Gregg Jarrett: Rod Rosenstein Duped Jeff Sessions Again – Picked Obama Holdover Huber to Investigate DOJ (VIDEO)

Gregg Jarrett: Rod Rosenstein Duped Jeff Sessions Again – Picked Obama Holdover Huber to Investigate DOJ (VIDEO)

On Thursday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced he will not appoint a second special counsel to investigate crimes committed by Obama’s FBI and DOJ.

Instead, Sessions revealed U.S. Attorney John Huber will be the ‘top federal prosecutor’ who will be investigating the abuses.

FOX News legal expert Gregg Jarrett and Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch discussed Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s pick of Huber Friday on Lou Dobbs Tonight.

Tom Fitton: This is classic two-step on the part of the Justice Department leadership. I don’t think they want to be seen as going strong against all of these individuals. You know why I think in the end, Gregg? It’s because they know it’s going to run into the Mueller investigation. That investigation has been compromised by all the activity we have talked about…

Gregg Jarrett: So who picked Huber? Well I have a hunch here. First of all Sessions was a senator, he didn’t know anybody in the Department of Justice. Rod Rosenstein, spent a lifetime in the Department of Justice, he knows the players there and he picked an Obama holdover in Huber. So it strikes me that this is a Rod Rosenstein manipulation and machination in which he basically duped Sessions, who is naive and gullible enough to say, “Let’s get Huber!” Is that about right?

Via Lou Dobbs Tonight:


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Border Patrol Chief Admits Just 50 Miles of Extra 2018 Fencing

Border Patrol Chief Admits Just 50 Miles of Extra 2018 Fencing

The border patrol will get only about 50 miles of new fencing in 2018, the chief of the border patrol reluctantly acknowledged Friday.

“We appreciate what Congress has authorized,” said Ronald Vitiello, chief of U.S. Border Patrol. “There are restrictions in this appropriation … [because] Congress decided that our priorities weren’t theirs.”

“We got every dollar we asked for [in May 2017], but it is configured in a kind of different way,” he acknowledged. 

GOP and Democratic leaders in Congress approved the administration’s May 2017 request for $1.6 billion in 2018, but they agreed behind closed doors to add riders which ensure that no concrete-and-steel wall could be built and that only $641 million could be used for new fences. That bipartisan cooperation minimizes barriers to the northward flow of cheap labor and also weakens President Donald Trump’s support among his populist voters. 

The $641 million in 2018 funds will fund 100 miles of new and upgraded fencing, Vitello said. 

Vitello dodged media questions about how much new fencing would be added to the existing inventory of 300 miles of fencing which blocks walking migrants and the 354 miles of vehicle barriers. The 50 miles of replacement and upgraded fencing “is all new; there’s a different design going in … I would call it all new,” he said, adding that all the new fencing is anti-pedestrian fencing. 

Vitello repeatedly described the new fences as “walls,” or “walls systems,” or “border barrier system.” The bipartisan omnibus explicitly bars new walls.

The $25 billion plan being pushed by Trump — and being blocked by congressional leaders — “would make a big difference to those [border] projects,” Vitello said. It would allow the border agency to build barriers on roughly 1,300 miles of the border, he said. 

When asked if the Department of Homeland Security could work with the Department of Defense to build the border wall, Vitello responded: “We’d be happy to do that.”

The 2018 funding, plus the small amount of funding approved in 2017, will fund the construction of:

Thirty-three miles of new fence and 35 miles of replacement fencing in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, where the existing fencing has many wide gaps. 

Twenty-five miles of new levee wall in Hidalgo County, Texas.

Eight miles of new fence in Starr County, Texas.

Twenty new miles of fencing in Santa Teresa, N.M. This fencing replaces anti-vehicles fences, construction starts in April. 

Fourteen miles of border fencing in San Diego, Calif., which was built with landing mats, will be replaced by bollard wall.

Fourteen miles of secondary fencing in San Diego will also be replaced by modern fencing.

Thirty-five gates will be added throughout a 55-mile stretch of existing border wall in the Rio Grande Valley, helping the border patrol easily enter the zone between the fence and Mexico. 

The border patrol is already using some of the 2017 funds to upgrade the fence in Calexico, Calif, near the Arizona border.

‘Without the president and the administration’s leadership and commitment to border security, the funding for these projects would not be possible,” Vitello said. 

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Horror On Streets Of Germany: State Of Emergency Declared As 80 Men Brawl With Machetes

Germany longs for the days of invading soccer hooligans.

Via Express:

Police were called to the Altmarkt area of the city over reports of the mass bawl. Officers used CS gas to control the brawling men.

