UN Hypocrites Lecture U.S. on Charlottesville Racism

Anastasia Crickley, The United Nations and Glass Houses

The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, acting under its “Early Warning and Urgent Action Procedures,” intervened in the ongoing controversy over the deadly violence in Charlottesville sparked by a white supremacist rally and the Trump administration’s response.

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Australian Prime Minister: Changing Statues, Rewriting History is “Stalinist”

A voice of reason in a sea of insanity.

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced on Friday that attempts to replace or modify statues of English colonialists were reminiscent of Stalin.

The Democrats in America are committed to erasing American historic figures from public viewing.

Democrats have removed or vandalized statues of Confederate figures, Thomas Jefferson, Catholic saints and even Abraham Lincoln in the last month.

Joseph Stalin was famous for erasing purged figures from Soviet history.
Reuters reported:

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said on Friday that calls to replace or modify statues of English colonialists, including explorer Captain James Cook, were tantamount to a “Stalinist” rewrite of history.

Pressure has grown in the wake of the furor over Confederate monuments in the United States to reconsider statues in Australia that some deem offensive to the country’s indigenous people.

Sydney, Australia’s largest city, is deciding whether to alter a monument erected in Hyde Park, 1879, to commemorate Cook, who charted Australia’s east coast for the first time.

At issue is the engraving on the base of the statue, which says “Discovered this territory, 1770”. Aboriginal people had lived on the continent for an estimated 60,000 years before Cook dropped anchor in Botany Bay.

Sydney City Council has referred the issue, along with a second statue of Governor Lachlan Macquarie, the administrator who turned the British penal colony into a free settlement, to an indigenous advisory board.

The post Australian Prime Minister: Changing Statues, Rewriting History is “Stalinist” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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College Republicans president asked Muslim group to condemn Barcelona attack, but got this instead

The president of the College Republicans group at San Diego State University said he received violent threats after sending a letter to the college’s Muslim Student Association asking its members to condemn the recent terror attack in Barcelona, Spains.

In an Aug. 17 letter to the MSA, the same day as the attack in Barcelona, College Republicans President Brandon Jones said his group was “saddened” by the “tragedy” and offered thoughts and prayers to the victims and the families of those who were murdered.

At least 14 people died in the attacks in Barcelona, and more than a hundred others were injured. At least one American, 42-year-old Jared Tucker of Walnut Creek, California, was among those killed in the attack.

“Attacks of this nature are becoming increasingly common in European countries and other parts of the world and each time the Islamic State (ISIS) takes credit for the attacks,” Jones wrote in the letter to the MSA, adding that such attacks “must not only be stopped, but disavowed by Muslim leaders on our campus and in our community.”

Jones’ letter served as a “formal request” to leaders of the SDSU MSA to condemn the Barcelona terror attack. The College Republicans president said that until campus Muslim leaders disavow the horrific act, “we cannot move forward in creating an inclusive environment for all students.”

“We ask the president of your organization to publicly condemn this morning’s act of radical Islamic terrorism in Spain and those acts similar in nature,” Jones wrote. “If this request is not made, we ask that the president of the Muslim Student Association and any remaining Executive Officers not in compliance, resign immediately.”

The College Republicans president stated that the MSA mission statement describes the group as “an organization dedicated to creating a sense of community and an inclusive environment for ALL students on campus.”

However, as Fox News pointed out, the MSA’s mission statement, according to its own website, is to “serve the best interests of the Muslim students of San Diego State University, within the framework of Islam in deriving guidance and values from the Quran and Sunnah.”

But while you might not think that condemning a violent terror attack in a major international city would be controversial, apparently, it is.

Jones told Fox News that since sending the letter to the MSA, he’s received violent threats through text messages and email.

“I hope you rot in he’ll. We’re coming for you this week … Watch ur back every step u take. SDSU campus will be the war zone against u inhuman rats,” one text message read, according to Jones. He said he also received an email asking him to take his own life.

“You are obviously not fit to serve for requesting any such actions from the muslim community, please resign immediately. You sir are a racist, so please when convenient kill yourself,” the email allegedly read.

