ANTIFA Terror Cell Prepares to Take on Cops With ‘Our Enemies in Blue’ Workshops

Even while Democrats like the jackleg Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe are making the rounds on the Sunday morning shows denouncing “white supremacist” groups, the work of ANTIFA continues to go on with no such condemnation.

If anything, ANTIFA is being given a free pass by the media as was seen during last weekend’s edition of Meet the Press where host Chuck Todd gave a forum to a radical leftist Dartmouth University professor who was able to speak to a national audience with his message that violence is the road to peace.

Big things are coming for the what some are referring to as the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party and just in time for an election year.

Like the Philadelphia-based ANTIFA cell that is currently training members on how to fight the police or as they are referred to “Our Enemies in Blue” which sure would seem to many to be a call for violence against law enforcement personnel.

Via The Daily Wire “’Our Enemies In Blue’: Antifa Hosting Violent Anti-Cop Workshops”:

The Antifa thug posse, whom the media seems utterly convinced poses no harm to the nation, will now host violent anti-cop workshops as part of their new Philadelphia cell, according to the Daily Caller.

Called “Our Enemies in Blue,” the workshops openly call for violence against police where convicted felons are held up for emulation. Various Antifa websites, including It’s Going Down, Sub.Media and Insurrection News, have already promoted it as a “Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement” (RAM),

According the group’s press release, they plan to serve as bulwark against mosques that “are being ruthlessly bombed” and the supposed systematic battering of LGBTQ people. “The destruction of black life continues unabated as millions languish in the plantations of the modern day slave system,” it states.

The “Our Enemies in Blue” workshops specifically deal with how to handle police during a violent altercation. The Daily Wire has noted several times the media downplayed Antifa violence or celebrated them. At the Washington Post, historian Mark Bray of Dartmouth University championed the group’s “willingness to physically defend themselves and others from white supremacist violence.”

The fledgling RAM Philly goes into greater detail as to their plans on their website which can be viewed HERE.

The Twitter feed is @RAM_Philly although the main site’s Twitter feed links to what appears to be a global communication feed at @IGD_News.

All contact info is here, so if any are inclined to send tips to those tasked with keeping order and keeping tabs on potentially violent organizations, the life that may be saved could belong to a cop.


Facebook: @RevolutionaryAbolition.Philly

Twitter: @RAM_Philly

Instagram: @RAM_Philly

It may greatly behoove law enforcement agencies – especially those in the Philadelphia area – to keep an eye on this particular group which by all indications would fall under the rubric of domestic terrorism.


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Socialism Eats Away At Venezuela’s Soul As Its People Struggle To Survive

Give Bernie a chance, he will get it right in 2020.

Via The Guardian:

Hunger is gnawing at Venezuela, where a government that claims to rule for the poorest has left most of its 31 million people short of food, many desperately so. As night falls over Caracas, and most of the city’s residents lock their doors against its ever more violent streets, Adriana Velásquez gets ready for work, heading out into an uncertain darkness as she has done since hunger forced her into the only job she could find at 14.

She was introduced to her brothel madam by a friend more than two years ago after her mother, a single parent, was fired and the two ran out of food. “It was really hard, but we were going to bed without eating,” said the teenager, whose name has been changed to protect her.
Time to take a stand for Venezuela’s El Sistema
Marshall Marcus
Read more

Since then Venezuela’s crisis has deepened, the number of women working at the brothel has doubled, and their ages have dropped. “I was the youngest when I started. Now there are girls who are 12 or 13. Almost all of us are there because of the crisis, because of hunger.”

She earns 400,000 bolivares a month, around four times the minimum wage, but at a time of hyperinflation that is now worth about $30, barely enough to feed herself, her mother and a new baby brother. She has signed up to evening classes that run before her nightly shift, and hopes to one day escape from a job where “everything is ugly”.

Velásquez grew up in one of Caracas’s poorest and most violent districts, but Venezuela’s food crisis respects neither class nor geography. The pangs of hunger are felt through the corridors of its major businesses, behind the microphone on radio shows, in hospitals where malnutrition is climbing sharply and already claiming lives, and at schools where children faint and teachers skip classes to queue for food.

Keep reading…

via Weasel Zippers

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GORKA: Trump’s MAGA Agenda Being Systematically Undermined Within the White House (AUDIO)

GORKA: Trump’s MAGA Agenda Being Systematically Undermined Within the White House (AUDIO)

Sebastian Gorka resigned as Deputy Assistant to President Trump on Friday.

