President Trump RIPS Obama’s ‘Inhumane Treatment’ of Migrant Children (VIDEO)

President Trump RIPS Obama’s ‘Inhumane Treatment’ of Migrant Children (VIDEO)

President Trump ripped Obama for his ‘inhumane treatment’ of migrant children on Thursday during a cabinet meeting.

Obama’s ‘catch and release’ open borders immigration policy is destroying America.

Nobody cared how illegal immigrants were treated when Obama was president. The media hid the photos of the children in cages.

Now Trump is being blamed for Obama’s mess.

“In 2014, in the Obama Administration they have pictures so bad they had a judge that said it was inhumane the way they were treating children. Take a look at some of the court rulings against the Obama Administration. They talked about the inhumane treatment. They were treating them terribly,” Trump said.


The rabid left circulated photos of illegal alien children in cages on social media, blaming President Trump for a ‘humanitarian crisis,’ at the border.

Only the photos are from 2014 when Obama was president.

No one seemed to care Obama was putting children in cages.

Now that Trump is president, the media is accusing him of keeping migrant children in concentration camps.

The Drudge Report ran a scathing headline banner this week in an effort to fight the evil, lying leftists.

Obama kept [children] in cages and wrapped them in foil:


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via The Gateway Pundit

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