REPORT: Some Patients Treated For Putting Sunblock On Their Eyeballs During Eclipse

Sometimes, people are dumb. And sometimes, they’re very dumb.

Following the nationwide eclipse that occurred on Monday, there have not been too many reports of people suffering severe eye damage by looking directly at the sun. There were reports of people breaking limbs while walking around wearing those very dark eclipse glasses, and some people “built last-minute pinhole projectors and looked through the pinhole at the sun.” Dumb.

But all in all, the information campaign before the eclipse seemed to have worked for the most part.

Except for some very dumb people — who, because they didn’t have the special protective glasses, decided to put sunscreen protection DIRECTLY INTO THEIR EYES!

Nurse Practioner Trish Patterson told TV station KRCR in Redding, CA, that no one came into her health clinic with eye damage from the eclipse, but a few had pain from putting sunscreen on their eyeballs.

“One of my colleagues at moonlight here stated yesterday that they had patients presenting at their clinic that put sunscreen on their eyeball, and presented that they were having pain and they were referred to an ophthalmologist,” Patterson said.

Warning labels on sunscreen containers warn to avoid having the substance on the eye. If a person gets sunscreen in their eye, it is advised they run their eye under water while blinking for 15-20 minutes. Afterward, people are encouraged to call Poison Control.

via Daily Wire

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Ohio Veterans Group to Boycott Cleveland Browns Over National Anthem Protests

The ongoing travesty of multi-millionaire football players choosing to spit on the flag and dishonor our veterans with their silly national anthem protests isn’t going over well with many.

Around one thousand leftist agitators descended on NFL headquarters in midtown Manhattan on Wednesday to demand that the league give a job to their supreme leader and martyr Colin Kaepernick, the scruffy bum who started all of this nonsense last year.

A number of identity obsessed organizations including chapters of the NAACP are calling for boycotts of this season’s games if the league doesn’t bend to their bullying and make what would essentially be an affirmative action appointment of Kaepernick.

It is almost always the case that a loud and angry minority gets the most attention – especially from the liberal media – but the rapid expansion of protests is not sitting well with patriotic Americans who are the silent majority and have had just about enough of the horseshit over Kaepernick.

One of those is the Strongsville, Ohio chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars which finally reached the breaking point when twelve members of the local Cleveland Browns – including the first white player – chose to take a knee during the rendition of the Star-Spangled banner during this week’s Monday Night Football preseason game.

According to Cleveland NBC Affiliate, WKYC 3 “Veterans of Foreign Wars in Strongsville takes stance against Cleveland Browns”:

Over the years, the Veterans of Foreign Wars Strongsville 3345 post has become accustomed to large gatherings for Cleveland Browns games.

That might soon change.

After multiple members of the Browns roster opted to kneel during the national anthem prior to the team’s preseason victory over the New York Giants, VFW Strongsville 3345 decided to take a stand against its hometown team. Earlier this week, the post erected a sign announcing a new policy.

“We like our Browns – we love our flag more,” the sign reads. “Your games will no longer be shown here. God bless America.”

The sign has since gone viral on social media, having been shared more than 1,000 times on Facebook.

“For us, it doesn’t sit real well,” Tim Zvoncheck, the commander of VFW Post 3345, told WKYC by phone Thursday night. “We understand that everybody has the right to free speech. Everybody has a right to their specific feelings. But we don’t feel they have the right to disrespect… we’re not going to stand for this anymore.”


While Zvoncheck said he respected the Browns’ right to protest, he said that he didn’t appreciate the manner in which the players went about it.

“We fought for the rights of everybody in this country. We joined the military to fight for the freedom of speech and the right to bear arms. We respect that,” Zvoncheck, who served in the US Navy and Navy Reserve from 1983-1997, said. “But it has to be in a manner that we feel is respectful to us as well.”

Zvoncheck said his post has received “100 percent support” since creating its sign, which has also received attention on local radio. He also noted that VFW Strongsville 3345 wouldn’t rule out airing Browns games again in the future — although only if certain terms were met.

“In order for us to change our mind, the Browns have to come up with a formal apology for what has taken place,” he said. “They’re going to have to show us that they respect this country and what that flag stands for.”

