Bannon: I’ve Fought for Racial Unity All My Life; Don’t Need Lectures from ‘Limousine Liberals’

Former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon does not need lectures on race relations from “limousine liberals” and the media elites who hang out in largely homogenous crowds and whose oh-so-progressive-and-forward-looking organizations and outlets do not have the effortless diversity of Breitbart News’ masthead.

In a 60 Minutes interview, Bannon told CBS anchor Charlie Rose that he was raised in a desegregated neighborhood on the North Side of Richmond, Virginia, that is “predominantly black.”

“I went to an integrated school, a Catholic school. I served in the military,” he continued. “I don’t need to be lectured … by a bunch of limousine liberals, okay, from the Upper East Side of New York and from the Hamptons … about any of this. My lived experience is that.”

Bannon also suggested that left-wing activists and the legacy media may be trying to play the race card because they know how successful and unifying the economic nationalist agenda, which Bannon said will unify Americans of all races, nationalities, religious, and sexual orientations—can be. Bannon has consistently denounced ethno-nationalists and white supremacists. He did so again to Rose.

“[T]he Neo-Nazis and Neo-Confederates and the Klan, who, by the way, are absolutely awful – there’s no room in American politics for that,” Bannon said. “There’s no room in American society for that.”

And he told Rose that the legacy media give a platform to irrelevant white supremacists who stage rallies because the media want to “make them up as some huge part of Donald Trump’s coalition” when they are not.

In the end, Bannon said he is singularly focused on the economic nationalist message that will help and unite Americans–U.S.-born Americans and legal immigrants–of all backgrounds.

“I don’t need the affirmation of the mainstream media,” Bannon said. “I don’t care what they say. They can call me an anti-Semite. They can call me racist. They call me nativist. You can call me anything you want. Okay? As long as we’re driving this agenda for the working men and women of this country, I’m happy.”

via Breitbart News

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Photo of Trump Cabinet Before Irma Hit Shows There’s Still Hope for America


Photo of Trump Cabinet Before Irma Hit Shows There’s Still Hope for America

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President Trump and his team have already dealt with one devastating hurricane, and are now in the middle of overseeing the response to a second.

As Trump met with his cabinet and Vice President Mike Pence on Saturday to review the recovery plans for Hurricane Irma, a photographer caught a moment that should speak volumes about this administration and the country.

Before the important meeting started, the president and everyone in the room bowed their heads in prayer to ask for wisdom before making key decisions.

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The snapshot was shared by Fox News on Facebook, and had received over 20,000 “likes” as of Monday.

After the moment of prayer was finished, Trump led the team through a review of the situation. “This is a storm of enormous destructive power, and I ask everyone in the storm’s path to heed ALL instructions from government officials,” the president posted on Twitter, along with a video of the cabinet meeting.

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Simply bowing heads in prayer may not seem like a major moment, but it signifies something that has been sorely missing from the Oval Office over the eight years of Barack Obama’s presidency: Humility.

While players in the Obama administration acted as if they were always the smartest people ever to roam the earth, Trump has done an impressive job of selecting advisers who are talented but also humble. From Mike Pence to Ben Carson, the Trump cabinet is one that isn’t afraid to seek God’s guidance in times of crisis.

The restoration of faith’s role in the presidency shows that there’s still hope for America’s future. Even for people who aren’t particularly religious, taking the time to ask for higher wisdom is a sign that the team takes its leadership roles seriously.

Instead of acting as if the almighty state is the be all and end all, the Trump cabinet acknowledges that there is a higher power.

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Any government run by humans is fallible — but if this photo is any indication, the president’s team is doing everything possible to seek divine help in making wise decisions when it comes to doing what is best for America.

H/T Independent Journal Review

If you believe that faith and humility belong in Washington D.C., please press “Share on Facebook” now.

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Vanity Fair Snubbed Melania Trump From 2017 Best-Dressed List. I’m Literally Shaking.

Vanity Fair released its annual best-dressed list on Wednesday morning. It is an absolute joke.

