‘Heart Of Gold’: Furniture Store Owner Opens Showroom To Flood Victims

Jim McIngvale — also known as “Mattress Mack” — opened his 160,000 square foot showroom to persons displaced by Hurricane Harvey.

CBS’ This Morning profiled McIngvale’s charitable endeavor on Wednesday.

Watch the CBS’ profile below.


“I’m part capitalist and part social worker and this is what I like to do,” said McIngvale. “This is what my parents would have done.”

CBS’s McIngvale profile also indicated that the businessman donates furniture to needy families during the Christmas season; he has donated furniture to teachers lounges in local schools as well.

McIngvale housed two hundred evacuees from Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

“Just look around, the man is an angel,” said Jerry Burke, a evacuee from Hurricane Katrina in 2005 who ended up working at McIngvale’s furniture business.

“He has a heart of gold,” said one evacuee of McIngvale.

McIngvale appears to be a religious man, judging by some of social media posts on Twitter and Facebook.

McIngvale has used his social media profile to invite displaced persons to find shelter and food at his furniture showroom, which is also pet-friendly.

McIngvale’s Twitter profile states: “If it is to be, it is up to me!”

Follow Robert Kraychik on Twitter.

via Daily Wire

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Coming To Cali: Gender ‘X’ On State IDs To Accommodate The ‘Nonbinary’

California is taking gender politics to a whole new level.

Not only has the state proposed jail time for “misgendering” a trans individuals at a nursing homes, the liberal Mecca is on its way to approving identification cards with a third “X” gender option to accommodate “nonbinary” and “gender fluid” folks.

The Miami Herald reports:

The California Senate has already passed SB179, which would introduce a third gender option for state identification. Currently, driver’s licenses and other forms of official identification only contain options for male or female. The bill would allow a third option, which would likely be ‘X,’ according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

Currently in the deep blue state, folks who surgically transition to the opposite gender can switch their gender to “F” or “M” on state IDs accordingly. The new bill, if it were to become law, would allow non-binary, gender fluid, and pre-op transgender individuals to opt for the “X” gender.

Self-identified transgender and non-binary Jo Michael of Equality California “said identification that reflects their gender identity will allow transgender people to more fully participate in society,” according to the Herald.

“It’s liberating to be able to say, ‘Yes, this is who I am,’ and, ‘Yes, my state documentation matches that,’” a self-styled “gender fluid” fluid person named Dee Shull told The San Francisco Chronicle.

Left-wing Oregon already has a third “X” gender option available for their residents; a reported 20,000 Oregonians identify as “trans.”

But real justice will only come when all 63 genders are made as available options for all state IDs.

via Daily Wire

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CNN Cuts Away From Trump’s Tax Reform Speech 27 Min Before Fox, MSNBC

President Donald Trump made a major push for tax reform in Springfield, Mo., on Wednesday, and CNN decided to cut away after just eight minutes of the speech.

MSNBC and Fox News, among other outlets, showed the full 34 minutes of the president’s speech.

"I’m especially pleased to be here in Springfield, the birthplace of the great American icon, the legendary Route 66. Who would have known that? This is the place where the Main Street of America got its start and this is where America’s Main Street will begin its big, beautiful comeback," Trump said at the event. "You are seeing it now. This is a comeback of historic proportions. You are seeing it happen now."

CNN cut out at the president’s Route 66 comment.

"President Trump there in Springfield, Missouri. We just wanted to dip in and hear those comments on Hurricane Harvey," CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin said. "We saw him yesterday in both Corpus Christi and Austin. He is there beginning this effort to sell this, you know, sweeping overhaul of the tax code. Apparently, though, congressional leaders in the White House haven’t hammered out the details of that, so we’re standing by as Congress of course goes back to work next week."

CNN missed showing a number of Trump’s points on tax reform, including details on the proposed tax rates, and his criticism of Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill (Mo.).

Trump told the local crowd that they should vote McCaskill out of office if she does not support his tax reform agenda, the Hill reported.