You have to salute the members of VFW 3345 for their taking a stand because God knows that they aren’t the only ones who are tire of having to watch a pack of privileged malcontents who have never worn a uniform that didn’t include cleats and a jockstrap wiping their ass with the flag – metaphorically speaking of course.

Even if at this time they are only boycotting the Browns, it is encouraging to see veteran’s groups take a stand against the corrosive anti-Americanism that is being promoted by the Browns and the NFL itself.

This humble author is encouraging that pro-Americans boycott at LEAST the first week’s slate of regular season games to send a message that enough is enough. I mean ALL games.

To the national anthem protesters, shut up and go get a real job, you lousy ingrates!


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Trump imposes “strong new financial sanctions” on “Maduro dictatorship” in Venezuela

When Mike Pence said that the US would not stand by while Nicolas Maduro turned Venezuela into a catastrophe, he and Donald Trump meant it. Until now, the US has taken care to target individuals within Venezuela’s evolving dictatorship. Today, Trump issued a new set of sanctions on the government as well as its state-owned oil company PDVSA, and warned that more may be coming if Maduro doesn’t change course:

Trump signs executive order imposing new Venezuela sanctions from CNBC.

The U.S. imposed its first economic penalties against Venezuela on Friday, hitting the South American country’s financial sector in an attempt to starve President Nicolás Maduro’s government of cash.

The Trump administration banned trades of Venezuelan debt, prohibiting Maduro’s government and its state-run oil company, Petróleos de Venezuela SA, from selling new bonds to Americans or in U.S. financial institutions. President Donald Trump signed an executive order approving the sanctions Thursday.

It’s not like Mike Pence didn’t warn Nicolas Maduro this was coming, as he himself noted on Twitter. Pence also attached the executive order for the sanctions in full:

These new sanctions target Maduro’s ability to defray his growing debt problem, and will have an impact on the ability to sell oil too, once the sanctions go into effect after a 30-day “wind-down” period:

Barring Venezuelan debt purchases could cripple Caracas’ ability to raise money to pay off interest on its growing national debt, as the oil-producing country has been doing in the middle of an unprecedented economic collapse. The U.S. suspects PDVSA, the source of most of the government’s funding, has become a corrupt, money-laundering enterprise.

Most existing Venezuelan debt traded in the U.S. was issued by PDVSA. The sanctions don’t prohibit the resale of those bonds, only purchases and trades of new PDVSA debt.

But trades of existing bonds issued by the Venezuelan government — which are different from PDVSA bonds — will be barred, a move intended to harm and sow discontent among Maduro’s inner circle. Much of that debt is held by high-level Venezuelan government leaders, who will now be forced to turn to other so-called secondary markets (say, in China or Russia) to sell.

Maduro accused the US of imposing a “financial blockade” on Venezuela earlier this week. That came in apparent answer to Pence’s cryptic comment about “more to come”:

Maduro said earlier this week that Venezuela is prepared for any U.S. sanctions and that the Trump administration is trying to create a “financial blockade” against the South American nation. He called relations with the U.S. the worst in history. …

The measures to be announced on Friday would come days after Vice President Mike Pence met with Venezuelan exiles in Florida.

“The United States of America will continue to bring the full measure of American economic and diplomatic power to bear until democracy is restored in Venezuela,” Pence said in remarks on Aug. 23 at a Catholic church in Doral, Florida. He noted the sanctions already imposed recently and said “there’s more to come.”

USA Today reports that these sanctions are designed to cut off some loopholes in earlier sanctions by targeting the government and PDVSA directly. That, they hope, will force Maduro to either back down from its illegitimate efforts to create a rubber-stamp parliament or perhaps even foment some cracks among Maduro’s inner circle. So far that seems unlikely, if only because any disunity now would put all their backs up against the proverbial wall. Clearly, though, Trump and Pence have stopped worrying about subtlety and are going to get more and more assertive in South America.

The post Trump imposes “strong new financial sanctions” on “Maduro dictatorship” in Venezuela appeared first on Hot Air.

