Jeff Sessions’ DoJ Will Not Investigate IRS Suppression of Tea Party Groups

Republicans slammed the Friday announcement by President Donald Trump’s justice department that it will not investigate the official who allegedly oversaw the IRS’ secret sabotage of Americans’ civic groups before the 2012 election.

“This is a terrible decision,” said a statement from Texas Rep. Kevin Brady, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, which oversees taxes and the IRS. His statement continued:

It sends the message that the same legal, ethical, and Constitutional standards we all live by do not apply to Washington political appointees – who will now have the green light to target Americans for their political beliefs and mislead investigators without ever being held accountable for their lawlessness. Not only has the Department of Justice chosen not to hold [IRS manager] Lois Lerner criminally liable for obstructing an official investigation by the Inspector General, the Department continues to defend the Internal Revenue Service’s unconstitutional actions against taxpayers in ongoing civil litigation.

“The decision not to prosecute Lois Lerner is a miscarriage of justice,” said an accompanying statement from the chairman of the tax policy subcommittee, Illinois Rep. Peter Roskam. He continued:

On top of Ms. Lerner’s actions against taxpayers – denying tax-exempt status to groups for political gain and failing to protect taxpayer information – the Department’s response blatantly ignores our most troubling finding: that Ms. Lerner intentionally misled federal investigators in a flagrant violation of the law. This is unacceptable and Ms. Lerner must be held accountable. Our democracy is injured when those who taxpayers entrust with great authority ignore the law to advance their own political agenda without repercussion.”

Tom Fitton, head of the Watchdog law firm Judicial Watch, joined the criticism, saying:

The scandal has been underway since 2013 when the IRS admitted that its officials had slow-rolled and blocked routine requests for tax-exempt status from conservative Tea Party groups while giving quick approval to liberal groups. That obstruction of tax-exempt status made it difficult for the conservative groups to raise funds needed to campaign against then-president Barack Obama during the 2012 election. Under Obama, the IRS and the justice department stonewalled and blocked subsequent investigations, via many tactics such the destruction of email records.

GOP officials and members of the non-profit groups hoped that Trump’s deputies would investigate and prosecute the wrongdoing.

But the September 8 letter from the Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ Justice Department said it would not even reopen the investigation because officials require “proof beyond a reasonable doubt that a government employee intentionally discriminated against an applicant for a tax-exempt status based on viewpoint.”

Prior investigations had found mismanagement that disproportionately hurt conservative groups, and the recently appointed department officials reviewed the new reports and concluded that  “reopening the criminal investigation would not be appropriate based on the available evidence,” said the Friday letter from Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd.

That answer was a response to an April 12 letter from the two GOP leaders on the tax committee, which included more information about Lerner’s activities, and a request that the department “take a fresh look at the evidence presented in the attached referral.” The referral is provided here.

“I have the utmost respect for Attorney General Sessions, but I’m troubled by his Department’s lack of action to fully respond to our request and deliver accountability,” Bray said in his Friday statement. “Today’s decision does not mean Lois Lerner is innocent. It means the justice system in Washington is deeply flawed.”





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Department of Justice Will Not Charge Lois Lerner Over IRS Targeting Scandal

Former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner / Getty Images


September 8, 2017 3:52 pm

Former IRS official Lois Lerner will not be charged for her actions in the IRS targeting scandal, the Department of Justice said on Friday, Fox News reported.

The department sent a letter to Congress saying that, “reopening the criminal investigation would not be appropriate based on the available evidence.”

Two lawmakers, House Ways and Means Committee chairman Kevin Brady (R., Texas) and Rep. Peter Roskam (R., Ill.) asked the Justice Department to revisit the evidence and look at the case.

“Despite numerous hearings and inquiries into the tough treatment of conservative groups by the tax agency during the 2010 and 2012 elections, the Obama Justice Department had announced in 2015 that no one at the IRS would be prosecuted,” Fox News states. “They said at the time that investigators had “found no evidence that any IRS official acted based on political, discriminatory, corrupt or other inappropriate motives that would support a criminal prosecution.”

In response, Brady said this was a terrible decision.

