Democratic Candidates Are Terrified of Hillary Clinton’s ‘Kiss of Death’

Commentary Politics

Democratic Candidates Are Terrified of Hillary Clinton’s ‘Kiss of Death’

Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton participates in a discussion during the 2018 Atlantic FestivalAlex Wong / Getty ImagesFormer U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton participates in a discussion during the 2018 Atlantic Festival October 2, 2018 in Washington, DC. The Atlantic held its annual festival on ‘the most consequential topics facing us today.’ (Alex Wong / Getty Images)

What a difference a little winning can make.

Just two years ago, Hillary Clinton, as a candidate for president was revered and worshiped by nearly everyone on the left. Now top Democratic strategists are labeling her the “kiss of death” to their party.

The monumental loss to President Donald Trump has prompted a sea change in how she is viewed as an asset — or not — in her own party.

Now the former first lady, state senator, and secretary of state turned presidential candidate can’t buy a spot next to a 2018 candidate on the campaign trail.

That’s got to be painful to someone who is so used to and maybe even still craves the spotlight on the center stage of American politics.

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Perhaps the Clinton machine still has a great deal of influence and power behind the scenes in the Democrat party, but it has clearly has lost steam in the public arena.

The Washington Examiner published a very interesting article noting the complete about face in support for Hillary Clinton but failed to specifically name any strategists and leading democrats who rebuked her.

While the Clintons do plan a 13-city road trip in November to conduct “one-of-a-kind conversations about the most impactful moments in modern history” said The Examiner, they don’t embark until after the midterm elections are over.

Is there a coincidence in such timing? Probably not.

Is it time for the Democrats to fully retire Hillary and Bill Clinton?

The Examiner quotes one unidentified House Democrat: “I have not seen Hillary or Bill at all — and I’m very grateful for that. When I think of people who have been part of our push to retake the House, I just don’t think of them at all. … I think it’s a very good thing that they’re not being visible. It wouldn’t help our candidates.”

And another leading Democrat strategist said: “Hillary Clinton is the kiss of death and she represents the part of the Democratic Party that led to historic losses and that elected Donald Trump president.”

For fear of political retribution the strategist specifically requested anonymity, reported The Examiner.

And while other leading Democrat office holders and Democrat Senator Dick Durbin are named in the piece, their comments are much more tactful and diplomatic: “I think they’re measuring how they can have the best, positive impact and have kind of decided to wait until after the election,” said Durbin.

Democrats like former Vice President Joe Biden, Senator Bernie Sanders and former president Barack Obama seem to have full dance cards during this campaign season, but Ms. Clinton has only received invitations to make appearances from the more questionable, scandal ridden candidates like J.B. Pritzker, the Democratic nominee for governor of Illinois and Andrew Gillum, the Democratic gubernatorial candidate in Florida.

RELATED: Total Lie: Witness Devastated 1 of Hillary’s ‘Most Vivid’ WH Memories

“Both Menendez and Pritzker carry considerable baggage. Menendez was once under federal indictment for corruption before the case was dropped earlier this year, while Pritzker was investigated for removing toilets from one of his luxury homes along Chicago’s Gold Coast to avoid property taxes,” according to The Examiner.

“It’s no surprise that one of the very few Democrats that would welcome her is someone who was formerly under federal indictment and the most scandal-plagued Democrat in the country,” said the unidentified Democrat strategist to The Examiner.

I think the tide of Democrat support has changed, but someone must have forgotten to tell the Clintons. It’s a sad, sad commentary on just how far the party has fallen out of favor, but a great message of reawakening for an America that values freedom and independence.

Americans have realized that no longer does the Democratic party or Hillary Clinton stand for any of that, if they ever did to begin with.

I’m hoping for a red tsunami in November and maybe even a full retirement for both Clintons as well.

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Camille Paglia: Feminism Based on Destroying Men Is ‘Absolute Poison’ to Culture

Cultural commentator Camille Paglia said in a recently published video that second-wave feminism – in its attempt to destroy men – is also destroying women and our culture.

A video of Paglia’s discussion at the Battle of Ideas festival in London in October 2016 has been made available on YouTube and was recently linked to on the Drudge Report. The video is released with the launch of Paglia’s new book, Provocations: Collected Essays.

