Marine Booted from East Lansing Farmer’s Market for Expressing His Religious Beliefs on Facebook

Steve Tennes, Religion News Service

Steve Tennes is a former Marine and owner of the Country Mill in Michigan.

In December Steve published a Facebook post on his Catholic beliefs including his beliefs in traditional marriage.

Last week Steve was told he could no longer participate in the East Lansing farmers market because of his religious beliefs.

The Detroit News reported:

When East Lansing officials told Steve Tennes he was no longer welcome to sell his apples and doughnuts at the city-run farmers market, he couldn’t believe it.

All it took to earn the government’s wrath was penning a social media post about his faith.

Last December, Tennes, who owns the Country Mill Orchard and Cider Mill in Charlotte, wrote a Facebook post explaining his family’s Catholic views on marriage, and how their deeply held beliefs are why his farm won’t host same-sex weddings.

The city’s response — banning him from its farmers market — reminded the former Marine of the time he spent near the border of North Korea. Tennes could see into the country, and it impacted him how people there live their entire lives in fear of the government.

That’s how he felt when he got the letter from East Lansing.

“I felt it in my gut. This isn’t real,” Tennes recalls.“We have freedom of speech in this country.”

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“The time has come”: ObamaCare architect Max Baucus endorses single-payer

It was just last month that Reason’s Peter Suderman sent the tweet below. Thirty-nine days later, Bernie Sanders is set to introduce a “Medicare for all” bill backed by big-name Dems like Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren while Republicans Lindsey Graham and Bill Cassidy are pushing a bill that would let individual states keep ObamaCare in place.

My friends, “the future” is now.

Why is it a big deal that Max Baucus has now come around as well? Well, it’s not just that he was one of the architects of O-Care in 2009 as head of the Senate Finance Committee, making his “evolution” towards socialized medicine particularly noteworthy. It’s that Baucus was one of the bulwarks *against* single-payer in the Senate at the time. Leftists begged him to seize the moment eight years ago, when Democrats enjoyed a filibuster-proof majority, and push Medicare for all. No dice, he said. The country’s not ready for it. It won’t pass and Democrats might get wiped out in the midterms for even trying. In the end they got wiped out in the midterms anyway and large chunks of the country do now appear to be ready for it — including Republicans, so long as the small matter of cost isn’t emphasized.

“I just think the time has come,” Baucus told NBC News Friday, after stunning healthcare observers earlier in the day by seemingly coming around on single-payer at a public forum. “Back in ’09, we were not ready to address it. It would never have passed. Here we are nine years later, I think it’s time to hopefully have a very serious good faith look at it.”…

“I started out by saying everything is on the table,” Baucus recalled. “But I did make an exception and that was single-payer. I said, nope, we’re not going to put single-payer on the table. Why? In my judgement, America was just not there … It’s branded as socialistic by too many people.”…

Baucus compared the issue’s evolution to that of gay rights. “It’s anathema for a long time, and then suddenly — acceptance,” he said.

Yeah, although the issues are far afield from each other, I think there’s something to what he says about single-payer and gay marriage. The same goes for marijuana legalization. Subjects that for many years seemed like political third-rails are now suddenly safe to touch as public opinion rapidly “evolves.” The fact that young left-leaning adults are replacing older more conservative ones in the population helps explain why; look at any poll on gay marriage and legalizing weed and you’ll see how much movement there’s been over just the past 10 years. Wider cultural exposure for gays and marijuana use has made people more comfortable with both as well. In the case of single-payer, though, I wonder if attitudes have changed dramatically or if it’s more a matter of post-Reagan Washington having mistakenly assumed for years that the country is more conservative than it really is and wouldn’t consider it. Remember this poll?

Wanting the feds to guarantee universal coverage isn’t the same as wanting the feds to be America’s only insurer but they’re related insofar as both show enthusiasm for a bigger role for Uncle Sam in the industry insurance. And there’s nothing new about that enthusiasm, as you can see: Americans were actually more likely to support a federal responsibility to guarantee coverage at the end of the Clinton era than they are now. The numbers shrank during the Obama era as Republicans revolted against O and left-wing designs on the insurance industry, but now that our guy is in charge instead of their guy and the country has seen firsthand that ObamaCare isn’t a panacea for problems with health insurance, the public’s ready for a second look at the feds wading in. With Sanders, Warren, and Harris all now publicly in favor of single-payer and centrist Dems like Baucus under pressure from the base to follow along, it’s a cinch that the 2020 Democratic nominee will back Medicare for all, whoever he or she might be.

