Houston Proves Everything the MSM Says About Our ‘Divided’ Country Is a Lie

Even before Hurricane Harvey waylaid southeast Texas, the idea was to write this piece, to offer some perspective on the difference between our corrupt media’s relentless portrayal of a hopelessly divided America, and a little something known as Reality.

Having spent 6 weeks (during 3 separate trips) on the road this summer, having spent time in about 10 different states, my own experience outside the media-fabricated bubble was an eye opener. Then the terrible devastation of Harvey came along and, I hope, broke the media’s wicked spell across the fruited plain.

You need not live in Manhattan or DC to bubble yourself, and by extension, be hoodwinked by a media and Left desperate to crack our union in two. The only requirement is a news addiction fed by the establishment media. If that toxin is your primary portal to the outside world, you are being misled. And I say this not from On High, but from experience.

Through this media portal, we are always portrayed as being at each other’s throats. And not just along political lines, which is not a terrible thing if you believe debate is good for democracy, but along toxified racial, gender, age, region, and lifestyle lines.

Basically, the media fabricates the following: that old white men (i.e. Trump supporters) are desperate to hold on to their privilege at the expense brown, black, gay, female, and young Americans. And for this reason, every brown, black, gay, female, and young American must vote Democrat.

Let’s begin with the fact that nearly half of those, 48%!,  who voted for Trump are NOT men. Let’s end with the fact that 43% of those who voted for Trump are NOT white. This means that there are, literally, tens of millions of non-whites and women who support this president.

If you look at the establishment media, though, this inconvenient fact is intentionally memory-holed, all in service to a propaganda campaign meant to hustle Americans into believing we hate one another. The obvious goal is to turn propaganda into reality by fooling us into believing we must join a tribe, a tribe as defined by the media, a tribe that comports perfectly with the evil of identity politics, which can only result in putting elites and their centralized government back in power.

The primary weapons in this propaganda war are extremist groups the media dishonestly uses as avatars for all of us. Therefore, it is no accident that every single one of these groups, starting with the KKK  and white supremacists, and ending with AntiFa and Black Lives Matter, are leftwing hate groups — groups conceived, birthed and raised by a Democrat Party desperate to cover up its failed ideas with grievance coalitions too shallow to see past their own precious identities.

These hate groups also give the media its desired chaos narrative, the emotional blackmail that demands we take a side, which is, at its essence, a ransom note that reads:


By over-blowing and inundating us with 24/7 with strife and violence, by stressing us out, this is the media holding civility and the social compact hostage; demanding we pay a ransom that surrenders merit to identity and individual freedom to government.

In other words, what you see 24/7 on CNN is not America. What you see on CNN, rather, is the America CNN wants to create through lies. The truth is this: even on a Big News night, no more than about 7 million tune into ALL of cable news, and any amount of time spent in the Real World is a revelation of just how little impact and influence the establishment media is having on our country.

After six weeks on the road, after dozens of people in states as politically diverse as Illinois and South Carolina, Maryland and West Virginia, I am heartened to report that the people in this country get along, live and work together, just fine. Out in the Real World, no one’s taking it to the streets, obsessed with identity, or at each other’s throats. Politics almost never came up, and the few times it did ended with a handshake or hug.

In fact, Americans of all stripes are busy living their lives, raising their kids, embracing summer. The only noticeable effect DC is having on Real America is an increased optimism about the economy.

The very day that two leftwing groups — white supremacists and AntiFa — went after each other in Charlottesville, you want to know where I was? At a wedding in Chicago, in a building hosting five receptions simultaneously, in a place packed with hundreds of people of every conceivable racial background enjoying each other’s company. It was e pluribus unum on steroids. There was no tension, no awkwardness, no nothing other than Americans — AMERICANS — enjoying the fruits of hard work, family, friendship and community.