"We must lower our taxes and your senator, Claire McCaskill, she must do this for you, and if she doesn’t, you have to vote her out of office," Trump said to cheers from the crowd.

The post CNN Cuts Away From Trump’s Tax Reform Speech 27 Min Before Fox, MSNBC appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

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Stalinist Democrats Demand Hearings Over Sheriff Joe Pardon

That the totalitarian left has invaded the U.S. Congress should be as simple to see as black and white as the sore-loser Democrats have whipped out Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin’s playbook in the Trump era.

Like when the mass-murdering Russian tyrant was consolidating power and purging enemies with false charges, secret police, violent goons and most of all show trials, the Democrats continue to mimic the communist despot who seems to be an inspiration to the majority of them, especially in the House of Representatives.

Led by chief inquisitor Adam Schiff, the Dems have convened kangaroo court tribunals over allegations that President Trump and his associates colluded with the Kremlin to bend Hillary over and put the boots to her last November.

Despite the lack of evidence – which never bothered Stalin either – the calls for investigations continue and the latest one is over Trump’s pardon of aging patriot and former Maricopa County, AZ sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Never mind that the POTUS has the unlimited ability to grant pardons (see: Bill Clinton and Marc Rich) but the Democrats are fanatics who have no respect for the rule of law and even less for the U.S. Constitution.

According to The Hill “House Dems call for hearing on Trump’s Arpaio pardon”:

House Democrats are pushing for Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) to call an oversight hearing of President Trump’s controversial pardon of former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

In a letter signed by ranking member Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) and 16 other members, Democrats argued that “although the President has wide constitutional authority to issue pardons, there is also ample precedent for our Committee to review pardons as controversial as this one.”

Trump issued the pardon late last Friday as Hurricane Harvey moved toward the Texas Gulf Coast. Democrats slammed Trump for announcing the pardon as a then-Category 4 storm approached the U.S.

Arpaio was convicted of criminal contempt earlier this year for ignoring a judicial order that required him to end the practice of detaining racially profiled individuals for presumed immigration violations.

The former sheriff was set for sentencing on Oct. 5 and was facing a maximum penalty of six months in jail. Democrats and civil rights organizations slammed Trump’s pardon of the former law enforcement official, calling Arpaio’s policing policies racist.

“The pardon sends an unequivocal message that institutionalized racial profiling as practiced by Sheriff Arpaio is acceptable,” House Democrats wrote in their letter this week.

“The pardon is disrespectful to the rule of law in general and to the federal courts in particular; and the President issued the pardon in complete absence of any advisory role by the Department of Justice,” it added.

But of course, it would be the batty John Conyers behind this latest abuse of power.

For God’s sake, Conyers is 88 FREAKING YEARS OLD! And like the other useless septuagenarians and octogenarians who belong in nursing homes instead of in Congress – BOTH parties are guilty – he should have long ago been put out to pasture.

One BIG reason why things are so screwed up today – the lack of TERM LIMITS.

This would be a winning issue for Trump if he would just be able to get his mind wrapped around it.

Calling for a Constitutional amendment would be a massive hit with the public who are sick of these worthless bloodsuckers who are able to spend decades feeding on taxpayers like leeches.

Most of them seem to be Democrats too and like Conyers, he’s still mired in the 1960’s battle for civil rights even after the United States had a two-term black president.

via Downtrend.com

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Maxine Suggests POTUS Pardoned Arpaio Because Trump Part of KKK

Maxine Suggests POTUS Pardoned Arpaio Because Trump Part of KKK

27 Aug, 2017
26 Aug, 2017

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) suggested that President Donald Trump pardoned former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Friday because Trump is a part of the KKK.

“I’m not surprised Trump pardoned racial profiler Arpaio,” she tweeted. “White Nationalists, KKK, & Duke celebrated Trump’s election b/c he is one of them!”

After Charlottesville, Waters called the White House the “white supremacists’ house.”

