The Arabs Don’t Want Peace with Israel

Arab/Israeli “peace talks” have been going on for the better part of a century without even a hint of serious progress. And the reason is quite simple — the Arabs don’t want peace with Israel; they don’t want Israel, and they will come up with any excuse for frustrating the possibility, let alone the prospect, of a peaceful resolution.

At the outset, it might be helpful to focus in on our terms. When we speak of Arabs, we are usually focused on “Palestinians” (although the entire Arab world seems to be united behind the concept of driving Israel out of the Middle East; their larger goal — which some of them have openly admitted — is the extermination of Jewry in general, i.e. to complete the job undertaken by Hitler, with whom they were joined at the hip during WWII).

Also, it is important to note (and emphasize) that there has never been a Palestinian “nation” — only a land area designated as Palestine at the close of WWI with the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, under whose rule that area had been presided over. Prior to the war ending, the entire Middle East was divided up among the victors, and new countries were created, e.g. Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, etc. Among the territories assigned to the British was the land area designated as the Palestinian “mandate.” Most of this mass was originally to go to the Jews, in accordance with the Balfour Declaration, but the British revised this determination and assigned most of the mandated territory to a new country to be called Transjordan (subsequently just called Jordan). The balance of the mandated territory was awarded to the Jews and Arabs residing in the remaining portion of the mandated area. Since the land area was designated as the Palestinian Mandate, the Arabs in residence understandably designated themselves as “Palestinians.” By this line of reasoning, it would be equally, if not more, appropriate for resident Jews to call themselves “Palestinians”; after all, they have been there for millennia. But it cannot be too strongly emphasized that there has never been a Palestinian “nation,” just a bunch of Arabs residing in that part of the Levant that fell under the Mandate; as noted, Jews have been in the area for centuries.

Nonetheless, on any number of occasions subsequent to the creation of the Mandate, the Jews and Arabs were given the opportunity to peacefully resolve their territorial disagreements by accepting the terms laid down by the conquering nations. The Jews accepted every one of those offers — even though they were being seriously shortchanged and awarded a land area that was considerably smaller than that originally promised and barely defensible at that. The Arabs never accepted any arrangement offered them in this manner. For example, in one of the more recent “peace” gestures, in 1990, Ehud Barak, then Israel’s prime minister, offered Arafat 95% of what he was demanding, including a significant piece of Jerusalem (Israel’s would be capital), plus some compensating territory for the remaining 5%. What did he get? Arafat’s flat rejection (to the consternation of Bill Clinton, who had arranged, and, I’m sure, orchestrated the meeting), followed by the second intifada and the slaughter of Jews. Barak’s successor, Ehud Olmert, offered Arafat even more and was met with the same degree of rejection.

Now, in fairness to the Palestinians, if either Arafat or Abbas had agreed to peace, and, in doing so, acknowledged Israel’s status as a State, he would probably have been assassinated. Recall how Anwar Sadat was treated after he signed a peace treaty with Israel on behalf of Egypt. Also, a peace treaty with Israel might limit the kleptocracy opportunities that Arafat and Abbas have availed themselves of over the years while covering their corruption tracks with their terrorist endeavors.

Also, it is important to note that the Jews were being offered this land by virtue of their righteous historical claim to it; Jews have been in this area for thousands of years (long before there ever was an Islam). To emphasize once again, that there has never been a Palestinian nation in residence in this area, and, as a consequence, the current “Palestinians” have no historical support for the claim to the land, and absolutely no legal claim to it. This point is well documented by David Meir-Levi titled History Upside Down — The Roots of Palestinian Fascism and the Myth of Israeli Aggression.

The current alleged stumbling block to “peace” is the Jewish settlements in the West Bank – which comprise less than 2% of the West Bank’s land mass (more than 40% of which is unpopulated). The Arabs insist on a Jew-free territory! Isn’t this ethnic cleansing? Over 1,500,000 Arabs (Muslims) are “settled” in Israel — as citizens — where they enjoy the highest standard living of Muslims residing in any other country (with the possible exception of America). The Arabs have run almost 1,000,000 Jews out of Arab countries where the Jews resided for hundreds of years, and they are now turning their attention to that other group of “infidels,” Christians – whom they are slaughtering with impunity.

The bottom line? There will never be peace between the Arabs and Israel. Why not? Because, as noted, the Arabs don’t want peace with Israel; they don’t want Israel, and will look for any excuse to avoid any kind of peace agreement. As Netanyahu once observed regarding the prospects for peace in the area: “If the Arabs put down their weapons today there would be no more violence; if the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel.” Or, as Golda Meir before him observed: “Peace will come when Arabs will love their children more than they hate us”.

Unfortunately, the Palestinians illegitimate arguments for their so-called oppression by a colonial power is resonating with the very real anti-Semitism that is abroad (particularly in Europe, but gaining a great deal of ground in America – particularly in our universities). 

So what are we to do? Exactly what Caroline Glick urges us to do in her exceptionally well written book, The Israeli Solution – A One-State Plan for Peace in The Middle East. Glick makes a very persuasive case for placing the West Bank (i.e. Judea and Samaria) under the jurisdiction of Israel. In doing so, she demolishes John Kerry’s argument that Israel can be either a Jewish State or be democratic; it cannot be both, says Kerry, and Glick demonstrates that he is wrong. (Has Kerry ever been right about anything significant?) So, don’t look for peace to break out any time soon between Israel and its neighbors.

Arab/Israeli “peace talks” have been going on for the better part of a century without even a hint of serious progress. And the reason is quite simple — the Arabs don’t want peace with Israel; they don’t want Israel, and they will come up with any excuse for frustrating the possibility, let alone the prospect, of a peaceful resolution.

At the outset, it might be helpful to focus in on our terms. When we speak of Arabs, we are usually focused on “Palestinians” (although the entire Arab world seems to be united behind the concept of driving Israel out of the Middle East; their larger goal — which some of them have openly admitted — is the extermination of Jewry in general, i.e. to complete the job undertaken by Hitler, with whom they were joined at the hip during WWII).

Also, it is important to note (and emphasize) that there has never been a Palestinian “nation” — only a land area designated as Palestine at the close of WWI with the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, under whose rule that area had been presided over. Prior to the war ending, the entire Middle East was divided up among the victors, and new countries were created, e.g. Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, etc. Among the territories assigned to the British was the land area designated as the Palestinian “mandate.” Most of this mass was originally to go to the Jews, in accordance with the Balfour Declaration, but the British revised this determination and assigned most of the mandated territory to a new country to be called Transjordan (subsequently just called Jordan). The balance of the mandated territory was awarded to the Jews and Arabs residing in the remaining portion of the mandated area. Since the land area was designated as the Palestinian Mandate, the Arabs in residence understandably designated themselves as “Palestinians.” By this line of reasoning, it would be equally, if not more, appropriate for resident Jews to call themselves “Palestinians”; after all, they have been there for millennia. But it cannot be too strongly emphasized that there has never been a Palestinian “nation,” just a bunch of Arabs residing in that part of the Levant that fell under the Mandate; as noted, Jews have been in the area for centuries.

Nonetheless, on any number of occasions subsequent to the creation of the Mandate, the Jews and Arabs were given the opportunity to peacefully resolve their territorial disagreements by accepting the terms laid down by the conquering nations. The Jews accepted every one of those offers — even though they were being seriously shortchanged and awarded a land area that was considerably smaller than that originally promised and barely defensible at that. The Arabs never accepted any arrangement offered them in this manner. For example, in one of the more recent “peace” gestures, in 1990, Ehud Barak, then Israel’s prime minister, offered Arafat 95% of what he was demanding, including a significant piece of Jerusalem (Israel’s would be capital), plus some compensating territory for the remaining 5%. What did he get? Arafat’s flat rejection (to the consternation of Bill Clinton, who had arranged, and, I’m sure, orchestrated the meeting), followed by the second intifada and the slaughter of Jews. Barak’s successor, Ehud Olmert, offered Arafat even more and was met with the same degree of rejection.

Now, in fairness to the Palestinians, if either Arafat or Abbas had agreed to peace, and, in doing so, acknowledged Israel’s status as a State, he would probably have been assassinated. Recall how Anwar Sadat was treated after he signed a peace treaty with Israel on behalf of Egypt. Also, a peace treaty with Israel might limit the kleptocracy opportunities that Arafat and Abbas have availed themselves of over the years while covering their corruption tracks with their terrorist endeavors.

Also, it is important to note that the Jews were being offered this land by virtue of their righteous historical claim to it; Jews have been in this area for thousands of years (long before there ever was an Islam). To emphasize once again, that there has never been a Palestinian nation in residence in this area, and, as a consequence, the current “Palestinians” have no historical support for the claim to the land, and absolutely no legal claim to it. This point is well documented by David Meir-Levi titled History Upside Down — The Roots of Palestinian Fascism and the Myth of Israeli Aggression.

The current alleged stumbling block to “peace” is the Jewish settlements in the West Bank – which comprise less than 2% of the West Bank’s land mass (more than 40% of which is unpopulated). The Arabs insist on a Jew-free territory! Isn’t this ethnic cleansing? Over 1,500,000 Arabs (Muslims) are “settled” in Israel — as citizens — where they enjoy the highest standard living of Muslims residing in any other country (with the possible exception of America). The Arabs have run almost 1,000,000 Jews out of Arab countries where the Jews resided for hundreds of years, and they are now turning their attention to that other group of “infidels,” Christians – whom they are slaughtering with impunity.

