First Lady Melania Trump Honors Military, Wishes All a ‘Blessed Thanksgiving’

First Lady Melania Trump took to Twitter on Thursday to wish Americans a “blessed Thanksgiving” and thank those in the military serving overseas.

“May you all have a blessed Thanksgiving! Enjoy time with your family and friends. To those in our military who are serving overseas, you are in our thoughts and prayers – our nation is thankful for all you do!” Trump wrote:

The First Lady’s Thanksgiving message coincided with President Trump’s Thanksgiving proclamation, which acknowledged the “blessings afforded to us by our Creator” and “God’s divine providence,” which paved the way for the America we know today:

Since the first settlers to call our country home landed on American shores, we have always been defined by our resilience and propensity to show gratitude even in the face of great adversity, always remembering the blessings we have been given in spite of the hardships we endure.

The president also asked God to “watch over our service members, especially those whose selfless commitment to serving our country and defending our sacred liberty has called them to duty overseas during the holiday season.”

“We also pray for our law enforcement officials and first responders as they carry out their duties to protect and serve our communities,” Trump’s proclamation continued.

“As a Nation, we owe a debt of gratitude to both those who take an oath to safeguard us and our way of life as well as to their families, and we salute them for their immeasurable sacrifices,” he added.

Many political figures extended their warm Thanksgiving wishes on social media as well.

“From my family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving! Let’s never forget that we live in the greatest country in the world! Have an awesome day!” Eric Trump wrote:

“@FLCaseyDeSantis and I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving,” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said.

“We have so much to be thankful for this year, and we appreciate the support we have received,” he continued, wishing everyone a day filled with “good times with family, food and football”:


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Ronald Reagan’s 1985 Thanksgiving Address: ‘Thank God for the Bounty and Goodness of our Nation’

Former President Ronald Reagan delivered a memorable Thanksgiving address in 1985, with his words continuing to ring true 34 years later.

The 40th president delivered brief remarks on the cherished holiday, urging Americans to thank God for the liberty they enjoy in the United States.

“You know, the Statue of Liberty and this wonderful holiday called Thanksgiving go together naturally because although as Americans we have many things for which to be thankful, none is more important than our liberty,” he said, painting a stark contrast between the freedoms Americans enjoyed and the oppression that remains a reality for so many across the globe:

He continued:

Liberty: that quality of government, that brightness of mind and spirit for which the Pilgrim Fathers braved the seas and Americans for two centuries have laid down their lives.

Today, while religion is suppressed in perhaps one third of the world, we Americans are free to worship the Almighty as we choose.

While entire nations must endure the yoke of tyranny, we are free to speak our minds, to enjoy an unfettered and vigorous press, and to make government abide by the limits we deem just. While millions live behind walls, we remain free to travel throughout the land to share this precious day with those we love most deeply – the members of our families.

“My fellow Americans, let us keep this Thanksgiving Day sacred,” he added, urging Americans to thank God for the “bounty and goodness of our nation.”

“And as a measure of our gratitude, let us rededicate ourselves to the preservation of this: the land of the free and the home of the brave,” Reagan concluded. “From the Reagan family to your family: Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you all.”

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Gifts That Keep on Giving

Thanksgiving and Christmas seem to come earlier each year.
Though the dates remain the same, the promotions from advertisers don’t.

Christmas decorations are appearing before Halloween.
Merchants can’t wait for Thanksgiving to end so they can promote “Black
Friday,” itself beginning days and even weeks before the day after

Catalogs fill my mailbox, all promoting stuff for which I have
no room and little interest. Does anyone remember what they received last
Christmas, if it wasn’t a big-ticket item like a car? OK, how about five years
ago? Stuff wears out, goes out of style, or is eventually discarded.
“Where’s the real stuff in life to cling to?” goes the song lyric.

One answer is in a catalog worth having. It’s produced by
the international humanitarian organization World Vision. Not only do they
offer to construct water pipes from wells bringing clean water to villages in
impoverished countries, but they also provide goats to poor families in Africa
and other places that produce milk and income.

It’s not only overseas where help is needed. According to World Vision’s website, “One in five children in the United States lives in a family struggling with poverty.”

How can this be in the richest country on Earth with so many social service and public assistance programs available? There are many causes of poverty, a lack of an adequate education, unemployment, underemployment, addiction, familial abuse. World Vision offers help to those in need until they provide for themselves.

