Warning: Trump Supporters Targeted in This State…

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With political tensions remaining high and a new tragedy occurring nearly every month, President Donald Trump has repeatedly called on the American people to come together in unity and prayer, and expressed his faith that our nation can once again heal our divisions and become whole.

Yet, there are those on the left who appear to want no part of the peaceful unity that Trump and his supporters have sought. They have made their presence known, whether through snarky, hateful remarks on social media or by way of violent physical assaults committed by the likes of groups like antifa.

A shocking report detailing the concerning and potentially violent measures the anti-Trump crowd is pursuing against Trump supporters recently emerged via Campus Reform. The group alerted everyone to the fact that the antifa chapter at the University of California-Berkeley has been stalking, targeting and not-so-subtly threatening the Berkeley College Republicans group.

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The report noted that the Berkeley Antifa Twitter account recently posted the following: “BCR meeting right now inside Eureka at 2068 Center St after drinking with Kyle Chapman and Joey Gibson at Fashy’s, I mean, Pappy’s,” followed by another tweet naming names of the BCR members in attendance at the dinner.

Some of our readers may know Kyle Chapman as “Based Stickman,” who rose to fame among the alt-right for donning a helmet, makeshift shield and stick to battle with antifa thugs, as well as Joey Gibson, founder of a peaceful pro-Trump, pro-free speech group known as Patriot Prayer, according to The Daily Caller.

“Conservatives in Berkeley are routinely targeted, harassed, and stalked,” Naweed Tahmas, vice president of the BCR and one of those named in the tweet, told Campus Reform. “Knowing that they have sympathizers within both the city administration and university administration, leftist groups will continue to target conservatives as they know there are no consequences to their actions.”

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“It has become socially acceptable in Berkeley to physically beat someone for being a conservative,” Tahmas added. “In fact, it is even encouraged.”

Tahmas’ assessment of the frightening situation was echoed by Ashton Whitty, another of the BCR members named in the tweet, who has been targeted and harassed and threatened physically by antifa recently.

“Antifa has taken pictures of me, they’ve followed me on the street, and have tracked my location using social media,” Whitty revealed. “It’s rather odd why these people would see us as such a priority when we’re just everyday people.”

Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear as though antifa or other leftists groups prone to commit violence have any intentions of backing off. That should cause concern among all Trump supporters in Berkeley or the rest of California, or anywhere antifa has a presence. They have made it clear they have no problem getting violent with so-called “fascists,” their term for anyone who doesn’t hold the same far-left views as their own.

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Until groups targeting conservatives or threatening violence like antifa are dealt with in a manner that makes it crystal clear their behavior is socially unacceptable, Trump supporters must remain on guard, lest they fall victim to angry leftists still upset over their stunning electoral loss and the right-ward shift of the country going forward.

H/T Christian News Alerts

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Ithaca Prof: National Anthem, ‘God Bless America’ Are ‘Warmongering’ Songs

An Ithaca College professor says patriotic songs like the national anthem and “God Bless America” are “expressions of hyper-patriotism” and have no place at sporting events.

Stephen Mosher, who teaches “sports as political resistance” and “sport and popular culture” – both clearly very necessary exercises in higher education, penned an op-ed for The Ithacan bemoaning an American public who clamors to hear the national anthem at all of their sporting events.

The songs, Mosher says, have ““changed our ‘philosophy” about “what it means to be an American,” plunging us into a mode of “hyper-patriotism” that encourages “warmongering.”

“Sporting events don’t need a national anthem,” he claims. “Irving Berlin’s warmongering song “God Bless America” became our second, unofficial national anthem at the ballpark” only after the September 11th attacks, he continued, adding that NFL team owners are mostly to blame for the rise in national pride at sporting events.

“These men are the oligarchs — many are Trump contributors — who are simply protecting their investments,” Mosher says, before accusing these corporate overlords, and President Trump himself, of being “jingoists spreading lies.”

It may come as no surprise that Mosher is a Baby Boomer, conditioned in the 1960s to a sort of knee-jerk leftism. He speaks fondly of his time spent protesting the Vietnam war, though by his own admission, he made great strides against the mid-century fascists from a comfortable dorm room at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. Desperate to relive his glory days, apparently, Mosher is inculcating an entirely new generation with his deep thoughts on America’s pastimes.