The feminist icon – who prefers the original brand of feminism that won women the right to vote and raised up heroines such as Katharine Hepburn, Amelia Earhart, and Anne Morrow Lindbergh – said the more recent second wave of feminism is “an absolute poison that has spread worldwide.”

Paglia said the original feminists “admired what men had done – there was no male-bashing – as became systemic to second-wave feminism.”

The brand of feminism recreated by Betty Friedan in the 1960s, Paglia said, is now based on “denigrating men” and “defining men as oppressors and tyrants through history.”

“It is an absolute lie,” she said, “an extrapolation of neuroticism on the part of these fanatics.”

The author of Sexual Personae, Paglia added the “snowflake generation” is also a result of social media, “where people feel they have so many friends and they want a sense that reality is comforting them and cushioning them and so on.”

A professor at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Paglia said that, by attempting to suppress the evidence of differences between the sexes, second-wave feminism “is actually exposing young women to danger.”

Paglia added that the nation’s educational system has failed young people, because it has “tried to make everyone feel good” and uses the word “diversity” as a “banner” for trying to make up for something from the past – the hard truth of which is not even being taught any longer for fear of “triggering” groups of people.

Comparing second-wave feminism to the “Spanish Inquisition,” Paglia explained “any form of dissent – even within feminism – is treated as heresy … and they actually try to destroy you.”

Paglia said that while second-wave feminists have led a drive to destroy traditional religion and culture, the result has been the “new religion” of political correctness.

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Lost Burial Flag Returned To Widow Of Navy Veteran


A U.S. Navy burial flag is on its way home to its rightful owner after being earmarked as trash at a Denver storage business.

As the FOX31 Problem Solvers told you earlier this week, the state shut down the storage business leaving customers scrambling to save their belongings.

One of the men hired to clean out the business, Pete Mikilun, contacted FOX31 after discovering the flag.

“It’s a disgrace. It’s an insult,” Mikilun told Problem Solvers. “This belonged to a hero. A Chief Petty Officer.”

We tracked down the widow of the veteran the flag belongs to. Christine Rogers recently moved to Brookings, Oregon. The moving truck with her belongings arrived, but most of them were missing.

She was ecstatic to learn her husband’s flag had been found. Chief Petty Officer Larry Rogers served 25 years in the U.S. Navy.

“It means everything because it’s absolutely the only thing I have of memorabilia of our life together and his military time,” Christine Rogers told Problem Solvers. “I spent a whole day crying about it. It was devastating, but I had to tell myself you just have to let it go.”

Keep reading…

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EXCLUSIVE… Clash Daily’s Doug Giles Speaks Out After Facebook Ban – They’re Lying About ‘Spam,’ ‘Inauthentic Accounts’

EXCLUSIVE… Clash Daily’s Doug Giles Speaks Out After Facebook Ban – They’re Lying About ‘Spam,’ ‘Inauthentic Accounts’

by Alicia Powe
October 13, 2018

Facebook is falsely accusing conservative news websites of using “inauthentic accounts” and “spamming” social media users in an effort censor truth and intervene in the upcoming election, warns Doug Giles, founder and editor of the Clash Daily which was shut down by Facebook.

“It has little to do with fake news that Clash Daily and others are spawning. It has everything to do with the Trump wave that is completely crushing the media and crushing the left,” Giles explained in an interview with the Gateway Pundit. “They want to suppress freedom of expression, so they have these ambiguous rules, these vagaries so they can avoid lawsuits that are coming at them, and just do away with us like we don’t exist and we don’t matter.

As Gateway Pundit reported, Facebook shut down over 800 accounts and pages accused of spreading “misinformation,” predominantly conservative pages  with millions of followers, in an effort to fight “fake news” before the November midterm elections.

The social media giant announced Thursday that they removed 251 accounts and shut down 559 pages for breaking the sites rules against spam and “coordinated inauthentic behavior.”

Facebook’s claim that Giles used “fake accounts” is a lie, Giles lamented.

