Berkeley receives $100K to ‘honor the legacy’ of the Black Panther Party

The radical Marxist revolutionary organization from the 1960s, the Black Panthers, will be the subject of an academic study conducted by the University of California-Berkeley to discover and honor the group’s legacy.

The study is being funded by the American taxpayer via a grant for about $100,000 from, curiously, the National Park Service.

Washington Free Beacon:

“This cooperative research project between the National Park Service (NPS) and the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) on the Black Panther Party (BPP) is anchored in historical methods, visual culture, and the preservation of sites and voices,” according to the funding announcement. “The project will discover new links between the historical events concerning race that occurred in Richmond during World War II and the subsequent emergence of the BPP in the San Francisco Bay Area two decades later through research, oral history, and interpretation.”

“Committed to truthfully honoring the legacy of BPP activists and the San Francisco Bay Area communities they served, the project seeks to document the lives of activists and elders and the landscapes that shaped the movement,” the government said. “Producing an annotative bibliography that includes scholarly texts, newspaper, and magazine articles will be useful for future scholars of the movement. Equally significant, the project will document how the BPP impacted the visual arts, music, dance, and styles of the 1960s, 70s and 80s [and] will underscore the vastness of its impact on American culture.”

“Bay Area sites that shaped the BPP will be identified in an effort to memorialize a history that brought meaning to lives far beyond the San Francisco Bay Area,” the agency added.

Request for comment from the National Park Service was not returned.

The Black Panther Party was founded in 1966 and originally championed self-defense and the arming of African Americans in California. The party quickly moved to the left, advocating for “revolutionary intercommunalism” and for abolishing capitalism.

Black Panther Party founder Huey P. Newton introduced a 10-point platform that called for “an end to the robbery by the capitalists of the black community” and for all black men to be immediately released from prison.

The FBI labels the Black Panther Party as advocates for “the use of violence and guerilla tactics to overthrow the U.S. government.”

The group dissolved in 1982. The New Black Panther Party was the subject of a voter intimidation case when two of its members stood outside of a polling station in Philadelphia wearing paramilitary clothing and holding a billy club during the 2008 presidential election. Original members of the Black Panther Party say the new group, which identifies as a Black Nationalist organization, has no connection to their party.

Needless to say, the National Park Service should stick to managing camp sites and creating Smokey the Bear commercials. I’m sure that 100 grand could be better used to run our beautiful national parks.

UC Berkeley can study whatever they want. If they want to “honor the legacy” of, what several commentators have referred to as a “glorified street gang,” that is their right.

But why use taxpayer money? Can’t they get one of their rich, far left alumni to give them the cash?

Of course they can. But that”s not the point. The answer to why they want to use taxpayer money is that they can. Several agencies are standing in line to fund nonsense like this so why not take advantage?

More to the point, is who the Black Panthers were, what they did, and why “honoring” them is such a travesty.

There have been many critiques written about the Panthers – some looking to condemn them others to excuse their “revolutionary” activities. It’s true that the Panthers tried to organize some of the poorest neighborhoods in America, setting up community centers, food banks, medical centers, and what they referred to as “Learning Centers.” As David Horowitz explained in his amazing memoir, “Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey,” the Learning Center in San Francisco doubled as a front for criminal activities.

Those criminal activities included murder. In fact, Horowitz explains that the killing of a couple of close friends by the Panthers started the intellectual process that took him from radical leftist to conservative intellectual.

Horowitz dates the onset of his disillusionment to the time when he used his clout to get a job at the Learning Center for an acquaintance, a white accountant named Betty Van Patter who had worked with him at Ramparts. Weeks into the job, she disappeared; a transparent lack of curiosity among the Panther leaders made it clear they knew where she was. In fact, she had been murdered; her body soon washed ashore in the San Francisco Bay.

Around the same time, Fay Stender, Huey Newton’s former attorney, had become the target of a Panther vendetta for her refusal to smuggle a revolver into prison to help the gunman George Jackson escape. One day, a hit man arrived at her door, forced her to sign a “confession,” shot her five times, and left her for dead. A year later, paralyzed and hiding from reprisal in Hong Kong, Stender took her own life.