To solve the “problem” of patriotic displays, Mosher suggests that the American flag be banned from tee shirts, athletic uniforms and sports stadiums where its often treated in violation of the U.S. Flag Code (a set of prohibitions leftists rarely refer to when it comes to burning, not wearing, the Stars and Stripes, of course), and proscribing the national anthem from pre-game ceremonies.

Mosher is right in the sense that mandating players be on the field for the national anthem is a recent development. But banning the flag is a Catch-22: without kneeling to the flag, what, pray tell, would have inspired such academic prose as, “Trump’s attacks on ESPN’s Jemele Hill for expressing her own views, that he is and supports white supremacy, via her personal Twitter, reveals a leader whose skin is paper thin.”

It boggles the mind.

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Professor: ‘White Supremacist Patriarchy’ Responsible For Vegas Shooting

Some leftists have stepped away from blaming America’s 2nd Amendment for the mass-shooting in Las Vegas in order to blame another one of their favorite targets: the white supremacist patriarchy.

Ranting on his Twitter feed, Drexel professor George Ciccariello lashed out at the patriarchy for somehow enabling the Vegas killing spree.

The professor even criticized efforts to enact gun control, the typical knee-jerk reaction from leftists after these horrific events. He had enough intellectual honesty to admit that gun control laws would not have helped prevent this attack.

So why the white patriarchy? Ciccariello says that it enables white males to believe they can have anything they want.

Professor Ciccariello has a history of saying crazy things about white privilege, taking it to the most insane of extremes when he tweeted, “All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide” in 2016.

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FLASHBACK: Reporter Tries To Prove Buying An ‘Assault Rifle’ Is Easy, Gets REJECTED

A Chicago journalist set out to prove last year just how easy it was for anyone to buy an “assault rifle.” In the process, the gun store rejected him for failing his background check – to which he concluded that the store held him to a different standard than “the American public.”

Neil Steinberg, a journalist at the Chicago Sun-Times, tried to buy a semi-automatic rifle at Maxon Shooter’s Supplies in Des Plaines, Illinois, following the Orlando nightclub massacre to prove how easy it was to obtain an “assault rifle.”

To make the purchase Steinberg needed a Firearm’s Owners’ Identification Card (FOID), which he had, and he needed to fill out the background check forms that are required to buy a firearm.

During the 24-hour waiting period, the gun store informed Steinberg that he was not legally eligible to purchase the gun because he failed his background check due to “an admitted history of alcohol abuse, and a charge for domestic battery involving his wife.”


In his article, Steinberg tried to dismiss the reason why he was rejected by trying to claim that terrorists could buy guns but reporters could not.

“Would-be terrorists can buy guns. Insane people can buy guns. But reporters . . . that’s a different story,” Steinberg wrote.

Steinberg also claimed that the standards applied to him by the gun store were not the same standards applied to the American public – despite offering no proof to validate his claims.

“Were that same standard applied to the American public, there would be a whole lot fewer guns sold,” Steinberg continued. “Beside, they knew I planned to immediately sell it back to them.”

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White House: Full speed ahead on late-term abortion ban; Update: Passes House, 237-189

Get ready for another political maelstrom to burst open this week. Last night, the White House came down foursquare in favor of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (HR36), which would bar all abortions after the 20th week of gestation. The statement emphasizes just how extreme US abortion procedures are among the global community:

“The United States is currently out of the mainstream in the family of nations,” the statement declares, “in which only 7 out of 198 nations allow elective abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.” That data comes from a 2014 study by the Charlotte Lozier Institute, which studied abortion practices. We are part of a dubious club of nations that includes North Korea, China, and Vietnam, as well as the Netherlands, Singapore, and … oh, Canada.  That basically puts us and Canada in league with euthanasists and forced-aborters, not exactly dignified company for Americans and Canadians.

Getting this bill through the House might be tough. Getting it through the Senate may be impossible, at least in this session. It will be subject to a cloture vote, which means it will need 60 votes to eventually get to a floor vote on the bill itself. Even if all 52 Republicans stand firm on HR36 — and that’s questionable considering the support for Planned Parenthood from Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski during the ObamaCare repeal efforts — they’d need eight Democrats to avoid a filibuster.

