What Fugly-Mouthed Hillary Clinton Has in common with fugly-mouthed Lynn Yaeger

What do Hillary Clinton and Lynn Yaeger, of snakeskin stilettos fame, have in common?

Both allow hissing hatred and bitterness to control their lives.

Clinton and Yaeger would climb over mountains of human backs in stilettos just to make it to the publicity required to find oxygen for their embittered egos.

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REPORT: House Conservatives Quietly Plotting Removal of Paul Ryan as Speaker

Paul Ryan’s days as Speaker of the House might be numbered if conservative GOP lawmakers have their way.

Washington Post reports:

Several influential House conservatives are privately plotting ways to use the legislative calendar this fall to push their hard-line agenda — including quiet discussions about possibly mounting a leadership challenge to House Speaker Paul D. Ryan.

The group has gone so far as to float the idea of recruiting former House speaker Newt Gingrich or former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum as potential replacements for Ryan (R-Wis.) should there be a rebellion. The Constitution does not require that an elected member of the House serve as speaker.

While the chances that a non-House member could mount a credible threat to Ryan are exceedingly slim, the fact the group has even toyed with the idea underscores their desire to create trouble for GOP leaders if they believe their demands are not being addressed.

The closed-door conversations are being led by Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), the chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, in consultation with his allies on the right, in particular Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump’s former chief strategist who recently returned to his perch as executive chairman of the Breitbart News website. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and other Freedom Caucus members are also involved in the talks to varying degrees, according to nearly a dozen people with knowledge of the discussions.

On Tuesday Speaker Paul Ryan released a statement saying he hoped DREAMER amnesty will continue.

Republican leaders have failed at everything all year but watch them get this passed!

Speaker Paul Ryan:

Statement on DACA Program

September 5, 2017|Speaker Ryan Press Office

WASHINGTON—House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) issued the following statement following the Trump administration’s announcement to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program:

“However well-intentioned, President Obama’s DACA program was a clear abuse of executive authority, an attempt to create law out of thin air. Just as the courts have already struck down similar Obama policy, this was never a viable long-term solution to this challenge. Congress writes laws, not the president, and ending this program fulfills a promise that President Trump made to restore the proper role of the executive and legislative branches. But now there is more to do, and the president has called on Congress to act. The president’s announcement does not revoke permits immediately, and it is important that those affected have clarity on how this interim period will be carried out. At the heart of this issue are young people who came to this country through no fault of their own, and for many of them it’s the only country they know. Their status is one of many immigration issues, such as border security and interior enforcement, which Congress has failed to adequately address over the years. It is my hope that the House and Senate, with the president’s leadership, will be able to find consensus on a permanent legislative solution that includes ensuring that those who have done nothing wrong can still contribute as a valued part of this great country.”

Paul Ryan is so unpopular his numbers now rival Nancy Pelosi.

Breitbart reported:

To no one’s surprise, a just-released NBC News poll reveals that feckless Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan has succeeded in becoming just as unpopular as his polarizing predecessor, San Francisco Democrat Nancy Pelosi.

The Survey/Monkey poll shows that 30% of those surveyed view Pelosi favorably, a statistical tie with Paul Ryan’s 31%. The two are also tied up in the unfavorable department, with 64% holding an unfavorable view of Pelosi, compared to 63% for Ryan.

The post REPORT: House Conservatives Quietly Plotting Removal of Paul Ryan as Speaker appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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North Korea Nukes Driving California ‘Star Wars’ Defense Boom

North Korea Nukes Driving California ‘Star Wars’ Defense Boom

7 Sep, 2017
7 Sep, 2017

North Korea flying missiles over Japan and detonating a potential 100-kiloton hydrogen bomb just turbo-charged what was already the beginning of a Southern California “Star Wars” defense boom.

The 6.3-magnitude quake on September 3 recorded near North Korea’s main testing site indicates that “Dear Respected Comrade” Kim Jong Un likely detonated a thermonuclear bomb with about 10 times more power than a 10-kiloton test carried out a year ago. Unlike fission weapons that split atoms apart to generate explosions, advanced thermonuclear weapons explode a small fission bomb to trigger an exponentially larger fusion blast.

Donald Trump campaigned on the idea that after 16 years of constant military deployments, America’s military equipment was worn out and our weapons systems needed to be replaced and upgraded. When President Trump asked Congress in March for defense increases of $30 billion this year and $54 billion next year, paid for by a 10-12 percent slash in most federal government departments, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) responded, “President Trump has shown that he does not value the future of our children and working families.”

