Ugh: Watch Chuck Todd offer no challenge at all as Antifa backer justifies group’s violent methods

I’m to the point where I can’t watch Chuck Todd without getting pissed off. Smug people tend to have that effect on me and lots of others, but Todd is particularly hard to take because he is clearly so convinced of his own superiority, and hardly even bothers anymore with the pretext of being honest.

via CanadaFreePress.Com

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How Do You Say ‘Whoops’ In Russian? Podesta Group Retroactively Files More DOJ Disclosures For Pro-Putin Work

And yet unlike Paul Manafort, a special counsel isn’t having the FBI bust through his door with a dozen agents nor has he been subject to the months of investigation Mike Flynn was. Via Washington Examiner: The Podesta Group belatedly filed several new disclosures with the Justice Department on Aug. 17 related to work the […]

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It Gets Worse=> Mitch McConnell Has Lowest Approval Rating of Any Elected Official with “National Profile”

It Gets Worse=> Mitch McConnell Has Lowest Approval Rating of Any Elected Official with “National Profile”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is having a difficult summer. After failing to pass the Obamacare repeal and replace bill, the Kentucky Senator’s poll numbers are plummeting. Surely, heightened friction with the President as of late isn’t helping.

Breitbart News reports:

McConnell’s score is worse than President Donald Trump’s or House Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-WI), according to The Hill.

“Forty-nine percent of voters polled have a negative view of the Senate leader,” The Hill, which was given the poll results, reported.

On the other hand, President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence have high approval ratings — 79 percent of Republicans have a positive view of the president, with 41 percent favorable and 55 percent unfavorable from the broader survey.

Pence polls at 44 percent positive and 42 percent negative, The Hill reported.

McConnell, who will not have to face reelection until 2020, only has an 18 percent job approval rating in his home state of Kentucky, according to another poll released this week by the left-leaning Public Policy Polling.

“McConnell is the only Republican elected official polled that is not viewed favorably by a majority of his own party,” according to The Hill.

Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell’s approval rating has sunk to 18% in HIS HOME STATE Kentucky.

President Trump’s approval rating in the Bluegrass State is at 60%.

This comes after McConnell failed to repeal and replace Obamacare seven months into President Trump’s first term. reported:

The approval rating of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has plummeted to just 18 percent, a survey from Public Policy Polling has found.

The poll, which surveyed 645 Kentucky voters, found that just 18 percent of respondents approved of McConnell’s current performance, compared to 74 percent who disapproved. Seven percent of people said they were not sure.

McConnell, who is the longest-serving U.S. Senator in Kentucky history, having represented the state since 1984, was recently criticized by President Trump for failing to pass the healthcare reform bill through the Senate.

via The Gateway Pundit

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Dem Posts Hate Letter From Trump Fan, Then Experts Notice the Envelope


Dem Posts Hate Letter From Trump Fan, Then Experts Notice the Envelope

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A Democrat state representative used social media to share a hate letter she claimed to have received from a Trump supporter, but internet sleuths are pointing out how it could be just another liberal hoax.

Hawaii state Rep. Beth Fukumoto posted a copy of the alleged letter last Wednesday.

“Got this in the mail today,” she wrote on Aug. 16. “You need to understand your words have consequences @realDonaldTrump #racism #WhiteNationalism”

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Liberal news outlet The Huffington Post gleefully ran with the story, as it provided HuffPo with another opportunity to expose the supposed hatred President Donald Trump allegedly spreads with his rhetoric.

“Dear B****,” the letter began, “Your poor grand parents got put into a camp in the USA? Boo hoo hoo ― you Japs murdered thousands of servicemen at Pearl Harbor – did you forget that detail?”

The note when on to say that “we Trump supporters hate illegals, black thugs, Muslims and bombs, and gays who do nothing but b**** 24 hours a day — and bleeding heart traitor morons like you who ‘condone’ it.”

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Take a look (but be warned, the language is pretty filthy):

Fukumoto also provided The Huffington Post with a photo of the envelope the alleged hate mail arrived in, but that only raised more questions about the authenticity of the letter.

Internet sleuths quickly pointed out several problems with the hate mail.

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A Twitter user who calls himself Thomas Wictor pointed out several things wrong with what he saw.

