Hollywood Liberals Continue To Drop F-Bombs On Christians

Earlier this week Hollywood producer Danny Zucker gave a big “f*ck you” to Christians because he was upset that President Trump cancelled Obama’s unconstitutional DACA order. Now, actor/comedian Michael Ian Black wants Christians to go f*ck themselves because he’s pissed off about global warming or something. It seems to me that Hollywood is trying to scapegoat Christians the way they say conservatives do with illegal aliens and Muslims. Lucky for them they have written all kinds of carve-outs into the rules of tolerance or they’d seem like major hypocrites.

Black, who is most famous for…I have no idea. I think I saw him on TRU TV’s World’s Drunkest Stupid Assholes one time, but that could have been Danny Bonaduce. In any case, he went on an extended Twitter-storm today because he was upset about global warming or maybe people who don’t buy into the hoax.

I’m not going to imbed all of these tweets or even cut and paste his words; it’s simply too long. If you must read it, you can check out his Twitter. I’ll give you the gist of this insane rant. He starts out by claiming that Hurricane Irma, which is headed towards Florida, is a result of man-made global warming and complains that Republicans denying climate change is the reason why this storm is poised to do massive damage. After this, he accuses Republicans of not believing in science, even though his hypothesis is completely devoid of any sound scientific principals.

From there, Black goes into how everything that Republicans do as politicians is based on their Christian faith and therefore bullshit in his eyes. He says this makes them unfit to govern as well as being proof that conservatives favor a monarchy over democracy. I know this seems crazy, but Black was just warming up.

He slams Christian faith some more, claims that lower taxes hurt economic growth, and throws in some shit about the evils of private education. All of this lunacy was leading up to this:

“And they will never stop justifying their own bullshit. People are going to die in [Florida] in the next few days and they’re going to offer thoughts and prayers and go back to raping the country they claim to love in the name of Jesus fucking Christ on high. Fuck them,” wrote Black.

“And if you support this bullshit, fuck you too,” he added.

I know this is a lot to absorb, but basically if you are a conservative Christian, Michael Ian Black wants you to go f*ck yourself for not believing in what liberals consider science.

While we are on the subject, let’s take a look at some of the “science” liberals like Black believe in: If a person born with a penis puts on a dress and calls himself a woman, he is biologically a woman. A baby inside the mother’s womb is not alive or human until he or she passes through the magic portal of the vagina. Firearms, inanimate objects made out of metal and plastic, are capable of killing people without human manipulation.

That is some pretty shitty science there, and so is thinking that electing democrats will stop hurricanes from making landfall. It’s also not super-sciencey to believe that something mankind has done in the past couple of decades is responsible for creating weather conditions that have existed since the Earth cooled.

After all of this nonsense, we still have the fact that Black is telling Christians to f*ck off because he believes in a hoax. Is it okay to tell Muslims to f*ck off because you believe the Earth is flat? No, that would be Islamaphobia. Is it cool to tell Jews to f*ck off because you think we faked the moon landing? No, that would be anti-Semitism. Why then is it acceptable for Hollywood douchebags to drop F-bombs all over Christians because of their own crazy delusions?

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Caught on Video=> Looters Break Into Stores In Fort Lauderdale As Hurricane Irma Rages

A WPLG camera crew caught looters breaking into stores in Fort Lauderdale as Hurricane Irma batters Florida.

WPLG reports:

Despite dangerous winds and heavy rain from Hurricane Irma, several looting incidents have been reported in Fort Lauderdale.

Local 10 cameras caught a group breaking into the Simon’s Sportswear on Sunrise Blvd. and Powerline Road.

The group of about 8-9 people broke through the front window and were seen walking in and then walking out with stolen items.

A group then began looting a Footlocker in the same area. It’s not known whether the groups were the same.

South Florida law enforcement officials promised to police the streets to prevent looting, but with unsafe winds currently pummeling the region, it’s not known if units are currently on patrol.


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NBA To Players: Be More Political, Pursue Social Justice

The NBA has a lack of diversity.