The scores of men were also using telescopic batons in the fight in Druisburg, which is on the west of Germany.

Police said they were spat at and had objects hurled at them.

Around 50 people were arrested and onlookers captured the brutality in shocking photos.

Those arrested refused to explain what sparked the fight and 30 people were later released.

A police official told the newspaper Der Westen: “There are three rival groups. It may be a conflict between Turks, Lebanese and Kurds.

“Unlike with a demonstration of that size, we do not have a contact person, nobody wants to talk to the police.”

He added: “The officers got the situation under control before it escalated.”

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HT: Unsavory Agent

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Joe Concha: David Hogg’s Attempt to End Laura Ingraham’s Career Sets Dangerous Precedent

Joe Concha: David Hogg’s Attempt to End Laura Ingraham’s Career Sets Dangerous Precedent

As more and more companies pull their advertisements from Fox News’s program The Ingraham Angle in protest of a controversial tweet from the show’s host Laura Ingraham, The Hill’s media reporter and opinion contributor, Joe Concha, writes that if the boycott succeeds “we’ve entered some dangerous territory.”

From The Hill:

For Laura Ingraham, there was no choice but to apologize to Parkland school shooting activist David Hogg for her foolish tweet regarding the 17-year-old being rejected by several colleges.

“On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland,” Ingraham wrote on Twitter. “For the record, I believe my show was the first to feature David immediately after that horrific shooting and even noted how ‘poised’ he was given the tragedy. As always he’s welcome to return to the show anytime for a productive discussion.”

Ingraham had obviously seen this story played out before, almost one year ago, via her friend and former co-worker Bill O’Reilly, a cable-news icon who eventually saw too many advertisers flee his program, forcing the network to dispose of the popular prime-time figure who had been with it for decades as the industry’s top-rated host. You know the drill: Once one advertiser goes, it’s certain another will follow, given recent history.

You can read the rest of the story here.

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Student Launches Pro-Life Walkout: ‘I Want to Test if There’s a Double Standard’

A Sacramento, California, high school junior’s plan for a national student walkout on April 11 is inspired by his pro-life values and his strong conviction that all students have First Amendment rights to stand for their principles.

In an interview with Breitbart News, Brandon Gillespie  (pictured)– a student at Rocklin High School – said he met with his principal last Friday to discuss his plan for a pro-life student walkout to protest abortion.

“I asked him for the exact same accommodations that were given to the students who held the previous walkout on March 14, and he was not able to give me a direct answer on whether or not I was able to have this pro-life walkout,” Gillespie said. “He told me he has to go talk to certain administrators and people in the school district before he can give me a direct answer. So, he told me he will be getting back to me on April 2.”

Gillespie notes, however, that while currently he cannot be certain his school will allow the pro-life walkout, he does know the walkout is already slated to occur in schools throughout the country as a result of his social media campaign.

“Initially I just started through social media, using the hashtag #Life,” he explained. “And the word has just spread – just through social media pretty much, through different media outlets and stuff, and just me going and doing interviews with people. People have been reaching out to me and saying, ‘I love your cause,’ and ‘I love what you’re doing,’ and ‘I’m going to do this at my school.’”

Gillespie said his hope is to engage as many people as possible in the pro-life movement.

Students participating in the pro-life walkout on April 11 will walk out of their schools at 10:00 a.m. in all time zones for 17 minutes – as did students who participated in the gun control walkout on March 14.

Asked if he is primarily organizing the walkout because he is pro-life or because he is challenging a potential double standard in public schools that allowed a student walkout during instructional time over promotion of a progressive issue such as gun control, Gillespie responded, “It’s a little bit of both.”

“So, yes, I’m very pro-life – I’m against abortion,” he continued. “So, that’s the biggest thing. But, also, I really want to test and see if there is a double standard at schools because the previous walkout on March 14 was school-sanctioned and it was for gun control. So, I wanted to test the schools and see if they would allow a more conservative topic. That’s why I’m doing this; but, yes, I am also very pro-life.”

Gillespie said his history teacher, Julianne Benzel, was the main inspiration for his idea to launch the pro-life walkout.

“She’s the one who motivated me to do this because she questioned the school about whether it would give the same courtesy to a group of students that wanted to protest something else, for example, abortion,” he explained. “So, that’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m testing to see if the school district will give the same courtesy. She’s really who inspired me to do this.”

Benzel was placed on paid leave last week for questioning whether students against abortion would be permitted to walk out of class in the same way thousands of students walked out of class during instruction time on March 14 to promote gun control.

Complaints were made against Benzel by some parents and students who said her questions to her students were “anti-abortion,” resulting in the teacher being placed on leave.