“It sends the message that the same legal, ethical, and constitutional standards we all live by do not apply to Washington political appointees,” Brady said. Now, he says, they will have the “green light to target Americans for their political beliefs and mislead investigators without ever being held accountable for their lawlessness.”

via Washington Free Beacon

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Jennifer Lawrence: Hurricanes Harvey, Irma Are Nature’s ‘Wrath’ for Supporting Trump

Jennifer Lawrence: Hurricanes Harvey, Irma Are Nature’s ‘Wrath’ for Supporting Trump

8 Sep, 2017
8 Sep, 2017

Actress Jennifer Lawrence appeared to claim in an interview this week that the deadly hurricanes slashing through parts of the United States are nature’s wrathful response to the election of Donald Trump.

Appearing on British network Channel 4 to discuss her new horror film, mother!, Lawrence was asked about the sort of “end-of-days feeling” in America.

“You know, it’s this new language that’s forming. I don’t even recognize it,” the actress said. “It’s also scary to know that climate change is due to human activity, and we continue to ignore it, and the only voice that we really have is through voting.”

When the reporter mentioned that Americans did vote,  Lawrence replied saying “it was really startling” when Trump was elected.

The Academy Award-winner continued, suggesting that the deadly devastation of Hurricane Harvey and Irma, a massive hurricane headed for Florida, may be nature’s response to Trump.


“You know, you’re watching these hurricanes now, and it’s really hard, especially while promoting this movie, not to feel Mother Nature’s rage and wrath,” Lawrence said.

Opening up about the “really polarizing and upsetting” nature of politics in the U.S., the 27-year-old star said: “You know, I’ve heard things and seen things on TV in my own country that devastate me and make me sick, and it’s just really confusing.”

The Hollywood A-lister was a very vocal critic of Trump and his supporters during the presidential election. She once claimed that Trump’s election would mark the world’s end.

“If Donald Trump becomes president, that will be the end of the world,” the Hunger Games star said in 2015 at a promotional press junket.

In August, Lawrence began raffling off a chance for fans to fly to California to go wine-tasting with her in exchange for a donation to a non-profit working to eliminate corruption in politics.

Mother stars Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem, Ed Harris, and Michelle Pfeiffer and opens Sept. 17.


Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter @jeromeehudson

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Stephen Colbert Gives Nazi Salute to Trump on ‘Late Show’ (Video)

Stephen Colbert Gives Nazi Salute to Trump on ‘Late Show’ (Video)

8 Sep, 2017
8 Sep, 2017

Late Show host Stephen Colbert delivered a Nazi salute during his Thursday night monologue on the CBS show, while discussing President Donald Trump’s response to the political violence in Charlottesville, North Carolina, in August.

“He’s definitely taking it to a higher level,” the late-night host and outspoken anti-Trump critic said of Trump’s response to the violence in Charlottesville last month, in which one woman was killed and more than a dozen injured when white nationalists squared off with left-wing Antifa counter-protesters during a rally.

“I’d say his support is right up there, right around here,” Colbert mocked, while performing a Nazi salute.



This is not the first time Colbert has used Nazi imagery to slam the president and his policies.

During the 2016 presidential campaign in January of last year, the late-night host drew a swastika on a chalkboard to connect various terms in a bit accusing then-candidate Trump of “fear-mongering.”


Colbert has also depicted violence against members of Trump’s administration, including putting senior aide Stephen Miller’s head on a spike during a taped segment, and earlier this year sparked outrage when he referred to the president’s mouth as “Vladimir Putin’s c*ck holster.”

The FCC said it had looked into complaints about the remark, but ultimately declined to penalize CBS.

Colbert has parlayed his position as the perhaps the most anti-Trump host in late-night television into stronger ratings. The former Comedy Central star struggled mightily when he first took over for David Letterman in 2015, often falling behind Jimmy Fallon’s less-political Tonight Show. After ramping up his attacks on Trump, Colbert has regularly beaten Fallon in the late-night ratings race, though Fallon usually maintains a lead in the key demo.