How does it work? World Vision explains: “By engaging
churches and organizations and providing a way for manufacturers and businesses
to share excess resources with people struggling with poverty. In 2018, we were
able to reach more than 4 million people, including 2.2 million children,
through our various U.S. ministries.”

What could you buy or give that would have such an immediate impact on so many lives?

World Vision also has education resources. The goal is not to sustain people in poverty, but to help them reach financial independence, something especially conservatives who dislike big government should support:

At World Vision Teacher Resource Centers, they get to select free items a few times per year to stock up on school supplies, classroom materials, books, games, and incentives to keep students engaged in lessons. This ministry impacted 288,829 students and teachers at 788 schools nationwide in 2018.

How often do politicians equate true compassion with the number of people not dependent on government?

There are also traditional child sponsorship programs, some with a new twist in which the child gets to pick his or her sponsor.

The point is, what gives the most satisfaction? Is it toys for children who may already have enough, or is it changing another life, not only with toys, or money, or goats, but sending a message that another human being cares about them? Sometimes that is motivation enough for people who feel abandoned, unloved, and unwanted.

Try it. I have. Even if you are doing it to make yourself
feel good, that’s enough. It will do more than that for people without
resources and without hope. It will make for a Christmas that is not only
merrier for the giver and receiver, but it will truly be a gift that keeps on
giving for perhaps generations to come.

(c) 2019 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

The post Gifts That Keep on Giving appeared first on The Daily Signal.

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Millennials Want to Get Rid of Thanksgiving

Just days before our national Thanksgiving holiday, a report explained that Millennial students in their wisdom say, “It’s not okay to celebrate Thanksgiving.”

What would we do without these young people correcting the rest of us, the fossil generations?!

According to The College Fix, college students think Thanksgiving represents “oppression” because it is “based off of the genocide of indigenous people.”  They see Thanksgiving in terms of the “themes of oppression and colonization.”  More to the point, with the focus on eating a “bunch of food,” Thanksgiving is “just a bunch of capitalist b——-.”  Some of the students “believe most American holidays are rooted in oppression.”  Others see Americans celebrating “unethical holidays.”  A few proclaim that “no holidays with religious connotations should be observed.”

No wonder today’s students have such warped views of life; most have no grounding in history.  They do not know, for instance, that half of the Pilgrims who braved the storms of the North Atlantic for two months in early winter died before the feeling the warmth of summer.  A few died at sea before they were able to leave the Mayflower.  They have little to no appreciation of the fact that throughout most of history, life for all but a few has been the struggle for bare survival.  Thus, they cannot understand the fact that some Pilgrims were willing to endure being indentured servants for the desperate hope of an opportunity for a better life after they worked off the cost of their passage.  The thankfulness of the Pilgrims was rooted in these harsh realities, something today’s students should be thankful to have never experienced.

It’s not enough that Thanksgiving is already being swallowed up by Halloween and Christmas.  Before the Halloween candy is all gone and the jack-o-lantern candles are blown out, Christmas paraphernalia is displayed in stores, and Christmas lights go on around neighborhoods.  Now we have a whole generation who cannot be bothered to express thanks for what they already have before making out a list of expensive items they want at the Black Friday sales that, this year, begin Thanksgiving afternoon.

I grew up among people for whom getting a college education was a rare privilege.  When my father returned from serving in the Marine Corps during WWII, the G.I. Bill enable him to go to college, the first in his family to do so.  I felt incredibly blessed that my parents considered it important enough to sacrifice to send me to college.  That was a gift, and it was not to be wasted; I was expected to do my best and to take advantage of every opportunity to learn, enrich my mind, refine my taste, and work part-time.

How arrogant are today’s students to think that they are above thanking God for the blessings that they enjoy in such abundance without having really earned any of it through their own efforts?  How dare they disparage those early settlers who cut their way through forests and blazed trails across mountains, facing deprivation, dangers, and hunger such as today’s young people have never experienced?  Generally, Americans from the past who established and celebrated Thanksgiving were the “salt of the earth,” the “backbone of our community,” and the “elders of the church.”  How dare these privileged college students look down their noses at those who made it possible for them to go to college with a car, smartphone, computer, and spending money as well?

How privileged they are!  How ungrateful they are!

Those Millennials interviewed and quoted in the report by The College Fix and the thousands who share their skewed beliefs need to be reminded that their ideas are not the last word.  They need to read Proverbs 4:7, which reminds that “Wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting, get understanding” (King James Version of the Bible).

