Judicial Watch Slams HRC: Deep State is Protecting Hillary by Withholding Information (VIDEO)

Bombshell documents released on Thursday show former FBI head James Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton before the investigation into her email conduct had concluded. Even more concerning is “Mr. Comey even circulated an early draft statement to select members of senior FBI leadership,” reports Townhall.

TGP also previously reported, the FBI denied lawyer Ty Clevenger’s request to obtain documents related to Hillary Clinton’s email probe. The reason given? A “lack of public interest.”

President of conservative watchdog group, Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton told Cheryl Casone, who filled in for Lou Dobbs Thursday evening that the Deep State is protecting Hillary by withholding documents.

Washington Times reported earlier:

A federal judge ordered the FBI on Thursday to disclose more details about how it handled its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s secret email account.

U.S. District Judge James E. Boasberg said court papers describing the grand jury subpoenas the FBI obtained to compel information from Mrs. Clinton’s internet service providers can be made public.

In doing so, he overruled objections by the Trump administration that had insisted making the information public would violate grand jury secrecy rules.

“After reviewing the document in camera, the court concludes that it largely rehashes information already made public, thus obviating any need for secrecy,” the judge said.

President of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton released a statement regarding this ruling:

We’re happy with the ruling but it is unbelievable we’re being opposed by Trump appointees in the State and Justice Department’s on the Clinton email issue.  President Trump ought to be outraged his appointees are protecting Hillary Clinton. The State Department should initiate action with the Justice Department – and both agencies should finally take the necessary steps to recover all the government emails Hillary Clinton unlawfully removed.

Cheryl Casone brought up the report about Comey drafting up a letter to exonerate Hillary Clinton before the investigation was even over yet there are certain people in D.C. who have it out for Trump.

Fitton responded, “…And were protecting Hillary Clinton. He began drafting his statement allegedly exonerating Hillary Clinton at least from a criminal charge back in May and April before his July statement and that was before 17 witnesses had been interviewed including Hillary Clinton.”

“It explains why they were handing out immunity agreements like candy because it was a make believe investigation at that point because like Alice in Wonderland, Comey had come to his decision and the investigation would follow,” Fitton explained.


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Southern Poverty Law Center Transfers Millions in Cash to Offshore Entities

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a liberal, Alabama-based 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization that has gained prominence on the left for its "hate group" designations, pushes millions of dollars to offshore entities as part of its business dealings, records show.

Additionally, the nonprofit pays lucrative six-figure salaries to its top directors and key employees while spending little on legal services despite its stated intent of "fighting hate and bigotry" using litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is perhaps best known for its "hate map," a collection of organizations the nonprofit deems "domestic hate groups" that lists mainstream conservative organizations alongside racist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and is often referenced in the media. A gunman opened fire at the Washington, D.C., offices of the conservative Family Research Council in 2012 after seeing it listed as an "anti-gay" group on SPLC’s website.

The SPLC has turned into a fundraising powerhouse, recording more than $50 million in contributions and $328 million in net assets on its 2015 Form 990, the most recently available tax form from the nonprofit. SPLC’s Form 990-T, its business income tax return, from the same year shows that they have "financial interests" in the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, and Bermuda. No information is available beyond the acknowledgment of the interests at the bottom of the form.

However, the Washington Free Beacon discovered forms from 2014 that shed light on some of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s transfers to foreign entities.

The SPLC’s Form 8865, a Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to Certain Foreign Partnerships, from 2014 shows that the nonprofit transferred hundreds of thousands to an account located in the Cayman Islands.

SPLC lists Tiger Global Management LLC, a New York-based private equity financial firm, as an agent on its form. The form shows a foreign partnership between the SPLC and Tiger Global Private Investment Partners IX, L.P., a pooled investment fund in the Cayman Islands. SPLC transferred $960,000 in cash on Nov. 24, 2014 to Tiger Global Private Investment Partners IX, L.P, its records show.

The SPLC’s Form 926, a Return by a U.S. Transferor of Property to a Foreign Corporation, from 2014 shows additional cash transactions that the nonprofit had sent to offshore funds.

The SPLC reported a $102,007 cash transfer on Dec. 24, 2014 to BPV-III Cayman X Limited, a foreign entity located in the Cayman Islands. The group then sent $157,574 in cash to BPV-III Cayman XI Limited on Dec. 31, 2014, an entity that lists the same PO Box address in Grand Cayman as the previous transfer.