The bottom line? There will never be peace between the Arabs and Israel. Why not? Because, as noted, the Arabs don’t want peace with Israel; they don’t want Israel, and will look for any excuse to avoid any kind of peace agreement. As Netanyahu once observed regarding the prospects for peace in the area: “If the Arabs put down their weapons today there would be no more violence; if the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel.” Or, as Golda Meir before him observed: “Peace will come when Arabs will love their children more than they hate us”.

Unfortunately, the Palestinians illegitimate arguments for their so-called oppression by a colonial power is resonating with the very real anti-Semitism that is abroad (particularly in Europe, but gaining a great deal of ground in America – particularly in our universities). 

So what are we to do? Exactly what Caroline Glick urges us to do in her exceptionally well written book, The Israeli Solution – A One-State Plan for Peace in The Middle East. Glick makes a very persuasive case for placing the West Bank (i.e. Judea and Samaria) under the jurisdiction of Israel. In doing so, she demolishes John Kerry’s argument that Israel can be either a Jewish State or be democratic; it cannot be both, says Kerry, and Glick demonstrates that he is wrong. (Has Kerry ever been right about anything significant?) So, don’t look for peace to break out any time soon between Israel and its neighbors.

via American Thinker

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Health Care Doom on the Horizon

The relationship between Americans and their health care delivery is about to make a dramatic change for the worse.  Consumers of health care are poised to vote for a federally managed system.  Why would they go down this predictably awful rabbit hole?  They’ll do it because they are overwhelmed and frightened in the current system.  They’ll do it because this may be the only option that a typical voter understands.  They’ll do it because our elected leaders do not have the courage to enact changes that could make things work and don’t want to give up power.  And it will happen because the media will demonize and target anyone who isn’t on the socialist bandwagon.

Currently, we have a situation in America where the insured among us are utilizing health care less than in the past.  This is because of the financial implications of high-deductible insurance policies, most people’s only affordable option.  As a result, it is arguable that the very people who bear the financial burden for our medical care — namely, the minority among us who are insured Americans — are among those getting the worst care in our country.  It is well known that Americans often live on the edge of their finances.  So when it comes to budgeting for our deductible when health issues arise, we are frequently left with hard decisions.  This often results in the insured tolerating illness rather than seeking appropriate, expensive care.

The result of this development will most assuredly result in even conservative voters being swayed toward a federally managed health delivery system.  With the elderly freely using Medicare and Medicaid participants getting treatment with seemingly no debilitating financial consequences, it would be easy to desire something similar for the rest of us.  After all, what could be more messed up than the current system, where a simple visit to the emergency room can lead to bankruptcy?

The federal option for health care delivery will undoubtedly be wretched.  Ask any veteran or doctors who trained at those hospitals about their experience with the V.A., the best example of a federally run health delivery option.  You’ll hear stories that will curl your toes.  It is not possible for government to provide quality care in a timely manner affordably, just as equality and liberty can’t coexist without one sacrificing itself to the other.  Add on the layers of bureaucracy in a federally run hospital to the inefficiencies and redundancies they mandate, and the results are predictable.

Yet the people may opt for it anyway, because it is hard to imagine relying on the current system creating a more affordable market.  We are not using the economic tools that work to bring down costs.  There is no such thing as capitalism or a free market in health care delivery.  If a group of doctors think they can provide better care at cheaper prices than your community hospital, they cannot easily do so.  Government regulations would not grant them permission, because it is more “in the community’s interest” to keep the inefficient and expensive existing hospital afloat than to allow the creative destruction that capitalism provides.  Ending local government’s control over “certificate of need” would lower costs, but politics keeps these laws going.

Additionally, hospitals are allowed to charge much more for services than private practitioners of medicine and surgery.  This is because they have convinced local governments that this is justifiable because they have to take care of the indigent.  A lot of the recent dramatic rise in health care costs is a result of the incestuous relationship between hospital corporations and the government.  Doctors are getting absorbed into hospital employment with the lure that their pay will not go down as precipitously if they are paid the higher allowable fees that they can bill through the hospital.

You can add the insurance industry to the hospital corporations and the government as the three players that keep the system unaffordable and non-competitive.  Many competitive options for insurance coverage could decrease cost.  But these are opposed by the industry and are lobbied away.  The laws that could make these legal are unlikely to be enacted because power would shift from government and insurance companies to the individual.

One such idea is insurance pooling.  Suppose that someone who would normally be almost uninsurable, like a 33-year-old waitress with Crohn’s disease, could join in with other waitresses and shop as a group for policies across state lines.  This would put market forces to work and necessarily drive down her costs.  This is because most waitresses are young and fairly healthy, and the actuaries in the insurance companies would jump to bid for this business.  For particularly difficult to insure populations, there could even be federally subsidized pools.  This could work for the uninsured and unemployed.

For this concept to work, there would have to be allowances for buying insurance across state lines.  Politicians have too many pet causes to allow this to happen.  Most insurance coverage in New York City mandates coverage for transgender operations.  Years ago in Connecticut, insurance had to cover hair plugs.  As you might suspect, insurance can run much higher in these environments when compared to similar coverage (not including these boondoggles) in the upper Midwest.  If a resident of New York or Connecticut could buy the Midwestern policy for similar coverage without the local mandates, costs would go down.

Another priority would be transferring ownership of insurance to individuals rather than through their employers.  But tax incentives encourage the opposite.  Policies that do not end when changing jobs or crossing into other states would be preferable, but business tax deductions change the game.  If individuals could deduct insurance cost, as businesses have traditionally done, it could work.

Tort reform would remove a lot of dysfunction and wasteful spending.  But most lawmakers are lawyers, so the possibility of goring this cash cow is remote.  (What will happen to this sector if the federal government runs medicine?)  Allowing information technology to evolve naturally rather than instituting top-down, central control to the medical records, billing, and other information systems would result in savings, too.  But I.T. is essential to maintaining power, which makes any change non-negotiable.

Americans may have had enough, egged on by progressive media.  Plots to make medical care more affordable by re-introducing the free market and capitalism through changes in the current laws seem to have died off.  The fawning hero-worship directed toward former president Obama by the media glorified the idea of health care as a human right, with support for this wrong-headed idea achieving his goal of “fundamentally changing America.”  Medicare for all is depicted in the press as a desirable idea despite common sense suspecting the contrary.  When it is shown that the cost of administering health care through the existing system proves that insurance companies eat up around a third of the health care dollar, it does seem ridiculous to maintain the status quo.  After all, the cost of administration in the Veterans Administration is far less.  But we know intuitively that care will be worse.  And, as anyone who knows history can tell you, giving them power over our health care decision-making will be the final nail in the coffin of our freedom.

Yet, when the simple idea of a Health Savings Account, a necessary pillar of any health care reform, is above the heads of many voters, we have lost.  Because the media will shoot down any politician brave enough to try anything but a federal option (remember Tom Price, [R-GA]?), it is harder than ever to have any kind of inertia for reasonable change.  With the shortsightedness of insurance companies and hospital corporations essentially pricing themselves out of existence for access to more money today, it looks hopeless.  And when federal debt continues to be viewed as a “so what?” by politicians and citizens alike, we are done. 

The relationship between Americans and their health care delivery is about to make a dramatic change for the worse.  Consumers of health care are poised to vote for a federally managed system.  Why would they go down this predictably awful rabbit hole?  They’ll do it because they are overwhelmed and frightened in the current system.  They’ll do it because this may be the only option that a typical voter understands.  They’ll do it because our elected leaders do not have the courage to enact changes that could make things work and don’t want to give up power.  And it will happen because the media will demonize and target anyone who isn’t on the socialist bandwagon.

Currently, we have a situation in America where the insured among us are utilizing health care less than in the past.  This is because of the financial implications of high-deductible insurance policies, most people’s only affordable option.  As a result, it is arguable that the very people who bear the financial burden for our medical care — namely, the minority among us who are insured Americans — are among those getting the worst care in our country.  It is well known that Americans often live on the edge of their finances.  So when it comes to budgeting for our deductible when health issues arise, we are frequently left with hard decisions.  This often results in the insured tolerating illness rather than seeking appropriate, expensive care.

The result of this development will most assuredly result in even conservative voters being swayed toward a federally managed health delivery system.  With the elderly freely using Medicare and Medicaid participants getting treatment with seemingly no debilitating financial consequences, it would be easy to desire something similar for the rest of us.  After all, what could be more messed up than the current system, where a simple visit to the emergency room can lead to bankruptcy?

The federal option for health care delivery will undoubtedly be wretched.  Ask any veteran or doctors who trained at those hospitals about their experience with the V.A., the best example of a federally run health delivery option.  You’ll hear stories that will curl your toes.  It is not possible for government to provide quality care in a timely manner affordably, just as equality and liberty can’t coexist without one sacrificing itself to the other.  Add on the layers of bureaucracy in a federally run hospital to the inefficiencies and redundancies they mandate, and the results are predictable.

Yet the people may opt for it anyway, because it is hard to imagine relying on the current system creating a more affordable market.  We are not using the economic tools that work to bring down costs.  There is no such thing as capitalism or a free market in health care delivery.  If a group of doctors think they can provide better care at cheaper prices than your community hospital, they cannot easily do so.  Government regulations would not grant them permission, because it is more “in the community’s interest” to keep the inefficient and expensive existing hospital afloat than to allow the creative destruction that capitalism provides.  Ending local government’s control over “certificate of need” would lower costs, but politics keeps these laws going.