If Horowitz’s conscience began to gnaw at him, his colleagues took a different view; for them, curiosity about Van Patter’s or Stender’s fate was tantamount to disloyalty to the cause. Horowitz recounts how, at Stender’s funeral,

speaker after speaker went up to the platform to remember Fay—lawyers who worked with her, comrades who had served with her, friends who loved her. They were political activists who would normally have made a political symbolism out of the most trivial occurrence. Yet . . . they had nothing to say about the sequence of events that had ended her life.

It was this silence that shattered Horowitz’s world. “If we [progressives] actually succeeded in making a revolution in America,” he recalls thinking, “and if the Panthers or similar radical vanguards prevailed, how would our fate be different” from that of the victims of Stalin’s purges? “Our injustice, albeit mercifully smaller in scale, was as brutal and final as Stalin’s. As progressives we had no law to govern us, other than that of the gang.”

The leader of the Black Panters, Huey Newton met his own violent end in 1989, shot dead in the street by a drug dealer.

The real “legacy” of the Black Panthers is not what Berkeley or the Park Service would like to hear. The left transformed a street gang with ultra-violent tendencies, masking their criminal activities  

The radical Marxist revolutionary organization from the 1960s, the Black Panthers, will be the subject of an academic study conducted by the University of California-Berkeley to discover and honor the group’s legacy.

The study is being funded by the American taxpayer via a grant for about $100,000 from, curiously, the National Park Service.

Washington Free Beacon:

“This cooperative research project between the National Park Service (NPS) and the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) on the Black Panther Party (BPP) is anchored in historical methods, visual culture, and the preservation of sites and voices,” according to the funding announcement. “The project will discover new links between the historical events concerning race that occurred in Richmond during World War II and the subsequent emergence of the BPP in the San Francisco Bay Area two decades later through research, oral history, and interpretation.”

“Committed to truthfully honoring the legacy of BPP activists and the San Francisco Bay Area communities they served, the project seeks to document the lives of activists and elders and the landscapes that shaped the movement,” the government said. “Producing an annotative bibliography that includes scholarly texts, newspaper, and magazine articles will be useful for future scholars of the movement. Equally significant, the project will document how the BPP impacted the visual arts, music, dance, and styles of the 1960s, 70s and 80s [and] will underscore the vastness of its impact on American culture.”

“Bay Area sites that shaped the BPP will be identified in an effort to memorialize a history that brought meaning to lives far beyond the San Francisco Bay Area,” the agency added.

Request for comment from the National Park Service was not returned.

The Black Panther Party was founded in 1966 and originally championed self-defense and the arming of African Americans in California. The party quickly moved to the left, advocating for “revolutionary intercommunalism” and for abolishing capitalism.

Black Panther Party founder Huey P. Newton introduced a 10-point platform that called for “an end to the robbery by the capitalists of the black community” and for all black men to be immediately released from prison.

The FBI labels the Black Panther Party as advocates for “the use of violence and guerilla tactics to overthrow the U.S. government.”

The group dissolved in 1982. The New Black Panther Party was the subject of a voter intimidation case when two of its members stood outside of a polling station in Philadelphia wearing paramilitary clothing and holding a billy club during the 2008 presidential election. Original members of the Black Panther Party say the new group, which identifies as a Black Nationalist organization, has no connection to their party.

Needless to say, the National Park Service should stick to managing camp sites and creating Smokey the Bear commercials. I’m sure that 100 grand could be better used to run our beautiful national parks.

UC Berkeley can study whatever they want. If they want to “honor the legacy” of, what several commentators have referred to as a “glorified street gang,” that is their right.

But why use taxpayer money? Can’t they get one of their rich, far left alumni to give them the cash?

Of course they can. But that”s not the point. The answer to why they want to use taxpayer money is that they can. Several agencies are standing in line to fund nonsense like this so why not take advantage?

More to the point, is who the Black Panthers were, what they did, and why “honoring” them is such a travesty.

There have been many critiques written about the Panthers – some looking to condemn them others to excuse their “revolutionary” activities. It’s true that the Panthers tried to organize some of the poorest neighborhoods in America, setting up community centers, food banks, medical centers, and what they referred to as “Learning Centers.” As David Horowitz explained in his amazing memoir, “Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey,” the Learning Center in San Francisco doubled as a front for criminal activities.