Conservative radio host Steve Malzberg spoke with Sebastian Gorka on Saturday and Dr. Gorka told him that Trump is surrounded by people who are undermining his ‘MAGA’ agenda.

Steve Malzberg opened the segment by asking Dr. Gorka why he decided to leave the White House.

“We came in on a message that was encapsulated in ‘making American great again’. I supported the President from July of 2015 and the people that made that victory possible around the President have been systematically undermined, many of them on the National Security Council have been fired or shut out and the agenda is losing steam within the building,” Dr. Gorka said.

Dr. Gorka said that President Trump is still committed to the MAGA agenda, but for people like him and Steve Bannon, they can be more effective on the outside.

Dr. Gorka also expressed his disappointment about President Trump’s speech on Afghanistan.

“I saw the text for the speech the President gave on Afghanistan and that’s when I realized that the ‘anti-MAGA’ clique is winning. No mention of radical Islamic terrorism, no mention of even radical Islam, so I decided it’s time to do the best I can for the President as a private citizen outside of the building and that is what I’m going to do,” Dr. Gorka explained.

Many people were disappointed that President Trump didn’t mention Islamic terrorism during his speech about his strategy in Afghanistan. Paul Sperry of the New York Post asked in a tweet, “Has Trump been McMastered?” referring to NatSec Advisor H.R. McMaster who refuses to say ‘Islamic terrorism’ and has fired many critics of Islam.

Listen to Malzberg’s interview with Dr. Gorka below. Dr. Gorka mentions Trump’s MAGA agenda is being undermined at the 1:15 mark. The entire interview is apprx. 10 minutes long.

via The Gateway Pundit

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CNN Commentator Calls MLK Jr’s Niece A ‘Token Black Woman’

Free thinkers are a threat. Via Townhall: Alveda King is a distinguished speaker, an author, a bold pro-life advocate, and a civil rights activist. Yet, to CNN commentator Keith Boykin, she is just a “token right-wing black woman.” King is a vocal Trump supporter. In several cable news appearances, she has commended President Trump for […]

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California moves to jail people who refuse to use transgender pronouns

Let’s just list this as the next in an ongoing series of reasons why you should be glad that you don’t live in California. (And for those of you who actually do, I don’t have too much pity. You’ve had plenty of warning signals and you should have moved by now.) In the race to lead the nation in identity politics and political correctness taken to the umpteenth degree, California should be surging into the lead. A bill has actually been passed in the State Senate and is now under consideration in the Assembly which would impose criminal penalties – including jail time – if you are found to be addressing a transgender person using pronouns which don’t match the gender they imagine themselves to be. (Daily Caller)

A bill that passed the California state senate and is now moving through the Assembly could threaten jail time for anyone who refuses to use a transgender person’s preferred pronoun.

The law is currently limited in its effects to nursing homes and intermediate-care facilities, but if passed, those who “willfully and repeatedly” refuse “to use a transgender resident’s preferred name or pronouns” could be slapped with a $1,000 fine and up to one year in prison, according to the California Heath and Safety code. The state senate passed the bill 26-12 at the end of May. Since then, the Assembly Judiciary committee recommended the bill unanimously and the General Assembly held its first hearing on the legislation Wednesday.

For the moment, this would only apply in nursing homes. (These are locations which are not traditionally known for an overwhelming number of transgender residents.) But legal analysts are already speculating that the prohibition would spread well beyond those confines and do so quickly.

This is one of those cases where I do honestly hope that they can manage to pass this into law. And then we’ll need a volunteer to go violate it and take this question to court. Can the government actually regulate people’s speech based on whether or not it’s polite enough? If William Johnson prefers to be called “Mr. Johnson” and lets you know it, the polite thing to do would be to refer to him as such. If you continue calling him “Bill” he can be annoyed with you or simply walk away and refuse to talk to such a rude individual. But he can’t have you arrested. But just because a basically fictitious (medically and scientifically), politically favored subset of people are involved, we’re going to make an exception and lock up the offenders?

If this law can actually be passed and survive a challenge, we’ve really thrown in the towel on the Constitution. And I’ll be joining in with one of the people I follow on Twitter with this opinion as well.

