Conservative commentator and NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch came prepared for CNN’s anti-gun event and brutally shut down the liberal network with facts on the NRA.
On Wednesday night, CNN held a town hall in Florida to push for gun control measures in the wake of the mass shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.
The town hall reportedly had 7,000 attendees and featured Florida Sens. Marco Rubio, Democrat Bill Nelson, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel and Dana Loesch.
As noted by the International Business Times, Loesch took every single question she was asked by the students who survived the shooting despite the raucous crowd yelling and trying to scream her down the every time she defended the Second Amendment.
In one exchange, Loesch was asked by student Emma Gonzalez if she believes it should be more difficult for individuals to own semi-automatic weapons and bump stocks.
“I don’t believe that this insane monster should have ever been able to obtain a firearm, ever. … I do not think that he should have gotten his hands on any kind of weapon,” Loesch said.
She was referring to confessed gunman Nikolas Cruz, the clearly disturbed 19-year-old who killed 17 people at the Florida high school.
“This individual was nuts, and I — nor the millions of people that I represent as a part of this organization that I’m here speaking for — none of us support people who are crazy, who are a danger to themselves, who are a danger to others, getting their hands on a firearm,” Loesch continued.
She added: “How was he able to pass a background check? He was able to pass a background check because we have a system that’s flawed.”
Do you agree with Dana Loesch’s position on protecting the Second Amendment?
Amid the growing yelling over the slightest mention that the tragic shooting wasn’t the NRA’s fault, Loesch said states have largely failed to submit court convictions to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, which has made it more difficult to ensure those that are mentally ill and/or violent individuals can’t gain access to firearms.
The yelling got so bad that Gonzalez had to ask the crowd to allow Loesch to answer her question so she could offer a rebuttal.
Loesch also reminded the boisterous crowd that the NRA has made it clear it supports the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and a ban on bump stocks.
Check out the exchange below, where Loesch handled herself very well and scorched CNN for not reporting that the NRA supports important gun safety measures:
Not only did Loesch hold her composure while in hostile territory, she slammed CNN for failing to accurately cover the NRA’s positions on supporting a ban on bump stocks and finding a solution to prevent individuals with a mental illness from legally purchasing a firearm.
The leftist network refuses to make that clear to its audience, as they are determined to exploit the tragic shooting and use the students as pawns to push for gun control measures.
Loesch stood her ground and made it clear the NRA has supported measures to make it more difficult for a psycho to legally purchase a firearm.
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via Conservative Tribune
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