‘Blonde Privilege’ Is Now A Thing And Yes It’s Racist

See the thing is, Donald Trump is blonde (or orange) and so are his daughter Ivanka and wife Melania so you knew that this would eventually be an issue for the insane left. As it turns out, “blonde privilege” is a thing and of course it is racist. I’m not sure why I continued to be surprise at how crazy liberals are, you’d think I’d be used to it by now, but they are pretty good at pushing the envelope of both sanity and decency.

“Political Peroxide – Blonde privilege” is a real article that was published by New York Magazine. It starts out with an very unflattering history of blonde people and then goes here:

And then, of course, there are the politics of hair color. Attributes associated with whiteness — light skin, narrow noses — have dominated American beauty ideals as long as there’s been such a thing. Which means that blondness has always been … charged

Charged? Oh, like this:

Fox News and Donald Trump have given blonde hair a new chapter: Now, blonde is the color of the right, for whom whiteness has become a hallmark. Over the past decade or so, as inclusiveness became the hallmark of Obama-era liberals, the left found feminist icons in Rachel Maddow, Samantha Power, and Michelle Obama, who make no apologies for their failure to fit traditional ideals. But #MAGA, Fox News America is a place where all the classic signifiers of privilege and wealth work on overdrive: country-club-issue blue blazers with brass buttons and khaki pants, and above all else, for women, that yellow-blonde, carefully tended hair — a dog whistle of whiteness, an unspoken declaration of values, a wink-wink to the power of racial privilege…

This rant goes on forever complaining about blonde women on Fox News and in President Trump’s inner circle.

The alt-blonde common on Fox News is a specific look: It’s layered and yellow and never too long. It’s controlled and polished and always in place…Panicked reports about dangerous immigrants and the president with Hussein for a middle name were presented by white women wearing snug dresses, with pert noses, bronze skin, blonde hair.

Awesome. Not only do we get “blonde privilege” now there’s the “alt-blonde” movement.

And then there are all the White House’s shades of blonde — the president likes men who look like generals and women who look like they all pledged the same sorority house. Many of Trump’s prominent female surrogates have blonde hair: Kellyanne Conway and Ivanka Trump, of course, but also the Trump daughters-in-law and the new-to-the-scene talking heads like Kayleigh McEnany…

At some point this lunacy addresses the fact that Hillary Clinton is blonde, but it’s okay, she’s not a privileged white supremacist like conservative blondes. Like everything else, it’s only bad when when conservatives do it. Hillary’s blonde hair gets a pass, which is weird considering she was mentored by the Grand Cyclops of the KKK and once owned black slaves. Maybe it’s just me, but that seems pretty racist.

On the other hand, this article fails to cite anything remotely racist by conservative blondes, but to liberals, not being a liberal is racism. I know it sounds silly, but they worked really hard on a set of rules and double-standards regarding racism.

Instead of calling blondes privileged and racist, the author should have clarified that only right-wing blondes are privileged and bigoted. It wouldn’t be any less crazy, but at least a little more accurate. You know, in case liberals suddenly find an interest in accuracy?

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Workers Find Thug Stealing Tools… Bystander Records Hilarious Street Justice

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Sometimes, you have to take matters into your own hands — and that’s exactly what a group of construction workers just did in North Carolina.

The blue-collar crew in Charlotte reportedly caught a man trying to break into a construction vehicle and steal tools.

In a form of street justice, the men taped the suspect to some nearby scaffolding until police arrived… and the aftermath was caught on video.

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“I gotta do what I gotta do to hold you. You got no business in my truck,” one of the workers explained as the man was trussed up, according to WJZY, Fox 46 in Charlotte.

“I wasn’t breaking into it!” insisted the suspect. “I wasn’t in it! I was just checking it out.”

A bystander recorded the altercation, and told the local news what she saw.

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“You don’t stumble into those things but there I was,” said Tina Quizon, who is also a freelance videographer for WJZY. “The leg is taped to the scaffolding, they put a rope around his waist.”

“I was like, nobody is going to believe this,” she said.

Officers arrived quickly to the scene, and the suspected thief did not appear to be harmed, just embarrassed and indignant.

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After the video was posted on Facebook, it received over 8 million views. Many commenters tried to claim that detaining the suspect was somehow racist or cruel.