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REAGAN BATTALION UNMASKED: Leaders Of Anonymous Anti-Trump Activist Group EXPOSED! [VIDEO]

REAGAN BATTALION UNMASKED: Leaders Of Anonymous Anti-Trump Activist Group EXPOSED! [VIDEO]

The Reagan Battalion – an anonymous group that pretends to be operating with the conservative interest in mind – has had a busy year. You may remember that back in February they launched a vicious smear campaign against Pro-Trump activist, Milo Yiannopoulos. Their campaign against him involved an edited video that managed to lose him his book deal, speaking engagement at CPAC, and ultimately caused him to resign from sooner than expected.

Since then, The Reagan Battalion has been previously tied to far left liberal PACs, Soros-funded activist groups, while enjoying a very cozy relationship with #NeverTrumper Ben Shapiro.

Reagan Battalion has gone out of their way to attack President Trump and other Pro-Trump conservatives at every turn, in a since deleted tweet, they proclaimed “The choice is abundantly clear! You either stand with Donald Trump & the KKK, or with the #NeverTrump movement!” Sounds pretty similar to what far-left political activists and NeoCons keep saying, right?

Back in February, you might also remember that The Gateway Pundit reported fairly extensively on collusion between Soros far left groups, #NeverTrumpers who paid for opposition research, and an Even McMullin campaign site.

Just last week the Reagan Battalion cheered the exit of Steve Bannon along with Ben Shapiro and a handful of other #NeverTrumpers.

Even more recently, they are going after  Right Side Broadcasting Network host Nicholas Fuentes ; they’ve attempted to “dox, shame, bully, purge, and get him fired” according to GotNews.

Well, yesterday evening one clever YouTuber claims to have been contacted by a low-level Reagan Battalion member who has verified the ringleader of the #NeverTrumper group as  Benny Polatseck.

After this was reported to YouTuber WildGooseBWC , he decided to do some legwork of his own to check into whether the info lined up; to do this he did a comparison of Twitter accounts belonging to The Reagan Battalion, Benny Polatseck, and Colassal PR (a NeoCon strategy and design firm owned by Mr. Polatseck)… well, the results are in:

Watch the full video, where WildGooseBWC goes through all the evidence and gives you a more in-depth look at the man behind it:


Finally, the Reagan Battalion is exposed.
And it’s not pretty.

via The Gateway Pundit

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Video: Philly teacher protesting statue charged with making terror threats

You obviously couldn’t expect a heavily Democratic city like Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to stay out of the Confederate monument removal story, right? They’re as big on protesting there as any of their other major metropolitan brothers and sisters. So it should come as no surprise that they’ve had protesters out on the steps of the city plaza on a regular basis calling for the removal of a statue of former Mayor (and Police Commissioner) Frank Rizzo.

Wait a minute… Frank Rizzo was in the Confederacy?

Rizzo was a colorful figure to be sure, much like many other leaders of the Democratic Party machine in the City of Brotherly Love. (One of his more famous quotes during his campaign for a second term as mayor was reported to be, “Just wait after November. You’ll have a front row seat because I’m going to make Attila the Hun look like a faggot.”) So anyway, though he didn’t actually fight in the Civil War, the protesters are mad at him about… something.

But that’s not the real story here. One of the protesters who happens to be a teacher allowed his famous Philly temper to get the better of him and decided to threaten some of the cops guarding the statue with physical violence. That ended pretty much as you’d probably expect. (NBC Philadelphia)

A Philadelphia school teacher was charged early Saturday with allegedly making terroristic threats against a police officer during a protest at the Rizzo statue Aug. 16, according to court documents.

John Sheerin, 63, of Crescentville, is seen on a video shot by local reporter and columnist Helen Ubiñas during protests in the shadow of the statue for Frank Rizzo, a former mayor and police commissioner. (Warning: The video contains extremely graphic language.)

A phone number for Sheerin went to voicemail, which indicated that the mailbox was full and a message could not be left.

Sheerin isn’t just “a teacher.” He is (or at least was) an elementary school teacher. Hopefully he managed to hold both his tongue and his temper a bit better than this in the classroom. I won’t print the quotes of what he said while screaming at the cop, but you can hear most of it (with some strategic bleeping) in this brief NBC video report.

I suppose we should be trying to draw some deeper meaning out of this regarding the ongoing monument protests, the erasure of history and all the rest. But seriously… this is Philly we’re talking about here. I worked there for years and lived right across the Walt Whitman Bridge in Jersey. These are the folks who threw ice packed snowballs at Santa Clause during an Eagles game and pelted their own coach with batteries. It’s the home of Little Nicky Scarfo and Angelo Bruno.