And then Houston happened; good heavens, what a great country we are, what a great people we are. The very people who are ordered by the media to hate one another — blacks, Hispanics, whites, southerners, — instead helped, rescued, saved, consoled and soothed one another. From out of state, the Deplorables came, flying the flag of the Cajun Army, volunteering to risk their own lives to save a city that is much more black and Hispanic than not.

What we are seeing in Houston is not the exception, is not the outlier.

What we are seeing in Houston is who we are, is America.

Don’t let anyone tell you different.

 Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC.               Follow his Facebook Page here.

via Breitbart News

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Immigration? Let’s at least be consistent about not enforcing laws

People had better not bring in any goods from foreign countries without declaring them and paying the designated fees. 

People and businesses need to declare their out-of-state purchases where they didn’t pay sales taxes so that their state gets the money.

Even buying a car out of my city requires me to pay the city its sales tax.  Somehow, the border matters to my city on my car.

It is illegal to bring in cigarettes from low-tax states and sell them in cities like New York without paying the additional tax.  Politicians in New York care about cigarettes coming in illegally but not people. 

Congress has never allowed the selling of health insurance across state lines.

Professionals like CPAs, lawyers, doctors, and so many more are required to get licenses in the states they practice in.  (I wonder why those borders matter.)  But people who come in the country illegally should be allowed to stay and roam wherever they want because there, the border obviously doesn’t matter. 

I hope CEOs who say DACA is appropriate never complain about China and other countries selling goods either illegally or below cost.  After all, China is just trying to help its families and economy, and we should be understanding and compassionate. 

I believe we should just be able to get rid of whatever laws we choose.  For example I think we should stop enforcing contract law for CEOs, reporters, and network personalities.  I believe they make too much.  They are taking way more than their fair share.  I also think patent law is unnecessary.  Corporations should be required to share their inventions with whoever wants them.  Maybe they could just give the trade secrets to the government so they could hand them out. 

I also think royalties are unnecessary for actors and musicians.  They made enough money up front, and some of them are truly abusing their privilege. 

Bill Gates seems to be a big advocate for DACA so he should be required to open up his mansions to anyone who wants to stay there.  Anyone should be able to go on his property without threat of repercussions.  In other words, his house should have no enforceable borders. 

In summary, whatever president is in at the time can pick and choose whatever laws and rules he wants.  If Congress won’t give him what he wants, he should just be able to make his own rules as he goes.

I wonder what could go wrong.  I am sure reporters would just go along if Trump acted like Obama. 

People had better not bring in any goods from foreign countries without declaring them and paying the designated fees. 

People and businesses need to declare their out-of-state purchases where they didn’t pay sales taxes so that their state gets the money.

Even buying a car out of my city requires me to pay the city its sales tax.  Somehow, the border matters to my city on my car.

It is illegal to bring in cigarettes from low-tax states and sell them in cities like New York without paying the additional tax.  Politicians in New York care about cigarettes coming in illegally but not people. 

Congress has never allowed the selling of health insurance across state lines.

Professionals like CPAs, lawyers, doctors, and so many more are required to get licenses in the states they practice in.  (I wonder why those borders matter.)  But people who come in the country illegally should be allowed to stay and roam wherever they want because there, the border obviously doesn’t matter. 

I hope CEOs who say DACA is appropriate never complain about China and other countries selling goods either illegally or below cost.  After all, China is just trying to help its families and economy, and we should be understanding and compassionate. 

I believe we should just be able to get rid of whatever laws we choose.  For example I think we should stop enforcing contract law for CEOs, reporters, and network personalities.  I believe they make too much.  They are taking way more than their fair share.  I also think patent law is unnecessary.  Corporations should be required to share their inventions with whoever wants them.  Maybe they could just give the trade secrets to the government so they could hand them out. 

I also think royalties are unnecessary for actors and musicians.  They made enough money up front, and some of them are truly abusing their privilege. 

Bill Gates seems to be a big advocate for DACA so he should be required to open up his mansions to anyone who wants to stay there.  Anyone should be able to go on his property without threat of repercussions.  In other words, his house should have no enforceable borders. 

