Roy Moore’s Campaign Chair Calls Out Luther Strange’s Obamacare Repeal Stance

Roy Moore’s Campaign Chair Calls Out Luther Strange’s Obamacare Repeal Stance

23 Sep, 2017
23 Sep, 2017

Roy Moore Campaign Chairman Bill Armistead released a press release on Friday attacking Luther Strange for his shapeshifting stance towards Obamacare repeal.

On Friday morning, Luther Strange told CBS in an interview that he supported the “concept” of the Graham-Cassidy Obamacare repeal bill; however, he wants to review the “specifics” of the bill regarding Alabama before he endorses the legislation.

“I support the concept of it very much so,” Strange told WIAT. “I haven’t seen the specifics of how it affects Alabama yet, so I’ve not signed off totally until I make sure our citizens are protected.”

Armistead argued that Strange’s changing stance towards Obamacare repeal makes him indicative of the Washington Swamp. Armistead said, “This morning in a CBS interview in Birmingham, Luther Strange put his swamp skills on full display, now saying that he cannot be certain to vote for the Graham-Cassidy version of the partial Obamacare repeal.”

The Roy Moore campaign chair added:

For several days now, Strange’s allies have been suggesting that Strange would be the better advocate for Alabama because he can work with the DC leadership and have used the Graham-Cassidy healthcare bill as an example. They have said that Strange would work with them on a partial repeal of Obamacare to support the President, while Roy Moore would be too principled to achieve progress on either a full or partial repeal.

Now, Strange is saying that he likes certain aspects of the bill but cannot make a decision on whether he can vote for the bill. Ironically, Roy Moore takes the same exact position. However, their reasons for uncertainty are very different.

Strange wants to make sure that federal slush fund spending for programs is protected. Roy Moore wants to make sure that the federal government is getting out of the healthcare business entirely.

Armistead explained Moore and Strange hold fundamentally different views on the role of government in society; Moore wants to truly shrink the size of government, while Strange wants to make the government more efficient. Armistead charged:

This divergence in attitudes is perhaps the best example of why there is so much friction between establishment Republicans and conservatives. Conservatives like Roy Moore want the overspending stopped and for government to get smaller. Establishment Republicans like Luther Strange just want to work with liberals to manage the overspending and big government a little better.

Armistead concluded his statement by saying, “Perhaps this is why Alabama is losing its patience with Mitch McConnell and Luther Strange, and this is why Roy Moore will win the nomination on Tuesday.”

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It Begins: Democrat Calls on All Football Players to Disrespect US Flag and Kneel During Anthem

President Trump lashed out at NFL players protesting the national anthem on Friday while at a campaign rally for Senator Luther Strange (R-AL).

President Trump brought up the NFL players who disrespect our flag and our country by taking a knee during the National Anthem in protest.

The crowd went wild after Trump said, “Wouldn’t you love to see one of the NFL owners, when someone disrespects our flag, to say ‘get that son of b*tch off the field right now! Out! He’s fired! He’s fired!”

The crowd erupted into cheers and started chanting, “USA! USA! USA!”

Following the president’s remarks Democrat Donna Edwards called on ALL NFL Players to kneel during the National Anthem.

Democrats really hate the flag.
The Hill reported:

Former Democratic Rep. Donna Edwards (D-Md.) tweeted that she hopes all NFL players kneel during the national anthem on Sunday in response to President Trump’s remarks attacking Colin Kaepernick.

Edwards, who left Congress earlier this year, called Trump a “white supremacist who squats in our White House” in her tweet.

The post It Begins: Democrat Calls on All Football Players to Disrespect US Flag and Kneel During Anthem appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Trump Gives Tortured Endorsement of Luther Strange in Alabama: ‘I Might Have Made a Mistake’

If Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL) was hoping for a full-throated, straightforward endorsement from President Trump, he will have been disappointed with the somewhat tortured thumbs-up he received from the president at a rally in Huntsville, Alabama, on Friday night.

Strange, the establishment favorite in the Alabama Senate primary, is trailing in multiple polls to conservative opponent Judge Roy Moore and has clung to Trump’s endorsement as he seeks to sell himself as a candidate who will help drain the swamp and help Trump pass his agenda in Congress.