She has also been leading the charge to impeach Trump, saying that she is “not running for anything except the impeachment of Trump,” revealing she and other Democrats are “organizing” to bring Trump down, and leading crowds in “impeach 45” chants

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Big Government, Breitbart California, Donald Trump, Joe Arpaio, Maxine Waters


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Exclusive – Brent Bozell: The Slow Death of the Republican Party

The Grand Old Party is about to commit suicide.  

All this talk about Trump this, and Trump that, masks a far bigger political controversy. The Republican Party leadership in Washington, D.C., has fundamentally betrayed its constituents and they are about to learn that they’ve been double-crossed — for years.

Every Republican candidate’s stock speech sounds the same, the thunderous roar about a government out of control, federal spending out of control (insert charts and graphs and why, if you stack hundred dollar bills, they will reach the edge of the universe), federal taxes out of control (insert comparisons to socialist countries), the federal bureaucracy out of control (insert metaphors about chains, yokes, and the like), the family shattered with federal funding of abortion a crime against humanity (watch for it — there! The heart-wrenching sob), and our military is emasculated.

Two more items were added to the menu, courtesy of Obama. Obamacare Will Be Repealed! and Illegal Immigration Will Not Stand!  

In 2009, the Democrats controlled everything, partly due to the Republicans’ cowardice on Capitol Hill, and in part because of some of the most inept candidates and campaigns America has seen in years. The Obama folks could have played it safe but went for socialist gold, using the power of the legislative and the executive branches (and later the judiciary, thank you Justice Roberts) to advance their agenda.  

That included federal spending on a level unmatched in human history resulting ultimately in a $19 trillion in debt we simply cannot pay, and with so many tens of trillions of dollars in unfunded liabilities that “infinity” is not far behind. One seventh of the economy was confiscated by the federal government with the passage of Obamacare. Our national borders were declared open and discussions over our national sovereignty closed. And to top it off, the Democrats all but declared themselves above the law.

The GOP harrumphed that this would not stand, by God! If only… if only America would vote them into the majority.

In 2009, the Tea Party was born. The Grand Old Party was rejuvenated. Happy days were here again.

Just one year later, the Republicans captured the House, and with that, the power of the purse. They now had the authority to stop the insane spending on so many obnoxious and wholly unnecessary ventures. They could end Obamacare simply by not funding it.

Instead, under the “leadership” of John Boehner, it did absolutely nothing. Why, if only we had the Senate! Then we could take on the President!

So in 2014, after spending hundreds of millions of campaign dollars running hundreds of thousands of television and radio ads pledging to end illegal immigration while repealing Obamacare “root and branch” (author: Mitch McConnell), they were given control of the Senate.

And within a month McConnell re-authorized both, along with every single other thing Harry Reid and Obama wanted for yet another year.

But that’s because we can’t do what we promised until we have the Presidency! The excuse was as predictable as summer heat in the Sahara.

In 2016, they were given that too.

They were given everything.

In January of this year, they formally controlled both houses of Congress and the executive branch. Every single thing they’d ever promised was now possible.

They now had the power to enact every single spending cut they’d ever solemnly pledged. All those wasteful programs designed to fill the liberal sandbox — PBS, NPR, Planned Parenthood, NEH and the rest of the alphabet soup; all the hundreds of billions of dollars in corporate welfare to multi-billion-dollar corporations; all of the hundreds of billions of dollars directed toward leftist social engineering — poof! All of it could come to an end with a stroke of a pen.

They now had the power to restore fiscal tax sanity too. Remember the flat tax? The fair tax? Slashing the highest corporate taxes in the world? Giving you a tax break? All of it could be done with a snap of the fingers.

Repeal Obamacare? Check. End illegal immigration? Check. Build the wall? Check.  

Crush the Deep State? Done, by God, done!

There was not a damn thing the Democrats could do to stop them from draining the swamp.

Except the Republican leadership didn’t mean it. With the exception of the Freedom Caucus in the House, and literally a handful in the Senate, the rank-and-file didn’t either. Not one word of it.

