Susan Rice Slams UN Speech…Then World Leader Steps In

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Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice may want to rethink her criticism of President Donald Trump’s fierce speech at the United Nations General Assembly this week, given we now know at least one world leader agrees with what he said.

Following Trump’s speech Monday, during which he criticized former President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran as “one-sided” and an “embarrassment,” Rice complained the president was “acting like a spoiled child.”

“We could begin a process of dialogue on what comes next after the deal,” she said during an appearance Wednesday on MSNBC, as reported by The Daily Caller. “But we can’t do that when hurling threats, when threatening to walk out, when acting like a spoiled child at the dinner table.

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“So opening that relationship, having that dialogue, working with those on our side who want to negotiate the Iran deal to think about what may come afterwards is very useful,” she added.

Actually, “what may come afterward” in the case of the Iran nuclear deal is a nuclear armed Iran in 10 years or so — which is bad enough. But Trump is more concerned with what’s happening now.

“It is time for the entire world to join us in demanding that Iran’s government end its pursuit of death and destruction,” he said in his U.N. speech on Tuesday. “It is time for the regime to free all Americans and citizens of other nations that they have unjustly detained. And above all, Iran’s government must stop supporting terrorists, begin serving its own people, and respect the sovereign rights of its neighbors.”

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Listen to the president’s tough words about Iran below:


And, lo and behold, French President Emmanuel Macron apparently agrees.

According to Reuters, the same day Rice criticized Trump, Macron admitted Obama’s nuclear deal is severely lacking, especially considering the nation’s continued malicious influence in the region, as well as its continued ballistic missile tests.

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“Is this agreement enough?” he asked rhetorically while speaking with reporters in New York. “No. It is not, given the evolution of the regional situation and increasing pressure that Iran is exerting on the region, and given increased activity by Iran on the ballistic level since the accord.”

This doesn’t mean Macron wants Trump to walk away from the deal. Like most world leaders, he wants the United States to remain a party to the agreement. However, unlike Rice, who thinks she knows better, Macron recognizes the deal as it stands just doesn’t cut it.

Here’s the truth: Recognizing the truth about the Iran deal doesn’t make Trump a “spoiled child.” It makes him a true leader — something neither Rice nor her former boss know anything about.

H/T BizPac Review

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Donald Trump Cancels NBA Championship Invitation to Steph Curry and the Warriors

Donald Trump Cancels NBA Championship Invitation to Steph Curry and the Warriors

23 Sep, 2017
23 Sep, 2017

President Donald Trump abruptly canceled a White House invitation to the Golden State Warriors after star Steph Curry signaled reluctance to attend.

“Going to the White House is considered a great honor for a championship team,” Trump said. “Stephen Curry is hesitating, therefore invitation is withdrawn!”

Officially, the team hadn’t made a decision about whether or not they would meet with Trump at the White House.

Curry bluntly said, “I don’t want to go,” to reporters in Oakland on Friday.

Curry said that the team didn’t stand for what Trump had “said” and “hadn’t said in the right terms” and said that the team “wouldn’t stand for it.”

“By acting and not going, hopefully that will inspire some change when it comes to what we tolerate in this country and what is accepted and what we turn a blind eye to,” he said.

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Michael Bloomberg: Facebook May Need to ‘Read Every Message’ to Stop Fake News

Michael Bloomberg: Facebook May Need to ‘Read Every Message’ to Stop Fake News

21 Sep, 2017
21 Sep, 2017

At the first Bloomberg Global Business Forum in New York, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg asserted that social media platforms “have to be more aggressive” in fighting “fake news.”

Bloomberg believes that if stopping the spread of “fake news” means that Facebook has to “read every message,” that it is “[Facebook’s] problem, [not] society’s problem.” He said that the proliferation of fake news is “not all their fault,” but, “They have a responsibility. And if they say, ‘Well, there’s no ways to do it other than maybe we’re going to have a human being read every message,’ I’m sorry. You’re going to have to do that.