In summary, whatever president is in at the time can pick and choose whatever laws and rules he wants.  If Congress won’t give him what he wants, he should just be able to make his own rules as he goes.

I wonder what could go wrong.  I am sure reporters would just go along if Trump acted like Obama. 

via American Thinker Blog

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Pro-abortion orgs raise money so Hurricane Harvey victims can get abortions — the response is brutal

Hurricane Harvey, between its wind and days of historic rainfall, caused a laundry-list of problems in southeast Texas and turned thousands of people’s lives upside-down.

Homes flooded. Properties destroyed. Dead family members. Texans have faced it all. Hundreds of organizations and tens of thousands of Americans nationwide have turned to donate and volunteer in the storm ravaged areas.

But some organizations are focusing on something much, much different.

Um, what?

NARAL, one of the nation’s leading pro-choice — really, pro-abortion — organizations, posted tweets to its official Twitter account on Friday lamenting over the lack of abortions happening in Texas due to Hurricane Harvey.

It also directed its users to support the Lilith Fund, which is supposedly helping Texans receive abortions in the wake of Harvey.

“Join us in supporting Harvey survivors seeking an abortion but cannot afford it,” a Lilith picture read.

The National Network of Abortion Funds also got in on the action:

The scathing response

Considering that water rescues are still ongoing and recovery efforts will take months, possibly even years, it wouldn’t be far-fetched to say that NARAL’s interests are a bit out-of-touch.

But never waste a good opportunity to raise money for your sinister organization, right? Right…

The response to the posturing has been scathing:

Decency still exists in America.

via TheBlaze.com – Stories

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PAPER: It Wasn’t Comey’s Decision to Exonerate Hillary – It Was Obama’s

James Comey’s irreparable reputation took another body blow this week after a memo emerged, written by the former FBI Director, appearing to exonerate Hillary Clinton of any wrongdoing in relation to her handling of classified information — prior to the investigation’s conclusion. With all the focus on Comey’s role in Hillary Clinton’s exoneration, it begs the question if the decision was made by a “higher power.”

No, not God.

But by a man who may think of himself as one — Barack Obama. National Review’s Andrew McCarthy believes Obama was the puppet master, so to speak, driving the narrative to insure Hillary was gotten off the hook, ensuring the Democrat Party continued its control over the White House.

National Review reports:

Let’s think about what else was going on in April 2016. I’ve written about it a number of times over the last year-plus, such as in a column a few months back: On April 10, 2016, President Obama publicly stated that Hillary Clinton had shown “carelessness” in using a private e-mail server to handle classified information, but he insisted that she had not intended to endanger national security (which is not an element of the [criminal statutes relevant to her e-mail scandal]). The president acknowledged that classified information had been transmitted via Secretary Clinton’s server, but he suggested that, in the greater scheme of things, its importance had been vastly overstated. This is precisely the reasoning that Comey relied on in ultimately absolving Clinton, as I recounted in the same column: On July 5, 2016, FBI director James Comey publicly stated that Clinton had been “extremely careless” in using a private email server to handle classified information, but he insisted that she had not intended to endanger national security (which is not an element of the relevant criminal statute).

The director acknowledged that classified information had been transmitted via Secretary Clinton’s server, but he suggested that, in the greater scheme of things, it was just a small percentage of the emails involved. Obama’s April statements are the significant ones. They told us how this was going to go. The rest is just details. In his April 10 comments, Obama made the obvious explicit: He did not want the certain Democratic nominee, the candidate he was backing to succeed him, to be indicted. Conveniently, his remarks (inevitably echoed by Comey) did not mention that an intent to endanger national security was not an element of the criminal offenses Clinton was suspected of committing – in classic Obama fashion, he was urging her innocence of a strawman crime while dodging any discussion of the crimes she had actually committed.