The opportunity arose for the vote to repeal Obamacare, and after huffing and puffing, and huffing and puffing some more, the dust settled and socialized health care remains the law of the land, perhaps permanently.

The opportunity arose for tax reform, to enact the cuts America desperately needs. It was never a matter of if, it was a matter of how much. It is now mid-August and nothing, absolutely nothing has been accomplished — even attempted!

And now we face the final test: the debt ceiling. Will we or won’t we stop the spending madness? Will the Republicans enact the cuts they’ve promised, or will they now be the ones to kick the can, piling evermore trillions of dollars of debt on their own grandchildren?

By every indication that’s precisely what they plan to do. The signal has come from President Trump, from Speaker Ryan, and from Majority Leader McConnell. The debt ceiling will be raised and no fiscal sanity will be restored.

There is no difference between Republicans and Democrats. Put them together. They are the swamp.

Just as Republicans have the power to enact the agenda they’ve pledged in toto, so too do they now own the federal government, in toto. It’s no longer Obamacare. It’s GOPcare. It’s no longer crazy liberal Democratic spending. It’s crazy liberal Republican spending. It’s no longer socialist Democratic Party taxation, it’s socialist Republican Party taxation. All the legislation authorizing all these programs, all the graft, all the waste, all the obscenity, all the immorality, and where Planned Parenthood is concerned, all the killing — all of it is now formally authored by the Republican Party.

Come the Congressional elections next year, and the presidential election in 2020, the Grand Old Party will once again bellow its hallowed promises. But this time it won’t work. This time there will be no straw men to blame. This time their voters will know those hallowed promises are not even hollow promises. They are lies.

These voters are tasting betrayal. They will not vote to swallow more vomit.

We are watching the GOP systematically committing suicide.

Brent Bozell is the Chairman of ForAmerica, a national grassroots organization whose mission is to use social media to reinvigorate the public with the principles of American exceptionalism: freedom, prosperity, and virtue. ForAmerica has over 9 million members and is a non-profit 501(c)4. www.ForAmerica.org

via Breitbart News

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Merkel defends open borders refugee policy during raucous campaign appearance

German Chancellor Angela Merkel faced some rowdy demonstrators at a campaign event in Quedlinburg, Germany on Saturday, in advance of the September 24 election. The demonstrators were protesting Merkel’s open borders policy from 2015 that saw nearly a million refugees, mostly from Iraq and Syria, pour into the country.

Merkel had a change of heart in 2016, closing several border crossings and denying asylum to many. The result was that only 280,000 refugees entered Germany that year, and only 108,000 so far this year.

But Merkel told a local newspaper that she does not regret her decision to allow so many potential terrorists into the country. Germany has suffered a spate of terror attacks in the last two years and many blame Merkel’s policies for the attacks.


“I would make all of the important decisions of 2015 the same way again,” Merkel was quoted as saying in a Welt am Sonntag newspaper interview published Sunday. Four weeks before Germany’s election on Sept. 24, the comments underscore her conviction that there was a humanitarian need to open the border when a record influx of refugees made their way through southern and eastern Europe to Germany that year.

Part of the problem in the buildup to the 2015 crisis is that Mediterranean countries such as Greece and Italy were too often left alone by other European Union countries to deal with refugees arriving from outside the bloc, Merkel was quoted as saying. She renewed her campaign pledge that Germany “should never again witness” such an emergency.

Merkel’s open-borders stance depressed her approval ratings last year and spurred the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany party after a record number of 980,000 asylum seekers, many of them fleeing war in Syria, arrived in Germany in 2015. Critics included U.S. President Donald Trump, who called Merkel’s policy a “catastrophic mistake” in an interview with European media.

Merkel’s poll numbers rebounded as the influx ebbed to 280,000 last year, restricted by border closures along the so-called Balkan route and a refugee accord between the EU and Turkey. Some 106,000 asylum seekers arrived in the first seven months of 2017, led by Syrians, Iraqis and Afghans, according to German Interior Ministry figures.

