Anthony Scaramucci Blasts Democrats for Supporting MS-13, Hamas, and ‘Chairman Kim’

Anthony Scaramucci Blasts Democrats for Supporting MS-13, Hamas, and ‘Chairman Kim’

Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci blasted the Democratic Party on Friday for supporting MS-13, Hamas, and Kim Jong Un.

Appearing on ‘Fox & Friends’ to discuss the canceled summit with Kim Jong Un and the ‘spygate’ allegations, Scaramucci blasted the Dems for who they are willing to align with in order to bash President Donald Trump.

“It’s got to be enormously frustrating for the president, because he’s a businessperson and a negotiator, and he’s playing it very straight, and they’re spinning it that way. And if you look at the politicians that were just interviewed, it’s all the same sort of nonsense,” Scaramucci began. “So, at the end of the day, he’s got a deal on the table that he will accept for the American people. If that does not work, then there’ll be no deal, it’s just really that simple. And that sort of bluntness and that steely backbone is something that these guys don’t like, which I find very ironic. It’s almost like they’re supporting — like [inaudible] said, they support MS-13, Hamas and now they’re supporting the Chairman Kim.”

Fox and Friends co-host Steve Doocy responded that those who are against the president did not want him to make the deal.

“No they don’t, because they don’t want him –” Scaramucci began to reply.

“To get a win,” Doocy said, finishing the former communication director’s thought.


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via The Gateway Pundit

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