San Diego State University officials have since offered campus resources to Jones for his personal protection.

In a Facebook post on Sunday, the Muslim Student Association called Jones’ Aug. 17 letter “distasteful” and thanked “all the individuals and organizations who have expressed their support for us in the past few days.”

“Your kind words and willingness to stand against injustice has showed our members and Muslim students from other universities around the country that we are not alone. Despite hundreds of attempts to stifle our voice and activism, the MSA continues to be a uniting force on campus,” the group told its supporters.

The post went on to state the group’s support for victims of “white supremacy, nationalism, and terrorism,” but it did not specifically mention the attack in Barcelona.

SDSU’s Young Democratic Socialists group also criticized the College Republicans organization, calling Jones’ letter a “bigoted attack.”

“In our current political climate, Muslim students already feel threatened in their own country. By insinuating that MSA members will be considered terrorist sympathizers unless they condemn an attack they had nothing to do with, your organization is making Muslim students feel even more unsafe on their own campus,” an Aug. 18 Facebook post by the SDSU Young Democratic Socialists said.

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Trump Administration Targets Countries That Won’t Take Back Illegal Immigrants

The Trump Administration may impose visa restrictions on government officials and their families who come from four Asian and African nations that won’t repatriate immigrants who have violated section 243(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

A State Department official told Voice of America, “We follow a standard process to implement a visa suspension as expeditiously as possible in the manner the secretary determines most appropriate under the circumstances to achieve the desired goal. That process includes internal discussions with, and official notification to, affected countries.”

Cambodia, Eritrea, Guinea and Sierra Leone were identified as being stubborn about taking the deportees back. They would join China, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, Iran, Guinea, Cambodia, Eritrea, Burma, Morocco, Hong Kong and South Sudan as nations listed by the Department of Homeland security as recalcitrant.

Mamady Condé, Guinea’s ambassador to the United States, admitted that roughly 2,000 Guineans live in the United States illegally. Bockarie Kortu Stevens, Sierra Leone’s ambassador to the U.S., denied the idea that many or most Sierra Leoneans are in the United States illegally. Census data claims roughly 49,000 Sierra Leoneans live in the United States.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has the capacity to stop all or specific types of visas from being issued to a nation considered unwilling to repatriate deportees.

According to AP, the Department of Homeland Security urged the State Department to take action against four nations out of the dozen recalcitrant countries. When asked for comment, the State Department stated it would only make public the exact penalties for the nations after those nations were informed.

The only two countries previously targeted by the State Department have been Guyana and Gambia. Visa sanctions are rarely imposed on foreign countries because of fear of reciprocity from the targeted nations.

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Berkeley Chancellor’s Fireside Chat On ‘Free Speech’ Devolves Into Blaming Conservatives

On Wednesday, August 23, new UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol Christ held a closed-door fireside chat about free speech in the faculty lounge with representatives from invited political student organizations. The conversation quickly devolved into student government officials, Cal Democrats, administrators, and other liberal-leaning organizations blaming the Berkeley College Republicans and The Berkeley Patriot (two conservative groups on campus) for promoting acts of violence on campus.

Neither the administration nor Chancellor Christ intervened in the conversation to establish that rhetoric, ipso facto, is not responsible for violence, unless it explicitly calls for violent acts. Nobody has even accused either group of promoting violent acts.

In response to the accusations hurled at conservatives during the discussion, the Berkeley College Republicans issued the following statement:

Liberal students used this opportunity to falsely accuse the Berkeley College Republicans and other conservative organizations of directly inciting violence, and shame conservatives for their espousal of unpopular political viewpoints. Individuals claimed without substantiation the Berkeley College Republicans are allies of “neo-Nazis” and “agitators” that harassed minorities.

The Chancellor’s “chat” revealed the shocking misunderstanding student leaders have of First Amendment rights, and the University’s responsibility, as a government institution, to uphold them. The only result was pernicious and direct shaming of the Berkeley College Republicans, and suggested attempts to set up subjective, Orwellian restraints on free speech.

