Tucker Carlson Unveils ‘Never-Before-Seen’ Statistics Proving Illegal Aliens Commit ‘Massively Disproportionate’ Amount of Crime (VIDEO)
Fox News host Tucker Carlson unveiled ‘never before seen,’ statistics Thursday night, proving convictions among illegal aliens are significantly higher than U.S. citizens.
Carlson kicked off the segment by walking through the Democrats’ textbook argument for illegal immigration, recounting how liberals claim non-citizens commit less crime than U.S. citizens.
“They are your moral superiors,” mocked Carlson.
The Fox News host then listed off the deeply concerning statistics:
“According to statistics from the U.S. Sentencing Commission, non-citizens are actually far more likely to commit serious crimes than Americans are,” said Carlson.
“Non-citizens account for 22 percent, more than a fifth of all federal murder convictions.”
“18 percent of fraud convictions.”
“33 percent of money laundering convictions,” added Carlson.
“29 percent of drug trafficking convictions and 72 percent of convictions for drug possession.”
“Meanwhile, the non-citizen percentage of the American people? About 7 percent.”
Summing up the newly released statistics, the Fox News host said this is a ‘massively disproportionate,’ amount of crime committed by illegal aliens.
“Why have so many people been lying to us for so long? That’s a question we plan to ask a whole bunch of people,” promised Carlson.
via The Gateway Pundit
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