Yet Strange’s history as a D.C. lobbyist, his wobbly stance on DACA, and his big-money backing by the establishment GOP has not warmed him to deep-red Alabama Republicans, and he needed a big win from Trump on Friday to get him back on track.

But while Trump praised Strange as a “real fighter and a real good guy” and a “tough cookie” who “doesn’t deal and kowtow to anyone,” Trump also admitted he may have made a mistake getting involved in the race.

“We have to be loyal in life,” Trump said. “There is something called loyalty, and I might have made a mistake and I’ll be honest, I might have made a mistake.”

He noted Strange’s significant lead in the polls, and that the media would cast it as an “embarrassment” for Trump if he were unable to pull his candidate over the line.

In another blow for Strange, Trump mulled the possibility of a Moore victory and said he would campaign for Moore, as well, if he were to win the primary.

“By the way, both good men and you know what, I told Luther … if his opponent wins, I’m going to be here campaigning like hell for him,” he said to applause from the crowd, although he later argued that while he believed Strange could win the general election, Moore could not.

He also noted that Strange had been harmed by being appointed to succeed Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

“The fact that he was appointed hurt him,” Trump said.

Trump also seemed to be unaware of many aspects of the candidate he was backing. For instance, he repeatedly distanced Strange from the unpopular Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY.)

“He’s not a friend of Mitch McConnell. … He doesn’t know him; he just got [to the Senate],” Trump told the crowd.

However, as Breitbart News has reported, the McConnell-aligned Senate Leadership Fund Super PAC has pumped millions into the Republican primary to help Strange win.

The Moore campaign welcomed Trump’s promise to campaign with them should Moore win on Tuesday.

“We look forward to working with President Trump to Make America Great Again,” Moore campaign Chairman Bill Armistead said in a statement. Let’s drain the Washington swamp and get back to what made America great to begin with: faith in God and our Constitution.”

Adam Shaw is a Breitbart News politics reporter based in New York. Follow Adam on Twitter: @AdamShawNY.

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Church Has Sign So “Hateful,” LGBT Community Wants It Burned Down

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A Christian pastor in Australia says militant gays and lesbians have disagreed so strongly with a sign his church posted that they’ve threatened to burn the church down.

Pastor John Gill of the Bellbowrie Community Church outside Brisbane said he received a surprising amount of hate after his church posted a sign that read, “God designed marriage between a man and a woman.”

“On Facebook, a lot of the stuff has been quite vicious at times,” Gill told the U.K. Daily Mail. “I mean quite physically threatening. That’s been scary for some in the church.”

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“One of the comments, for example, was a suggestion that people bring petrol down and set the church on fire,” he said.

Gill said he was taken aback by the amount of hate the sign seemed to cause. In a blog post on the church’s website, he defended the sign’s message.

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“The definition of marriage, is something the Bible speaks about, namely that marriage is not a human construct, but was designed by God in the beginning with a purpose, and is between a man and a woman,” Gill wrote. “This has been the norm for thousands of years, and has been the norm in Australia from the beginning.”

Tension is growing in Australia as the government is sending out postal ballots, due to be returned by Nov. 7, as part of a mail-in referendum asking Australians if homosexual marriage should be legalized. While the referendum is technically nonbinding, if the “yes” vote wins, legalization is likely to “sail” through parliament, according to The Economist.

Gill pointed out that Australians, no matter their faith or sexual orientation, are entitled to speak their minds. Anyone who disagrees with those views should still respect them, the pastor said, adding that people should never be attacked for their opinions.

Gill lamented the fact that the hate from the gay community made some members of his church fearful about expressing Christian viewpoints, but added that it was his role to tell people the word of God.

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Apparently that is enough to make some people uncomfortable.

“Many of us have friends and family who are gay, and it is absurd to think we hate them,” Gill wrote on the blog.

“Christians do not see their opposition to re-defining marriage, as necessarily an anti-gay stance,” Gill concluded, adding that they are simply opposed to changing the definition of marriage of what God intended.

Gill summed it up quite nicely, but the reaction from militants in the gay community demonstrate that the left, while it claims to be  tolerant and accepting, has a nasty habit of not practicing what it preaches.