The Berkeley Patriot echoed this sentiment:

We went into the meeting hopeful for a productive dialogue full of action items about how we could address campus safety in the face of upcoming controversial events. But much of the conversation was just a big roast session of Republicans on campus. They called us “agitators” instead of trying to work with us, and hurled baseless accusations of racism at the Berkeley College Republicans. They cut us off when we tried to respond to these accusations and false allegations. We hope everyone enters with the spirit of collaboration next time.

To these Republican organizations, it became abundantly clear this was not a discussion to “create a more shared understanding of free speech” as Chancellor Christ stated previously while promoting Berkeley’s “Free Speech Year.” There was hardly any analysis of federal and state statutes or court decisions to understand the legal and moral obligations the University of California Berkeley has in upholding First Amendment rights. And when there was any substantive discussion of the law and the facts governing Berkeley’s obligations, the Berkeley College Republicans were the only representatives bringing them up.

The conversation was mostly focused on group virtue-signaling, which promotes the “micro-aggression” culture and the demagogic lie from liberal student leaders that free speech is dangerous.

The Student Body President of UC Berkeley, Zaynab Abdulqadir-Morris, directly stated, in diametric opposition to well-settled law, that “hate speech is not free speech.”

As a representative of BCR, I quickly retorted using testimony from Ben Shapiro and Nadine Strossen during a Congressional Hearing on Challenges to Freedom of Speech on College Campuses.

Insisting, “Hate speech is not free speech” is false and dangerous. No matter how vile the speech, viewpoint neutrality is constitutionally compelled, and not optional.

In fact, the open espousal of hateful, racist views helps expose bigots for who they are; as Justice Louis Brandeis wrote in the Supreme Court case Whitney v. California, the “answer to hateful or offensive speech is not forced silence, but more speech.”

Does free speech give you the right to genuinely threaten a person? No, and those individuals should be prosecuted before the law regardless of their political ideology.

In response to these facts, several of the students seemed stumped, and administrators seemed uneasy. It is a sad day when the administration and student government officials drastically misunderstand the bipartisan views regarding the First Amendment.

The conversation devolved further. We spent the next portion of time discussing what “consenting” to free speech means. This suggests that words constitute “assault” and “rape.” Shapiro highlighted this sentiment in his opening statement before Congress, “as Haidt writes, this is why the idea that speech is violence is so dangerous. It tells the members of a generation already beset by anxiety and depression that the world is a far more violent and threatening place than it really is. It tells them that words, ideas, speakers can literally kill them.”

The next policy suggested by the liberal students in order to respect “consent and a safe space,” was to inject themselves into the process of choosing which conservative speakers are invited to campus.

Naweed Tahmas, EVP of BCR fired back, “Then give us some conservative speakers you would like to see at Berkeley.”

Crickets. Not one suggestion came from these student leaders.

Why? Because in the abstract, student leaders and the administration seem committed to free speech. In reality, they do not want conservative viewpoints on campus. Regardless, the Berkeley College Republicans remain committed to bringing conservative speakers to campus.

Bradley Devlin is a student at the University of California Berkeley studying Political Economy and serves as the secretary of the Berkeley College Republicans.

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WaPo Attacks Jewish Members Of Trump Admin, Calls “Court Jews”

Via NY Post: Allow me a moment of pride: The hot new criticism of my fellow Jews is that we don’t complain enough. Really. A host of pundits, concerned about President Trump’s baffling unwillingness to single out neo-Nazis for criticism, are turning to the American Jewish community and pleading: Would it kill you to maybe […]

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South Carolina governor issues executive order cutting off public funds for abortion clinics

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster (R) signed an executive order cutting off all public funds for abortion clinics in the state, the governor’s office said in a Friday statement.

The executive order directs state agencies to stop granting funds to any medical practice affiliated or operating with an abortion clinic.

McMaster also directed the state’s Department of Health and Human Services to seek waivers from the federal government allowing the agency to exclude abortion clinics from the South Carolina’s Medicaid provider network.