“I don’t care how Facebook slices it. All the little diddles, they say ‘he did this, he did this, he did this’ – I answered them like ‘no, we didn’t.’ We don’t have fake accounts,” he said. “We give our damn drivers’ licenses to you. We have got to do two party notification. We don’t spam people – prove it. If you’ve got all this evidence mounting against, put your cards on the table Zuckerberg and lets let the best man win.”

“If Facebook is really after fake news then they should turn their attention to CNN and MSNBC,” he continued. “We are just patriotic, freedom flag, country loving news organization that doesn’t pull any kind of punches whatsoever. We are conservative. We put that up front in our ‘about us’ tab and we let people know that we are conservative and libertarian leaning. We don’t make any bones about it. We are talking about a page that we’ve been working on for six years – it’s not the biggest page in the world but its still 2 million people and we spent six figures building it. And because they accused us of ‘spamming’ and having fake accounts and putting forth ‘fake news,’ they deemed us unworthy for their platform.”

Leftists are un-American for not taking a stand against their leaders who are brazenly suppressing free speech, Giles argued.

“I get not wanting to be a Republican and wear a blue jacket, red tie, khaki pants, have a square haircut, don’t drink beer, don’t have fun – just a hardline fundamentalist,” he said. “But if I were a liberal and my leaders like the ones at CNN or the other ones like Maxine Waters, Pelosi, or Elizabeth Warren or Hillary and the tech guys like Zuckerberg, YouTube, Google – if all my leaders were so fragile with their world view, that they were so delicate that they can’t stand competitive thought and a competitive voice, I would abandon it.

“I don’t want to be in the party of the gentle little tinker pots that can’t have robust, verbal, online, sparring debates – it’s not America, it has nothing to do with this grand experiment and self-governance – its’s speech suppression.”

Immediately after President Donald Trump’s 2016 victory, Facebook warned that they would not tolerate “misinformation” by taking point at “fake news” site’s revenue sources.

The social media giant has long claimed to be neutral in their moderation practices, but following the  launch of its fake news campaign, conservative news sites including the Gateway Pundit have been shadow banned from the Facebook news feed.

As a result, Clash Daily’s traffic and revenue “precipitously” declined, Giles explained.

“When Trump trounced Hillary and they didn’t get their squeaky toy in the White House, they just turned the spigot off on the conservative news portals,” he said. “We went from a weekly reach of anywhere from 8 million to 30 million people, to where it was down to half a million to a million. Most people would say ‘that is still great traffic.’ But we were crushing it, we were won of the top conservative web sites out there.”

During the 2016 election the mainstream media was offset by the conservative new media. Regardless of what false narratives the MSM tried to push down American’s throats, they did not work because the truth was being shared elsewhere on the Internet on conservative new media sites.

The conservative new media immensely helped President Trump win the election, Giles argued.

“If it weren’t guys like Jim at Gateway Pundit, the Breitbart site, Clash Daily, a whole slew of other conservative news portals, we would be very frustrated Americans,” he said. “We’d all be wearing brown shirts marching behind Hillary Clinton, God forbid, in her pantsuit.

Democrats have relentlessly obstructed the Trump administration with allegations of Russian collusion his entire presidency. Now Facebook is attempting to meddle in the midterm elections by purging conservative media outlets. But conservatives are still winning, Giles assured.

“Look at Trump’s rallies. They are robust, energetic, people are finding information, we are getting a lot of subscribers at Clash once we got deplatformed. It’s hilarious. Everything they try against Trump, try against conservatives – we are like Deadpool – we end up back on our feet and kicking ass,” he said. “The rebel spirit is live and well. It’s in me, its you, its in Jim [Hoft] and others.

“[Conservatives] have reason, we have intelligence, we are ready to debate and talk issues. They don’t, so they either smack your car –with a billy club in Portland, smacking women in wheel chairs, friggen flash mobs.  Or just like Mark Zuckerberg suddenly does, he says ‘you don’t meet my standards so I’m going to turn you off.’ If you think that’s going to bring good men and women down, than you are nuttier squirrel turd, leftists.”

Amid censorship, bullying and obstruction by the left, it’s crucial for those who care about “truth, justice and the American way” to stay diligent, work to reelect Trump in 2020 and vote Republicans in next months midterms.