“This reminds me of slavery,” one commenter wrote. “They didn’t have to TORTURE him. They should be charged. Next time call the Police.”

The viewer was apparently ignoring that fact that the construction workers were clearly a mixed crew of blacks and Hispanics, and that the police arrived within minutes.

“Humiliating someone should be against the law too!” whined another commenter.

“Notice how most women who never served in this line of work or have any idea how expensive tools can be, are the ones defending this punk?” shot back another respondent.

“My job site got robbed in 2013, Took 8000 dollars worth of tools,” chimed in another Facebook user, who had no sympathy for the alleged would-be thief. “I’m guessing they got all of it in the bed of one truck. It doesn’t take many tools to start adding up to big bucks. It’s absolutely infuriating and that man deserves the humiliation.”

The fact is that a citizen’s arrest is completely legal under the right circumstances.

Like many states, North Carolina has a law — G.S. 15A-404(b) — which permits a citizen’s detention of criminal suspects.

“A private person may stop and detain another person when the private person has probable cause to believe that the other person has committed in his presence ­­a (1) felony, (2) a breach of the peace, (3) a crime involving physical injury to another person, or (4) a crime involving theft or destruction of property,” explained Shea Denning, a professor of public law at the University of North Carolina, in a piece written for the UNC School of Government blog in 2014.

It seems likely that the alleged theft of valuable construction tools falls under that law.

There’s a difference between “playing cop” and stopping somebody who has been caught in the act.

It looks very likely that these construction workers just wanted to do their jobs, until a would-be thief tried to take their hard-earned living away from them.

Strapping a suspect to scaffolding until police arrive may unconventional, but it was probably exactly what needed to be done.

H/T: WJZY News

Share this video on Facebook and Twitter to let everyone know what street justice can look like.

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When did America lose its mind?

The Atlantic Magazine has a cover that purports to explain inside, “How America went haywire.”The very, very, very long cover story, titled “How America went crazy,” highlighted a variety of false beliefs that bedevil the sort of people who don’t read The Atlantic. For example:

A third of us believe not only that global warming is no big deal but that it’s a hoax perpetrated by scientists, the government, and journalists. A third believe that our earliest ancestors were humans just like us; that the government has, in league with the pharmaceutical industry, hidden evidence of natural cancer cures; that extraterrestrials have visited or are visiting Earth. Almost a quarter believe that vaccines cause autism, and that Donald Trump won the popular vote in 2016.

Andersen blames Rush Limbaugh for introducing an “alternative reality,” as if the media Rush critiqued were objective reality and El Rushbo a fantasist. As Clay Waters of Newsbusters summarized: “Andersen only portrays a single side of ideological slant, as if the major networks were fair and balanced before nasty Fox News came along.”

I have several ideas as to when America lost its mind that would never occur to writer Kurt Andersen or the editors of The Atlantic. Here are some of them.

America lost its mind:

When it started to believe Al Gore on climate change despite all the lies and false predictions.

When it believed repeated lies that if you liked your insurance and your doctor you could keep them and your premium would go down. 

When the great society programs pretended they would reduce poverty instead of making people more dependent on government.

When it believed that food stamps and unemployment are the best stimulus programs, and allowing people and businesses to keep more of their own money is not. 

When it reelected a president who left people to die in Libya while making up a lie to protect his political power. (The media never cared what Obama did that night. We still don’t know.)

When it was acceptable for an organization, founded by a racist woman fond of eugenics, to kill and dismember humans for profit.  (The Atlantic is a prolific and creative supporter of Planned Parenthood.)

I can think of many more reasons America lost its mind that would never occur to the folks at The Atlantic.

The Atlantic Magazine has a cover that purports to explain inside, “How America went haywire.”The very, very, very long cover story, titled “How America went crazy,” highlighted a variety of false beliefs that bedevil the sort of people who don’t read The Atlantic. For example:

A third of us believe not only that global warming is no big deal but that it’s a hoax perpetrated by scientists, the government, and journalists. A third believe that our earliest ancestors were humans just like us; that the government has, in league with the pharmaceutical industry, hidden evidence of natural cancer cures; that extraterrestrials have visited or are visiting Earth. Almost a quarter believe that vaccines cause autism, and that Donald Trump won the popular vote in 2016.