He claimed that the the post office did not cancel the stamps and the barcode at the bottom of the envelop was an “intelligent mail barcode” used by commercial mailers — which would only make sense if the letter came from the representative’s office. (However, The Huffington Post reports that the code was printed by the post office’s sorting machines.)

The stamps are 10-cent commemorative stamps, which were printed in 1975. Makes one wonder — who would use collector’s stamps on hate mail?

And as 70News points out, the scanned ZIP code on the envelope, 96813-2477, is from Honolulu, not Los Angeles, where the letter supposedly originated.

We do not know if this letter is fake, but some of the things that were pointed out seem to indicate that it could be.

And considering the left’s problem with false reports these days, just about anything’s possible.

Share this story on Facebook and Twitter and let us know if you think this letter is real or fake.

via Conservative Tribune

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YES: Jim Brown DESTROYS Kaepernick Over National Anthem Protest

Pro Football Hall of Famer Jim Brown, who has often been described as the greatest pro football player ever, ripped NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick for his protests during the playing of the national anthem, stating bluntly, “I don’t desecrate my flag and my national anthem.”

Speaking to The Post Game, Brown said:

Colin has to make up his mind whether he’s truly an activist or whether he’s a football player. Football is commercial. You have owners. You have fans. And you want to honor that if you’re making that kind of money … I’m going to give you the real deal: I’m an American. I don’t desecrate my flag and my national anthem. I’m not gonna do anything against the flag and the national anthem. I’m going to work within those situations. But this is my country, and I’ll work out the problems, but I’ll do it in an intelligent manner.

Brown, who has been politically active regarding race relations for fifty years, added, “If you have a cause, I think you should organize it, present it in a manner where it’s not only you standing or sitting on one knee, but a lot of people that is gonna get behind each other and do something about it. If I ask you one question: Who is Colin calling on to follow what he’s talking about?”

Brown also offered a realistic assessment of the relationship between owners and players, stating, “You have to understand there’s intelligence that’s involved, OK? I can’t be two things at once that contradict each other. If I sign for money, then the people I sign with, they have rules and regulations.”

In an era that featured legendary players of the caliber of Baltimore Colts quarterback Johnny Unitas, arguably the greatest quarterback who ever lived and the only player iconic Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi ever said he feared, the nimble and fleet-footed Chicago Bears running back Gale Sayers, tough-man supreme Bears linebacker Dick Butkus, Packers running backs Paul Hornung and Jim Taylor, Los Angeles Rams Deacon Jones and Merlin Olsen, and Detroit Lions fearsome pass-rusher Alex Karras, TIME wrote, “There is only one player in the game today whose ability on field commands almost universal admiration, and that is Jimmy Brown.”

Brown’s off-the-field political activism, after he retired at the peak of his career, at age 29, also became renowned, as he moved to Hollywood to pursue an acting career. He helped found the Negro Industrial Economic Union, later renamed the Black Economic Union, to help blacks become competitive in the business world; he developed the Amer-I-Can program in 1988 to help former gang members and ex-convicts clean up their lives and become productive citizens.

via Daily Wire

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REPORT: #NeverTrumper Kasich and Anti-Gun Hickenlooper Mull 2020 “Unity” Ticket

REPORT: #NeverTrumper Kasich and Anti-Gun Hickenlooper Mull 2020 “Unity” Ticket

CNN is promoting the news this morning that Ohio Governor John Kasich and Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper are mulling a 2020 ticket to take down President Trump.

John Kasich is an outspoken Trump-basher.
John Hickenlooper supports gun control and open borders.

Political opponents could run “Flush the Johns” ads.


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Exclusive – Kris Kobach: The Opportunity of a Generation to Shrink Government Through Attrition

For more than eighty years, beginning with FDR’s New Deal, Americans have witnessed a constant increase in the size and scope of the federal government. This expansion has continued unabated during both Democratic and Republican administrations. 

Whether measured in terms of dollars spent, or in terms of percentage of Gross Domestic Product (“GDP”) consumed by the federal government, big government has become inexorably bigger.

In 1940, federal spending was a relatively modest 9.6% of GDP – or $9.5 billion out of $98.2 billion. In 2009 under President Obama, federal spending hit a high water mark (excluding the World War II years) of 24.4% of GDP – or $3,517.7 billion out of $14,414.6 billion.

The growth of the federal civilian workforce has slowed since 1960 – levelling off between 2.5 and 3 million – but this has masked the transfer of federal programs to state and local bureaucracies. Since 1960, the number of state and local government employees has tripled to over 18 million. This growth has been driven by a tenfold increase in federal grants to cities and states.