I would also suggest that those Millennials need to go back to some basic “understanding” of Thanksgiving.  The history of Thanksgiving in the U.S. is inextricably linked to religion.  The earliest celebrations started in the church with the Puritans in the 1600s.  George Washington, as president on November 26, 1789, set aside Thanksgiving as “a day for public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favours [sic] of Almighty God.”  Then in 1941, Thanksgiving, to be celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November, became an official federal holiday.  In 1963, President John F. Kennedy reiterated the importance of the forefathers establishing Thanksgiving as a time set apart to express thanks for numerous blessings; he ended with the forefathers’ stressing the need to be thankful for “the faith which united them with their God.”

It has become fashionable to declare that America is not a Christian nation.  In fact, even in 2019, as the percentage has decreased, the Pew Forum reports that fully 70.6% of American adults still identify as Christian.  Some people like to claim that the U.S. was not founded as a Christian nation.  The Puritans most certainly “envisioned a government that would promote and encourage Christianity.”  Even our education system was grounded on that same bedrock foundation, with “all but two of the first 108 universities founded in America” being Christian and established to educate the clergy and build the church.  Those early privileged students who were able to get a much valued college education were taught that their purpose was “to know God and Jesus Christ” and to live their lives following “the moral principles of the Ten Commandments.”

The nation’s universities have wandered into a barren wilderness, far from that purpose and those goals.  Many of today’s students are poorer for it; many earn credentials but are not on a path to a life with meaning and purpose.  Many lack an understanding of history; certainly, in all their so-called “learning,” they have not gained wisdom or understanding.

Thanksgiving in America is a holiday that is both religious and secular.  In recent years, we have let the secular overshadow — even obliterate — the religious significance of the day.  Only a few celebrations involve time for sincere prayers of gratitude for all the blessings that we enjoy in this great country.  Sadly, one of the biggest points of division in the country is whether America truly is a great nation.  We should not be surprised in such a climate to find our young people are cynical and see the American past through a distorted lens that sees only oppression and colonialization.

Our Thanksgiving, though, provides an opportunity for family and friend groups to come together to share laughter and fellowship.  The traditions associated with the holiday — nationally televised parades in major cities in the morning, everyone gathered around the dinner table for a feast of turkey and all the trimmings around noon, and then, in the afternoon and evening, folks gathered around the television watching football games or movies — are commonly shared experiences across the culture, no matter what state, which religion, or what generation. 

But we must not let the primary reason for Thanksgiving get lost in the overeating and the family/friend fun and togetherness.  In its origins, Thanksgiving was, first and foremost, a day set aside to thank God for allowing us another year of life.  It is a day for us to humbly acknowledge that God is the source of our blessings and of comfort in our sorrows.  He is the Guide and Companion who walks with us through our difficulties as well as the one whose wisdom ultimately lights and directs us on right paths.

Just days before our national Thanksgiving holiday, a report explained that Millennial students in their wisdom say, “It’s not okay to celebrate Thanksgiving.”

What would we do without these young people correcting the rest of us, the fossil generations?!

According to The College Fix, college students think Thanksgiving represents “oppression” because it is “based off of the genocide of indigenous people.”  They see Thanksgiving in terms of the “themes of oppression and colonization.”  More to the point, with the focus on eating a “bunch of food,” Thanksgiving is “just a bunch of capitalist b——-.”  Some of the students “believe most American holidays are rooted in oppression.”  Others see Americans celebrating “unethical holidays.”  A few proclaim that “no holidays with religious connotations should be observed.”

No wonder today’s students have such warped views of life; most have no grounding in history.  They do not know, for instance, that half of the Pilgrims who braved the storms of the North Atlantic for two months in early winter died before the feeling the warmth of summer.  A few died at sea before they were able to leave the Mayflower.  They have little to no appreciation of the fact that throughout most of history, life for all but a few has been the struggle for bare survival.  Thus, they cannot understand the fact that some Pilgrims were willing to endure being indentured servants for the desperate hope of an opportunity for a better life after they worked off the cost of their passage.  The thankfulness of the Pilgrims was rooted in these harsh realities, something today’s students should be thankful to have never experienced.