Those criminal activities included murder. In fact, Horowitz explains that the killing of a couple of close friends by the Panthers started the intellectual process that took him from radical leftist to conservative intellectual.

Horowitz dates the onset of his disillusionment to the time when he used his clout to get a job at the Learning Center for an acquaintance, a white accountant named Betty Van Patter who had worked with him at Ramparts. Weeks into the job, she disappeared; a transparent lack of curiosity among the Panther leaders made it clear they knew where she was. In fact, she had been murdered; her body soon washed ashore in the San Francisco Bay.

Around the same time, Fay Stender, Huey Newton’s former attorney, had become the target of a Panther vendetta for her refusal to smuggle a revolver into prison to help the gunman George Jackson escape. One day, a hit man arrived at her door, forced her to sign a “confession,” shot her five times, and left her for dead. A year later, paralyzed and hiding from reprisal in Hong Kong, Stender took her own life.

If Horowitz’s conscience began to gnaw at him, his colleagues took a different view; for them, curiosity about Van Patter’s or Stender’s fate was tantamount to disloyalty to the cause. Horowitz recounts how, at Stender’s funeral,

speaker after speaker went up to the platform to remember Fay—lawyers who worked with her, comrades who had served with her, friends who loved her. They were political activists who would normally have made a political symbolism out of the most trivial occurrence. Yet . . . they had nothing to say about the sequence of events that had ended her life.

It was this silence that shattered Horowitz’s world. “If we [progressives] actually succeeded in making a revolution in America,” he recalls thinking, “and if the Panthers or similar radical vanguards prevailed, how would our fate be different” from that of the victims of Stalin’s purges? “Our injustice, albeit mercifully smaller in scale, was as brutal and final as Stalin’s. As progressives we had no law to govern us, other than that of the gang.”

The leader of the Black Panters, Huey Newton met his own violent end in 1989, shot dead in the street by a drug dealer.

The real “legacy” of the Black Panthers is not what Berkeley or the Park Service would like to hear. The left transformed a street gang with ultra-violent tendencies, masking their criminal activities  

via American Thinker Blog

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American Antifa on trial in France for attacking police (graphic video)

Here’s a story which is “surprisingly” not getting much attention in the United States. In fact, I wouldn’t have even seen it had one of our readers in Lyon, France named Dylan Kissane not sent in a tip with a link to a story from The Local in that country. (Name used with permission.)

We’ve seen and discussed plenty of stories here in America about violent, leftist Antifa attacking not only conservative demonstrators but law enforcement officials. It turns out that we don’t have a monopoly on that sort of activity. In fact, we’ve been exporting Antifa to share this phenomenon with other nations. One 27 year old American is currently on trial in Paris along with a number of French attackers. They’re charged with (among other things) shattering the windows of a police car and setting it on fire with the officers inside during a demonstration back in the spring of 2016.

Eight anti-fascist activists, including an American national, went on trial in Paris on Tuesday for a violent attack on French police that was captured in a shocking video that made headlines around the world.

The incident took place in May 2016 on a day when police held a demonstration in the French capital to highlight “anti-police hatred” that had risen up during labour reform protests that year.

On the same day anti-fascist militants staged their own march which flared into violence and a group of them attacked a police car on the Quai de Valmy in the 10th arrondissement.

A 27-year-old American was among the mob that smashed the windows of the police car before it was torched with police officers inside.

Most likely due to strict French privacy laws, authorities still aren’t officially releasing the name of the American suspect, but the French authorities are already saying that he’s confirmed his participation in the attack. You can see him in this video. He’s the one who arrives after the police car stops and smashes in the back window of the vehicle with some sort of large pipe. Moments later, one of his accomplices sets the car ablaze. WARNING: Scenes of graphic violence.

This was a particularly heinous attack. One female officer inside the police car later described how she feared that she was about to die. Even more incredible is the amount of restraint which the officers show after exiting the car and confronting their attackers. One of them has earned the nickname of “The Kung-fu Cop” in the French press.

