Watch: Trump Literally Puts ‘Christ’ Back in Christmas at WH Christmas Tree Lighting

While some try to gloss over the fact that Christmas is a religious celebration for Christians, preferring to call Christmastime simply the “holiday season,” President Donald Trump approaches the holiday differently.

His speech during the National Christmas Tree lighting ceremony at the White House on Wednesday was uplifting, appreciative and decidedly Christian.

Trump was forthright in celebrating Christ’s birth as the reason for the festivities.

After thanking everyone who made the Christmas decorations possible, the president began his speech with the story of Jesus’ birth from the Gospel of Luke.

“For Christians all across our nation, around the world, this is a sacred season that begins 2,000 years ago when Jesus Christ was born,” Trump said.

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“An angel declared to the shepherds tending their flocks, ‘Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord,’” he said. “There in Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph held in their hands the Son of God, the light of the world, and through Him the promise of eternal salvation.”

“No matter one’s faith or beliefs,” Trump continued, “the Christmas seasons reflects all that is best in the American spirit.”

The president talked about how Christmas is time for rejoicing with family, spreading charity and giving thanks for blessings.

Are you glad the president spoke about Christ’s birth during the ceremony?

He especially applauded the foster families in the crowd.

“We are especially thankful for the countless Americans who have given their time and passion to help those in need. Here in the audience today are a number of extraordinary foster families and guardians joined by the beautiful children they have welcomed into their homes. … To every child in foster care: You are the precious loved one and gift of God,” Trump said.

The president spoke of Americans as one family when he called to mind those affected by the tragedies and natural disasters of the past year.

“At this time of the year, we renew the bonds of affection between our fellow citizens, and we awaken the faith in our hearts that calls each of us to action,” he said. “As we gather loved ones, our thoughts turn to those who are rebuilding their lives after devastating wildfires, destructive hurricanes and terrible tragedy. We are one American family. We hurt together, we heal together and we will always pull through together. This is the United States of America.”

He honored first responders and those in military service, extending gratitude to them on behalf of all Americans.

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“Their families are all our families, and we thank them so much for their greatness and for the incredible job they do,” Trump said.

The president concluded the speech by asking God to shed His grace on the country and to bless its people.

“We ask God to watch over this nation’s heroes and to shed His almighty grace upon our nation, and we pray that America’s light will shine more brightly and stronger than ever,” Trump said.

The president’s speech was a beautiful celebration of God and His gifts. Let’s remember to acknowledge God and give thanks to Him during the upcoming Christmas season.

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via Conservative Tribune

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Lice, hepatitis, TB, chicken pox, scabies plague a third of the caravan migrants – and now there’s rain

As I write this from San Diego, the rain is pouring outside my window, a rare winter rain brought on by an offshore tropical storm blowing in from the west.  It’s heavy, dripping, dropping rain, and it’s getting the entire region good.  Normally, rain is a cause for rejoicing in these parts, because drought is the norm, and rain makes everything turn green.

But you don’t want to be out in that rain, which is where the Tijuana caravan migrants are, just south of San Diego, soaking up rain, mud, germs, cold, bacteria, viruses – and picking up diseases.

Right now, it’s happening in Tijuana, where 6,000 migrants are still camped out.  Fox News reports that more than a third, some 2,200 of them are being treated for lice, scabies, chicken pox, hepatitis, HIV, tuberculosis, and infections.  The San Diego television press reported last night that measles has also been detected in the squalid encampment, where new caravans are arriving even as some pack up and go home.

Screen grab from Fox News, via YouTube.

So much for the insistence from the left that the migrants are disease-free, and any concern about public health issues is easily explained as xenophobia, as Vox claimed.  Boston Public Radio WGBH echo-chambered that in the true JournoList tradition of Vox founder Ezra Klein (it’s as though they talk to each other, no?) seizing on the small discrepancy in a U.S. agent’s claim about “smallpox” when he likely meant “chicken pox” – which sure enough, has turned up among the migrants.

Such a phony, phony argument.  With the latest Fox News report, these media claims did not age well.

Nobody should be camping out in unsanitary conditions in that rain.  What a vile group the caravan organizers are to allow such inhuman conditions to occur.  Any public health official anywhere in the world could tell you that any time you move large groups of people without sanitation, housing, or basic necessities, you are going to get diseases spreading throughout that population.  For the organizers, with their rabidly leftist desire to charge the border and break it down as new Che Guevaras, casualties are a mere detail.  What’s mass casualties compared to the glory of challenging Donald Trump at the gates to the American empire?