Bloomberg compared it to other systems of regulation, which he said makes banks “responsible under the law, to make sure that you don’t launder money,” and telephone companies “responsible to know where calls come from.” The former mayor said that he “assumes what [he reads] in the newspapers is true,” saying that supposed Russian interference in American politics is “as bad as attacking our country with weapons” and is “killing democracy.”

This is not the first time Bloomberg has brushed off privacy concerns in the name of security. In an interview with the New York Daily News in 2013, he addressed concerns about drone surveillance by saying that “the argument against using automation, it’s this craziness– ‘Oh, it’s Big Brother.’ Get used to it.”

Bloomberg’s argument led The Atlantic to label him a “surveillance-state extremist,” calling him out for claiming that with rising levels of security, “our laws and our interpretation of the Constitution [have] to change.”

A Yale University study published in September found that flagging stories as “fake news” had little impact in readers’ deciding whether an article was true or false. “Slapping down a big logo also doesn’t do anything,” psychologist David Rand admitted. “People don’t find mainstream media outlets particularly credible.”

Follow Nate Church @Get2Church on Twitter for the latest news in gaming and technology, and snarky opinions on both.

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Trump Approves More Than 100K Illegal Aliens for DACA in Last Three Months

Trump Approves More Than 100K Illegal Aliens for DACA in Last Three Months

22 Sep, 2017
22 Sep, 2017

President Trump’s administration has approved more than 100,000 illegal aliens to be shielded from deportation and given work permits through an Obama-created temporary amnesty program, new federal immigration data reveals.

Under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, nearly 800,000 illegal aliens have been allowed to remain in the U.S., receive federal benefits, and work legally. This month, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the Trump administration would ultimately end the program, enacting a phase-out of DACA.

Nonetheless, the Trump White House has continued approving illegal aliens for DACA, with 102,658 getting approved just within the last three months between April and June, according to data from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency.

Of the more than 100,000 illegal aliens approved for DACA in that period, nearly 6,000 were new applicants to the temporary amnesty program, having never gotten the program’s benefits before. The remaining almost 97,000 other applicants were illegal aliens who were renewing their DACA status.

Though Trump promised to immediately end DACA, his administration has continued renewing illegal aliens’ applications and adding more to the program’s rolls.

Between January and March of this year, the Trump administration approved nearly 125,000 illegal aliens for DACA; 17,000 of those applicants are new illegal aliens to the program, as Breitbart News reported.

While adding more illegal aliens every fiscal quarter, the Trump administration has taken a left turn on the issue of giving amnesty to the 800,000 illegal aliens shielded by DACA. In meetings with House and Senate Democrats, the administration allegedly put amnesty on the table as a viable option, with Trump even tweeting support for the illegal aliens as “educated” and “accomplished” individuals.

As Breitbart News reported, an amnesty for DACA recipients could result in a massive U.S.-Mexico border surge, with hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens potentially crossing into the U.S. and a huge spike in chain migration occurring, where four to six million foreign nationals could enter the United States.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.

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Study: Blacks’ Median Wealth Will Be Zero in 2053

African-Americans families have been losing savings, property, and wealth for thirty years, and will reach a median wealth of zero in 26 years, predicts a new study by left-wing groups.

“By 2024, median Black and Latino households are projected to own 60-80% less wealth than they did in 1983,” said the study, titled “The Road to Zero Wealth.” It continued:

Median Black household wealth is on a path to hit zero by 2053 … [and] median Latino household wealth is projected to hit zero twenty years later, or by 2073.

Median is the mid-point, not the average. So the median wealth will hit zero when one-half of the African-American population has no wealth, even if the other half remains prosperous. Wealth includes the value of savings, possessions, cars, and real-estate, minus debt. Annual income is counted separately, and if saved or invested, it can grow wealth.


The report was prepared by left-wing groups who blamed racial discrimination by the federal government for the shocking reversal of progress among Africans Americans since 1983. The groups are the Institute for Policy Studies and Prosperity Now.

“The growing racial wealth divide documented in this report is not a natural phenomenon, but rather the result of contemporary and historical public policies that were intentionally or thoughtlessly designed to help White households get ahead at the expense and exclusion of households of color,” it claims.