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And Here We Go: CNN Host Wonders If Hurricane Harvey’s Rainfall Totals Are Due to Climate Change

<p>This was inevitable, folks. It was only a matter of time before the liberal media started suggesting climate change was to blame for Hurricane Harvey. Friday morning’s <em>CNN Newsroom</em> went there as co-host John Berman wondered aloud to a guest if the potentially-devastating rainfall predictions are do to climate change.</p>

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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In WashPost Column, Retired NPR Star ‘Looking for Generals to Save Us From Democracy’

<p>Recently retired NPR star Garrison Keillor may have stepped away from <em>A Prairie Home Companion,</em> but he rages weekly against President Trump as a columnist for <em>The Washington Post.</em> This week, he joined the cavalcade of Democrat hypocrites who suddenly want a military <em>junta</em> to take the government away from Trump before he vaporizes tens of millions of people.</p>

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Does the Left Know Something’s Coming Involving Guns?

Have you noticed the multiple calls recently for increased gun control, despite the fact that all of the harm being done presently at leftist riots does not (yet) involve guns?  A car was used in Charlottesville, as vehicles have been used before, yet, as if unaware of the public facts, leftist politicians and activists have increased their calls for greater gun control.  A car was used in Spain, and in Britain before that, and in Paris before that, and each time, American leftists called for greater gun control in the United States.  Paul Ryan mentioned increased gun control at a public forum recently in response to a question asked of him by someone he knew.  Despite the utter lack of a connection with guns in anything to do with Charlottesville, he linked the event to gun ownership in the U.S. and concurred that more control is needed.  Weird, right?

What if they know something we don’t?  This sounds a little “out there,” but we live in a time when what is going on beneath the surface dwarfs what we see as the end result of someone’s planning.  So what if the discordant calls for gun control are because those politicians, anarchists, and activists (though I repeat myself) have foreknowledge of some kind of planned escalation of their brand of “protest” and are setting the stage for disingenuous “I told you sos’?  What if they have something of a timeline along which they either believe that things will happen or will make things happen, to escalate the blitzkrieg of media and hysteria by which they effect “change” – meaning a coup?

What if they and the media are in bed together on this, too, and have prepared their stories and narratives ahead of time?  In Charlottesville, Trump was caught flat-footed but still gave an accurate response regarding hate on many sides, but Terry McAuliffe had a complete speech ready to go, condemning the left’s shadowy enemies while omitting any mention of the Marxist combatants who came to do actual, physical harm.  No one in the media batted an eye. 

Indeed, Charlottesville itself has more than a whiff of this.  Because the KKK types obeyed the law and obtained a permit, the officials in Charlottesville and Richmond, Democrats all, knew precisely where the protesters would gather and when.  Magically, an army of radical Marxist activists materialized, sans permit, many from out of state, as has been confirmed, to confront those who were obeying the law, even if they were saying or believed objectionable things.  When the two factions had been allowed within striking distance of each other by local authorities, who ensured they were not more safely separated, a state of emergency was declared.  The park had to be vacated, the KKK side and the Antifa side were somehow pushed together by police despite other means of egress from the park, a mêlée ensued, and the police who herded them together suddenly were far away, watching what they had facilitated.  The media were right there.

The left, it seems, has orchestrated these fights.  Their surrogates are not there to protest; they are there to provoke.  They come armed, masked, and emboldened by the political support of the left.  It’s the Marxist left’s goon squad, there to ensure that one side speaks, one side controls, and the other side stays quiet or is punished.  Liberal mayors and governors seem disinterested in preventing the violence, even ahead of time.  Police officers report, as in Baltimore and Charlottesville, that they were told to “stand down,” though they knew that harm could have been prevented if they’d been allowed to do their jobs. 

The obvious next step in the string of events being put into effect by the left is a confrontation involving guns.  They seem to want, indeed, to have foreknowledge, that someone at one of these events will use a gun, perhaps one of their own pretending to be an opponent, or maybe a bystander will be threatened and will protect himself and those with him.  Regardless, the purge of the Second Amendment will take off as never before.  Imagine the hysterical, unhinged screaming that an Alt-Right lunatic finally proved all the leftists right and took a shot.  What happened won’t matter.  Truth will be rejected.  The narrative will be everything. 