It’s not enough that Thanksgiving is already being swallowed up by Halloween and Christmas.  Before the Halloween candy is all gone and the jack-o-lantern candles are blown out, Christmas paraphernalia is displayed in stores, and Christmas lights go on around neighborhoods.  Now we have a whole generation who cannot be bothered to express thanks for what they already have before making out a list of expensive items they want at the Black Friday sales that, this year, begin Thanksgiving afternoon.

I grew up among people for whom getting a college education was a rare privilege.  When my father returned from serving in the Marine Corps during WWII, the G.I. Bill enable him to go to college, the first in his family to do so.  I felt incredibly blessed that my parents considered it important enough to sacrifice to send me to college.  That was a gift, and it was not to be wasted; I was expected to do my best and to take advantage of every opportunity to learn, enrich my mind, refine my taste, and work part-time.

How arrogant are today’s students to think that they are above thanking God for the blessings that they enjoy in such abundance without having really earned any of it through their own efforts?  How dare they disparage those early settlers who cut their way through forests and blazed trails across mountains, facing deprivation, dangers, and hunger such as today’s young people have never experienced?  Generally, Americans from the past who established and celebrated Thanksgiving were the “salt of the earth,” the “backbone of our community,” and the “elders of the church.”  How dare these privileged college students look down their noses at those who made it possible for them to go to college with a car, smartphone, computer, and spending money as well?

How privileged they are!  How ungrateful they are!

Those Millennials interviewed and quoted in the report by The College Fix and the thousands who share their skewed beliefs need to be reminded that their ideas are not the last word.  They need to read Proverbs 4:7, which reminds that “Wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting, get understanding” (King James Version of the Bible).

I would also suggest that those Millennials need to go back to some basic “understanding” of Thanksgiving.  The history of Thanksgiving in the U.S. is inextricably linked to religion.  The earliest celebrations started in the church with the Puritans in the 1600s.  George Washington, as president on November 26, 1789, set aside Thanksgiving as “a day for public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favours [sic] of Almighty God.”  Then in 1941, Thanksgiving, to be celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November, became an official federal holiday.  In 1963, President John F. Kennedy reiterated the importance of the forefathers establishing Thanksgiving as a time set apart to express thanks for numerous blessings; he ended with the forefathers’ stressing the need to be thankful for “the faith which united them with their God.”

It has become fashionable to declare that America is not a Christian nation.  In fact, even in 2019, as the percentage has decreased, the Pew Forum reports that fully 70.6% of American adults still identify as Christian.  Some people like to claim that the U.S. was not founded as a Christian nation.  The Puritans most certainly “envisioned a government that would promote and encourage Christianity.”  Even our education system was grounded on that same bedrock foundation, with “all but two of the first 108 universities founded in America” being Christian and established to educate the clergy and build the church.  Those early privileged students who were able to get a much valued college education were taught that their purpose was “to know God and Jesus Christ” and to live their lives following “the moral principles of the Ten Commandments.”

The nation’s universities have wandered into a barren wilderness, far from that purpose and those goals.  Many of today’s students are poorer for it; many earn credentials but are not on a path to a life with meaning and purpose.  Many lack an understanding of history; certainly, in all their so-called “learning,” they have not gained wisdom or understanding.

Thanksgiving in America is a holiday that is both religious and secular.  In recent years, we have let the secular overshadow — even obliterate — the religious significance of the day.  Only a few celebrations involve time for sincere prayers of gratitude for all the blessings that we enjoy in this great country.  Sadly, one of the biggest points of division in the country is whether America truly is a great nation.  We should not be surprised in such a climate to find our young people are cynical and see the American past through a distorted lens that sees only oppression and colonialization.

Our Thanksgiving, though, provides an opportunity for family and friend groups to come together to share laughter and fellowship.  The traditions associated with the holiday — nationally televised parades in major cities in the morning, everyone gathered around the dinner table for a feast of turkey and all the trimmings around noon, and then, in the afternoon and evening, folks gathered around the television watching football games or movies — are commonly shared experiences across the culture, no matter what state, which religion, or what generation. 

But we must not let the primary reason for Thanksgiving get lost in the overeating and the family/friend fun and togetherness.  In its origins, Thanksgiving was, first and foremost, a day set aside to thank God for allowing us another year of life.  It is a day for us to humbly acknowledge that God is the source of our blessings and of comfort in our sorrows.  He is the Guide and Companion who walks with us through our difficulties as well as the one whose wisdom ultimately lights and directs us on right paths.