Via Red Alert Politics:

While it’s largely seen as taboo in the NFL to get political, it’s actually encouraged for basketball players to get active and pursue social justice.

According to ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski, the National Basketball Association (NBA) commissioner Adam Silver and the National Basketball Players Association executive director Michele Roberts are pushing players to speak their mind on politics and social issues.

In the letter obtained by ESPN, Silver and Roberts told players, “None of us operates in a vacuum. Critical issues that affect our society also impact you directly. Fortunately, you are not only the world’s greatest basketball players — you have real power to make a difference in the world, and we want you know that the Players Association and the League are always available to help you figure out the most meaningful way to make that difference.”

The letter also praised players for their work in NBA communities, Basketball Without Borders events, and Hurricane Harvey fundraising efforts.

Many liberals and progressives have accused NFL owners of being racist for not signing Colin Kaepernick because of his politics. Meanwhile, after the Golden State Warriors won the 2017 NBA Finals, Finals MVP Kevin Durant said that he would not visit the White House because of his opposition to President Trump, saying, “We don’t f— with him.”

Other stars like LeBron James spoke out following the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia in August, putting the blame solely on Trump.

Keep reading…

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Hillary Clinton’s “Crazy, Floating Eye” Returns as She Blames Comey for Election Loss (VIDEO)

The return of Crazy Eyes–

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton sat down with Jane Pauley on ‘CBS Sunday Morning’ and gave her first T.V. interview since the 2016 presidential election.

Hillary spoke about her new memoir ‘What Happened’ which is set to release September 12.

Hillary Clinton reacted to a clip of then-FBI Director James Comey giving a presser in July of 2016, admitting Hillary acted careless in her handling of highly sensitive classified information.

“I don’t know quite what audience he was playing to other than maybe some right-wing commentators, right-wing members of Congress, whatever,” Hillary said.


Hillary Clinton blamed Comey for his 11th hour decision to re-open the FBI investigation eleven days before the election after more emails were discovered on her aide Huma’s husbands computer, Anthony Weiner.

“Eleven days before the election and it raised the specter that somehow the investigation was being re-opened. It just stopped my momentum,” Hillary continued.

Hillary got very excited as she continued to blamed Comey for revisiting a ‘closed investigation’ and claims there was an open investigation into Trump-Russia which the media and Comey ignored.

Watch Hillary’s eye go wonky as she leans forward. Something is seriously wrong with this woman.

Video via NTK Network:

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UC Sues Trump Administration over DACA Decision

UC Sues Trump Administration over DACA Decision

10 Sep, 2017
10 Sep, 2017

The University of California has sued the Trump administration for its decision to rescind the Obama administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy.

UC lawyers allege that the rights of the nation’s largest college system were violated when President Donald Trump, on “nothing more than unreasoned executive whim,” dumped DACA.

Many conservatives complain that President Barack Obama issued DACA in violation of the Constitution, after failing to win congressional approval for a “pathway to citizenship” for 11.5 million illegal aliens.

UC President Janet Napolitano is especially knowledgeable regarding DACA, because as Obama’s Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security between 2009 to 2013, she issued the memorandum, “Exercising Prosecutorial Discretion with Respect to Individuals Who Came to the United States as Children,” to stop up to 2 million deportations of those brought illegally to the U.S. as children.

Although the title of Napolitano’s DACA memo talked about U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) using their professional discretion to decide deportation issues, the document’s language specifically mandated that for any individual meeting Napolitano’s criteria, ICE and CBP would “prevent low priority individuals from being placed into removal proceedings or removed from the United States.”

Breitbart News reported that of the 790,000 eligible aliens that enrolled in DACA, California has 223,000 California, or 28 percent of DACA enrollees. That is more than the combined totals of the next four states, including Texas, Illinois, Arizona and New York; and also more than in the lowest 28 states combined.

Despite the constant emphasis by DACA supporters about vulnerable children being victimized by their parents’ actions, DACA only covers aliens between the ages of 15 to 30 years old. The median age of a DACA enrollee is 25 years old.