Additionally, hospitals are allowed to charge much more for services than private practitioners of medicine and surgery.  This is because they have convinced local governments that this is justifiable because they have to take care of the indigent.  A lot of the recent dramatic rise in health care costs is a result of the incestuous relationship between hospital corporations and the government.  Doctors are getting absorbed into hospital employment with the lure that their pay will not go down as precipitously if they are paid the higher allowable fees that they can bill through the hospital.

You can add the insurance industry to the hospital corporations and the government as the three players that keep the system unaffordable and non-competitive.  Many competitive options for insurance coverage could decrease cost.  But these are opposed by the industry and are lobbied away.  The laws that could make these legal are unlikely to be enacted because power would shift from government and insurance companies to the individual.

One such idea is insurance pooling.  Suppose that someone who would normally be almost uninsurable, like a 33-year-old waitress with Crohn’s disease, could join in with other waitresses and shop as a group for policies across state lines.  This would put market forces to work and necessarily drive down her costs.  This is because most waitresses are young and fairly healthy, and the actuaries in the insurance companies would jump to bid for this business.  For particularly difficult to insure populations, there could even be federally subsidized pools.  This could work for the uninsured and unemployed.

For this concept to work, there would have to be allowances for buying insurance across state lines.  Politicians have too many pet causes to allow this to happen.  Most insurance coverage in New York City mandates coverage for transgender operations.  Years ago in Connecticut, insurance had to cover hair plugs.  As you might suspect, insurance can run much higher in these environments when compared to similar coverage (not including these boondoggles) in the upper Midwest.  If a resident of New York or Connecticut could buy the Midwestern policy for similar coverage without the local mandates, costs would go down.

Another priority would be transferring ownership of insurance to individuals rather than through their employers.  But tax incentives encourage the opposite.  Policies that do not end when changing jobs or crossing into other states would be preferable, but business tax deductions change the game.  If individuals could deduct insurance cost, as businesses have traditionally done, it could work.

Tort reform would remove a lot of dysfunction and wasteful spending.  But most lawmakers are lawyers, so the possibility of goring this cash cow is remote.  (What will happen to this sector if the federal government runs medicine?)  Allowing information technology to evolve naturally rather than instituting top-down, central control to the medical records, billing, and other information systems would result in savings, too.  But I.T. is essential to maintaining power, which makes any change non-negotiable.

Americans may have had enough, egged on by progressive media.  Plots to make medical care more affordable by re-introducing the free market and capitalism through changes in the current laws seem to have died off.  The fawning hero-worship directed toward former president Obama by the media glorified the idea of health care as a human right, with support for this wrong-headed idea achieving his goal of “fundamentally changing America.”  Medicare for all is depicted in the press as a desirable idea despite common sense suspecting the contrary.  When it is shown that the cost of administering health care through the existing system proves that insurance companies eat up around a third of the health care dollar, it does seem ridiculous to maintain the status quo.  After all, the cost of administration in the Veterans Administration is far less.  But we know intuitively that care will be worse.  And, as anyone who knows history can tell you, giving them power over our health care decision-making will be the final nail in the coffin of our freedom.

Yet, when the simple idea of a Health Savings Account, a necessary pillar of any health care reform, is above the heads of many voters, we have lost.  Because the media will shoot down any politician brave enough to try anything but a federal option (remember Tom Price, [R-GA]?), it is harder than ever to have any kind of inertia for reasonable change.  With the shortsightedness of insurance companies and hospital corporations essentially pricing themselves out of existence for access to more money today, it looks hopeless.  And when federal debt continues to be viewed as a “so what?” by politicians and citizens alike, we are done. 

via American Thinker

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Dearborn Public Schools Spark Protest by Adopting All Halal Meat Policy

The Dearborn Public Schools website states it matter-of-factly: “Dearborn Public Schools ensures all meats served in our schools are certified Halal.”  Now one courageous mother is fighting back, challenging Dearborn public school officials to explain why they have done this and to provide options for students who object to halal food.

The mother wrote to Dearborn schools superintendent Glenn Maleyko, noting, “Schools have never changed lunches to fit any other religious needs.  If one needed a special diet due to religion or health, they did what all other students do, bring a lunch from home.”

Maleyko responded: “The decision was based on operational considerations only, not religion.  By implementing an all Halal meat option we have increased the number of students that we are serving[.] … It would cost a lot more to provide both Halal and non-Halal meat.”

In the long run, the superintendent will find it far, far costlier to have capitulated to Islamic supremacism and set this precedent.

Dearborn’s actions here should be a matter of concern for all free people.  This is a manifestation of the Left’s absolute march, without consideration or question, toward exclusionary, supremacist practices that any genuinely pluralistic society should reject.  Dearborn Public Schools officials are demonstrating a totalitarian assuredness in the delusional comfort of enlightenment, diversity, and inclusion.  They’re in for an unpleasant surprise: they’re accommodating a radically non-diverse, non-inclusive 

Dearborn’s policy is discriminatory against non-Muslim students of numerous perspectives, some having to do with different faith traditions.  There may be any number of reasons why people don’t want halal meat.  They may object to halal slaughter for humanitarian reasons or because they are concerned for animal rights.  Evangelical Christians may consider it meat sacrificed to idols, as discussed in the New Testament.  Jews are obliged to keep kosher, not eat halal food.  Still others may object to the fact that many halal certification organizations have links to jihad terror groups.

In light of all this, Dearborn should rescind its halal-only policy so as to make its schools truly inclusive and diverse, accepting of all students, not just Muslim students.

But that is unlikely to happen.  This initiative is already very far advanced.  If you’re in Europe, and in many areas in America as well, the meat you are eating is probably halal, unless you’re keeping kosher.  In a little-known strike against freedom, yet again, we are being forced into consuming meat slaughtered by means of a barbaric, torturous and inhuman method: Islamic slaughter.

Where were the PETA clowns and the ridiculous celebs who pose naked on giant billboards for PETA and “animal rights”?  They would rather see people die of cancer or AIDS than see animals used in drug testing, but torturous and painful Islamic slaughter is OK.

Many people have written to me saying they simply won’t eat halal meat, as they object to the methods used to slaughter the animal.  And I agree.  The sharia term for halal slaughter is dhakat.  Dhakat is to slaughter an animal by cutting the trachea, the esophagus, and the jugular vein, letting the blood drain out while saying, “Bismillah allahu akbar” — in the name of Allah the greater.

Seventy percent of New Zealand lamb imported into the United Kingdom is halal.  It is not labeled as such, so people are eating halal without even knowing it.  But people there are fighting back: when halal food was imposed on public schools in the United Kingdom in 2007, parents were in an uproar.  And in March 2010, Stop Islamization of Europe (SIOE), the sister organization to my group SIOA, called for the cessation of mandatory consumption of halal meat on the continent.

In the United States, a great deal of meat sold in this country is already halal but is not labeled is such.  It’s a scandal, but an established practice: meatpackers generally do not separate halal meat from non-halal meat and not do not label halal meat as such.  We attempted to right that wrong.  But the U.S. Department of Agriculture has for four years now ignored, shelved, or just plain refused to rule on our petition.

As many Americans do not, for a variety of reasons, wish to eat halal meat, back in February 2012, my organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), filed a citizen petition with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, asking that a regulation be enacted to ensure that all halal food be clearly labeled as halal.  In April 2012, we agreed not to publicize our petition in order to give the agency some space to review the document without any pressure from the public.

On May 11, 2012, we had a face-to-face meeting in the USDA offices with top FSIS officials.  We discussed this petition and the need for halal meat to be clearly labeled.  Present at this meeting was Dan Engeljohn, a longtime USDA official who is now assistant administrator for the Office of Policy and Program Development (OPPD) in the FSIS.  This position made him responsible for FSIS regulations.

Engeljohn and company had years to rule on our petition.  They never did a thing.  They just let it die on the table and stonewalled our repeated requests for an explanation.

As far back as October 2010, I reported on little noted but explosive revelations that much of the meat in Europe and the United States was being processed as halal without the knowledge of the non-Muslim consumers who bought it.

Then, in November 2011, I penned an article that caused a firestorm across the political spectrum, revealing that Butterball turkeys were all halal but were not labeled as such. Heads exploded on the Left — not over Butterball’s deception, but over my having the audacity to reveal it.  The clueless and compromised on the right were enraged as well: John Podhoretz tweeted, “I’d tell Pamela Geller to put a sock in it, but the sock might be halal.”

I was, of course, excoriated as a racist Islamophobic anti-Muslim bigot.  In reality, however, we have no objection to halal meat being sold, as long as it is clearly labeled as such, and as long as non-halal meat is available.

And now, all these years later, halal meat is being imposed on non-Muslims.  The Dearborn mother responded to Maleyko’s bland rejection of her concerns but at press time had not heard back from the superintendent.  Will he respond?  Will he take her concerns seriously?  And even more importantly, is this diversity?  Is this inclusion?  This is Islamic supremacism and totalitarianism.

Pamela Geller is the president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI); publisher of The Geller Report; and author of the bestselling book FATWA: Hunted in America, as well as The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.  Follow her on Twitter or Facebook.

The Dearborn Public Schools website states it matter-of-factly: “Dearborn Public Schools ensures all meats served in our schools are certified Halal.”  Now one courageous mother is fighting back, challenging Dearborn public school officials to explain why they have done this and to provide options for students who object to halal food.

