Watch: Cop Pulls Up to Burning Car…Then Puts on His Gloves

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Television shows and Hollywood movies often portray police work as nothing but nonstop action — yet in reality, much of the job is routine.

There was nothing “routine” about a dramatic rescue that happened in Atlanta early Wednesday, however. Police officers received a call about a car accident on Interstate 85… but when they rolled up, they stepped right into a scene from a disaster movie.

“When the officers arrived on scene, they found a black vehicle literally wrapped around the support pillar of I-85 on Cheshire Bridge Rd with the engine compartment on fire, quickly spreading to the rear of the vehicle,” explained the Atlanta Police Department in a Facebook post.

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A car fire is a dangerous situation under any circumstances, but then the cops noticed two people trapped inside.

Officer Michael Skillman was the first one on the scene. He grabbed a fire extinguisher and a baton and started to battle the flames while also trying to break the car’s windows.

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A second officer named Elijah McCall quickly arrived to help. “I didn’t notice (the passenger) until he pretty much started screaming,” McCall said, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

The crash had jammed the car doors, and both the driver and the passenger were trapped. Three more officers arrived to assist — Derek Daniel, Bill Brooks, and Andre Valentine.

“I wasn’t really concerned about my safety at the time,” Daniel told the newspaper. “It comes with the job of being a first responder.”

It wasn’t until the fire department arrived with special extraction equipment that the two people were able to be pulled out of the vehicle, but the heroic actions of the officers while battling the car fire almost certainly saved their lives.

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“I want to say thank you from the heart for them because if it wasn’t for them, that car would have exploded,” Hector Quiroz, the father of those in the car, told WXIA News. “We wouldn’t be here today.”

The officers credited for saving two lives regarded it as just part of the job.

“I signed up to help people and that’s what I’m going to always do,” said Brooks.

“It’s not always about catching bad guys,” stated Officer McCall. “We also go out and save lives.”

During times of unrest and questions about the role of police in the country, this incident is an important reminder of the role our officers play in protecting the community and saving lives — and America owes them a debt of gratitude.

H/T TheBlaze

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Kaepernick’s MOMMY Rushes to Defend Her Baby from Mean Man Trump

Like a cyst that has filled up to a dangerous level, the sac has ruptured and the accumulated poisoned pus of months of rage from the left – particularly black millionaire athletes – has spewed out all across the media today.

The national anthem protests that have been taking place since last summer on NFL sidelines and the ongoing frustration that all of the leftist pressure brought to bear hasn’t resulted in Colin Kaepernick – the narcissistic militant who started all of the trouble – finding a job finally erupted on Saturday.

President Donald Trump finally weighed in on the divisive controversy that has been devouring the NFL alive like a malignant form of cancer and as could be expected, his input wasn’t in favor of the wealthy ingrates who revel in wiping their asses with the flag and spitting on police and the troops.

Trump’s magnificent open field tackle on the miscreant sons of bitches who deserve to be fired form their antics on the sidelines has brought forth torrents of condemnation. Even NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell came out and shot himself in the foot by ripping the ‘divisive’ comments but he is a man who bears a large share of responsibility for a situation that he himself allowed to fester instead of acting forcefully when it began.

The mean man’s criticism of her son’s disciples even brought out Kaepernick’s mommy who rushed onto the playground to hide her poor, abused child behind her skirts to save him from the playground bully.

Via The Hill “Kaepernick’s mom says Trump comments make her a ‘proud b—-‘: report”:

The mother of former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick is standing by her son after President Trump blasted NFL players who take a knee during the national anthem.

At a fiery campaign rally in Huntsville, Ala., on Friday, Trump took aim at professional athletes who kneel in protest when the national anthem is sung at sporting events, saying that players that do so should be fired and urging fans to leave the games.

“Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘Get that son of a b—- off the field right now,’” Trump said.

The comment was an implicit swipe at Kaepernick, the current NFL free agent who gained notoriety last year for taking a knee during the national anthem to protest police misconduct and social injustice.

Kaepernick’s mother, Teresa Kaepernick, fired back after Trump’s remarks.

“Guess that makes me a proud b—-!” she wrote on Twitter Friday.

She definitely has half of that right.