I fully recall that Republicans have already been shot on a baseball field, but the left won’t permit that discussion.  Even if they do, and even if it is pointed out that a leftist has already crossed that threshold without those on the right responding in kind, it won’t matter.  The false narrative will brook no exceptions.  The right will be blamed for what the left planned, and the calls will go out nationwide for bans and confiscations.

Seeing the unprecedented dishonesty we have seen over the last nine years, practiced by unethical zealots who see their opportunity to gain full control over the wealth of an entire nation, is this too ridiculous to imagine?  I don’t think so.  Conversely, if there isn’t something going on, why are we suddenly being prepared to receive a new surge for gun “control,” bans, and confiscation?

On the other hand, what if the crises don’t happen?  Well, then the left fabricates them.  We saw this clearly in the days and weeks following the election, as dozens of leftists utterly made up hoaxes about being assaulted, or insulted, or seeing churches burn, none of which turned out to be true.  What if, as we saw with the fake “Trump supporters are racist” meme, the left gets tired of waiting for an event that doesn’t come and makes it happen?   In this day and age, with the malice and insanity of the left on full display, who thinks this is not within the realm of possibility?

I hope I’m wrong, but the left is determined to continue the philosophical movements of the Obama years despite its loss.  Leftists don’t care about elections.  They care about raw power, intimidation, disinformation, and corruption.  The wealth of America is a goal well worth lying and cheating for if you’re on the left.  What’s another constitutional right sacrificed?  It’s not as though they’ll be around much longer anyway if they win.

Have you noticed the multiple calls recently for increased gun control, despite the fact that all of the harm being done presently at leftist riots does not (yet) involve guns?  A car was used in Charlottesville, as vehicles have been used before, yet, as if unaware of the public facts, leftist politicians and activists have increased their calls for greater gun control.  A car was used in Spain, and in Britain before that, and in Paris before that, and each time, American leftists called for greater gun control in the United States.  Paul Ryan mentioned increased gun control at a public forum recently in response to a question asked of him by someone he knew.  Despite the utter lack of a connection with guns in anything to do with Charlottesville, he linked the event to gun ownership in the U.S. and concurred that more control is needed.  Weird, right?

What if they know something we don’t?  This sounds a little “out there,” but we live in a time when what is going on beneath the surface dwarfs what we see as the end result of someone’s planning.  So what if the discordant calls for gun control are because those politicians, anarchists, and activists (though I repeat myself) have foreknowledge of some kind of planned escalation of their brand of “protest” and are setting the stage for disingenuous “I told you sos’?  What if they have something of a timeline along which they either believe that things will happen or will make things happen, to escalate the blitzkrieg of media and hysteria by which they effect “change” – meaning a coup?

What if they and the media are in bed together on this, too, and have prepared their stories and narratives ahead of time?  In Charlottesville, Trump was caught flat-footed but still gave an accurate response regarding hate on many sides, but Terry McAuliffe had a complete speech ready to go, condemning the left’s shadowy enemies while omitting any mention of the Marxist combatants who came to do actual, physical harm.  No one in the media batted an eye. 

Indeed, Charlottesville itself has more than a whiff of this.  Because the KKK types obeyed the law and obtained a permit, the officials in Charlottesville and Richmond, Democrats all, knew precisely where the protesters would gather and when.  Magically, an army of radical Marxist activists materialized, sans permit, many from out of state, as has been confirmed, to confront those who were obeying the law, even if they were saying or believed objectionable things.  When the two factions had been allowed within striking distance of each other by local authorities, who ensured they were not more safely separated, a state of emergency was declared.  The park had to be vacated, the KKK side and the Antifa side were somehow pushed together by police despite other means of egress from the park, a mêlée ensued, and the police who herded them together suddenly were far away, watching what they had facilitated.  The media were right there.

The left, it seems, has orchestrated these fights.  Their surrogates are not there to protest; they are there to provoke.  They come armed, masked, and emboldened by the political support of the left.  It’s the Marxist left’s goon squad, there to ensure that one side speaks, one side controls, and the other side stays quiet or is punished.  Liberal mayors and governors seem disinterested in preventing the violence, even ahead of time.  Police officers report, as in Baltimore and Charlottesville, that they were told to “stand down,” though they knew that harm could have been prevented if they’d been allowed to do their jobs. 