The nonprofit pushed millions more into offshore funds at the beginning of 2015.

On March 1, 2015, SPLC sent $2,200,000 to an entity incorporated in Canana Bay, Cayman Islands, according to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) records and run by a firm firm based in Greenwich, Ct. Another $2,200,000 cash transfer was made on the same day to another fund whose business is located at the same address as the previous fund in the Cayman Islands, according to SEC records.

No information is contained on its interests in Bermuda on the 2014 forms. SPLC’s financial stakes in the British Virgin Islands were not acknowledged until its 2015 tax form.

Lucinda Chappelle, a principal at Jackson Thornton, the public accounting firm in Montgomery, Ala., that prepared the SPLC’s tax forms, said she does not discuss client matters and hung up the phone when the Free Beacon contacted her in an attempt to get the most updated forms from the group in relation to its foreign business dealings.

Tax experts expressed confusion when being told of the transfer.

"I’ve never known a US-based nonprofit dealing in human rights or social services to have any foreign bank accounts," said Amy Sterling Casil, CEO of Pacific Human Capital, a California-based nonprofit consulting firm. "My impression based on prior interactions is that they have a small, modestly paid staff, and were regarded by most in the industry as frugal and reliable. I am stunned to learn of transfers of millions to offshore bank accounts. It is a huge red flag and would have been completely unacceptable to any wealthy, responsible, experienced board member who was committed to a charitable mission who I ever worked with."

"It is unethical for any US-based charity to invest large sums of money overseas," said Casil. "I know of no legitimate reason for any US-based nonprofit to put money in overseas, unregulated bank accounts."

"It seems extremely unusual for a ‘501(c)(3)’ concentrating upon reducing poverty in the American South to have multiple bank accounts in tax haven nations," Charles Ortel, a former Wall Street analyst and financial advisor who helped uncover a 2009 financial scandal at General Electric, told the Free Beacon.

The nonprofit also pays lucrative salaries to its top leadership.

Richard Cohen, president and chief executive officer of the SPLC, was given $346,218 in base compensation in 2015, its tax forms show. Cohen received $20,000 more in other reportable compensation and non-taxable benefits. Morris Dees, SPLC’s chief trial counsel, received a salary of $329,560 with $42,000 in additional reportable compensation and non-taxable benefits.

The minimum amount paid to an officer, director, trustee, or key employee in 2015 was $140,000 in base salary, not including other compensation.  The group spent $20 million on salaries throughout the year.

The SPLC, which claims to boast a staff of 75 lawyers who practice in the area of children’s rights, economic justice, immigrant justice, LGBT rights, and criminal justice reform, reported spending only $61,000 on legal services in 2015.

Following recent violence in Charlottesville, Va., the group raised a great deal of money.

Apple CEO Tim Cook told his employees that the company is donating $1 million to the SPLC and would match employee contributions two to one. Cook also placed an SPLC donation button in its iTunes store. The company is additionally providing a $1 million donation to the Anti-Defamation League.

J.P Morgan Chase vowed to add a $500,000 donation for the group’s "work in tracking, exposing, and fighting hate groups and other extremist organizations."

The Washington Times reported that CNN ran a wire story following the Charlottesville events originally titled, "Here are all the active hate groups where you live" using SPLC’s list of 917 groups.

Brad Dacus, the president of the Pacific Justice Institute, a Sacramento-based group that defends "religious freedom, parental rights, and other civil liberties without charge," was listed on the "hate groups" list.

"Why is the Southern Poverty Law Center doing this? It’s simple. They want to vilify and isolate anyone that doesn’t agree with their very extremist leftist policy and ideology," Dacus told the Times. "This isn’t about defending civil rights; this is about attacking civil rights."

"I am shocked that CNN would publish such a false report on the heels of the Charlottesville tragedy," added Mat Staver, the founder of Liberty Counsel, a Christian nonprofit that provides pro bono assistance and representation, which is also featured on SPLC’s list. "To lump peaceful Christian organizations, which condemn violence and racism, in with the KKK, neo-Nazis, and white supremacists is offensive. This is the epitome of fake news and is why people no longer trust the media."

CNN later changed its headline to, "The Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of hate groups."