To create this “people of color vs. people of pallor” racial conflict, the authors choose to treat all Americans who are white as just a unified and uniform mass of whiteness. That racial stereotyping hides the real cause and scale of economic damage to blue-collar and white-collar Americans families amid the rising wealth of the technocratic globalized elite which dominates the Democratic Party and at least half of the GOP.

Despite the authors’ racialist worldview, the economic details in the report remain shocking and highlight the overall failure of federal policies since the 1970s to raise the income and wealth of ordinary Americans who are outside the technocratic, high-IQ, post-graduate elite.

That government failure is exemplified by the housing bubble, which destroyed a huge percentage of wealth held by African-Americans.

A 2011 report by the Pew Research Center showed that the median wealth of Africans-American households dropped by 53 percent because of the property bubble. The mid-point median of African-American wealth crashed from $12,124 in 2005 to just $5,677 in 2009, according to the Pew report.

This housing disaster was caused by a bipartisan federal effort to aid minorities, not to damage minorities. In fact, former President Barack Obama worked briefly as a housing lawyer in Chicago before being elected to the federal Senate in 2006. Many of his poorly-paid African-American clients lost their overpriced homes in the 200os, but Obama continued to defend the housing-bubble policies during his tenure as president.

Latinos suffered a greater 66 percent decline in median wealth because the federal government pushed them to buy houses during the bubble. President George. W. Bush led that effort because he was trying to win votes from the growing bloc of immigrant Latinos.


Subsequently, Bush admitted that his government’s pro-Latino policy was part of the problem. Latinos’ median household wealth dropped from $18,359 in 2005 to $6,325 by 2009.

Whites suffered far less from the bubble because many had already paid off their mortgages, because their debts were a small percentage of their income, and because whites had more assets in the stock market and other sectors outside the housing market. Still, the median wealth of white households also dropped by a huge 16 percent, from $134,992 in 2005 to $113,149 in 2009.

Meanwhile, wages for all men have remained flat for the past 44 years since 1973, according to the Census Bureau.

Amid the economic disaster, the globalized elite merely got richer and more powerful. For example, when Obama settled into the White House during the housing implosion, his economic policies helped very clever people invest their way back up to more wealth. The New York Post described the process:

The years 2008 through 2015 should be known as the Great Fleecing.

During that time, the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world occurred. Some $4.5 trillion was given to Wall Street banks through its Quantitative Easing program, with the American people picking up the IOU … Who did this help? The 1%, and pretty much only the 1%.

The zero median wealth report ignores the inevitable crony-capitalist collusion of the intermarried peers in the political and business elite as the report tries to prove white supremacy in economic policy.

It offers 87 mentions of “African-American” or “black,” 99 mentions of “white,” and 60 mentions of “Latino,” but no mention of Obama nor Bush. The report does not discuss how technology is concentrating wealth among higher-skilled people, and it omits any talk of globalized outsourcing. It also avoids family stability and it ignores the topic of immigration, which has flooded the nation’s marketplace with cheap labor that effectively imposes a 5 percent tax on labor — and then transfers $500 billion a year to company owners and investors.

Instead, like an academic adding up “intersectionality” grievance points, the report blames’ African-Americans’ lower wealth on constitutional protection for slavery until the Civil War, discrimination against African-American farmer until about 2000, and the mortgage “redlining” which curbed bank lending to African-Americans from 1935s to the 1970s.

It blames lower Latino wages on the U.S. takeover of Texas and California from Mexico, the 1994 NAFTA law which exported jobs back to Mexico, the 1943 bracero guest-worker program which provided jobs to Mexicans, and the quotas in 1965 immigration act which allowed at least 10 million Mexicans into the United States.

Without any useful focus on policy or even the law of supply and demand, the report then lists a series of unrealistic demands, including a massive tax increase on the wealthy, a massive financial grant to children that could be spent when they become adults, more house-buying aid for poor people, a higher minimum wage, and “a federal jobs guarantee [that] would function similarly to the Works Progress Administration of the 1930s.”