We should just remind you again that the trail is the new aspect of this story because the actual attacks took place back in May of 2016. It did make it into the French press at the time, but didn’t receive quite as much play on our side of the pond. Fox News picked up the same story out of Paris but couldn’t confirm the name of the Antifa suspect then either. The year and a half gap is due to the fact that it took a while for them to make arrests and even longer to go through the process of bringing the matter to trial. Even more ironic is the fact that the demonstration which began all of this was actually being put on by the police themselves, described as an effort to “highlight “anti-police hatred” that had risen up during labour reform protests that year.

Hatred for the police, a love of anarchy and the suppression of free speech are clearly not ideas which are unique to the American left. It’s found all through Europe, but now an American citizen has been caught up in their legal system. He probably shouldn’t expect any help from this White House in getting him out of that mess.

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Trump Visits UN, Makes Epic 5-Word Announcement

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On Monday, President Donald Trump kicked off his first official visit to the United Nations as president with a series of high profile meetings and announcements that shook up the international community.

Trump, who campaigned on the promise of “America First,” told those gathered for a meeting about reforming the U.N. that he has a plan for them, The Washington Examiner reported.

Trump stated in five bold words that he wanted to “make the United Nations great.” He didn’t say “again,” because he (like anyone with a brain) knows that the U.N. certainly is not great — but that it could be better.

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“The United Nations has tremendous potential and we’ll see how it works out,” Trump stated. “I think the main message is, ‘Make the United Nations great.’ Not again, ‘Make the United Nations great.’ Such tremendous potential, and I think we’ll be able to do this.”

Trump is right. The U.N. does actually have the potential to do good things, like helping to pool resources to aid countries affected by famine, poverty and natural disasters.

However, there is a limit to what the U.N. should be allowed to do. As a massive, bloated, corrupt worldwide government, the U.N. will never replace our own government — and Trump knows that.

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“We encourage all member states to look at ways to take bold stands at the United Nations with an eye toward changing business as usual and not being beholden to ways of the past which were not working,” Trump stated during his visit.

On the campaign trail, Trump often blasted the U.N. as being an example of everything that was wrong with global politics. Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., has made reforming the U.N. one of her top priorities.

CNBC noted that Trump pointed out some numbers that show that the U.N. isn’t using its money wisely, and that serious steps should be taken to address its “mismanagement.”

“While the United Nations on a regular budget has increased by 140 percent and its staff has more than doubled since 2000, we are not seeing the results in line with this investment. But I know under the secretary-general that’s changing, and it’s changing fast,” Trump said.

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Trump knows that the U.N. can be better than it ever has been, but he also know that there are natural limits on what it can (and should) do, and he isn’t going to try to increase its power.

The U.N. has no business running our lives, and thankfully we have a president who will make sure that the U.N. never replaces our own sovereignty.

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Hobby Lobby Cotton Display Goes Viral For Being ‘Racist’

Wait a cotton-picking minute, there should be a line for this to stop. Update to this story.

Via Yahoo:

Crafts store Hobby Lobby is taking serious heat for a store display that one woman is calling “racist.”

On Thursday, Facebook user Daniell Rider posted a photo to Hobby Lobby’s Facebook page, of a vase of cotton flowers displayed in a Texas store. She captioned it, “This decor is WRONG on SO many levels. There is nothing decorative about raw cotton… A commodity which was gained at the expense of African-American slaves. A little sensitivity goes a long way. PLEASE REMOVE THIS ‘décor.’”

The $29.99 stems (marked down to $15 on the company website) was shared more than 15K times and earned 169K comments, an overwhelming majority of which ridiculed Rider for being “too sensitive” and a few that defended her stance.

“LOL likely written by someone wearing a cotton T-shirt and cotton jeans and cotton underwear,” wrote one Facebook user. “Must not of thought that one through,” wrote someone else.

“Boycott Hobby Lobby,” wrote another.

“This is crazy. Cotton is a fact of life,” added one. “People still pick it. That happened 150 years ago. Slaves also picked tobacco, harvested rice and many other things. We can’t just get rid of them. Well Lowe’s sells chains and rope. You think they should get rid of that too?”

Hobby Lobby did not return Yahoo Lifestyle’s request for comment; however, cotton has been igniting backlash recently.

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Delingpole: Climate Alarmists Finally Admit ‘We Were Wrong About Global Warming’

Climate alarmists have finally admitted that they’ve got it wrong on global warming.