"The SPLC is an anti-conservative, anti-Christian hate group that the media have given pretend legitimacy to. One glance at their 990 tax forms is a reminder just what a fund-raising super-power it is," Dan Gainor, vice president of Business and Culture at the Media Research Center, told the Free Beacon. "Its assets are over $328 million in 2015 and went up $13 million in just one year. It doesn’t need new liberal money. It could operate for at least six years and never raise a penny. It’s like a perpetual motion machine for fundraisers."

The SPLC has also been hit with a number of lawsuits over "hate" defamation claims in recent days.

The Southern Poverty Law Center did not return a request for comment on its foreign financial dealings by press time.

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WhiteHouse.gov Petition to Officially Declare George Soros a Terrorist is ON FIRE

A 10-day old White House petition to declare Leftist billionaire George Soros a terrorist is quickly becoming one of the site’s most popular, with nearly 60,000 votes.

Law Newz reports:

According to the Whitehouse.gov website, a petition to declare George Soros a terrorist and seize all of his related organizations’ assets under RICO and NDAA law” is one of the most popular White House petitions. It is ranked number 12, pulling in about 60,000 thousand signatures since it was created just 10 days ago.

The petition written by “E.B” doesn’t mince any words:

Whereas George Soros has willfully and on an ongoing basis attempted to destabilize and otherwise commit acts of sedition against the United States and its citizens…

Thee DOJ should immediately declare George Soros and all of his organizations and staff members to be domestic terrorists, and have all of his personal an organizational wealth and assets seized under Civil Asset Forfeiture law.

“We the People” White House petitions were started in 2011 under President Barack Obama as a way to give citizens more direct interaction with the executive branch.  When petitions meet 100,00 signatures they are reviewed by White House officials, who then may give some sort of official response.

Recently, the Washington Free Beacon published a lengthy document from far left operative David Brock, the founder of Soros-funded Media Matters website, from a January donor retreat.

The 49 page memo outlines how the George Soros-funded groups Media Matters, American Bridge, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) and Shareblue plan to undermine President Trump’s agenda and help Democrats win control of Congress and the White House by 2020.

The document claims Media Matters is working with Facebook and Twitter to crack down on pro-Trump articles on social media.

Via The Daily Wire:

The memo decried the “fake news” that spread on social media as a reason why Hillary Clinton lost the election, and then went on to state something alarming: Media Matters obtained “access to raw data from Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites” so they can “systemically monitor and analyze this unfiltered data.”

“The earlier we can identify a fake news story, the more effectively we can quash it,” the memo states. “With this new technology at our fingertips, researchers monitoring news in real time will be able to identify the origins of a lie with mathematical precision, creating an early warning system for fake news and disinformation.”

The memo went on to state that Media Matters had a discussion with Facebook on how to crack down on fake news, including Media Matters providing the social media giant with “a detailed map of the constellation of right-wing Facebook pages that had been the biggest purveyors of fake news.” The memo also bragged that Media Matters provided Google with “the information necessary to identify 40 of the worst fake new sites” that would be prevented from using Google’s advertising network.

The Daily Wire has listed 11 of the stunning admissions in the report.

The fact that Facebook and Twitter are working with the far left smear website Media Matters is very disturbing. The Gateway Pundit was one of the largest and most vocal pro-Trump websites during the 2016 election and beyond. (There weren’t that many!) And we have noticed a significant drop in viral stories and Facebook traffic since January 1.

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So Comey decided not to prosecute Hillary months before he told us

Oh, what a tangled web we weave…

Remember back in the day, during the long death march of the 2016 election, when then FBI Director James Comey came out and almost tearfully told us that after long months of diligent work and exhausting investigation, he’d finally determined that there was nothing to prosecute Hillary Clinton over so everyone should feel free to just get out there and vote for her? (Okay… he didn’t exactly say that, but you get the drift.) Turns out that the decision wasn’t all that laborious for him at all. In fact, he’d made the call months earlier but just didn’t bother to tell anyone. In fact, he’d made it before they were even done interviewing the witnesses. Our Katie Pavlich has the details at Town Hall.

According to new transcripts released by the Senate Judiciary Thursday afternoon, former FBI Director James Comey made the decision not to refer then Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for prosecution long before ever interviewing key witnesses. Members of the Committee allege Comey made the decision months before FBI agents were finished with the criminal investigation of her mishandling classified information during her time as Secretary of State.

The transcripts were revealed in a letter sent to current FBI Director Christopher Wray, in which lawmakers are demanding an explanation and more documents surrounding the case.