The most glaring omission is First Lady Melania Trump, who shocked the world earlier this summer on a nine day trip with a series of stunning outfits that each won wide praise:

"Melania Trump’s Fashion Gets Rave Reviews During Trip Overseas," Harper’s Bazaar

"Melania Trump is the epitome of style (and independence) during this trip abroad," Philadelphia Enquirer

"First lady Melania Trump wears fashion-forward style abroad," NBC’s Today Show

"Melania and Ivanka Stun on Presidential Trip to Poland," AOL

"Melania Trump continues fashion tour de force at Eiffel Tower dinner," USA Today

In case you were living under a rock during Melania’s "fashion tour de force" and are unsure whether the praise was deserved, here’s a small sampling of what we saw.

This was Melania at Israel’s Western Wall, sporting an elegant Michael Kors suit that she paired with head-turning Manolo Blahnik stillettos:

HEIDI LEVINE / AFP / Getty Images

Here she is in Hamburg, Germany, where she was described as "demure and chic" for her leaf print Jil Sander dress paired with a Bottega Veneta coat:

AXEL SCHMIDT / AFP / Getty Images

It was in Saudi Arabia where Melania won the most praise for a series of outfits that showed off the versatility of the fashion icon. Her looks were stunning from the moment she departed in a Max Mara sweater and Hervé Pierre leather skirt, a look described by Vogue as a "fashion-forward ensemble."

Alex Wong / Getty Images

And by the time she stepped off the plane in Riyadh she had transformed her look with a Stella McCartney jumpsuit, a Melania staple, boldly accessorized with an oversized gold Saint Laurent python belt.

MANDEL NGAN / AFP / Getty Images

She also showcased her ability to go casual in Saudi Arabia with a Ralph Lauren safari shirt-dress, to which she gave her signature edge by pairing with striped Mahnolo Blahniks.


I could go on like this forever given Melania’s keen fashion sense, which, by the way, runs in the family. Both Ivanka Trump and Barron Trump have won headlines for their ability to drive trends in the fashion industry.

Melania’s many looks are regularly showcased on the @FLOTUS Instagram page, which has emerged as a must-follow for fashionistas on social media.

There is nobody on Vanity Fair’s best-dressed list more deserving of the honor than the First Lady, but there are a few that are a true embarrassment.

Among them is three-time honoree Barack Obama, who dresses like a nerd.

Barack Obama / AP

Barack Obama / AP

Barack Obama on a bike in 2008 / AP

Also included on the list is Jaden Smith, the son of a Scientologist donor to Barack Obama, who is also bad at getting dressed.

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Not all of the Vanity Fair honorees are unworthy. Among those who belong in the same conversation as Melania is Queen Letizia of Spain, who has been deemed the "reigning champion of modern regal style."

I understand that Vanity Fair prefers to spotlight failures of President Donald Trump, but the failure to recognize the First Lady’s fashion prowess in 2017 is an offense from which the magazine may never recover.

Also notably snubbed was American hero Kate Upton, who has outfitted herself flawlessly throughout the year.

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The post Vanity Fair Snubbed Melania Trump From 2017 Best-Dressed List. I’m Literally Shaking. appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

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SHOCK: Trump Administration Did NOT Mention This During 9/11 Ceremony

Sixteen years after the worst terrorist attack in history hit the United States, President Donald Trump and his administration failed to mention the terms “radical Islam” or “Islamic terrorism” during a ceremony in Washington D.C.

In fact, not only did President Trump fail to use those words, but neither did Vice President Mike Pence, Defense Secretary James Mattis, Acting Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke, nor Attorney General Jess Sessions.

Speaking at the Pentagon, President Trump danced around using the terms. Instead he referred to the Islamic terrorists as “horrible, horrible enemies,” “barbaric forces of evil and destruction,” “terrorists who attacked us,” and “enemies of all civilized people.”

President Trump’s decision to eschew mentioning the role that Islam played in 9/11 is especially shocking when considering some of his prior tweets on Islam:

Mattis also downplayed the role that Islam played in 9/11 by referring to the Islamic terrorists as “maniacs disguised in false religious garb.”