So … which Democrats will want to take on the abortion lobby? Planned Parenthood spent slightly over $20 million in the 2016 cycle, including $4 million in direct contributions, according to data at OpenSecrets. (In contrast, the NRA spent around $58 million in the same cycle, but only $1 million on direct contributions.) They’ll paint a target on their backs in a party that has declared unfettered abortion rights as a litmus test for candidates, and any support will draw an immediate primary challenge effort. Republicans will need a good midterm to push their numbers closer to the magic 60 to get this through, and right now there’s a fair chance that they may not hold the House after 2018.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, who has influence across the aisle, urged Senators from both parties to do the right thing and pass HR36. He called the bill “common-sense reform,” and wondered what is says about America that we even have to debate its wisdom:

“All decent and humane people are repulsed by the callous and barbarous treatment of women and children in clinics … that abort children after 20 weeks,” said the cardinal, who is chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities. He made the comments in letters to each member of the House.

“While there are divergent views on the practice of abortion,” Cardinal Dolan said, “it is widely recognized from public opinion polls that a strong majority of the public is consistently opposed to late-term abortions.” …

“What does it say about us as a nation, if we will not act against abortions that even full-time abortionists find abhorrent?” Cardinal Dolan asked.

Nothing good, Donald Trump appears to say. Believe me.

Update: It’s heading over to the Senate on what looks like an entirely party-line vote:

That doesn’t bode well for the bill in the upper chamber, but … we can pray for miracles.

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Hurricane Maria Could Change the Politics of Puerto Rico, Florida, and America Forever

Puerto Ricans relocating to Florida have already had a significant effect on the politics of the Sunshine State, and the process may well intensify after Hurricane Maria’s devastation of the island.

Since Florida is a hotly contested swing state that has changed the course of presidential elections, it’s no exaggeration to say that Maria may end up changing the American political landscape permanently.

Politico quotes San Juan Municipal Assembly President Marco Rigau bluntly predicting that the post-Maria exodus of up to one million Puerto Ricans will mean “a lot more people voting Democrat in Florida.”

“Puerto Ricans don’t like President Trump. When he shows on Tuesday, he’ll say, ‘The Puerto Ricans love me’ because people won’t be picketing. But he has no idea,” Rigau added, offering a preview of what the migration could mean for President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign in 2020.

Florida already has about a million Puerto Rican residents, concentrated around Orlando, Tampa, and Miami. That gives Florida about 20 percent of the total Puerto Rican population in the continental United States. Far more Puerto Ricans live on the continent than on the island. If most of the anticipated evacuees decide to settle in Florida for the long term, it’s possible Florida could end up with more Puerto Ricans than Puerto Rico, whose current population is around 3.5 million. Lower-end estimates anticipate perhaps 100,000 new immigrants to Florida, which would still have a significant impact on the state’s precariously-balanced politics.

The Miami Herald noted in January that Florida has become a much more popular destination for Puerto Ricans than traditional favorites like New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago. Driven by a recession on the island since 2006, Puerto Ricans were considered on track to become the largest Hispanic group in Florida by the next presidential election, and that was before Hurricane Maria.

The first Puerto Rican congressman from Florida, Democrat Darren Soto, was elected from the 9th District (eastern Orlando) in 2016. He defeated his Republican opponent Wayne Liebnitzky, by 15 points.

Politicians and strategists from both major political parties are already positioning themselves for a Puerto Rican influx to Florida. Everyone from Governor Rick Scott to the state’s congressional representatives has been deeply and visibly involved in hurricane relief efforts. Aggressive political warfare is being waged over President Trump’s handling of the crisis, most likely with an eye toward shaping the opinions of Puerto Ricans who decide to move stateside.

The Tampa Bay Times notes that Senator Marco Rubio won the Puerto Rico primary during his 2016 bid for the Republican presidential nomination, and has favorably impressed island residents with his response to Hurricane Maria.

“Puerto Ricans are American citizens, they have the right to live anywhere in the country. They’ve certainly enriched Florida. My only view on it has been is that if people come to the mainland from Puerto Rico it should be because they want to, not because they have to,” Rubio said at a press conference last week.

Rubio also offered the politically difficult but logical observation that if a large number of Puerto Ricans leave after Maria, it will shrink the already distressed tax base and economy even further, making long-term recovery efforts difficult. It remains to be seen if such considerations sway potential evacuees, especially those who were already thinking about moving to Florida or New York in search of better job opportunities.

Many analysts thought the Puerto Rican economy was in a death spiral already, and it simply cannot absorb the shock of Maria. Conor Sen made some grim predictions at Bloomberg View.