Support for Merkel’s Christian Democratic-led bloc declined 1 percentage point to 38 percent while her main opponent, the Social Democrats led by challenger Martin Schulz, also fell 1 point to 23 percent, according to a weekly Emnid poll for Bild am Sonntag newspaper.

At the same time, 51 percent of Germans would vote for Merkel if the chancellor were elected directly, compared with 22 percent for Schulz, according to the newspaper. That compares with a 39-38 percent edge for Merkel in January, when Schulz’s emergence as her main challenger gave the SPD a temporary poll boost.

The pro-business Free Democrats and the Alternative for Germany gained one point each in the weekly survey, polling 9 percent and 8 percent respectively, with the anti-capitalist Left party unchanged at 9 percent and the Greens declining 1 point to 7 percent.

What is going to save Merkel from defeat is the weakness of her main rival, Social Democrat Martin Schulz, whose far left platform has put off millions of voters who might otherwise vote for a viable alternative to Merkel. But the Alternative for Germany party who oppose Merkel’s refugee policies, are going to take millions of votes from Merkel’s coalition, putting her outright election as chancellor in jeapordy.

The AfD has been making their opposition felt on the campaign trail.

The Hill:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel faced rowdy protesters at a campaign event in Quedlinburg, Germany on Saturday, including jeers and chants of “liar, liar”. 

Reuters reported that Merkel was interrupted during a 30-minute campaign address in the city by groups of unruly demonstrators holding signs that read “Merkel must go”. Many accused Merkel of terror attacks in the nation in recent years.

Merkel, who is running for the nomination of the Christian Democratic Union party for a fourth term in office, is reportedly a favorite to win in September. 

According to Reuters, Merkel responded to the protesters by saying Germany’s problems won’t be solved by “screaming.”

“I hope you were able to understand some of that even though some of you out there kept on yelling,” Merkel told the crowd.

“Some believe the problems in Germany can be fixed by screaming – but I don’t think so and the majority of the people here don’t think so either,” she added. “Some people can’t do anything else but scream and shout – but we’re not going to let them lead us astray.” 

“Diversity makes us strong in Germany and that’s something we want to maintain,” she said Saturday. Sound familiar? It’s a statement that’s impossible to prove. In fact, the question could be asked; was Germany stronger internally when it was a homogenus, mostly Christian country? And the follow up question: In what way has Germany become “stronger” with the influx of several million aliens who are rejecting German culture and trying to impose their own?

For the present, it doesn’t matter. Unless Merkel makes a major faux pas, she is assured of a victory on election day.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel faced some rowdy demonstrators at a campaign event in Quedlinburg, Germany on Saturday, in advance of the September 24 election. The demonstrators were protesting Merkel’s open borders policy from 2015 that saw nearly a million refugees, mostly from Iraq and Syria, pour into the country.

Merkel had a change of heart in 2016, closing several border crossings and denying asylum to many. The result was that only 280,000 refugees entered Germany that year, and only 108,000 so far this year.

But Merkel told a local newspaper that she does not regret her decision to allow so many potential terrorists into the country. Germany has suffered a spate of terror attacks in the last two years and many blame Merkel’s policies for the attacks.


“I would make all of the important decisions of 2015 the same way again,” Merkel was quoted as saying in a Welt am Sonntag newspaper interview published Sunday. Four weeks before Germany’s election on Sept. 24, the comments underscore her conviction that there was a humanitarian need to open the border when a record influx of refugees made their way through southern and eastern Europe to Germany that year.

Part of the problem in the buildup to the 2015 crisis is that Mediterranean countries such as Greece and Italy were too often left alone by other European Union countries to deal with refugees arriving from outside the bloc, Merkel was quoted as saying. She renewed her campaign pledge that Germany “should never again witness” such an emergency.