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Donald Trump Celebrates Unity and Gratitude in Thanksgiving Proclamation

President Donald Trump recalled the spirit of unity and gratitude in his Thanksgiving proclamation for 2019.

Trump noted the pilgrims spent their first Thanksgiving seated in unity with the Wampanoag Tribe after they helped them survive in the New World.

“That first Thanksgiving provided an enduring symbol of gratitude that is uniquely sewn into the fabric of our American spirit,” Trump wrote.

The president also recalled America’s first president, George Washington declared a National Day of Thanksgiving after the Revolutionary War and the new Constitution and President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a day of Thanksgiving after the battle of Gettysburg.

Color postcard celebrating Thanksgiving Day, showing a number of live turkeys, with a large male gobbler in the foreground. (Photo by Archive Photos/Getty Images)

“Since the first settlers to call our country home landed on American shores, we have always been defined by our resilience and propensity to show gratitude even in the face of great adversity, always remembering the blessings we have been given in spite of the hardships we endure,” Trump wrote.

The president asked Americans to remember members of the United States military who had died to protect the country and those serving overseas during the holiday. He also reminded Americans to honor first responders and those serving in law enforcement.

“As we gather today with those we hold dear, let us give thanks to Almighty God for the many blessings we enjoy,” he concluded. “United together as one people, in gratitude for the freedoms and prosperity that thrive across our land, we acknowledge God as the source of all good gifts.”

Trump is spending Thanksgiving with his family at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida.

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Grandma Who Accidentally Invited a Stranger to Thanksgiving Shares the Holiday with Him Another Year

An Arizona grandmother who accidentally texted the wrong number in 2016, inviting a stranger to Thanksgiving, is sharing the holiday with the young man again in what has become a heartwarming annual tradition.

Wanda Dench of Tempe, Arizona, texted the wrong number in 2016, thinking she was inviting her grandson to come over for Thanksgiving dinner. Instead, she was texting 17-year-old Jamal Hinton. When Hinton asked who was texting him, she replied, “It’s your grandma.” He sent a photo confirming that he was not her grandson but asked her to save him a plate, and she did because, “that’s what grandmas do … feed everyone”:

Hinton posted the conversation, which went massively viral on social media. In the years since, the two have shared every Thanksgiving together, documenting the holiday with pictures year after year:

This year is no exception. The two will spend the holiday together again at “Hinton’s girlfriend Mikaela’s Aunt Tauna’s house,” according to ABC News.

“[Wanda] is a really good person,” Hinton, now 20, told Good Morning America this week. “I really enjoy the time I spend with her.”

“We moved around a lot so I was always going to new places. And so strangers were not strangers to me,” Dench said.

“Family is more than blood,” she added. “It’s the people you want to be with.”

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Christian Music Artist TobyMac Shares Powerful Photos and Thank You to Fans After Loss of Son

Nearly a month after TobyMac’s son passed away, the Christian music artist thanked his fans for the overwhelming support he and his family have received.

Truett Foster McKeehan, 21, died unexpectedly on Oct. 23 in his Nashville home.

The following day, his father shared a heartbreaking tribute on Facebook.

“Truett Foster Mckeehan had joy that took the room when he entered,” the post began. “He was a magnetic son and brother and friend. If you met him, you knew him, you remembered him.”

“His smile, his laugh, the encouragement he offered with words or even without. He had an untamable grand personality and dreams to match. And he hated being put in a box.”

TRENDING: Trump Turns Turkey Pardon Into Hilarious Roast of Schiff, Democrats

TobyMac continued to talk about his son’s strong faith and budding music career.

“Truett always had a soft spot for God. The Bible moved him. His heart was warm to the things of his King. He was by no means a cookie cutter Christian but give me a believer who fights to keep believing,” the grieving father wrote.

“My last moment with Truett in person was at his first show this past Thursday at the Factory in Franklin, Tennessee,” he continued. “As I stood in the audience and watched my son bring joy to a room, I was as proud as a “pop” (as tru called me) could be … It couldn’t have been sweeter.”

As TobyMac and his family grieved the sudden loss, however, he received overwhelming support from his fans.

Just ahead of Thanksgiving, the “Steal My Show” artist expressed his gratitude to everyone who showed him compassion during such a difficult time.

“As we enter this week of Thanksgiving we have something we’d like to share … Such overwhelming love has surrounded us this last month,” he wrote. “We still don’t quite know which end is up but we do KNOW, we are loved.