The obvious next step in the string of events being put into effect by the left is a confrontation involving guns.  They seem to want, indeed, to have foreknowledge, that someone at one of these events will use a gun, perhaps one of their own pretending to be an opponent, or maybe a bystander will be threatened and will protect himself and those with him.  Regardless, the purge of the Second Amendment will take off as never before.  Imagine the hysterical, unhinged screaming that an Alt-Right lunatic finally proved all the leftists right and took a shot.  What happened won’t matter.  Truth will be rejected.  The narrative will be everything. 

I fully recall that Republicans have already been shot on a baseball field, but the left won’t permit that discussion.  Even if they do, and even if it is pointed out that a leftist has already crossed that threshold without those on the right responding in kind, it won’t matter.  The false narrative will brook no exceptions.  The right will be blamed for what the left planned, and the calls will go out nationwide for bans and confiscations.

Seeing the unprecedented dishonesty we have seen over the last nine years, practiced by unethical zealots who see their opportunity to gain full control over the wealth of an entire nation, is this too ridiculous to imagine?  I don’t think so.  Conversely, if there isn’t something going on, why are we suddenly being prepared to receive a new surge for gun “control,” bans, and confiscation?

On the other hand, what if the crises don’t happen?  Well, then the left fabricates them.  We saw this clearly in the days and weeks following the election, as dozens of leftists utterly made up hoaxes about being assaulted, or insulted, or seeing churches burn, none of which turned out to be true.  What if, as we saw with the fake “Trump supporters are racist” meme, the left gets tired of waiting for an event that doesn’t come and makes it happen?   In this day and age, with the malice and insanity of the left on full display, who thinks this is not within the realm of possibility?

I hope I’m wrong, but the left is determined to continue the philosophical movements of the Obama years despite its loss.  Leftists don’t care about elections.  They care about raw power, intimidation, disinformation, and corruption.  The wealth of America is a goal well worth lying and cheating for if you’re on the left.  What’s another constitutional right sacrificed?  It’s not as though they’ll be around much longer anyway if they win.

via American Thinker

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The Real Reason the Democrats Want to Be Rid of Confederate Monuments

George Orwell’s dictum, “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past,” is often quoted, and for good reason.  But it is usually quoted out of context.  The passage begins:  

“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed — if all records told the same tale — then the lie passed into history and became truth. “

Then comes the aphorism, and Orwell continues: 

“And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered.  Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory.”  

“Reality control” they called it; in Newspeak, “doublethink.”   Taken in its entirety, Orwell’s 1984, published in 1949, presciently described the scenario we now see unfolding in the Democratic Party, the party of the American Left.  They intend to erase their own racist past by removing statues and maligning anyone, especially President Trump, who voices an objection.  As Dennis Prager has often asserted, “Truth is not a leftist value.”  It most certainly is not a value of the mainstream media, print or electronic.  Our media are part and parcel of the leftist apparatus that seeks to control how our history is remembered.  They mean to rewrite it, start to finish, and impose their revisionist version on the rest of us.

“Doublethink” in Orwell’s novel meant “to…be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully-constructed lies…to repudiate morality while laying claim to it….”   Does this not describe perfectly the left today?  The media spend their days “rectifying” the news.  They write and print and speak to mislead.  Since they could not factually rectify the outcome of the 2016 election, they have spent every waking moment since constructing lies to delegitimize it; with falsehoods of collusion with Russia, and implications that racism, white supremacism, Nazis, and the KKK somehow denied them their rightful destiny They know none of those imputations are true, but their goal is make the public believe they are factual. 

For the eight years Obama was President, the MSM never reported the vast numbers of people who were forced, enticed and even recruited to dependence on Food Stamps (an additional 10.7 million souls), or the catastrophic, unimaginable sum of 10 trillion dollars, by which he increased the national debt (he doubled it, adding more than all previous presidents combined), or the true facts of Obamacare, driving up costs, and wrecking the finances of what was the best system of medical care in the world).   In Orwell’s book, Winston Smith works in the Records Department at the Ministry of Truth which is, of course, exactly the opposite.  His job is to “correct” any words issued by Big Brother or the Party that were in error; those errors disappear forever.  