For conservatives, this trend has been depressing. We plead for smaller government, but our cries have been futile as Congress and state legislatures refuse to make significant or lasting cuts in the size of government. The growth of the Leviathan has seemed unstoppable.

The forces pushing the expansion of government are powerful. Bureaucrats justify their existence by spending every dime appropriated to their agencies and then asking for more. Politicians of both parties find it easier to win votes by serving up pork than by offering austerity. Congresses deals with every crisis by spending money. And the progressive Left continually pushes the growth of entitlements for its own political advantage.

Fortunately, there is now hope in the fight against big government. There is a demographic sea change at work – something that has the potential to shift the forces in favor of conservatives who are serious about shrinking government. The baby boomers are retiring.

The baby boomer generation – those born between 1946 and 1964 – includes 76 million Americans. Over a 19 year period that started approximately in 2011, virtually all of them will retire. That’s an average of four million people retiring every year, or nearly 11,000 every day.  And a large percentage of them are working for the government. Government agencies across the federal government, as well as in state and local governments, are seeing a slew of retirements.

Take the Social Security Administration. Starting in 2011, the SSA began seeing 4,000 retirements a year. The same is happening throughout the federal government. The bureaucrats see this as a crisis.  Conservatives should see it as an opportunity.

Attrition through retirement is causing federal and state workforces to turn over. Many of these retirees need not be replaced. The size of government can be dramatically reduced simply by making the decision not to fill every vacancy. And it doesn’t take an act of Congress to do it.  All it takes is political will in the executive branch not to fill vacancies. The only exceptions should be law enforcement agencies and the military.

But can it really be done in practice? The answer is yes, it can. I know because I’ve done it. Shortly after I became Kansas Secretary of State in 2011, I saw baby boomer retirements occurring in my own agency. Realizing this opportunity, I directed my deputies to reassign the duties of retiring employees to those who remained. Wherever possible, the open positions were not to be filled. We left approximately 1/3 of the vacancies unfilled.

Over the course of six years, I was able to shrink my agency’s workforce by 18 percent. We did it through natural attrition, without massive layoffs. The smaller payroll, along with other cuts, also allowed me to reduce agency spending by over 30 percent. And the agency is still carrying out all of the same responsibilities that it was back in 2011. 

The same must be done in the federal government and in state governments across the country. President Trump has already taken the first steps.  In January he imposed a freeze on hiring. And in March he issued an executive order directing agencies to find redundancies and other ways to make cuts.  Looking at the bloated federal bureaucracy, he pointed out, “Today there is duplication and redundancy everywhere.” Consequently, “Billions and billions of dollars are being wasted.”

When the hiring freeze is lifted, as it eventually will be, President Trump should order the relevant departments to fill no more than 2/3 of the vacancies that exist. Without such an order, the career bureaucrats will carry on as before, deeming every position necessary to be filled.

The baby boomers are creating those vacancies by the thousand as they retire. Fortunately, this historic opportunity coincides with a President who is serious about cutting the size of government. If he declines to fill those vacancies and if state governors do the same, we could witness the first substantial reduction in big government in our nation’s history. But it will take political will to make it happen.

Kris W. Kobach is the elected Secretary of State of Kansas.  An expert in immigration law and policy, he coauthored the Arizona SB-1070 immigration law and represented in federal court the 10 ICE agents who sued to stop Obama’s 2012 executive amnesty.  In 2017 President Trump named him Vice Chairman of the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity.  His website is

via Breitbart News

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Guardian: Minorities Can only Vote Conservative In Reaction to ‘Unreliable White Liberals’

Guardian: Minorities Can only Vote Conservative In Reaction to ‘Unreliable White Liberals’

25 Aug, 2017
25 Aug, 2017

While the establishment media rails against Brexit and Donald Trump for respectively — or even collectively — “dividing” their countries, the Guardian has decided to promote an idea, popularized by Labour MP Laura Pidcock, that conservatives and liberals cannot mix.