H/T PJ Media

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MILO Challenges Janet Napolitano and Berkeley Chancellor to Debate

MILO Challenges Janet Napolitano and Berkeley Chancellor to Debate

23 Sep, 2017
23 Sep, 2017

Former Breitbart Senior Editor MILO has challenged Janet Napolitano, the President of the University of California system, and UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol T. Christ to a debate.

In an emergency press conference discussing the cancellation of Free Speech Week, former Breitbart Senior Editor MILO challenged the current President of the University of California System Janet Napolitano and UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol T. Christ to a live debate.

“I’m disappointed by Chancellor Christ’s and Janet Napolitano’s statements about me and about our speakers,” said MILO. “But I recognize and appreciate their commitment, however perfunctory it is, to providing funds to maintain the First Amendment on their campuses. I respect their difference of opinion, but I think they’re deeply misguided about what kinds of people we are. And for that reason, I’d like to invite today Janet Napolitano and Chancellor Christ to participate in a debate with me or with any of the other speakers that I’m able to assemble for Free Speech Week.

“We can have somebody like Sam Harris or Dave Rubin moderate it. We should do it on the UC Berkeley campus,” MILO continued “It is high time that America had it’s big showdown free speech debate between the progressive liberals, who believe that free speech is now just a cover for right-wingers to say awful things, and conservatives, who believe that their speech is being infringed upon by corporations, by universities, and by the media like it never has before.”

“It’s time America had that showdown, it’s time America had that debate, so I’m inviting today Janet Napolitano and Chancellor Christ from UC Berkeley to debate me and any of the other speakers they want to with a moderator of their choice on UC Berkeley campus anytime in the next seven months during my new Troll Academy tour,” he stated.

Watch the full press release below:

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan_ or email him at

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Tinder, Grindr Want More Customers, Urge ‘Dreamer’ Amnesty

American companies want more U.S. customers, so top executives at Tinder and Grindr have swiped right to support the Dream Act amnesty for at least 3 million young illegal-immigrant consumers.

The executives at the two hook-up sites have signed a pro-amnesty petition which has also been signed by top executives at PepsiCo and Coca-Cola, Best Buy, Crate and Barrel, Mastercard, automaker General Motors and food supplier General Mills, Levi Strauss and the Gap.

The CEO signatures are being collected by, an advocacy group launched by one of the wealthiest men in the world, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. The group’s billionaire and millionaire founders made their money in the information-technology industry, not in the retail sector. Their priority is to keep importing cheap white-collar technology workers for themselves and their myriad subcontractors.

The technology CEOs are pushing for the Dream Act amnesty because they want to keep the 3 million-plus young illegal-immigrant consumers in the United States. But they also want to block President Donald Trump’s major immigration reform, dubbed the RAISE Act. That legislation would raise wages and salaries for many Americans, in part, by reducing annual immigration from 1 million per year to roughly 600,000 people per year.

CEOs and lobbyists are trying to sink the RAISE Act by quickly pushing the huge Dream Act amnesty through Congress this year. If the Dream Act become law without getting packaged with the RAISE Act in a compromise, then Trump loses his DACA-amnesty trading card needed to win the Democrats’ approval for passage of the RAISE Act. Once the RAISE Act is blocked, then Zuckerberg and his allied technology CEOs can restart their push to import additional cheap white-collar professionals.

Most national economies, such as China, grow their economy and wages by investing in labor-saving machinery. But the United States also grows its economy by importing consumers and workers. This economic policy of mass-immigration grows Wall Street and government revenues but it does little to raise average wages for Americans.

The nation’s economy now includes 43 million legal and illegal immigrants who have hugely expanded the nation’s purchases of autos, Ramen noodles, soft drinks, furniture, apartments, TV ads, entertainment and much, much else. The immigrants’ 41 million American children have further expanded consumption as they boosted the nation’s population to roughly 320 million consumers. The New American Economy business group described the scale of this immigration-stimulus:

The New American Economy business group described the scale of this immigration-stimulus:

Nationally, immigrants earned $1.3 trillion in 2014 and … nearly $927 billion in spending power, which they frequently used to purchase goods and services, stimulate local business activity, and create jobs in the broader U.S. economy.

In Arizona, illegal immigrants added $3.1 billion in spending power to the state in 2014, while the overall population of legal and illegal immigrants added $16 billion in spending power, according to the advocacy group.