One of the reasons that California is such a magnet to so-called “Dreamers” is the spectacular array of college educational benefits made available through the 2003 passage of AB 540, a waiver of out-of-state tuition for illegal aliens; and the 2011 passage of the California DREAM Act, which made all “undocumented” immigrants eligible for financial aid if they attended high school in the state or received a GED.

Financial aid programs available to “Dreamers” include Cal Grants for tuition; a Board of Governor’s fee waiver; and institution-specific grants and scholarships for UC and California State University campuses. Illegal aliens can also receive the UC’s California DREAM Loan Program and resources through campus Undocumented Student Centers.

Napolitano told NPR, “Neither I, nor the University of California, take the step of suing the federal government lightly, especially not the very agency that I led.”

She added: “It is imperative, however, that we stand up for these vital members of the UC community. They represent the best of who we are — hard working, resilient and motivated high achievers.”

via Breitbart News

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Texas Attorney: ‘I’d Be OK if #BetsyDeVos Was Sexually Assaulted’

Texas Attorney: ‘I’d Be OK if #BetsyDeVos Was Sexually Assaulted’

9 Sep, 2017
9 Sep, 2017

A Texas attorney has protected, then fully deleted his Twitter account after tweeting he would “be ok” if U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos “was sexually assaulted.”

Robert Ranco, a partner of the Carlson Law Firm who specializes in civil rights law, apparently disagrees with DeVos’s decision to scrap the Obama administration’s heavy-handed Title IX policy that forced colleges and universities to conduct “kangaroo courts” in dealing with accusations of sexual assault.

The Washington Times reports on Ranco’s tweets before the attorney protected his Twitter account:

Rob Ranco, a partner at the Carlson Law Firm, suggested Mrs. DeVos does not fully grasp how serious of a crime rape is, and that she might come to a different policy conclusion if she did.

“I’m not wishing for it… but I’d be ok if #BetsyDevos was sexually assaulted,” Mr. Ranco said in a tweet on Friday evening.

“Perhaps Betsy doesn’t understand how horrible rape is,” Mr. Ranco said in another tweet. “She’s made the world more dangerous for my daughters. I need her to understand.”

“Make the world more dangerous for my daughters — intentionally — and your well being is not my concern,” he continued. “Full stop.”

Mr. Ranco cut off access to his Twitter account sometime early on Saturday morning when the tweets drew significant criticism.

The education secretary criticized the Obama administration’s 2011 Dear Colleague letter, in which it sought to end cross-examination of alleged victims by students accused of sexual assault in campus courts and rejected the traditional clear-and-convincing evidence standard of proof in school disciplinary procedures.

DeVos made herself clear at the start of her address that “acts of sexual misconduct are reprehensible, disgusting, and unacceptable. They are acts of cowardice and personal weakness, often thinly disguised as strength and power.”

Unlike her predecessors in the Obama administration, however, she gave significant attention to the problem of those students who are accused of sexual assault and denied their due process.

“We need to remember that we’re not just talking about faceless ‘cases,’” the secretary said. “We are talking about people’s lives. Everything we do must recognize this before anything else.”

DeVos said the system put into place by the Obama administration has failed both alleged sexual assault victims and the accused.

via Breitbart News

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Conservative groups ask media to stop relying on SPLC ‘hate map’

A coalition of conservative groups has written an open letter to the media asking them to stop using data from the Southern Poverty Law Center so long as the group continues to lump right-wing think tanks in with groups like the KKK as “hate groups.” From the Alabama Political Reporter:

Nearly 50 prominent conservatives and far-right lawyers have penned an open letter to the media, asking reporters not to use statistics and information gathered by the Montgomery-based Southern Poverty Law Center.