The report downplays personal responsibility, and because of report’s minority vs. white angle, it inadvertently suggests that African-Americans and Latinos are not as responsible as whites when buying damaged houses when it urges the racial wealth disparity be reduced by more housing regulations:

Under a CFD  [“contract for deed”] arrangement, the buyer has all of the responsibilities and headaches of a homeowner, including making repairs, paying property taxes and securing insurance, without actually owning anything. These buyers have even fewer rights than the typical renter, who can at least call the landlord to fix a busted toilet or broken lock.

To mitigate the risk for abuse associated with these transactions, state laws should ensure that until buyers have all the rights of homeownership, they at least have the protections afforded to tenants …  It is unfair that a buyer who doesn’t even hold the deed to a property is saddled with the responsibility of expensive repairs. This reform would eliminate one of the driving forces behind Wall Street firms pushing land contracts—the ability to manipulate low-income buyers into providing an income stream to investors while shouldering all the burdens of home repairs.

But many people of all colors who cannot get through college are falling behind because technology, work, and business are becoming more complex. This increasing complexity ensures that an increasing share of income and wealth goes to people who are smart enough to arbitrage the increasing social and technological diversity, regardless of color.

The authors’ focus on racial disparities also hid the impact of cheap-labor immigration, which is already a no-go zone for leftist intellectuals because the Democratic elite prefers to import foreign voters rather than accept the equal social status of all blue-collar Americans.

Breitbart News asked the authors why they ignored the huge economic and civic damage wrought by cheap-labor immigration. Sean Luechtefeld, a deputy communications director for Prosperity Now, responded by saying that opposition to large-scale immigration will just make the problem worse:

My colleague, Emanuel [Nieves], forwarded me your request. Prosperity Now and IPS appreciate your interest in covering the report, but unfortunately we must respectfully decline to comment because we disagree with the premise of your claim.

We did not include reducing legal immigration as a solution to bridge the racial wealth divide because we’ve seen no evidence that doing so would close the racial wealth divide or improve the overall economic conditions of working families. Moreover, evidence abounds that the opposite is true—that when we actively work to exclude immigrant communities, we not only stifle immigrants’ chances of getting ahead, but we create even more significant economic hardships that we simply cannot afford.

That said, the report does point to a number of solutions that would have a significant impact on closing the racial wealth divide, including shifting our tax expenditures to serve the needs of low-income people rather than the wealthy and investing in Children’s Savings Accounts, among others.

In reality, four million Americans turn 18 each year and begin looking for good jobs. However, the government imports roughly 1 million legal immigrants to compete against Americans for jobs.

The government also hands out almost 3 million short-term work permits to foreign workers. These permits include roughly 330,000 one-year OPT permits for foreign graduates of U.S. colleges, roughly 200,000 three-year H-1B visas for foreign white-collar professionals, and 400,000 two-year permits to DACA illegals.

That Washington-imposed policy of mass-immigration floods the market with foreign laborspikes profits and Wall Street values by cutting salaries for manual and skilled labor offered by blue-collar and white-collar employees. It also drives up real estate priceswidens wealth-gaps, reduces high-tech investment, increases state and local tax burdens, hurts kids’ schools and college education, pushes Americans away from high-tech careers, and sidelines at least 5 million marginalized Americans and their families, including many who are now struggling with opioid addictions.

Amid the huge inflow of new workers, wages for men have remained flat since 1973, and the percentage of working Americans has declined steadily for the last few decades:


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Bolton: Rex Tillerson’s State Department Determined to Stay in Iran Nuclear Deal

Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton joined SiriusXM host Raheem Kassam on Friday’s Breitbart News Daily to discuss President Trump’s address to the United Nations and several key foreign policy areas it covered, including North Korea, the Iran nuclear deal, and the loss of national sovereignty to international arrangements like the Paris climate accord.

Kassam began with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un’s letter insulting President Trump as a “dotard,” which Bolton said was a “wonderful English word.” He gave North Korea’s speechwriters a tongue-in-cheek salute for their “ability to find strange words and use them.”