Which raises two questions. One: When will Barack Obama formally endorse single-payer? Right, right, I know — he already did years ago. But he didn’t as president. Despite his rhetoric about the “fierce urgency of now,” he was in the Baucus camp. What I’m asking is, when will he endorse replacing his own signature program with Medicare for all? That’s a knotty legacy problem for O insofar as he stands to lose no matter what he does. If he stands stubbornly with ObamaCare, he risks seeming out of touch on a core part of the left’s agenda and wedded to a subpar program for no better reason than that it bears his name. If he abandons ObamaCare, he all but admits that his own efforts as president to remake health insurance were subpar and too timid, eventually erased by loud-and-proud socialists like Sanders.

He’s going to need to abandon it sooner rather than later, though, as it’s unthinkable that Obama would allow himself to end up as a thorn in the left’s side as it gears up for a serious legislative push on this. (That’s another echo of gay marriage. O will “evolve” by publicly embracing an opinion he’s long held privately whether he’s ready to or not.) Presumably he’ll end up trying to square the circle by saying that ObamaCare was a necessary step towards the ultimate goal of single-payer. Which, ironically, would put him right in line with a criticism made repeatedly by conservatives when O-Care passed in 2010. We screamed endlessly that ObamaCare was ultimately just a trojan horse for Medicare for all, that it would encourage the public to view insurance as an entitlement and prepare the political ground for fully socialized medicine when O-Care itself inevitably ran into problems. And here we are. How’s that prediction looking in 2017?

The other question: When do Schumer and Pelosi start leaning on Trump about single-payer? They can’t do it now, as Trump is still too wedded to the GOP and conservative support to make it feasible. But they also can’t wait too long, as their window for making deals with POTUS will close if and when Mueller produces something incriminating on Russiagate and the left begins to howl about impeachment. What they need is some confidence-building measures, as quickly as possible: If Schumer thinks there’s a chance of bringing Trump on board with single-payer, that would be worth funding the wall for him in exchange for a DREAM amnesty. It’d also be worth handing Trump some sort of win on tax reform. Show the president that working with Democrats not only will let him accomplish Big Things but will please the media to no end and you’ll have him set up for compromise on the biggest, most media-pleasing legislative initiative of ’em all. If Schumer hasn’t sounded out Trump on single-payer yet, he will soon.

Here’s red-state centrist Democrat Jon Tester sounding pretty sanguine about a government takeover of health care, which seems superficially surprising but really isn’t. It was never any secret what Dems really wanted out of insurance reform, and it sure as sh*t wasn’t subsidies for insurance companies.

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Bill Nye blames powerful hurricanes on climate change — then a real scientist shuts him down

With two major hurricanes striking the United States in just two weeks, many liberals and climate change alarmists have pointed to man-made climate change as the reason such powerful storms are striking the U.S. so closely.

One of those alarmists is television host Bill Nye, of course.

Everything is climate change

Over the last several years, Nye, the former host of a 1990’s children’s television show, has become a leading crusader in warning against man-made climate change, denouncing anything other than his own version of science and truth.

To Nye, any anomalous weather is a sign of climate change. So with record-setting Hurricane Irma coming on the heals of record-setting Hurricane Harvey, Nye was quick to connect the dots and conclude climate change.

“It’s the strength that is almost certainly associated with global warming,” Nye told Dan Rather last week. “As the world gets warmer and there’s more heat energy in the atmosphere, you expect storms to get stronger. You also expect ocean currents to not flow the way they always have. That will make some places cooler and some warmer.”

“The problem…is that these hurricanes are very powerful,” Nye said. “We’re all gonna pay for Harvey, we’re all gonna pay for Irma one way or another. So…anyway, the more heat energy in the atmosphere strengthens the storms — as you would expect.”

The PhD meteorologist responds

Dr. Ryan Maue, a climate scientist known for his work with tropics, weather models and climate research shut Nye down on Twitter.