The New American Economy advocacy group was jointly founded by billionaires Mike Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch, who has since shelved plans to create a Spanish-language version of Fox News.

CEOs rarely describe immigrants as customers. They instead prefer to cloak their economic self-interest in media-ready talk about “Dreamers” and “a nation of immigrants,” as if the nation’s 280 million native-born Americans are somehow less important than imported customers.

The CEOS and their lobbyists often talk about immigration as a component of the nation’s economy and a source of revenues for politicians, even though Americans’ wages have flatlined since 1973 while housing prices have risen in crowded cities.

But in March 2015, Google’s then-chairman Eric Schmidt frankly endorsed immigration to as a cure for shrinking consumer demand in Europe and Japan.

“Most stock markets assume modest [revenue] growth, so how are you over a couple of decades to deal with the fact that one-third of your customers are going to go away?” he said. “Well, one [way] is to produce more customers through immigration,” he said at a March 18 event hosted by the American Enterprise Institute. Schmidt is now the Executive Chairman of Google’s parent company, Alphabet Inc.


Economists also talk about the buying power of migrants, usually while calling for more imported consumers.

“There are millions of [illegal] immigrants living in this country … [who] are not going out and shopping,” because of Trump’s enforcement policies, said Robert Kaplan, the head of the Federal Reserve of Dallas, and a voting member of the Federal Reserve which regulates the economy by adjusting interest rates. “They are staying home,” Kaplan complained during a May 31 presentation at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. “They’re afraid if they go out they may not come home.”

Other co-signers of Zuckerberg’s DACA petition top executive at Starbucks, Wal-Mart Stores and Target Corp., which still has not recovered from it’s 2016 decision to deny sexual privacy to men and women in its changing rooms and bathrooms.

Firms that sell services to Latino customers have also signed up, including the president of Fiesta Foods . His company’s website says:

Craig Gaylord, President of Fiesta Foods after opening his first grocery store in Hermiston, Oregon saw the fast growth of the Hispanic population in the area. He also saw the there was nowhere in the area where this increasing community could fulfill all of their shopping needs. He began to study Hispanic marketing in 1997. He then opened the first Fiesta Foods in Pasco, Washington in April, 2003. This store became the leader in Hispanic marketing in the Northwest. With the store’s great success he proceeded to open the second Fiesta Foods in Sunnyside, Washington in May, 2006. The third Fiesta Foods opened in Yakima, Washington in June, 2007. All three stores have been a great success focusing on the concept of “Selling fresh foods for less.”

Another signer is the CEO of Evans Food Group, which is a leading supplier of pork rinds to Latino customers:

The CEO’s petition signatures are accompanied by a mass of signatures from technology companies trying to keep the RAISE act down, and by a slew of immigration lawyers whose customer base will be shriveled if the DACA migrants are sent home or if the RAISE Act becomes law.

Other signers include National Hispanic Media the Coalition, and professionals in the education business, for example, the CEOs of the Miami-Dade County public schools and KIPP L.A. Schools.

Many of the CEOs use immigrants as workers, as well as consumers. So Zuckerberg’s petition is backed by top executives at the Hilton, Hyatt and Marriott hotel chains which also sell services to, and also employ, large numbers of immigrants.

Real-estate billionaire Penny Pritzker is on the list. She runs PSP Capital, which is based a short distance away from another petition signer, Chicago Joe Castillo, a real-estate agent at Mi Casa Real Estate. Their mutual support for the DACA illegals makes sense because Latinos are a rising share of the Chicago real-estate market.

Four million Americans turn 18 each year and begin looking for good jobs. However, the government imports roughly 1 million legal immigrants to compete against Americans for jobs.

The government also hands out almost 3 million short-term work permits to foreign workers. These permits include roughly 330,000 one-year OPT permits for foreign graduates of U.S. colleges, roughly 200,000 three-year H-1B visas for foreign white-collar professionals, and 400,000 two-year permits to DACA illegals.

That Washington-imposed policy of mass-immigration floods the market with foreign laborspikes profits and Wall Street values by cutting salaries for manual and skilled labor offered by blue-collar and white-collar employees. It also drives up real estate priceswidens wealth-gaps, reduces high-tech investment, increases state and local tax burdens, hurts kids’ schools and college education, pushes Americans away from high-tech careers, and sidelines at least 5 million marginalized Americans and their families, including many who are now struggling with opioid addictions.