And as the left continues to press Trump to allow the migrants in, the reality remains that to allow foreign nationals into the U.S. bearing chicken pox, hepatitis, measles, tuberculosis, infections, scabies, lice – and the whole plethora of new ailments that is sure to come of the plague of rain on Tijuana – is absolutely irresponsible, a recipe for spreading disease into the U.S. citizen population.  In times past, Ellis Island screened out arriving immigrants for any sign of disease.  Today, illegal immigration dispenses with that nicety, and all comers enter.  Open borders means open disease, and for everyone.  Mass illegal migration has since coincided with an amazing collection of new disease outbreaks now being seen in California, the nation’s pestilence capital, and the home of a quarter of the nation’s illegals.  San Diego got a hepatitis outbreak.  Los Angeles has typhus.  Now there’s a polio-like disease that Dr. Brian Joondeph raised questions about.  Uncontrolled borders also correspond to the appearance of heretofore unknown diseases in the Los Angeles area, such as leprosy and chagas disease, the latter of which up until now had been primarily seen in Central America.  What a coincidence.

The rains are coming down hard now, and one can only pity the migrants who were such putty in the hands of these leftist organizers, and more are arriving.  A third of them have got diseases now in their squalid camps, and with the rains pouring, that figure is going to grow exponentially.

Image credit: Fox News, via YouTube, screen grab.

As I write this from San Diego, the rain is pouring outside my window, a rare winter rain brought on by an offshore tropical storm blowing in from the west.  It’s heavy, dripping, dropping rain, and it’s getting the entire region good.  Normally, rain is a cause for rejoicing in these parts, because drought is the norm, and rain makes everything turn green.

But you don’t want to be out in that rain, which is where the Tijuana caravan migrants are, just south of San Diego, soaking up rain, mud, germs, cold, bacteria, viruses – and picking up diseases.

Right now, it’s happening in Tijuana, where 6,000 migrants are still camped out.  Fox News reports that more than a third, some 2,200 of them are being treated for lice, scabies, chicken pox, hepatitis, HIV, tuberculosis, and infections.  The San Diego television press reported last night that measles has also been detected in the squalid encampment, where new caravans are arriving even as some pack up and go home.

Screen grab from Fox News, via YouTube.

So much for the insistence from the left that the migrants are disease-free, and any concern about public health issues is easily explained as xenophobia, as Vox claimed.  Boston Public Radio WGBH echo-chambered that in the true JournoList tradition of Vox founder Ezra Klein (it’s as though they talk to each other, no?) seizing on the small discrepancy in a U.S. agent’s claim about “smallpox” when he likely meant “chicken pox” – which sure enough, has turned up among the migrants.

Such a phony, phony argument.  With the latest Fox News report, these media claims did not age well.

Nobody should be camping out in unsanitary conditions in that rain.  What a vile group the caravan organizers are to allow such inhuman conditions to occur.  Any public health official anywhere in the world could tell you that any time you move large groups of people without sanitation, housing, or basic necessities, you are going to get diseases spreading throughout that population.  For the organizers, with their rabidly leftist desire to charge the border and break it down as new Che Guevaras, casualties are a mere detail.  What’s mass casualties compared to the glory of challenging Donald Trump at the gates to the American empire?

And as the left continues to press Trump to allow the migrants in, the reality remains that to allow foreign nationals into the U.S. bearing chicken pox, hepatitis, measles, tuberculosis, infections, scabies, lice – and the whole plethora of new ailments that is sure to come of the plague of rain on Tijuana – is absolutely irresponsible, a recipe for spreading disease into the U.S. citizen population.  In times past, Ellis Island screened out arriving immigrants for any sign of disease.  Today, illegal immigration dispenses with that nicety, and all comers enter.  Open borders means open disease, and for everyone.  Mass illegal migration has since coincided with an amazing collection of new disease outbreaks now being seen in California, the nation’s pestilence capital, and the home of a quarter of the nation’s illegals.  San Diego got a hepatitis outbreak.  Los Angeles has typhus.  Now there’s a polio-like disease that Dr. Brian Joondeph raised questions about.  Uncontrolled borders also correspond to the appearance of heretofore unknown diseases in the Los Angeles area, such as leprosy and chagas disease, the latter of which up until now had been primarily seen in Central America.  What a coincidence.

The rains are coming down hard now, and one can only pity the migrants who were such putty in the hands of these leftist organizers, and more are arriving.  A third of them have got diseases now in their squalid camps, and with the rains pouring, that figure is going to grow exponentially.