The American public is fed fake news day in and day out by every mainstream outlets:  NYT, WaPo, LAT, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and even Fox News at certain times of the day.  They think they are convincing people the lies they tell are the truth — but they are not.  Of course, millions of Americans are already believers, those seduced by the indoctrination that is de rigueur at nearly all institutions of public and private education.  Millions more are not.  Millions of others know a bit about real American history, its founding, and the Constitution, and they actually do want their country back from the leftist tyrants in the media and Congress.  That is why Trump won.  The fact that those congressional leaders are part of the Uniparty is no longer in doubt.  McConnell, Ryan, and their adherents are betrayers of the people who put them in Congress.  

The media, academia, the DC Establishment, (the Democrats and Republicans in Congress who are united against Trump), Facebook, and Google constitute the embodiment of Orwell’s Thought Police.  Trump fights back, calls them out for what they are.  That is exactly what he did in Phoenix.  His supporters loved it, and the media punditry’s heads exploded; they made utter fools of themselves.  They think that they matter, that people care what they think.  They are confident that their over-the-top, hyperbolic accusations hold water.  They ridicule Trump and his supporters all day long every day.  They do not realize that they are objects of ridicule.

It is the Democratic Party that has the most vicious history of racism and intolerance of any surviving political party in today’s world that once held power. South Africa’s National Party, for instance, had the good grace to disband in post-Apartheid politics.  The statues they now want to disappear, those of Confederate soldiers, were all Democrats.

Statue of Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville, now shrouded

It was Democrats that opposed desegregation and Civil Rights laws.  Nancy Pelosi’s father dedicated a statue of Robert E, Lee, and now, suddenly, she wants all Confederates removed from the Capitol after she has walked by them for thirty years?  This is the crass hypocrisy that characterizes the no longer liberal but so, so leftist Democrats.  Orwell wrote a book of fiction. He was a proponent of the utopian ideal of democratic socialism, but an opponent of totalitarianism.  Socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried.  Totalitarianism reigns still in too many parts of the world.  Our leftists are moving our Republic closer and closer to that end.  They cannot be allowed to succeed. 

George Orwell’s dictum, “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past,” is often quoted, and for good reason.  But it is usually quoted out of context.  The passage begins:  

“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed — if all records told the same tale — then the lie passed into history and became truth. “

Then comes the aphorism, and Orwell continues: 

“And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered.  Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory.”  

“Reality control” they called it; in Newspeak, “doublethink.”   Taken in its entirety, Orwell’s 1984, published in 1949, presciently described the scenario we now see unfolding in the Democratic Party, the party of the American Left.  They intend to erase their own racist past by removing statues and maligning anyone, especially President Trump, who voices an objection.  As Dennis Prager has often asserted, “Truth is not a leftist value.”  It most certainly is not a value of the mainstream media, print or electronic.  Our media are part and parcel of the leftist apparatus that seeks to control how our history is remembered.  They mean to rewrite it, start to finish, and impose their revisionist version on the rest of us.

“Doublethink” in Orwell’s novel meant “to…be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully-constructed lies…to repudiate morality while laying claim to it….”   Does this not describe perfectly the left today?  The media spend their days “rectifying” the news.  They write and print and speak to mislead.  Since they could not factually rectify the outcome of the 2016 election, they have spent every waking moment since constructing lies to delegitimize it; with falsehoods of collusion with Russia, and implications that racism, white supremacism, Nazis, and the KKK somehow denied them their rightful destiny They know none of those imputations are true, but their goal is make the public believe they are factual. 

For the eight years Obama was President, the MSM never reported the vast numbers of people who were forced, enticed and even recruited to dependence on Food Stamps (an additional 10.7 million souls), or the catastrophic, unimaginable sum of 10 trillion dollars, by which he increased the national debt (he doubled it, adding more than all previous presidents combined), or the true facts of Obamacare, driving up costs, and wrecking the finances of what was the best system of medical care in the world).   In Orwell’s book, Winston Smith works in the Records Department at the Ministry of Truth which is, of course, exactly the opposite.  His job is to “correct” any words issued by Big Brother or the Party that were in error; those errors disappear forever.  