Follow Daniel Nussbaum on Twitter: @dznussbaum

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Regnery Publishing Bolts NYT for Publisher’s Weekly Bestseller List over Perceived Bias

Regnery Publishing Bolts NYT for Publisher’s Weekly Bestseller List over Perceived Bias

7 Sep, 2017
7 Sep, 2017

Marji Ross, president of Regnery Publishing, spoke with Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Wednesday regarding Regnery’s decision to sever ties with the New York Times Best Sellers list.

Ross cited multiple cases where conservative books did not appear to do as well on the New York Times Best Seller’s List as their actual sales numbers indicate they should have.

When approached about the seeming discrepancy, Ross said the Times gave two different explanations. “One is, it’s a secret. Our formula is a secret. We don’t tell anyone how we do it,” said Ross.

The other answer she cited was that the Times samples stores across the country, which means it is quite possible the Times could be polling stores more likely to sell fewer conservative titles than others, leading to a skewed result.

Regnery is opting to switch to Publisher’s Weekly Bestseller List instead “because it is book scans,” she said. “It’s based on book scans. It’s beautifully transparent. They print not only the ranking, but they print the book scan numbers, so you can see that book number one really did outsell book number two.”

Additional information available here:

“We refuse to continue to highlight a list which has an increasingly diminished value to our audience. Therefore, we will no longer promote, publicize or frankly even bother to mention this list,” Ross added.

“Instead, we will continue to track sales, as a large number of media groups do, through Nielsen’s BookScan report, and we will use the Publisher’s Weekly bestseller list as our benchmark.”

In a letter to Regnery’s authors, she noted: “We are often told it’s foolish to bite the hand that feeds you. I say it’s just as foolish to feed the hand that bites you.”

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.


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Frank Gaffney: Consequences of North Korean EMP Attack ‘Could Be Truly Nation-Ending’

Center for Security Policy President Frank Gaffney discussed the North Korean nuclear missile crisis with SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Wednesday’s Breitbart News Daily.

Gaffney said “it may or may not be true today” that North Korea can launch a nuclear warhead with intercontinental range, “but it’s for sure the case that that’s imminent, if not actually true now.”

“The problem is, of course, that when you have that kind of capability in the hands of this kind of regime, it does pose a mortal threat to the United States,” he warned. “I am of course concerned that even one of their less-powerful atomic weapons could be used to destroy a city or devastate part of our country.”

“The really worrying thing, which Kim Jong-un has now made explicit, is the distinct possibility long warned about by me, and members of our Secure the Grid Coalition – Jim Woolsey, former director of Central Intelligence; Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House; Ted Cruz, senator; and many others – is an electromagnetic pulse attack,” he said.

Gaffney said such an attack “could conceivably be unleashed on us at any time, perhaps by a nuclear weapon, maybe not even a thermonuclear weapon but an atomic weapon on one of their satellites from a vantage point in space that would rain down immense amounts of electromagnetic energy that would destroy – not just damage, not just turn off temporarily, but destroy – large parts of America’s absolutely vital electric grid.”

“The consequences of that could be truly nation-ending,” he said. “This not hyperbole. This is the result of a whole series, 11 at least, of studies that the United States government has performed over the years, that if the grid goes down – it could be because of sabotage, it could be cyberattack, it could be because of solar storms of a very intense kind, but electromagnetic pulse man-induced through these nuclear weapons is one of the ways most efficiently to take out America.”

“If Kim Jong-un has that capability, I believe that is indeed an existential threat to America and to its people. We have to be clear about that, and we’ve got to be about the business of protecting this vital, critical infrastructure immediately,” he urged.

Gaffney explained that EMP attacks involve “interaction between what’s called gamma rays that are unleashed by a nuclear weapon in space, and the upper atmosphere, which results in intense electromagnetic energy being unleashed.”

“Everything in line-of-sight of that detonation will be exposed to three phases of pulse,” he continued. “A very short phase, which can fry electronic devices, microcircuits, and the sort. The second phase is a medium length. It’s kind of like lightning. We’ve done a pretty good job of protecting our assets against that. The third is the long wave phase, and that can be transmitted into things we really care about, like high voltage transformers critical to the functioning of the grid or generators for that matter, through the high-voltage power lines that go across this country. They serve as perfect antenna for this kind of pulse.”

