Hacker Publishes Reagan Battalion Founder’s SICKENING Alleged Search History

The search queries of the Reagan Battalion’s founder have allegedly been released by a hacker following the unmasking of the folks behind the shadowy #NeverTrump operation.

For those of you who don’t know, the Reagan Battalion is an anonymous group that pretends to be operating with the conservative interest in mind – has had a busy year. You may remember that back in February they launched a vicious smear campaign against Pro-Trump activist, Milo Yiannopoulos. Their campaign against him involved an edited video that managed to lose him his book deal, speaking engagement at CPAC, and ultimately caused him to resign from Breitbart.com sooner than expected.

Since all of this hit the fan, the Reagan Battalion began getting linked to far-left and alt-left, George Soros-funded PACs.

Recently, the Reagan Battalion attacked paleoconservative pundit Nicholas J. Fuentes – from doxing to bullying to trying to get him fired, the Reagan Battalion has been malicious. View Nick’s commentary below (starts around the 5:40 mark):

TGP’s Lucian Wintrich reported back on August 27th that the identity of the Reagan Battalion’s founder is none other than Benny Polatseck. Read the full article here for the full story.

Now, a hacker claims to have found the Internet search history of Mr. Polatseck and what was found is extremely disturbing:

Some of the content includes searches reading: “BABY TWINKS SEDUCED” “public bus porn” “movies about melostation [sic]” “molost [sic] porn” “BABY FACE TWEEN PORN” “BABY BOY PORN” “buy a girl online” “buy a girl” “buy a baby” “massage therapy in new jersey open late” and “can eating lots of sugar lower testotrone [sic]?”

Go to the Pastebin link here for more content, and if that should fail, go to the archived version here.

For more info on Reagan Battalion and their leader, watch the following video:

The post Hacker Publishes Reagan Battalion Founder’s SICKENING Alleged Search History appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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EXCLUSIVE: Despite Losing Homes, Houston Cops Put Duty First, Says Chief Acevedo

HOUSTON, Texas — Despite the loss or damage of their own homes, the men and women of the Houston Police Department put their duty first and stayed on the job to rescue those in danger, keep the peace, and save lives — even as they lost one of their own.

Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo came face to face with what may become the worst natural disaster to hit a major city in U.S. history. Despite his only being on the job as police chief for nine months, the men and women who work for him have done an amazing job of serving the community in rapidly changing circumstances, weather conditions, and an overwhelming number of service requests.


“The collective heart of the Houston Police Department (HPD), the Houston Fire Department, all of our municipal co-workers, (and) just the entire first-responder community in this city is second to none, and I am very proud of that,” the chief said. Despite more than 200 officers having their own homes damaged or destroyed “They’re putting their duty first.” The chief praised not only the commissioned officers who wear the dark blue uniform but the entire support staff and dispatchers.

Breitbart Texas spoke with several HPD staff members in the lobby. They expressed they have been living at their posts since the Hurricane began, nearly a week ago now.

“I don’t think anyone could have imagined just how significant a challenge this was going to be,” the chief explained. “It’s historical.”

“The (officers) who came in for 12-on, 12-off (shifts), if they were still here Saturday, they didn’t get to leave,” he expressed. “We made them all stay, it was required. They’ve been very highly motivated. And, as you can imagine, when you have close to 200 of them that their own homes have been damaged or lost, they haven’t abandoned their post.”

Acevedo said he has seen his officers responding to rescues, calls for service, and other emergencies with minimal food and rest, oftentimes wearing the same uniform for days.

The chief discussed the tragic loss of one of his own officers, 34-year-veteran Sergeant Steve Perez, who drowned in his patrol car Monday night.

“I’ll never forget, on Monday night when we were trying to find Sgt. Steve Perez, it was raining hard still, and I called for my dive team,” Acevedo recalled. “They had just finished rescuing a multitude of people at an apartment complex that had flooded.”

“They show up — they’d been on for 37 hours — they had survived on having a couple of power bars,” he stated proudly.

The dive team eventually found Sgt. Perez who had apparently accidentally driven into a flooded passageway while trying to find safe escape routes for evacuees.

Despite stern warnings to looters, HPD officers were forced to take their attention away from rescuing those in distress and pay attention to those who intended to harm others. At one point, officers arrested 14 armed robbers who were stealing from people already victimized by “Harvey.” Early in the week, the chief warned that looting “would not be tolerated.”