The American public is fed fake news day in and day out by every mainstream outlets:  NYT, WaPo, LAT, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and even Fox News at certain times of the day.  They think they are convincing people the lies they tell are the truth — but they are not.  Of course, millions of Americans are already believers, those seduced by the indoctrination that is de rigueur at nearly all institutions of public and private education.  Millions more are not.  Millions of others know a bit about real American history, its founding, and the Constitution, and they actually do want their country back from the leftist tyrants in the media and Congress.  That is why Trump won.  The fact that those congressional leaders are part of the Uniparty is no longer in doubt.  McConnell, Ryan, and their adherents are betrayers of the people who put them in Congress.  

The media, academia, the DC Establishment, (the Democrats and Republicans in Congress who are united against Trump), Facebook, and Google constitute the embodiment of Orwell’s Thought Police.  Trump fights back, calls them out for what they are.  That is exactly what he did in Phoenix.  His supporters loved it, and the media punditry’s heads exploded; they made utter fools of themselves.  They think that they matter, that people care what they think.  They are confident that their over-the-top, hyperbolic accusations hold water.  They ridicule Trump and his supporters all day long every day.  They do not realize that they are objects of ridicule.

It is the Democratic Party that has the most vicious history of racism and intolerance of any surviving political party in today’s world that once held power. South Africa’s National Party, for instance, had the good grace to disband in post-Apartheid politics.  The statues they now want to disappear, those of Confederate soldiers, were all Democrats.

Statue of Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville, now shrouded

It was Democrats that opposed desegregation and Civil Rights laws.  Nancy Pelosi’s father dedicated a statue of Robert E, Lee, and now, suddenly, she wants all Confederates removed from the Capitol after she has walked by them for thirty years?  This is the crass hypocrisy that characterizes the no longer liberal but so, so leftist Democrats.  Orwell wrote a book of fiction. He was a proponent of the utopian ideal of democratic socialism, but an opponent of totalitarianism.  Socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried.  Totalitarianism reigns still in too many parts of the world.  Our leftists are moving our Republic closer and closer to that end.  They cannot be allowed to succeed. 

via American Thinker

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Stacey Dash blasts Maxine Waters as a ‘corrupt media buffoon.’ The backlash is intense.

California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters apparently doesn’t have a fan in black conservative entertainer Stacey Dash. The actress and former Fox News contributor blasted the congresswoman for her speech Tuesday at BET’s “Black Girls Rock” event.

During her speech, Waters said, “If you come for me, I’m coming for you,” and called out “right-wing, ultra conservative, ‘alt-right’ haters.”

Waters went on to threaten President Donald Trump’s presidency once again.

Whether it’s the president of the United States of America or any of his Cabinet, we will say to them, ‘We will resist you, we will not allow you to damage this country in the way that you’re doing, we will not allow you to take us backwards.’ Not only will we resist you, we will impeach you, Mr. President.

Dash took to Twitter Thursday to rip Waters, calling the liberal firebrand a “corrupt media buffoon.” The response from the black community was not kind.

Accusations and insults

In response to Waters’ speech, Dash wrote on Twitter, “This is how you spin a corrupt media buffoon sucking up her late in life 15 minutes,” and shared an article featuring Waters’ speech.

Replying to her own tweet, Dash added, “Ok. I digress. I should not name call. She’s NOT A WARRIOR OF TRUTH.”


Immediately, insults calling Dash’s “blackness” into question surfaced, but she was prepared to fire back with her own comments.

Apparently addressing commenters in her Twitter feed, Dash hours later tweeted, “Calls for me to ‘be black, act black’ or ‘rejoin the black race’ are endemic of people blinded by the left strategy of self-segregation.”

In response to her cries of “self-segregation,” many Twitter users indicated that they didn’t want her to be part in the black race.

Several articles addressing Dash’s comments were written, addressing her comments about Waters, and boasted headlines like, “Sunken Place Skank Stacey Dash Came For Maxine Waters, Dragged To C**nsville,”Dear Stacey Dash: Go Sit Your A** Down Somewhere,” and from BET itself, who hosted the “Black Girls Rock” event, “Girl, Bye! Stacey Dash Calls Rep. Maxine Waters A ‘Buffoon’.”