Americans tell pollsters that they strongly oppose amnesties and cheap-labor immigration, even as most also want to favor legal immigrants, and many even sympathize with illegals.

Amid the huge inflow of new workers, wages for men have remained flat since 1973, and the percentage of working Americans has declined steadily for the last few decades.


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Texas Deputies Seize $10 Million in Cocaine in Two Traffic Stops

Texas Deputies Seize $10 Million in Cocaine in Two Traffic Stops

23 Sep, 2017
23 Sep, 2017

Two Texas sheriff’s deputies in central Texas seized more than $10 million in cocaine in two traffic stops on consecutive days. The drug interdiction team for Fayette County regularly find major drug shipments along the busy Interstate 10 corridor between Houston and San Antonio.

Fayette County Sheriff Keith Korenek reported that two members of his drug interdiction team made traffic stops on consecutive days resulting in the seizure of large quantities of cocaine being trafficked along the I-10 corridor. The two seizures occurred within two miles of each other near the town of Flatonia, Texas, according to a statement provided to Breitbart Texas by the sheriff’s office.

Fayette County Sheriff's Office Investigator David Smith seized more than $6 million in cocaine. (Photo: Fayette County Sheriff's Office)

Fayette County Sheriff’s Office Investigator David Smith seized more than $6 million in cocaine. (Photo: Fayette County Sheriff’s Office)

Sheriff’s Investigator David Smith stopped a Chevy cab truck on Monday morning near mile marker 660. While speaking with the truck’s driver, Smith noticed several discrepancies in the man’s story. The investigator obtained permission to search the truck. During his search of the vehicle, Smith discovered 67 kilos of cocaine. He found the drugs hidden under the rear seat of the vehicle.

Smith placed the driver, 66-year-old Mauro Bustamante, under arrest and transported him to the county jail for processing. He seized the drugs — which he estimated the value to be $6.7 million — and the truck.

The following afternoon, Sergeant Randy Thumann and his K-9 partner Lobos stopped a Jeep Liberty just two miles from the previous day’s drug seizure. Thumann made contact with the driver of the Jeep Liberty and asked about his travel itinerary. After speaking with the man he later identified as Sergio Gonzalez, a Mexican national, Thumann became suspicious that he may be trafficking narcotics. He obtained permission to search the vehicle from Gonzalez and deployed his partner, Lobos, to conduct a cursory search.

Lobos alerted to the presence of drugs leading Thuman to the discovery of 41 kilos of cocaine. The drugs were stashed in aftermarket compartments in the Jeep. The deputy placed Gonzalez under arrest and transported him to the county jail. He also seized the Jeep Liberty and the estimated $4.1 million worth of cocaine.

The Fayette County Sheriff’s Office drug interdiction team regularly makes major busts along the busy I-10 corridor between San Antonio and Houston.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas. He is a founding member of the Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTXGAB, and Facebook.

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North Korean Foreign Minister Declares Rocket Attacks On US Mainland Now More Inevitable

The crazy train continues.

Via The Mirror:

North Korea says Donald Trump’s labelling of Kim Jong-Un as “Rocket Man” has made “our rockets’ visit to the entire U.S. mainland inevitable”.

Foreign Minister Ri Yong-ho told the United Nations that Mr Trump had committed an irreversible mistake during his speech to the body in New York last week.

His comments came today after it emerged the US had sent bombers to the North Korean border today in the closest they have been this century.

Foreign Minister Ri said if US lives were lost, Mr Trump would be held totally responsible.

“Through such a prolonged and arduous struggle, now we are finally only a few steps away from the final gate of completion of the state nuclear force,” Ri told the annual gathering of world leaders for the United Nations General Assembly.

“It is only a forlorn hope to consider any chance that the DPRK (North Korea) would be shaken an inch or change its stance due to the harsher sanctions by the hostile forces.”

He said North Korean did not have any intention to use or threaten its nuclear weapons against countries that did not join US military action.

He added that Mr Trump’s speech at the UN was reckless and violent and he was trying to the turn the body into “a gangster’s nest where money is respected and bloodshed is the order of the day”.