Bolton said the president’s handling of the North Korean crisis should have made it clear to the rest of the world by now that “Donald Trump is not Barack Obama,” but the news might not have penetrated to “bizarre places like North Korea.”

“It may be that in a sense, Kim Jong-un is continuing his prior pattern of behavior because maybe he’s simply testing Trump, that ultimately the possibility of the U.S. military using force against him is still pretty remote, even given Trump’s rhetoric,” Bolton speculated.

“I think he’s also looking at the Chinese audience, and he’s saying ‘don’t even think about trying to apply pressure to me. I’m on course to get this nuclear weapon, which China basically endorsed 30 years ago as an idea. It’s a complicated chess match, and it’s one of the reasons why I have always felt that ultimately the only real solution here is get rid of that regime, or get rid of their nuclear weapons,” he said.

“The kind of rhetoric you’re seeing now, including the most recent statement, I think, that he would detonate a thermonuclear weapon in the atmosphere over the Pacific, pose the risk of miscalculation,” he cautioned. “In other words, you can get into conflict not simply because two sides want to get into conflict, and intend it, and go after each other, but because one or both sides miscalculate. In dealing with a bizarre regime like North Korea, their possibility of miscalculating I think is very high, and unfortunately, ours is far from negligible, just given the irrational behavior that they sometimes exhibit.”

“I think Trump’s speech on Tuesday was very important because it did make it clear to everybody who had ears to hear that his patience with the North Korean regime was growing increasingly limited,” said Bolton.

“He said unmistakably – this could be the most important line of the speech – that the only acceptable outcome for North Korea is denuclearization. Meaning that he rejects the Susan Rice – Democratic left idea that we can tolerate North Korea with nuclear weapons. I think, although he didn’t say it with respect to Iran, that’s his view on Iran as well,” he observed.

Bolton stood by his judgment, delivered the morning after on Fox News, that Trump’s U.N. address was “the best speech of his presidency.”

“Frankly, watching the commentary from left and right in the United States and internationally since then has just reinforced my view,” he said. “It was an excellent speech. I think one of the reasons that the critics in the United States, on the left in particular, have been less than effective in their criticism is that it was so well done. It was well reasoned, it was well argued.”

“One point, for example, I thought came across very well is what does he mean by ‘America First.’ Some people have always said that means isolationism, it means a retreat from the world. Instead, he said, ‘Of course I put the interests of the American people first,’ and looking out over the audience, he said, ‘So do all of you. That’s what your people expect.’ There is no answer to that point,” he contended.

Bolton said it “remains to be seen” whether China is truly willing to tighten the noose around Kim Jong-un’s neck with crushing sanctions.

“Certainly some of the things China has said, and the White House announcing yesterday the president announcing these tougher sanctions on North Korea – which are essentially aimed at China and Russia, talking about doing business with North Korea via industries particularly including banks and financial services. The names China and Russia weren’t mentioned in the president’s statement or the sanctions themselves, but that’s who we’re talking about because those two countries are North Korea’s principal trading partners,” he said.

“For 25 years, China and Russia have ignored the sanctions,” Bolton charged. “In particular, China I think understands perhaps better than we do just how fragile that regime in North Korea is, and they have always feared if they really applied their enormous economic leverage, they would collapse the regime. They don’t like that idea because it would mean several million North Koreans fleeing into China, and they fear it would mean U.S. and South Korean intervention from the South to secure the North’s nuclear weapons and chemical weapons and the rest.”

“That’s why the Chinese at the rhetorical level say, ‘Yeah, we just think it’s terrible that they’re pursuing nuclear weapons,’ but at the practical level have done so little,” he explained.

“If that’s shifting, that is a very significant point. I think it’s too soon to tell, but I think if there is a shift, it’s because of Trump. Maybe Kim Jong-un can’t figure out how the American system works, but I think when Xi Jinping was having dessert at Mar-a-Lago and the president politely informed him he had just launched 59 cruise missiles at Syria’s chemical weapons capability, that made a strong impression,” Bolton ventured.