“You can’t roll up in a fetal position and wet your big conservative diaper. God didn’t say, ‘everyday is going to be wonderful, and the birds are going to be chirping.’ They are the enemy, the enemy is doing enemy stuff,” he said. “We’ve got to bulldoze through the turbulence, keep doing what’s right,” he said.“If there is a God, and I believe there is one, and if our principles are universal just and true for all men at all times, I think the planets are going to align behind us and we are going to see the pendulum swing back,” he continued. “Don’t give up when times suck worse than an airplane toilet.”

Giles plans on fighting back after getting banned from Facebook, but refuses to use the platform again.

“We are definitely going to fight it, but I’m not fighting it to get back on,” he said. “I’ve been dealing with that manic group over at Facebook – their like ‘you can’t do that headline, you can’t do that meme, you can’t say this.’ It’s like dealing with a neurotic girlfriend that you cannot please no matter what you do, and finally she says ‘we’re finished.’ You’re like ‘hallelujah,’ grab a chug of vodka, drink it and go smoke a cigar and hang out with the brothers.

“If they put me back on tomorrow, I wouldn’t populate their page because there is no pleasing them. They will do it again, unless there is some kind of government anti-trust regulation – I’d rather let the markets compete. Let somebody go in there and take Facebook out at the knees. Let them compete with them come on there are some billionaires that are on our side that are sitting on a stack of cash. Again, if they take out the infantry, which we are, then they are coming for the cavalry, and then they are coming for the generals.  It might take a little longer, but they are coming, I guarantee it.


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Not Again! Hundreds of Hondurans Fleeing Poverty Are Marching Through Mexico to US Border

Not Again! Hundreds of Hondurans Fleeing Poverty Are Marching Through Mexico to US Border

Jim Hoft
by Jim Hoft
October 13, 2018

One thousand Hondurans are marching through Mexico to the US border right in time for the November election.

They’re marching through Mexico.

James Woods weighs in.

FOX News reported:

Hundreds of Honduran migrants are headed for the United States border, just days after Vice President Pence sat down with the Central American country’s leader, urging him to take a tougher stance on mass migrations.

At least 1,300 people, including young children, left San Pedro Sula in northern Honduras on Saturday, in what some are calling the “March of the Migrant,” Reuters reported.

Bartolo Fuentes, the organizer, told the news agency that the group plans to march through Guatemala and into Mexico. From there, participants will request refugee status, which would allow them to stay in the country, or they will apply for a visa to pass through into the U.S.


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A Ripple Not a Wave: Nervous Democrats Worry Election Disaster May Strike Again

Despite the miracle economy and President Trump’s countless foreign policy successes, Democrats knew they could count on the liberal media to help them win big in November.

It was this week two years ago that Hillary Clinton’s victory looked assured, when the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape of Donald Trump bragging about sexual assault appeared all but certain to end his campaign.

Jesse Ferguson remembers it well. The deputy press secretary for Clinton’s campaign also remembers what happened a month later.

It’s why this veteran Democratic operative can’t shake the feeling that, as promising as the next election looks for his party, it might still all turn out wrong.

“Election Day will either prove to me I have PTSD or show I’ve been living déjà vu,” Ferguson said. “I just don’t know which yet.”

Ferguson is one of many Democrats who felt the string of unexpected defeat in 2016 and are now closely — and nervously — watching the current election near its end, wondering if history will repeat itself. This year, instead of trying to win the presidency, Democrats have placed an onus on trying to gain 23 House seats and win a majority.

The anxiety isn’t universal, with many party leaders professing confidently and repeatedly that this year really is different.

But even some of them acknowledge the similarities between the current and previous election: Trump is unpopular and beset by scandal, Democrats hold leads in the polls, and some Republicans are openly pessimistic.

FiveThirtyEight gives Democrats a 76.9 percent chance of winning the House one month before Election Day. Their odds for Clinton’s victory two years ago? 71.4 percent.


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Report: ABC execs regret firing Roseanne, worry about spinoff: ‘We didn’t think it through properly’

Executives at ABC are concerned that "Roseanne" spinoff, "The Connors," will flop without its former star and creator, Roseanne Barr, at the show’s helm.

What are the details?