But both President Trump and Rep. Pelosi know key components of America’s nuclear triad of land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), strategic bombers, and submarine-launched ballistic missiles have reached the end of their useful life, and development efforts have been underway in Southern California for decades to upgrade triad systems and add space-based weapons as a fourth strategic defense component.

Southern California aerospace employment peaked just before the Soviet Union’s 1990 collapse, at 273,178 jobs. It then shriveled to a trough of 92,361 in 2015. But according to Price Waterhouse Consulting, “demand for new, emerging technologies – like autonomy, artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, cybersecurity, robotics, advanced communications and analytics – is causing the boundaries between traditional aerospace and defense (A&D) and commercial technology companies to blur.”

President Ronald Reagan announced on March 23, 1983 that he was launching the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) to protect the American homeland from nuclear annihilation by building space-based lasers to knock-out incoming Soviet intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). In the last 34 years, the United States has spent more than $239 billion (in 2016 dollars) on the effort.

The Left lampooned the SDI as a “fanciful, technologically implausible concept” and nicknamed space-based weapons systems as “Star Wars.”

President Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Defense Les Aspin declared “the end of the ‘Star Wars’ era” in 1993. Then Clinton gave North Korea $4 billion as incentives under the 1994 “Agreed Framework” to refrain from developing nuclear weapons. But after North Korea sent a two-stage missile over Japan in 1998, Clinton was forced by Congressional Republicans to sign the National Missile Defense Act of 1999, committing the United States to deploying a national missile defense system.

Over the next 18 years, 26 ground-based missile interceptors have been installed at Fort Greely, Alaska, four at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, and 14 at undisclosed locations. Another 440 SM-3 Block I & II missile interceptors are installed on U.S. and Japanese ships. The number will rise to 440 in 2018, as Poland receives shipments.

Other big development program updates involving Southern California aerospace companies that are about to go into production include Northrup Grumman’s B-21 Third Generation Stealth Bomber and Boeing’s Minuteman IV ICBM with multiple warheads.

Breitbart News reported the SpaceX August launch of the X-37B “Spaceplane,” jointly developed by Lockheed Martin Corp and Boeing’s Phantom Works. The weapons platform is America’s first hunter-killer space-based weapon system. The fleet of X-37Bs is expected to be armed with look-down 150-kilowatt Laser Weapon Systems and Rail Gun Hyper Velocity Projectiles to take out satellites. But the X-37B may also be able to take out North Korean in-flight missiles and disable their ground facilities.

Southern California aerospace revenue up-ticked in 2016 to $18 billion. The industry is now on a hiring boom, led by Aerojet Rocketdyne, AeroVironment Inc., Boeing, Northrup Grumman, Raytheon, GE, Lockheed Martin, Virgin Galactic, Vulcan Stratolaunch and Elon Musk’s Space X. The “Aerospace Engineering Jobs” website lists 15 pages of openings and 300 positions. The average starting aerospace salary is $79,654 a year.


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Analyst Claims Facebook Inflates Ad Reach by Millions

Analyst Claims Facebook Inflates Ad Reach by Millions

6 Sep, 2017
6 Sep, 2017

A research group analyst claims that Facebook inflates the number of people that their ads reach by millions.

CNBC reports that Brian Wieser, a research analyst at the Pivotal Research Group, claimed that Facebook has been inflating their ad reach numbers by millions in order to give the appearance of improved advertisement reach. Facebook claims that their advertisements can reach 41 million 18-24 year-olds and 60 million 25-34 year-olds in the U.S. However, according to census data, there are only 31 million 18-24 year-olds and 45 million 25-34 year-olds in the entire U.S.

When questioned about the apparent discrepancy in population numbers, Facebook stated that their advertisement numbers are “estimates” of how many users are “eligible” to see advertisements and “are not designed to match population or census estimates.”

Wieser commented on the implications of Facebook’s overestimation, saying, “While Facebook’s measurement issues won’t necessarily deter advertisers from spending money with Facebook, they will help traditional TV sellers justify existing budget shares and could restrain Facebook’s growth in video ad sales on the margins.”

Facebook’s ad reach estimation is based on a number of factors such as Facebook user behavior, user demographics, and location data collected from devices. In September of 2016, Facebook informed advertisers that their advertising metrics had been artificially inflated as Facebook was only counting videos that had been watched for more than three seconds by users, Facebook’s benchmark for what counts as an advertisement “view.”

Facebook attempted to be more transparent in their reporting of metrics in November 2016, launching a blog called Measurement FYI which shares updates on the website data collection and corrects previous data reports.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan_ or email him at lnolan@breitbart.com.