In an article reminiscent of Shariah supremacist schooling — written by the paper’s deputy opinion editor and their sister paper’s chief leader writer — the Guardian also seeks to draw racial dividing lines between political persuasions, with Joseph Harker stating:

Others, who I have more respect for, are those racial minorities who believe in self-reliance as a way of overcoming inequality rather than depending on unreliable white liberals…

Forget that some people might actually just be conservative in their world view or philosophy. For Harker, it is all about race. He cannot see beyond it. You may only be right-wing if it is driven by a frustration (or worse) towards white liberals [emphasis added].

Co-author Sonia Sodha is supposed to offer the counterpoint to this, but only goes so far as to state she would be friends with a “conservative” with a secret leftist agenda:

…I’d certainly be more than open to friendship with, for example, a Conservative MP who I knew was arguing against the worst of austerity and Brexit behind the scenes…

Remember, the “worst of austerity” is simply “austerity” as far as the political left is concerned.

This decision to drive this wedge, especially along racial lines, is the left’s emulation of the Daily Stormer.

The Guardian’s contention is no different, philosophically, from that of ethno-nationalists, and in turn leads to racial abuse that black or brown conservatives routinely experience.

CNN recently reven led its affinity to this same mindset, allowing Democrat Keith Boykin to harrass Republican Paris Dennard over whether he was black enough.

For reformist or ex-Muslims, the phrases ‘Uncle Tom’ or ‘House Muslim’ have become a new line of attack as ‘Islamophobe’ begins to lose all meaning. Again, these left-wing xenophobic attitudes appear to be endorsed by the Guardians and CNNs of the world.

“Unity” has been the buzzword of the month. Meanwhile, the ‘liberals’ in the media and in politics seek to deride and sometimes even endanger conservatives from ethnic or religious minorities.

This proves — if ever there was any doubt — that when they say “unity” they don’t mean compromise, or negotiation. They mean “you had better start thinking like us, or else”.

Classic alt-left.

Raheem Kassam is the Editor in Chief of Breitbart London and author of No Go Zones: How Shariah Law is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You

via Breitbart News

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Sanctuary City Fails To Cooperate with ICE, Releases Illegal Alien Who Then Kills HIs Girlfriend

Via Daily Caller: A sanctuary city in California reportedly didn’t cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials, giving the federal agency no time to pick up an illegal alien they released from custody, who then allegedly murdered his girlfriend two weeks later. Santa Rosa police arrested 38-year-old Nery Israel Estrada-Margos on August 18 after […]

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Black Trump Supporter Assaulted By White Leftist Drops Lethal Truth Bomb About The Media

On Thursday fellow Downtrend contributor Brian Anderson shared a video of black Trump supporter R.C. Maxwell being assaulted during a rally last Sunday in Laguna Beach, California, after crossing the street to speak respectfully with counter-protesters.

During an interview later Sunday with local station KTTV, Maxwell, who identifies himself as “Black Hannity” on Twitter, dropped a lethal truth bomb about the mainstream media.

“If the optics were completely different and I was a Black Lives Matter supporter, and I was attacked on the Trump side of a protest, I would be in the spotlight on CNN right now,” he said.


Yet as of Friday morning, there had still been no mention of Mr. Maxwell by CNN, not to mention The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Huffington Post and almost every other leftist rag. They had clearly buried the story.

In the case of CNN, the network chose instead to run with a “report” about how every supporter of President Donald Trump is a white supremacist …

I’m sure Trump supporter R.C. Maxwell would certainly agree (sarcasm):

“I went over to the left side to see if I could engage them with dialogue, and I was instantly encircled by the so called anti-fascists,” Maxwell continued in his interview Sunday with KTTV.

“I think the fact that I’m a black conservative causes a lot of problems for the left side because there’s no way they can really resolve that according to their narrative of what they think Trump supporters are, so I think that was a bit triggering to the other side,” he told the station. “I was getting lots of specific comments like, ‘You’re a sellout, you’re an Uncle Tom.’”

In my case I’m an “Uncle Ghandi,” but you get the drift …

And judging by how the media treat so-called “sellouts” and “Uncle Toms,” one thing is clear: If they perceive you as a race traitor, your story will get no traction with them, no matter how compelling it may be, unless of course they discern a way by which they can manipulate your tale to boost their preferred narrative.

One word describes this behavior: Bias.

And while I expect bias from any and every news source, including Downtrend, the problem here is that we’re talking about the national media, which frankly almost has a frightening monopoly on what most Americans see everyday.

Because of this immense power they wield, it’d therefore be nice if they’d be 100 percent honest about their bias, not that they ever will.


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