“The Chinese have a very important party congress coming up next month, about three weeks from now. It happens once every three years,” he noted. “Xi Jinping is using this for domestic purposes to consolidate his power. He really wants to be the next Mao Tse-tung. I think that’s what his attention is focused on, but it cannot be that he’s ignoring what’s happening here in Washington, even as that’s proceeding.”

“So we may, underline the word ‘may,’ be in a different atmosphere here with respect to North Korea, and I think inevitably that has a knock-on effect on the Iranian nuclear weapons program as well,” he said.

“Look, we don’t know whether Iran is in compliance or not,” Bolton said of the nuclear deal, with an eye toward the next scheduled formal certification of compliance in October.

“The IAEA, the International Atomic Energy Agency, conducts inspections at known, previously-declared Iranian nuclear facilities. That’s what they do,” he explained. “And they have found violations of the agreement, several of them: enriching uranium above the limits, producing more heavy water than is permissible, having more of the most sophisticated centrifuges than the agreement seems to allow. These, I think, are part of a pattern.”

“But let’s look at the larger question: IAEA does not have unimpeded access anywhere it wants to go in Iran. What Obama and Kerry said, there would be anytime, anywhere inspections, is a lie. There’s just no other way to describe it,” he declared.

“So you cannot say Iran is in compliance, because you do not know, and our intelligence services don’t know,” he argued. “We don’t know whether a good part of the Iranian nuclear program is under a mountain in North Korea, for example.”

“But the key thing is, the certification that President Trump is required to do does not rest simply on compliance. He has to certify that this deal is in the national interest of the United States, and it palpably is not in the national interest of the United States,” said Bolton.

“My prediction is he’s not going to certify in three or four weeks. The real question, though, is whether he gets out of the deal entirely. The State Department and many of its allies are just obsessed with the idea of staying in the deal, so even though the president on Tuesday again described it as the worst diplomatic deal in history, described it as an embarrassment to the United States, these people want to say in the deal,” he said.

“I reject that,” Bolton said. “To demonstrate leadership on an issue as important as this, the president needs political and moral clarity. Getting out of the deal is the only way to demonstrate it.”

“When Paul Laxalt, Ronald Reagan’s best friend in the Senate, was talking to Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines back in the Eighties – whether he should resign from his presidency, leave the Philippines, and whatnot – he asked Laxalt what his advice was, and Laxalt said to him, ‘Cut, and cut clean,’” Bolton recalled. “So my advice to President Trump on the Iran nuclear deal is the same as Paul Laxalt’s to Marcos: cut, and cut clean. Get out of it.”

Another agreement Bolton advised Trump to complete his promised withdrawal from is the Paris climate accord. He agreed with Kassam that it was foolish for British Prime Minister Theresa May to pick a fight with Trump over doing so, since the U.K. will want an even stronger partnership with the U.S. after Brexit.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with Theresa May’s government. It’s been increasingly disappointing to me,” Bolton mused. “Were it not for the critical Brexit negotiations, I think there would be a revolt within the conservative party in Parliament. There would have been a revolt long ago.”

“The best reason to stay in the Paris accord is that it’s silly and meaningless,” he said. “In fact, that was the argument that many people made why we should stay in, because we can set whatever emissions target we want. That’s what makes this deal seemingly so ridiculous. If Trump wanted to reduce our emissions targets, the cuts in emissions, to one-tenth of what Obama said, we could probably do that.”

“The real problem with the Paris accord is that it’s just one more desperate step by the global governance crowd that wants to remove decision-making from sovereign nations – the kind of decision-making Trump talked about on Tuesday – and put it in supra-national institutions like their favorite, the European Union,” he said.

“They failed at Kyoto, they failed at Copenhagen. They had to have a quote-unquote ‘win.’ That’s what Paris was,” Bolton elaborated. “They had an agreement that doesn’t mean anything, and they view that as a step forward, in the way that leftists tend to do, because having had that win, maybe the fourth effort at an agreement can get you back to something that’s actually binding. That’s what they really want.”

