Projecting Weakness: President Trump Allows Inner Circle to Publicly Disparage Him as Globalists March

In the past several days, several members of President Donald J. Trump’s inner circle have publicly disparaged him—and the president has done nothing public to stop them.

First, National Economic Council (NEC) director Gary Cohn—the former number two banker at Goldman Sachs and a top Democrat who joined the Trump administration after the president’s election—bashed the president in an on-record interview with the Financial Times.

“I have come under enormous pressure both to resign and to remain in my current position,” Cohn said when asked by the Financial Times about his thoughts on the president’s response to the incidents in Charlottesville. “As a patriotic American, I am reluctant to leave my post as director of the National Economic Council because I feel a duty to fulfill my commitment to work on behalf of the American people. But I also feel compelled to voice my distress over the events of the last two weeks. Citizens standing up for equality and freedom can never be equated with white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and the KKK. I believe this administration can and must do better in consistently and unequivocally condemning these groups and do everything we can to heal the deep divisions that exist in our communities. As a Jewish American, I will not allow neo-Nazis ranting ‘Jews will not replace us’ to cause this Jew to leave his job. I feel deep empathy for all who have been targeted by these hate groups. We must all unite together against them.”

The New York Times also reported that Cohn drafted a resignation letter, and came under enormous pressure from his own family including his wife to resign, but has remained in the White House.

“Mr. Cohn, who is Jewish, seriously considered resigning and even drafted a letter of resignation, according to two people familiar with the draft,” the New York Times’ Maggie Haberman and Kate Kelly wrote on Friday, adding later in the piece details about Cohn’s plans for potential resignation.

“In the days after the Charlottesville violence, Mr. Cohn’s family — including his wife — told him he needed to think seriously about departing, according to two people briefed on the discussions,” Haberman and Kelly wrote. “Several of his friends in the business community also urged him to step away from the administration. Mr. Cohn is a former executive at Goldman Sachs. Mr. Cohn came close to resigning, according to one of the people briefed on the discussions. He met with Mr. Trump privately at the president’s golf club in New Jersey last Friday, scrapping his plans to spend the evening at his second home in the Hamptons.”

The Washington Post added in its own reporting that Cohn was overheard in a Long Island restaurant trashing President Trump.

“On Wednesday evening, Cohn complained loudly about Trump while dining with friends at a Long Island restaurant called the Frisky Oyster,” the Washington Post’s Damien Paletta and Philip Rucker reported on Friday. “Cohn explained to his companions — in a loud voice overheard by others — that he had to be careful not to give Trump too much lead time about some new ideas because the president could disclose the information prematurely and upend the planning process, according to a person familiar with the dinner.”

Now, after Cohn’s threats to resign over his disagreements with the president, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson appeared on Fox News Sunday this weekend to also disparage the president. Tillerson declined to say that the president supports American values, saying that the State Department does but that “the president speaks for himself.”

In addition, Tillerson defended globalists arguing that he does not “see any division” between those who support globalization and those who support the “America First” agenda that the president campaigned on.

“I think it’s a question of tactics and how you achieve those objectives,” Tillerson told Fox News’ Chris Wallace. “I think the president has been clear in his speech in Afghanistan that we are not undertaking nation-building. We will be shifting our diplomatic and aid in development as well to coincide with the present fear that the Afghan government and that Afghan people must own their form of government and they must come to reconciliation with all ethnic groups including the Taliban. A peaceful country who does not support terrorism does not provide safe havens are terrorist and does not align itself with any terrorist organizations or countries that do. That’s what winning looks like.”

He also said that Dr. Sebastian Gorka’s criticism of the Afghanistan speech’s lack of any mention of “radical Islam” or “radical Islamic terrorism”—a sharp departure from the campaign vision of President Trump—is “completely wrong.”

“It shows a lack of understanding of the president’s broader policy when it comes to protecting Americans at home and abroad from all acts of terrorism,” Tillerson said of Gorka’s criticism. “Terrorism, as we’ve said, it manifests itself in many types of organization. The president has charged us to develop policies and tactics most diplomatically and militarily to attack terrorism in as many forms wherever it exists in the world and wherever it might present a threat to the homeland or to Americans anywhere. This means that we have to develop techniques that are global in nature. All we want is to ensure that terrorists do not have the capability to organize and carry out attacks.”

Gorka resigned from the White House on Friday in part due to the failures on the Afghanistan speech and vision from the president, which were pushed in large part thanks to National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster.