This is the inescapable conclusion of a landmark paper, published in Nature Geoscience, which finally admits that the computer models have overstated the impact of carbon dioxide on climate and that the planet is warming more slowly than predicted.

The paper – titled Emission budgets and pathways consistent with limiting warming to 1.5°C –  concedes that it is now almost impossible that the doomsday predictions made in the last IPCC Assessment Report of 1.5 degrees C warming above pre-industrial levels by 2022 will come true.

In order for that to happen, temperatures would have to rise by a massive 0.5 degrees C in five years.

Since global mean temperatures rarely rise by even as much as 0.25 degrees C in a decade, that would mean the planet would have to do 20 years’ worth of extreme warming in the space of the next five years.

This, the scientists admit, is next to impossible. Which means their “carbon budget” – the amount of CO2 they say is needed to increase global warming by a certain degree – is wrong. This in turn means that the computer models they’ve been using to scare the world with tales of man-made climate doom are wrong too.

One researcher – from the alarmist side of the argument, not the skeptical one – has described the paper’s conclusion as “breathtaking” in its implications.

He’s right. The scientists who’ve written this paper aren’t climate skeptics. They’re longstanding warmists, implacable foes of climate skeptics, and they’re also actually the people responsible for producing the IPCC’s carbon budget.

In other words, this represents the most massive climbdown from the alarmist camp.

But you certainly wouldn’t guess this from the way the scientists are trying to spin their report.

According to the London Times:

 Michael Grubb, professor of international energy and climate change at University College London and one ofthe study’s authors, admitted that his previous prediction had been wrong.

He stated during the climate summit in Paris in December 2015: “All the evidence from the past 15 years leads me to conclude that actually delivering 1.5C is simply incompatible with democracy.”

Speaking to The Times, he said: “When the facts change, I change my mind, as Keynes said.

“It’s still likely to be very difficult to achieve these kind of changes quickly enough but we are in a better place than I thought.”


Myles Allen, professor of geosystem science at the University of Oxford and another author of the paper, said: “We haven’t seen that rapid acceleration in warming after 2000 that we see in the models. We haven’t seen that in the observations.”

He said that the group of about a dozen computer models, produced by government research institutes and universities around the world, had been assembled a decade ago “so it’s not that surprising that it’s starting to divert a little bit from observations”.

He said that too many of the models used “were on the hot side”, meaning they forecast too much warming.

Note the disingenuousness here.

Grubb is claiming that the facts have changed. Which they haven’t. Climate skeptics have been saying for years that the IPCC climate models have been running “too hot.” Indeed, the Global Warming Policy Foundation produced a paper stating this three years ago. Naturally it was ignored by alarmists who have always sought to marginalize the GWPF as a denialist institution which they claim – erroneously – is in the pay of sinister fossil fuel interests.

Allen’s “so it’s not that surprising” is indeed true if you’re on the skeptical side of the argument. But not if, like Allen, you’re one of those scientists who’ve spent the last 20 years scorning, mocking and vilifying all those skeptics who for years have been arguing the very point which Allen himself is now admitting is correct.

That’s why Benny Peiser, of the Global Warming Policy Foundation says, this is a “landmark” moment in the history of great climate change scare.

“It’s the first official confirmation we’ve had that CO2 is not as big a driver of climate change as the computer models have claimed; and it’s the first official admission that the planet is not warming dangerously.”

But this is not, unfortunately, a cause for wild celebrations in the street. ManBearPig has been scotched but by no means been slain. Nor are the alarmists yet ready to admit the full scale of their errors.

This is little more than a damage limitation exercise by scamsters who know they’ve been caught cheating and have now been forced to concede at least some territory to their opponents for fear of looking ridiculous.

Paul Homewood has their number:

1) We have known for several years that the climate models have been running far too hot.

This rather belated admission is welcome, but a cynic would wonder why it was not made before Paris.

2) I suspect part of the motivation is to keep Paris on track. Most observers, including even James Hansen, have realised that it was not worth the paper it was written on.

This new study is designed to restore the belief that the original climate targets can be achieved, via Paris and beyond.

3) Although they talk of the difference between 0.9C and 1.3C, the significance is much greater.