When someone questioned Maue, he doubled down on his point that Nye was just plain wrong in his comments.

What other scientists say

University of Washington atmospheric scientist Cliff Mass also put the brakes on the climate change theory in an extensive blog post last month about Hurricane Harvey.

“Hurricane Harvey developed in an environment in which temperatures were near normal in the atmosphere and slightly above normal in the Gulf,” he wrote. “The clear implication: global warming could not have contributed very much to the storm.”

“There is no evidence that global warming is influencing Texas coastal precipitation in the long term and little evidence that warmer than normal temperatures had any real impact on the precipitation intensity from this storm,” he explained.

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White Guy Fired For Racism After Sharing Private Non-Racist Joke With Black Friend

We kind of got used to white people losing their jobs for being critical of Obama on social media, but this is the Trump Age and things should be different, right? Not as long as liberals are in charge of our colleges and universities. The University of Oregon fired a white guy for being a racist after he was overheard making a private non-racist joke with his black friend. The obvious message being sent is that it is racist for white people to have black friends, which actually sounds very racist to me.

Matthew Halls is an acclaimed British symphony conductor who had a 4-year contract with the University of Oregon to direct the Oregon Back Festival. Halls is white. Reginald Mobley is an acclaimed classical singer, who is a dear friend of Halls’. Mobley is black.

According to The Telegraph, here is the “racist” incident between the two old friends:

Halls and Mobley had been chatting at a reception held last month during this year’s Oregon Bach Festival, when the subject turned to a concert in London in which Mobley had performed.

The singer, who was born and raised in the southern state of Florida, said the concert had an “antebellum” feel to it, of the sort associated with Gone With the Wind and other rose-tinted representations of the pre-Civil War south.

In response Mobley says that Halls “apologised on behalf of England”, before putting on an exaggerated southern accent and joking: “Do you want some grits?”, in a reference to the ground corn dish popular in the south.

“I’m from the deep south and Matthew often makes fun of the southern accent just as I often make fun of his British accent. Race was not an issue. He was imitating a southern accent, not putting on a black accent, and there was nothing racist or malicious about it,” said Mobley.

Unfortunately, a white SJW who is presumably with the university eavesdropped on this private conversation. This unidentified white woman not only confronted the two friends, but then reported to the university that Halls had made a racist joke at Mobley’s expense.

The university conducted an investigation that didn’t involve speaking to either Halls or Mobley and determined that yes, there was some serious racism going on.

And I’m sure you can guess what happened next:

Shortly after Halls, who has worked with orchestras and opera houses across Europe and the US, was told by a university official his four year contract, which was to have run until 2020, was being terminated.

If this seems crazy, and it should, don’t worry, the University of Oregon gave this awesome explanation:

“The University considers many factors when deciding whether to continue a contract.  Regarding Reggie Mobley, it doesn’t appear he was involved in the University’s decision. Having said that, it would be inappropriate for the University to disclose details about a personnel matter. While I anticipate that more information will be available soon, I’m afraid that’s all I can say on the matter right now,” said a university spokesman.

They publicly fired a man for racism in an incident that was very clearly not racism, so it actually would be appropriate for them to disclose some details, like how in the hell is this racist? Or, why are they turning Mobley into a victim when he is very clearly not?

Let’s keep in mind that universities across the country are hesitant to fire black and liberal professors who wish death upon white people, the President, Trump supporters, and anyone who isn’t a whacko progressive Froot Loop. That’s cool, but two friends sharing a private non-racist joke is the most outrageously racist thing ever? Liberal bullshit truly knows no bounds.

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Hillary Now Is Blaming The Women’s March For Her Loss

Via Fox News Insider:

Hillary Clinton blamed many people for her loss of the presidency to Donald Trump in 2016, even turning on some who support her.

Clinton mused on the Women’s March in her new book “What Happened” due to be released on Tuesday.

“I couldn’t help but ask where those feelings of solidarity, outrage, and passion had been during the election,” a teaser excerpt from the book reads.

The Women’s March in January was organized in response to the election of Mr. Trump, and many marchers were Hillary supporters.

Clinton will appear on television to discuss last’s year’s events and take a book tour covering 15 cities.