While many Puerto Ricans will want to stay, or lack the resources to leave, we should be realistic about what shape the rebuilding process will take over the next several months. Electrical systems need wholesale reconstruction. Water systems were damaged. Agriculture is in ruins. Cell towers and power lines need to be rebuilt. And that’s to say nothing of roads, homes and schools. What Puerto Rico needs is a blank check of resources – political will, labor and money –  in order to rebuild. There’s a sad chance that the resources simply will not be found. The mainland should prepare for an influx of Puerto Ricans over the next several months and years. 

Emily Bonilla, a Puerto Rican elected to the Orange County Commission in Florida in 2016, speculated to the Tampa Bay Times that Puerto Ricans’ strong sense of family will motivate those already living in the United States to invite relatives in distress after Maria to come and live with them.

“We know people will come here. They have family here. They have friends here. They’re comfortable coming to Florida,” Governor Rick Scott said on Tuesday while announcing the opening of three aid centers for displaced Puerto Ricans, echoing Bonilla’s point about family ties.

“We’re going to do whatever we can. Do they need a job? Do they need housing? Do they need to find a family and friend? Is there a host family that could help them?” said Scott, who has been criticized by Florida Democrats for not doing as much as he could to help Puerto Rico after the hurricane. (Scott says Puerto Rico has not formally requested the aid materials assembled by Florida or committed to pay the upfront costs, as required by the Emergency Management Assistance Compact, but Democrats charge he’s allowing bureaucratic concerns to thwart the delivery of vitally needed supplies.)

“Scott declined to say whether Maria evacuees – upset at President Donald Trump’s handling of the disaster response – could turn into blue Florida voters casting ballots against the president and governor in future elections,” writes the Miami Herald.

This, of course, suggests that a reporter hit Scott with that supremely loaded question, and he “declined” to answer it. If he, or any other Republican, is foolish enough to answer a question like that in the heat of hurricane coverage, the new storyline will become that Republicans view Puerto Ricans as political enemies, even when they’re in distress.

Conor Sen took a shot at estimating the political fallout from Maria at Bloomberg View:

Since 2010, Pennsylvania’s Puerto Rican population has grown by 78,000. Donald Trump won Pennsylvania in 2016 by only 44,000 voters. Since 2010, Florida’s Puerto Rican population has grown by 220,000. Trump won that state by 113,000 votes. If Democrats flip those two states in 2020 and every other state voted as it did in 2016, Democrats will win the presidency. Now imagine Pennsylvania takes in another 100,000 Puerto Ricans, and Florida takes in another 300,000 over the next few years, all of whom would be eligible voters.

Republican Puerto Rican activist Jorge Bonilla offered a contrary view at Politico, noting that the PR vote has been more difficult for Democrats to turn out in practice than in theory. According to Bonilla, many register as independents because “they have seen the failure of partisan politics back home, and that’s why the Puerto Rican vote in Florida is so abysmally low.”

Still, the Puerto Rican vote is seen as easier for Democrats to get, especially if the political fallout from Maria response permanently damages Trump with evacuees. As attorney David Efron put it to Politico: “Trump should be doing everything in his power to rebuild Puerto Rico and keep people here. Otherwise they’re coming to Florida, and they’re not voting for Trump.”

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Video Shows Why Country Fans Were Best Prepared to Deal With Shooter


Video Shows Why Country Fans Were Best Prepared to Deal With Shooter

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On Monday morning, Americans woke up to news that scores of people had been slaughtered in Las Vegas, and hundreds more were wounded in the worst mass shooting in American history.

The carnage caused by one gunman is almost unfathomable. In the aftermath of the shooting, first responders were simply overwhelmed by the number of injured, and that’s when ordinary Americans stepped up to the plate, Tribunist reported.

Many people who attended the country music concert had pickup trucks, and soon those trucks were being loaded with injured people and driven straight to local hospitals where they could be treated for their injures.

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Video from the scene showed people being loaded into trucks. You can watch one video here. (WARNING: Images may be disturbing.)

With a crowd of 22,000 and over 500 injured, there are simply no plans that can work perfectly. All the first-responder training in the world can’t prepare you for something like that.

Luckily, there were ordinary citizens who were willing to step up and help transport the wounded to hospitals. And thanks to the fact that it was a country western concert, the kind of event  that drew more pickup truck owners in its audience than many other kinds of entertainment, it’s a good bet that many made it to a hospital for treatment who otherwise might not have.

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The level of death and injury is unlike anything this country has ever seen from a mass shooting. There are simply no words to describe the horrors that occurred on that fateful night.