Comey had made the decision as early as April and even had a draft memo which he circulated around inside the department. The letter contains more revelations, such as the possibility that the FBI had agents working on doing interviews and gathering information who were unaware that a conclusion had already been reached and the outcome was a foregone conclusion.

“It is unclear whether the FBI agents actually investigating the case were aware that Mr. Comey had already decided on the investigation’s outcome while their work was ongoing. However, it appears that the answer to that question may be underneath some of the extensive redactions that the Department made to the transcripts,” the letter continues.

Is it just me, or does this revelation throw that infamous tarmac meeting between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton into an even harsher light? Clearly the fix was in on this from the beginning. They couldn’t simply flush the investigation entirely in 2015 because it would have stunk to high heaven, but it seems clear that the end game was known long before Comey bothered to draft a memo.

Here’s one other question to ponder as we consider this story. Everything and everything going on inside the FBI over the course of the Russia, Russia, Russia investigation has somehow made it to a reporter from either the New York Times or the Washington Post as soon as a new rumor comes to light. It’s been a sideshow where we might as well have had a direct feed into the FBI offices running 24/7 on CSPAN. How is it that this little nugget never managed to see the light of day for more than a year?

Things that make you go “hmmm.”

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White House: Donald Trump Donating $1 Million to Hurricane Harvey Victims

White House: Donald Trump Donating $1 Million to Hurricane Harvey Victims

31 Aug, 2017
31 Aug, 2017

President Donald Trump plans to donate a million dollars to victims of Hurricane Harvey, according to the White House.

“He would like to join in the efforts that a lot of the people that we’ve seen across this country do and he’s pledging $1 million of personal money to the fund,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters on Thursday.

The money will come from his personal funds, Sanders confirmed, not from the Trump organization.

When asked what group he would donate the money to, Sanders asked the press for a recommendation.

“He’s actually asked that I check with the folks in this room since you are very good at research and have been doing a lot of reporting into the groups and organizations that are best and most effective,” she said.

Sanders also confirmed that Trump is planning to return to Texas for another visit of the damage from the storm, likely traveling to Houston to witness the flooding.

Read More Stories About:

Big Government, Donald Trump, donation, Houston, Hurricane Harvey, Texas, White House


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Developing: Four Swing Seat Republicans in Minnesota REFUSE to Back Antifa Paul Ryan

FOR OVER A YEAR conservatives, Trump supporters and American patriots have been assaulted, spit on, beaten, cold-cocked, egged, chased, tackled and bloodied  for attending Trump rallies and conservative events.

On Saturday Antifa thugs chased, beat, spit on and pepper-sprayed a group of Trump supporters in Berkeley, California.

Antifa thugs pepper-sprayed a free speech supporter then covered him with spit.

Nancy Pelosi condemned antifa terrorists – Paul Ryan has refused to condemn these same terrorists.

On Wednesday four swing seat Republicans in Minnesota refused to endorse Paul Ryan for Speaker.
The Hill reported:

Four Republican congressional candidates in Minnesota refused to commit their support to Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) when asked about him at a candidate forum.

In a video from the Minnesota State Fair, the four would not say whether they’d support Ryan if he runs for Speaker in the next Congress.

The video was first reported on by The Washington Post.

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Paul Ryan’s GOP Quietly Boosts H-2B Visa-Worker Program

The latest 1,305-page draft House appropriations bill for 2018 uses a bureaucratic trick on page 732 to help employers cut wages for foreign H-2B seasonal workers — and indirectly, also cut wages for American workers.

“Republicans in Congress still haven’t got the message that voters sent last November,” said Rosemary Jenks, director of government relations for NumbersUSA. She continued:

Americans elected President Trump because they are tired of the elites in Washington being more concerned with big-business profits than with regular American workers being able to make a living wage.  Wages [for Americans] in the top H-2B occupations [landscaping and hospitality] have been stagnant or declining for years, and this bill will make them worse.

Under current rules, employers can only apply for H-2B seasonal workers if they cannot hire Americans for the jobs, and they must promise to pay H-2B workers American-level wages when they ask the Department of Labor for H-2B visas.

The new language would help employers minimize wages for H-2B workers by allowing them to cite the results of skewed “private wage surveys” of local wages. The results of the surveys would be cited in the H-2B request instead of the actual “prevailing wage” rates for local Americans working the free market for labor.