Sessions came very close to calling out Islamic terrorism by referring to them as “extremists,” but did not refer to any specific ideology or religion. “For these extremists, it’s more than religion; it’s ideology,” he said. “We have no choice but to defend against it.”

Pence did mention ISIS while speaking at a memorial in Pennsylvania for flight 93 but failed to use the words “radical Islam” or “Islamic terrorism” when speaking of the 9/11 attacks.

Acting Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Elaine Duke issued a statement in remembrance of 9/11 which also failed to use the terms.

One possible explanation for the Trump administration failing to mention Islam on 9/11 is the influence that national security adviser H.R. McMaster has over the administration.

Earlier this year, CNN reported that McMaster said in a National Security Council meeting that using the term “radical Islamic terrorism,” is not helpful in defeating terrorist groups – a nearly identical belief to the position held by the Obama administration.

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WATCH: Mattis Delivers STRONG Message On 9/11 Anniversary

Defense Secretary James Mattis issued a stirring speech on 9/11, making it clear to the Islamic terrorists who were behind the 9/11 attacks that America would finish the fight that al-Qaeda terrorists had started.

Once Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Joseph Dunford Jr. finished speaking, Mattis began his speech by honoring those that perished during the 9/11 terror attacks and the heroism displayed by many Americans.

“Heroism and passion were boundless on 9/11,” Mattis said. “Patriots from all backgrounds and all walks of life responded with speed, with courage, and with compassion. In the aftermath of the attack, our service members, our nation, rallied together as one.”

Mattis then issued a stern warning to the Islamic terrorists.

“While we never asked for this fight, we are steadfastly committed to seeing it through, as President Trump has made it abundantly clear,” Mattis said.

The defense secretary then mocked the Islamic terrorists as “maniacs disguised in false religious garb,” saying they were wrong to think they could frighten Americans into submission.

“We Americans are not made of common candy,” said Mattis. “We are not seaweed drifting in the current. We are not intimidated by our enemies, and Mr. President, your military does not scare.”

Mattis compared today’s armed forces to those that served in Valley Forge, Midway and Iwojima.

“Your military stands and ready confident to defend this country, this experiment in democracy,” said Mattis.

He then gave a message to the families of those who lost their lives in the 9/11 terror attacks.

“The loss you have endured drives us in our mission today and everyday,” Mattis concluded, before giving way to President Trump’s speech.

The full speech can be seen below:


H/T: Washington Free Beacon

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INCREDIBLE: This Heroine Was Ready To Fly A Suicide Mission To Take Down Hijacked Flight 93

The untold story of the woman asked to fly a suicide mission in an F-16 with her commanding officer in order to take down United Airlines Flight 93 on September 11, 2001 has finally come to light.

As Col. George Degnon, vice commander of the 113th Wing at Andrews Air Force Base, recalled, in 2001 there were no planes standing by ready to defend Washington, D.C. He said, “There was no perceived threat at the time, especially one coming from the homeland like that. It was a little bit of a helpless feeling, but we did everything humanly possible to get the aircraft armed and in the air. It was amazing to see people react.”

One of those people was Lt. Heather “Lucky” Penney, one of the first female combat pilots. Because it would take at least an hour to arm the plane, it became clear that the only way to take down flight 93 was a kamikaze action. Penney was told by Col. Marc Sasseville, her commanding officer, “Lucky, you’re coming with me. I’m going to go for the cockpit.”

Penney simply responded, “I’ll take the tail.” They ignored pre-flight checks and took off.

Penney, who now works at Lockheed Martin, helping supervise the F-35 program, remembers thinking, “We wouldn’t be shooting it down. We’d be ramming the aircraft. I would essentially be a kamikaze pilot …We had to protect the airspace any way we could”.

Sasseville, who currently works at the Pentagon, said, “We don’t train to bring down airliners. If you just hit the engine, it could still glide and you could guide it to a target. My thought was the cockpit or the wing.”