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“As we mourn our firstborn son, God has poured out His love on us through people. He has loved us through you.”

The singer continued by saying that people’s messages, poems and meals have “made death bearable.”

But as he faced the stark reality of death, he was reminded of one of God’s promises.

“The place of death is actually where all that we believe is most significant,” he wrote. “That God has the power to do what he promised, defeat death and give life to anyone who believes.”

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The Left’s Biggest Enemy Isn’t Conservatism, It’s Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance is a phenomenon wherein individuals experience mental distress when they must hold beliefs that they know are contradictory. When confronted with facts that refute said beliefs, people need to either discard one of them (thereby solving the dissonance) or perform mental gymnastics to try to resolve the contradiction in their mind.

Alas, cognitive dissonance appears to be the affliction of our day, and the cacophony of contradictions of “woke” culture is to blame. Indeed, there is a psychologically confirmed positive correlation between depression and liberalism.

There are so many contradictions to resolve: We must rid the world of nationalism, but we must also have socialism.

Capitalism is terrible; read more about this every day on your iPhone.

Anthropogenic climate change is making the world warmer, even though we’re experiencing an irrefutable cold wave.

TRENDING: Trump Turns Turkey Pardon Into Hilarious Roast of Schiff, Democrats

Plastic straws are evil, so we’ll use paper straws in plastic wrappers.

Anyone can change their gender at any time with the stroke of a pen, but we must have 50 percent equal representation between men and women everywhere.

We must celebrate homosexuality and Islam at the same time.

Trump definitely colluded with Russia, but Obama didn’t when he promised Russians “more flexibility.”

Drowning out all this dissonance might be the reason for the relentless stream of propaganda against the president — noise pollution makes it easy to ignore any contradictions.

The most galling paradox among so-called progressives is their crusader’s zeal for absolute rule over all aspects of life when they cannot even run cities over which they have long had complete control. The urban rot of hopelessly blue cities and states are testaments to the failure of the modern Democrat, who is more interested in virtue-signaling their support to the cause de jour rather than running a functional government.

Los Angeles has become a cesspool of vermin and medieval disease. Homeless violence has risen drastically. Last week there was a much-publicized report of a homeless individual dumping a bucket of human waste on an unsuspecting woman. This kind of nightmare isn’t new for California, but the contamination is spreading to once-great red states.

In Denver, vagrancy is so bad that the city streets have begun to look like “bathroom stalls,” and city officials have decided to fine businesses for refusing to clean up after the homeless, rather than insisting that the homeless show some responsibility.

The lunacy of modern left-wing politics — of people insisting they can save the world when they cannot even keep the streets clean — isn’t just contained to the political realm, either. Cognitive dissonance is rampant throughout all forms of leftist operations. And no liberals, it would seem, are immune.

RELATED: Bob Ehrlich: Five More Things the Left Refuses To Get

Even South African genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist Elon Musk has fallen victim: he’s spouting one set of beliefs, then acting in a completely different fashion.

Indeed, while the very charismatic Musk describes himself as “nauseatingly pro-American,” his companies are reliant on the government subsidies to stay afloat rather than, say, the American free market. He may claim his allegiance to American interests, and he might even believe it himself — but his actions tell a radically different story.

Musk says that he loves the United States, but he seems keen to build his business everywhere but here. Just in the past year, he has opened a Tesla factory in China, and is set to begin operations in Israel and Berlin. If he appreciated America as much as he claims, why wouldn’t he want to create U.S. jobs?

His overreliance on government assistance and his proclivity toward production outside the U.S. are actively undermining the very system he claims to hold in such high regard. Again, cognitive dissonance reigns supreme among the left, and no liberals are safe from its influence.

One of the ways that power-seeking groups reinforce control is through social pressure — the modern-day term for this is “shaming.” People won’t admit what they know is true if the inquisition won’t let them.

A KGB defector many years ago described this as “ideological subversion,” where hostile actors change “the perception of reality [so] no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves.” Mayors won’t act to clean up dirty streets, or CEOs won’t act in concert with their stated beliefs. The KGB would be delighted.

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Chick-Fil-A Donates to Extremist Southern Poverty Law Center

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) records show that Chick-fil-A is not only stopping donations to Christian organizations but is funding left-wing extremist groups, including the anti-Christian Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

Chick-fil-A’s 2017 990 IRS filing shows the fast-food franchise made a $2,500 donation to SPLC, among a laundry list of pro-abortion and pro-LGBT orgs, Townhall reports. The Chick-fil-A Foundation has come under conservative scrutiny since its decision to stop supporting Christian charities such as the Salvation Army, caving to disingenuous pressure campaigns from far-left activists.