This doesn’t reflect well on the “race messiah” himself who is having women to his fighting for him. It was his radical piece of tail girlfriend who launched the racist tweet that likely snuffed out the man with the Funkadelic ‘fro’s final real shot at a job with the Baltimore Ravens. Comparing the team’s owner to a racist plantation owner wasn’t exactly the way to close a deal.

Now it’s mommy time.

Kaepernick is just a eunuch with a big mouth and a pack of losers who have glommed onto him as if he were Mohandas freaking Gandhi instead of a guy who is a borderline backup quarterback not worth the trouble that he would cause to any team that would sign him. Just ask the 49ers and Ravens.


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Berkeley Confirms ‘Free Speech Week’ is Cancelled Contrary to Other Reports

UC Berkeley has confirmed that “Free Speech Week” is no longer going to happen in any formal capacity whatsoever, this news comes as confirmation for the Gateway Pundit’s reporting on the story from two days ago.

The assistant vice chancellor of public affairs for Berkeley, Dan Mogulof, stated that representatives for the Berkeley Patriot confirmed that ALL of the previously scheduled events for “Free Speech Week” have been canceled.

Mogulof commented:

“It is extremely unfortunate that this announcement was made at the last minute, even as the University was in the process of spending significant sums of money and preparing for substantial disruption of campus life in order to provide the needed security for these events.”

This last minute change of plans was EXACTLY what the Gateway Pundit reported would occur and exactly what Lucian Wintrich explained via live stream just two days ago.

Mogulof also added:

“Claims that this is somehow the outcome desired by the campus are without basis in fact . . . The University was prepared to do whatever was necessary to support the First Amendment rights of the student organization.”

Milo Yiannopoulos held a “press conference” Saturday afternoon to discuss the change of plans, he corroborates what UC Berkeley says but claims he is going forward with an “unofficial” event instead of the originally planned event:

Yiannopoulos commented during the live stream:

“We’re holding an emergency press conference today for two reasons: the first is, I was somewhat unfortunately blindsided by an announcement from the Berkeley Patriot this morning, they have informed the administration that they are withdrawing their sponsorship from Berkeley Free Speech Week, that means, of course, that we are unable to host an official Berkeley speaking event. So, we’re going to host an unofficial one . . .”

The second reason that Milo is holding the emergency press conference revolves around the fact that the original locale for the press conference was changed because, according to Milo, they “broke their contract.”

Yiannopoulos claims foul-play relative to the circumstances related to the shutting down of the event, but it appears sloppy management and perhaps never wanted the event to go on at all are truly what’s at play here.

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Arab Country Fires on Israeli Aircraft… So They Go Old Testament

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Given the tenuous situation across their border with Syria, Israel has kept an exceptionally close eye on developments in that nation’s ongoing civil war — particularly as it pertains to Iran‘s growing presence and how that bolsters the strength of Iran’s proxy Hezbollah — which at times has merited limited intervention.

According to the Israeli news outlet Haaretz, another instance of Israeli intervention in Syria is thought to have occurred in the early morning hours of Friday, with Israeli aircraft reportedly launching a strike on a location near the Damascus International Airport.

Those strike was believed to be in response to unconfirmed reports that a Syrian aerial defense position had fired a surface-to-air missile at an Israeli aircraft, though it was unclear if that aircraft had been hit, or if had been an actual jet or an unmanned drone.

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Regardless, the rules of warfare in the neighborhood haven’t changed since the days of the Old Testament: “An eye for an eye” required a weaponized Israeli response.

The Jerusalem Post shared mixed reports from the various Arab media outlets, which claimed a number of explosions had occurred at what was described as a weapons depot near the Syrian airport.

That cache was said to belong to Hezbollah, and had purportedly been targeted by an Israeli drone. The drone, in turn, drew the anti-aircraft fire, though none of the various reports or even the sequence of events had been independently verified.

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According to The U.K. Guardian, this probable attack on an Iranian-supplied Hezbollah weapons depot is the third such strike in as many weeks by Israeli aircraft.

Israel has stated clearly and repeatedly that it will not stand idly by and watch as Iran arms and equips Hezbollah. Both Iran, the terrorist state, and Hezbollah, the terrorist group, have sworn to utterly destroy and wipe Israel off the map.

Just days earlier it had been reported that Israeli air defense forces had shot down an Iranian-made drone that was being operated by a Hezbollah unit in the border region of the Golan Heights.

That incident occurred a mere week after Israeli aircraft fired missiles at what was believed to be a chemical weapons production facility near Damascus.