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Terrorism, Migrants, Extremism at Top of Germans’ Fears Ahead of Election

Terrorism, Migrants, Extremism at Top of Germans’ Fears Ahead of Election

7 Sep, 2017
7 Sep, 2017

Terrorism, political extremism, and social tensions due to mass migration are Germans’ greatest concerns ahead of the federal election, according to a survey.

The annual survey by R & V insurance published Thursday reveals that at the top of Germans’ concerns was terrorism, with 71 per cent of respondents saying they were fearful of potential terror attacks, reports Die Welt.

The results of “The Fears of Germans 2017” show a marked change compared to just over one month ago when Germans responded to a similar survey, conducted by the Kantar Emnid opinion research centre, where respondents claimed that their greatest concern was climate change (71 per cent) with terror attacks in third place at 63 per cent.

The month of August saw a spate of acts of terrorism across Europe including a sword attack on police outside Buckingham Palace, a 37-year-old Algerian mowing down six French soldiers on the streets of Paris, and the Catalonia terror attacks which saw an Islamist cell of a dozen Moroccan and Moroccan-origin men commit vehicular ramming attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils, Spain.

In total, the summer months (June to August) saw 19 attempted or executed terror attacks resulting in 27 fatalities and approximately 250 injuries across the continent.

Of next greatest concern was political extremism, with 62 per cent of Germans saying they were concerned by right wing and left wing extremists.

Left wing violence in Germany and Europe is becoming an epidemic as reports show incidents of left wing violence have far outpaced right wing violence. Senior German officials warn that Alt-Left violence has been severely underestimated and that left-extremists could be willing to kill.

Police in Germany are often subject to attack by violent leftists; in July, nearly 500 officers were injured and 2,000 crimes were committed by Antifa and other Alt-Left extremists during the G20 riots in Hamburg.

In a close third, 61 per cent of the citizens also fear that a further influx of migrants from the Middle East and Africa could lead to tensions between Germans and with foreigners already living in the country.

Since the start of the migrant crisis in 2015, when Chancellor Angela Merkel invited migrants from the Middle East and Africa to travel to northern Europe in unlimited numbers, the country has seen a rise in crime, sectarian violence between rival migrant groups, and sexual assaults and rapes.

Following the mass sex attacks on girls and women at Cologne Station on New Year’s Eve 2015/2016, a survey found more than half of German women no longer feel safe walking in their own neighbourhoods.

Germany is set to go to the polls on September 24th, with Chancellor Merkel expected to win a fourth term in office. In a debate between the Christian Democratic Union leader and her Socialist rival Martin Schulz, Merkel stood by her decision to allow one million unvetted migrants into the country, saying that migrants are “no threat to Germany”.

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Report: Islamic State Urges Supporters to Poison Grocery Stores, Attack Harvey Shelters

A pro-Islamic State (ISIS) Telegram channel has urged lone-wolf jihadists in the United States to target relief centers in Houston, Texas, housing people displaced by Hurricane Harvey, according to a report from SITE Intelligence Group.

“To all the LM’s (lone warriors) in the U.S., pop down to Houston and drop in at any of the relief centers housing displaced people from the Houston floods, make sure to bring lots of supplies/gadgets/toys to see if you can help put any kuffs (disbelievers) out of their misery,” the message reads, followed by a series of emojis depicting explosions, knives, bombs, guns and medical symbols.

The hurricane, which primarily affected Texas—as well as parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Kentucky—has forced thousands of people to evacuate their homes and take shelter in relief centers. It is estimated to have caused $180 billion in damage and claimed the lives of at least 60 people.

In the past few days, Islamic State channels have also posted calls for attacks on Europe, Russia, and the United States, on the occasion of the Islamic “Sacrifice Feast” Eid al Adha. Meanwhile, another message urges supporters to use chemical weapons by injecting cyanide into products in Western supermarkets.

It is not the first time that the group called for attacks against American civilians. In November 2016, the group called for the “slaughter” of civilians taking part in the presidential election and urged supporters to “make this year’s US presidential election a dreadful calamity like no other to have struck America throughout its pathetic history.”

Fortunately, no terrorist incidents were reported.

The group has also repeatedly urged followers to conduct “lone wolf” attacks, by targeting busy areas with vehicles or conducting cyber attacks through hacking.

It is also not the first time that ISIS has sanctioned the use of chemical weapons. In May, a report from the Times of London found that the organization had conducted chemical weapons experiments on live human beings.

Meanwhile, in March, the organization also used a “blistering chemical agent” against women and children in an attempt to slow the liberation of its regional capital by the U.S. led coalition.