The SPLC is most infamous for inspiring an attempted domestic terror attack against the Family Research Council (FRC), a group that lobbies for pro-marriage and pro-life policies. In 2013, Floyd Lee Corkins II was sentenced to 25 years in prison in the first-ever conviction for domestic terrorism under Washington, DC, law. Corkins pled guilty to assault with intent to kill and committing an act of terrorism for entering the FRC’s office in August 2012 and shooting a black security guard, who ultimately thwarted his attack. Corkins used the SPLC’s “hate map” — an errorfilled digital map giving the locations of entities that the org deems “hate groups” — to locate the FRC for his planned massacre.

Corkins was carrying a bag of Chick-fil-A sandwiches when he entered the building and started shooting. He later told prosecutors that he planned to smear some of the food on the faces of his would-be victims.

FRC President Tony Perkins swiftly denounced the Chick-fil-A Foundation’s support of “one of the most extreme anti-Christian groups in America.”

“Not only has Chick-fil-A abandoned donations to Christian groups including the Salvation Army, it has donated to one of the most extreme anti-Christian groups in America,” Perkins said in a statement. “Anyone who opposes the SPLC, including many Protestants, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, and traditional conservatives, is slandered and slapped with the ‘extremist’ label or even worse, their ‘hate group’ designation.”

“It’s time for Christians to find a fast food alternative to Chick-fil-A,” he concluded.

In addition to the FRC terrorism episode, the SPLC has suffered a number of other recent setbacks and humiliations, but it has not backed down from its extremist agenda, refreshing its “Hate Map” in 2018 and putting mainstream conservative activists in the same category as neo-Nazis and the alt-right. The FRC remains a target on the map, even after the listing nearly got some of its staff killed. Other supposed “hate groups” include the Center for Immigration Studies, Center for Security Policy, Federation for American Immigration Reform, and the Clarion Project.

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Trump’s Economy: Stocks Continue Record Run

Stocks edged higher in midday trading Wednesday as investors remained optimistic about trade negotiations.

Major market indexes have been reaching record highs this week as the U.S. and China signal that talks are going well.

The latest economic data also helped reinforce Wall Street’s confidence in the economy’s health.

The Commerce Department said the economy grew at a 2.1 percent rate last quarter, outpacing forecasts.

The government also reported a surprisingly good increase in orders to U.S. factories.

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Technology and communications companies moved higher. Texas Instruments rose 1.6 percent and Comcast gained 1.9 percent.

Banks also made gains. The yield on the 10-year Treasury rose to 1.76 percent from 1.74 percent late Tuesday. Higher bond yields allow banks to charge more lucrative interest on mortgages and other loans.

Industrial companies were the biggest losers, with Boeing and Deere dipping.

The U.S.-China trade war remains the key focus for Wall Street as a Dec. 15 deadline nears for new tariffs on many Chinese-made items on holiday shopping checklists, such as smartphones and laptops.

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Investors hope that negotiations can progress enough to at least help suspend the scheduled escalation if the nations can’t agree on a full resolution by then.

U.S. markets will be closed Thursday for Thanksgiving.

KEEPING SCORE: The S&P 500 index rose 0.2 percent as of noon Eastern time. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 1 point to 28,122. The Nasdaq rose 0.5 percent. The Russell 2000 index of smaller company stocks rose 0.5 percent.

European and Asian markets also moved higher.

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WEEKLY RECOVERY: The S&P 500 has so far regained its footing after stumbling last week. The index is on track for a 1.2 percent weekly gain as it continues setting records.

The Nasdaq is up nearly 2 percent for the week, which would mark its strongest gain since the end of summer.

STALLED TRACTORS: Deere fell 5.1 percent after giving investors a weak profit forecast because farmers are spending less money on new equipment.

The maker of tractors, backhoes and other agricultural machinery said the trade war and a difficult growing season has kept farmers cautious about making major investments.

EXTREME OVERSIGHT: Boeing fell just under 1 percent after federal safety regulators indicated that they will keep full control over approvals of each new 737 Max built.

The Federal Aviation Administration’s decision affects more than 300 finished Max jets currently sitting in storage.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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via The Western Journal

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