Making the reasonable assumption that a significant part of the warming since the mid 19thC is natural, this means that any AGW signal is much less than previously thought.

4) Given that that they now admit they have got it so wrong, why should we be expected to have any faith at all in the models?

5) Finally, we must remember that temperatures since 2000 have been artificially raised by the recent record El Nino, and the ongoing warm phase of the AMO.

Yup. But at least we climate skeptics have been proved right yet again, that’s the main thing.

Oh, and by the way, snooty alarmist scumbags: that word you were looking for to describe the current state of global warming science is: “Sorry.”

via Breitbart News

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Luther Strange Sought to Weaken Alabama’s Tough Immigration Law

Back in 2011, Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL) sought to weaken what at the time was one of the country’s toughest illegal immigration laws.

As attorney general of Alabama, Strange requested that key provisions of the Beason-Hammon Alabama Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act, also known as HB 56, be removed according to a December 2011 memorandum he sent to then-Alabama House Speaker Mike Hubbard and Senate President Pro Tempore Del Marsh.

The memo, originally obtained by, showed Strange wanted to end some of the requirements in the law. Among those were a mandate that officials collect information on the immigration status of public school students, the requirement illegal immigrants carry “alien registration” cards and a provision of the law that allowed for lawsuits if the state’s residents did not believe officials were enforcing the law.

Strange said at the time his reasoning for those suggestions was so that the law would be more defensible in a court of law.

However, then-Rep. Micky Hammon (R), one of the bill’s sponsors, indicated those stipulations were part of how HB 56 would make it possible to achieve the goal of combatting illegal immigration.

“My purpose was to make it difficult for illegal immigrants to live and work in Alabama,” Hammon said according to a November 2011 Associated Press report.

America’s Voice, a left-leaning group that seeks to give “full citizenship” for illegal immigrants, or as it calls them “11 million Americans-in-waiting,” applauded Strange’s recommendations.

“The tide is turning,” Van Le wrote for the group in a December 2011 blog post. “The struggle to overturn HB 56, Alabama’s harshest-in-the-land immigration law gained a new ally day before yesterday when state attorney general Luther Strange, a Republican, came out in favor of removing certain portions of the law.”

Eventually, due to pressure from immigration groups, the Obama Justice Department and the federal court system, the law was gutted in a settlement the state of Alabama reached with Strange as attorney general.

In the aftermath, lawmakers acknowledged the settlement had damaged the effectiveness of the law.

“Our bill got eviscerated by the federal government,” State Rep. Jim Carns told The Washington Post in August 2015 when then-GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump came to Mobile. “It was like 95 percent within the federal standards, but those standards weren’t being enforced. We enforced them, and it worked for several months until the feds did their thing.”

Still, at least in recent days, Strange has attempted to make himself out to be a hawk on the issue of illegal immigration.

The Senate Leadership Fund (SLF), a super PAC backed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and working on Strange’s behalf, took aim at his opponent former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore. It alleged he was weak on immigration because of his unfamiliarity with the term “DACA,” the acronym for the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals immigration policy.

The issues of illegal immigration is an important one, give this special election contest is to fill the U.S. Senate seat formerly held by Jeff Sessions, a champion of that cause.

Strange and Moore compete in a runoff election for the Republican nomination on September 26. The winner will go on to face former Clinton U.S. Attorney Doug Jones in a December 12 special election.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

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Soros-Funded Activists Demand Democrats Oppose Border Security At Any Cost…

I thought I smelled sulfur.

Via Daily Caller:

Leading activist groups backed by pro-open borders financier George Soros are demanding that congressional Democrats obstruct any measures that allow the administration to enforce existing immigration law, even if they come as part of a package granting amnesty to more than 800,000 “DREAMers.”

Soros-backed “resistance” group Indivisible is partnering with the National Immigration Law Center and United We Dream to increase pressure on all congressional Democrats, but especially House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, whom the activists criticize for having a “cozy relationship with Trump.”

The activists are organizing phone call campaigns this week to pressure Democrats to reject any DACA legislation that includes funding for border security measures.

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WATCH: James O’Keefe Announces New Investigation: MSM Members Will ‘Lose Their Jobs’

Filmmaker James O’Keefe said on Monday that Project Veritas will be releasing the results of one of the largest investigations the organization has ever conducted. The project, said O’Keefe, will lead to people being fired.