“I think it’s important for Trump to break the string,” he advised. “Even President George W. Bush wouldn’t pull out of Kyoto formally. I think it’s important to get out of this Paris accord. We’ll set our own environmental policy. We’ll have a democratic debate in this country. We don’t need 120 other countries to tell us what our climate policy ought to be.”

John Bolton is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and head of his own political action committee, BoltonPAC.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. Eastern


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City Sees Parking Tickets Pile up…Then Notice the North Korea Connection

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It’s likely not a surprise to many observers that the streets of Pyongyang aren’t exactly jammed with cars. In fact, most of the country’s roads are barren, thanks to the fact that — well, that’s what always happens when you’re a communist country. So, perhaps the North Koreans don’t understand the niceties of parking regulations.

Still, that doesn’t explain why the Kim regime’s diplomats have been allowed to pile up more than 1,300 unpaid parking tickets in New York City since the 1990s. According to WNBC-TV, the Hermit Kingdom is not only courting war with the United States, it currently owes $156,000 to Gotham for parking violations.

Keep in mind that if you try this for yourself, you’ll end up getting your license suspended and your car impounded. These guys are threatening us with nukes and they’re allowed to let $150,000 in parking violations pile up, with very few people noticing the connection.

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Perhaps unsurprisingly for a country that insists it can wipe the United States off the map with a few nukes and ICBMs notorious for bad aim, North Korean officials insist that the whole thing is a brutal lie by the imperialist running dogs at the NYPD.

“It’s not true,” said a man identifying himself as Jong Jo, who’s apparently the head of North Korea’s U.N. mission. “It is false. Whenever we have a ticket, we pay. Because, you know, if we have three tickets, the city does not allow us to renew their permission.”

This is technically true. A 2002 memorandum of understanding between the State Department and New York City stipulates that diplomatic stickers for a vehicle can be suspended if the vehicle racks up three unpaid tickets. However, WNBC points out that the majority of the debt occurred during the 1990s, before the memorandum.

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And, surprisingly, they’re not the only international scofflaws depriving New York City of parking ticket cash by refusing to pay up. You may not be astonished to learn the chief offender is China, racking up nearly $400,000 (!!!) in unpaid tickets. Syria has $362,000 in unpaid tickets, Iran has $184,987 in fees, and Russia has $104,231 in tickets, which will buy you at least 1,042.31 Russian-made Ladas.

“The Department strictly enforces the rules and associated consequences concerning our extension of driving privileges to foreign mission members in the United States,” a statement from the State Department read.

“This is a responsibility that we take very seriously, meaning we ensure that, irrespective to an individuals’ entitlement to immunity, there are consequences when a foreign mission member fails to comply with U.S. motor vehicle laws… . With this said, it is important for police to treat foreign diplomatic and consular personnel with respect. It is not an exaggeration to say that police handing of incidents in this country could have a direct effect on the treatment of US diplomatic and consular personnel serving abroad.”

That may indeed be true, but it’s still fairly outrageous — and something the Trump administration ought to look into cracking down on. After all, diplomats are getting away with things that everyday Americans never could. That’s not right.

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Mel Brooks: ‘We have become stupidly politically correct’

Comedian Mel Brooks says political correctness is the death of comedy. Brooks is currently preparing to open his stage version of the film Young Frankenstein in London’s Garrick Theater. As the theater prepares for an October opening, Brooks gave an interview about the show and his long career to BBC Radio 4’s Rebecca Jones.

Asked if any of his films could get made today, Brooks replied, “No, no. I mean maybe Young Frankenstein and maybe a few but never Blazing Saddles because we have become stupidly politically correct, which is the death of comedy.” He continued, “It’s okay not to hurt feelings of various tribes and groups; however, it’s not good for comedy.

“Comedy has to walk a thin line, take risks. Comedy is the lecherous little elf whispering into the king’s ear, always telling the truth, always telling the truth about human behavior.”

“You’ve been called the patron saint of going too far,” Jones said. “I like that,” Brooks replied.

Asked if there is anything he wouldn’t parody he said, “Yes, there is. I personally would never touch gas chambers or the death of children and Jews at the hands of the Nazis. Everything else is okay.”