According to a Thursday report in the Daily Mail, the two senior ABC executives said that firing Barr was a "knee-jerk" reaction by ABC’s network president and that the notion of firing Barr as opposed to suspending her wasn’t a well-considered decision.
"We didn’t think it through properly," the sources told DailyMailTV. "What Roseanne did was wrong, but we shouldn’t have rushed to fire her."
The sources added, "It was almost a knee-jerk reaction by Ben [Sherwood] and Channing [Dungey], who should have launched an investigation."
The notion of launching an investigation, according to the sources, would have provided executives a larger window of time to "listen to the public, advertisers, and cast members" in order to determine the best course of action.
ABC cancelled the "Roseanne" revival in May after Barr tweeted what many considered to be a racist remark about former Obama aide, Valerie Jarrett.
In the tweet, Barr wrote, “[M]uslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj,” pointing to Jarrett, who is black.
She later denied that the remark was racist and said she didn’t even realize that Jarrett is black.

What were the options?

The sources later said that the network could have suspended Barr from the first few episodes of taping and had her make a return later in the season.
"I mean, the season finale saw Roseanne going to the hospital for knee surgery," the sources explained. "While they worked out her fate, her character could have faced serious complications and fought for her life, while simultaneously making Roseanne fight for her career with a national apology tour."
The sources noted that the morning Barr’s tweet exploded on the internet, Barr had even offered to issue public apologies and make the rounds on every talk and news show in order to make amends.
"Ben and Channing weren’t having any of that and wanted her gone," the sources remarked. "Why not have her front a PSA for the network on racism and cyberbullying?"
The sources explained that Barr was apologetic and persistent.
"Roseanne kept saying on the call before she was fired, ‘What can I do? What can I do?’ Fans of her show have watched her character confront prejudice and racism — we could’ve made this a storyline for her to save the show and redeem her publicly," the sources continued.

What about the spinoff?

According to the sources, the network is now concerned that they made the wrong decision, and have worries that "The Connors" — the spinoff of the canned "Roseanne" — will bomb.
"When we greenlit ‘The Connors,’ we thought that the public would tune in to see the family return, but what we’ve discovered is that people want Roseanne — they don’t want the family by themselves," the sources noted.
"The marketing and publicity teams are horrified, as no matter what promotional material is released — and let’s be honest; it’s been limited for a show that launches next Tuesday — Roseanne’s fans come out in force stating that they won’t watch the show," the sources added.
The unnamed sources also noted that even social media is skewed in Barr’s favor and doesn’t promise a strong turnout in viewership for the spinoff.
"Even dedicated fans of the Connors family feel conflicted about supporting a show that so swiftly eliminate the show’s matriarch and creator," the sources explained. "The whisper across ABC is that [the spinoff’s ratings] will not even be a quarter of what ‘Roseanne’ achieved last seasons."
The sources noted that it isn’t out of the realm of possibility bringing Barr back to the show.
"Heck, who knows," the sources added. "Maybe she’ll end up as Tim Allen’s new neighbor on ‘Last Man Standing.’"
According to the outlet, a spokesperson for ABC denied allegations that the network is worried about "The Connors" success or about Barr’s firing.

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Sen. Candidate Sending Unsuspecting Hurricane Donors to Dem Fundraising Site

Commentary Opinion

Sen. Candidate Sending Unsuspecting Hurricane Donors to Dem Fundraising Site

Democratic Senator Bill Nelson from Florida (left) and damage from Hurricane Michael in Mexico Beach, FL (right)Chip Somodevilla/Getty ImagesDemocratic Senator Bill Nelson from Florida (left) and damage from Hurricane Michael in Mexico Beach, FL (right) (Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images; Mark Wallheiser / Getty Images)

If you’ve ever looked at the tragic aftermath of a natural disaster and wondered “how can this benefit me?” then you’re in good company with Democratic politicians.

Bill Nelson, a Democratic senator from Florida who’s campaigning for reelection, is trying to pass off collecting personal information for the left as a relief effort for Hurricane Michael.

He posted a link on Twitter earlier this week, calling it a way to donate money to help with the devastation from the hurricane.

But what he didn’t mention in the tweet is that the link leads to a fundraising site for Democrats.