While I’m not condoning this behavior at all, we probably do need to put it in context. What Sheerin did probably would qualify as making terrorist threats in most parts of the country. But in Philly, telling a cop to come meet you at your house so you can kick his ****ing a** is more along the lines of something you’d hear if he just didn’t like the look on your face.

Still, the deed is done and Sheerin has been arrested. As to what happens to the statue of Rizzo, that’s a tough call to make. He was, as I said, a Democrat (until he switched parties for a few years at the end of his life), not to mention being Italian. For all his rough spots he was, and probably remains, a very popular figure in that city. Tearing the statue down might not go over so well. And if protesters do it by force without authorization, well… you might want to watch out for flying batteries.

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Carney: Amazon Just Crushed the Anti-Trump Food Price Fear Mongerers

Carney: Amazon Just Crushed the Anti-Trump Food Price Fear Mongerers

27 Aug, 2017
27 Aug, 2017

Amazon is about to toss a smart bomb at food prices.

The tech giant said that it will slash prices on Monday when it completes its acquisition of Whole Foods. The announcement sent shares of Kroger, Walmart, Costoco and others into a tailspin as pricing pressure is expected to eat into their margins.

One unintended consequence of Amazon’s announcement: the complete devastation of the unfounded fear-mongering about food prices under the Trump administration that has been rampant in the press.

“You could soon pay more for worse food. Thanks, Donald Trump,” blared a Washington Post headline on December 6.

“A Donald Trump presidency could lead to food shortage in the U.S.,” an article on Quartz declared.

“Your wine and food prices are going to rise when Donald Trump takes office,” a piece on MarketWatch warned.

The Wall Street Journal‘s Justin Lahart was characteristically more sober and more thoughtful in his assessment. No screaming about food shortages or declarations that food prices were definitely headed up. But even Lahart’s March 15 column warned of a “food pinch.”

“The higher prices that could ensue would raise costs for food companies, grocery stores and restaurants, putting margins at risk,” Lahart wrote.

A full list of Food Price Panic articles would go on for scores of entries.

Even before the Amazon announcement, these predictions were in the process of being proven wrong. The cost of food in the United States in July of 2017 was just 1.1 percent higher than it was a year earlier, well below the long-term annual average of 3.4 percent. The price of food purchased for home consumption from grocery stores was up just 0.3 percent compared with a year earlier.

Overall, the U.S. government expects supermarket food prices to change between -0.25 percent and 0.75 percent for the entire year, according to the Department of Agriculture’s latest update. Next year they are expected to rise between 1 percent and 2 percent.

The best thing that can be said about the Food Price Panic articles is that perhaps they were early. Perhaps one of these days Trump’s immigration stance is going to send food prices sky-rocketing. Could happen. Not likely. But you never know.

The authors also could not have predicted that general inflation would remain very low. Or that Amazon would buy Whole Foods and immediately announce price cuts. Except that this is not really a credible defense. It just shows that those making panicky predictions about the direction of food prices really had no idea what was going to happen.

And some food market watchers did not fall into the trap. Back in April, Breitbart News reported that food prices were not rising and should not be expected to rise.

“Food is in a deflationary cycle, with prices falling year after year and expected to keep falling. Even if immigration policies are causing a labor shortage, American families are not seeing the effects at the grocery store,” Breitbart News reported.

via Breitbart News

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Flake Challenger Kelli Ward: ‘Big Mistake’ for Establishment GOP to Challenge Trump

On this weekend’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Republican U.S. Senate hopeful Dr. Kelli Ward, Sen. Jeff Flake’s (R-AZ) challenger in next year’s GOP primary, said it would be a “big mistake” for the “establishment wing” to primary President Donald Trump.

Ward said, “I definitely think in 2018 we need to elect people who have that America first agenda in mind. People who want to secure the border, who want to stop illegal immigration, who want to repeal Obamacare finally, who want to keep the economy growing, who wants to fix the tax code and want to make sure that our military is the strongest in the world.”

“Unfortunately, we have a lot of people in Washington, especially in the Senate, who like to talk a lot, but don’t like to collaborate with each other, House to Senate, within the Republican Party to accomplish the agenda that the American people are crying out for,” she added.

When asked about a primary challenge to Trump, Ward said, “I certainly think that would be a big mistake for the establishment wing of the Republican Party to attempt. I think President Trump and his leadership is what the country wanted, that’s why he’s in the White House and I think he’s got lofty goals that we should accomplish that will put America first.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

via Breitbart News

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