Sasseville envisioned hitting F-16 into flight 93 with enough time to eject, although it required split-second perfection. He said, “I was hoping to do both at the same time. It probably wasn’t going to work, but that’s what I was hoping.”

Penney added, “If you eject and your jet soars through without impact,” but said she had no plans to eject.

Ultimately, flight 93 was brought down by its heroic passengers in Pennsylvania.

Penney asserted, “The real heroes are the passengers on Flight 93 who were willing to sacrifice themselves. I was just an accidental witness to history.”

When she was queried as to how she had the guts to consider a suicide mission, Penney answered bluntly:

Why? Because there are things in this world that are more important than ourselves. Freedom. The Constitution of the United States. Our way of life. Mom, baseball, apple pie; these things and so many more that make us uniquely American. We belong to something greater than ourselves. As complex and diverse and discordant as it is, this thing, this idea called America, binds us together in citizenship and community and brotherhood.

The quintessential American.

Video of Penney below:


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On 9/11 Anniversary, Irma Victims See Incredible Sight off Coast

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Survivors of Hurricane Irma in Florida just received some welcome and historically fitting news: The USS New York has arrived off the coast to help with the recovery efforts.

One look at the date makes the ship’s arrival particularly special. On the anniversary of the devastating 9/11 attacks in New York, the vessel that arrived to lend assistance to fellow Americans is carrying part of the World Trade Center in its bow.

Steel salvaged from the destroyed towers was used during the construction of the USS New York. Sixteen years have passed since the terrorist attack, but now those memories of chaos have been transformed into a symbol of hope for Florida survivors.

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The USS New York, normally stationed at the Mayport Naval Station near Jacksonville, was accompanied by four other warships to begin recovery efforts.

“The USS Iwo Jima and USS New York left their home port in Mayport, Florida, last week for Norfolk, Virginia to pick up more than 300 sailors as well as Marines with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing and II Marine Expeditionary Force,” the Miami Herald reported on Monday morning.

“They were linking up with the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln; a destroyer, the USS Farragut; and a cruiser, the USS San Jacinto,” continued the report.

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Around noon Eastern Time, a Fox News reporter assigned to the Pentagon confirmed that the USS New York had reached its destination.

“USS New York built with steel from World Trade Center rubble arrives off Florida coast for Hurricane Irma relief on 16th anniversary of 9/11,” Lucas Tomlinson posted on Twitter.

The ship is a San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock, which is used for assaulting — or in the case, assisting — coastal areas. As a support ship for Marines, the vessel usually carries hovercraft and V-22 Osprey aircraft.

Those capabilities are just as useful during peacetime as in war.

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As the storm moves north and out of the area, the military will establish airfields in southern Florida for relief operations, the Herald reported.

The USS New York is unique for several reasons. Normally, state names are reserved for submarines. However, not long after 9/11, former Gov. George Pataki of New York requested that the Navy use his state’s name for a surface vessel that is involved in the global war on terrorism.

That makes the vessel the only non-submarine craft in the Navy to bear a state’s name.

About seven tons of steel recovered from the destroyed World Trade Center was melted down and used in the hull of the ship. This connection to the lives lost on 9/11 is acknowledged in the ship’s motto: “Strength forged through sacrifice. Never forget.”

Americans came together after the deadly terrorist attacks, and they are coming together again after the hurricanes in Texas and Florida.

Just as steel from ground zero has been forged into a formidable warship, fear and despair can be transformed into hope and recovery… and that’s exactly what the people of Florida need right now.

Please like and share this article on Facebook and Twitter to let everyone know the USS New York is helping fellow Americans on the anniversary of 9/11.

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CLAIM: Mueller & Sessions In Possession Of Evidence ‘Debunking Russian Hacking Narrative’

The Offices of Special Counsel Robert Mueller and Attorney General Jeff Sessions are in possession of evidence reported by The Gateway Pundit, which debunks the Russian hacking narrative.