“Don’t come to Houston, because you’re going to be caught,” Acevedo told would-be looters. “That’s despicable behavior.”

“We know that when you have a major catastrophe like Hurricane Harvey, Tropical Storm Harvey, the ‘Harvey’ that just would not go away — once it starts clearing up just a little bit, the criminal element comes out and they start taking advantage of people and victimizing people that have already been victimized once,” he explained. “You’ve gotta put people on notice. We actually caught a crew of four gang members running around at gunpoint two nights ago, in the heavy rain, robbing members of our community.”

He said he spoke with Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg about the issue. “We both agree that we need to throw the book at people that would be so purely evil to actually victimize people, rob somebody or steal from somebody when they’re already at the lowest point in their life. Those folks, we need to take them seriously and hold them accountable because there will be another hurricane.”

Acevedo praised all of the first-responders and volunteer rescue workers like the Cajun Navy, a team of boat owners from Louisiana that responded in force to help rescue flood victims — even as “Harvey” prepared to move to their home communities.

“We should all take a moment and pause — take a day to just thank all of our first-responders and everybody that came here to help,” Acevedo expressed.

While the rains have stopped in Houston, the flooding continues and people are struggling to survive or return to their flooded homes. Houston police officers remain on the streets, “putting their duty first.”

Follow complete coverage of Hurricane Harvey and Houston Floods on Breitbart Texas.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas. He is a founding member of the Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTXGab, and Facebook.

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Death Spiral: 1,476 Counties Will Only Have One Obamacare Exchange Insurer in 2018

Death Spiral: 1,476 Counties Will Only Have One Obamacare Exchange Insurer in 2018

31 Aug, 2017
31 Aug, 2017

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) reported that 1,476 counties, over 45 percent of counties nationwide, will only have one health insurer on the Obamacare exchanges next year.

The CMS projected that more than 2.6 million Obamacare exchange participants could have only one health insurer in 2018.

The CMS stated that the Obamacare exchanges will no longer have any counties without any insurers. As of August 10, the CMS revealed that 17 counties would not have any insurers. Now, the number of counties with one health insurer has increased from 1,409 to 1,476 counties.

Breitbart News reported that Obamacare continues to experience a “death spiral.”

Prominent mainstream news publications, including the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times, have repeated the Democrats’ talking points that President Donald Trump’s hesitancy on Obamacare subsidies has led to “policy uncertainty” that caused health insurers to hike rates.

The Investor’s Business Daily, however, believes that Medica and other health insurers want to abuse their dominance in Obamacare exchanges to raise premiums and blame Trump instead.

The Investor’s Business Daily editorial charged, “Not surprisingly, Medica has used its newfound monopoly status to push for increasingly higher rates, while trying to pin the blame on President Trump for the increases.”

Obamacare continues to implode as the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-TN) plans to hold hearings with ranking member Patty Murray (D-WA) on ways to stabilize the Obamacare exchanges.

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum continues to work with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-NC) on a comprehensive plan to repeal and replace Obamacare by block granting health care to the states.

President Donald Trump has recently criticized Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) for the upper chamber’s inability to pass legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare. Trump also suggested that the Senate should also switch to a 51-vote majority to make it easier to pass necessary legislation such as repealing and replacing Obamacare, tax reform, and funding for the southern border wall.

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Stockton University Removes Bust of Namesake, Signer of Declaration of Independence

Stockton University Removes Bust of Namesake, Signer of Declaration of Independence

31 Aug, 2017
31 Aug, 2017

Stockton University in Galloway, New Jersey, announced its decision this week to remove a bust of its namesake, Richard Stockton, from the campus library.

A bust of Richard Stockon, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, was temporarily removed from the campus library at Stockton University last week after concerns were raised over Stockton’s slave owner past.

In a message to the campus community, Stockton Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Lori Vermeulen explained that the bust was removed so it could be transferred to an environment in which it can be supplemented with a plaque that explains its historical context.

Stockton University President Harvey Kesselman has asked the administration to establish a committee dedicated to exploring Richard Stockton’s life. The information gathered via the committee will be put towards a Richard Stockton exhibit on campus that will display the bust and other historical items from his life.

“We are hopeful that through the development of the Richard Stockton Exhibit we will demonstrate that difficult issues can be dealt with in a way that strengthens and unites us,” Kesselman said in a statement to the Stockton community.