“[If schools] are going to allow one group of students to get up during class and walk out to protest one issue, would they still give the same courtesy to another group of students who wanted to get up and walk out to protest?” she asked, according to Fox News Insider. “And I used the example of abortion.”

Gillespie, who plans to enter the military after he completes high school, said he totally understands the criticism that no students should be permitted to engage in walkouts for political causes during instructional time.

“But another big part of this is for students’ rights,” he told Breitbart News. “I don’t think students understand that they still have their First Amendment rights – even when they are in school. Just because they’re in school, doesn’t mean their rights are taken away. I want students to know across the country they still have the right to stand up for what they believe in, even if it’s conflicting with what the school district believes.”

Connecticut-based constitutional and education attorney Deborah Stevenson told Breitbart News the constitutional principles of equal protection under the law may apply in the case of the pro-life walkout.

“If one group was allowed to have a school walkout to advocate for school safety through gun control, then other groups may have a right to have a walkout to advocate for pro-life causes, under the premise of equal protection principles,” she said. “This might be particularly true when both of the groups here are advocating for the protection of the lives of individuals.”

Stevenson notes, however, that the use of taxpayer funds, under existing law, in many states, “may preclude the kind of partisan political advocacy seen most recently by use of these walkouts.”

“However, if one side of an argument is allowed to effectuate that kind of demonstration, then it would appear to be fair to allow those who have an opposing point of view to do the same,” she added. “It would be wise, then, for all who seek to advocate using school district funds or services to determine their liability under the law before proceeding.”

Though Gillespie said he believes, in general, students should not be out protesting for political causes during instructional time, he cannot dismiss the fact that schools allowed the gun control walkout.

“Because schools sanctioned this first walkout, and that was taking place during class time, then they have to allow more,” he asserted. “So, until they come to a point at which they say, ‘Okay, this is enough. No more protests during school time.’”

Asked if conservative students have a tougher time in public schools, Gillespie said living in California is definitely a challenge for him as a more conservative student.

“I do believe it is harder for conservative students to speak their minds and say what they really think because most teachers are very left-leaning politically,” he explained.

Students for Life of America (SFLA) – the nation’s largest organization of pro-life youth – is serving as a resource for the Pro-Life Walkout.

SFLA media specialist Kristi Hamrick told Breitbart News students can obtain information about their legal rights at, where students and schools can also sign up to participate in the walkout on April 11.

“We recognize that there’s pushback,” Hamrick said. “We do have attorneys working with us. What was good for one cause is good for the other. So, in particular, if students are concerned about the legal issues associated with participating in the walkout, we’re going to help them with that.”

The pro-life walkout is “student-initiated and student-driven,” Hamrick added.

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‘Ready Player One’ Review: A Dumb, Shallow Exercise in Toxic Metrosexuality

The stakes in director Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One are pop-up ads. Seriously.

The year is 2045 and the world has dramatically changed over the last 27 years. To give you an idea of just how much, think back to how different the world was in 1991 (oh, wait, it’s so not different that Twin Peaks, Murphy Brown, 60 Minutes, Law & Order, and Roseanne are still on the air ). Anyway, overpopulation is such a problem that poor people are forced to live in something called The Stacks — a highly ineffective housing system where dozens of mobile homes are stacked one upon the other.

Within these stacks, humanity escapes their terrible circumstance through the virtual reality glasses that allow them to live fulltime in the OASIS, a seemingly limitless video game world where anything is possible.

Everything changed in the OASIS after the death of its creator James Halliday (Mark Rylance — doing an awesome impression of Dana Carvey’s Garth). Like a CGI’d Willy Wonka, Halliday remains in the OASIS where he hosts a contest that includes three golden tickets in the form of keys hidden somewhere within his vast creation. The lucky Charlie who finds those keys will win ownership of the OASIS.

Control of the OASIS means control of…

And now we come to one of the movie’s biggest problems. The stakes are nonsense. We are actually supposed to care that Nolan Sorrento (Ben Mendelsohn), CEO of IOI (the second largest corporation in the world), wants to win control of the OASIS so he can make money by … placing … ads … in the … OASIS.

Let me boil Ready Player One down for you… It is as if the CEO of Netflix died and offered his company to whoever wins a Mortal Kombat tournament. Enter Bill Gates, who uses all of his corporate power to win the tournament so that he can interrupt all those Netflix shows with Microsoft ads.

Not exactly a Bwahahahaha.

Ben Mendelsohn in Ready Player One (,Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. 2018)

Lena Waithe, Win Morisaki, Olivia Cooke, and Philip Zhao in Ready Player One (Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., 2018)

As far as empathizing with the so-called underdogs in the Stacks, to be perfectly honest, a big part of me was thinking throughout, “Maybe if these sorry assholes put down the VR glasses and do something with their lives, their lives won’t be so miserable.”