Merkel’s open-borders stance depressed her approval ratings last year and spurred the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany party after a record number of 980,000 asylum seekers, many of them fleeing war in Syria, arrived in Germany in 2015. Critics included U.S. President Donald Trump, who called Merkel’s policy a “catastrophic mistake” in an interview with European media.

Merkel’s poll numbers rebounded as the influx ebbed to 280,000 last year, restricted by border closures along the so-called Balkan route and a refugee accord between the EU and Turkey. Some 106,000 asylum seekers arrived in the first seven months of 2017, led by Syrians, Iraqis and Afghans, according to German Interior Ministry figures.

Support for Merkel’s Christian Democratic-led bloc declined 1 percentage point to 38 percent while her main opponent, the Social Democrats led by challenger Martin Schulz, also fell 1 point to 23 percent, according to a weekly Emnid poll for Bild am Sonntag newspaper.

At the same time, 51 percent of Germans would vote for Merkel if the chancellor were elected directly, compared with 22 percent for Schulz, according to the newspaper. That compares with a 39-38 percent edge for Merkel in January, when Schulz’s emergence as her main challenger gave the SPD a temporary poll boost.

The pro-business Free Democrats and the Alternative for Germany gained one point each in the weekly survey, polling 9 percent and 8 percent respectively, with the anti-capitalist Left party unchanged at 9 percent and the Greens declining 1 point to 7 percent.

What is going to save Merkel from defeat is the weakness of her main rival, Social Democrat Martin Schulz, whose far left platform has put off millions of voters who might otherwise vote for a viable alternative to Merkel. But the Alternative for Germany party who oppose Merkel’s refugee policies, are going to take millions of votes from Merkel’s coalition, putting her outright election as chancellor in jeapordy.

The AfD has been making their opposition felt on the campaign trail.

The Hill:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel faced rowdy protesters at a campaign event in Quedlinburg, Germany on Saturday, including jeers and chants of “liar, liar”. 

Reuters reported that Merkel was interrupted during a 30-minute campaign address in the city by groups of unruly demonstrators holding signs that read “Merkel must go”. Many accused Merkel of terror attacks in the nation in recent years.

Merkel, who is running for the nomination of the Christian Democratic Union party for a fourth term in office, is reportedly a favorite to win in September. 

According to Reuters, Merkel responded to the protesters by saying Germany’s problems won’t be solved by “screaming.”

“I hope you were able to understand some of that even though some of you out there kept on yelling,” Merkel told the crowd.

“Some believe the problems in Germany can be fixed by screaming – but I don’t think so and the majority of the people here don’t think so either,” she added. “Some people can’t do anything else but scream and shout – but we’re not going to let them lead us astray.” 

“Diversity makes us strong in Germany and that’s something we want to maintain,” she said Saturday. Sound familiar? It’s a statement that’s impossible to prove. In fact, the question could be asked; was Germany stronger internally when it was a homogenus, mostly Christian country? And the follow up question: In what way has Germany become “stronger” with the influx of several million aliens who are rejecting German culture and trying to impose their own?

For the present, it doesn’t matter. Unless Merkel makes a major faux pas, she is assured of a victory on election day.


via American Thinker Blog

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Vatican starting to look hypocritical on those ‘national security concerns’

The Vatican has called an ISIS terrorist video from the Philippines threatening the life of the pope “worrying” and made vague statements about security being in ready to halt the potential attack.

Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Holy See’s No. 2 official, said he has seen the video of militants desecrating Christian statues and threatening the pope by saying they’ll come to Rome, as they tear in half photos of him and his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI.

The video was mostly filmed in the Philippines, where ISIS has been clashing with government forces for control of the city of Marawi, MailOnline reported.

Parolin said: “Obviously, one cannot help but worry, above all for the senseless hatred that it is.” But he said the Vatican has not added more measures to its already bolstered security.

It’s not their first threat against the Vatican. Terrorists launched another video with St. Peter’s Square in their crosshairs in 2015, created in the wake of their murder of a group of Egyptian Christians on a beach the same year.