This rule, if adopted, would also hit Americans because employers use their resident population of roughly 125,000 H-2B workers to deflate any bidding war for American seasonal workers. The rule would also hurt Americans because wages for each company’s full-time American staff are informally tied to the wages paid to the seasonal workers.

According to the bill text:

In the determination of prevailing wage for the purposes of the H–2B program, the Secretary shall accept private wage surveys even in instances where Occupational Employment Statistics survey data are available unless the Secretary [of Labor] determines that the methodology and data in the provided survey are not statistically supported.

“Basically, an employer can create a biased wage survey, base the [promised] wage for his H-2B workers on it, and submit the application to the Department of Labor,” said Jenks. “Unless the labor department analyzes every employer’s private wage survey to see if it is statistically valid (which it won’t), the employers can effectively lower wages.”

The process feeds back on itself because lower-H-2B wages reduce market-rate wages for Americans, so cutting the real “prevailing wage,” Jenks said. Also, when companies use H-2B workers to hold down prevailing wages, fewer Americans apply for the jobs — so helping companies claim they can’t find Americans to do the work. “Employers have been using H-2B workers to lower wages industry-wide for years — this lets them do it faster.”

The appropriations committee is chaired by New Jersey GOP Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen.

The legislation also breaks a bureaucratic link, dubbed, “corresponding employment,” which requires employers to pay their American employees the same wages as H-2B workers.

The bill also kills off the “three quarters” rule which forces employers to pay their H-2B workers as if they worked 75 percent of the time. “The three-quarters rule is there because we’re talking about seasonal jobs,” said Jenks.  “So, for example, if a resort brings in a bunch of H-2Bs to clean rooms in the summer, but the rooms aren’t all full all the time for whatever reason, the employer still has to pay the H-2Bs something.”

Congress is being pressured by employers to loosen and expand the H-2B program because President Donald Trump was elected on a campaign promising to end the pro-foreigner policies set by former President Barack Obama. In the last few months, Trump’s deputies have resisted demands by lobbyists and Congress for importing more foreign workers. The process was made clear by a recent Detroit News article about employers hiring H-2B for resort work on Mackinac Island, in Michigan.

… the [policy] shift hurt Mackinac Island, which has depended on foreign workers to fill summer jobs for decades. Businesses need more workers than can be attracted from the fewer than 500 people living on the island and 11,000 residents of surrounding Mackinac County.

The result has meant overtime or no days off for some existing workers and higher prices for vacationers. “It’s been a nightmare,” said Joe Lieghio, whose family and investors own eight restaurants and 28 hotels in Mackinaw City. “They take the jobs that the Americans don’t want.”

Lieghio’s hotels and restaurants this year got 160 foreign employees, or about 60 percent of the H-2B workers they normally employ.

Like many other establishment reporters and outlets, reporter Michael Gerstein did not press the Mackinac employers about their policy of not offering higher wages raises and other benefits to attract young and old Americans who are now working elsewhere in the state.

In addition, Trump’s Department of Justice has fined a company for hiring H-2B instead of Americans,  and Labor Department officials are reportedly asking companies to justify their claims that they need to import H-2B workers.

The H-2B appropriations legislation is overseen by House Speaker Paul Ryan, who has used his power in 2015 and 2017 to dramatically increase the annual supply of new H-2B workers imported by companies and by the labor brokers which rent the H-2B workers to other companies. For example, he and his business-friendly deputies pushed John Kelly, then the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security to print up an additional 15,000 H-2B visas in 2017.

Many GOP and Democratic politicians pushed back against the wage-reducing program.

In May, Kelly told a House appropriations committee:

One of the things, and I have my working class root background that keeps reminding me that some of these individuals —not necessarily in Alaska — but many, many of these individuals are victimized when they come up here, in terms of what they’re paid and all the rest of it, so we’re working with Labor, Department of Labor, to come up with an answer to this, but we really do need a long-term solution, so we’ll work with the Senate and with Congress, within the industry, this year, and again, I’ll have my staff when they return from Labor and we get some protocols in place, we’ll likely increase the numbers for this year, perhaps not by the entire number that I’m authorized, but we really do need, I’m really looking forward to working with you Senator, and the whole Congress, to get a longer-term solution to this.