As we also now know – but as Obama knew at the time – the president himself had communicated with Clinton over her non-secure, private communications system, using an alias. The Obama administration refused to disclose these several e-mail exchanges because they undoubtedly involve classified conversations between the president and his secretary of state. It would not have been possible to prosecute Mrs. Clinton for mishandling classified information without its being clear that President Obama had engaged in the same conduct. The administration was never, ever going to allow that to happen.

As The Gateway Pundit reported on Friday, it looks like Comey has some explaining to do. The former FBI Director testified to Congress that he decided not to recommended charges in relation to handling of classified information, after the FBI interviewed Hillary Clinton on July 2, 2016. However, a new report reveals Comey penned a memo exonerating Clinton in the Spring.

On September 28th, 2016, Texas GOP Rep. John Ratcliffe asked Comey the following (simple) question:

“Director, did you make the decision not to recommend criminal charges relating to classified information before or after Hillary Clinton was interviewed by the FBI on July 2nd?”

Comey’s answer under oath?


Following the exchange, the Office of Rep. John Ratcliffe issued the following statement:

Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) exposed troubling new details today surrounding the Clinton email investigation during his questioning of FBI Director James Comey before the House Judiciary Committee. In the exchange, Ratcliffe focused on implications of the facts revealed by documents released by the FBI after Comey initially announced his recommendation not to press criminal charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Ratcliffe’s exchange with Comey showed that:

  • In his multi-decade career as a prosecutor Comey could not recall a single instance in which two key witnesses of a criminal investigation were allowed to sit in on an interview with the principle target of that same investigation, as was the case in the Clinton email investigation.
  • The FBI appears to have focused on only two portions of criminal code related to the mishandling of sensitive information, specifically in regard to Clinton herself, while ignoring the possible destruction of evidence and obstruction of justice by other parties. In fact, Comey readily admitted that Paul Combetta, who destroyed emails records of Hillary Clinton with Bleach Bit despite a preservation request to retain them, lied to federal investigators before receiving immunity.

“As a former federal prosecutor, I can tell you that it’s unheard of for a potential key witness to be present when the target of an investigation is being interviewed. In fact, I’ve never seen it. And Comey admitted he’s never seen it. The American people have every right to wonder why this occurred in Clinton’s case – this isn’t the treatment anyone else in our country would have received, and it frankly appears that the outcome of this investigation was predetermined from the start,” Ratcliffe said.

Documents released on Thursday show former FBI head James Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton before the investigation into her email conduct had concluded. Even more concerning is “Mr. Comey even circulated an early draft statement to select members of senior FBI leadership,” reports Townhall.

Townhall reports:

According to new transcripts released by the Senate Judiciary Thursday afternoon, former FBI Director James Comey made the decision not to refer then Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for prosecution long before ever interviewing key witnesses. Members of the Committee allege Comey made the decision months before FBI agents were finished with the criminal investigation of her mishandling classified information during her time as Secretary of State.

The transcripts were revealed in a letter sent to current FBI Director Christopher Wray, in which lawmakers are demanding an explanation and more documents surrounding the case.

“According to the unredacted portions of the transcripts, it appears that in April or early May of 2016, Mr. Comey had already decided he would issue a statement exonerating Secretary Clinton.  That was long before FBI agents finished their work.  Mr. Comey even circulated an early draft statement to select members of senior FBI leadership.  The outcome of an investigation should not be prejudged while FBI agents are still hard at work trying to gather the facts,” the letter, signed by Chairman Chuck Grassley and Committee member Lindsey Graham states. “Conclusion first, fact-gathering second—that’s no way to run an investigation.  The FBI should be held to a higher standard than that, especially in a matter of such great public interest and controversy.”

Former Congressman Jason Chaffetz believes Comey may have committed perjury.

Fox News Insider reports:

Jason Chaffetz said former FBI Director James Comey has a lot of “explaining to do” in light of new reports that he began drafting a statement exonerating Hillary Clinton even before interviewing key witnesses, including the former secretary of state.

“He’s certainly got a lot of explaining to do. He could have perjured himself,” the former House oversight committee chairman said on “Fox & Friends.”