Follow Ben Kew on Facebook, Twitter at @ben_kew, or email him at bkew@breitbart.com

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‘More Dead Cops’ Banner Hangs over NY Highway

‘More Dead Cops’ Banner Hangs over NY Highway

6 Sep, 2017
6 Sep, 2017

Police are investigating a banner found hanging above a New York overpass that reads “More Dead Cops.”  The banner also bears the “circle A” brand used by Antifa activists.

Retired police Capt. John Cooney said whoever hung the sign is “ignorant,” PoliceOne.com reported.

Police found the banner hanging from an overpass on a highway near the state’s capital of Albany, New York. Someone removed the banner shortly after police received a call reporting the offensive slogan.

A “circle A” brand also appeared on the banner, police said. The mark is similar to that used by Antifa activists who carry out acts of violence at various rallies across the country, Fox News Insider reported.

“It’s absolute horror,” community resident Johnathan Falk told the local Fox News reporter. “We’re talking about people who put their lives on the line every day for strangers for not a lot of money, and they’re getting so disrespected. It’s terrible.”

As for a reaction from local police, Retired Captain John Cooney told the reporter, “We will continue to do our job and serve the citizens as we always have.”

Capt. Cooney said the legality of the banner is “murky at best,” News 10 ABC reported. He said trespassing or unlawful use of property are the likely offenses police could pursue if they find the suspects.

“It’s a waste of their time, and to be frank, to worry about the statement made on the banner today would be a waste of our time,” he concluded.

Officially, police say they are “looking into the matter.”

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas. He is a founding member of the Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

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Network Evening Newscasts Ignore First Day of Menendez Trial

All three major network newscasts ignored the first day of Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez’s (N.J.) corruption trial during their Wednesday night airings.

CBS, NBC, and ABC all began their programs discussing Hurricane Irma before reporting on President Donald Trump’s decision to support a short-term debt-ceiling extension or providing an update on the recovery efforts in Texas for Hurricane Harvey victims.

"CBS Evening News" led off with a story about Hurricane Irma, followed by:

  • Houston’s recovery from Hurricane Harvey
  • Trump’s $1 million donation for Harvey relief
  • The latest on Trump’s cancellation of the DACA program
  • Trump’s deal with Democrats on raising the debt ceiling
  • Violence in Chicago
  • Hillary Clinton’s upcoming memoir on her election loss
  • Seattle Seahawks player Michael Bennett’s claim of police misconduct in Las Vegas
  • Safety ratings for pickup trucks
  • Wildfires in the western United States
  • Legos

"NBC Nightly News" also began with Irma, followed by:

  • FEMA’s financial struggles to keep up with Hurricanes Harvey and Irma
  • Republicans blindsided by Trump’s deal with Democrats
  • Western wildfires
  • Michael Bennett
  • A shoplifter in Texas escaping handcuffs and stealing a police car
  • The latest on the U.S. Open
  • A young boy who got a police escort to school after his father, a cop, died
  • A woman making her wedding registry about donations to others

"ABC World News Tonight" began with Irma, followed by:

  • Trump’s deal with Democrats
  • The latest on DACA
  • The Texas shoplifter’s escape
  • Michael Bennett
  • Facebook revealing $100,000 in political ads bought by fake accounts based in Russia during the election
  • A safety recall on dressers
  • Jo Dee Messina revealing her cancer diagnosis
  • A plane flying by Hurricane Irma

NewsBusters noted that the ABC and NBC morning shows also ignored the trial Wednesday morning, while "CBS This Morning" did a brief blurb on it.

Prosecutors allege that Menendez "sold his office" for lavish vacations and gifts in return for political favors on behalf of his friend Dr. Salomon Melgen, a wealthy Florida ophthalmologist. Menendez has professed his innocence and believes he will be vindicated.

While Sen. Cory Booker (D., N.J.) was on hand Wednesday in the courtroom to support his fellow New Jersey lawmaker, other Senate Democrats have showed reticence to comment on the trial.

Fox News, CNN and MSNBC, however, have covered the trial this week. MSNBC’s Ari Melber said Wenesday the case appeared "overwhelming" against Menendez, while CNN’s Jake Tapper previewed the trial on Tuesday’s edition of "The Lead." Fox’s "Special Report" also had a full story on the case on Wednesday evening.

UPDATE: 2:52 P.M.: This story was updated with information about Fox News, CNN and MSNBC’s coverage of the trial.

The post Network Evening Newscasts Ignore First Day of Menendez Trial appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

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The criminal leaking of classified information to the news media is continuing unabated.

In 05/2017, in his testimony before Congress, James Comey, former FBI Director, revealed that he asked a close friend to leak private memos he had kept recounting his interactions with Trump to the news media.

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