Some students are questioning the removal of the bust, arguing that its presence was not a point of contention amongst the Stockton University community. “I really never heard anyone make a comment or complaint about Richard Stockton. I do know he was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and otherwise not much is known about him. But I think removing the bust is an overreaction,” argued Dylan Perry, a senior at Stockton.

Read More Stories About:

Education, Social Justice, Tech, Richard Stockton, Stockton University


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Whitlock: Kaepernick’s a ‘Bad Role Model for Kids,’ ‘Attention Whore’

Whitlock: Kaepernick’s a ‘Bad Role Model for Kids,’ ‘Attention Whore’

31 Aug, 2017
31 Aug, 2017

In Thursday’s “Offended America” podcast, Fox Sports 1 personality Jason Whitlock slammed Colin Kaepernick and his “ineffective protest,” calling the free agent quarterback an “attention whore” and a “bad role model for kids.”

[Interview begins around the 7:40 mark]

“First of all, it’s an ineffective protest,” Whitlock said. “His message is completely lost and he’s created a conversation mostly about Colin Kaepernick.

Whitlock added, “He’s a bad role model for kids. He’s an attention whore.”

The “Speak for Yourself” host later said liberals are using Kaepernick to “drive a negative message” about football, which Whitlock says is a conservative sport.

Follow Trent Baker on Twitter @MagnifiTrent

Read More Stories About:

Breitbart Sports, Breitbart TV, Colin Kaepernick, Jason Whitlock, National Anthem, NFL, Offended America


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Rep. DeSantis’ Amendment to Spending Bill Would Reign in Special Counsel’s Russia Probe

Rep. DeSantis’ Amendment to Spending Bill Would Reign in Special Counsel’s Russia Probe

31 Aug, 2017
31 Aug, 2017

Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) hopes to put an end to the FBI probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S presidential election and the possible ties between the Trump campaign staff and Moscow through an amendment he hopes to add to the spending bill Congress will craft in September to keep the federal government operating.

“Congress should use the upcoming appropriations bills to establish clear limits to the scope and duration of the special counsel investigation,” DeSantis wrote in op-ed published by Fox on Thursday.

The one-page amendment would stop funding the investigation 180 days after it becomes law and would restrict the investigation of any event that took place before June, 2015 — the date President Donald Trump announced he was throwing his hat into the ring.

In May, after Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the investigation into the Russia debacle, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein tapped former FBI director Robert Mueller to head up the investigation.

“I determined that it is on the public interest for me to exercise my authority and appoint a special counsel to assume responsibility for this matter,” Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said in announcing his decision. “My decision is not a finding that crimes have been committed or that any prosecution is warranted.”

In his commentary, DeSantis took aim at the Rosenstein’s decision and Mueller’s wide-ranging probe.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein defended against criticism of his handling of the amorphous ‘Russia investigation’ by saying that the Department of Justice ‘doesn’t engage in fishing expeditions,’” DeSantis wrote. “Yet, his clumsy management of this matter is the reason why many Americans are concerned that the investigation lacks focus and will veer into unrelated matters, thereby extending the probe far into the future and hampering the ability of the Trump administration to attend to the people’s business.

Rosenstein’s order appointing Robert Mueller to serve as special counsel failed to enumerate a crime to be investigated; instead, the order cited then-FBI Director James Comey’s March testimony identifying the existence of a counterintelligence investigation focusing on Russia, not a criminal investigation targeting members of the Trump administration,” DeSantis wrote. “The order was defective because DOJ regulations make the existence of a criminal investigation a condition precedent to the appointment of a special counsel.

Moreover, the order was so vague that it places little in the way of substantive limits on the scope or duration of the investigation,” De Santis wrote. “The Rosenstein order is effectively an invitation to conduct a fishing expedition.

DeSantis said the media is really the only party interested in promoting the idea that Trump and his campaign “colluded” with the Russians and that the investigation should have an end date.

The notion that the Trump campaign illegally ‘colluded’ with Russian government agents has always seemed to be more a matter of wishful thinking by the media than something based on hard evidence,” DeSantis wrote. “Imposing a deadline will force the special counsel to put up or shut up: if evidence of criminal activity has not surfaced after what will be nearly two years of investigation (including the pre-special counsel investigation conducted by the FBI), then this investigatory cloud hovering over the Trump administration should be removed.

DeSantis had harsh words for what he called Washington’s “ruling class,” which he said would like to see Trump’s presidency undone. He also criticized the team Mueller has assembled.