The governor also directed the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services to coordinate with the Department of Health and Environmental Control to make a publicly available a list “of all qualified non-abortion women’s health and family planning providers” that operate within a 25-mile radius of abortion clinics excluded from the state’s Medicaid provider network.

McMaster said in a statement that “there are a variety of agencies, clinics, and medical entities in South Carolina that receive taxpayer funding to offer important women’s health and family planning services without performing abortions.

“Taxpayer dollars must not directly or indirectly subsidize abortion providers like Planned Parenthood,” he said.

Vicki Ringer, South Carolina director of public affairs for Planned Parenthood South Atlantic, said in a written statement that the affiliate “has provided annual exams, birth control, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, and lifesaving cancer screenings — such as clinical breast exams and Pap tests — to women, men and young people in South Carolina for over 50 years.”

Ringer added:

Planned Parenthood does not receive Title X funding or any other grants through the state of South Carolina. We do serve patients who rely on Medicaid for their insurance, and provide basic health care to men and women who participate in the state health insurance plan.

Given this clear-cut information, today’s executive order issued by Governor McMaster is simply a political stunt. While he spends taxpayers’ time and money on scoring political points, Planned Parenthood South Atlantic will continue to focus on providing the wide-range of accessible, affordable health care services that our patients, and his constituents, rely on.

According to Charleston’s newspaper The Post and Courier, there are currently three clinics in the state that perform elective abortion procedures, including one Planned Parenthood clinic.

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Charles Barkley is branded a ‘black white supremacist’ after comments on crime, Confederate statues

NBA analyst Charles Barkley drew heavy criticism from the black community this week, simply for refusing to condemn Confederate statues and calling for an end to black-on-black crime.

Michael Harriot, a writer for The Root, blasted the former NBA basketball star in a piece titled, “Charles Barkley Is a Great Example of a Black White Supremacist” after Barkley infuriated the black community last week with his stance on Confederate monuments and flags.

Barkley told a Birmingham, Alabama, news station that he felt time and energy spent debating the viability and necessity of Confederate monuments was a “waste.”

In the same interview, Barkley also attacked black-on-black crime and noted that blacks should get their acts together by uniting instead of dividing.

Harriot’s analysis of Barkley was scathing — in addition to calling the basketball player a “white supremacist,” he begged the question of “Why won’t Charles Barkley shut the f*** up?”

“Is there anyone who thinks that Barkley’s statements about race reveal anything other than his repeated willingness to throw black people under the bus for our stupid unwillingness to assimilate into whiteness?” Harriot wrote.

Harriot said that Barkley’s comments on race serve only to “coincide with those of the oppressors of Black America.” Harriot even went so far as to say that, if a black person begins a sentence with “What we as black people need to do is …,” then people should “stop listening immediately.”

Further, the writer said that too many people believe that the only solutions to black issues are “white-people solutions,” and that only “black white supremacists” find nothing wrong with a “white man’s methodology.”

The end result, according to Harriot, is ending up “on the Caucasian side of the argument.”

Harriot concluded:

Barkley answered a question about monuments to white supremacy by going into a rant about black-on-black crime and insinuating that it somehow had something to do with black people being dumb and poor. Because Barkley doesn’t want to hear logic. He is a true believer in the infallibility and superiority of whiteness.

Because Charles Barkley is a white supremacist.

The comments that got Barkley into trouble

About the Confederate memorabilia, Barkley previously said, “I’m not gonna waste my time worrying about these Confederate statues.”

As for how to solve the controversy surrounding the Civil War-era monuments, Barkley had an idea.

“You know what I’m gonna do? I’m gonna keep doing great things,” Barkley said. “I’m gonna keep trying to make a difference — No. 1, in the black community, ’cause I’m black — but I’m also gonna try to do good things in the world.”

Barkley added that the prospect of “screaming at a neo-Nazi who’s gonna hate me no matter what” is wasted energy just like the effort one expends “worrying about these statues that they’ve got all over the country.”

The problem

The problem with Harriot’s accusations are not necessarily whether he’s right or wrong — the issue lies in the fact that he perceives Barkley to be a “black white supremacist” because he begs to differ with the writer of the piece.