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To be sure, Israel has neither confirmed nor denied any of the reports of its forces launching strikes into Syria, and while Arab media isn’t exactly known for their unbiased truthiness, the preponderance of reports on these latest airstrikes would seem to indicate that they quite likely occurred.

And they seem just as likely to continue.

H/T Zero Hedge

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NBA Superstar Learns Harsh Reality of Taxes in a Blue State

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“Nothing is certain but death and taxes,” or so the saying goes. Of course, some left-leaning locations are worse in the tax department than others… and one of the NBA’s biggest stars just learned that the hard way.

On paper, professional basketball player Stephen Curry is set to earn a solid $34 million in the next year. The problem, of course, is that Uncle Sam needs his cut, and the state of California also has its hands deep in the superstar’s pockets.

“Because he plays and lives in California, ESPN reported he will take home just about 44 percent of the salary,” explained Fox News.

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Think about that: Less than half of the professional player’s salary is actually his.

That information was revealed from an in-depth report published by ESPN, which broke down exactly where the bulk of a sports player’s money ends up before the athlete even has a chance to see it.

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Unsurprisingly, most of the cash is taken by the federal government. In the case of Curry, $11.6 million goes directly to Washington.

He also pays a dramatically high premium for living in California: $4.1 million disappears, thanks to city and state taxes.

“California is the only NBA state to tax players more than 10 percent,” explained ESPN.

To be sure, pocketing more than $15 million a year is nothing to sniff at. With that said, the fact that high-earning professionals take home less than 50 percent of their supposed earnings is eye opening.

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These numbers show just how silly the left’s claim about “the rich needing to pay their fair share” truly is. Whether they work as professional players or businessmen, the top one percent of earners pay the vast majority of America’s taxes.

If anything, they pay far more than “their fair share,” yet are continuously seen as walking ATMs by big-government leftists.

The numbers also illustrate the problem faced by millions of everyday Americans: A constantly shrinking paycheck.

If we apply the same tax and fee percentages paid by NBA stars to a more common household numbe a job that pays $50,000 per year drops to only $22,000.

Like a growing weed, big government chokes off people’s resources. Each new “fee” or “tax” is easy to justify when looked at by itself, but over time, all of these creeping taxes add up to smaller take home pay every year.

Bigger government isn’t the answer. There is a point where enough is enough — and Democrat enclaves like California passed that mark a long time ago.

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Trump Strikes Again, Points Out Hypocrisy of Multimillionaire Athletes

As much of black America contemplates burning President Donald Trump in effigy over his epic denunciation of the “son of a bitch” athletes that don’t respect the flag, the man who has driven the left to madness has struck again.

Not content to disinvite mealy-mouthed multimillionaire NBA superstar Steph Curry from visiting the White House with the champion Golden State Warriors, Trump blasted out two more tweets on Saturday afternoon that are guaranteed to bring howls of hate from wealthy black athletes who insist on trashing the country in which they have gotten rich for playing a game.

The tweets come after NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell ripped the President’s “divisive” comments at Friday night’s campaign rally but he likely only alienated more fans who are tired of the antics of those who have become disciples of a marginal quarterback who has somehow been transformed into a messianic figure.

It’s early and there are already calls for massive protests during Sunday’s games but it would seem that Trump has the moral high ground here, especially after Goodell picked sides and threw in with the malcontents.

If Goodell wants this to be the hill that he is prepared to die on, he may soon get his wish because his defense of the troublemakers has the potential to backfire big time and take his entire league down with him.


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Waters Was Asked About Trump’s Crime, Says She’ll “Make Something Up”

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Perhaps the loudest of all the voices on the left demanding the removal from office of President Donald Trump is California Rep. Maxine “Impeach 45!” Waters.

The Democrat congresswoman was talking up the idea of impeachment yet again on Thursday while addressing the Congressional Black Caucus Town Hall on Civil Rights, according to CNS News, and seemed to dismiss those who’ve asked her what specific crimes should be the basis for Trump’s impeachment.

“Impeachment is about whatever the Congress says it is. There is no law that dictates impeachment,” Waters asserted. “What the Constitution says is ‘high crimes and misdemeanors,’ and we define that.”

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“Bill Clinton got impeached because he lied,” she continued. “Here you have a president, who I can tell you and guarantee you is in collusion with the Russians to undermine our democracy. Here you have a president who obstructed justice. And here you have a president who lies every day.”