The mother wrote to Dearborn schools superintendent Glenn Maleyko, noting, “Schools have never changed lunches to fit any other religious needs.  If one needed a special diet due to religion or health, they did what all other students do, bring a lunch from home.”

Maleyko responded: “The decision was based on operational considerations only, not religion.  By implementing an all Halal meat option we have increased the number of students that we are serving[.] … It would cost a lot more to provide both Halal and non-Halal meat.”

In the long run, the superintendent will find it far, far costlier to have capitulated to Islamic supremacism and set this precedent.

Dearborn’s actions here should be a matter of concern for all free people.  This is a manifestation of the Left’s absolute march, without consideration or question, toward exclusionary, supremacist practices that any genuinely pluralistic society should reject.  Dearborn Public Schools officials are demonstrating a totalitarian assuredness in the delusional comfort of enlightenment, diversity, and inclusion.  They’re in for an unpleasant surprise: they’re accommodating a radically non-diverse, non-inclusive 

Dearborn’s policy is discriminatory against non-Muslim students of numerous perspectives, some having to do with different faith traditions.  There may be any number of reasons why people don’t want halal meat.  They may object to halal slaughter for humanitarian reasons or because they are concerned for animal rights.  Evangelical Christians may consider it meat sacrificed to idols, as discussed in the New Testament.  Jews are obliged to keep kosher, not eat halal food.  Still others may object to the fact that many halal certification organizations have links to jihad terror groups.

In light of all this, Dearborn should rescind its halal-only policy so as to make its schools truly inclusive and diverse, accepting of all students, not just Muslim students.

But that is unlikely to happen.  This initiative is already very far advanced.  If you’re in Europe, and in many areas in America as well, the meat you are eating is probably halal, unless you’re keeping kosher.  In a little-known strike against freedom, yet again, we are being forced into consuming meat slaughtered by means of a barbaric, torturous and inhuman method: Islamic slaughter.

Where were the PETA clowns and the ridiculous celebs who pose naked on giant billboards for PETA and “animal rights”?  They would rather see people die of cancer or AIDS than see animals used in drug testing, but torturous and painful Islamic slaughter is OK.

Many people have written to me saying they simply won’t eat halal meat, as they object to the methods used to slaughter the animal.  And I agree.  The sharia term for halal slaughter is dhakat.  Dhakat is to slaughter an animal by cutting the trachea, the esophagus, and the jugular vein, letting the blood drain out while saying, “Bismillah allahu akbar” — in the name of Allah the greater.

Seventy percent of New Zealand lamb imported into the United Kingdom is halal.  It is not labeled as such, so people are eating halal without even knowing it.  But people there are fighting back: when halal food was imposed on public schools in the United Kingdom in 2007, parents were in an uproar.  And in March 2010, Stop Islamization of Europe (SIOE), the sister organization to my group SIOA, called for the cessation of mandatory consumption of halal meat on the continent.

In the United States, a great deal of meat sold in this country is already halal but is not labeled is such.  It’s a scandal, but an established practice: meatpackers generally do not separate halal meat from non-halal meat and not do not label halal meat as such.  We attempted to right that wrong.  But the U.S. Department of Agriculture has for four years now ignored, shelved, or just plain refused to rule on our petition.

As many Americans do not, for a variety of reasons, wish to eat halal meat, back in February 2012, my organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), filed a citizen petition with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, asking that a regulation be enacted to ensure that all halal food be clearly labeled as halal.  In April 2012, we agreed not to publicize our petition in order to give the agency some space to review the document without any pressure from the public.

On May 11, 2012, we had a face-to-face meeting in the USDA offices with top FSIS officials.  We discussed this petition and the need for halal meat to be clearly labeled.  Present at this meeting was Dan Engeljohn, a longtime USDA official who is now assistant administrator for the Office of Policy and Program Development (OPPD) in the FSIS.  This position made him responsible for FSIS regulations.

Engeljohn and company had years to rule on our petition.  They never did a thing.  They just let it die on the table and stonewalled our repeated requests for an explanation.

As far back as October 2010, I reported on little noted but explosive revelations that much of the meat in Europe and the United States was being processed as halal without the knowledge of the non-Muslim consumers who bought it.

Then, in November 2011, I penned an article that caused a firestorm across the political spectrum, revealing that Butterball turkeys were all halal but were not labeled as such. Heads exploded on the Left — not over Butterball’s deception, but over my having the audacity to reveal it.  The clueless and compromised on the right were enraged as well: John Podhoretz tweeted, “I’d tell Pamela Geller to put a sock in it, but the sock might be halal.”

I was, of course, excoriated as a racist Islamophobic anti-Muslim bigot.  In reality, however, we have no objection to halal meat being sold, as long as it is clearly labeled as such, and as long as non-halal meat is available.

And now, all these years later, halal meat is being imposed on non-Muslims.  The Dearborn mother responded to Maleyko’s bland rejection of her concerns but at press time had not heard back from the superintendent.  Will he respond?  Will he take her concerns seriously?  And even more importantly, is this diversity?  Is this inclusion?  This is Islamic supremacism and totalitarianism.

Pamela Geller is the president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI); publisher of The Geller Report; and author of the bestselling book FATWA: Hunted in America, as well as The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.  Follow her on Twitter or Facebook.

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Scientocracy Busts Open the Motivation behind Global Warming Politics

The title of this new book is a play on aristocracy.  The science aristocracy is living off its former reputation as honest investigators of the natural world.  But now they are largely mean-spirited bureaucrats who don’t hesitate to fake science when it serves their bureaucratic and financial goals.  The public, politicians, and the media are mostly scientific ignoramuses easily fooled into believing that fake science is rock-solid science.  There is an alliance driven by the money-greed of the science mandarins and the socialist dreams of the political Left.  It is not an accident that the many ecological catastrophes predicted by rogue science get political support from the Left.

The book consists of 11 essays by prominent whistleblowers that have waged mostly losing battles with the scientocracy.  The editors are Patrick Michaels, a distinguished skeptical climate scientist, and Terence Kealey, a biochemist and former university administrator in Great Britain.

The science establishment has been corrupted by money, specifically federal research grants.  A wise President Eisenhower warned about the corrupting effect of money on science in this 1961 farewell address.  Money is now more important than science.  A big bite of every research grant goes to the university as “overhead.”  So the university bureaucracy is intensely focused on bringing in more research grants.  For the researcher, money means promotion, status, and the means to engage in expensive research projects.

In order to keep the money flowing, the research has to achieve positive and important results.  Sometimes, the original hypothesis that is tested turns out to have been wrong.  That a hypothesis is wrong is theoretically a scientific contribution, but not one that is likely to impress the funding committees.  One answer is to search the data for a new hypothesis — a statistically flawed procedure, since, if one searches for enough different hypotheses, one is likely to find something “proven” by the data, even if the data consist of random numbers.  Outright fakery is not usually necessary since there are many ways to process and adjust data to make them better.  The researcher may believe that his adjustments are shown to be necessary because he believes that his hypothesis is correct, so there must be something wrong with the data.

The most lucrative research is to predict an ecological catastrophe.  Thus, we have overpopulation, acid rain, the ozone hole, and global warming.  The scary prediction generates government appropriations for science.  When the predictions turn out to have been false, the scientocracy can declare victory or quietly move on to something else.

The foundation of many pollution scares is the Linear, No Threshold (LNT) theory of damage from various type of poisons.  This holds that if a dose x causes damage y, then a dose of one thousandth x will cause one thousandth the damage y.  The alternative theories are that there is a threshold below which the poison is harmless, or that for low doses, the poison will actually be beneficial, known as hormesis.  The beauty of the LNT theory is that there is always a problem waiting to be solved because most poisons cannot be reduced to zero.  An example of hormesis is selenium, a deadly poison but a necessary micro-nutrient.

Edward Calabrese, a professor of toxicology at the University of Massachusetts, wrote chapter 7 of Scientocracy.  He recounts that he spent two years searching for a study that validated the LNT theory for carcinogens.  He concluded that there was no such study, and LNT was simply assumed as an article of faith.  Calabrese details the scientific history behind the adaptation of LNT as well as the practical advantages that make the scientific community comfortable with the LNT approach, even if it is scientifically erroneous.

Government acceptance of bad research resulted in diet fads, where the nation was browbeaten at various times not to eat eggs, salt, or meat for various reasons that turned out to be wrong.  The self-interested lobbying of various segment of the food industry probably saved us from the worst of this.  Now carbon dioxide is considered worse than eggs, and the research proving this is bad computer models of the Earth’s atmosphere.  The politics of “carbon dioxide bad” is that it provides a convenient club to beat big corporations and capitalism in general.  The pathetic big corporations, including even oil companies, loudly proclaim that they are limiting their carbon emissions, not realizing that they and not carbon are the real problem.  In the meantime, the increase of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere is greening the Earth as plants thirsty for carbon dioxide can at last breathe easy.

The phenomenal ten-year development of new oil and gas, thanks to fracking, could happen only because, almost unique to the United States, mineral rights belong to the landowner.  The economic and geopolitical benefit of energy independence is overwhelming.

Scientocracy discusses two valuable mineral deposits that so far cannot be developed due to the opposition of the left and bad science.  A $7-billion uranium deposit in Virginia is doomed to remain underground due to a political campaign against it.  The Alaska Pebble Mine, “the largest known copper, gold and molybdenum deposit on Earth,” is suffering a similar fate.  The general hysteria surrounding anything considered remotely polluting creates vast economic damage.