However in the midst of all that pain and suffering, there were good people who stepped up to the plate, and helped out however they could and tried to save as many lives as possible.

From the people who shielded others from bullets with their own bodies, to the thousands of people who donated online to help out those injured, Americans came together after the shooting to help out in any way possible.

This shooting showed us the worst of humanity, but it showed us the best of what this nation has to offer. Going forward we need to remember that there is still more good than bad in this country — even after something as evil and horrific as this massacre.

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Statistician Who Championed Stringent Gun Control Now Argues Against It After Studying Data

Writing in The Washington Post, Leah Libresco, a statistician and former newswriter at FiveThirtyEight, the site run by famed statistician Nate Silver, admits that she reversed herself on gun control, evolving from blaming the NRA for gun deaths to realizing more stringent, blanket gun control was not an answer to gun deaths.

Libresco starts by confessing that before she started researching gun deaths, gun-control policy used to frustrate her, and she blamed the National Rifle Association for blocking the banning of assault weapons, restricting silencers, and shrinking magazine sizes.

Then she started analyzing data from the roughly 33,000 lives ended by guns each year in the United States, and a light bulb went on. She writes that when she examined the evidence, “The best ideas left standing were narrowly tailored interventions to protect subtypes of potential victims, not broad attempts to limit the lethality of guns.”

Notably, Libresco dismisses the oft-stated myth that the tight gun laws in Britain and Australia had any relevance for America, as she writes, “Neither nation experienced drops in mass shootings or other gun related-crime that could be attributed to their buybacks and bans.”

Libresco continues, “When I looked at the other oft-praised policies, I found out that no gun owner walks into the store to buy an ‘assault weapon.’ It’s an invented classification that includes any semi-automatic that has two or more features, such as a bayonet mount, a rocket-propelled grenade-launcher mount, a folding stock or a pistol grip. But guns are modular, and any hobbyist can easily add these features at home, just as if they were snapping together Legos.”

Libresco notes, “Silencers limit hearing damage for shooters but don’t make gunfire dangerously quiet. An AR-15 with a silencer is about as loud as a jackhammer.”

Some more reality: “Two-thirds of gun deaths in the United States every year are suicides. Almost no proposed restriction would make it meaningfully harder for people with guns on hand to use them.”

Segueing to the next-largest set of gun deaths, young men aged 15 to 34, killed in homicides, and the tertiary set, women killed (mostly as the result of domestic violence), Libresco decides, “Few of the popularly floated policies were tailored to serve them.”

Libresco writes, “I can’t endorse policies whose only selling point is that gun owners hate them … I found the most hope in more narrowly tailored interventions.”


Older men, who make up the largest share of gun suicides, need better access to people who could care for them and get them help. Women endangered by specific men need to be prioritized by police, who can enforce restraining orders prohibiting these men from buying and owning guns. Younger men at risk of violence need to be identified before they take a life or lose theirs and to be connected to mentors who can help them de-escalate conflicts.

Libresco concludes: “We save lives by focusing on a range of tactics to protect the different kinds of potential victims and reforming potential killers, not from sweeping bans focused on the guns themselves.”

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President Trump Stands Up for People with Down Syndrome, No Excuse to ‘Discard Human Life’

Amidst widely publicized efforts to eradicate people with Down syndrome, President Donald Trump has issued a forceful statement in their defense, calling for an end to discrimination based on genetic anomalies.

“Sadly, there remain too many people – both in the United States and throughout the world – that still see Down syndrome as an excuse to ignore or discard human life,” Trump said in an official statement recognizing Down Syndrome Awareness Month. “This sentiment is and will always be tragically misguided. We must always be vigilant in defending and promoting the unique and special gifts of all citizens in need.”

“We should not tolerate any discrimination against them, as all people have inherent dignity,” the President added.

In August, CBS News aired a report revealing that nearly 100 percent of pregnant women in Iceland whose babies test positive for Down Syndrome end up aborting their children, a statistic that many view as a sign of “progress.”

“My understanding is that we have basically eradicated, almost, Down syndrome from our society—that there is hardly ever a child with Down syndrome in Iceland anymore,” said Kari Stefansson, a geneticist and the founder of deCODE Genetics, a company that has studied nearly the entire Icelandic population’s genomes.

The selective abortion of babies suspected of having Down syndrome jumped by 34 percent between 2011 and 2014, due to “increased access to blood tests via private clinics,” according to an article by Tim Stanley in the Telegraph early last year.