The Swiss Guards recently said it is “only a matter of time” before the terrorists do their worst to strike at the Vatican.

The threat comes at a peculiar time – in the wake of words from the pope urging Europe to take all comers in great refugee inflow, without regard for “national security concerns.”

In the message, Francis demanded governments welcome, protect, promote and integrate migrants, saying Jesus’ message of love is rooted in welcoming the “rejected strangers of every age.”

He demanded a simplified process of granting humanitarian and temporary visas and rejected arbitrary and collective expulsions as “unsuitable.” He said the principle of ensuring each person’s dignity “obliges us to always prioritize personal safety over national security.”

Whose personal safety that might be was not specified. But it appeared the Holy Father placed a higher value on the right of potential terrorists to come to Europe to live the good life than the right of their intended victims to live without fear, whether Europe’s victims of Afghani rape maurauders, or Europe’s victims of the next terrorist spectacular.

It was a singularly irresponsible statement because what on earth did he think national security concerns were except for protection for the lives of the people these nations’ leaders have a sacred duty to protect? The pope’s remark about ‘obliges us to always prioritize personal safety over national security concerns’ makes absolutely no sense given that the personal safety of Europeans is exactly what is known as national security. Anything else is to prioritize terrorists’ lives over those of the locals.

Now he’s got some ‘worrying’ things himself with this absurd policy position. Yes, we understand he wants to ensure that Christian duties to strangers are followed, but this does not necessarily mean taking good with bad into a home country and hoping the bomb doesn’t go off. If it did, there’d be no ISIS terrorist video to find “worrying.”

There are many ways to help refugees besides extending immigration to them and witih ISIS already stating that it has infiltrated refugee streams, there is every reason to shut the door and keep them out until they can be sorted out. Refugee camps near their home country should do the job just fine.

Somehow, it’s easy to throw ordinary people off the side and declare them expendible in the great quest to fill Europe’s baby bust. But it all looks different when in the eyes of the Vatican when it’s the Holy Father’s life on the line. The Vatican should have known better, because it comes out looking hypocritical now.



The Vatican has called an ISIS terrorist video from the Philippines threatening the life of the pope “worrying” and made vague statements about security being in ready to halt the potential attack.

Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Holy See’s No. 2 official, said he has seen the video of militants desecrating Christian statues and threatening the pope by saying they’ll come to Rome, as they tear in half photos of him and his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI.

The video was mostly filmed in the Philippines, where ISIS has been clashing with government forces for control of the city of Marawi, MailOnline reported.

Parolin said: “Obviously, one cannot help but worry, above all for the senseless hatred that it is.” But he said the Vatican has not added more measures to its already bolstered security.

It’s not their first threat against the Vatican. Terrorists launched another video with St. Peter’s Square in their crosshairs in 2015, created in the wake of their murder of a group of Egyptian Christians on a beach the same year.

The Swiss Guards recently said it is “only a matter of time” before the terrorists do their worst to strike at the Vatican.

The threat comes at a peculiar time – in the wake of words from the pope urging Europe to take all comers in great refugee inflow, without regard for “national security concerns.”

In the message, Francis demanded governments welcome, protect, promote and integrate migrants, saying Jesus’ message of love is rooted in welcoming the “rejected strangers of every age.”

He demanded a simplified process of granting humanitarian and temporary visas and rejected arbitrary and collective expulsions as “unsuitable.” He said the principle of ensuring each person’s dignity “obliges us to always prioritize personal safety over national security.”

Whose personal safety that might be was not specified. But it appeared the Holy Father placed a higher value on the right of potential terrorists to come to Europe to live the good life than the right of their intended victims to live without fear, whether Europe’s victims of Afghani rape maurauders, or Europe’s victims of the next terrorist spectacular.

It was a singularly irresponsible statement because what on earth did he think national security concerns were except for protection for the lives of the people these nations’ leaders have a sacred duty to protect? The pope’s remark about ‘obliges us to always prioritize personal safety over national security concerns’ makes absolutely no sense given that the personal safety of Europeans is exactly what is known as national security. Anything else is to prioritize terrorists’ lives over those of the locals.