PM 2.5, or particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter, floating in the air has become a powerful tool for the scientocracy and the political Left.  These things are everywhere, and the damage to human health is strictly hypothetical.  Studies purporting to show damage suffer from bad statistics and confounding variables.  The concentration is often so small that one would be hard pressed to inhale a teaspoon of this during an 85-year life.  But since nothing can be proved and everything is hypothetical, PM 2.5 provides a wonderful subject for scientific studies and government regulation.  The scientists that advise the EPA concerning PM 2.5 are the recipients of huge research grants that are justified only by the danger of PM 2.5.

If there is a solution for the present corruption, it can’t involve committees of establishment scientists or government bureaucrats telling us what the solution is.  The solution may be pointed to by the army of amateur scientists that sprang up to fight the global warming hoax.  These amateurs are disconnected from the financial rewards of corruption.  The downside is that they may not understand the science as well as the professionals do.  I suggest independent advisory committees that cannot include professional scientists or professional regulators.  The members of such committees would be required to be scientifically literate and be financially independent of the science-government establishment.

Norman Rogers writes often about science and energy.  He has websites: and

The title of this new book is a play on aristocracy.  The science aristocracy is living off its former reputation as honest investigators of the natural world.  But now they are largely mean-spirited bureaucrats who don’t hesitate to fake science when it serves their bureaucratic and financial goals.  The public, politicians, and the media are mostly scientific ignoramuses easily fooled into believing that fake science is rock-solid science.  There is an alliance driven by the money-greed of the science mandarins and the socialist dreams of the political Left.  It is not an accident that the many ecological catastrophes predicted by rogue science get political support from the Left.

The book consists of 11 essays by prominent whistleblowers that have waged mostly losing battles with the scientocracy.  The editors are Patrick Michaels, a distinguished skeptical climate scientist, and Terence Kealey, a biochemist and former university administrator in Great Britain.

The science establishment has been corrupted by money, specifically federal research grants.  A wise President Eisenhower warned about the corrupting effect of money on science in this 1961 farewell address.  Money is now more important than science.  A big bite of every research grant goes to the university as “overhead.”  So the university bureaucracy is intensely focused on bringing in more research grants.  For the researcher, money means promotion, status, and the means to engage in expensive research projects.

In order to keep the money flowing, the research has to achieve positive and important results.  Sometimes, the original hypothesis that is tested turns out to have been wrong.  That a hypothesis is wrong is theoretically a scientific contribution, but not one that is likely to impress the funding committees.  One answer is to search the data for a new hypothesis — a statistically flawed procedure, since, if one searches for enough different hypotheses, one is likely to find something “proven” by the data, even if the data consist of random numbers.  Outright fakery is not usually necessary since there are many ways to process and adjust data to make them better.  The researcher may believe that his adjustments are shown to be necessary because he believes that his hypothesis is correct, so there must be something wrong with the data.

The most lucrative research is to predict an ecological catastrophe.  Thus, we have overpopulation, acid rain, the ozone hole, and global warming.  The scary prediction generates government appropriations for science.  When the predictions turn out to have been false, the scientocracy can declare victory or quietly move on to something else.

The foundation of many pollution scares is the Linear, No Threshold (LNT) theory of damage from various type of poisons.  This holds that if a dose x causes damage y, then a dose of one thousandth x will cause one thousandth the damage y.  The alternative theories are that there is a threshold below which the poison is harmless, or that for low doses, the poison will actually be beneficial, known as hormesis.  The beauty of the LNT theory is that there is always a problem waiting to be solved because most poisons cannot be reduced to zero.  An example of hormesis is selenium, a deadly poison but a necessary micro-nutrient.

Edward Calabrese, a professor of toxicology at the University of Massachusetts, wrote chapter 7 of Scientocracy.  He recounts that he spent two years searching for a study that validated the LNT theory for carcinogens.  He concluded that there was no such study, and LNT was simply assumed as an article of faith.  Calabrese details the scientific history behind the adaptation of LNT as well as the practical advantages that make the scientific community comfortable with the LNT approach, even if it is scientifically erroneous.

Government acceptance of bad research resulted in diet fads, where the nation was browbeaten at various times not to eat eggs, salt, or meat for various reasons that turned out to be wrong.  The self-interested lobbying of various segment of the food industry probably saved us from the worst of this.  Now carbon dioxide is considered worse than eggs, and the research proving this is bad computer models of the Earth’s atmosphere.  The politics of “carbon dioxide bad” is that it provides a convenient club to beat big corporations and capitalism in general.  The pathetic big corporations, including even oil companies, loudly proclaim that they are limiting their carbon emissions, not realizing that they and not carbon are the real problem.  In the meantime, the increase of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere is greening the Earth as plants thirsty for carbon dioxide can at last breathe easy.

The phenomenal ten-year development of new oil and gas, thanks to fracking, could happen only because, almost unique to the United States, mineral rights belong to the landowner.  The economic and geopolitical benefit of energy independence is overwhelming.

Scientocracy discusses two valuable mineral deposits that so far cannot be developed due to the opposition of the left and bad science.  A $7-billion uranium deposit in Virginia is doomed to remain underground due to a political campaign against it.  The Alaska Pebble Mine, “the largest known copper, gold and molybdenum deposit on Earth,” is suffering a similar fate.  The general hysteria surrounding anything considered remotely polluting creates vast economic damage.

PM 2.5, or particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter, floating in the air has become a powerful tool for the scientocracy and the political Left.  These things are everywhere, and the damage to human health is strictly hypothetical.  Studies purporting to show damage suffer from bad statistics and confounding variables.  The concentration is often so small that one would be hard pressed to inhale a teaspoon of this during an 85-year life.  But since nothing can be proved and everything is hypothetical, PM 2.5 provides a wonderful subject for scientific studies and government regulation.  The scientists that advise the EPA concerning PM 2.5 are the recipients of huge research grants that are justified only by the danger of PM 2.5.

If there is a solution for the present corruption, it can’t involve committees of establishment scientists or government bureaucrats telling us what the solution is.  The solution may be pointed to by the army of amateur scientists that sprang up to fight the global warming hoax.  These amateurs are disconnected from the financial rewards of corruption.  The downside is that they may not understand the science as well as the professionals do.  I suggest independent advisory committees that cannot include professional scientists or professional regulators.  The members of such committees would be required to be scientifically literate and be financially independent of the science-government establishment.

Norman Rogers writes often about science and energy.  He has websites: and

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How the Democrats are like mushrooms

Adam Schiff is learning more about the high price of his impeachment posturing every day, it seems.

Schiff was one of a number of congressmen who were not notified of the impending raid against ISIS that resulted in the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

This despite the fact that Schiff, as chair of the House Intelligence Committee, would be automatically in the loop regarding any such effort.

President Trump announced that Schiff, among others, had been left out during questions following his Sunday speech announcing he successful mission.

He made no bones as to the reason why:

“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.”

As befits a president, Trump was most concerned about the troops at the tip of the spear: “A leak could have caused the death of all of them.”

Nancy Pelosi wasn’t notified either. Notifying her would have undoubtedly resulted in the information getting to places where it didn’t belong

One thing that has most annoyed the Dems is the fact that the administration told both the Russian and the Turks about the raid beforehand. According to Pelosi:

“The House must be briefed on this raid, which the Russians but not top Congressional Leadership were notified of in advance, and on the Administration’s overall strategy in the region,” she said. “Our military and allies deserve strong, smart and strategic leadership from Washington.”

So there we have it. The Democratic Party is less trustworthy than either Erdogan’s Turks or Putin’s Russians. Now that must sting.

It may be dawning on the Dems at last that actions have consequences. They’d better get use to this. They’ll be seeing a lot more of it the next five years.

Adam Schiff is learning more about the high price of his impeachment posturing every day, it seems.

Schiff was one of a number of congressmen who were not notified of the impending raid against ISIS that resulted in the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

This despite the fact that Schiff, as chair of the House Intelligence Committee, would be automatically in the loop regarding any such effort.

President Trump announced that Schiff, among others, had been left out during questions following his Sunday speech announcing he successful mission.

He made no bones as to the reason why:

“We were going to notify them last night but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There is no country in the world that leaks like we do and Washington is a leaking machine.”

As befits a president, Trump was most concerned about the troops at the tip of the spear: “A leak could have caused the death of all of them.”

Nancy Pelosi wasn’t notified either. Notifying her would have undoubtedly resulted in the information getting to places where it didn’t belong

One thing that has most annoyed the Dems is the fact that the administration told both the Russian and the Turks about the raid beforehand. According to Pelosi:

“The House must be briefed on this raid, which the Russians but not top Congressional Leadership were notified of in advance, and on the Administration’s overall strategy in the region,” she said. “Our military and allies deserve strong, smart and strategic leadership from Washington.”

So there we have it. The Democratic Party is less trustworthy than either Erdogan’s Turks or Putin’s Russians. Now that must sting.

It may be dawning on the Dems at last that actions have consequences. They’d better get use to this. They’ll be seeing a lot more of it the next five years.

via American Thinker Blog

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Fear strikes deep into the woke

An interesting portrayal of the leftist mentality, particularly as regards matters involving President Trump, can be found on the left-wing site Medium.

It’s not often we get a clear picture of how leftists actually think. The message is so simplified, dumbed down, and controlled, largely for the benefit of the lowest-common-denominator left, along with camouflaging the actual agenda, that what we usually get is no more than a cartoon. “Journalists,” print, broadcast or whatever, are simply robots who repeat whatever is given to them. Pundits and other commentators are in the business of soothing and calming down true believers – yes, it’s all going according to plan, yes, utopia is on schedule, yes, the revolution is coming.