Together with Cohn, McMaster, and Tillerson, others in the White House have banded together to form the “West Wing Democrats.” They include the president’s daughter Ivanka Trump, her husband Trump’s son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner, Deputy National Security adviser Dina Habib Powell—who worked with Cohn at Goldman Sachs—as well as new chief of staff John Kelly. Powell claims to be a Republican due to her short tenure in the George W. Bush White House, and Tillerson was a longtime GOP donor, but this cadre of individuals and others reportedly view their role as moderating the president’s campaign positions to protect the established order and status quo in Washington. They work closely with congressional leaders like House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to achieve their ends against the president’s agenda.

Interestingly, as Cohn and Tillerson were publicly attacking the president over the weekend, so was Ryan—for a different topic, the president’s decision to pardon former Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

White House interim communications director Hope Hicks has not replied to a series of questions from Breitbart News about why the president is letting these people get away with this public humiliation of him, and how it shows weakness on his behalf. It remains to be seen if the president will do anything about it, but the display of lack of control of his own supposed allies weakens his position heading into what is likely to be one of the bloodiest legislative months in recent history. In September, Trump and Congress need to pass a spending bill, raise the debt ceiling, revisit efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare, and begin tax reform.

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Arrests, Assaults as Antifa Unleashes Violence on Right-Wing Protesters in Berkeley

Arrests, Assaults as Antifa Unleashes Violence on Right-Wing Protesters in Berkeley

27 Aug, 2017
27 Aug, 2017

Ten people were arrested for “various violations” Sunday during what was meant to be a peaceful protest and counter-protest in Berkeley, California.

According to the Los Angeles Times, “Members of Antifa were seen involved in a number of violent scuffles.”

Three of the people detained violated the no-mask rule, according to KCRA. A woman who allegedly assaulted a photographer was also arrested, along with two men who exchanged blows.

Thousands of people, from the far-right and far-left of the political spectrum, were reportedly present for the “Rally Against Hate,” where individuals who are opposed to President Donald Trump outnumbered those present in support of the commander-in-chief.

The rally through the Martin Luther King, Jr., Civic Center Park began peacefully, based on social media accounts of the event:

The Washington Post reported that a protester, Karla Fonseca, denounced the Latino man holding a “God Bless Donald Trump” sign in the tweet above telling him, “You are an immigrant. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

President Trump has indicated he is pro-legal immigration.

However, according to video posted to Twitter and media reports, the peace quickly dissipated into violence as Antifa allegedly attacked a reporter and a photographer:


According to the Washington Post, “Anti-rally protesters chanted slogans ‘No Trump. No KKK. No fascist USA’ and carried signs that said: ‘Berkeley Stands United Against Hate.’”

Dozens of anti-fascist protesters reportedly pounced on Joey Gibson, founder of the right-wing group Patriot Prayer, and his crew when they showed up at the rally. Patriot Prayer made the choice to cancel their planned “Freedom Rally” in San Francisco’s Crissy Field Beach Saturday due to safety concerns.

“We’ve decided that tomorrow really seems like a setup,” Gibson announced during a Facebook Live video. “It doesn’t seem safe. A lot of people’s lives are going to be in danger tomorrow.” He added, “The rhetoric from Nancy Pelosi, Mayor Lee, the media – all of these people are saying that we’re white supremacists, and it’s bringing in tons of extremists.”

Meanwhile, San Francisco city leaders congratulated themselves over shutting down free speech in the area known as the birthplace of the free speech movement Saturday after Patriot Prayer’s announcement.

Breitbart News reported, “Mayor Ed Lee praised counter-demonstrators who had marched across the city, as well as those who marched near the designated site for the protest. ‘They made sure the themes of love and compassion dominated over hate speech,’ he said at City Hall, according to”

The Los Angeles Times reported that “Antifa protesters beat one man with a shield and another person wearing an American flag.”

Adelle Nazarian is a politics and national security reporter for Breitbart News. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

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Bolshevik-Style Cultural Purge

If you wondered about the deplorable state of American mis-education, all you have to do is look at the historical revisionist indoctrination in the textbooks, the classroom-forced Islamization of students, the Common Core standards that are dumbing down students across the board, and the Bolshevik-style cultural purge of Civil War monuments and heroes that are taking place around the country with the full approval and instigation from academia, the MSM, politicians, the current administration, and American citizens.