Read more about the H-2B program here.

via Breitbart News

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Bolton: ‘Staff Changes at the White House’ Make Seeing President Trump Impossible

Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton said on Monday that “staff changes at the White House” have made it impossible for him to see President Donald Trump to present his plan for withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal.

Bolton published his five-page plan in its entirety at National Review, offering it as what he described as a “public service,” because he can no longer secure a meeting with the president.

“Although he was once kind enough to tell me ‘come in and see me anytime,’ those days are now over,” Bolton lamented.

According to Bolton’s introduction, he was asked by former White House strategist and Breitbart News Executive Editor Stephen K. Bannon to draw up a “game plan” for exiting from the Iran deal in late July. Bannon made this request because President Trump was unable to obtain such a game plan from his advisers, despite repeatedly stating that he wanted one.

Bolton states that producing a plan to “exit Obama’s failed nuclear deal” was “quite easy,” and wonders exactly who is in control of Iran policy in the Trump White House since he and Bannon can’t seem to get a paper President Trump desperately wants to read onto his desk.

“If the president is never to see this option, so be it. But let it never be said that the option didn’t exist,” he writes.

The plan published by Bolton is an outline that could be “readily expanded to a comprehensive, hundred page playbook if the Administration were to decide to leave the Iran agreement.”

The document describes the Iran nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or JCPOA, as a “threat to U.S. national security interests, growing more serious by the day.”

Bolton hammers “the JCPOA’s vague and ambiguous wording; its manifest imbalance in Iran’s direction; Iran’s significant violations; and its continued, indeed, increasingly, unacceptable conduct at the strategic level internationally” to argue that the deal is not in America’s interests, but acknowledges that withdrawal must be done carefully to satisfy the terms laid out in the document.

Among the steps he advises taking are declassifying U.S. intelligence that would highlight “Iran’s unacceptable behavior around the world,” convincing the international community that the deal is a liability to their security interests as well, and outlining the worst mistakes made by the Obama administration when the deal was negotiated—mistakes so serious that, as Bolton points out, Obama was afraid to properly submit his deal for ratification to the Senate as a treaty.

Bolton recommends looping North Korea into the discussion by outlining its ties to Iran. He advises a “greatly expanded diplomatic campaign” in Europe and the Middle East following Trump’s announcement that the JCPOA is null and void, which sounds like it would include abundant reminders to Middle Eastern nations that Iran is their active and determined enemy.

A white paper of unassailable thoroughness and integrity would also be prepared to justify American withdrawal from the JCPOA. Bolton recommends thoroughly documenting the shadowy activities of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard and exposing the seedy “underbelly” of its business activities, especially its ties to North Korea. That would make for a very thick white paper because the Revolutionary Guard is up to a great deal of no good. One can see why Bolton compares expanding his five-page outline into 100 pages or more to brewing a cup of instant coffee.

The Bolton plan emphasizes rebuilding the “counter-proliferation coalition” that was “squandered by the previous Administration,” by getting the old band of European and Persian Gulf allies plus Israel back together for another round of sanctions on Iran. Bolton recommends making a courtesy call to Russia and China, but clearly does not expect them to be on board. This could leave the counter-proliferation coalition in the same position it holds with respect to North Korea, where tough sanctions are easily circumvented by a few powerful patrons of an outlaw nation, although Russia and China might be hard-pressed to replace what Iran would lose from new U.S. and European sanctions.

Among the screws Bolton recommends putting to Iran are ending U.S. visas, denying Iranian aircraft and ships landing and docking rights, supporting the democratic opposition to the theocracy, and announcing American support for Kurdish nationalists, as well as other oppressed minority groups in Iran. Supporting the Kurds would keep Turkey from signing on to Bolton’s plan, but since U.S. troops were just obliged to exchange fire with Turkish-supported rebels in Syria, keeping Turkey happy is growing more difficult anyway.

Taken in sum, Bolton’s recommendations would shake up the entire diplomatic order created by the previous administration, decisively ending Obama’s bizarre pivot to Iran and drawing some very solid lines in the Middle East. That probably won’t sit well with Obama holdovers in the Trump administration. Unfortunately, the opinion of Obama holdovers appears to matter far more than President Trump’s voters expected.

via Breitbart News

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Cernovich Sources: White House ‘Coup’ Underway, Trump ‘Under House Arrest’

Cernovich Sources: White House ‘Coup’ Underway, Trump ‘Under House Arrest’

30 Aug, 2017
30 Aug, 2017

Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow spoke to journalist Mike Cernovich on Breitbart News Daily this morning discussing the Trump presidency, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump’s influence, and the possibility of President Trump being held under “house arrest.”