The letter was penned by leaders of fundamentalist and conservative groups, many of which are listed as anti-LGBT hate groups on the SPLC’s Hate Map. The signers call the SPLC a “discredited, left-wing, political activist organization that seeks to silence its political opponents with a ‘hate group’ label of its own invention and application that is not only false and defamatory, but that also endangers the lives of those targeted with it.”…

The signers blame the SPLC for a shooting in 2012 at the offices of the Family Research Council, during which a building manager was shot and injured. The shooter, Floyd Lee Corkins, said in a police interrogation that he chose the building because the AFA had been listed as an anti-LGBT hate group by the SPLC.

In addition to the shooting by Floyd Lee Corkins, the letter devotes a page to criticism of the SPLC for referring to Ayaan Hirsi Ali as an anti-Muslim extremist. The letter concludes by suggesting no media outlet would direct readers to a map that listed the locations of abortion clinics:

If a national pro-life advocacy organization were to release a map with caricatures of abortionists and title it, “Here’s Where the Baby Killers are Located in Your State,” would the media run the story? Would it reprint the map and discuss the location of these “pro-death” doctors throughout the news day? Clearly, it would not.

This summer, Politco published a story in which several observers suggested the SPLC had gone too far in some cases. Journalist Ken Silverstein, who wrote a critical piece about the organization for Harpers in 2000 told Politico, “The organization has always tried to find ways to milk money out of the public by finding whatever threat they can most credibly promote.”

And the group has been extremely successful at fundraising, having amassed a $320 million endowment fund. The Weekly Standard reports that the SPLC has so much money on hand it is now sending millions of it offshore:

The Southern Poverty Law Center invests almost 20 percent of its nearly $320 million endowment fund in offshore equities and other investments. The 2016 annual reportof the Alabama-based civil rights organization reports $69,093,576 of “non-U.S. equity funds” among the assets comprising the total endowment fund of $319,283,961, a fund the SPLC describes as a “plan for the day when nonprofits like the SPLC can no longer afford to solicit support through the mail because of rising postage and printing costs.”

The SPLC has a vested interest in making the hate map appear as threatening as possible. It’s clearly been good for business.

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Hollywood Hack Jennifer Lawrence Blames Trump Voters For Recent Hurricanes — Gets Ripped on Twitter (VIDEO)

Hollywood hack Jennifer Lawrence said in an interview with a British network that the recent hurricanes slamming the United States are the fault of Trump voters because they don’t believe in man-made climate change.

Jennifer Lawrence’s interview turned political about halfway through when she ripped into President Trump and his voters.  (transcribed by NewBusters)

“It’s scary,” she responded. “You know, it’s this new language that’s forming, I don’t even recognize it. It’s also scary to know, that climate change is due to human activity, and we continue to ignore it, and the only voice that we really have is through voting,” Lawrence stated.

“And you have voted very recently, as a country” the interviewer acknowledged.

“And we voted, and it was really startling,” Lawrence added. She then insinuated that the hurricanes were “Mother Nature’s rage and wrath” at America for Trump.

You know you’re watching these hurricanes now, and it’s really hard especially while promoting this movie, not to feel mother nature’s rage and wrath,” she stated.

Hurricanes and other natural disasters have struck the United States for centuries, but Trump is the cause of anything and everything bad. Makes sense.

The National Hurricane Center via NOAA has compiled a list of devastating hurricanes that have slammed into the United States starting in the year 1900 well before Donald Trump became president. Read the list here.

Hurricane Andrew in 1992 was one of the most destructive. The NOAA reports:

Andrew is responsible for 23 deaths in the United States and three more in the Bahamas. The hurricane caused $26.5 billion in damage in the United States, of which $1 billion occurred in Louisiana and the rest in south Florida. The vast majority of the damage in Florida was due to the winds. Damage in the Bahamas was estimated at $250 million.

Hurricane Katrina in 2005 was one of the deadliest:

Katrina was one of the most devastating hurricanes in the history of the United States. It is the deadliest hurricane to strike the United States since the Palm Beach-Lake Okeechobee hurricane of September 1928. It produced catastrophic damage – estimated at $75 billion in the New Orleans area and along the Mississippi coast – and is the costliest U. S. hurricane on record.