So “Is William Barr the Head of DOJ or QAnon?” by Rick Wilson is an interesting surprise – for once, we’re getting the true gen of what a leftist thinks.  

And what is that, precisely? Well, fear, paranoia, dread, and a slowly mounting hysteria.

That is apparent in the opening sentences:

I warned you William Barr was the most dangerous man in America.

I warned you he would burn Washington to the ground.

I warned you Barr would shatter the Justice Department into a million fragments.

I warned you… but you didn’t listen. You were all against me. I could hear you snickering and giggling. But I proved, with geometric logic…

Well, maybe not that bad. But bad enough. Those sentences set the tone, and it never changes. The piece maintains a high, grating shriek throughout, like hands across a mental blackboard. It’s a soul-baring, one that has occurred without the writer being aware of it. It’s not a pleasant experience but it’s a necessary one.

There’s no serious analysis or examination here, but that’s not what was intended. What we get instead is insults:

…the Trump administration feeds its conspiracy-addled base…

Speculation as to motives:

Their fantasies of roundups, mass arrests, secret indictments, and one-way tickets to GITMO for anyone connected to the operations to identify and neutralize Russian election interference are a common element of their wishcasting.

Bogus accusations:

…[Barr’s] selective persecution… of Trump’s enemies and his refusal to uphold his oath is stunning.

Apart from this, there’s a wide streak of wish fulfillment – he states that Barr “came up empty” in his European investigations, though how he knows this I have no idea. There’s also, as is always the case with the left, a massive dose of hypocrisy, as here:

Barr will investigate the investigators until he either breaks them or intimidates them into submission.

This, of course, is exactly what the coup plotters have attempted to do to Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos, and many others.

But the overall impression is one of fear. Wilson is truly terrified as to what is going to come out of Barr and Durham’s efforts. What is he afraid of? It’s hard to say. It’s all very amorphous and vague, nothing concrete to it. A nightmare vision,  some dark, indescribable beast slouching toward Bethlehem, with Orange Man there to greet it.

And that’s the value of this essay – the spotlight that it shines on left-wing motivations. Things once dark are now illuminated, and what we see clears up a lot of mysteries. Because the answer that we find here is fear. The obsessive secrecy of the “impeachment” process, Schiff running off to hide when confronted by GOP congressman, McCabe suddenly dropping his lawsuit, the visible nervousness of Brennan and Clapper over the past week.

These people are afraid. And that is good news for Donald Trump, and for the Republic.

An interesting portrayal of the leftist mentality, particularly as regards matters involving President Trump, can be found on the left-wing site Medium.

It’s not often we get a clear picture of how leftists actually think. The message is so simplified, dumbed down, and controlled, largely for the benefit of the lowest-common-denominator left, along with camouflaging the actual agenda, that what we usually get is no more than a cartoon. “Journalists,” print, broadcast or whatever, are simply robots who repeat whatever is given to them. Pundits and other commentators are in the business of soothing and calming down true believers – yes, it’s all going according to plan, yes, utopia is on schedule, yes, the revolution is coming.

So “Is William Barr the Head of DOJ or QAnon?” by Rick Wilson is an interesting surprise – for once, we’re getting the true gen of what a leftist thinks.  

And what is that, precisely? Well, fear, paranoia, dread, and a slowly mounting hysteria.

That is apparent in the opening sentences:

I warned you William Barr was the most dangerous man in America.

I warned you he would burn Washington to the ground.

I warned you Barr would shatter the Justice Department into a million fragments.

I warned you… but you didn’t listen. You were all against me. I could hear you snickering and giggling. But I proved, with geometric logic…

Well, maybe not that bad. But bad enough. Those sentences set the tone, and it never changes. The piece maintains a high, grating shriek throughout, like hands across a mental blackboard. It’s a soul-baring, one that has occurred without the writer being aware of it. It’s not a pleasant experience but it’s a necessary one.

There’s no serious analysis or examination here, but that’s not what was intended. What we get instead is insults:

…the Trump administration feeds its conspiracy-addled base…

Speculation as to motives:

Their fantasies of roundups, mass arrests, secret indictments, and one-way tickets to GITMO for anyone connected to the operations to identify and neutralize Russian election interference are a common element of their wishcasting.

Bogus accusations:

…[Barr’s] selective persecution… of Trump’s enemies and his refusal to uphold his oath is stunning.

Apart from this, there’s a wide streak of wish fulfillment – he states that Barr “came up empty” in his European investigations, though how he knows this I have no idea. There’s also, as is always the case with the left, a massive dose of hypocrisy, as here:

Barr will investigate the investigators until he either breaks them or intimidates them into submission.

This, of course, is exactly what the coup plotters have attempted to do to Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos, and many others.

But the overall impression is one of fear. Wilson is truly terrified as to what is going to come out of Barr and Durham’s efforts. What is he afraid of? It’s hard to say. It’s all very amorphous and vague, nothing concrete to it. A nightmare vision,  some dark, indescribable beast slouching toward Bethlehem, with Orange Man there to greet it.

And that’s the value of this essay – the spotlight that it shines on left-wing motivations. Things once dark are now illuminated, and what we see clears up a lot of mysteries. Because the answer that we find here is fear. The obsessive secrecy of the “impeachment” process, Schiff running off to hide when confronted by GOP congressman, McCabe suddenly dropping his lawsuit, the visible nervousness of Brennan and Clapper over the past week.

These people are afraid. And that is good news for Donald Trump, and for the Republic.

via American Thinker Blog

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Meet the Radical Economists Behind Warren, Sanders

Two controversial economists have played a major role in the 2020 Democratic primary with Senators Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) each trumpeting major tax hikes and financial reforms to curb inequality.

University of California, Berkeley economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman have gained currency on the left for their proposed radical taxes on wealth and financial transactions. While Warren, Sanders, and other leading liberals rush to embrace them as advisers, a debate has roiled academic economics. The evidence on which Sanders, Warren, and others have built their plans to dramatically transform the U.S. economy may be shoddier than their supporters realize, according to some prominent Democrats who have called the research "substantially inaccurate and substantially misleading."

Both Warren and Sanders, neither of whom returned requests for comment, have promised to pursue aggressive expansions of government spending, with costs expected to run into the trillions of dollars. To finance this spending, both campaigns have floated novel tax proposals, including Sanders’s financial transaction tax and Warren’s corporate profit tax. The most ambitious of these proposals, however, is each campaign’s wealth tax—a tax levied directly on the assets of the super-wealthy.

Warren’s wealth tax, introduced in January, would tax assets in excess of $50 million at 2 percent annually, and those in excess of $1 billion at 3 percent annually. Sanders’s plan, released in September, upstages Warren’s with a sliding scale from a 1 percent tax on assets of $32 million to an 8 percent tax on assets of $10 billion.

Both proposals, according to information released by the campaigns, are the brainchild of Saez and Zucman. The two coauthored letters on behalf of Warren and Sanders touting the plans, and have since made media appearances pushing for increased consideration of a wealth tax. They also have advocated for other policies embraced by both Sanders and Warren, including a recent op-ed claiming that Medicare for All will cut taxes for most Americans—even in spite of Sanders’s acknowledgment that tax hikes for the middle class would be needed to pay for his plan.

Both Saez and Zucman’s research focuses on tax policy and inequality. They have also previously teamed with Thomas Piketty, the French economist whose best-selling Capital in the Twenty-First Century made an international splash when it debuted in 2013. Their prominent role as Democratic advisers—alongside glowing reviews of their new book—has put them front and center in the 2020 policy conversation.

Saez and Zucman’s analysis of income and tax distributions indicates that inequality has skyrocketed: The data used in their new book indicate that as of 2018, the top 1 percent of tax filers collected 20 percent of the income, up from 8 percent in the 1970s. At the same time, their research (as captured in a recent viral New York Times chart) indicates that the U.S. tax system is actually regressive, with the top 400 tax filers paying a lower total tax rate—including state, local, and federal taxes—than those in the bottom 10 percent of earners.

If true, these findings support Zucman’s claim in a recent interview with Axios that "[y]ou look at the numbers and it’s very similar to the Gilded Age." They also can be used to support the tax policy that Saez and Zucman designed for the Warren and Sanders campaigns. Their influence extends beyond presidential politics. The pair publicly defended Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D., N.Y.) call for a 70-percent top tax rate.

The pair’s public elevation has brought with it massive scrutiny, and many economists think their work does not hold up.

The dispute over Saez and Zucman’s work is intensely technical, but it more or less boils down to the fact that calculating income distribution and tax incidence both necessarily require making a host of methodological choices. Wherever possible, Saez and Zucman make the choice that in some cases radically overstates inequality compared to other academic estimates.

For example, the pair chose to focus on inequality among "tax units," meaning discreet tax returns, which are not necessarily the same with individuals (because of jointly filing couples) or households (because of dependents who file separately). Research indicates that the income distribution for tax units is more inequitable than among households or individuals.

In the case of tax burden, there’s the question of how to distribute the weight of corporate taxes—Saez and Zucman assume that they fall totally on corporate shareholders, meaning that the gains from cutting them accrue entirely to these—usually wealthy—actors, as opposed to workers.