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The Attack Of Rotten, Vicious Children In Grownup Bodies

Nearly a year ago I wrote the following narrative that first appeared in Canada Free Press. It works too well with this article not to use it again. Since I wrote this, I’m proud to say I have seen and heard this little vignette referred to by some brainy people I admire in both literary and audiovisual pieces they have done.

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SICK! Antifa Beat and Pour Urine on Trump Supporter at Berkeley Protest (VIDEO)

SICK! Antifa Beat and Pour Urine on Trump Supporter at Berkeley Protest (VIDEO)

Violence erupted in Berkeley, CA on Sunday as Antifa terrorists took to the streets and terrorized Trump supporters and innocent journalists attempting to capture footage of the protests.

An army of violent left-wing Antifa terrorists wearing all black, covering their faces with masks terrorized Trump supporters and chased them while trying to steal their phones and cameras. Police did not step in to stop the violence.

Antifa terrorists also beat and poured urine on a male Trump supporter who was completely non-violent as he tried to get away from the mob of masked thugs.

Watch as Antifa pours urine on this man while they chase, beat him and push him to the ground. The Trump supporter simply wanted to get away from the Antifa terrorists and did not engage in any violence.

President Trump MUST designate Antifa as a domestic terrorist organization. They have metastasized and are terrorizing innocent people. The fact that Trump supporters are constantly beat up while the leaders of this country do NOTHING to stop Antifa is disturbing. What are they waiting for? This type of violence towards Trump supporters has been going on for over a year and it is getting worse.

Video credit: Bay Area reporter, El Chivo 

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30 Illegal Aliens Detained At Hidden Tunnel Spanning US-Mexico Border

ICE is no longer the welcoming committee.


Thirty undocumented immigrants suspected of trying to cross into the United States from Mexico through a hidden tunnel spanning the border were detained by authorities in San Diego early Saturday.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agent Eduardo Olmos told NBC 7 that U.S. Border Patrol agents spotted the large group at around 1:30 a.m. near the Otay Mesa Port of Entry in south San Diego County, near the border crossing bridge off Britannia Boulevard and Otay Pacific Drive.

When the suspects realized they had been seen by the agents, many of them tried to flee by going back into the mouth of a tunnel that investigators said had been constructed for the purpose of illegally smuggling undocumented immigrants from Mexico into the U.S.

Border agents followed the group and detained several on the surface of the tunnel at Drucker Lane and Siempre Viva Road; others were detained inside the tunnel, officials said.

Of those detained, 23 were Chinese nationals and seven were Mexican nationals. They are now in the custody of U.S. Border Patrol pending further questioning.

Keep reading…

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‘Texan’ Defined: ‘I’m Gonna Try to Save Some Lives,’ Says Volunteer Rescuer

HOUSTON, Texas — As a volunteer rescuer from Texas City prepared to launch his boat on a Houston freeway, a reporter asked him what he was going to do. His answer revealed much about the attitude of being a Texan.

An unidentified reporter approached a man as he began putting his boat into the flooded river that yesterday was an interstate highway. The Independent Journal Review reports he asked the man, “You guys here to help out?” The man responded “Yessir!”

He then asked the man what he “is about to do.”

The man responded, “I’m gonna go try to save some lives.” He then went on about his business of doing good for the flood victims in the Houston area.

The video below was posted by KARK4 Meteorologist Austin Kellerman:

It appears the reporter was not from Houston, as a Texan would likely have asked, “What are you fixin to do?”

In another video shown on Fox News, a Good Samaritan waded into a flooded roadway to rescue three people in distress.

Former Dallas Quarterback “Dandy Don” Merideth reportedly once said, “Never ask a man if he is from Texas. If he is, he’ll tell you. If he isn’t, don’t embarrass him.”

Follow complete coverage of Hurricane Harvey and Houston Floods on Breitbart Texas.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas. He is a founding member of the Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTXGab, and Facebook.

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Arpaio Pardoned, RINOs melt down

What on earth has happened to the moral and political sensibilities of Paul Ryan, John McCain, Jeff Flake, Jeb Bush, etc.?  All of those RINOs who are attacking President Trump for pardoning Joe Arpaio are simpering, whining traitors to the party they allegedly represent.  They should declare themselves Democrats and be done with the masquerade. 