Katrina is responsible for approximately 1200 reported deaths, including about 1000 in Louisiana and 200 in Mississippi. Seven additional deaths occurred in southern Florida.

Watch Jennifer Lawrence make a fool out of herself:

Trump supporters mocked her and called for a boycott of her movies:

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Berkeley offering counseling to students traumatized by … Ben Shapiro’s upcoming speech

Note: They’re not providing counseling for people traumatized by the *content* of Shapiro’s speech, which would be pitiful enough. They’re not providing counseling for people afraid that Antifa will burn down the campus, a not unreasonable worry. From what I can tell, they’re providing counseling for people traumatized by the mere fact that Shapiro is speaking on campus. Liberals must outnumber conservatives there on the order of a thousand to one and Shapiro himself is as mainstream and mild-mannered as conservative commentators come. But the thought of him defiling a Berkeley auditorium by critiquing leftism for two hours has the administration worried that some students might need actual psychological treatment afterward.

My first thought on today’s email from the school’s provost was that *I* might need counseling after reading it. But Dan Gainor makes a fair point: Anyone who can’t tolerate Shapiro’s presence in the general geographic vicinity for an afternoon probably does need to see someone. I hope these sick bastards finally get the help they need.

Our commitment to free speech, as well as to the law, mandates that the students who invited Shapiro be able to host their event for those who wish to hear him speak. Our commitment to the principles of community mandates that all students, faculty, and staff be able to be present on campus, engaging in their regular academic activities without fear. Achieving this poses unusual challenges for us; this memo lays out the arrangements that we are putting in place.

At 4 p.m. on September 14, UCPD will establish a closed perimeter around Zellerbach Hall and surrounding buildings. Buildings near Zellerbach Hall will be closed at 4 p.m., with no access permitted. The perimeter will be assembled over the course of the day starting in the morning. Affected buildings include: César E. Chávez Student Center, Alumni House, Martin Luther King Jr. Student Union, Sproul Hall, and Eshleman Hall…

Support and counseling services for students, staff and faculty

We are deeply concerned about the impact some speakers may have on individuals’ sense of safety and belonging. No one should be made to feel threatened or harassed simply because of who they are or for what they believe. For that reason, the following support services are being offered and encouraged…

The only person facing a serious threat during Shapiro’s speech is Shapiro himself but the rules of the Orwellian “speech is violence” game require casting him as the aggressor and the mob as the victim. When a hostile stranger trespasses on your property, you have the right to expel him by force to defend it. This is a turf war and Shapiro is invading liberal turf. The idea of a public university as a public forum or academia as a space for the free exchange of ideas is a fart in the wind compared to the feral left’s territorial imperatives here. The higher the cost, figuratively and literally, for a conservative to come to campus, the fewer conservatives will come. In that sense, the Antifa droogs are practicing basic free-market economics in organizing a rampage whenever a right-winger dares to set foot in Berkeley. They’re taxing a disfavored good until it becomes prohibitively expensive.

I want to know how many students and faculty end up availing themselves of counseling because of Shapiro’s speech. If there really is a sizable number who need professional help to cope mentally with the affront of ideological dissent in physical proximity to them, it’d be good for the public to know that. Let’s find out how many snowflakes melted from heat this mild. And if there *isn’t* a sizable number who seek counseling, that’s important to know too. After all, Berkeley administrators are also looking for ways to raise the cost for conservatives coming to campus. They don’t want to provide right-wingers a forum for their own ideological reasons and they really don’t want the logistical headaches of having to manage the campus/Antifa backlash. You probably wouldn’t be thrilled to have Shapiro speak either if it meant another round of worrying about Marxist degenerates smashing windows all over town in “protest.” The point is, the alleged need for counseling may be a lie pushed by the school itself to discourage other right-wingers from speaking at Berkeley. If it’s that traumatic to the locals to have you address a few hundred fans, you might conclude that it’s not worth the bother. So let’s have the counseling numbers afterward. How about it?

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