You sit in a trailer all day watching 3-D TV and I’m supposed to feel sorry for you?

Sorrento might be a jerk, but at least he works for a living.

And Sorrento really is a jerk, not so much because he wants to place ads in the OASIS, but due to the lamest corporate security system ever. Anyone can break into his office. And I do mean anyone.

Man alive, this movie is dumb.

And these are the least of the script’s problems and plot holes, holes so big an Iron Giant riding the Millennium Falcon could zip right through them.

Our Dystopian hero is, naturally, a teenager — oh, and an orphan to boot (this is a Spielberg movie). His name is Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan) and his deep knowledge of the minutiae of pop culture — most especially from the ’80s — puts him in a front pole position to win Halliday’s contest. Which is another problem…

Halliday, who we are supposed to empathize with (in flashbacks) as a geek who never found his emotional place in the real world, is arbitrarily handing the keys to the most powerful company in the world over to any sociopath, serial rapist, child molester, or Nolan Sorrento, who has the most joystick and Trivial Pursuit skills.

The movie itself tells us that our knowledge of John Hughes’ movies and old Atari games is a moral virtue, not just through the blander than bland character of Wade Watts, but in the mindlessly shallow way Spielberg wants us to pat ourselves on the back every time we recognize one the endless cultural references that fill the screen.

Ready Player One spends most of our time in the hyper-CGI’d world of the OASIS where Wade’s avatar Parzival is desperately trying to win the contest. Here he meets Art3mis (Olivia Cooke) a famous Gunter (don’t ask) who eventually becomes his love interest.

Tye Sheridan and Olivia Cooke in Ready Player One (Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., 2018)

In the real world Art3mis is Samantha Cook, a member of the resistance desperate to keep the OASIS out of IOI’s hands (cuz pop ads are sooo annoying). At one point, when they meet up in the real world, Samantha says to Wade, “Welcome to the revolution,” and this is where we expect to enjoy a tour of the revolution, except there really isn’t a revolution, but that line sure sounded great in the trailer.

Oh, and we are supposed to feel sorry for Samantha because of a birthmark no darker than a mild sunburn circle on one of her eyes. Sure, she still looks like Olivia Cooke, but poor thing

Spielberg’s only achievement is making a sci-fi movie dumber than Elysium, but that Matt Damon dud at least offered some real stakes and decent world building. The OASIS is a smoldering garbage pile of CGI, a frenetic video game filled with pops of pop culture.

If that is not exhausting enough, there are no rules in the OASIS, and therefore there is no tension. People conjure up whatever weapons they need, gravity is not an issue, and the worst that can happen is a Game Over — so, you know, you go right back in.

If recognizing the Mach 5 and RoboCop give you a sense of self-satisfaction unavailable to you in mom’s basement, this movie is for you. For the rest of us, the entire experience is numbing and uninvolving, like watching a middle-aged man play a video game for 140 minutes.

Without giving anything away, the movie’s last few minutes might be the most morally bankrupt ever put on film.

Ready Player One is nothing less than an exercise in toxic metrosexuality.


Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

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Florida Students Walk Out—But It’s To Support The Second Amendment

They wouldn’t get the attention or the media. But they’ll be right.

Via Daily Wire:

On Friday, roughly 75 students in Brevard County, roughly 160 miles north of Broward County, where the Parkland school shooting occurred, decided to stage a walk-out from school — but it was not an anti-gun protest; it was a rally to support gun rights.

The students, who asserted that they had been denied their own pro-Second Amendment rally several times by school administrators and school leaders, finally received permission to walk out and rally on the Rockledge High practice field to support the Second Amendment. They carried the American flag and signs that said “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” and “I support the right to bear arms.” After 20 minutes, they returned to class.

The national anthem and “God Bless America” were played on loudspeakers at the beginning of the rally. Anna Delaney, a junior who co-organized the rally, stated, “We are not backing down. We aren’t taking no for an answer.” Co-organizer Chloe Deaton, who wore a T-Shirt reading, “My rights don’t end where your feelings begin,” echoed, “We should not have our rights taken because someone else does something wrong. We are protecting the Second Amendment, and it should not be infringed upon.”

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This Easter Weekend PLEASE Remember to Donate to the Michael T. Flynn Defense Fund

This Easter Weekend PLEASE Remember to Donate to the Michael T. Flynn Defense Fund

Disgraced former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe launched a fundraiser seeking $150,000 for his legal defense after being fired earlier this month.