Image credit: Fox News, via YouTube, screen grab.

via American Thinker Blog

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Drag queen story hours for children designed to ‘groom the next generation,’ one drag queen admits

Amid the spread of controversial drag queen story hours at public libraries — during which performers in full makeup and glitter read to children and toddlers — one drag queen admitted that the events are meant to "groom the next generation."
Dylan Pontiff — who helped organize a story hour for kids as young as age 3 at a Louisiana public library originally scheduled in October — is shown in a video telling the Lafayette City-Parish Council at a Sept. 17 meeting what’s behind the "very beautiful" event.
"This is gonna be the grooming of the next generation," Pontiff said. "We are trying to groom the next generation" to be accepting of LGBT values. Pontiff was dressed in street clothes for the meeting but goes by Santana Pilar Andrews when he’s onstage, LifeSite reported.

What else did Pontiff say?

Pontiff, who said he’s been bullied most of his life for being gay, blasted those opposed to the drag queen story hour — even those gathered at the council meeting.
"Apparently to a lot of people in this room I’m the big boogeyman," he said, "and as you can see I’m probably the most unintimidating person you’ve ever seen in your entire life."
Pontiff denied charges that drag queen story hours are overly sexual and said he can alter content to make it appropriate for children.
“I can go in and entertain adults in a club and also entertain a group of students and young children," he said. "I’m able to do that because I’m an adult and able to filter myself."
He also ripped "some of the looks I’ve received here tonight" and called out grumblings by those seated behind him as "disgusting."
"We are trying to teach people to be tolerable [sic], to be patient, to be loving," Pontiff said, "and the fact of the matter is that I’m standing right here and there’s probably 50 people behind me, looking at me with daggers wishing that I would probably die in a car wreck whenever I leave here is truly implorable [sic]."
He said the point of the drag queen story hours is to "raise people to be loving and caring individuals … not only just the children at this event but children in the future."

What’s been happening with the Lafayette drag queen story hour?

The Lafayette event — originally scheduled in October at the library’s main branch downtown — has been postponed, with no new date announced, according to the Daily Advertiser.
The paper added that the event was moved to a larger space at South Louisiana Community College, but the school backed out two days beforehand over security and logistical concerns.

But Baton Rouge Pride announced a Drag Queen Story Time set for 2 p.m. Dec. 2 at the Aveda Institute Baton Rouge, the Daily Advertiser reported.

What do others have to say about the issue?

"Unfortunately, the Drag Queen Story Hour program is turning public libraries into platforms to advance the transgender revolution, places where pro-homosexual activists are given access to children as young as three," John Ritchie, director of TFP Student Action, said in an interview, according to LifeSite.
"Instead of protecting the precious innocence of our children with wholesome stories, libraries are misusing our tax dollars to harm their innocence," Ritchie added, according to the outlet. "To attempt to dismantle and destroy the distinction between male and female is not only biologically ridiculous, but also a direct attack against God’s plan for us and for the family. Everyone who loves the family should wake up, pray and push back."
Indeed, LGBT activists have said they’re determined to indoctrinate children to accept the movement’s agenda.
"I am here to tell you: All that time I said I wasn’t indoctrinating anyone with my beliefs about gay and lesbian and bi and trans and queer people? That was a lie," S. Bear Bergman wrote in his piece, "I Have Come to Indoctrinate Your Children Into My LGBTQ Agenda (And I’m Not a Bit Sorry)" in 2015. "All 25 years of my career as an LGBTQ activist, since the very first time as a 16-year-old I went and stood shaking and breathless in front of eleven people to talk about My Story, I have been on a consistent campaign of trying to change people’s minds about us. I want to make them like us. That is absolutely my goal. I want to make your children like people like me and my family, even if that goes against the way you have interpreted the teachings of your religion."
Gay activist Daniel Villarreal wrote in that those in the LGBT movement "want educators to teach future generations of children to accept queer sexuality. In fact, our very future depends on it … Recruiting children? You bet we are."
His 2011 piece added, "Why would we push anti-bullying programs or social studies classes that teach kids about the historical contributions of famous queers unless we wanted to deliberately educate children to accept queer sexuality as normal?"

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Kevin Hart Defends Son’s ‘Cowboys & Indians’ Birthday Party: Backlash ‘Shows How Stupid Our World Is Becoming’

Actor-comedian Kevin Hart went after critics of his son’s Cowboys & Indians-themed birthday party in a new interview, describing the controversy as “dumb sh*t.”

