_kew, or email him at bkew@breitbart.com

via Breitbart News

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Watch: Ticked-Off Fans Post Brutal Reaction to Their Team Kneeling for Anthem


Watch: Ticked-Off Fans Post Brutal Reaction to Their Team Kneeling for Anthem

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Packers fans are a dedicated sort. You’d be hard pressed to find one of them burning a Pack jersey after a loss or a key player was traded.

However, some things are a bridge too far — and one of those things is meretriciously kneeling for the national anthem.

It wasn’t just Packers fans, either. As players all over the NFL decided to bravely do what pretty much everyone else was doing and kneel during the national anthem on Sunday, partially in response to President Donald Trump’s criticism of said act, fans decided to let the players know how they felt about it — with a little help from the element of fire.

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Take this ticked-off Packers fan. According to WTMJ-TV, three Packers players — tight ends Martellus Bennett and Lance Kendricks and defensive back Kevin King — decided to sit out the anthem during Sunday’s game against the Bengals. That was enough to draw this reaction: (Warning: Videos include explicit language.)

The Baltimore Ravens may have been playing in London, but they still managed to kneel for our national anthem. (They did, however, stand for “God Save the Queen,” because apparently hundreds of years of colonial rule and a stratified informal class system is pretty much OK by them.) So, one Ravens fan decided to do this to his Joe Flacco and Elvis Dumervil jerseys:

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Also in London were the Jacksonville Jaguars, who protested the anthem as well. There are actually Jaguars fans, believe it or not, and they let the team know how they felt.

The Steelers also mostly sat out the anthem, with the exception of one player, according to The Daily Caller. Thus, this reaction:

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If the media and the NFL thought that anthem-kneeling would go over well with the American people, well, these displays certainly prove otherwise. And if they think these ticked-off fans’ brutal reactions didn’t make them look good, just wait until they see the ratings.

H/T Total Pro Sports

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via Conservative Tribune

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Steelers Coach Rips Afghan War Vet Villanueva for Standing for the Anthem

Steelers Coach Rips Afghan War Vet Villanueva for Standing for the Anthem

AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar

by Dylan Gwinn25 Sep 20170

25 Sep, 2017
25 Sep, 2017

In what might just be the most 2017 NFL story ever, Steelers coach Mike Tomlin ripped one of his players, an Afghan war veteran, for coming out of the locker room for the national anthem.

On Sunday, the Steelers had decided as a team, to remain in the locker room and not come to the sidelines for the playing of the national anthem, with one notable exception. The team understood that tackle Alejandro Villanueva, a former Army Ranger and Afghan war veteran, would still come out to show respect for the flag. The exception being made for Villanueva due to the fact that he risked life and limb defending that flag and what it stands for, a factor obvious enough, that it really shouldn’t have to be explained.

Except for one factor, it’s the NFL in 2017.

The reasons why Villanueva should be exempted from his team’s disgusting display of disrespect, were apparently lost on their head coach. When answering questions from reporters after the game, Tomlin seemed to rap Villanueva, repeating the claim that the team was looking for, “100% participation,”

Tomlin said, “Like I said, I was looking for 100 percent participation, we were gonna be respectful of our football team.”

Apparently, in Tomlin’s world, respect for team is over and above respect for someone who risked his life to defend his country.

According to Fox, “Tomlin told the media that, prior to kickoff Sunday, the Steelers held a team meeting and decided, though not unanimously, to not come out of the locker room for the national anthem. Tomlin added the intent was to have his team focus on the game and not President Trump’s comments blasting players who chose to protest during the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner.””

Tomlin said after the game, “Many of them felt like something needed to be done. I asked those guys to discuss it and whatever they discussed that we have 100 percent participation or we do nothing. They discussed it for an appropriate length of time and they couldn’t come to an understanding, so they chose to remove themselves from it. They were not going to be disrespectful in the anthem so they chose not to participate, but at the same time many of them were not going to accept the words of the president.”

Villanueva, clearly had  a different mentality about what the anthem meant for him.

Tomlin continued, “We’re not politicians. We’re coaches and professional athletes.If those of us or individuals choose to participate in politics in some way I’m going to be supportive of that. But when we come out of locker rooms, we come out of locker rooms to play football games.”

Villanueva was critical of the Colin Kaepernick, the former 49er who launched the current NFL protest movement. In 2016, Villanueva said, “I don’t know if the most effective way is to sit down during the national anthem with a country that’s providing you freedom, providing you $16 million a year…when there are black minorities that are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan for less than $20,000 a year.

“I will be the first one to hold hands with Colin Kaepernick and do something about the way minorities are being treated in the United States, the injustice that is happening with police brutality, the justice system, inequalities in pay. You can’t do it by looking away from the people that are trying to protect our freedom and our country.”

via Breitbart News

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