Keep reading…

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ISIS Won’t Go Anywhere Near This Carpet


ISIS Won’t Go Anywhere Near This Carpet

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Earlier this month, authorities in London unveiled a carpet of spikes designed to stop radical Islamic terrorists from driving weaponized vehicles into crowds of people at public events.

Known as this Talon, this carpet or net contains tungsten steel spikes capable of stopping and trapping vehicles that weigh up to an astounding 17 tons (or 34,000 pounds), according to a news brief by London’s Metropolitan Police Service.

“If a vehicle fails to stop and drives over the net, the spikes will puncture the (tires) of the vehicle and the net becomes tangled around the front wheels bringing the vehicle to a stop,” the MPS noted, adding the system is “designed to ensure that the vehicle skids in a straight line significantly reducing risk to crowds.”

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According to The U.K. Daily Telegraph, the Talon was first used Sept. 10 for the Naval Associations Parade in Central London:

Keep in mind the Talon isn’t the only defense the British are raising. Because of the rise in terror attacks involving Islamists plowing vehicles into pedestrians, “(t)emporary steel and concrete barriers have already become common at public events in Britain’s cities,” the Telegraph noted.

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Chief Inspector Nick Staley of the departmen’ts Protective Security Operations Unit echoed this in the agency’s news briefing.

“This equipment undoubtedly has the potential to save lives and is just one of a number of measures being taken to provide protection to crowds attending major events in London and reassuring businesses, workers and visitors as they go about their daily lives,” he said.

Just three month ago, Islamic radicals affiliated with the Islamic State group drove a van through a crowd of pedestrians on London Bridge, killing eight. This attack was just one of many similar ones that have occurred over the past few years.

It’s clear that Islamic State group fanatics are willing to resort to any measure to carry out their sick plans. Unfortunately for them, it appears that London police authorities are willing to do the same to stop them.

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Unfortunately for London, the city’s political authorities might be a different story.

H/T We Are The Mighty

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Watch: US General Infuriates Libs After What He Just Said About Obama and ISIS

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It’s no secret that the U.S. military was often frustrated and constrained during the Obama administration — but it looks like those days are long behind us.

On Friday, Air Force Lt. Gen. Jeffrey L. Harrigian appeared on “Fox & Friends” Friday to discuss the state of the military, and he revealed that under President Donald Trump, the fight against radical terrorists is finally swinging in the right direction.

“The strategy is all about annihilating the enemy,” declared Harrigian, who leads U.S. Central Command, which covers Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as other countries in the Middle East, parts of northern Africa and central Asia.

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“And I think what you’ve seen over the last several months is we’ve gained significant momentum and there should be no doubt ISIS is on the run.”

The general didn’t mention Obama by name, but his comments about gaining momentum made it clear that he was increasingly confident and optimistic under the current commander in chief. and the implicit comparison had to be infuriating to liberals who still can’t get over the November election results.

Getting straight to the point, Fox hosts asked Harrigian how well the Trump administration was doing militarily.

“We’re doing very well. I think as you look at what’s happening on the battlefield, today, we’ve got them on the run,” Harrigan said.

“We’ve had the ability to pressure them from the air, on the ground, encircle them, and ensure they’re not getting out. And I think as you watch what’s occurring both in Iraq and Syria, we’re winning,” he said.

At the same time, the CENTCOM commander pointed out that the military has to be careful not to underestimate the enemy.

“They’re adaptive. It’s an enemy we have to stay in front of,” Harrigian said.

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The narrative during the Obama years was that the “Islamic State” group was an easy opponent, a “junior varsity” squad that would be defeated quickly. As a result of not taking threats seriously, the military was often kept on an incredibly short leash and was not permitted to engage the enemy.

Examples from Benghazi attack of 2012 in Libya to the shooting down of “Extortion 17” in Afghanistan come to mind. In those cases, the military’s warriors were told to stand down and were held back from engaging in the fight.

That approach was the polar opposite of the words General Harrigian just used: “Annihilating the enemy.”

Finally, there’s a new sheriff in town. Under Trump and Secretary of Defense James Mattis, the military has been let off the leash — and that’s something that should make America’s enemies absolutely terrified.

H/T The Daily Caller

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