TMZ reports that on his SiriusXM radio show “Straight from the Hart,” Kevin Hart described hearing about the backlash to his children’s party theme from his wife Eniko, and mocked how some people said it was “insensitive.”

Indeed, some social media users attacked the Hollywood A-lister after he threw a cowboys and Indians themed party for his son. The critics accused him and his wife of offending Native Americans by appropriating their culture, with one commenter saying, “Imagine being so woefully out of touch, that one marginalized group appropriates another…”

The Night School actor said, “The reason why I’m even bringing this dumb shit up is because it shows just how stupid our world is becoming with opinions. People are at a point of an all-time high, to throw racial judgment into the development of a 1-year-old’s birthday party where the theme is Cowboys and Indians, and it’s based around the outfits that are given to these young kids.”

The 39-year-old also said that the party “isn’t something that was just started.”

“This isn’t a racial slur that people are doing and being malicious with. This is a game that’s been played for years,” he said.

via Breitbart News

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Rep. Jim Jordan: Republicans Have Five Weeks to Fund Trump Border Wall (VIDEO)

Conservative favorite Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) told FOX and Friends on Tuesday that Congress has only five weeks to pass border wall funding.

Jordan is right!
Paul Ryan repeatedly pledged to fund the Trump border wall but was lying to Republican voters. Despite passing record spending bills Ryan refused to include funding for the wall.

Today tens of thousands of illegal migrants continue to breach the US border with Mexico. Republicans need to pass this funding before crackpot Pelosi takes charge of Congress.

Via Josh Caplan at

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) warned in an interview with Fox & Friends Tuesday that Republicans have just over a month to secure border wall funding before the Democrats take over the House in the new year.

JEDEDIAH BILA: Jim, I want to ask you about funding for the border wall. Many people on the right [are] deeply, deeply concerned Republicans will not dig their heels in on this. There’s already been potential talk about a government shutdown. How do you see this playing out? Will Republicans be strong on this issue?

REP. JORDAN: We had better be. The most important issues are the Rosenstein issue, in my mind, the Rosenstein issue I just talked about and building the border security wall and securing the southern border. We’ve seen what’s happened in the last couple of days. That was the biggest promise that the Republicans made the voters in 2016. We had better fight for that. We had better put it in the December 7th funding bill. Again, that is the single issue that the American people elected Republicans to accomplish in 2016 and we’ve got five weeks to get it done.

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Watch: Student Wins After Freaked-Out Teacher Calls Him ‘A**hole’ over MAGA Hat, Evacuates Classroom

A teacher was caught on video angrily ranting at a student for calmly wearing President Donald Trump’s iconic “Make America Great Again” hat. The video starts with the student calling out the teacher for targeting him because of his political views. “You’re admitting to discriminating against a certain group of people,” the student said. Then,…

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Caravan migrants are choosing to go back to Honduras – here’s why they’re doing it

According to an MSNBC reporter from Tijuana in Mexico, some of the caravan migrants are choosing to go back to their home countries – and they say it is because they were misled about how easy it is to enter. "They have realized that it is very difficult"
MSNBC’s Gadi Schwartz reported from the migrant encampment where the situation had turned violent on Sunday as migrants tried to force their way into the United States. "Many of these men tell us that they heard in Honduras that it would be easy to cross into the United States," he reported. "Some of them told us that they had heard that there were programs, work programs," he continued, "that they would be eligible for and so now that they’re here in Tijuana, and they have realized that it is very difficult to get into the United States, especially after what happened on Sunday, some of them are deciding to turn back." "In fact," he continued as the camera swung to a tent, "this is a tent that’s been set up by a bunch of different governmental agencies here in Mexico, but this is where people come if they want to go back to Honduras or Guatemala, or El Salvador." "These are people who have decided that it is time to go back and that they don’t have the opportunities that they wanted here," he concluded. Schwartz also reported that Mexico is extending humanitarian visas to the migrants and setting up jobs for them. The San Diego Union Tribune interviewed many migrants who said that they could not afford to continue to stay in Tijuana further, and others said it was not safe in the encampment for them. Border officials repel migrants with tear gas
On Sunday some migrants attempted to storm into the U.S. by exploiting a weakness in one of the fences, but they were driven back by volleys of tear gas from border authorities. There were reports that some migrants threw rocks at law enforcement officials. Despite the decision from some to move back to their home countries, Schwartz reports that relatively few have done so – only about 81 on Monday. Here’s the report from MSNBC:

On Monday, Schwartz reported that a majority of the migrants were young males who were not seeking asylum, which many saw as a rebuke to narratives advocated by some on the left and in the media about the migrants.

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