Several Democrats are recoiling from the idea of Hillary taking the spotlight again.

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Migrants Prefer Germany Because Its Benefits ‘Are Quite High,’ Says Gov’t Minister

Hear that, California?

Vie Breitbart:

German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière has said that his country’s generous welfare benefits act like a magnet for migrants, and called for a unification of standards throughout the European Union (EU) to better distribute new arrivals.

Since Germany offers migrants and refugees much more than other EU member states, it has become an attractive target for human smugglers, de Maizière said.

De Maizière told the Rheinische Post newspaper Saturday that Germany is the destination of choice for many migrants because in comparison with other European countries, its “procedures and reception conditions are generous” and “the benefits for refugees are quite high.”

“That’s part of the pull-factor to Germany,” he said.

Germany’s magnet effect on migration has taken on other forms as well, de Maizière said. In the summer of 2015, “we were under great pressure to make forecasts about the number of refugees to be expected so that the municipalities could plan,” he said.

When the minister released the figure of 800,000 migrants in August 2015, this sent a “signal” to prospective migrants and traffickers that Germany was willing to take in that many and this, in turn, acted as a “driver” of migration, he added.

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GOOD LUCK: Shaun King Demands NFL Boycott Until Colin Kaepernick Is Signed

Sunday marks the start of football season for most NFL fans, but at least one man, Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King, won’t be tuning in: he’s vowed to boycott the league until medicore second-string quarterback Colin Kaepernick finally gets signed to a team.

He might be waiting a while.

On Friday, King provided his faithful followers with a thousand-word instruction manual on how to boycott the NFL in four simple steps, three of which – signing up on, following the boycott on Twitter and joining a Facebook group – involve little but subjecting yourself to further Shaun King missives (the other one is turning off your television and refusing to watch games or highlights).

So, I’m asking you to join me in boycotting the NFL this year. We will end our boycott when Colin Kaepernick is signed to an NFL roster. It’s that simple. Listen, we have power,” King wrote. “Our money has power. Our viewership has power. Our buying power can sway what companies do or don’t support. But we have to unify and make this power mean something.”

Kaepernick, of course, has been persona non grata within the NFL since he began a campaign of protest against the national anthem. The campaign had twin effects: it propelled Kaepernick, who, despite his success in previous seasons, was a mediocre second-string quarterback doomed to warming the bench, to national promimence, and turned viewers off the NFL in droves.

Perhaps thinking his notoriety made him a commodity, Kaepernick opted out of his contract with the San Francisco 49ers; he ended up unemployed, with at least one team turning him down because of his reputation as a political troublemaker Miami, as well, didn’t outright say they were dumping Kaepernick for Jay Cutler, but last year, Kapernick and members of the Dolphins got into a tussle over Kaepernick’s love of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, which Cuban refugee Miami fans just didn’t appreciate.

But Kaepernick also isn’t a really a commodity. He’s sort of a middling quarterback, and there are plenty of those to go around, even if Shaun King thinks Kaepermick is a superstart who’s been denied the limelight.

“These white team owners cannot believe that Colin took a stance against injustice in America without their expressed permission and blessing. And they particularly cannot believe that when they expressed their displeasure, that he continued to do it anyway — with players all over the league following his example,” King wrote. “That’s why they hate him. He is a quiet, peaceful man. To hate him says much more about you than it does about Colin.”

Weirdly enough, the NFL and its fans don’t seem to be losing too much sleep over Kaepernick’s unemployment, and given that ratings can’t get much worse, they seem willing to take the risk that Shaun King might tune out – especially if plenty of other people start tuning back in.

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Newsweek hails Al Gore for predicting eventual-but-inevitable powerful hurricane

**Written by Doug Powers

Call him NastraDUHmus.

Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth” was released eleven years ago. In the movie, the Goracle predicted man-made climate change would cause hurricane to increase in both frequency and intensity. Until late this summer, since that movie’s release, ZERO powerful hurricanes (cat 3 or higher) made U.S. landfall. But now that there have been a couple catastrophic hurricanes, the alarmists are back in business:

They’re reduced to praising Al Gore as some sort of eco-oracle for “predicting” something that’s been happening since the dawn of the planet. He really called that one!