“The devastation from #HurricaneMichael is widespread across the Panhandle and Big Bend in Florida,” he tweeted on Wednesday. “Anything you can give to these nonprofit organizations will help people with needed relief.”

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Instead of the link he added going straight to “nonprofit organizations,” it goes to ActBlue, a crowdfunding tool for Democrats which only serves leftist candidates and causes.

The site states that it is “a nonprofit, building fundraising technology for the left” that provides “the infrastructure for campaigns and organizations to fundraise online.”

ActBlue says that it powers “Democratic candidates, committees, parties, organizations, and c4s around the country,” and boasts that “Democratic campaigns get more donations through ActBlue than any other platform.”

Do you think Nelson’s tactics are disgusting?

“That’s why a majority of Democratic Senate and House campaigns — along with the DCCC, DSCC, DGA, over one-third of statewide campaigns, and advocacy organizations around the country — have chosen ActBlue,” the site reads.

Nelson’s intentions for promoting hurricane relief donations are unfortunately not totally pure.

Rather, he seems to have jumped on the devastating storm as a free way to mine donors’ valuable personal information and get them on email lists.

Otherwise, why not direct people straight to the relevant charities and relief organizations themselves? Why have donations — and donors’ personal information — filtered through a partisan crowdfunding site?

ActBlue itself has become the anti-Trump weapon of choice for many Democrats recently, with contributions made through the site spiking during Trump’s time in politics.

RELATED: Kyrsten Sinema’s Old Tweets Come Back To Haunt Her in Stunning Display of Hypocrisy

More than half of all donors gave for the first time in 2017, a year in which the site raised over $522 million for Democratic candidates and causes.

This was up from the already substantial $207 million it raised in 2015.

But if Democrats like Nelson are using it to profit from tragedies and cut campaign costs, it’s no wonder it’s getting so much traffic.

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Four Democrats Caught in Voter Fraud Ring Targeting Seniors in Fort Worth (Video)

Four Democrats Caught in Voter Fraud Ring Targeting Seniors in North Dallas (Video)

Jim Hoft
by Jim Hoft
October 13, 2018

Four Democrats were arrested and charges with running a voter fraud ring targeting senior citizens in North Dallas.

The Democrats were stealing votes from elderly citizens on Dallas’s north side.

Leticia Sanchez Tarrant (on left) and Leticia Sanchez Tepichin

Laura Parra Tarrant (on left) and Maria Solis Tarrant

Mugshots via Star Telegram

CBS Local has more on the Democrat criminal ring.

The Star Telegram reported:

Members of an organized voter fraud ring have been arrested and indicted on charges they targeted and, in one case stole, the votes of elderly voters on the city’s north side.

Four people were arrested — Leticia Sanchez, Leticia Sanchez Tepichin, Maria Solis and Laura Parra — after being indicted on 30 felony counts of voter fraud, according to a statement from the Texas Attorney General’s Office.

These people allegedly were paid to target older voters on the north side “in a scheme to generate a large number of mail ballots and then harvest those ballots for specific candidates in 2016,” the statement read.

“Ballots by mail are intended to make it easier for Texas seniors to vote,” Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton said in a statement. “My office is committed to ensuring that paid vote harvesters who fraudulently generate mail ballots, stealing votes from seniors, are held accountable for their despicable actions and for the damage they inflict on the electoral process.”


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Looter in Panama City, Florida Taken Out By A Good Guy With A Gun

Taxpayer relief shot.


Looting led to a deadly shooting overnight in Panama City, Florida.

Witness Landon Swett said a man tried to steal a police car.

“He yelled at me a little bit. He said, oh I’m looting and he opened the door to the police officer’s SUV with the lights going, got in it and shut the door,” said Swett.

That’s when Swett took his family to safety. Moments later, shots were fired.

“As I’m crossing the doorway, I look back, saw the officer at the passenger side. I don’t believe the door was open yet. Then I got about three more feet inside, and I heard the shot,” says Swett.

According to the Florida Highway Patrol, a Florida State Fire Marshall was involved in the shooting. Looting is rampant in other areas. Residents said broken doors and shattered windows are all that’s left of many businesses as looters are on the prowl.

Keep reading…

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