“For his part, President Trump is reviled by the Washington ruling class and the appointment of a special counsel is a way for the ‘Swamp’ to seek his presidency’s destruction — through investigative paralysis at least, with no evidence of wrongdoing uncovered.  The inexplicable decision of Special Counsel Mueller to stock his office with Democratic partisans has underscored concerns along these lines,” DeSantis wrote.

DeSantis concluded that when Congress is deciding on what gets funding in next month’s spending bill, it should not “fund fishing expeditions.”

DeSantis is vice chairman of the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice.

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Minnesota GOP Candidates Won’t Pledge Support for House Speaker Paul Ryan

Minnesota GOP Candidates Won’t Pledge Support for House Speaker Paul Ryan

31 Aug, 2017
31 Aug, 2017

House Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) leadership could be in jeopardy, but not from his colleagues in the 115th Congress.

The challenge could come from Republicans elected in the 2018 mid-term election, in this case House candidates from Minnesota.

This news came from a state fair in Minnesota where a journalist asked five Republicans a simple question: “Do you plan to vote against Paul D. Ryan continuing his speakership?”

“Republicans seeking to flip House seats next year declined to support the speaker of the House, offering instead criticisms of Paul D. Ryan’s leadership,” the Washington Post reported on Wednesday.

“I think he’s going in the wrong direction,” said state Rep. Tim Miller. “We’ve got to have leadership that ensures we do the will of the people.’

“I would prefer someone else,” said commercial pilot Dave Hughes.

“We’ll see who runs for speaker,” businessman and candidate Jim Hagedorn said. “Until then, you have to be very cautious about what you do. A lot can happen in a year and a half,”

“When I’m in Congress, I’ll let you know, because people can change their views, change their ways,” said St. Louis County Commissioner Pete Stauber, who later said he would back Ryan if he runs again.

Asked about the video of the fairground discussion, National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Jesse Hunt said that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s unpopularity helped Republicans win 2017’s four competitive special elections.

A Ryan-allied super PAC, the Congressional Leadership Fund, also plowed millions of dollars into three of those races, according to the Post.

Hunt defended Ryan when asked about his future speakership.

“Speaker Ryan has been instrumental in the passage of key House legislative items and the successful election of four new Republican members in 2017,” Hunt said. “We’re thankful for his leadership.”

A Huffington Post poll, though, shows Ryan’s unfavorable rating at 49.3 percent, with only 29.9 percent having a favorable opinion of the Speaker —- in keeping with a downward trend since President Donald Trump was elected.

Rep. Tim Walz’s (D-Minn.) decision to run for governor in 2018 opened up his House seat, which Hagedorn is hoping to fill.

“The other candidates on the stage in Minnesota are fighting to face Democratic incumbents in the 7th and 8th districts, which Trump won by 30.8 and 15.6 points,” the Post reported.


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Sheriff David Clarke Would Be a Perfect ANTIFA Czar

The one nationally known lawman that liberals hate even more than former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is Milwaukee County’s David A. Clarke.

While Arpaio is loathed for his no-nonsense approach to the illegal alien problem, Clarke is even more reviled by the left for being a black conservative.

Sheriff Clarke unexpectedly resigned on Thursday and while the news was celebrated by the left, the joyous outpourings were somewhat tempered by reports that Clarke may soon take a position with the Trump administration.

Via The Hill “Sheriff David Clarke expected to join Trump administration: report”:

Former Milwaukee County, Wis., Sheriff David Clarke is expected to join President Trump’s administration, according to a new report.

Two sources familiar with the situation told Politico, which first reported the story, that Clarke is expected to join the Trump administration in a position that is not Senate-confirmed. The former sheriff told Politico that he would “talk about my future plans next week.”

Clarke resigned from his position as sheriff on Thursday. In his resignation letter, Clarke did not provide a reason for his resignation.

If Clarke indeed moves from state to federal law enforcement, there would be few men better suited to head up efforts to eradicate ANTIFA.

With the petition to declare the masked fascists as a terrorist group continuing to gather signatures, Sheriff Clarke would make a perfect ANTIFA czar.

He would strike fear into the hearts of the extreme left.

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A Banana Peel Traumatized University Of Mississippi Students

Insane. Via Daily Caller: With little else to worry about, University of Mississippi students attending a Greek Life retreat this past weekend were traumatized by the sight of a banana peel on a tree. The Daily Mississippian reported on Wednesday that after students went bananas after word of the peel spread around campus, prompting the […]

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