Mike Cernovich appeared on Breitbart News Daily today to speak to Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow about issues surrounding the Trump Presidency. Cernovich has a running series of posts called ” Dispatches from Trumpland” that were at the center of their discussion. “There’s some pretty explosive stuff in your report,” said Alex Marlow referencing Cernovich’s recent Trump Dispatches, “and so I just wanted to unpack some of it with you, the first place where it starts in your dispatch is that Trump is on house arrest and you cite John Bolton who people thought was under consideration for National Security Advisor, for Secretary of State who can’t even have access to the President right now and this is a pretty big departure from campaign trail Trump.”

“Exactly, so I’d heard from people that Trump is on house arrest,” replied Mike Cernovich, “I thought ‘oh c’mon, the President of the United States, that’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard’, but I kept digging into it and I kept hearing the same thing over and over again and then, of course, John Bolton wrote his column for National Review and he’s begging people to retweet it, he said ‘this is the only way the President is gonna see it,’ and I’ll say Alex, I don’t really understand, how can Trump not see who he wants to see? This is something I don’t really fully comprehend within the White House. I have talked to a lot of people, it’s a very weird situation.”

Marlow agreed, “it is a very weird situation, and this is something that I’m afraid is systemic of something that’s happening inside, people that listen to the show know that I’m not a huge ‘Javanka’ fan,” referencing Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, “and I’m just seeing the numbers here Mike and the people inside the White House, you’ve got Kushner, you’ve got Ivanka Trump, Gary Cohn, Dinah Powell, H.R. McMaster, who I know you were really the first person to call him out as a big threat to the MAGA agenda. And it’s just overwhelming and now with no Bannon and with no Gorka, just where is the President getting information that can tie him, connect him to his own base?”

“I heard [John] Kelly had taken his [Trump’s] phone, so he wouldn’t be getting messages on his phone which again I thought was a weird story when people were telling me that I said, ‘come on, get out of here you can’t take the President’s phone this is incomprehensible’ but again that Bolton thing confirmed it and I’m not a big John Bolton fan personally, I don’t have anything against him but I found it amazing that he was, again, begging for retweets saying ‘the only way the President is gonna see my article is maybe if it goes viral,’ because it has to get past General Kelly, that shows there is some kind of coup going on there.”

“Coup is a strong word,” said Marlow, “but it’s very hard to argue against it at this point.”

Marlow then mentioned his fears about Trump’s distance from his voting base and his refusal to appear on talk radio. Marlow stated that he worries that Trump doesn’t talk to people that understand or remember what the base voted for when they cast their ballot for Trump in November. Cernovich commented on Trump’s interview with Maggie Habermann for the New York Times but his failure to talk to the likes of Breitbart News, the Daily Caller or calling into the likes of Rush Limbaugh and other talk radio hosts.

Later in the interiew, Marlow asked, “Mike give us your thoughts on the threat to the America First Agenda coming from the media.”

“Yeah, the media is running public relations for the left,” stated Cernovich, pointing out that donations to the DNC are down considerably. He continued to describe that this showed that people have lost support within the DNC and that many no longer trust the media.

Marlow then went on to question Cernovich about his claims that White House staffer Ben Rhodes was essentially running the National Security Council. Cernovich replied with a claim that Rhodes was colluding H.R. McMaster to leak sensitive information from within the White House. According to Cernovich, “Ben Rhodes’ people leak all the information out to Rhodes and his intermediaries, McMaster looks the other way and that’s part of the coup.”

Marlow and Cernovich also discussed the “Trump Tax”, which was mentioned in the first part of Cernovich’s dispatches, which refers to the price that people pay for supporting Trump both privately and in the media. A source told Cernovich,  “After what they did to Thiel, who is willing to pay the Trump tax?”

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan_ or email him at lnolan@breitbart.com.

via Breitbart News

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Here’s What Politico Thinks of Texas Storm Victims

<p>In an unbelievably classless move, Politco tweeted the latest political cartoon from illustrator Matt Wuerker that actually mocked Texas victims of Hurricane Harvey, portraying them as Confederate sympathizers who want to secede from the United States.</p>

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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