Perhaps they should remind themselves of all the criminals and thugs that President Obama pardoned, or that President Clinton pardoned.  Trump made it clear at his rally in Phoenix that he was going to pardon the beleaguered sheriff.  The audience there was thrilled, as were the millions of people watching on television, the citizens who want our immigration laws enforced.   If there was ever anyone who deserved a pardon, along with Scooter Libby, it is Joe Arapio.   This was a no-brainer!  The man has enforced both federal and state laws for his entire career.  Arpaio was found in contempt of court after a Clinton-appointed judge, Susan Bolton,  ordered him to stop enforcing the law, detaining people he suspected (or knew) to be illegal immigrants.  It was the judge who broke the law as so many of our activist judges have over the last decade.   They do not want laws that protect our borders enforced.   Such judges are traitors to the nation as well. 

How have we come to the point at which the Republican leadership in Congress is so consistently on the wrong side of their stated  principles?  They have made common cause with the likes of the odious Sen. Chuck Schumer and the rest of the left.  They despise Trump.  That is clear to everyone.  They intend to continue their sabotage of the president, even if it means they lose their majority, even if it means they contribute to the further takeover of the country by the totalitarian left.  They are apparently just fine with the increasing restriction on free speech and the failure to identify Antifa and BLM as the terrorist groups they are.  They seem to be fine with the criminal nonsense perpetrated by the Southern Poverty Law Center. 

They seem to be fine as well with the many corruptions, past and ongoing, by the Clintons, the Obama holdovers and the crimes of George Soros since they are not interested in getting to the bottom of their many crimes.  They are not bothered by the Robert Mueller witch hunt being conducted by him and his band of leftist brothers bent on taking Trump and/or anyone in his inner circle, down and out.  We all know by now that these traitorous Republicans will cheer if Mueller finds something to tarnish the President.  Do they not realize the contempt the millions of Americans who voted for Trump feel for each and every one of them?  If they do and they do not care.  They do not honor their oath of office to represent the people who elected them and to uphold the Constitution.   

Most Republicans who voted for Romney and Ryan in 2012 now realize why they did not win: they were and are utter wimps, willing to subjugate themselves to the prevailing media sentiment.  This is the tragedy of our time.  We are assaulted by a corrupt media conglomerate twenty-four hours a day.  They are, as Trump says, purveyors of fake news.  The DNC is now a mere appendage to the New York Times, the Washington Post, etc.  CNN is pathetic; it has transformed itself into the Jerry Springer Show, broadcasting a relentless parade of angry slaves to identity politics who only see people not as individuals but as units to be categorized by race, class, and a myriad of newly-minted genders.  This is the cabal to which the Republican leadership has attached itself.  They are cowards.  Their constituents are disgusted with them all and these turncoats deserve their derision.

What on earth has happened to the moral and political sensibilities of Paul Ryan, John McCain, Jeff Flake, Jeb Bush, etc.?  All of those RINOs who are attacking President Trump for pardoning Joe Arpaio are simpering, whining traitors to the party they allegedly represent.  They should declare themselves Democrats and be done with the masquerade. 

Perhaps they should remind themselves of all the criminals and thugs that President Obama pardoned, or that President Clinton pardoned.  Trump made it clear at his rally in Phoenix that he was going to pardon the beleaguered sheriff.  The audience there was thrilled, as were the millions of people watching on television, the citizens who want our immigration laws enforced.   If there was ever anyone who deserved a pardon, along with Scooter Libby, it is Joe Arapio.   This was a no-brainer!  The man has enforced both federal and state laws for his entire career.  Arpaio was found in contempt of court after a Clinton-appointed judge, Susan Bolton,  ordered him to stop enforcing the law, detaining people he suspected (or knew) to be illegal immigrants.  It was the judge who broke the law as so many of our activist judges have over the last decade.   They do not want laws that protect our borders enforced.   Such judges are traitors to the nation as well. 

How have we come to the point at which the Republican leadership in Congress is so consistently on the wrong side of their stated  principles?  They have made common cause with the likes of the odious Sen. Chuck Schumer and the rest of the left.  They despise Trump.  That is clear to everyone.  They intend to continue their sabotage of the president, even if it means they lose their majority, even if it means they contribute to the further takeover of the country by the totalitarian left.  They are apparently just fine with the increasing restriction on free speech and the failure to identify Antifa and BLM as the terrorist groups they are.  They seem to be fine with the criminal nonsense perpetrated by the Southern Poverty Law Center. 

They seem to be fine as well with the many corruptions, past and ongoing, by the Clintons, the Obama holdovers and the crimes of George Soros since they are not interested in getting to the bottom of their many crimes.  They are not bothered by the Robert Mueller witch hunt being conducted by him and his band of leftist brothers bent on taking Trump and/or anyone in his inner circle, down and out.  We all know by now that these traitorous Republicans will cheer if Mueller finds something to tarnish the President.  Do they not realize the contempt the millions of Americans who voted for Trump feel for each and every one of them?  If they do and they do not care.  They do not honor their oath of office to represent the people who elected them and to uphold the Constitution.   