Unsurprisingly, Waters got a little bit right and a whole lot wrong with her remarks about impeachment being whatever Congress decides it will be.

Law Newz, citing constitutional scholar and Harvard law professor Noah Feldman, explained that “high crime and misdemeanors” was a carefully crafted phrase that referred not to the seriousness of any specific crime but to the nature of an offense committed by a president.

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At the time of the drafting of the Constitution, the term “high” referred to “government” or “official,” with the whole phrase essentially covering any action “performed in an official capacity by a government official that violates the basic principles of government.”

Also, the impeachment process is an inherently political one, not criminal, thus it is indeed up to Congress to determine what exactly constitutes a “high crime or misdemeanor.” Still, the rather high bar of a supermajority was put in place for both impeachment in the House and conviction in the Senate to guard against “arbitrary and capricious actions” by politically motivated members bent on ousting a president they don’t like.

However, Waters was also wrong on a few things too, according to PJ Media, such as her assertion that “there is no law” dictating impeachment, as that would actually be Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, which states: “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

Having already explained the purposefully vague definition of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” we turn to “treason,” which is explicitly defined as law in the Constitution, as well as “bribery,” which is also a specific crime dictated by statute.

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Trump hasn’t committed treason — no matter how much Democrats may howl otherwise — nor has any evidence proving bribery ever been put forward, and none of the talk about “collusion” with Russia  or Trump’s supposed “obstruction of justice” comes anywhere close to either of those specific crimes.

As an aside, Waters was also wrong in her assertion that former President Bill Clinton was impeached for “lying,” as he actually faced — and survived — an impeachment effort over “perjury,” the very specific crime of lying under oath, something she, as a member of Congress, should know and take pretty seriously.

In the end, Maxine Waters has shown that she really doesn’t fully understand the concept of impeachment or constitutional law, and has simply revealed yet again that, in her bitter hatred for all things Trump, she will indeed simply make up whatever crime she thinks necessary to remove the president from office.

Once again, the Founding Fathers should be thanked for their prescience in crafting the impeachment process in such a way as to prevent “arbitrary and capricious” members of Congress from easily ousting a president they don’t like for no real reason at all.

H/T Informed Folks

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LOL. Madonna Released a Live Album This Week – Only 3,848 People Purchased It

Oh how the mighty fall.

Madonna released a live album this week and only 3,848 people purchased it.

This is the same Madonna who used to sell MILLIONS of albums. OH WELL.

Showbizz411 reported that Madonna released an album “Rebel Heart” last Friday and sold only 3,848 CDs and downloads according to Buzz Angle and

Perhaps people just aren’t interested in Madonna’s music anymore being that she is well into her 50’s and still running around in fishnet tights looking like a street walker. Or maybe it’s her political views?

The Trump curse strikes again!

As previously reported, Madonna said during the Women’s March back in January that she thought about blowing up the White House.

“I’m angry. Yes, I am outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. (Crowd cheers.) But I know that this won’t change anything. We cannot fall into despair. As the poet W. H. Auden once wrote on the eve of World War Two, “We must love one another or die.” I choose love. Are you with me? (Crowd cheers.) Say this with me: We choose love!…We choose love!…We choose love!”

A spokesman for the Secret Service told The Gateway Pundit the agency is aware of the comment by aging pop star Madonna made at a large liberal women’s protest against President Donald Trump held in Washington, D.C., Saturday, that she has “thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.” The spokesman said an investigation would be opened but that the decision to prosecute rests with the U.S. Attorney’s office.


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No, Trump Didn’t Call Kaepernick A ‘Son Of A Bitch’ (But He Should Have)

The liberal outrage du jour is that President Trump called former NFLer Colin Kaepernick a “son of a bitch.” To liberals, the disgraced anti-American cop-hating loser who dipshitted his way out of a lucrative football career is a hero and any criticism against him is a hate crime. The thing is, Trump didn’t say this about Kaepernick but the left is too stupid to understand what anything means. If it comes out of Trump’s mouth, they simply freak out.


The President was in Alabama at a rally for Senator Luther Strange and the subject of NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem was on his mind. He told the crowd that “we respect the flag.” Then he said this:

“Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners when somebody disrespects our flag to say ‘get that son of a bitch off the field right now’?” Trump asked.