“In the coming weeks, you’re going see one of the biggest investigations this organization has ever done,” O’Keefe said. “It’s a continuation of American Pravda series. It’s aimed at the media. We’re going after their holy grail.”

“We have tripled our journalists in the field,” he continued. “They are not even here, they are out there everyday. It’s gonna be big, it’s gonna be massive. If they think they can shut us down with this crap [lawsuit] they’re sorely mistaken. Because not only are people in the media probably going to lose their jobs and be exposed for what they are, but this [lawsuit] is going to be exposed for what it is. So stay tuned ladies and gentleman. Fireworks are coming.”

O’Keefe – who previously exposed corruption among Democratic operatives during the 2016 campaign and more recently exposed garbage news reporting at CNN – hinted the size of this current operation is larger than anything previously seen.

More from The Daily Wire on O’Keefe’s previous projects:

CNN Producer: American Voters ‘Stupid As Sh*t’

SHOCK Confession: Producer Admits CNN Refused To Scrutinize Obama Like Trump

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These Women Are About to Make an Incredible Move for Tired Irma Cleanup Crews


These Women Are About to Make an Incredible Move for Tired Irma Cleanup Crews

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Even though Hurricane Irma blew through Florida over a week ago, crews are still working around the clock to try to restore power to the entire state, as well as clean up all the damage.

Some of these workers have been going nonstop for more than a week, and understandably are exhausted, filthy and ready to go home. One photo that is going viral has shown that the people of Florida appreciate all that these workers are doing for them.

The photo, which was posted on Facebook on Saturday by a user identified as Jennifer Taylor Koukos, shows a line of women at the Sebring International Raceway, The Tribunist reported.

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The caption to the photo states that the women who are standing in line were actually waiting for the linemen to give them their clothes so that they can be cleaned.

“One lineman asked me what those ladies were standing in line for. When I told him they were waiting to be given laundry, with a look of sheer disbelief he said, “You gotta be kidding me.” What a great night,” read the caption to the photo.

We should note that we can’t verify that is what the women in the photo are actually waiting for, but we have no reason to doubt it at this time.

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While liberals might look at this and scream “sexism,” most of America will look at this and realize that we live in a truly special country. These women are helping those who have spent days trying to help a state recover from a crippling storm.

The post had been shared over 19,000 times as of Tuesday morning. Many of the over 1,000 comments on the photo were positive as well.

Most of Florida’s electrical grid was badly damaged during the storm, which has made restoring power for all quite difficult. Some estimates that have floated around say that parts of Florida could be without power until October.

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This is a perfect example of what community is all about. These women knew that the workers probably haven’t cleaned their clothes in a long time, and they were willing to take the time to help out in any small way they could.

It is stories like these that show why the United States will always survive anything that gets thrown at us.

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via Conservative Tribune

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Food Stamp Usage Has Fallen Every Month Under Trump

New statistics from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) indicate that the use of food stamps has declined every month under the Trump administration.

The number of people using the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) dropped to 41,310,785 in June 2017, which is more than 2,000,000 fewer participants than in June 2016 and the lowest participation rate since 2010, when it was 40,302,000.

Since President Trump’s inauguration in January, the number of SNAP participants has dropped steadily every month, the largest drops from January to February (408,956) and March to April (521,295). Here are the numbers for January to June (the most recent available data):

  • January 2017 – 42,691,363
  • February 2017 – 42,282,407
  • March 2017 – 42,187,255
  • April 2017 – 41,665,960
  • May 2017 – 41,489,433
  • June 2017 – 41,310,785

This trend is not expected to slow down anytime soon; the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects a steady 1 to 2 percent decline in participation per year for at least the next 10 years. The CBO estimates that by 2027, the number of SNAP participants will be around 32.5 million people.

A variety of factors are contributing to the sharp decline in participation, including states like Georgia and Alabama that have instituted work requirements for welfare recipients. Other states are currently working on more strict requirements for participation in the program as well.

President Trump has also proposed cuts to SNAP in the 2018 budget proposal, a move the White House say is about boosting the economy rather than pulling the rug out from underneath people.

via Daily Wire

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