Now he’s got some ‘worrying’ things himself with this absurd policy position. Yes, we understand he wants to ensure that Christian duties to strangers are followed, but this does not necessarily mean taking good with bad into a home country and hoping the bomb doesn’t go off. If it did, there’d be no ISIS terrorist video to find “worrying.”

There are many ways to help refugees besides extending immigration to them and witih ISIS already stating that it has infiltrated refugee streams, there is every reason to shut the door and keep them out until they can be sorted out. Refugee camps near their home country should do the job just fine.

Somehow, it’s easy to throw ordinary people off the side and declare them expendible in the great quest to fill Europe’s baby bust. But it all looks different when in the eyes of the Vatican when it’s the Holy Father’s life on the line. The Vatican should have known better, because it comes out looking hypocritical now.



via American Thinker Blog

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Venezuelan dictator takes next step in isolating his nation

Whenever dictators rise to power one of the first steps they generally take is to assert control over the media. After all, you don’t want stories circulating among the people which are critical of your various abuses. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is no exception to this rule, and he quickly moved to shut down two of the nation’s remaining radio stations which had aired stories critical of his takeover. (Associated Press)

Authorities have shut down two radio stations that aired critical coverage of President Nicolas Maduro’s government by refusing to renew their licenses, a broadcast executive announced, as the country staged military exercises in defiance of Washington and new U.S. sanctions.

Enza Carbone, president of the country’s Radio Chamber, said late Friday in a statement that the National Telecommunications Commission did not renew the stations’ permits when they expired and ordered them to cease transmitting.

The National Media Workers’ Union accused the government of taking “arbitrary” action and violating freedom of expression.

Two days earlier, Maduro ordered cable television carriers to stop offering a couple of stations from Columbia which also broadcast “wrong thinking” news. This is precisely the same pattern we saw in Turkey last year after the failed coup attempt when Recep Tayyip Erdogan began imprisoning journalists by the hundreds and closing down newspapers who printed unfavorable analysis of his regime.

The end game of a strategy such as this can be seen in North Korea today. There is no media (aside from some black market radio from across the border) except for the state operated television and radio networks. Rather than news or any sort of informed discussion, citizens who can somehow afford a television or radio (and they are few in number) are treated to a non-stop flow of approved government propaganda designed to lionize the leadership and condemn the west as enemies.

So what, if anything, will the rest of the world do about Maduro? Our United Nations Ambassador, Nikki Haley, came out this week with yet another forceful condemnation, asserting that the United States would not “tolerate” a dictatorship in Venezuela. (Reuters)

U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said on Friday that U.S. sanctions against Venezuela were a strong message to President Nicolas Maduro that the United States would not tolerate a “dictatorship” in that country.

Haley, speaking at United Nations headquarters in New York, said she had not been asked to meet at the UN with visiting Venezuelan foreign minister Jorge Arreaza.

It’s a noble message, but at this point the dictator ship has sailed, if you’ll pardon the pun. The former government is all but dissolved. Maduro’s new assembly of sycophants has usurped all the powers of the legislature and they’re just rewriting the laws of the country to reflect the President’s whims on the fly. Their Supreme Court is packed with Maduro loyalists. Armed militias roam the streets beating down and in some cases murdering protesters and members of the opposition party are quickly filling Maduro’s prisons to overflowing.

I’m not sure how many more things or people we could really sanction at this point. None of it is dissuading Maduro. We may not want to “tolerate” a dictatorship in Venezuela, but we’ve most certainly got one.

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The Birth of Antifa and The Lefts Roadmap To A New America

There are many Americans that refuse to believe and perhaps are on some level of denial of the fact that the left seeks to upend American culture and rewrite history.  It seems unimaginable that America has within its borders people who not only reject the very foundation and principles upon which this country came into existence but are actively seeking to alter American society toward a more historically failed socialist system.

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