There are lots of other, similar choices that Saez and Zucman make. Shifting those variables could yield research that finds inequality has barely budged, or that the tax system is actually quite progressive. Gerald Auten and David Splinter, economists at Congress’s Joint Committee on Taxation and the Treasury Department’s Office of Tax Analysis, found that the top 1 percent’s share of after-tax income only rose from 8.4 percent in 1979 to 10.1 percent in 2015—less than a third of the increase that Piketty, Saez, and Zucman found in 2017.

Splinter also recently responded to Saez and Zucman’s finding that the tax system is flat, identifying "three issues"—an over-allocation of underreported income to high earners, a misallocation of retirement income, and excluding the value of after-tax wealth transfers—which, when removed, produce the progressive tax system that most other estimates find.

When the pair were reached for comment about these criticisms, Zucman directed the Washington Free Beacon to the frequently asked questions page of the website for their new book. On it, Zucman and Saez respond to some of the above objections, in particular their choice not to include transfers in their calculations (which they describe as "somewhat arbitrary" for their purposes). Zucman declined to comment on the 2020 primary or the influence he and Saez have had on it.

These disparities may be why even liberals have been critical of Saez and Zucman. Jason Furman, who ran the Council of Economic Advisers under Obama, noted that "the standard data show that the tax system overall is highly progressive." Larry Summers, former Clinton treasury secretary and Obama director of the National Economic Council, called Saez and Zucman’s estimates of tax inequality "substantially inaccurate and substantially misleading."

All of this may seem like a petty dispute among academics. But Saez and Zucman appear to have real influence in the 2020 debate, pushing for a tax that some experts, including Summers, have said would likely be unconstitutional, impossible to administer, and ineffective, pointing to numerous European countries that ditched wealth taxes after seeing them hurt the national economy.

The wealth tax has become a key plank to Warren’s campaign, with supporters chanting "two cents!" at rallies, in reference to the two cents taxed on every dollar over $50 million held. These supporters probably have not heard from Summers, or Splinter, or any of Saez and Zucman’s other critics. Warren may have, but it is clear to whom she chooses to listen.

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Prager’s ‘No Safe Spaces’ Sees Impressive Sales On Just One Screen

The Dennis Prager/Adam Carolla documentary “No Safe Spaces,” which chronicles the academic Left’s politically correct war to stifle free speech on college campuses, made an impressive $45,000 on just one screen in Phoenix during its opening weekend.

“The film raked in an estimated $45,000 on one screen in Phoenix, the production team said, adding that the only documentary that earned more from one screen on an opening weekend was Michael Moore’s ‘Sicko’ in 2007,” reports Fox News.

Released on October 25, the new movie will expand this week in Phoenix and then move on to engagements in San Diego, Denver, Tampa Bay, and Greenville. The film will go nationwide on November 15.

Producer Adam Carolla said he appreciated the high fan turnout and hoped to see the same in subsequent cities. “I’m really proud of this movie and hope the rest of the country will love it as much as we and our fans in Phoenix do,” he said.

Earlier in the week, Carolla said that the documentary would hopefully “make people aware of how nuts it is on campuses and in the media when it comes to censorship based on feelings” rather than facts.

“It’s not a left or a right-wing thing,” Carolla told Fox News on Wednesday. “We have people across the political spectrum in the film, including [liberal CNN pundit] Van Jones, who says it doesn’t help his team to have young people who can’t defend their beliefs. This is hurting everyone.”

The push to make “No Safe Spaces” a film reality has been ongoing since 2017, when Prager and Carolla started an Indiegogo campaign to crowdfund the documentary. It raised $684,684.

Much of the documentary focuses on Prager and Carolla traveling to various college campuses, exploring the systemic crackdown there on free speech.

“Entitled snowflakes on college campuses raging and screaming every time they encounter an idea they disagree with,” reads the film’s Indiegogo page. “These stories might be somewhat amusing if they weren’t such a dangerous indication of what’s to come. Trigger warnings, micro-aggressions, the suppression of free speech, and other illogical ideas born on campuses are proliferating and spreading out into the real world.”

“Today’s campus snowflake is tomorrow’s teacher, judge, or elected official,” it continues. “And if that doesn’t scare you, maybe you should reconsider. No matter where you live or what you do, if you don’t think they way they do, they will attempt to silence and punish you.”

Prior to the release, Prager challenged the MPAA for slapping the movie with a PG-13 rating from a single, 30-second animated clip in which a character meant to personify free speech named “Firsty” gets pummeled with bullet holes, causing it to bleed.

Prager sent a letter to the MPAA asking that it reconsider the decision. “Any kid who sees it will probably laugh,” Prager wrote to MPAA head Charles Rivkin.

Prager said he feared that the PG-13 rating will persuade certain parents to avoid showing the film to their children.

“When it comes to Firsty, we would ask that you reconsider and allow the scene to remain and still achieve a PG rating so that we can reach the widest possible audience. A PG-13 rating would not reinforce people’s faith in MPAA’s ratings,” Prager wrote in the letter.

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Levin calls CNN’s bluff on press freedom & Democrats’ closed impeachment process: ‘Where’s the lawsuit?’

Friday night on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin criticized the mass media’s apparent disregard for the fact that they’re being closed out of a presidential impeachment process.

“Not a single one of these phony journalists … not one of them is speaking about freedom of the press when it comes to being closed out, shut out, of the secret testimony being conducted in a secret room — a vault, if you will — in the basement of the Capitol building, where there’s not classified information being discussed,” Levin pointed out.

More specifically, Levin criticized CNN’s Jake Tapper over his characterization of House Democrats’ ongoing impeachment inquiry and questioned how serious Tapper and CNN are about wanting an open process.

“How come CNN hasn’t sued the Congress under the First Amendment?” Levin asked in response to Tapper’s assertion that he wants a more open process.

“You know, CNN sued the White House when they removed Jim Acosta and took his press pass away, his permanent press pass … even though another hundred journalists are in there reporting,” Levin reminded listeners. “But when the House under the Democrats prevents any journalist from participating in a process that has nothing to do with classified information, where’s the lawsuit from CNN? Where’s the lawsuit from the other press rooms, press corporations, press associations? They’re nowhere.”

Levin picked apart Tapper’s faulty comparison between the current secretive process and other investigations that used closed-door depositions conducted by House Republicans when they had majority in the chamber. The comparison fails, Levin explained, because those investigations weren’t impeachment processes.

“So now you know Jake Tapper is a fraud,” Levin concluded.


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MUST READ… THE LIST: 8 Ways the Mueller Witchhunt and Lying Schiff’s Sham Impeachment Are Identical, Corrupt and Unconstitutional

The Mueller Witchhunt and Lying Adam Schiff’s impeachment hearings of President Trump held in the basement of the Capital are very similar in numerous ways.

Ultimately the Democrats, their Deep State and elites behind these events are destroying the country and the US Constitution.

This past weekend attorney David Rivkin and professor Elizabeth Price Foley wrote an eloquent piece in the Wall Street Journal outlining how the House of Representatives impeachment inquiry is unconstitutional.  They wrote –

House Democrats have discarded the Constitution, tradition and basic fairness merely because they hate Mr. Trump. Because the House has not properly begun impeachment proceedings, the president has no obligation to cooperate. The courts also should not enforce any purportedly impeachment-related document requests from the House. (A federal district judge held Friday that the Judiciary Committee is engaged in an impeachment inquiry and therefore must see grand-jury materials from special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, but that ruling will likely be overturned on appeal.) And the House cannot cure this problem simply by voting on articles of impeachment at the end of a flawed process.

Here are eight ways that the Mueller Witchhunt and Lying Adam Schiff’s impeachment hearings of President Trump are similar –

1. Both Begin in the Ukraine –

The Mueller special counsel was created based on a bogus dossier with connections back to the Ukraine.  As we reported in December 2018, Andrii Telizhenko was approached by DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa in early 2016.  Chalupa wanted dirt on candidate Trump and his campaign manager Paul Manafort.  The Ukrainian embassy in Washington DC worked CLOSELY with the DNC operative Chalupa.

Chalupa told Andrii she wanted Russian “dirt” on the Trump campaign.

 The Gateway Pundit spoke with Telizhenko on the DNC Russia-gate Scandal –

Alexandra Chalupa was apparently hired by the DNC going as far back as 2013.  According to Politico, shortly before the election:

A daughter of Ukrainian immigrants who maintains strong ties to the Ukrainian-American diaspora and the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, Chalupa, a lawyer by training, in 2014 was doing pro bono work for another client interested in the Ukrainian crisis and began researching Manafort’s role in Yanukovych’s rise, as well as his ties to the pro-Russian oligarchs who funded Yanukovych’s political party.”

According to Politico, Chalupa claimed that in October of 2015 she began investigating Trump’s ties to Russia. Why she began this investigation is completely unknown.  The only thing of significance that had happened at this point was that Trump announced he was running for office. There was no apparent triggering event. Candidate Trump had very limited contact with Russia or Russia businessmen.

Lying Adam Schiff’s dungeon impeachment sham is based on this exact same scenario.  President Trump asked the Ukraine’s newly elected leader to look into the beginnings of the Russia Witchhunt in the Ukraine.  Liberal Democrats believe this is a crime even though their bogus Mueller investigation started based on the exact same bogus actions tied to the Ukraine and Chalupa.

2. Democrats Are Behind the Beginnings of Both Shams

As noted above, the Russia Hoax started in the Ukraine and was instigated by the DNC and Chalupa.  It’s also been widely reported that Democrat Hillary Clinton paid for the dossier that was used to surveil candidate and President Trump and which was the basis for the Mueller Witchhunt.