Andersen blames Rush Limbaugh for introducing an “alternative reality,” as if the media Rush critiqued were objective reality and El Rushbo a fantasist. As Clay Waters of Newsbusters summarized: “Andersen only portrays a single side of ideological slant, as if the major networks were fair and balanced before nasty Fox News came along.”

I have several ideas as to when America lost its mind that would never occur to writer Kurt Andersen or the editors of The Atlantic. Here are some of them.

America lost its mind:

When it started to believe Al Gore on climate change despite all the lies and false predictions.

When it believed repeated lies that if you liked your insurance and your doctor you could keep them and your premium would go down. 

When the great society programs pretended they would reduce poverty instead of making people more dependent on government.

When it believed that food stamps and unemployment are the best stimulus programs, and allowing people and businesses to keep more of their own money is not. 

When it reelected a president who left people to die in Libya while making up a lie to protect his political power. (The media never cared what Obama did that night. We still don’t know.)

When it was acceptable for an organization, founded by a racist woman fond of eugenics, to kill and dismember humans for profit.  (The Atlantic is a prolific and creative supporter of Planned Parenthood.)

I can think of many more reasons America lost its mind that would never occur to the folks at The Atlantic.

via American Thinker Blog

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Journalist Who Offered Bill Clinton Oral Sex Decries Mrs. Trump’s Degrading High Heels

A journalist who famously offered Bill Clinton oral sex as a thank you for keeping abortion legal is now decrying the Trump women for encouraging sexism by wearing high heels. Writing for Newsweek on Friday, Nina Burleigh seethed, “Six months in, and the Trump women are well on their way to normalizing the footwear of the beauty pageant.”  

Burleigh quoted a British psychologist to decry Ivana, Ivanka and Melania for playing into male stereotypes: 

“In terms of the human example, we tend to find the defining characteristics of the opposite sex attractive,” [Paul] Morris wrote. “High heels function in a similar way. Males respond to the characteristic way a woman walks, i.e., the movement of the female pelvis: High heels just exaggerate the femaleness of the walk. So to deconstruct why Trump women wear high heels: They are just buying into traditional binary views of male and female.”

The headline screamed:

In another outburst, the journalist whined about the “rare political mountain goats.” 

So sure are they of their footing that the Trump women, rare political mountain goats, never even look down for obstacles that might break up their gait or send them sprawling. Toes pointed like ballerinas in them, they stroll from the tarmac to the Wailing Wall, cross the spongy White House lawn to Marine One, click around the halls of Congress and ascend rickety risers at “MAGA” rallies in Youngstown.

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This is the same woman who, in July of 1998, offered to give Bill Clinton oral sex, cheering that women should get out their “presidential kneepads.” 

I’d be happy to give him [oral sex] just to thank him for keeping abortion legal," she said.

I think American women should be lining up with their Presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs.”

The July 7,1998 CyberAlert recounted Burleigh’s excitement over being ogled by Clinton: 

The President’s foot lightly, and presumably accidentally, brushed mine once under the table. His hand touched my wrist while he was dealing the cards. When I got up and shook his hand at the end of the game, his eyes wandered over to my bike-wrecked, naked legs. And slowly it dawned on me as I walked away: He found me attractive.

"No doubt the President’s lawyers and spin doctors would say I wishfully imagined that long, appreciative look, just as all those other women have fantasized their more explicitly sexual encounters with Clinton. But we all know when we’re being ogled. The weird thing was that I didn’t mind.

Perhaps, just perhaps, Burleigh isn’t the best judge of what’s degrading to women. 

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Judge Orders State Department to Search Again for Clinton Benghazi Emails

A federal judge has ruled that the State Department must up its efforts to locate emails Hillary Clinton sent in connection to the 2012 Benghazi attack — ordering the State Department to conduct a fresh search for emails from some of Clinton’s top aides.

U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta ruled Tuesday that the State Department had not done all it could to locate the emails Clinton sent in relation to the  Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi Libya that killed four Americans — including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

He found that the State Department “has not met its burden of establishing it performed an adequate search” in response to Judicial Watch’s Freedom of Information Act request.