Disobedient Media reports:

Carter published a new article earlier today, which indicated that authorities including Robert Mueller and Jeff Sessions have been informed of the latest findings and evidence which may dismantle the Russian hacking narrative by VIPS member Skip Folden.

Carter stated in his report: “Since the original report was sent out, Skip Folden, one of the co-authors of the VIPS report, has sent a far more detailed report to the Office of Special Counsel (Robert Mueller), Office of the Attorney-General (Jeff Sessions) and, I believe more recently, to additional parties that will be disclosed in the week ahead (along with further details about the contents of that report). The new report covers more than any of the previous reports (going beyond what Forensicator and myself even have the means to assess).”

According to Carter, critics of the report are ignoring the following evidence:

The framing from most critics recently has done little more than construct a straw-man to attack (typically by making it appear as though confidence of those calling for investigation is solely based on transfer speeds that were mentioned in the 7th conclusion in Forensicator’s analysis).


  • inconsistencies and anomalies with Guccifer 2.0’s (G2’s) behavior versus his stated intentions
  • the consistent poor quality of G2’s leaks (link)
  • predictable outcome in terms of headlines he would generate in the media (link)
  • his multi-part Russian-origin deception and that GRU/FSB and allies would not purposefully draw attention to Russia (link)
  • associating self to Wikileaks on day #1 and on various dates after that (including the day the DNC emails were published) (link)
  • creating a blog and luring in press with the Trump research (the timing of it in relation to CrowdStrike/DNC announcements and the nature of the first documents leaked) (link)
  • the linguistic analysis showing no syntactical traits of a Russian communicating in English (link)
  • the discredited breach claims (link)
  • the fact none of his hacks were verifiable
  • the premise of a talented hacker adopting another hacker’s name and sticking “2.0” on the end of it
  • that every association between G2 and the APT28/29 malware and infrastructure ended up collapsing under scrutiny (link)
  • the attempt to fool (with multimedia props) a reporter into thinking G2 was tied to a hacker with root access to DCLeaks (link)

The evidence laid out in the report was corroborated by the mainstream media in August by The Nation.

As TGP previously reported, a mysterious IT specialist, who goes by the name The Forensicator, published a detailed report that appears to disprove the theory that the DNC was hacked by Russia.

The Forensicator summarized the complex report into 10 bullet points.

The report as laid out by The Forensicator:

Based on the analysis that is detailed below, the following key findings are presented:

  • On 7/5/2016 at approximately 6:45 PM Eastern time, someone copied the data that eventually appears on the “NGP VAN” 7zip file (the subject of this analysis).  This 7zip file was published by a persona named Guccifer 2, two months later on September 13, 2016.

  • Due to the estimated speed of transfer (23 MB/s) calculated in this study, it is unlikely that this initial data transfer could have been done remotely over the Internet.

  • The initial copying activity was likely done from a computer system that had direct access to the data.  By “direct access” we mean that the individual who was collecting the data either had physical access to the computer where the data was stored, or the data was copied over a local high speed network (LAN).

  • They may have copied a much larger collection of data than the data present in the NGP VAN 7zip.  This larger collection of data may have been as large as 19 GB.  In that scenario the NGP VAN 7zip file represents only 1/10th of the total amount of material taken.

  • This initial copying activity was done on a system where Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) settings were in force. Most likely, the computer used to initially copy the data was located somewhere on the East Coast.

  • The data was likely initially copied to a computer running Linux, because the file last modified times all reflect the apparent time of the copy and this is a characteristic of the the Linux ‘cp’ command (using default options).

  • A Linux OS may have been booted from a USB flash drive and the data may have been copied back to the same flash drive, which will likely have been formatted with the Linux (ext4) file system.

  • On September 1, 2016, two months after copying the initial large collection of (alleged) DNC related content (the so-called NGP/VAN data), a subset was transferred to working directories on a system running Windows. The .rar files included in the final 7zip file were built from those working directories.

  • The computer system where the working directories were built had Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) settings in force.  Most likely, this system was located somewhere on the East Coast.