Most Republicans who voted for Romney and Ryan in 2012 now realize why they did not win: they were and are utter wimps, willing to subjugate themselves to the prevailing media sentiment.  This is the tragedy of our time.  We are assaulted by a corrupt media conglomerate twenty-four hours a day.  They are, as Trump says, purveyors of fake news.  The DNC is now a mere appendage to the New York Times, the Washington Post, etc.  CNN is pathetic; it has transformed itself into the Jerry Springer Show, broadcasting a relentless parade of angry slaves to identity politics who only see people not as individuals but as units to be categorized by race, class, and a myriad of newly-minted genders.  This is the cabal to which the Republican leadership has attached itself.  They are cowards.  Their constituents are disgusted with them all and these turncoats deserve their derision.

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Berkeley officials paint transgender person’s ‘anti-Marxist’ march as rally for white supremacy

The city of Berkeley, California, denied a permit to hold an anti-Marxist rally over allegations from elected officials that the rally’s real purpose is a march for white supremacy.

According to KPIX-TV,  Berkeley Deputy City Manager Jovan Grogan told  “No to Marxism” rally organizer Amber Cummings that her rally was denied because her permit application “was late, incomplete and doesn’t include critical information.”

Cummings rally was scheduled at Berkeley’s Civic Center Park from 1 to 5 p.m. on Sunday. According to Grogan, permission for rallies in major parks must be submitted 10 days before the rally is to take place. Cummings submitted her paperwork seven days before the rally’s intended date.

Grogan told Cummings her permit ran into other problems, according to KPIX, including lack of arrangements for emergency medical services, and amplified sound permits.

“Given the totality of circumstances, we cannot issue a permit to you for the use of Civic Center Park on August 27, 2017,” Grogan told Cummings.

KPIX reported city officials believe the rally will occur anyway, despite the denial for a permit. Berkeley police told KPIX they are planning security measures for the rally and will intervene if things get violent.

City officials have pegged Cummings’ rally as an event for white supremacy and have spoken out against it.

Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin characterized the event as a white nationalist rally during a news conference on the steps of Berkeley’s City Hall on Tuesday. Arreguin claimed that social media posts promoting it contain “hate filled messages,” and that people who became violent in Berkeley protests earlier this year said they planned to attend.

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), who represents Oakland, said the rally “represents a fundamental challenge to our community values, regardless of how the organizers are characterizing it.”

On the “No to Marxism” rally’s Facebook page, however, Cummings rejected violence, promoted diversity, and bluntly told white supremacists they aren’t welcome:

In Addition to the discription of the event i would like to add this caveat to my event page. I do not invite or condone anyone showing up to this event with the intent of starting violence. I also want to add I do not stand with any racist groups like the KKK , Neo Nazis, or any form of racist groups. You are not welcome at this event and please stay away. I myself am a transsexual female who embraces diversity and loves diversity. This event is not a event of hate speech it is a event about concerns of Marxism in America.

This event has people of all races, genders, and sexualities. This event is as diverse as it gets. We are all coming together in unification and to speak about the growing concern of Marxism. I will stress again I DO NOT STAND NOR CONDONE RACISM and if you are RACIST your not welcome at this event. Also I stress we want a peaceful NONE VIOLENT event that is my overgoal [sic]. Thank you so much and hope to see you there.

The rally’s Facebook page indicates that it has more than 300 people claiming they will attend at this time.

Will the rally get violent?

It’s possible — but not in the way Berkeley officials think.

The anti-Marxist rally will probably gather, chant, hold signs, then go home if left alone. The media would either ignore it, or — depending on the source — find a bad apple or two among the crowd and use them to represent the rally’s entire demographic.

However, the DailyWire reported on Thursday that a Marxist Antifa group called By Any Means Necessary plans to intercept Cummings’ rally in order to “counteract” a “white supremacist rally.”

Antifa is habitually violent against any group it comes across, even Black Lives Matter, or its own members. Their tactics to harm, or intimidate their opposition has driven many to sign a petition for Washington to legally qualify them as a terrorist organization.

Seeing as how Antifa is a group that actively promotes violence against those they disagree with, the safe bet is that violence will occur between Cummings’ rally and By Any Means Necessary, but it likely won’t be started by the former.

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