Politico reports that the State Department has so far located 348 Benghazi-related messages, sent to or from Clinton in the months around the attack. However, Judge Mehta said that that wasn’t enough. Instead, he ordered the State Department to search the state.gov email archives of the accounts of former aides Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, and Jacob Sullivan.

If Secretary Clinton sent an e-mail about Benghazi to Abedin, Mills, or Sullivan at his or her state.gov e-mail address, or if one of them sent an e-mail to Secretary Clinton using his or her state.gov account, then State’s server presumably would have captured and stored such an e-mail,” he said in the ruling. “Therefore, State has an obligation to search its own server for responsive records.”

The ruling is in response to a suit filed by Judicial Watch originally in 2015. The conservative watchdog has been central in the quest to get more information about Clinton’s emails, specifically in relation to the Benghazi attack.

“This major court ruling may finally result in more answers about the Benghazi scandal – and Hillary Clinton’s involvement in it – as we approach the attack’s fifth anniversary,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement.

Fitton also questioned why the conservative watchdog had to fight not only the Obama administration but also the Trump administration on the search for the emails:

“Why are Secretary Tillerson and Attorney General Sessions wasting taxpayer dollars protecting Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration?” he asked.

Adam Shaw is a Breitbart News politics reporter based in New York. Follow Adam on Twitter: @AdamShawNY.

via Breitbart News

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Trump Fans Gleefully Appropriate Trump Chicken for Meme Magic

Trump Fans Gleefully Appropriate Trump Chicken for Meme Magic

11 Aug, 2017
11 Aug, 2017

After liberal protesters set up a 30-foot inflatable chicken outside the White House, President Trump’s supporters joyfully appropriated the image for their memes.

On Reddit, Trump fans rendered the chicken into meme-worthy images, setting free a torrent of pro-Trump chicken memes:

We love our GEOTUS chicken, don’t we folks? This is our meme now,” wrote user marchosias0.


“THANKS FOR THE GREAT MEME! NOW WATCH HOW IT IS DONE LOSERS!!!” wrote Reddit user bluto36, urging users to “post em and make em cry”:

“They thought this would trigger us… Hahaha. WE LOVE THE TRUMP CHICKEN DON’T WE FOLKS!” Reddit user redneb94 wrote:

“#TrumpChicken is trending,” Reddit user macredsmile wrote, sharing an image of a bomber launching Trump chicken bombs. “Let the memes begin”:

A sample of other memes burning up the Internet:

Read More Stories About:

Big Government, chicken, Donald Trump, Memes, Reddit, trump chicken


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Mexican President Deletes Instagram Pic with Alleged Cartel Frontman

Mexican President Deletes Instagram Pic with Alleged Cartel Frontman

9 Aug, 2017
9 Aug, 2017

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and his staff appear to be trying to erase all traces of connections with a famous musician recently accused of being a drug cartel frontman.

This week, Peña Nieto visited the Mexican state of Chiapas and posted on Instagram with singer Julion Alvarez, where the men are seen on a boat. The photograph was deleted soon after the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and the Treasury Department announced that Alvarez and Mexican soccer star Rafael Marquez were singled out as alleged cartel frontmen.

Julio Cesar Alvarez Montelongo, better known as “Julion Alvarez”, and soccer star Rafael “Rafa” Marquez are among 22 Mexican nationals and 43 business entities whose assets in the U.S are now frozen by the Treasury Department, Breitbart Texas reported. Julion Alvarez is considered one of Mexico’s most famous singers in the banda music genre and is known for praising the drug trafficking lifestyle in his music. Despite the type of music that Alvarez performs, in 2015 Peña Nieto called him “a great example for Mexico’s youth”, Mexico’s Proceso reported.

The connection to Alvarez is the latest scandal to plague Peña Nieto at a time when his popularity continues to plummet after his failure in being able to reign in Mexico’s raging cartel violence. Peña Nieto has also been accused of having Mexican cartel operators funnel illicit funds into his 2012 presidential election campaign in a scandal that became known as Monexgate, Breitbart Texas reported.

Peña Nieto also received criticism for the accusations that his government misused law enforcement software designed to track down cartel bosses and terrorists  to spy on journalists and critics. Peña Nieto and his government continue to deny the allegations.