The article at Newsweek might as well be a paid advertisement for “An Inconvenient Sequel” which had an inconvenient box office for Gore. Next up, the Left will hail Al for correctly predicting tornadoes in Oklahoma.

**Written by Doug Powers

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How Chicago is morphing into Detroit in one easy lesson

My heart is breaking for Chicago, and for all Americans, as one of our greatest cities crumbles before our (and the world’s) eyes. I don’t see any way out of the vicious circle of political corruption, irrevocable pensions obligations overwhelming tax revenue, vanishing public services, and a decline in civil order leading toward a third world level of crime.

 As a result, the city consumes itself, strangling business and entrepreneurship, and killing off precious assets. Now, comes a story that captures it all in one heart-rending example. Sam Cholke of DNAChicago writes:

BRONZEVILLE — Chicago’s top-rated bed and breakfast is selling its historic mansion home and leaving Bronzeville because it’s too hard to persuade people to stay in the neighborhood.

Owner Mell Monroe is closing Welcome Inn Manor, 4563 S. Michigan Ave., Trip Advisor’s top-rated bed and breakfast in Chicago, and putting the historic mansion up for sale for $794,000.

“I’m not happy about the situation, but I have to do what I have to do,” Monroe said.

Monroe and his wife have lived in the brownstone seven-bedroom mansion for 15 years, and five years ago they converted it to a bed and breakfast.

Monroe said he’s built the business up to serve about 250 guests a year. But, he said, for every three guests he books, one cancels. He said he rarely gets an explanation for the cancellation, but suspects people are lured in by the proximity to Downtown and McCormick Place and then cancel when they realize the bed and breakfast is in a largely black neighborhood with a bad reputation.

Take a look at the place:


This is the type of building that gives a neighborhood, and in larger numbers a city, charm, character, and a sense of place. Except for the fact that civil order has crumbled, everything about the Welcome Inn Manor would be great for all sorts of visitors to the city. Near downtown, full of charm, historic, and gorgeous. In San Francisco, this place woiuld sell for a large multiple of what the owners are asking.

The owners were what used to be called “urban pioneers,” who bought and improved properties in undervalued neighborhoods close to downtown or other attractions, but out of fashion. But they bet on the wrong city.

My heart is breaking for Chicago, and for all Americans, as one of our greatest cities crumbles before our (and the world’s) eyes. I don’t see any way out of the vicious circle of political corruption, irrevocable pensions obligations overwhelming tax revenue, vanishing public services, and a decline in civil order leading toward a third world level of crime.

 As a result, the city consumes itself, strangling business and entrepreneurship, and killing off precious assets. Now, comes a story that captures it all in one heart-rending example. Sam Cholke of DNAChicago writes:

BRONZEVILLE — Chicago’s top-rated bed and breakfast is selling its historic mansion home and leaving Bronzeville because it’s too hard to persuade people to stay in the neighborhood.

Owner Mell Monroe is closing Welcome Inn Manor, 4563 S. Michigan Ave., Trip Advisor’s top-rated bed and breakfast in Chicago, and putting the historic mansion up for sale for $794,000.

“I’m not happy about the situation, but I have to do what I have to do,” Monroe said.

Monroe and his wife have lived in the brownstone seven-bedroom mansion for 15 years, and five years ago they converted it to a bed and breakfast.

Monroe said he’s built the business up to serve about 250 guests a year. But, he said, for every three guests he books, one cancels. He said he rarely gets an explanation for the cancellation, but suspects people are lured in by the proximity to Downtown and McCormick Place and then cancel when they realize the bed and breakfast is in a largely black neighborhood with a bad reputation.

Take a look at the place:


This is the type of building that gives a neighborhood, and in larger numbers a city, charm, character, and a sense of place. Except for the fact that civil order has crumbled, everything about the Welcome Inn Manor would be great for all sorts of visitors to the city. Near downtown, full of charm, historic, and gorgeous. In San Francisco, this place woiuld sell for a large multiple of what the owners are asking.

The owners were what used to be called “urban pioneers,” who bought and improved properties in undervalued neighborhoods close to downtown or other attractions, but out of fashion. But they bet on the wrong city.

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