McCabe’s plea appears to be highly profitable, as he raised nearly $500,000 in the first 24 hours.

McCabe’s net worth is reportedly in the range of $10-11 million.

Andrew McCabe was fired for lying at least four times and lying under oath to Inspector General Horowitz at least two times.
McCabe was also was a top player in the Deep State spying scandal on Donald Trump, his campaign and administration.

Of course, the liberal mainstream media is promoting Dirty McCabe’s fundraiser.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Michael T. Flynn is an American patriot who honorably served his country for over 33 years in the US Army including five years in combat.

Michael Flynn was set up by the Mueller Special Counsel.

On January 24, 2017, two of Direct James Comey’s top FBI agents, Peter Strzok and Andrew McCabe went to the White House to question Michael Flynn.

Former FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers weeks later that Flynn did not lie under oath during questioning by the FBI officials.
Flynn was indicted by the Mueller witch hunt months later for lying.

He pleaded guilty on December 1, 2017.

Rush Limbaugh called the indictment of Michael Flynn “one of the most gigantic political scandals of our lifetime.”

Michael Flynn was set up and was forced to spend his life savings to defend his name.

But now there is a way this Easter weekend that you can help a family in need.

(Mike Jr. told TGP the fund is legitimate and the family is promoting the donation site.)

Please donate to the family in need.


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NPR Doesn’t Know What Easter Is

Via Daily Caller:

NPR issued a correction on a story Friday about Pope Francis after it completely misstated Easter’s backstory.

In its article on the Pope’s controversial (and disputed) remark, “Hell does not exist,” NPR incorrectly described the meaning of Easter to the billions of Christians worldwide.

The correction reads:

“An earlier version of this post incorrectly described Easter as ‘the day celebrating the idea that Jesus did not die and go to hell or purgatory or anywhere at all but rather arose into heaven.’”

The updated story simply reads: “Easter — the day Christians celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection — is on Sunday.”

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‘We’re Not Consumers, We’re the Products’: Free Our Internet’s Christie-Lee McNally on Google, Facebook

‘We’re Not Consumers, We’re the Products’: Free Our Internet’s Christie-Lee McNally on Google, Facebook

Christie-Lee McNally, the executive director of Free Our Internet, joined SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Daily, Friday, to discuss with Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow how much data Facebook and Google are collecting on users.

“It is ironic because it’s been going on for such a long time, and after the Cambridge Analytica stuff came out, the media person for the Obama campaign came out and said, ‘Well we did this, with Facebook’s approval,’ and that’s kind of been swept up under the rug a little bit,” declared McNally. “What I also find ironic is we’re all talking about Facebook, and everyone’s angry with Facebook and they feel violated and all this stuff, and I’m going, ‘Woah woah, time out.’ Google is sitting back here going, ‘Everybody look at Facebook, everybody look at Facebook,’ but Google is so much worse than Facebook. So if people are upset with Facebook, let’s say ‘time out’ and start looking at what Google collects on you, because Facebook gets your Facebook stuff, but Google, they get everything.”

“They get all your navigation, they get what’s on your computer, they get what’s on your phone, they get what’s on your tablet. They get everything across the board, and I don’t think people understand just how much information they have on you,” she explained. “I think people are starting to wake up to that, but people need to understand just how much information is out there about them. I do opposition research on certain candidates and stuff like that, so I know what’s out there, but every day I’m surprised about what you can find or about what can happen.”

McNally continued to tell an anecdote about how her phone informed her how long it would take to get to the Secretary of State’s office when she entered her car, despite the fact that she hadn’t told the phone she was planning to go to the Secretary of State’s office, which she described as “spooky.”

“When you’re at work you sign into your Gmail, you sign into apps, and you always use the Google platform,” McNally proclaimed. “That’s the thing about Google; they are across the board. You’re at work; you’re on your phone, you’re on your tablet, you’re on your computer. You now have the Google Home… They have the navigation services. So that is all-encompassing… I think people will start pulling back from some of these things and consider what they’re putting out there about themselves, and their children actually. I think that’s the other thing too; it’s amazing how much is out there about your children.”

“We’re not consumers. We’re the products. And that’s the thing, we don’t have that mindset,” she concluded. “We consider ourselves the consumers, so we think we’re safe, and we need to change that mindset.”

Free Our Internet is sponsoring Breitbart News’ upcoming live town hall — “Masters of the Universe: Big Tech vs. Free Speech and Privacy,” which will take place on April 5 in New Orleans, Louisiana, and will also be available to watch live online.

Charlie Nash is a reporter for Breitbart Tech. You can follow him on Twitter @MrNashington, or like his page at Facebook.

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