Ildefonso Ortiz is an award-winning journalist with Breitbart Texas. He co-founded the Cartel Chronicles project with Brandon Darby and Stephen K. Bannon.  You can follow him on Twitter and on Facebook.

Brandon Darby is managing director and editor-in-chief of Breitbart Texas. He co-founded the Cartel Chronicles project with Ildefonso Ortiz and Stephen K. Bannon. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. He can be contacted at bdarby@breitbart.com

Read More Stories About:

Breitbart Texas, Breitbart Texas, Enrique Pena Nieto, Mexican Corruption


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Mother Jones Tries To Prove That Muslims Are Peaceful LGBT-Loving People

Muslims literally hate everyone who isn’t a Muslim, and even in that they hate each other for being Muslim the wrong way. Radical Muslims behead, blow up, run over, and gun down the infidels while moderate Muslims cheer them on for defending Islam. The one constant is that they believe that everything that isn’t Islam is a crime against Islam and must be punished. Liberals refuse to recognize this incompatibility with Western culture and assure us after every cowardly act of terrorism that Islam is the religion of peace and anyone who can’t see it is a bigot.

Mother Jones is as liberal as it gets so they set out to prove that Muslims really are the most civil, tolerant, and peaceful people on the planet, because of course they would. This is a real headline on MJ with an equally real sub-heading:

A New Poll Shows American Muslims Are Less Homophobic Than White Evangelical Christians

So much for the “the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology.”

To prove their point, they started out with this paragraph:

When Donald Trump accepted the Republican nomination for president, it was just weeks after the Pulse nightclub shooting, in which 49 people were killed in a terrorist attack during the Orlando gay club’s Latin night. He decried “Islamic terrorism” and told the convention crowd, “I will do everything in my power to protect our LGBTQ citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology.”

Really? They are going to prove how non-homophobic Muslims are by starting with a story about a radical Muslim terrorist who killed 49 gay people in the name of Allah? Can anyone at MJ please cite an instance of an Evangelical Christian gunning down 50 or so gay people in the name of Jesus?

Things don’t get much better from there. They refer to a Pew poll that has some absolutely silly information which can’t possibly be accurate. It’s not even clear how this question was asked, but according to the poll US Muslims are more likely to be against targeting and killing civilians than the general population. This needs to be put into context, but it’s not. Does this mean Muslims would be less likely to car-bomb some innocent people? Does this include conducting a military operation in which there might be some collateral damage? This question is meaningless.

But the big piece of evidence is this:

But what’s perhaps more noteworthy, particularly for Trump’s opponents, is Pew’s finding about Muslim Americans’ attitudes toward the LGBT community. Statistically, they’ve become much more accepting of LGBT people: 52 percent of Muslim Americans now agree that homosexuality should be accepted by society—up from just 27 percent in 2007. And while they are not the most accepting group polled, their views have shifted toward being gay-friendly by a greater margin than any other group in the survey. White evangelical Christians remain the least accepting; the group’s views were comparable to those of Muslim Americans in 2007, with 23 percent of white evangelical Christians saying homosexuality should be accepted by society. Today only 34 percent say the same. It’s also worth highlighting that about 80 percent of white evangelicals who voted backed Trump, according to exit polls.

It’s also worth highlighting that in most Muslim countries and societies homosexuality is a jailable offense and even a death sentence. You will notice with this question that some US Muslims say homosexuality should be accepted by society, but they don’t say it should be accepted by Islam. Again, this is a completely bullshit poll question.

Mother Jones promised that they were going to debunk the “myth” that Islam is a violent oppressive hateful foreign ideology. All they have done is show that a handful of US Muslims answered a couple of questions in a way that they thought would portray their religion in a less shitty light. On the other side of the evidence spectrum, there are the daily terrorist attacks, the intolerant Islamic regimes, and the constant jihad waged against the non-Islamic world.

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Trump Better Watch Out: Liberals Are Gathering To Resist Him

Since the American people elected Donald Trump as president, liberals have tried everything they could think of to get rid of him. Known as the “Resistance” they have cried, thrown temper tantrums, made threats, resorted to violence, and spread lies but nothing has worked. It’s weird how the freely elected President of the United States gets to serve his term in the face of so much leftist bitching and moaning, isn’t it? The Resistance is not giving up however, they are gathering for a big meeting so they can come up with a rock solid plan to kill democracy, overturn the will of the people, and oust Trump once and for all.