Dash’s conservative history

Dash is no stranger to the conservative American movement. In 2014, she joined Fox News as a contributor for “cultural analysis and commentary.”

In 2015, Dash appeared on Fox’s “Outnumbered,” where she claimed that former President Barack Obama “didn’t give a s**t” about terrorism.” After Dash’s comments against the Democratic president went viral, she was suspended from the network for two weeks without pay.

Dash has also called for an end to Black History Month, a move that drew rampant criticism from both black and white critics.

Attacking BET, Dash defended her remarks and said, “We have to make up our minds. Either we want to have segregation or integration, and if we don’t want segregation, then we have to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards and the Image Awards, where you’re only awarded if you’re black.”

Fox News in January announced that Dash’s contract with the network would not be renewed.

Dash began writing a blog on Patheos in May 2015, but has not updated it since April 2017.

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Hunters Epically Troll PETA’s “Shoot Selfies, Not Animals” Facebook With Wild Game Pictures

Burn. Via The Federalist: Hunting season is just around the corner. Of course, the activists comprising the alleged People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are trying to ruin momentum for the upcoming season with their latest efforts to promote their “Shoot Selfies, Not Animals” campaign. However, their attempts to share their message hasn’t […]

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The Circle Completes: CNN Publishes Defense Of ESPN’s Robert Lee Debacle

By now you have all heard the story that because leftwing ESPN has lost all touch with sports fans and reality, because ESPN has devolved from an over-caffeinated sports network into a relentlessly obnoxious, virtue-signaling social justice network, an Asian broadcaster named Robert Lee was taken off the air because of Robert E. Lee, the famous Confederate general.

Apparently an Asian guy named Lee, Robert, might have triggered the triggerables triggers and, well, no wonder ESPN is losing viewers like CNN would if CNN actually had viewers.

Anyway, as is always the case when anything or anyone among the Left does something as breathtakingly stupid as this, the madness is never over until someone else on the Left defends it. Think about it. No matter how dumb, how insulting, how evil, violent or racist, no matter how utterly insane or un-American, the circle of such a thing is never complete until an establishment media outlet publishes a hot take explaining why it really is okay.

Based on its recent fascist, pro-violent, pro-Satan screeds, my money was on The Washington Post stepping up to the plate. My second choice, however, would have been CNN and, well, hereyougo …

Why ESPN and Robert Lee Are Right

Brace yourselves for the dumb …

In the testosterone-laced world of sports, sometimes your name means everything. Think not? I’ve seen men beaten by mobs just for having the gall to scream out “let’s go Cowboys” at an Eagles game. Think of all the racial epithets we’ve heard, of how one football player, Colin Kaepernick, silently taking a knee during the national anthem in personal protest of injustice in America has divided the nation.

We want to pretend that sports are a safe sanctuary from the world’s ugly problems, but that has always been a farce. Truth is, not even the glorious game of football can keep America’s toxic culture of bigotry, hate and violence at bay. It’s just too heavy a burden.

So imagine if you’re scheduled to be the announcer for ESPN’s livestream of the University of Virginia’s season-opener football game against William and Mary in a few weeks and your name is Robert Lee.

The piece actually closes with this …

As one ESPN executive told me Wednesday: “Let’s not go to the zoo if we don’t have to go to the zoo.” Good call. Life is crazy enough already.

What zoo? What are these lunatics talking about? Who exactly is going to see a young Asian man standing over a chyron that reads Robert Lee and … … … That’s the other thing. What do these functional stupes think is going to happen if even one moron is triggered? Is ESPN trying to save a basement television from having a water bong thrown at it?

Other than the fear of memes and jokes, which were assured forever when ESPN pulled poor Mr. Lee, this brainless CNN contributor never once tells us what she believes might have happened had Mr. Lee been allowed to do his job. Nor does she point out that ESPN’s insanity injected those memes with steroids. Instead, she merely uses her hot take-headline as a means to relitigate her endless list of racial grievances.

The good news is that the circle is finally complete, the moronosity has exhausted itself, and other then ESPN losing even more viewers over it, the Robert Lee Affair, as it is now called, is just another example on a growing pile labeled Why Trump Won.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

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