The Schiff Sham was also a Democrat creation.  The ‘whistleblower’ who started the sham is widely suspected of being an Obama CIA spy in the Trump White House.  This individual, suspected to be Eric Ciaramella, approached Congressman Schiff before filing the faulty ‘whistleblower’ report.  If Schiff’s CIA ‘whistleblower’ is outed and if he was spying on President on behalf of Schiff, then they both should be held accountable for conspiracy and treason under the Espionage Act.

3. Both Shams are Based on Fake or Non-Crimes

We reported two years ago that the Mueller investigation was not based on a crime. Gregg Jarrett at FOX News wrote when Mueller initially brought charges against Manafort that Mueller is tasked with finding a crime that does not exist in the law. It is a legal impossibility. He is being asked to do something that is manifestly unattainable because there is no such thing as the crime of collusion with foreign countries in the US statutory code.

Jarrett wrote the most succinct article about the Trump – Russia Collusion investigation to date.  In his post Jarrett makes many statements that are almost shocking, but none more than the fact that the entire Mueller investigation was lawless.  Jarrett stated the following about the charges reported in the Russia collusion story –

George Papadopoulos pled guilty to a single charge of making a false statement to the FBI. He was not charged with so-called “collusion” because no such crime exists in American statutory law, except in anti-trust matters. It has no application to elections and political campaigns.

It is not a crime to talk to a Russian. Not that the media would ever understand that. They have never managed to point to a single statute that makes “colluding” with a foreign government in a political campaign a crime, likely because it does not exist in the criminal codes.

Rivkin and Foley point out that President Trump has similarly committed no crime in regards to his actions with the Ukrainian leader –

The effort has another problem: There is no evidence on the public record that Mr. Trump has committed an impeachable offense. The Constitution permits impeachment only for “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” The Founders considered allowing impeachment on the broader grounds of “maladministration,” “neglect of duty” and “mal-practice,” but they rejected these reasons for fear of giving too much power to Congress. The phrase “high crimes and misdemeanors” includes abuses of power that do not constitute violations of criminal statutes. But its scope is limited.

Abuse of power encompasses two distinct types of behavior. First, the president can abuse his power by purporting to exercise authority not given to him by the Constitution or properly delegated by Congress—say, by imposing a new tax without congressional approval or establishing a presidential “court” to punish his opponents. Second, the president can abuse power by failing to carry out a constitutional duty—such as systematically refusing to enforce laws he disfavors. The president cannot legitimately be impeached for lawfully exercising his constitutional power.

Applying these standards to the behavior triggering current calls for impeachment, it is apparent that Mr. Trump has neither committed a crime nor abused his power. One theory is that by asking Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Kyiv’s involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and potential corruption by Joe Biden and his son Hunter was unlawful “interference with an election.” There is no such crime in the federal criminal code (the same is true of “collusion”). Election-related offenses involve specific actions such as voting by aliens, fraudulent voting, buying votes and interfering with access to the polls. None of these apply here.

4. Both Shams are Led by Corrupt and Criminal Actors –

The Hillary email scandal, the beginnings of the Russia Hoax and the Mueller investigation were led by many of the same Obama Administration corrupt players.  James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Andy McCabe, Bruce Ohr, James Clapper, John Brennan, and numerous others were behind setting up of President Trump and his team with bogus crimes.  The actions of these individuals were so egregious that they are now the focus of a criminal investigation led by DOJ prosecutor John Durham.

Adam Schiff is running the sham impeachment of President Trump.  He is arguably the most dishonest politician in US history.  He and his gang of fellow Democrats and Deep State operatives are not concerned with the law or the constitution.  If they were, this would never be in place.

5. Both Shams Involve Tampering and Threatening Witnesses

We’ve reported that six out of eight events involving Russians in the Mueller report were set ups by the Deep State.  The Mueller gang hired Andrew Weissmann to head the investigation and he is a known crook who was even scolded by the Supreme Court in relation to his actions in the early 2000’s.  Weissman and gang pressured General Michael Flynn to sign a statement that he lied to the FBI or they were were going after the General’s son.  They withheld evidence that showed that he was innocent and set up by the Deep State.

The Mueller gang pressured young George Papadopoulos as well and withheld information from him that would have exonerated him of any wrongdoing.  Paul Manafort was placed in a gag order like Roger Stone is to this day by corrupt DC Judge Amy Berman Jackson.  This same corrupt judge placed Manafort in solitary confinement in an alleged effort to make him compose.

Lying Adam Schiff reportedly is pressuring those he is interrogating in the Capital dungeon to make up stories about President Trump committing wrongdoings.  Schiff or his team met with the CIA whistleblower before he filed his complaint.  Schiff’s team met with their latest witness, Bill Taylor, in the Ukraine before the whistleblower’s complaint went public.  Schiff and Pelosi both attended a fundraiser sponsored by a Ukrainian arms dealer for Schiff in 2013 in DC.  The corrupt acts by Schiff go on and on.

6. Both Shams Utilize Illegal Convenient Leaks to the Media

During the Russia Hoax the Democrats leaked almost daily to the press news that turned out to be utterly false but nevertheless damaging to President Trump.  Devin Nunez, California Republican in the House, stated that he had put together a list of the Democrat leaks to the far-left media –

Well we have over 100 leaks from our committee. Over 100 leaks that didn’t come from the Republican side. So it had to come from the Democratic side. We can’t pin it on a particular member or staff but there’s over 100.

Most of these leaks were no doubt from House liar Adam Schiff, Democrat from California.  Schiff has continued this strategy with his fake and unconstitutional impeachment sham.  Rivkin and Foley make this statement –

Mrs. Pelosi discarded this process in favor of a Trump-specific procedure without precedent in Anglo-American law. Rep. Adam Schiff’s Intelligence Committee and several other panels are questioning witnesses in secret. Mr. Schiff has defended this process by likening it to a grand jury considering whether to hand up an indictment. But while grand-jury secrecy is mandatory, House Democrats are selectively leaking information to the media, and House Republicans, who are part of the jury, are being denied subpoena authority and full access to transcripts of testimony and even impeachment-related committee documents. No grand jury has a second class of jurors excluded from full participation.

Truly the Democrats aren’t making America great again, they are making America a Banana Republic.

7. Both Shams Involve a Complicit and Rabid Mainstream Media

We put together a list of leaks that were reported in the fake news media in May of 2017 and reported the following in our post that was linked to by the Drudge Report (before Drudge turned into a liberal mouthpiece).  We wrote –

Here is updated analysis of the most recent so called ‘leaks’ being reported and repeated by the liberal mainstream media (MSM) involving President Trump.  The probability that a portion of these ‘leaks’ are completely inaccurate remains very high.

The leaks are all being reported by biased liberal media outlets that were adamantly opposed to the election of President Trump.

These ‘leaks’ in all cases still are not supported with any names of so-called sources and in all cases the ‘leaks’ are meant to destroy the current President.

Former FBI Director James Comey reportedly made statements that were revealed in the media ‘leaks’ but to this date he has not corroborated any of the statements he reportedly made after his firing.  Comey was scheduled to go in front of Congress this past week but instead asked to reschedule so he could first talk to Comey’s predecessor at the FBI, Robert Mueller, who is now the appointed Russia Investigation Special Council.

Comey did meet with Mueller, which alone should have disqualified Mueller from his sham investigation.  Comey later admitted to some of the leaks and the Deep State FBI claimed none of his leaks were classified.  The liberal media continues to post bogus leaks to this day.

Joel Pollak at Breitbart News provided this summary:

In their effort to impugn Trump, the [New York] Times and the [Washington] Post violate the most basic journalistic standards. Publishing parts of a document that you do not possess and cannot verify, and timing the release to cause maximum political damage (right after the president leaves the country), is not investigative journalism. It is political propaganda.

… For the elite mainstream media, when it comes to protecting Democrats or attacking Republicans, there are no journalistic standards, no ethics, and no shame.

The media is no longer just purveyors of ‘fake news’, they are now just plain corrupt, as noted by President Trump –

8. Both Shams are Hell Bent on the Destruction of the US Constitution

The Mueller investigation and Obama’s Deep State FBI, CIA, DOJ, State Department and Intel community have done all they can to destroy President Trump and in so doing, damaged America.

We put together a list of over 130 times the FBI, DOJ and/or the Mueller gang “Deviated from Standard Practice” or committed crimes in efforts to exonerate Hillary and indict President Trump.  The Deep State goons who went after Trump did not care about the law or the constitution.

In regards to Lying Schiff’s dungeon impeachment proceedings, Rivkin and Foley wrote in the Wall Street Journal –

Alexis de Tocqueville observed in 1835: “A decline of public morals in the United States will probably be marked by the abuse of the power of impeachment as a means of crushing political adversaries or ejecting them from office.” What House Democrats are doing is not only unfair to Mr. Trump and a threat to all his successors. It is an attempt to overrule the constitutional process for selecting the president and thus subvert American democracy itself. For the sake of the Constitution, it must be decisively rejected. If Mr. Trump’s policies are unpopular or offensive, the remedy is up to the people, not Congress.

The grotesque actions taken by the far-left and dishonest players in Congress, Deep State left-overs from the Obama Administration and the corrupt actors in the media, are severely damaging the country and the Constitution.  It’s time Americans stand up for the gifts we’ve been given and stop these criminals from making America a Banana Republic.

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