Brooks may never have gone that far but he has spent plenty of time mocking Hitler and the Nazis with his film, and stage show, The Producers.

Here’s the full interview from BBC 4 Radio:

The post Mel Brooks: ‘We have become stupidly politically correct’ appeared first on Hot Air.

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Former NFL Athlete Siran Stacy at Judge Roy Moore Rally: ‘We Believe in God’ in Alabama

Former NFL Athlete Siran Stacy at Judge Roy Moore Rally: ‘We Believe in God’ in Alabama

21 Sep, 2017
21 Sep, 2017

It was a star-studded rally in Alabama on Thursday following the debate between Republican candidates Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL) and former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court Roy Moore, who are both vying for now-Attorney General Jeff Session’s Senate seat.

Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and Dr. Sebastian Gorka, former national security adviser to President Donald Trump, headlined the rally with a theme of draining the swamp despite the fact that Trump has endorsed Strange, a surrogate for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

But when former NFL player Siran Stacy took the stage, he told the crowd that Alabama believes in God and that should be reflected in voters’ selection on Tuesday for the next senator from Alabama. Strange was appointed to the Senate seat in a controversial move by Alabama’s governor, who later resigned after a scandal.

Strange has been endorsed by President Donald Trump despite the desire of his base who elected him and who sent a clear message from Alabama on Thursday that they still want to “drain the swamp” and that Moore is the right person to do that as a senator in Washington:

We’ve got people in Washington, DC, that are not in their proper place. Yes, we’ve got elected officials that are not in their proper place. And let me tell you what, laws create cultures — I’m going to say it again: Laws create cultures. And so, what type of culture do we want our children’s children to grow up in? Well, it’s going to be on you and me, by electing a man or a woman who’s going to get in a position of authority, and they are not going to compromise to what is popular but are going to cling to what is principle.

“It’s a little bit different down here,” said Stacy, who played for the University of Alabama and the Philadelphia Eagles. “We believe in God.”

“We believe in Jesus Christ,” Stacy said.”We believe in the Holy Spirit.”

Stacy is an ordained minister, a vocation inspired, in part, from the tragic loss of his wife and four of his children in a car accident in 2007. Only Stacy and one of his daughters survived.

Stacy said that Moore is “a man of principle” who will do what he says he will do as a U.S. senator.

Stacy said his values come from his parents, who taught him to respect his elders and authority figures, including the police.

“Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, praise be to God,” Stacy said during his remarks.

The crowd at the rally responded by praying with Stacy and applauding his remarks.

via Breitbart News

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VIDEO: College Students Pretend To Decapitate “Pig” Police Officer; University Defends

Students at the University of Wisconsin acted out the beheading of a police officer in a video that drew outrage from the community, but not from the university, who said the video was an expression of free speech.

The video starts by showing the persecution of black students at the hands of white police officers, and concludes with the students beheading a police officer wearing a pig’s head.

The purpose of the video? “To promote a student-produced clothing line,” the Journal Sentinel reported.

Watch (WARNING: Graphic Content):


In a statement released by the University of Wisconsin, the school said that the video is protected by free speech rights before eventually adding that the school does not condone the violence portrayed in the video.

State Sen. Steve Nass (R-Whitewater) has called for an investigation into the video:

This vile and racist anti-police video is clearly a direct threat to the brave men and women that serve behind the badge. UW-Madison must immediately hold these students accountable and that should include an investigation by the local police and the Wisconsin Department of Justice.

Nass also called out the University of Wisconsin for allowing the video to be hosted and available on UW-Madison’s IT platform:

This platform is supposed to be used by faculty and students for legitimate academic purposes. It would appear that the video violates the terms of use for this official UW-Madison IT platform.

The inflammatory video, which was directed and produced by Eneale Pickett, perpetuates factually inaccurate views held by many in the black community and on the Left. Key statistics conveniently distorted or flat out ignored by the Left include:

• “More whites and Hispanics die from police homicides than blacks.”

• “Black and Hispanic police officers are more likely to fire a gun at blacks than white officers.”

• “Blacks are more likely to kill cops than be killed by cops.”

via Daily Wire

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