  • The .rar files and plain files that eventually end up in the “NGP VAN” 7zip file disclosed by Guccifer 2.0 on 9/13/2016 were likely first copied to a USB flash drive, which served as the source data for the final 7zip file. There is no information to determine when or where the final 7zip file was built.

The most important aspect about the report is the “estimated speed of transfer (23 MB/s)” at which the documents were copied. It’s inconceivable DNC documents could have been copied at such speed from a remote location.

Disobedient Media reports:

Importantly, The Forensicator concluded that the chance that the files had been accessed and downloaded remotely over the internet were too small to give this idea any serious consideration. He explained that the calculated transfer speeds for the initial copy were much faster than can be supported by an internet connection.

This is extremely significant and completely discredits allegations of Russian hacking made by both Guccifer 2.0 and Crowdstrike.

This conclusion is further supported by analysis of the overall transfer rate of 23 MB/s. The Forensicator described this as “possible when copying over a LAN, but too fast to support the hypothetical scenario that the alleged DNC data was initially copied over the Internet (esp. to Romania).” Guccifer 2.0 had claimed to originate in Romania. So in other words, this rate indicates that the data was downloaded locally,  possibly using the local DNC network. The importance of this finding in regards to destroying the Russian hacking narrative cannot be understated.

If the data is correct, then the files could not have been copied over a remote connection and so therefore cannot have been “hacked by Russia.”

The use of a USB drive would also strongly suggest that the person copying the files had physical access to a computer most likely connected to the local DNC network. Indications that the individual used a USB drive to access the information over an internal connection, with time stamps placing the creation of the copies in the East Coast Time Zone, suggest that  the individual responsible for initially copying what was eventually published by the Guccifer 2.0 persona under the title “NGP-VAN”  was located in the Eastern United States, not Russia.

During the presidential campaign, POLITICO reported what now appears to be a disproven story about Guccifer 2.0 hacking and releasing DNC documents:

The hacker persona Guccifer 2.0 has released a new trove of documents that allegedly reveal more information about the Democratic National Committee’s finances and personal information on Democratic donors, as well as details about the DNC’s network infrastructure.

The cache also includes purported memos on tech initiatives from Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine’s time as governor of Virginia, and some years-old missives on redistricting efforts and DNC donor outreach strategy.

DNC interim chair Donna Brazile immediately tied the leak to GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump.

“There’s one person who stands to benefit from these criminal acts, and that’s Donald Trump,” she said in a statement Tuesday night, adding that Trump has “embraced” Russian President Vladimir Putin and “publicly encouraged further Russian espionage to help his campaign.”

POLITICO then suggests Guccifer 2.0 hacked into the DNC:

If authentic, the documents would represent the latest strike from the mysterious hacker persona that has already roiled the 2016 election with leaks of documents stolen from the DNC and the House Democrat’s campaign arm, the DCCC. Earlier document dumps include the internal communications that forced the resignation of former DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz this summer and fueled allegations of party bias against Bernie Sanders.

The post CLAIM: Mueller & Sessions In Possession Of Evidence ‘Debunking Russian Hacking Narrative’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Leftist Lunatic Says Trump’s Presidency Is Worse Than 9/11 Attacks

It’s the 16th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks so you know the left is compelled to be horrible. The top contender for shittiest 9/11 comment so far comes from session guitarist and blogger Charles Johnson who says Trump’s presidency will be remembered by history as being much worse than a terrorist attack that took the lives of thousands of Americans. Maybe it would be a little classier to decouple his irrational hatred of the President from any 9/11 sentiments, but that ain’t how The Resistance rolls.

Charles Johnson has played guitar on a bunch of albums you don’t own. He also started a blog called Little Green Footballs that was original fairly right-wing and anti-terrorist. Somewhere along the line he got Arianna Huffingtoned in the butt and transformed into a pro-terrorism leftist lunatic. Need proof? Check out his tweet:

“The 9/11 attacks were a horrific event in US history, but the election of Donald Trump will be seen as equally disastrous, if not more so,” wrote Johnson.