I know I would love to see that. Because Colin Kaepernick is famous, and unemployed, for taking a knee during the National Anthem, liberals have lost their mind that Trump called him an “SOB.”

Liberal website Raw Story has several stories about this. One is titled Trump calls Colin Kaepernick a ‘son of a b*tch’ during Alabama stump speech and two others are dedicated to the internet outrage over this.

While campaigning for Alabama Senate runoff candidate, President Donald Trump reportedly went on a tangent in which he referred to former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick as a “son of a b*tch.

Go back and look at the words Trump said. Does he mention Colin Kaepernick at all? No, he doesn’t. In another post on Raw Story, it suddenly becomes a reference to Kaepernick:

After President Donald Trump alluded to controversial former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick a “son of a b*tch” during a rally in Alabama, Twitter exploded.

Well no, he didn’t allude to Kaepernick either and here’s why: In Trump’s scenario he would love to see an owner throw a player off the field for disrespecting the National Anthem. Colin Kaepernick is not a player; he’s unemployed. An owner wouldn’t throw him off the field because no owner would have him on the field.

Trump is clearly talking about one of the other disrespectful current NFL players who also sit during the National Anthem. He doesn’t name names, but there is no way in hell he’s talking about a guy who is standing in the unemployment line.

Don’t get me wrong, I wish Trump would have called Kaepernick out by name, but he didn’t. The President should have slammed the out-of-work agitator for being a lowlife loser and given him a nickname like “Crapernick” or “Afro Man.” There’s really no reason for Trump to have held back on Kaepernick since liberals are already accusing him of an attack that never happened.

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‘Get Those SOBs Off the Field!’: Trump Slams NFL Anthem Protesters, Hopes Owners Fire Them

‘Get Those SOBs Off the Field!’: Trump Slams NFL Anthem Protesters, Hopes Owners Fire Them

22 Sep, 2017
22 Sep, 2017

During a speech in Alabama Friday night, President Donald Trump took a few minutes to slam NFL players like Colin Kaepernick, who indulge protests during the playing of the national anthem. Trump said that he hopes such players are removed from the field and said he’d “love” to see NFL owners fire them.

Trump made his comments at a rally for Republican U.S. Senate candidate Luther Strange in Huntsville, Alabama.

What seemed to set the president off against the NFL was when he noted that he, Luther Strange, and his followers respect the U.S. flag. As the crowd cheered, Trump turned his attention to NFL protesters and said that he’d love to see such protesters thrown out of the game for disrespecting the flag.

“Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, say: ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now. Out. He’s fired!’ They don’t know it,” Trump said as the crowd cheered. “They’re friends of mine, many of them. They don’t know it. They’ll be the most popular person in the country.”

Chants of “USA! USA!” filled the hall as Trump continued on:

Trump next reminded the crowd that the NFL is losing fans by the millions and said that the league’s efforts to lighten the physical contact on the field is “ruining” the game:

When the NFL ratings are down massively, massively. The NFL ratings are down massively. The NFL ratings are down massively. Now the number one reason happens to be they like watching what’s happening…with yours truly. They like what’s happening. Because you know today if you hit too hard –15 yards! Throw him out of the game! They had that last week. I watched for a couple of minutes. Two guys, just really beautiful tackle. Boom, 15 yards! The referee gets on television, his wife is sitting at home, she’s so proud of him. They’re ruining the game. That’s what they want to do. They want to hit. They want to hit! It’s ruining the game.

The president then suggested a way for fans to put an end to the protests:

But did you know what’s hurting the game more than that? When people like yourselves turn on the television, and you see those people taking the knee when they’re playing our great national anthem. The only thing you could do better is, if you see it, even if it’s one player, leave the stadium. I guarantee things will stop. Things will stop. Just pick up and leave. Pick up, leave. Not the same game anymore, anyway.

Trump spoke in Huntsville to a mostly filled room that thinned out early, according to reports.

The president is supporting former Alabama Attorney General and interim U.S. Senator Luther Strange who faces a September 26 runoff election with fellow Republican Judge Roy Moore. Strange is hoping to win election in his own right to the Senate seat he was appointed to when Senator Jeff Sessions vacated the seat to become Trump’s U.S. Attorney General.

The winner of the runoff election will face Democrat and Former U.S. attorney Doug Jones on December 12.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston.

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