“Some people poo-poo this. The most serious, the most competent, the most informed group in the country on electromagnetic pulse and the threats that it poses has been in business since the early 2000s, the Congressional EMP Threat Commission. I urge every one of your listeners to just go look at this commission’s work,” he said.

“If you understand the physics of this, and the United States military, by the way, has understood the physics of this since the early 1960s, you realize this is no joke. This is no drill. This is no exaggeration. This is truly, as I say, a mortal threat to our country. We know what to do to protect our grid. That commission has been recommending action on this for about 15 years. We have to get about it because the country – and truly, tens if not hundreds of millions of Americans’ lives – are on the line,” Gaffney said.

“Nuclear war of the kind that we’ve worried about in the past, particularly from the Russians, now the Chinese, cannot be dismissed. In fact, both of those countries are expending enormous amounts of money to build not only new nuclear weapons and delivery systems, including hypersonic and maneuvering weapons that are designed to defeat what limited missile defenses we have at the moment,” he pointed out.

“So it’s not to say that is not a problem. It’s a problem that is actually getting worse, even though we choose to avert our gaze from it. Barack Obama was insistent we were going to rid the world of nuclear weapons, starting with ours. We pretended that the Russians and the Chinese and so on didn’t matter, even the Iranians, who we’ve now helped move a ‘great leap forward,’ if I can use that expression, towards the bomb,” he said.

“But the thing about EMP is, as I say, conceivably a single nuclear weapon detonated in space high over the United States could do the job of an enormous nuclear laydown,” Gaffney warned. “That just means it’s that much easier. The trouble is, this isn’t just speculation. Kim Jong-un, in his remarks accompanying the announcement about this H-bomb, explicitly has threatened the United States with a devastating electromagnetic pulse attack. We ignore this at our extreme peril.”

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. Eastern.

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Pro-Palestinian Group Urges Antifa Violence Against Israel Supporters…

Via Campus Reform:

The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign’s Students for Justice in Palestine chapter is facing backlash for repeatedly equating Zionism with white supremacy and fascism.

SJP had initially drawn attention for advertising an event called “Smashing Fascism: Radical Resistance Against White Supremacy,” in which it claimed that “there is no room for fascists, white supremacists, or Zionists” at the Illinois institution.

In a subsequent post the following day, September 2, the radical organization claimed that “the confluence of fascism and Zionism is becoming more obvious by the day,” citing Richard Spencer’s unwelcomed support of Zionism and linking to post from an anti-Zionist author.

“The consolidation of reactionary forces in the Trump era, however they refer to themselves as, compels us to look to the Palestinian struggle to show (as the author of this piece puts so well), ‘the beauty of resistance as we model and enact the change by coming together, to challenge and confront the great common foe,’” the post continues.

Keep reading….

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Trump campaign ad attacks Schumer, Pelosi — the day after POTUS cut a deal with them

The day after President Donald Trump struck a debt ceiling deal with congressional Democratic leadership, the president released an ad depicting Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) as among those who are “trying to stop” his agenda.

The 30-second ad, titled “Finish the Job,” was paid for by the Republican National Committee and authorized by Trump. It said the president’s time in office has lead to “over 1 million new jobs” and companies “investing billions in America.” It stated that borders are “more secure” and the economy is “winning again.”

As the president’s ad hits “career politicians and the media who are trying to stop him,” Pelosi and Schumer’s images flash across the screen.

A statement from Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. said the ad will begin to air on cable TV news networks on Thursday.

On Wednesday, Trump reached a deal with Schumer and Pelosi to raise the debt ceiling and fund the government for three months, Politico reported. Trump reached the deal over the objections of his own Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin.

“We essentially came to a deal, and I think the deal will be very good,” Trump told reporters, according to Politico.

Politico’s report described Democrats as “gleeful” about the deal.

(H/T: The Daily Wire)

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Commie Mayor Unleashed

New York’s unrepentant small-c communist mayor Bill de Blasio showed his true colors in a new New York magazine interview, reaffirming his radical roots and speaking of his plans to unleash a veritable Reign of Terror against wealthy, productive people.

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