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley and fellow GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham wrote a letter to the FBI this week, expressing concern over whether Comey made up his mind about the email investigation months before his public news conference.

“Conclusion first, fact-gathering second—that’s no way to run an investigation,” the senators wrote. “The FBI should be held to a higher standard than that, especially in a matter of such great public interest and controversy.”

The post PAPER: It Wasn’t Comey’s Decision to Exonerate Hillary – It Was Obama’s appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

via The Gateway Pundit

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Utah officer who brutally arrested nurse for complying with law just got a huge reality check

A Salt Lake City police detective who incited rage across the country on Friday is finally beginning to feel the consequences of his actions.

What happened

Detective Jeff Payne was videoed on July 26 assaulting and arresting a hospital nurse who refused to give him blood vials of one of her patients. Payne neither had a warrant for the blood, nor did he have probable cause or the patient’s consent to draw it. That means he was constitutionally barred from drawing the blood.

After Payne put the nurse, Alex Wubbels, in handcuffs, he placed her in his police vehicle. She was later released and not charged with a crime.

Body cam footage from several officers captured the incident.

Bad decisions have consequences

Payne, a trained phlebotomist, was initially only suspended from the city police department’s blood-draw department, but remained on otherwise full active-duty. Now the city has made a much stiffer decision about Payne’s future.

According to the Salt Lake City Tribune, city officials have placed Payne and another officer on administrative leave pending a full investigation into the incident. The decision to the suspend the officers came Friday afternoon. The name of the second officer was not released.

In addition, the Salt Lake County district attorney Sim Gill announced he has explored the possibility of opening a criminal investigation into the incident. He said Friday: “On the face of the evidence, there is concern that is raised about this officer’s conduct. But the whole point of an investigation is to gather the information about this situation.”

Mayor Jackie Biskupski and SLC police chief Mike Brown said at a press conference and in a joint statement that they’ve spoken with Wubbles and apologized to her. They also reiterated department policy changes.

Two important questions

Wubbles and her attorney released the full footage of the incident during a press conference on Thursday. They said they had no plans to sue the city, but explained they met with the press because they felt the city wasn’t doing enough in response to the alarming incident.

If the city continues to drag its feet, Wubbles said she would have no choice but to sue. She said her only goal is to prevent what happened to her from happening to others.

But, if the city really is interested in getting to the bottom of the incident like Biskupski and Brown claim, why did it take Wubbles releasing the footage to the press to finally get a substantive response from the city?

It’s clear to many that Payne’s actions deserve dismissal and potential criminal prosecution. So what’s the real reason for the action Salt Lake City officials are now taking, more than one month after the incident. Are they actually interested in transparency and decency or are they just saving face now that the footage is public?

via TheBlaze.com – Stories

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Libs Enraged After Blurry Harvey Photo Is Identified

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When Hurricane Harvey hit Texas flooding many areas and stranding Texans, one police officer made headlines with a blurry photo. Now, liberals are… as you guessed it… enraged.

A police officer named Jack McCarty in Aransas Pass, Texas, just outside Corpus Christi, risked his life during the flood to save an American flag. A photo captured the moments, showing McCarty wearing a yellow raincoat, riding a bicycle, with the flag raised high above his head.

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The photo was posted on the Aransas Pass Police Department’s official Facebook page and many flocked to the posting to leave comments of support and pride.

“While some dishonor and desecrate her, APPD Ofc. Jack McCarty will stop at nothing to honor and save her,” the caption on the post read.

Many conservatives made remarks about how proud they were to see this photo. It’s a beautiful image and should be hung in a museum somewhere, but more than that, it represents hope and triumph. The courage of the American spirit.

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This is what pride in your country looks like. A lot more of this kind of spirit is needed,” a user named Chris Weber wrote.