This is no bullshit. The Washington Post, also part of the Resistance, reports:

Liberals gather in Atlanta to plan Trump resistance strategy

Netroots Nation, the activist left’s largest annual gathering, arrives in Atlanta this year with its clearest focus in years: how to resist President Trump.

This thing is a goofball progressive conference started by the Daily Kos. Think of it like Comi-Con for angry leftists. This year’s line-up looks like a hoot:

Former vice president Gore will speak about the threats to the planet from a president who dismisses climate change as a hoax hatched in Beijing. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) will ring alarm bells about domestic policy. And 14 discrete sessions will discuss the best ways to fight the White House and Republican Congress. Jon Ossoff, the Democratic star who narrowly lost Georgia’s special House election in June, will also be there.

I think I may have identified one of the democrats biggest problems: Jon Ossoff is considered a “Democratic star.” He lost. Why not find some winners to be the big party stars? Oh yeah I completely forgot, maybe in a party of losers it’s hard to find winners.

“The last couple of years, much of the energy nationally was focused on social justice,” said Netroots Nation spokeswoman Mary Rickles. This year, the focus for nearly 3,000 attendees was back on politics…

I think I have identified another problem: to liberals, social issues are politics. That’s why they lost 1000 seats under Obama’s reign of social engineering. All they run on are stupid social issues that nobody cares about.

Maybe the funniest thing about this is that the WaPo and the Newtroots are convinced that Trump is going to create a false flag catastrophe to expand his power.

One panel will go over ways to challenge Trump’s “xenophobic NAFTA narrative,” while another — more relevant given news from North Korea — will brainstorm ways to oppose Trump if a traumatic event causes people to rally around the flag.

“Hitler used the Reichstag Fire; Putin used the 1999 apartment bombings; and George W. Bush used 9/11,” reads the online description of the panel, which will feature leaders of MoveOn.org and the ACLU. “With Trump, [Stephen K.] Bannon and their allies in Congress, progressives must be prepared to fight back in the first hours and days of a national security crisis.”

Yes, you read that correctly. These liberal lunatics are comparing false flag incidents that tyrants used to come to power with the 9/11 terrorist attacks and a fictitious Trump disaster.

In reality, no information is given on how liberals will learn to resist Donald Trump. Really, it just sounds like more bitching, which liberals already inherently know how to do. This is like having a convention to teach liberals how to be wrong about everything, which may be part of the program, I don’t know. On the upside, this looks like it will be crazy as hell so my fellow Downtrend writers and I should get plenty of good material from it.

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Buchanan: Economic Nationalism Goes ‘Pretty Much Out the Window’ If Bannon Leaves White House

Wednesday on Laura Ingraham’s nationally syndicated radio show, conservative commentator Pat Buchanan warned that if White House chief strategist Steve Bannon were to depart the Trump administration, it would mean the end of economic nationalism, one of the elements of Trump’s 2016 campaign.

After Buchanan had expressed his concern over National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster foreign policy “ideas,” Ingraham asked Buchanan to react to a Wall Street Journal editorial that criticized Bannon for his reported policy differences with McMaster.

Buchanan warned that if Bannon were to depart the Trump administration, which the Journal editorial seemed to suggest should happen, it would have consequences.

“The economic nationalism – I think that would go pretty much out the window,” Buchanan said. “Trump is pretty committed to border control. I think he realizes that is indispensable to his political survival and reelection. But I would be concerned about the foreign policy interventionism, quite frankly, if Bannon were thrown out. But the fact – I haven’t read The Wall Street Journal today, I got up a little late. But I think it also a sign that Bannon must be influential if The Wall Street Journal is clawing the walls.”

Buchanan urged Trump to be loyal to Bannon, calling him a needed “voice.”

“Look, you got to be loyal to your people,” he added. “You need Bannon’s voice in there, quite frankly. He’s the custodian of the populist conservative traditionalist ideas, which are more than half of Trump’s coalition, and also they’re the critical element that got him elected.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

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