Stanley cited the head of a midwife association in Denmark, who declared: “When you can discover almost all the foetuses with Down Syndrome, then we are approaching a situation in which almost all of them will be aborted.”

Also in 2016, France’s State Council confirmed a television ban of an award-winning video showing smiling children with Down syndrome, declaring that the “inappropriate” images of happy Down syndrome children might bother women who had chosen to abort their babies.

The Council stated that the video in question could not be shown since it was “likely to trouble the conscience of women who had made different personal life choices in compliance with the law.”

Crusades to terminate babies with Down syndrome are not limited to Iceland, Denmark and France. Last month, an Indiana judge ruled in favor of abortion giant Planned Parenthood in a suit brought against HEA 1337, a state law banning abortions based on a prenatal diagnosis of disabilities such as Down syndrome.

In a 22-page decision, U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Walton Pratt, an Obama appointee, issued a permanent injunction against Indiana’s “Sex Selective and Disability Abortion Ban” that protected babies with Down syndrome from being aborted because of their condition.

The first “National Down Syndrome Month” was celebrated in 1984, after President Ronald Reagan signed a Congressional joint resolution proclaiming the first commemoration of its kind. It has been more than ten years since another U.S. president officially marked the celebration.

In his statement this week, President Trump noted “the significant contributions that people with Down syndrome make to their families, to their communities, and to our Nation.”

“We also salute the family members, caregivers, medical professionals, and advocates who have dedicated themselves to ensuring that these extraordinary people enjoy lives filled with love and increasing opportunity,” he said.

“This month,” he said, “we renew our Nation’s strong commitment to promoting the health, well-being, and inherent dignity of all children and adults with Down syndrome.”

Trump said that a key aim of the month is to “increase public awareness regarding the true nature of this condition, and to dispel the stubborn myths” that still surround it.

“The approximately 250,000 Americans with Down syndrome truly embody the great spirit of our Nation,” Trump wrote.

“They inspire joy, kindness, and wonder in our families, our workplaces, and our communities. We will always endeavor to make sure that their precious gifts are never maligned or taken for granted,” he said.

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Democrats Beg Susan Collins to Stay in the Senate

Senate Democrats beg Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) not to run for governor of Maine, a move that would rid the Senate of one of its most liberal Republicans.

When Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) heard that Sen. Collins might run for Maine governor in 2018, Heitkamp texted Collins, “Don’t do it.” Heitkamp added, “I desperately hope she doesn’t run.”

Collins’ departure would serve as another blow to moderates and centrists in the upper chamber of Congress. She was an infamous roadblock against repealing Obamacare this year; Collins’ vote against the “skinny” Obamacare repeal bill and opposition to the Graham-Cassidy block grant legislation tanked Obamacare repeal twice.

Collins’ opposition to Obamacare repeal drew the ire of Maine Republican Gov. Paul LePage, who endorsed the Graham-Cassidy legislation. During the Graham-Cassidy debate, Gov. LePage called on Collins to “start paying attention to Maine people.”

Most Republicans remain quiet about whether Collins should stay in the Senate or run for governor, although Senate Democrats and independents continue to urge her to stay in Congress.

Sen. Angus King (I-ME), who caucuses with Democrats, reportedly urged her to remain in the Senate also.

Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), too, called on her to stay in the Senate. McCaskill claimed, “She’s so important to the country here. We don’t have enough folks like her.”

Sen. Collins faces an uphill battle if she runs for governor of Maine. A survey indicated that Collins has become increasingly unpopular among Maine Republican primary voters. Sixty-two percent of Maine citizens disapproved of her job performance, and 62 percent of those polled also said they would rather vote for someone else in the Republican primary for Maine governor. Forty-four percent of Maine Republicans polled suggested they would rather support Mary Mayhew, the former Health and Human Services commissioner for Maine. Sixty-one percent of Maine Republican primary voters suggested that Sen. Collins’ voting against Obamacare repeal made them less likely to vote for Collins for governor.

Given that Collins voted against Obamacare repeal in 2015, voted against the “skinny” repeal in July, and opposed the Graham-Cassidy Obamacare repeal bill this fall, some conservatives have questioned whether she represents Maine in the Senate as a Republican in name only.

Jason Pye, vice president of legislative affairs for FreedomWorks, asked, “Is Susan Collins actually a Republican? She conferences with the Republicans, there’s an R next to her name, but a question mark is more appropriate.”

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