I can see why a butthurt liberal would equate greater freedom, safety, and prosperity with deaths of 2,996 Americans at the hands of radical Islamic terrorists. No, actually, I can’t see it. This is f*cking offensive.

I’m not the only one who saw the terribleness of this tweet. Plenty of people laid into Johnson for this, and like any good liberal, he was unapologetic for being a world-class dickhead.

“I absolutely stand by this. Trump has already destroyed much of what’s good about America, and it’s getting worse every day,” Johnson wrote.

What was good about illegal alien amnesty or trannies in the military? How did killing jobs to fight against make believe global warming make America better? Johnson doesn’t answer these questions, but he does dig a deeper hole to accommodate his bullshit.

“Please note: I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone who suffered losses on 9/11, and I was very clear that I consider the 9/11 attacks a horrific event. And also – the election of Donald Trump will go down in history as one of the most disastrous presidencies America ever had, with damage that will take many years to repair. Ask 800,000 DREAMERs how they feel about it,” wrote Johnson in a series of tweets.

There you have it. This piece of shit thinks that the US enforcing its immigration laws is worse than nearly 3,000 innocent Americans getting murdered by Islamic terrorists. How could anyone possibly take offense at that?

You know who I don’t care if they think Trump is a bad president? Illegal aliens who are not American and have no say in our country, that’s who. Enforcing our laws and protecting our borders is not an inhumane act, it’s what all countries, including Mexico, do to maintain their sovereignty. Making DREAMers and the families return to their home countries is not anything close to religiously-motivated mass murder. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

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Miss New Jersey Under Fire After Un-PC Answer on Confed Statues Question

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It looks like the controversy over Confederate monuments still hasn’t died down — and now the quarreling has even made its way into the Miss America competition.

On Sunday, pageant judges brought politics front and center when they hit Miss New Jersey Kaitlyn Schoeffel with a question about Southern statues.

The presenters framed the question in a way that seemed to lead the contestant toward a “politically correct” answer… but Miss New Jersey didn’t take the bait, and spoke her mind about the issue.

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“A recent poll found slightly over half of Americans favored leaving Confederate statues in place, while others want them removed,” began judge Tara Lipinski, according to Independent Journal Review.

“Keep them or get rid of them? What’s your vote and why?” the judge asked.

It would have been easy — and safe — for the beauty queen to toe the liberal line about banishing Confederate statues forever. Instead, she pointed out their place in history.

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“I don’t think that the answer is to get rid of these statues. I think the answer is to relocate them into museums,” Schoeffel replied.

“Because we are truly defined by our country’s history, and I don’t think it’s something that we need to forget,” she clarified. “We need to always remember it and honor our history of America because it truly makes us who we are as Americans. So they should be moved to museums.”

The contestant would go on to win second runner-up, but fell short of the Miss America crown.

That seems like a fairly reasonable answer, but many viewers came unglued at the prospect of remembering American history.

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“She said move the Confederate statues to MUSEUMS?” posted one viewer on Twitter. “Get off the stage immediately.”

It was apparently lost on the critics that countless museum displays are intended to preserve history without endorsing it.

For example, a Holocaust museum doesn’t promote genocide, it encourages people to learn from the past. An exhibit about, say, the “Trail of Tears” might allow people to understand past mistakes, without endorsing what happened nearly 200 years ago.

The reality is that monuments remembering the Civil War are just fine where they are, and removing them won’t solve any of America’s problems.

Even among those who support removing them from public spaces, however, museums seem like a fair compromise for Confederate-era statues.

Merely suggesting that we shouldn’t turn historic monuments into rubble shouldn’t be so controversial a viewpoint… and the reaction to Miss New Jersey’s answer should make it clear that erasing history is the true goal of many on the left.

Luckily, not everyone is parroting the “politically correct” narrative about our past — and at least one contestant showed she has a bit of brains and bravery to go with her beauty.

If you think this contestant’s answer was completely reasonable, please press “Share on Facebook” below.

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