User Davis Millush commented on what it truly means to protect and serve. “Please give my sincerest respects to Officer McCarty. His decision to respect our flag in those conditions says more about his character than any words on a performance evaluation. We, as Americans, are bessed to have men and women like Officer McCarty serving and protecting our families. Our prayers are with you for your safety in the storm’s aftermath.”

However, the liberal naysayers could not see the beauty, pride, or strength in the photo and instead expressed only anger.

So a piece of cloth is more important than the stranded elderly and children? I see his priorities… a shame,” Justin Skinner wrote.

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Geoff Goldwater commented on the priorities of the officer as well saying, “I think that being in this time of need for your residents amongst all the other Texans in need, it’s quite shameful for you to politicize a photo. SMH.”

Anyone in their right mind can see what this photo stands for, but the liberal agenda is to always attack and tear down anything patriotic. You wonder… do they even like their own country?

At any rate, we salute this officer, and we stand proudly and salute the flag of the United States of America.

H/T BizPac Review

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via Conservative Tribune

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Hate-Filled Liberals Attack POTUS For Pledging $1 Million to Hurricane Harvey Relief

President Trump will donate $1 million to victims of Hurricane Harvey, according to White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

The President has not decided yet what group the money will go to, but the White House did extend an offer to the press corps to throw out ideas as to who the President should donate to.

The liberals came unhinged over President Trump’s announcement to pledge $1 million dollars to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey. Makes sense.

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted out that his father is pledging $1 million in personal funds to Harvey relief and like clockwork, the hateful liberals attacked him.

Liberals prove everyday that they truly are the mentally ill of society. Many liberals implied the money was coming from a Russian bank, others complained that it wasn’t enough money. Remember when Obama pledged $1 million of his own money to the Louisiana flood victims? Neither do we.

The post Hate-Filled Liberals Attack POTUS For Pledging $1 Million to Hurricane Harvey Relief appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

via The Gateway Pundit

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Woman Who Resembles Danny DeVito Is Criticizing Melania Trump’s Fashion

What the heck is this? Via Daily Caller: Today we learned a very important lesson about looking before you speak. A Vogue magazine editor named Lynn Yaeger has been trolling Melania Trump’s fashion choices this week after FLOTUS opted to wear heels aboard Air Force One. Many people probably took her article seriously. Many people […]

via Weasel Zippers

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How USAToday shamed Keith Olbermann into apologizing to Sec. Betsy DeVos

Last Saturday, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos tweeted a message expressing her department’s readiness to help schools impacted by Hurricane Harvey:

Somehow, that anodyne message was enough to put progressive nutjob Keith Olbermann into a rage. He responded with this tweet calling the Secretary of Education a “Mother******”:

As you can see, the tweet was popular. In fact, it got a lot more attention than any of Olbermann’s videos have recently. David Mastio at USAToday asked Keith’s employers how they felt about directing this sort of language to a cabinet secretary. He describes what happened next:

Calling a member of the Cabinet a “mother—er” must be some seriously high-quality content because nobody at GQ or Condé Nast said anything about the colorfully worded tweet even as it was shared 19,000 times and liked 52,000 more over 48 hours. A few Trump-friendlywebsites got all priggish, but not one mainstream journalist on the media beat bothered to write an article

Anyhoo, when nobody wrote about Olbermann’s vulgarity by Monday, I kinda thought that was odd, so I sent a couple emails hoping to ask a few questions of the GQ editor and Bob Sauerberg, CEO of Condé Nast. Almost five hours later, not a peep.

That changed when I started asking my questions on Twitter. Suddenly the GQ PR folks got responsive.

The moment Mastio took his concerns public, he was told to keep an eye on Olbermann’s Twitter feed. A short time later Olberman offered this apology:

As Mastio points out, this is one part apology and one part advertisement for Olbermann’s forthcoming book. Olbermann may be an ugly caricature of far left extremism, but he knows there’s still a market for what he does and he’s going to continue to capitalize on it.

The post How USAToday shamed Keith Olbermann into apologizing to Sec. Betsy DeVos appeared first on Hot Air.

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