Not only is it time to politically reach across the aisle, it’s time to apply the same bipartisanship to our fellow brothers and sisters by listening to what they have to say and applying critical analysis to their comments.

If, after that fellow brother or sister’s analysis is received and understood, a disagreement is to be had, perhaps it’s a good idea to fight intellect with intellect, and not with allegations of racism.

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Camping World CEO Backs Down After Telling Trump Supporters to Shop Elsewhere

From the “you just had to know THIS was coming” department, the CEO of the recreational vehicle and equipment chain Camping World is already backing down from statements that he made suggesting that some supporters of President Trump should shop elsewhere.

The remarks of Marcus Lemonis have come back to bite him in the ass big time as he seems to be finding out just how many millions of dollars that his loose tongue and arrogance could cost him if Trump supporters took his advice and spent their hard-earned dollars at businesses owned by competitors.

Now he is claiming that it was all a big misunderstanding and that he ONLY meant the neo-Nazis and white supremacists which according to CNN – there are 63 million of them.

Mr. Lemonis issued a long statement via Facebook and Vimeo on Thursday in which he tried to climb out of the hole that he had dug for himself.

Via Miami.com “The Profit star Marcus Lemonis releases statement after Trump comments”:

Miami’s Marcus Lemonis is under fire, and he’s fighting back.

In a recent interview with CNBC’s “Power Lunch,” The Profit star said that consumers who “are in favor of what [Trump] said” about the Charlottesville, Va., protests should not take his money.

The Camping World CEO added: “It’s scary right now.”

The host asked whether businesses should be worried about how they look dealing with the current administration.

“There’s no doubt that there is probably not many consumers in this country today that are in favor of what has been said in the last couple of days and if they are, quite frankly don’t shop at my business. And I think the reality of it is is that there is a fear, there is a fear of association.”

Of course, Lemonis is now getting trolled like crazy.

The part time Wellington resident was forced to post a lengthy open letter on Facebook. He talked about being born in Lebanon and brought to Miami by his adopted parents, and then his childhood, when he was often bullied, then he apologized, sort of.

Here is his semi-apology via Vimeo but it sounds more like weasel words than a sincere statement of contrition.

Here is the link to his FACEBOOK post on the matter from which I excerpt the following:

Last week I gave my opinion on what had happened. I made the mistake of letting my fear and emotion talk about subjects that I shouldn’t have. As the CEO of a business, I am responsible to take care of the people that work there. I opened my mouth and put them in harms way. While I know, that the headline published was taken out of context and I have to live with that. there should have never been a headline and I gave a chance to live.

My apology is sincere. It is to my employees who have been forced to deal with this. I am nothing without you. I am here to serve, guide and protect you. I will work harder. Please forgive me. Please don’t punish them.

I apologize to anyone who has supported their cause , their political preference, their candidate, their beliefs. I was Not raised this way and have always been taught to respect everyone. This is a free county and my fears shouldn’t be projected on anyone. I am asking for your forgiveness. I should have not disrespected that and will not again.

I apologize to the people who have followed my show for years and have said they have learned so much and are inspired, who now say that have been let down and will never trust me again.

I DO NOT apologize to anyone who is in favor or hate, violence, bigotry or racism. And I will do my part to help eliminate it from both sides. One way I do that is by being an example. You are the reason I made this mistake. You took my common sense away and purpose. I will not let you beat me or beat me down.

His comments that were made on CNBC can be heard HERE. Make up your own mind as to what he meant.

While Lemonis may be a renowned business genius he probably just wishes that he would have kept his mouth shut which is often the best thing to do when it comes to controversial issues, the shareholders can’t be very happy with this guy right now.

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New York Times thinks it’s a scandal that WSJ editor wants reporters to stick to facts when covering Trump

One of the ways the media manifests its bias is with the language it uses to talk about certain things. There’s a style we’ll call the “language of scandal,” and reporters using this language will tell you, for instance, that they have “obtained internal memos,” or that that certain things have been “learned” from sources who wish not to be named.

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